Analysis of Mathematical Knowledge of
Journalists in West Kalimantan Based on Journalistic Profile
Heriyanto1*, Bistari2, Silvia Sayu3, M.Rifat4
1,2,3,4FKIP Untan
Pontianak, Indonesia
Email: 1*[email protected],
2[email protected],
3[email protected],
4[email protected].id
Keywords |
knowledge of mathematics, journalism, journalistic
profiles, and news writing |
This study aims
to determine the basic mathematical knowledge of journalists in West
Kalimantan. A total of 20 tests in the form of multiple-choice questions were
given to 33 respondents to find out their basic knowledge of mathematics. All
respondents worked as journalists in various media in West Kalimantan. The
test results showed that 39.39 percent of respondents had low mathematical
knowledge, 36.36 percent on medium criteria, 18.18 on high criteria, and 6.07
percent on very low criteria. The results of this test can be a baseline for
improving the mathematical knowledge of journalists through various trainings
or workshops. Mathematical knowledge is needed for journalists to increase
credibility in news writing. |
Numbers, like words, are an important part of
journalism. Both can explain how an event happens in this world. Every aspect
of modern life, from the quality of the air we breathe to safety while driving,
is measurable and can be explained through numbers.
Political news, for example, is also mostly based
on numbers. In elections, for example, numbers play a significant role,
starting with turnout; percentage of novice voters; percentage of female
voters; up to the winning rate of a candidate or candidate. These reports
become more reliable by containing numbers and mathematical calculations (Scott
R Maier, 2005).
Similarly, in the budget prepared by the
government and the DPR, everything is related to numbers. Therefore, it can be
said, various aspects of life, ranging from economic issues, business,
employment, to sports, all require numbers. Like it or not, journalists or
journalists when writing news need these mathematical calculations.
In presenting news, journalists often use
mathematical data and numbers. In the preliminary research, researchers have
analyzed the content of news in the Pontianak Post Daily which contains
mathematical content. Content analysis was carried out in the January 2, 2020
edition of Pontianak Post to January 31, 2022. Of the 631 news stories
analyzed, it was found that as many as 212 news stories or 33.60 percent
contained mathematical content. While the rest, as many as 419 news or 66.40
percent did not contain mathematical content.�
The results of this content analysis indicate that data and figures play
a significant role in news.
Today, the public needs credible and reliable
news. As we know, it is the duty of journalists to tell the truth. So that
citizens can get the information they need to be sovereign (Bill Kovach and Tom
Rosenstiel, 2001).
The decision to interpret and react to data should
not be left solely to scientists or politicians. The mass media must also
encourage its journalists to improve their mastery and comprehension of reading
data and numbers. The media also continues to be encouraged to increase the use
of data in news writing. Not just relying on statements or comments from
The world is currently entering what is called an
information flood (Bill Kovach, 2011). The development of information
technology and the rapid use of the internet make everyone easily access
information. Almost every second, information comes like a flood. However, the
quality of information received is often questioned credibility.
According to Bill Kovach, a lot of information is
not sourced from clear sources. The data and figures submitted are also less
reliable. But not all readers can select which news is credible or not, which
contains data and figures that are true and which are not. Therefore, the role
of the media is to be able to present information that can be accounted for and
contain reliable data.
A study conducted by Ragne K�uts-Klemm (2019)
confirms that data literacy is recognized by journalists as a need for the
future of journalism, but their ability is actually still low.
In the future, the media must be able to convince
readers through valid and accountable data and figures. In the midst of the
current era of information flood, the media plays a role in filtering news that
is really important and needed by the community. It can also provide important
data that can be part of criticizing government policies.
News that contains data and figures will be more
argumentative than news that only contains comments from sources. For this
reason, numeracy or the ability to read numbers is an essential part of the world
of journalism.
Numbers are not just needed in journalism, they
are a weapon in fair, objective and credible news coverage.
The Poynter Institute (1998) states that numeracy
is one of ten competencies for journalists. According to the institute, without
mathematical skills, journalists will fail in their quest for accuracy. Even if
these journalists keep their jobs, their numerical incompetence will only
damage the credibility of the media in which they work.
Poynter Institute (1998) in its study stated,
journalists often use numbers poorly. Research shows that many mathematical
errors commonly appear in newspapers and television.
