Muhammad Mufashih, Ahmad Maulana, Muchsin Saggaf Shihab

Program Studi Magister Ilmu Manajemen Konsentrasi Manajemen Pemasaran, Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya University, Indonesia

*e-mail:� [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]




Product Quality, Electronic Word of Mouth, Brand Image


This study aims to analyze the findings of the research conducted in the previous chapter and draw the resulting conclusions. The results of the study indicate several conclusions as follows: (1) The Product Quality variable has a direct positive influence on Consumer Satisfaction at Coffee-To-Go Shops. (2) The electronic word of mouth variable has a direct positive influence on consumer satisfaction at coffee-to-go shops. (3) The brand image variable has a direct positive influence on consumer satisfaction at coffee-to-go shops. (4) The Product Quality variable has a direct positive influence on repurchase intention at the Coffee-To-Go Shop. (5) The electronic word of mouth variable has a direct positive influence on repurchase intention at Coffee-To-Go Shops. (6) The brand image variable has a direct positive influence on repurchase intention at Coffee-To-Go Shops. (7) The variables of product quality, electronic word of mouth, and brand image have a positive influence on repurchase intention through consumer satisfaction as an intervening variable. The conclusions drawn from the results of this research provide a deeper understanding of the significance of product quality, electronic word of mouth, and brand image in influencing customer satisfaction and repurchase intention in the Coffee-To-Go Shop environment.






The coffee industry has experienced significant growth in recent years. A growing interest in coffee and coffee culture has led to the emergence of various coffee outlets, including coffee-to-go outlets. This growth creates opportunities for coffee outlets to attract new customers and retain them. In this busy era, many people are looking for a convenient way to enjoy coffee without spending a lot of time. Coffee-to-go outlets fulfill this by providing coffee that is ready to be taken home or enjoyed on the go.

Indonesia, whose population is dominated by the younger generation, is accustomed to living in the era of digitalization, making them accustomed to getting things instantly. This is the cause of the rapid increase in the Indonesian Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry (Kantar World Panel, 2019). Beverage category products make the largest contribution compared to other product categories in the Indonesian FMCG industry. One of the FMCG beverage products favored by Indonesia's younger generation is the emergence of the coffee-to-go concept.

Rapid growth of coffee-to-go outlets in Indonesia shows that the coffee business in Indonesia has a high repurchase rate. The desire of the younger generation to continue buying coffee at an outlet is also shown by the Monkey survey which published that 800 millennials spent more money on drinking coffee than saving for old age (Christian, 2018) . The younger generation's repurchase intention for products is influenced by various factors such as satisfaction and comfort felt during previous consumption and the suitability of the product to their lifestyle (Herjanto & Amin, 2020) .

The coffee-to-go concept with the lifestyle of the younger generation is one of the causes of the high coffee repurchase rate. The younger generation likes practicality. The high number of traffic jams in several big cities in Indonesia makes Indonesia's productive generation prefer products with high mobility, such as ordering food via digital platforms (Munadi et al., 2022) .

Coffee drinks have become a necessity of life for many people on this earth. Per capita consumption of coffee drinks in developed countries in 2020 is relatively high, including Finland 12 kg/year, Norway 9.9 kg/year, Denmark 8.7 kg/year, Netherlands 8.4 kg/year, and Sweden 8. .2 kg/year, Switzerland 7.9 kg/year, while consumption of coffee drinks in Indonesia and other developing countries is relatively low compared to developed countries, namely only 1.08 kg/year, Vietnam 1.53 kg/year year, and the Philippines 1.78 kg/year (ICO, 2023) . Consumption of coffee drinks in Asia generally shows a positive rate that is higher than the world average. Consumption of coffee drinks in the Asian region has grown significantly, more than doubling from the equivalent of 504 thousand tons in 1990 to 1.17 million tons in 2012 and is estimated to reach 2.16 million tons in 2021. This is an average growth rate -an average of 3.9% per year. In addition, East and Southeast Asia's share of world consumption of coffee drinks has also increased, accounting for 13.8% of the world total in 2012, up from 9.4% in 1990 and 10.9% in 2000. In 2021 Asia's total consumption reaches 22% of the world's total consumption (ICO, 2023) .

