Darmawan Pontan, Dieta S K, Abizar M, Andi T P, Daffa M B, Fajar W

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Trisakti University, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]




BoQ, RKS, Security, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Hospital


One important aspect in the planning process of a project is the calculation of the volume of work or commonly known as the Bill of Quantity (BoQ). BoQ itself is a document detailing the type of work, volume and unit of measurement of all work items to be carried out to determine the final estimated value of a construction job. Calculation of the volume of work will be carried out based on the Work Plan and Conditions (RKS) and drawings that have been approved by the owner. In the construction industry, MEP or Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing is an important factor to realize a building or buildings whose installation system is safe and of good quality. MEP itself is the expertise to plan, design, and manage mechanical, electrical, and piping systems in a building. The actual BoQ results were 5.74% greater than the planned BoQ caused by changes in the work of installing the plumbing system. As well as the most influential factors were changes in design drawings that did not match the conditions in the field and incomplete design drawings.








The development of knowledge and technology in the world of Civil Engineering is increasingly advanced and growing(Chen, Merrett, Liu, Fauzia, & Liem, 2022). In this Digital Era, there are many new discoveries in digital methodology and technology from planning to direct practice in the field(Hai, Van, & Thi Tuyet, 2021). In the construction industry, MEP or Mechanical, electrical, and Plumbing is one of the important factors to realize a building or building whose installation system is safe and quality (Osburn, Lee, & Gambatese, 2022).

MEP itself is an expertise to plan, design, and regulate mechanical, electrical, and piping systems in a building(Hietala, 2022). The operation of multi-storey buildings certainly requires considerable electrical power, therefore in the process of distributing electrical power must be calculated and done as well as possible to achieve maximum results(Ofetotse, Essah, & Yao, 2021). Coordination of mechanical electrical and plumbing system design planning specifically is critical to the success of the project (Tillmann, 2020).

The MEP system affects about 40 - 60% of the construction cost of a building, ranging from one floor to tall buildings(Molina Hutt et al., 2022). In general, the MEP system consists of vertical transportation systems, electrical systems, clean water networks, rainwater and waste disposal networks, venting systems, wifi networks, lightning protection systems, telephones, sound systems, fire protection, CCTV systems, computer networks and others.

The hospital is one of the buildings that has an important and critical role for the community(Angelakis, Antoniou, Yapijakis, & Tchobanoglous, 2020). In hospital buildings, MEP network installation is a mandatory and important factor for the functioning of the hospital.(Alvanchi & Seyrfar, 2020) MEP's work on hospital construction is very complex looking at strict health regulatory standards, deadlines, coordination, and work costs(Blumhorst, 2021). For this reason, proper planning and execution are needed so that it can avoid rework, waste and delays that can result in project cost overruns and increase the value of efficiency in planning.(Yap, Lim, Skitmore, & Gray, 2022)



The method used in this study is a quantitative / concrete method. Research procedures are carried out by collecting, analyzing, and processing data obtained in a study to understand research problems.

The quantative method is carried out by surveying questionnaires with respondents who have knowledge and experience in MEP work, so that factors that cause differences in the volume of work that occurs during planning can be determined with those realized in the field. As well as collecting data related to the calculation of the volume of work or BoQ as well as the calculation of the estimated cost of the General Hospital construction project. After that the data is processed and analyzed using conventional methods by means of manual calculations with the help of Microsoft Excel software, to identify comparisons between BoQ planning and those realized in the field, as well as comparisons of cost estimates.



After comparing BoQ, MEP work,planning and actual work in the field, a difference of 5.74% was found with a price difference of Rp 571,816,261.08. Changes in the volume of work itself are most commonly found in wiring and piping work in SDP systems and power panels, lighting systems, air conditioning, telephone installations, cctv, matv, fire extinguishers and fire alarms, elevators, lightning rods, hydrants, sprinklers, and fire extinguishers, as well as piping systems.


