Dela Sulistiyawan Junior

Department of Communication Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

Email: [email protected]




Framing Pan &; Kosicki, Koran Tempo Online, Media Ideology, Police Image Representation


This study analyzes news framing techniques in the context of Teddy Minahasa's drug case coverage on (October 15, 2022). The research identifies the central framing theme involving a controversial drug-related arrest of a two-star general, adversely affecting the National Police institution's image. The analysis highlights strategic manipulation of source quotes to bias the reporting and script techniques to emphasize "How" over "Why" aspects, enhancing public information and education. Three key thematic strands emerge: detailing the officer's involvement, presenting the case chronology, and countering negative police imagery. Rhetorical elements such as visuals and graphics intensify specific news elements provocatively. The study underscores Tempo media's ideology influencing coverage, revealing news construction through framing. This reflects a one-way media communication model, where audiences passively consume information. Drug-related news significantly impacts's content, revealing news as a social construct. The study spotlights's distinct perspective, contributing to a negative police portrayal through framing. Framing permeates all news elements, indicating media's reality-shaping role. The research emphasizes media's ideological role, influenced by content and political economy, shaping news structure and messages. It illuminates the intricate interaction of media, framing, and reality construction.









In the ongoing technological era, humans can obtain various information through mass media. The presence of mass media has become very important for every individual, especially in this modern era. It is not surprising that McQuail, however, argues that media is a means by which individuals can see things that are happening outside of them. In fact, George Gerbner states unequivocally that mass media has become the "official religion" in today's modern society (Ishanan, 2019).

Print media, electronic media, and online media are types of mass media that are widely used in today's society. The rapid development of technology and information in recent years has increased public interest in online media. This is the reason behind the shift from conventional communication to modern communication which is dominated by digital aspects (Bungin, 2008).

We can now get various information quickly, although not all information we receive is accurate according to the reality on the ground. This is due to the selection of news carried out by several media. One example is online media, which gives us easy access to get diverse information (Kumala, 2022).

Online media has an advantage in delivering news compared to conventional media because it can easily and quickly reach and get news online. However, the advantages of online journalism do not directly make online news portals superior to other conventional media, especially in the quality of journalism products or news content (Pratiwi & Ambardi, 2020). �

According to (Juditha, 2013), Poynter explained that the virtue of online journalism does not always produce objective news. There is a tendency in news production that is not objective in new media because of the demand to work quickly in presenting news. For this reason, it is important to prioritize the credibility and accuracy of the news. In addition, transparency and the use of multimedia are also things that need to be considered in mass media.

The ideological influence of a press institution will still be visible in the news content it produces. Nevertheless, criticism of the media always reflects the problems that arise and are felt by the general public. Therefore, here is needed not only a good ability to convey criticism by members of the press, but also a good ability by the government and state organizers to conduct self-evaluation and introspection in order to sort out the criticism received. In addition, criticism, no matter how bad it is, must have useful information value (Ishanan, 2019).

In carrying out its roles and responsibilities, mass media do not operate in a state of isolation or freedom from connection with the existing social context. There are various interests that influence the mass media or it can be said that there is an "ideological battle" in it (Basit, 2007).

Ideological differences between existing media outlets can lead to differences in the way they construct the reality of issues. Thus, it is likely that the reality of the same issue will be interpreted differently by each media (Mubarok & Wulandari, 2018). �When we pay attention to a news report in various media that shows differences in presentation, it is not only the result of journalistic principles but also the result of the representation of ideology and interests of mass media implemented into news reports (Nugraha et al., 2022).

According to research by Shoemaker and Reese (1996), diversity has a significant influence on content in mass media, and ideological factors are one of the five main factors influencing media content. Media ideology is interrelated with the influence and interests possessed by the media. These interests collide with each other behind the various issues faced, causing the media to tend to be subjective and less neutral in reporting an event as a form of news (Yuliarti et al., 2017). �

In evaluating ideological tendencies, it is necessary to identify relevant issues, given that each case or issue is often analyzed with different perspectives and classifications. According to Edelman, quoted by Eriyanto, the process of categorization actually involves making constructions and repeating constructions that are important in order to appear logical and rational, so as to change one's opinion or attitude. In many cases, the reality is the same, it's just that the way of expression is different, which affects one's perception when observing and interpreting the reality (Eriyanto, 2008). �

In the context of selecting issues and framing news from a media, one of the interesting issues to be examined is the issue of a drug case that ensnared a two-star police officer, namely Teddy Minahasa. The case even became a trending topic and interesting conversation for the public. The public is always waiting for news updates related to the development of the case.