Coffee is one of the mainstay commodities in the agricultural sector which has an important role in economic activities in Indonesia. In addition, in the January-August 2021 period coffee became the leading export commodity for the agricultural sector with a value of US$472.4 million and became the second largest contributor after medicinal, aromatic and spice plants (BPS 2021). The coffee commodity plays an important role for the Indonesian economy, namely as a source of foreign exchange, industrial raw material, provider of employment, and export-import

Data on domestic coffee consumption in Indonesia for the last five years from the International Coffee Organization (ICO) states that the trend of domestic coffee consumption in Indonesia has experienced significant growth over the last five years.

The increase in the amount of coffee consumption in Indonesia has also led to an increase in the growth of coffee shops with the coffee-to-go concept. The consumer goods sector is currently enlivened by the emergence of new products (Ahmad Zainudin et al., 2021) . For example, coffee-to-go shops. Coffee-to-go shops are one of the businesses that are included in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry. The FMCG industry is starting to switch to e-commerce which is supported by digital marketing activities through websites and social media. Nielsen (2018) states that online sales in the world for FMCG products are growing four times faster than offline sales, with the Asian region being the largest contributor to world FMCG online sales activity. According to (Kantar, 2019) in Indonesia the FMCG industry continues to grow with an increase of 1.3 percent in 2018 and for beverage category products it makes the largest contribution compared to other FMCG category products in Indonesia

Coffee shops not only serve brewed coffee, but also provide other products such as light or heavy food (Rahardjo 2019). Including one coffee shop with a coffee-to-go concept. Basically, a coffee-to-go shop is a coffee shop concept that sells coffee products in take away packaging in minimalist outlets and does not provide a place for dine-in, and sales are focused online. Along with the increasing growth of coffee-to-go coffee shops, business players in the coffee industry divide the journey of the coffee industry into four waves which are in line with the momentum of the entry of phenomenal coffee shop brands that provide coffee-to-go into the coffee industry.

Coffee shop companies have sprung up because the needs and desires of the community are getting bigger and more diverse. According to (Pertiwi et al., 2016), judging from this phenomenon, the level of competition between companies is getting tighter. Therefore, according to (Arahmah et al., 2021) to face this competition, coffee shops are required to implement good marketing so that companies can win competition in the market.

Developments in the world of technology are becoming more rapid day by day, this technological development is being used by business people, including the coffee business, as a driving force in facing increasingly tight business competition. Coffee-to-go shop companies do marketing not only offline, but now they do it online. Online marketing is a marketing activity using online networks via computers or cellphones to reach a wider range of consumers (Kotler et al., 2016).

According to the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Users (APJII) (Table 3), in 2021 - 2022 there will be 210 million internet users in Indonesia with internet user penetration of 77.02%. This increase is quite natural considering that internet users in Indonesia in the range from 2017 to 2020, the number of internet users in Indonesia has increased from year to year, plus the Covid-19 pandemic has made people use internet services for transactions, communication and other things. The increase in the number of internet users in Indonesia has become a business opportunity for business people to market online and maximize their marketing via the internet network.

According to (Chen & Sun, 2014) Social commerce is considered as part of e-commerce that uses social media as a facility for social interaction between consumers and sellers so as to promote sales of products and services.

Through social media, consumers can directly interact and share experiences when buying products. Consumers can look at online reviews because it can help make them more confident when making a purchase (Aji et al., 2020) . Consumers may be influenced by content shared by a coffee-to-go shop brand on social media, so that consumers will immediately look for detailed information regarding the products and services offered by various coffee-to-go shop brands on the market, and make the desire or intention to make a purchase stronger. Marketing through social media is able to significantly influence and increase repurchasing from consumers because it is driven by interactions made by consumers or relationships with companies (Godey et al., 2016). According to a survey conducted (Toffin, 2020) coffee-to-go shops are in great demand by consumers, especially millennial generation coffee fans. The survey results show that coffee-to-go shops that provide quality ready-to-drink (RTD) coffee at affordable prices are in great demand by the generation that dominates the population in Indonesia today.