Taking into account that numeracy is one of ten
essential competencies for journalists, The Poynter Institute for Media Studies
states: "Simply put, journalists need mathematical skills to understand
numbers just as they need language skills to understand words." (Poynter
Institute, 1998)
The lack of mathematical competence among
journalists goes back a long time. Research conducted by James J. Kilpatrick in
the United States for several years found a number of examples related to
mathematical errors published in the mass media. Kilpatrick concluded that the
mathematical skills of the journalists he studied were still low. (Kilpatrick,
Although the ability to understand numbers and use
them in news writing is an essential skill in modern journalism, there is still
little research that can be relied on for journalists to use mathematics in
news writing.
There are also not many studies that can reveal
mathematical errors seen in newspaper reports. If the media didn't have the
ability to sort through piles of conflicting and confusing numbers, who would
do it?
Therefore, through this research, the author wants
to know the competence of journalists in West Kalimantan in using data and
mathematical numbers in news writing.
This research is very important today as part of
encouraging the media to provide a larger portion to contain mathematical data
and numbers. So far, research that explores this problem is still very minimal.
Researchers tried to search the literature by
typing the keyword 'mathematical concepts in the news' but did not get the data
they were looking for. This indicates that this research is still minimal. This
research could be the basis for future research. This research will be very
useful for journalists, editors, media owners, and students of journalism.
In this research, researchers used
quantitative research methods. Data collection using research instruments,
where the results are analyzed quantitatively (statistically) with the aim of
testing hypotheses that have been set. The respondents of the study were 33
journalists in West Kalimantan who were selected by purposive sampling. The
sample works in a number of mass media in West Kalimantan and is domiciled in
various regions (regencies/cities) in West Kalimantan, namely Pontianak, Kubu
Raya, Sambas, Singkawang, Mempawah, Ketapang, Kapuas Hulu, Bengkayang, Landak,
North Kayong, Sintang, Melawi, and Sekadau. Research subjects were selected
based on their journalistic profile.
This study aims to measure the basic
mathematical competence of journalists and is analyzed based on journalistic
profiles, such as gender (male or female), education, age, length of work as a
journalist, and the level of journalist competency test that has been followed.
Based on the data that has been
collected, then an analysis of the research data is carried out. Before the
data is analyzed, it is also analyzed about the results of the validity and
reliability of the test instruments used. This is done to determine the
accuracy of the test kit so that it can measure the mathematical ability of
journalists in West Kalimantan precisely.
A. Validity
Validity tests are carried out to show the
accuracy of instruments or measuring instruments, both in the form of test
devices and questionnaires used in research. In this study, validity
measurement uses correlation from Kart Pearson (Pearson correlation), which compares R-count �with R-table. If �the
R-count is� greater than �the R-table then the measuring instrument is
declared valid.�
For this validity and reliability test, the
research instrument has been tested on 31 journalists by filling out 20 test
answers on google form. The results of respondents' answers are automatically
recorded on Google Sheets and read on Excel tabulations.