News about the drug case was almost published in all online media in Indonesia, with various different frames, because the public was very interested in the event. Similarly, one of the online portals participated in reporting the tragedy. The researcher chose as the object of research because the media has gained an established reputation in the journalistic realm for a long time and is also one of the entities incorporated in the Tempo Media Group.

In addition, Tempo Media Group is also known as a media that is not afraid to contain criticism of the government, dig the right data and select sources who have high credibility. In 1982, for the first time, the newspaper Tempo was banned due to criticism that was considered too sharp against the New Order regime. The second banning occurred on June 21, 1994, when the government, through Information Minister Harmoko, decided to stop publishing the Tempo newspaper. ( accessed October 16, 2022 at 4:10 PM). Another and most important reason related to this study is that is the only online portal that made a headline with the main cover of the newspaper in the October 15, 2022 edition is about the Teddy Minahasa drug case, one day after being arrested.

As stated by (Mahardika, 2022), in carrying out daily tasks in the community, of course, there are many interactions between members of the National Police who are on duty in the field and the community. The interaction that occurs among community members has an influence on the perception of the National Police. There are individuals who consider that the National Police acts according to their duties so that the image of the National Police is well maintained. However, there are also those who have a negative view of members of the National Police which can affect the overall image of the agency.

While suing (Soemirat & Ardianto, 2017), image refers to perceptions, emotions, and judgments that people have of the company; perceptions that are intentionally constructed from a subject, be it an individual or a group. Image is an individual's view of an organization.

Public trust in the National Police is often doubted considering the image of the institution is considered less than optimal and less professional. This is triggered by the increasing crime rate that is still high, the quality of police professionalism, and the influence of mass media in managing public opinion against the police. Further exacerbating the situation is news that generally highlights the unkind behavior of members of the National Police (Diniati & Pratiwi, 2018).

According to (Miharja & Mauliashari, 2022) today, stereotypes that show dislike, distrust, fear, and lack of police maturity by the community are quite significant. In addition, there are some police members who abuse their authority for their own interests which are then revealed by the media. Even so, such news can have a major impact on the reputation of the Indonesian National Police (POLRI).

Reporting on police performance in the media actually increases negative perceptions of police institutions (Duta, 2017; Farjina, 2017). �The press media is more likely to monitor and supervise the performance of the National Police rather than providing information about its work program (Sutrisno, 2016). Based on existing factors, the image of the police can be formed through the refraction of reality in the media industry, such as the influence of media organizations, the ideology possessed by media personnel, and the creativity of the audience. In addition, political changes and economic power also play a role in shaping the image (Reiner, 2010).

In the process of delivering news, the media has a framework called a frame. Through this frame, the media selects issues and compiles news. The perspective used by the media will influence the selection of facts, emphasis on certain parts, as well as the ultimate goal of the news. More specifically, framing is a method used by journalists in selecting and presenting a news issue. Through this approach, journalists can determine which perspective or viewpoint to take in a news report. The choice of this point of view, will affect the emphasis and omission of facts, as well as the direction taken in the news (Sobur, 2011).

The news in the media is greatly influenced by the ideology attached to the media. The construction of various media is different in reporting an issue because it is based on different ideologies. The media has its own subjectivity in presenting news. Media ideology can be identified through the implementation of framing in reporting by the media. Framing analysis is a mass media research method based on social construction theory. In this theory, it is explained that what is seen or read in mass media is not the actual reality, but the result of the construction of the media (Eriyanto, 2011). �

The method of framing analysis has always been widely used by researchers and the issue of drug cases is always interesting to study. However, currently there is no research that focuses on framing analysis associated with police members with two-star ranks, the closest research with the keywords "framing" and "drugs" was conducted by (Maulida (2022) with the title framing analysis of news of the Coki Pardede drug case on Detikcom. The findings of the study indicate that Detikcom presented news about the Coki Pardede drug case with its lack of consistency and unfocus in analyzing the case. In addition to only reporting drug incidents involving Coki Pardede, Detikcom also included topics regarding Coki Pardede's sexual orientation several times.