The consumer's decision to buy and re-buy coffee products at Coffee-to-Go outlets is related to the quality of taste and aroma. For the quality of the taste and aroma of coffee served at Coffee-to-Go shops, consumers expect coffee quality that is consistent, fresh and according to consumer preferences. Consumers tend to look for the origin of the coffee beans used. In addition to the quality of taste, aroma and origin of coffee, coffee processing methods can affect the taste and quality of the product. Coffee-savvy consumers may look for Coffee-to-Go shops that use pour-over processing, cold brew, or other methods that produce uniquely flavored coffees to develop menu innovations and enhance quality by mixing in other additives.

Providing good product quality is very important for coffee shop companies, because according to (Toffin, 2020) the quality of coffee products is the main reason for consumers when choosing which coffee shop to buy their products from. Furthermore, according to (Susanti, 2017) quality is one of the conditions for fostering consumer purchase intentions, a product can be said to be of quality if the product can meet consumer expectations. Then, according to (Windari et al., 2019) the satisfaction of each consumer is different, then when consumers are satisfied they will ultimately intend to make repeat purchases.

The quality of the coffee product is good, so consumers who buy it will experience satisfaction. Consumers will be interested in submitting reviews about coffee drinks purchased through their social media. Social media allows people to interact with each other online, share opinions and product experiences (Adrian Gae Lomi, 2016). Submission of this exchange of information is called electronic word of mouth (E-WOM). E-WOM will influence consumers when they want to make a purchase intention for a particular product. When more and more reviews are submitted by consumers via social media, it will increase the interest of other consumers to buy, because there has been an exchange of information regarding product consumption experiences, product reviews and services for products purchased between consumers in the online sphere.

Reviews of coffee drink products that are often discussed by consumers will significantly influence the brand image of the product, which causes the brand to become famous. For consumers, brands that have big names are often used as a reference in choosing products because they promise higher value compared to other brands (Dermawan et al., 2016). According to (Elseidi & El-Baz, 2016) brand image is a collection of information about a brand that is stored in the minds or memories of consumers, for example coffee-to-go shop brands such as Kopi Kenangan and Janji Jiwa.

According to (Maulana et al., 2016) coffee producers must be able to know what consumers really want and expect from the coffee products offered, so that in the end consumers will decide to make purchases of these coffee products.

Several previous studies examined the relationship between product quality and repurchase intention where the results showed that product quality had a significant effect on repurchase intention (dalam et al., 2022), (Farida, 2018), (Hanjani et al., 2019), ( Dewi, 2019). This goes against research

Previous research on Electronic Word of Mouth has a significant effect on repurchase intention (Parama AP & Seminari, 2020), (Adriana, Ellitan, & Lukito, 2022), (Demante & Dwiyanto, 2019), (Muchlis et al., 2021), (Aldrin Akbar et al., 2019). This research contradicts research (Meybiani et al., 2019) which states that Electronic Word of Mouth has no significant effect on repurchase intention .

Research on brand image has a significant effect on repurchase intention (Roshan & Sudiksa, 2019), (Prakasa Restuputra & Rahanatha, 2020), (Yonita & Budiono, 2020), (Sanita et al., 2019), (Tan & Keni, 2020), (Tan & Keni, 2020) The results of the study show that brand image has a significant effect on brand image and has a significant effect on repurchase intention. The results of this study contradict (Pham & Nguyen, 2019), (Purnapardi & Indarwati, 2022) which state that brand image has no effect on repurchase intention.

Research that is in line with (Nyarmiati, 2021) , (Sugiyanto & Maryanto, 2021) , (Christian, 2018) states that product quality, electronic Word of Mouth and Brand Image on Repurchase Intention through consumer satisfaction as an intervening variable.

Coffee-to-go shop repurchase intentions is measured based on product and service quality, E-WOM, brand image, and to test how much influence it has on satisfaction and purchase intentions. Repeated millennial generation consumers.

Based on the problem formulation, the objectives of this research are: 1) the direct variable influence of product quality, E-WOM, and brand image on repurchase intention at a coffee-to-go shop. 2) Indirect influence of product quality variables, E-WOM, image and consumer satisfaction on repurchase intention through consumer satisfaction at coffee-to-go shops.