After that, the available data is calculated for
validity using Kart Pearson correlation. The
results of validity tests that have been carried out in this study are shown in
the following table:
Table 1
Validity Test Results of 31 Respondents
Indicators |
count |
R Table |
Information |
P1 |
0,529 |
0.3610 |
Valid |
P2 |
0,562 |
0.3610 |
Valid |
P3 |
0,444 |
0.3610 |
Valid |
P4 |
0,608 |
0.3610 |
Valid |
P5 |
0,562 |
0.3610 |
Valid |
P6 |
0,538 |
0.3610 |
Valid |
P7 |
0,444 |
0.3610 |
Valid |
P8 |
0,524 |
0.3610 |
Valid |
P9 |
0,482 |
0.3610 |
Valid |
P10 |
0,554 |
0.3610 |
Valid |
P11 |
0,501 |
0.3610 |
Valid |
P12 |
0,646 |
0.3610 |
Valid |
P13 |
0,589 |
0.3610 |
Valid |
P14 |
0,374 |
0.3610 |
Valid |
P15 |
0,454 |
0.3610 |
Valid |
P16 |
0,447 |
0.3610 |
Valid |
P17 |
0,603 |
0.3610 |
Valid |
P18 |
0,403 |
0.3610 |
Valid |
P19 |
0,470 |
0.3610 |
Valid |
P20 |
0,465 |
0.3610 |
Valid |
Based on the validity testing in the table above, the math competency
test consisting of 20 questions is all valid. This conclusion is obtained
because in all questions, R counts > R
B. Reliability
Reliability test conducted using Reliability Analysis Statistic
with Cronbach Alpha (α). Based on the calculations made, for all
questions obtained Cronbach values more than 0.6 (Cronbach Alpha
(α) > 0.60) then all variables of the questions were reliable. The
results of the reliability test of this study are as follows:
Table 2
Test Results |
Scale Mean if Item Deleted |
Scale Variance if Item Deleted |
Corrected Item-Total Correlation |
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted |
P1 |
56,1290 |
431,183 |
0,469 |
0,832 |
P2 |
55,8065 |
438,495 |
0,520 |
0,833 |
P3 |
55,9677 |
440,699 |
0,385 |
0,836 |
P4 |
56,2903 |
421,613 |
0,549 |
0,829 |
P5 |
55,8065 |
438,495 |
0,520 |
0,833 |
P6 |
57,9032 |
414,624 |
0,446 |
0,833 |
P7 |
55,9677 |
440,699 |
0,385 |
0,836 |
P8 |
58,0645 |
416,129 |
0,431 |
0,833 |
P9 |
58,2258 |
420,914 |
0,385 |
0,836 |
P10 |
59,0323 |
417,366 |
0,473 |
0,831 |
P11 |
57,4194 |
419,785 |
0,408 |
0,835 |
P12 |
57,7419 |
403,065 |
0,569 |
0,826 |
P13 |
58,5484 |
410,323 |
0,507 |
0,829 |
P14 |
58,8710 |
434,516 |
0,374 |
0,841 |
P15 |
57,0968 |
426,290 |
0,360 |
0,837 |
P16 |
57,9032 |
424,624 |
0,346 |
0,838 |
P17 |
56,7742 |
414,247 |
0,531 |
0,829 |
P18 |
60,0000 |
443,333 |
0,342 |
0,837 |
P19 |
57,0968 |
424,624 |
0,378 |
0,836 |
P20 |
58,5484 |
423,656 |
0,368 |
0,837 |
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the
reliability on question X is 0.841.�
Because of its reliability > 0.6, the instrument is declared reliable
or reliable.
Instruments that are declared valid and reliable
can be used to conduct research. This test instrument is considered to be able
to measure the mathematical ability or competence of journalists in West
Description of Mathematical Knowledge Journalist
To measure the mathematical
competence of journalists, researchers have compiled 20 questions in the form of multiple-choice questions. This problem was
adopted from a math competency problem for journalists developed by the Poynter
institute. Questions have been given to 33 respondents who work as journalists
in various mass media in West Kalimantan. The correct answer gets 5 points and
the wrong answer gets 0 points. The highest number of points is 100 and the
lowest points are 0.
The results of respondents'
answers are grouped into four categories, namely good, medium, low, very low
based on the range of values obtained.
Table 3
Respondents' Answer Criteria
Range of Values |
Answer Criteria |
75-100 |
Tall |
56-74 |
Keep |
31-55 |
Low |
<31 |
Low |
Table 4
Level of Response Criteria Based on Test Answer Results
No |
Respondent's Name |
Value |
Criterion |
1 |
75 |
Tall |
2 |
80 |
Tall |
3 |
AF |
80 |
Tall |
4 |
AP |
80 |
Tall |
5 |
NS |
85 |
Tall |
6 |
SU |
80 |
Tall |
7 |
AT |
70 |
Keep |
8 |
.SH |
65 |
Keep |
9 |
TB |
60 |
Keep |
10 |
70 |
Keep |
11 |
65 |
Keep |
12 |
SS |
70 |
Keep |
13 |
VI |
70 |
Keep |
14 |
NA |
65 |
Keep |
15 |
AN |
70 |
Keep |
16 |
MA |
75 |
Keep |
17 |
ME |
70 |
Keep |
18 |
I |
60 |
Keep |
19 |
MK |
55 |
Low |
20 |
50 |
Low |
21 |
YU |
50 |
Low |
22 |
55 |
Low |
23 |
EY |
50 |
Low |
24 |
AN |
55 |
Low |
25 |
AM |
50 |
Low |
26 |
GY |
55 |
Low |
27 |
NW |
45 |
Low |
28 |
55 |
Low |
29 |
CA |
40 |
Low |
30 |
SO |
45 |
Low |
31 |
50 |
Low |
32 |
YB |
20 |
Low |
33 |
WK |
30 |
Low |
Table 5
Percentage of Criteria Based on Respondents' Answers
Criterion |
Sum |
Percentage |
Tall |
6 |
18,18 |
Keep |
12 |
36,36 |
Low |
13 |
39,39 |
Low |
2 |
6,07 |
Total Respondents |
33 |
100 |
In the respondents' answers, the
highest score obtained was 85, while the lowest score was 20. Based on the
results of the mathematics competency test that has been given, the criteria
for the most speakers are low criteria, namely as many as 13 respondents or
39.39 percent. In second place, on the medium criterion with 12 the number of
12 respondents or 36.36 percent. As for the high criterion, it is in third
place with 6 respondents or 18.18. Meanwhile, for very low criteria there were
2 respondents or 6.07 percent.