Another nearby study was conducted by (Sandi, et al (2022) with the title of news framing analysis of Lucinta Luna's drug case in The study aimed to identify the framework used by online news media in reporting on the arrest of drug cases involving Lucinta Luna. Based on the results of the study, it was found that Lucinta Luna was involved in a drug case because she was experiencing depression. Four news stories written by focus more on the exposure of Lucinta Luna's personal life. also choose to highlight information that is more significant or puts more emphasis on a particular news message, so that news readers will focus more on that message.

The limitation of the two studies above is that researchers have not seen the relationship between influential media ideologies in the representation of image formation in a news through framing. Media has an important role to play in shaping meaning. The task of the media basically involves the construction of reality, which is to collect various realities that occur on the ground and make selections for these realities, choosing which ones to construct and which ones to ignore. Because of its ability to construct reality, media has a significant impact in giving meaning and image to society as a result of its construction process.

In view of this, this study is intended to examine how Pan and Kosicky's framing model is used in framing the news of the Teddy Minahasa drug case in the October 15, 2022 Edition of Tempo Online Newspaper. In addition, the purpose of this study is also to observe how the media, implicitly, also plays a role in building perceptions about the identity of an organization through the use of framing. It is hoped that this research can also play an important role in increasing understanding of news framing and provide deeper insights to the public to understand the role of the media in presenting news, so that it can be a guide for the media in delivering news objectively.



In the research conducted, the method used is a qualitative approach. This means that the data collected is not in the form of numbers or statistics, but in the form of information obtained through direct observation, analysis of personal documents, collection of records, memos, and other official documents. So the purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of the phenomena experienced by research participants using a descriptive approach through the use of language and words with the use of diverse scientific methods. Therefore, this study uses a qualitative approach that aims to compare existing empirical data with applicable theories through descriptive methods (Moleong, 2014). �(Moleong, 2014).

According to Boghdan and Taylor, qualitative method refers to a research method that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words obtained from people as well as observable behavior (Moleong, 2014). �Research that adopts qualitative descriptive methods also aims to formulate or express propositions or explain the meaning behind the phenomenon. This kind of research seeks to observe what is happening in that context and present the findings found in it (Kriyantono, 2014). �

In this study, researchers adopted Pan and Kosicki's framing analysis method to analyze primary data obtained from news sites. The subject of this study focused on the Teddy Minahasa drug case reported in the October 15, 2022 issue.

In that edition there is 1 main news report raised by, according to the researcher the news is worth analyzing because it has a complete news structure and suitability with the researcher's topic and also the most actual because it was published one day after Teddy Minahasa was arrested. Researchers will analyze news titles published by online media namely: "Two-Star General Drug Syndicate".

According to (Eriyanto, 2011), there are two cores of framing, namely the first is the meaning given to events. This relates to the selection of coverage of one section and the exclusion of another. The second is the compilation of these facts in writing. This aspect involves the use of words, sentences, and images to reinforce the ideas conveyed. In framing analysis, the main focus is the process of formulating messages in media texts, with the aim of understanding how events or messages are constructed by journalists and presented to readers.

Framing analysis is used to identify actors in power constellations, where which actors experience gains and losses, actors who carry out oppression and actors who are victims, and distinguish policies that get support or not (Eriyanto, 2011). �Pan and Kosicki's framing analysis method was chosen as an analysis model because of its suitability for examining problems related to the issue. This method has completeness in evaluating the coverage provided by the media that is the object of research.

�According to Pan and Kosicki, in analyzing framing, there are four tools used, namely syntactic, script, thematic, and rhetorical. One of the framing principles emphasized is that journalists can follow standards of truth, objectivity, and consider certain limitations in processing and presenting news (Eriyanto, 2011). �



Major media such as in reporting drug cases are critical in responding to something related to crime cases. It can be said that plays a role more than just a source of information and knowledge, but also serves as a provocative medium with the aim of increasing public awareness of the issues that are happening.