For the benefit of this research, it is hoped that it can provide information on factors that influence repurchase intentions, as well as become material for consideration regarding factors that need to be considered in developing product quality, brand image and consumer satisfaction to assist the company in determining the marketing strategy that will be carried out for the sake of support sales so that they can compete with other brands that are already well-known in the community.


Research Methods

The scope of this research is in the field of marketing management which focuses on Repurchase Intention. The latent variables in this study are product and service quality, E-WOM, brand image, consumer satisfaction and repurchase intention. Then, the variables analyzed in this study are grouped into three, namely: the dependent variable (Endogen) in the form of repurchase intention, the independent variable (Exogenous) in the form of product quality, E-WOM, brand image, and the intervening variable in the form of consumer satisfaction.

According to Sugiyono (2016) population is a generalized area consisting of objects or subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics determined by the researcher and conclusions are drawn. In this study, the sample was respondents who had purchased coffee at a coffee-to-go shop aged 15 to 55 years. Then, the sampling technique was carried out using non-probability sampling, namely using a self-selected or volunteer sampling technique where the questionnaire would be distributed online via Google Form and respondents would fill out the questionnaire voluntarily.

The number of samples in this study is limited based on the analytical requirements to be used in this study, namely the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The required number of samples is five to ten times greater than the indicator (Hair et al. 2006), so the number of samples is in the range of 29 � 5 = 145 to 29 � 10 = 290. The number of samples used in this study was 217 respondents. This takes the middle number between 145 � 290. Determining the number of samples is based on Monte Carlo studies conducted on various estimation methods, it is concluded that the minimum sample size required to reduce bias in all types of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) estimates is 200 (Loehlin, 2003). The researcher took a sample of 217 respondents who were considered quite representative and this number fulfilled the rule of thumb from Chin WW (1998) and Roscoe (1975).

The data collection technique used in this study was to use a Likert scale questionnaire given to respondents via the Google form. The instrument of this research was a questionnaire that was distributed using the Google form which was given to respondents who met the criteria. Before collecting data, the researcher tested the research instrument first to find out whether the research instrument was appropriate. For this reason, 15 questionnaires were given to 15 respondents who were students. Respondents were selected randomly. The testing of this research instrument was carried out through validity and reliability tests in the Statistical Product and Service program Solutions.

The word valid (valid) has the same meaning as good (good). Validity can be interpreted as a valid measure used to measure variable indicators that will be used by researchers (Ferdinand, 2014). If r count is positive and greater than r table, then the variable is valid.

An instrument is considered reliable if the instrument consistently produces the same results every time it is measured (Ferdinand, 2014). The method for testing this reliability uses the Cronbach's Alpha method. An indicator is considered reliable if the Cronbach's Alpha value is more than 0.6.


Results and Discussion

A.   Descriptive Analysis of Research Data

1.   Product Quality Variable ( KP )

The results of the field data obtained showed that the majority answered "agree" to statements about product quality. A summary of respondents' perceptions of statements regarding Product Quality is as follows:


Table 1

Summary of Respondents' Perceptions of Product Quality Variables

















Durability (endurance)


The taste of coffee at this coffee-to-go shop makes me addicted and wants to subscribe regularly.












The taste quality of the coffee at this coffee-to-go shop can compete with the coffee served at other coffee shops.












I consider it important that the coffee served at this coffee-to-go shop has a unique and appetizing taste.












The taste of coffee at this coffee-to-go shop meets my expectations.












The taste of the coffee at this coffee-to-go shop is better than the coffee at other coffee shops I've tried.













I agree that the coffee served at this coffee-to-go shop lasts a long time in terms of taste and aroma












In my opinion, the taste of the coffee at this coffee-to-go shop remains delicious for quite a long time after it is served.












In my opinion, the coffee packaging at this coffee-to-go shop is very effective in maintaining the freshness and taste quality of the coffee.












I agree that the coffee blends at this coffee-to-go shop are very interesting and unique.