Knowledge of Mathematics Based on Gender
Table 6
Average Knowledge by Gender
Gender |
Sum |
Average rating |
Man |
28 |
60,54 |
Woman |
5 |
61 |
If you pay attention, there is no
noticeable difference between the average scores of male and female
respondents. For male respondents with an average score of 60.54, while women were slightly higher at 61.
Mathematical Knowledge by Age
When viewed based on
age, the average value of respondents is quite variable. For respondents under
25 years old, there were 2 resource persons, where the test scores were 40 and
70 respectively. This means that there is a significant difference in the test
scores obtained by the two respondents.
While respondents with
an age range of 26 to 35 years get mixed scores. Of the 12 respondents in this
age range, the scores obtained varied, ranging from 40 to 80.
The acquisition of
highly variable values can be seen in 15 respondents with an age range of 36-45
years. In respondents with this age range, the highest score obtained was 80,
while the lowest value was 20. This shows that there is a fairly high value
disparity, which also shows that there is an ability gap among these
Table 7
Average Respondents' Scores by Age
Knowledge by Age |
Age Range |
Sum |
Average rating |
<25 Years |
2 |
57, 5 |
26-35 Years |
12 |
65, 83 |
36-45 Years |
14 |
58, 21 |
46-55 Years |
5 |
56 |
In table 4.7, it is known that respondents with an age
range of 26-35 years get the highest average score with a value of 65.83.
Followed by respoden with an age range of 36-45 years with a value of 58.21.
While respondents with an age range under 25 years get a score of 57.5.
As for the average lowest score obtained by respondents
with an age range of 46-55 years, namely 56. Although there are differences,
the average value seen from the age of these respondents is not so striking the
Graph 1
Mathematical Knowledge by Age
By looking at graph 4.2, it is known that there is a
difference in the average score of mathematical competence of the respondents
when viewed based on age. But the difference is not too noticeable. This means
that the average abilities of the respondents are almost diverse.
Knowledge Based on Education
Graph 2
The mathematical competence of journalists seen
based on their education is interesting to discuss. As is
known, the respondents of this study had various educational backgrounds,
ranging from high school, D3, S1, to S2.
Based on graph 4.3, it is known that the highest
average score was obtained by respondents with D3 education, namely with a
score of 66. While the lowest score was obtained by respondents with a high
school education level. While S1 respondents obtained an average score of 63.53
or in second position. While respondents with S2 education level get an average
score of 56.67 or in third place.
When viewed from the fields of study pursued while
taking S1, the majority of respondents were graduates of social study programs,
namely Management Science, Graphic Design, Geography Education, Information
Management, Tarbiyah, Sociology, Law, Social Science, Communication Science,
Legal Science, English, Islamic History Science, Law, Human Resources
Management, History Education, Political Science and State Administration,
FISIP, FKIP Economic Education, and Islamic Broadcasting Communication (KPI).