Researchers start the analysis by doing framing analysis first before doing other analyses. Below is an analysis of Pan and Kosicki's Framing Model of the news of the Tedy Minahasa drug case:

a. Syntactic Structure

1. Title

News headlines are the most important element in identifying information. As an element of identity, the position and reputation of the media that publishes, broadcasts, or broadcasts the news becomes a very relevant factor. In fact, the character and professionalism of the media can be little or much reflected through the news titles they write (Juwito, 2008). �

News headlines have their importance that cannot be ignored. First, from the perspective of the news itself, without a title, the news will be anonymous, unknown, and abstract so that it cannot convey the message. In fact, effective communication depends heavily on the ability of the message to be conveyed. Second, the headline is also important to readers, as it provides the first glimpse into the content of the news and helps readers determine if the news is relevant to their interests and needs. A headline is the first pull factor for readers in reading the news, or vice versa, it can be immediately skipped and forgotten (Sumadiria, 2004).

A mass media that has capability and credibility will not be able to create headlines that contradict its ability and reputation. The media aims to gain recognition based on intelligence, reasonable judgment, and high competence, as well as being respected and upheld as mass media that have the responsibility to provide education to the public effectively. The media does not want to be blamed for using words and terms in titles that do not conform to the rules of standard language. The media understands that the press has a responsibility as educators by setting a positive example. This responsibility should also be seen from the news titles and articles they present (Juwito, 2008). �

A good news title must meet seven conditions, namely: (1) have the ability to provoke reader interest, (2) short but provide dense information, (3) relevant to the content of the news, (4) serves to provide an overview of the content of the news, (5) uses appropriate formal language, (6) reflects the news content representatively, and (7) uses standard language (Sumadiria, 2004).

The title of related to the news of the Teddy Minahasa drug case is very provocative, namely �"Two-Star General Drug Syndicate". The headline indicates that the news writer seems to want to highlight and emphasize that this is an almighty case because the perpetrator of the drug syndicate is a Two-Star General who incidentally was supposed to spearhead the eradication of drugs instead is now the main actor.

In addition, in making the title it can be seen that the news seems to be exaggerated. The use of the word "syndicate" in the title tends to give a very pronounced negative connotation, because the meaning of syndicate is a large cooperation of a group that commits negative actions, such as criminal acts. This is consistent with the view put forward by (Thussu, 2007) that controversial, terrible, and sensational things are more important than true news. The media often provides things that the media considers necessary by readers or viewers, as well as things that are considered interesting and can increase ratings and tiras.

2. Lead

In more technical journalistic terms, a news core refers to the initial paragraph that contains the most important facts or information from the entire news series. The news core has four important functions, namely as a binder for readers' attention, as an introduction to news topics, as a relationship between sections in the news, and as a determinant of trust in the news. In order to reduce the potential for fake news, journalists including reporters and editors must always pay attention and consider these four functions carefully (Juwito, 2008). �

The lead in the report read: "Inspector General Teddy Minahasa has been named as a suspect in a drug trafficking case. The network of these drug syndicates stretches from Bukittinggi to Jakarta." Lead news writers in also seem provocative and exaggerated. It can be seen from the placement of words stretching from Bukittinggi to Jakarta, news writers want to show the emphasis that the network is extensive and deeply rooted.

Furthermore, the use of the word "Inspector General" is used to emphasize the reinforcement that the syndicate involved is a law enforcement officer, in this case the police, this emphasis certainly has an impact on public opinion which will indirectly have a negative impact on the image of the police.

In addition, lead news writers tend to use this type of how lead, news writers often use their personal opinions as a tool to create news introductions. Thus, emphasizes the importance of the value of information. In other words, the value of news lies in the facts of the event itself, not in the person who reported it.

In the domain of journalism, there is the term "news is disaster" which implies that news is always related to disaster situations. Whatever its form, disasters always attract attention, both because of their alarming effects and because of their very frightening severity, as happened in the Aceh tsunami tragedy (Juwito, 2008). �

3. Background information

According to researchers, from the beginning of the news in the process of making news has a background of information that a Two-Star General is entangled in drugs is controversial and certainly damages the image of the National Police institution itself. The purpose of such actions is to increase the power of pre-made titles and openers.