In my opinion, this coffee-to-go shop has a variety of different and interesting coffee blends.













I agree that the product packaging design at this coffee-to-go shop is very creative and contemporary.












In my opinion, this coffee-to-go shop has an attractive product packaging design and is different from other coffee shops.












I feel confident that the product packaging at this coffee-to-go shop is safe and does not leak easily when handled or when traveling.












In my opinion, the product packaging at this coffee-to-go shop is designed to be practical and easy to carry on the go.












I feel comfortable carrying the product packaging of this coffee-to-go shop because it's easy to hold and not a hassle to carry around











Source: Primary Data Processed, 2023


4.1.      Confirmatory Factor Analysis ( CFA)

To evaluate the validity and reliability of a theoretical concept, the confirmatory factor analysis method is used. The concept dimension validity test can be carried out by examining the standard factor loading values of each indicator in the full model. If the standard factor loading value of an indicator is > 0.5, it can be concluded that the indicator has high validity. In addition, reliability tests can be carried out by taking into account the Composite Reliability (CR) value in the complete model. If the CR value of the indicator is > 0.6, it can be considered that the indicator has good reliability.

In this research, confirmatory factor analysis is used to test the validity and reliability of theoretical concepts. The validity of the concept can be confirmed based on the indicator standard factor loading value > 0.5, while the reliability of the concept can be confirmed based on the Composite Reliability (CR) value > 0.6


4.8 Discussion

4.8.1. � The Relationship between Product Quality and Consumer Satisfaction

��������������� Hypothesis testing shows that the Product Quality variable has a direct positive effect on Consumer Satisfaction at the Coffee-To-Go Shop, which is 0.29.

��������������� Product quality is an important factor that can provide a strategic advantage in facing competitors. Only companies with the best product quality will experience rapid growth and ultimately achieve better long-term success than other companies (Kotler et al., 2017). The intended external benefit is when the quality of the product or service provided by the company can create a positive perception from customers towards the company, influence their decisions, and build customer loyalty. Meanwhile, internal benefits are seen when the company's focus on quality results in internal improvements and positive value for the company (Lupiyoadi, 2015).

��������������� Previous research by Novia et al., (2020) also found a significant influence between product quality and customer satisfaction. The quality of the products offered is the basis for creating customer satisfaction, where the level of customer satisfaction is influenced by the quality of the products provided. The relationship between product quality and customer satisfaction is very close. If the product offered has good quality and meets or even exceeds customer expectations, then the customer will feel satisfied with the product. Conversely, if customers feel disappointed with the products they consume, they tend to switch to products from competitors. Therefore, companies need to maintain or improve the quality of their products so that customers are not influenced by competitors and remain loyal to the company.

4.8.2. � The Relationship between Electronic Word of Mouth and Consumer Satisfaction

��������������� Hypothesis testing shows that the Electronic word of mouth variable has a direct positive effect on Consumer Satisfaction at Coffee-To-Go Shops of 0.45.�

��������������� Electronic word of mouth is a digitalized form of traditional Word of Mouth (WOM) . If WOM involves direct communication from one individual to another, EWM uses electronic media as an intermediary in conveying information (Humaira & Wibowo, 2016). The more frequently and more positive the WOM carried out by consumers via social media, the higher the level of consumer satisfaction with a tourist attraction (Muda, 2018).

��������������� Several previous studies have also found a relationship between EWM and visitor satisfaction. For example, research conducted by Muda (2018) on visitors to the Special Region of Yogyakarta shows that electronic word of mouth has a significant influence on visitor satisfaction. This proves that electronic word of mouth has an impact on the level of satisfaction of visitors to a tourist attraction.

4.8.3 �� Relationship between Brand Image and Consumer Satisfaction

��������������� Hypothesis testing shows that the brand image variable has a direct positive effect on consumer satisfaction at Coffee-To-Go Shops of 0.10.

��������������� Customer satisfaction is the level at which consumers feel happy or disappointed with a product. Satisfaction occurs when consumers have a positive perception of the product. According to Kotler et al. (2017), satisfaction is achieved when consumers perceive three indicators of a good brand image, namely manufacturer image, product image and user image.