While the education of respondents from exact fields, namely Biology and Soil
Mathematical Knowledge Based on Length
of Work
Table 8
Competence Based on Length of Work as a Journalist
Duration |
Sum |
Average rating |
<5 Years |
14 |
57,5 |
6-15 Years |
12 |
62,08 |
16-25 Years |
5 |
69 |
26> Years |
2 |
52,50 |
Graph 3
The highest average score based on length of work
was respondents with a duration of work between 16-25 years, with an average
score of 69. While the lowest average score was respondents aged 26 years and
over with an average value of 52.50. While respondents aged 6-15 got an average
score of 62.08. For respondents with less than 5 years of service, the average
score was 57.5.
Mathematical Knowledge Based on Journalistic Competency Level
Table 9
Mathematical Knowledge
Based on Journalist Level
Ladder |
Sum |
Average rating |
Young |
10 |
58 |
Associate |
2 |
50 |
Main |
7 |
70 |
Not yet Competency
Test |
14 |
59,29 |
Graph 4
D. Regression Test on Research Variables
Before the regression test is
carried out, an assumption test is first carried out, namely the normality,
multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation tests.�
Normality test
Normality Test is
a test conducted with the aim of assessing the distribution of data in a group
of data or variables, whether the distribution of data is normally distributed
or not.
Graph 5
Normality Test
From graph 5 it can be seen that the points
spread around the line and follow the diagonal line so that it can be said that
the data is normally distributed. Thus, it means that the results of the
answers to the mathematical competency test that have been given to the
respondents of this study are distributed normally.���������������������������������������������������������� ��������������
2. Heteroscedasticity
Table 10
Heteroscedasticity Test Results
Coefficientsa |
Type |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
Statistics |
Beta |
Tolerance |
1 |
(Constant) |
5,169 |
12,758 |
0,405 |
0,689 |
Gender |
4,388 |
4,596 |
0,199 |
0,955 |
0,348 |
0,725 |
1,380 |
Age |
-0,046 |
0,254 |
-0,055 |
-0,181 |
0,858 |
0,346 |
2,886 |
Education |
2,535 |
1,601 |
0,307 |
1,583 |
0,125 |
0,839 |
1,192 |
Working age of Journalists |
0,087 |
0,297 |
0,094 |
0,293 |
0,772 |
0,308 |
3,251 |
Journalist Competency Level |
-2,013 |
1,601 |
-0,294 |
-1,257 |
0,219 |
0,577 |
1,733 |
a. Dependent Variable: Abs_res |
Because the significance value in the calculation
of table 4.10 above is more than 0.05, heteroscedasticity does not occur. A good regression model is one in which
homoscedasticity or heteroscedasticity does not occur.
3. Multicollinearity
Table 11
Multicollinearity Test Results
Coefficientsa |
Type |
Coefficients |
T |
Sig. |
Collinearity Statistics |
Beta |
Tolerance |
1 |
(Constant) |
78,709 |
24,346 |
3,233 |
0,003 |
JK |
-5,561 |
8,770 |
-0,133 |
-0,634 |
0,531 |
0,725 |
1,380 |
Age |
-0,666 |
0,485 |
-0,415 |
-1,371 |
0,182 |
0,346 |
2,886 |
Pendidikan_K |
1,664 |
3,056 |
0,106 |
0,545 |
0,591 |
0,839 |
1,192 |
Lama_Wartawan |
0,245 |
0,566 |
0,139 |
0,433 |
0,668 |
0,308 |
3,251 |
Jenjang_K |
3,486 |
3,056 |
0,268 |
1,141 |
0,264 |
0,577 |
1,733 |
a. Dependent Variable: TotalScore |
From the output above, it is
known that the value "Collinearity
Tolerance" variable is more than 0.10 and the value of
"Statistics VIF" is less than 10. Then it can be concluded that here
there is no multicollinearity between independent variables.
Autocorrelation Test
For ametoxcorrelation
test there are three conditions that must be observed:
If d is less than dL or greater than (4-dL) then
the hypothesis is rejected, meaning that there is autotolerance.�������������������������������������������������������������������
If d lies between dU and (4-dU), then the
hypothesis is accepted which means there is no correlation.
If d lies between dL and dU or between (4-dU) and
(4-dL) then it does not produce a definite conclusion.
Based on the data above, then:
N ������� ���= 33�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������
K = Number of
variables������������������������� =5������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
Dl = 1.13�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
Du = 1.81
4-du = 2.19����
Because the value of 1.929 lies between du and
4-du, it is concluded that there is no autocorrelation in the data above.