From the observable phenomena, it can be concluded that there are signs that indicate an attempt to damage the reputation of the police institution, especially a Teddy Minahasa -personally- (although it is not yet known whether it is really bad or not because there has been no judge's decision) or the bad image of his institution - the POLRI institution - and focus on the chronology of each report. This is in line with the statement conveyed by (Assegaf, 1991) that when readers are not given different information, the information received will feel monotonous. Although, strange or extraordinary things will always captivate people's attention.

4. Source Citations, Statements of Fact and Opinion

�Citations of sources used as a source of news information directly related to the subject of news are obtained from various sources. Researchers analyzed 5 sources quoted by his statement. Then the researcher concluded, the source gave emphasis or chronology to Teddy Minahasa 4 sources and neutral source 1 source, with no source from Teddy Minahasa's side to provide clarification (the news writer reasoned that Teddy Minahasa had been detained so could not be asked for a statement). The scheme has certainly been seen to place Tedy Minahasa into the minority among other views. Whereas in journalistic practice, according to (Rosentiel, 2003), balance must be maintained comprehensively so that the information conveyed does not have a certain tendency.

Once again in this case, researchers analyze that the imbalance will also indirectly affect the meaning and direction of news so that it can cause bias in the news, the emphasis on the meaning and direction of the news certainly has an impact on public opinion which will indirectly have a negative impact on the image of the police.

In the analysis of this study, we can observe that have a tendency to use statements from news sources a lot in their newsmaking process. But researchers also see, news writers provide statements of fact to start or become a kind of opening sentence then use the statement of the source, which also deserves appreciation is that there is no element of opinion from the news writer.

For more details, the researcher provides several examples of news paragraphs. One of them is the following paragraph:

Inspector.General.Teddy.Minahasa.Son.failed.become.Head.Police.Area.Java.East.,concurrent. with.sunrise.letter.decision.appointment.Teddy.become.Head.Police.Java.East.replace.Inspector.General.Nico.Afinta.

The first paragraph of the news above is one example of a statement of fact from a news writer, in accordance with conditions that occur in the field. Facts that are indeed true can be proven by valid data then continued with statements from sources. In delivering communication, has an important role as a means of communication, where the resource person acts as a communicator and the reader as the recipient of communication. This shows that fulfilled its duty as a critical media and provided information.


In general, the cover is the final component in a news that contains a summary, recommendation, or view of the news writer related to the core problem he conveys as a guide for readers (Juwito, 2008). �From news, the cover is written with the statement of the news source. The cover on the tends to be more closed.

To clarify, the researcher provides an example related to the closing paragraph, the data can be seen below:

Chairman of Setara Institute, Hendardi. Teddy's case will further damage the image of the police. The reputation of the National Police, he said, had been hurt by the case of Ferdy Sambo who killed Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat, Ferdy's aide, and the Kanjuruhan tragedy which resulted in 132 supporters being killed.

"This series of events continues to undermine public trust and further weaken the performance of the National Police," Hendardi said. "It is not only internal destructiveness that tears the solidity of members and leaders of the National Police, but also the destructive power for the public because justice is disturbed."

In this case, the reader is not given the opportunity to conclude but is immediately invited to follow the direction of the conclusion that the case has injured the National Police and invites the reader to believe that the image of the National Police has been damaged and the performance of the National Police has become weak.

b. Script Structure

The preparation of news reports often follows a narrative format. The reason behind this is that many news reports attempt to show the connection between the events written about with previous events. In addition, news reports generally have the purpose of connecting the text with the reader's communal environment. This script generally adopts the 5W+1H pattern, although this pattern is not always found in every published story, but the presence of these elements can be a significant indicator of framing. Journalists also have strategies for creating articles that interest readers. This way of telling stories can be an indicator of the framing to be conveyed (Eriyanto, 2011). �


Researchers analyzed elements of the 5W+1H script in news related to the Teddy Minahasa drug case. Here are the results of the analysis:

1). What Element�����

This element is very clear in the news, namely the news about the Teddy Minahasa drug case, contained in the headline and news lead, namely: Syndicate.Drugs.General.Star.Two. : Inspector.General.Teddy.Minahasa.set. as.suspect. case.circulation.drug. Network.syndicate.drugs.this.stretched out.of.Bukittinggi.until.Jakarta.