��������������� When consumers feel satisfied with the product they purchased according to their hopes and desires, they tend to provide positive testimonials verbally or through electronic word of mouth to other people regarding the brand related to the product they purchased. Many companies deliberately try to provide satisfaction to customers to increase profits and profits. Therefore, establishing a brand on a product is very important, because it has an influence on consumer attitudes and behavior. A positive brand image will lead to customer satisfaction.


4.8.4 �� Relationship between product quality and repurchase intention

��������������� Hypothesis testing shows that the product quality variable has a direct positive effect on repurchase intention at the Coffee-To-Go shop, which is 0.12.

��������������� Previous research was conducted by Lorena & Martini (2019) who studied the influence of brand image, menu diversity, shop atmosphere, and product quality on consumer satisfaction and repurchase intentions at Society Coffee House Purwokerto. The findings of this study indicate that product quality contributes positively to increasing repurchase intentions. The research used the SEM (Structural Equation Model) analysis method. Similar results were also found in research conducted by Ketut (2018), Dalam et al. (2022), Farida (2018), Arsyanti et al. (2016), and Ramadhan & Santosa (2017) which show that product quality has a positive and significant influence on repurchase intentions.

4.8.5 �� The relationship between electronic word of mouth and repurchase intention

��������������� Hypothesis testing shows that the Electronic word of mouth variable has a direct positive effect on Repurchase intention at Coffee-To-Go Shops, which is 0.26.�����

��������������� Previous research was conducted by Laksmi et al. (2017) who investigated the impact of Electronic word of mouth (EWM) on the purchase intentions of Instagram followers at Warunk Upnormal. The results of this study indicate that EWM has a positive and significant influence on purchase intentions of Instagram followers at Warunk Upnormal. The method used in this research includes descriptive analysis and simple linear regression analysis. Similar findings were also found in a study conducted by Daswan et al. (2019), Fitrianingrum & Angga (2019), Febriany (2021), and Aji et al. (2020) which shows that electronic word of mouth has a positive and significant effect on repurchase intentions.

5.8.6 �� Relationship between Brand Image and Repurchase Intention

��������������� Hypothesis testing shows that the brand image variable has a direct positive effect on repurchase intention at the Coffee-To-Go shop, which is 0.08.�������������

��������������� Research conducted by Fandiyanto & Kurniawan (2019) concerning the effect of brand trust and brand image on repurchasing intention of Toraja Coffee at Coffee Josh Situbondo, found that brand image has a dominant and significant influence on consumer repurchase intentions. The method used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis. Similar findings were also found in research conducted by Ketut (2018), Purnomo (2018), Dewi (2019), Media et al. (2020), and Saputra et al. (2020) which shows that brand image has a significant and positive influence on repurchase intention.

4.8.7 �� Relationship of Product Quality, Electronic Word of Mount, Brand Image to Repurchase Intention through Consumer Satisfaction

Hypothesis testing shows that the product quality variable has a positive influence on Repurchase intention through Consumer Satisfaction as an intervening variable of 0.035. Electronic word of mouth has a positive effect on Repurchase intention through Consumer Satisfaction as an intervening variable of 0.117. Brand image has a positive effect on Repurchase intention through Consumer Satisfaction as an intervening variable of 0.008.��������������������



��������������� From the results of the research described in the previous chapter, there are several conclusions as follows: (1) the variable Product Quality has a direct positive effect on Consumer Satisfaction at Coffee-To-Go Shops . (2) Electronic word of mouth variable has a direct positive effect on consumer satisfaction at coffee-to-go shops. (3) Brand image variable has a direct positive effect on consumer satisfaction at coffee-to-go shops. (4) The product quality variable has a direct positive effect on repurchase intention at the Coffee-To-Go Shop. (5) The electronic word of mouth variable has a direct positive effect on repurchase intention at Coffee-To-Go Shops. (6) The brand image variable has a direct positive effect on repurchase intention at Coffee-To-Go Shops. (7) Variables of product quality, electronic word of mount, brand image have a positive effect on repurchase intention through consumer satisfaction as an intervening variable.



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