Regression Test Results
Table 12
Regression Test Results
Summaryb |
Type |
R |
R Square |
Adjusted R Square |
Std. Error of the Estimate |
Durbin-Watson |
1 |
.377a |
0,142 |
-0,017 |
15,375 |
1,929 |
Predictors: (Constant), Jenjang_K, JK, Pendidikan_K, Age, Lama_Wartawan |
Dependent Variable: TotalScore |
Type |
Sum of Squares |
Df |
Mean Square |
F |
Sig. |
1 |
Regression |
1054,933 |
5 |
210,987 |
0,892 |
.500b |
Residuals |
6382,945 |
27 |
236,405 |
Total |
7437,879 |
32 |
Dependent Variable: TotalScore |
Predictors: (Constant), Jenjang_K, JK, Pendidikan_K, Age, Lama_Wartawan |
Coefficientsa |
Type |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
Collinearity Statistics |
Beta |
Tolerance |
1 |
(Constant) |
78,709 |
24,346 |
3,233 |
0,003 |
JK |
-5,561 |
8,770 |
-0,133 |
-0,634 |
0,531 |
0,725 |
1,380 |
Age |
-0,666 |
0,485 |
-0,415 |
-1,371 |
0,182 |
0,346 |
2,886 |
Pendidikan_K |
1,664 |
3,056 |
0,106 |
0,545 |
0,591 |
0,839 |
1,192 |
Lama_Wartawan |
0,245 |
0,566 |
0,139 |
0,433 |
0,668 |
0,308 |
3,251 |
Jenjang_K |
3,486 |
3,056 |
0,268 |
1,141 |
0,264 |
0,577 |
1,733 |
a. Dependent Variable: TotalScore |
Based on the output table "ANOVA" above,
it is known that the significance value (Sig.) in the F test is 0.5. Because
Sig. 0.5 > 0.05, then as the basis for decision making in the F test it can
be concluded that five variables (together) have no effect on the Mathematics
ability score. The five variables are gender, age, education, length of work as
a journalist, and journalist competence do not have a simultaneous influence on
the dependent variable of mathematical competence.
From the results of the discussion of Chapter IV
it can be concluded that: (1) Result
The test showed that 39.39 percent of respondents had low mathematical
knowledge, 36.36 percent on medium criteria, 18.18 on high criteria, and 6.07
percent on very low criteria. (2) There
were no significant differences in the mathematical competence of journalists
in West Kalimantan by gender. The average score of the competency test of male
respondents was 60.54, while the average score of female respondents was 61. (3) There are differences in the mathematical
competence of journalists in West Kalimantan by age, although the disparity is
not striking. Respondents with an age range of 26-35 years get the highest
average score with a value of 65.83. Followed by next Respoden with an age
range of 36-45 years with a value of 58.21. While respondents with an age range
under 25 years get a score of 57.5. As for the average lowest score obtained by
respondents with an age range of 46-55 years, namely 56. (4) The mathematics competence of journalists in West
Kalimantan based on education, the highest average score was obtained by
respondents with D3 education, which was 66. While the lowest score was
obtained by respondents with a high school education level with a score of
52.5. While S1 respondents obtained an average score of 63.53 or in second
position. For respondents with S2 education level, they get an average score of
56.67 or in third place. �(5) The
highest average score based on length of work was respondents with a duration
of work between 16-25 years, with an average score of 69. While the lowest
average score was respondents aged 26 years and over with an average value of
52.50. While respondents aged 6-15 got an average score of 62.08. For
respondents with less than 5 years of service, the average score was 57.5. (6) The
highest average score based on length of work was respondents with a working
duration between 16-25 years, namely 69. While the lowest average score was
respondents with a length of work of 26 years and over, namely 52.50. While
respondents aged 6-15 got an average score of 62.08. For respondents with less
than 5 years of service, the average score was 57.5.(7) Based on the table output
"ANOVA" it is known that the significance value (Sig.) in the F test
is 0.5. Because Sig. 0.5 > 0.05, then as the basis for decision making in
the F test it can be concluded that five variables (together) have no effect on
the Mathematics ability score. The five variables are gender, age, education,
length of work as a journalist, and journalist competence does not have a
simultaneous influence on the dependent variable of mathematical competence
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