Table 1. BoQ Comparison Table

MEP Jobs

Bill of Quantity Plans

Actual Bill of Quantity

Other SDP & Power Panel Jobs

IDR 1,488,165,189.00

IDR 1,492,247,733

Lighting Work

IDR 1,213,415,650.00

IDR 1,216,143,250

Air Conditioning Works

IDR 2,481,560,101.37

IDR 2,481,310,200

Medical Gas Jobs

IDR 1,025,744,854.55

IDR 1,034,370,224

Sound Works

IDR 284,288,270.00

IDR 286,457,190

Phone & Data Installation Work

IDR 325,224,800.00

IDR 327,870,500


IDR 21,004,550.00

IDR 20,500,750


IDR 207,764,850.00

IDR 209,350,700

Fire Extingusher & Fire Alarm Work

IDR 288,303,830.00

IDR 288,005,340

Elevator Works

IDR 625,000,000.00

IDR 625,000,000

Lightning Protection Work

IDR 51,945,000.00

IDR 51,250,000

Fire Hydrant, Sprinkler, and Fire Extingusher Work

IDR 121,718,765.00

IDR 128,315,115

Plumbing Work

IDR 1,264,509,791.33

IDR 1,809,640,910


IDR 9,398,645,651.25

IDR 9,970,461,912.33


IDR 571,816,261.08


As for determining the most influential factors in BoQ changes , planning and actual in the field, a questionnaire distribution was carried out by 30 respondents in project X(Alshihri, Al-Gahtani, & Almohsen, 2022). From the distribution of the questionnaire, the results of filling out the questionnaire were obtained as in table 4 below(Fauziati, Minovia, Muslim, & Nasrah, 2020).



Table 2. Results of 30 Respondents Factors and Independent Variables of Research


BoQ Planning and Actual Change Factors on the Field

Correspondent Results

Implementation Method


Implementation of methods in the field that are not in accordance with planning



Lack of supervision of implementation methods in the field



Improper use of tools



Use of materials/materials that are not in accordance with the implementation method



Planning implementation methods that are not in accordance with the field


Human Resources


Lack of workers' job skills in doing a job



Lack of accuracy of workers in doing a job



Lack of knowledge of workers regarding implementation methods



Lack of knowledge of workers regarding work drawings



Lack of knowledge of workers regarding the use of work tools




Design / image that is not in accordance with the conditions in the field



Obstacles in the distribution of updated images to all parts including in the field



Incomplete design drawings




Improper calculation of material requirements



Lack of supervision of materials that have been used



Damage to materials during the implementation process



After calculating the average value (mean) it was found that the most influential factors in BoQ changes in the sequence were Design, Implementation Method, Material, Human Resources factors(Negesa, 2022). Where the most influential variables in the change in order are:

1.         Design / image that is not in accordance with conditions in the field

2.         Obstacles in the distribution of updated images to all parts including in the field.

3.         Incomplete design drawings

4.         Implementation of methods in the field that are not in accordance with planning.

5.         Lack of supervision of implementation methods in the field.

6.         Improper use of tools.

7.         Use of materials / materials that are not in accordance with the implementation method.

8.         Planning implementation methods that are not in accordance with the field.

9.         Improper calculation of material requirements.

10.     Lack of supervision of the materials that have been used.

11.     Damage to materials / materials during the implementation process.

12.     Lack of workers' job skills in doing a job.

13.     Lack of accuracy of workers in doing a job.

14.     Lack of occupational knowledge regarding working drawings.

15.     Lack of knowledge of workers regarding implementation methods

16.     Lack of knowledge of workers regarding the use of work tools.





Based on the results of the analysis conducted, a comparison of the BoQ of MEP work planning with the Actual BoQ was obtained with a difference of 5.74% or IDR 571,816,261.08 caused by changes in plumbing system installation work And the most influential factor is changes in the design of the image that is not in accordance with conditions in the field and incomplete design drawings.



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