2). Where�����

In this element because it is a criminal case, the locus is also clearly at the crime scene (the beginning of the case) in the disclosure, contained in the news paragraph, namely: Last Monday, the Central Jakarta Metro Police arrested two meth users named Hendra and MS, Hendra's girlfriend. From the hands of the two, police seized 44 grams of methamphetamine.

3). When�����

This element is very clear in the news, namely on October 14, 2022, the beginning of Teddy Minahasa's arrest contained in the news paragraph, namely:� "National Police Chief General Listyo Sigjt Prabowo said he canceled Teddy's appointment to be East Java Police Chief after being declared involved in a drug case. 1,Today, I issued a telegram of cancellation and replaced a new official," Listyo said during a press conference at the National Police Headquarters on Friday. October 14, 2022

4). Who����

�This element is very clear in the news, namely the news about the Teddy Minahasa drug case, contained in the headline and news lead, namely: Syndicate.Drugs.General.Star.Two. : Inspector.General.Teddy.Minahasa.set. as.suspect. case.circulation.drug. Network.syndicate.drugs.this.stretched out.of.Bukittinggi.until.Jakarta.

5). Why����

In this element, in reporting the drug case, researchers analyzed that the news writer had done a big framing on this why element, a lot of information that should be important for example related to Teddy Minahasa's motivation to do this, how Teddy's chronological version and many other interesting facts were deliberately omitted because Teddy had been detained so that he could not be asked for a statement. The omission of important information is certainly very detrimental to Tedy Minahasa himself or the POLRI institution in general. Because if the elements of the news are not balanced, again the reader is not given the option to examine the news for the process of making his personal opinion but the reader is invited to follow the opinion given by the media, namely the emphasis that the case hurts the POLRI and certainly has an impact on the image of the POLRI.

6). How�

In this element, in reporting the drug case, the researcher analyzed that this element was too exaggerated, the researcher's analysis of this how element could even be up to half of the news itself, the news writer wanted to bring readers to follow the chronology of events and the origin of the drug case could ensnare Teddy Minahasa. In addition, in this how element, researchers analyzed news writers deliberately multiplying to minimize the why element so that readers do not focus on the why element.

c. Thematic Structure (propositions, sentences, relationships between sentences)., thematically in reporting the drug case, researchers analyzed that this element has 3 major themes that support the main theme. The big themes include: 1. A Two-Star General Dragged into a Drug Case 2. Chronology of occurrence of the case 3. Suppression of the negative image of the Indonesian police.

Then for the element of the relationship between sentences, in making news according to researchers is rather boring because most news only focuses on chronological. What should be appreciated is the selection of sources as news closing, according to researchers, news writers choose these sources to emphasize that the condition of the National Police organization has been very bad in the news as a whip for the National Police institution to improve its organization.

The last thing that was also criticized by the researcher was that the function of the media as a good educator was not given by, from the beginning of the news according to the researcher, the author did not mention the moral force in framing the problem of the drug case. For example, touching the reader's instinct by using statements of fact or opinion by choosing sources who can provide statements about morality related to what Teddy Minahasa did is not worthy and not to be used as a role model so that fellow members of the National Police who read can be given valuable lessons through the news.

It can be concluded that in this thematic element, news writers or reporters want to make hypotheses. From the events described, the sources that followed, and various actual statements, aimed to strengthen the ideology of the media and the hypothesis of journalists. The news reflects the suitability of thematic elements with those explained by (Eriyanto, 2011), that these thematic elements are closely related to the way journalists organize news by using sentences, placing sources, and writing in texts in detail and consistently.

d. Rhetorical Structure (Word, indiom, image/photograph, graphic)����

According to (Eriyanto, 2011), journalists in compiling news discourse have a rhetorical structure that plays an important role in choosing the style or word to be used to highlight the meaning to be conveyed. In doing this, journalists use rhetorical devices in order to create the desired image, highlight certain elements, and enhance the expected picture of a story. The rhetorical structure in news discourse shows a tendency to convey the truth. Some of the rhetorical elements used by journalists are lexicon, selection, and the use of words and images.

Rhetorically, in reporting the tragedy of drug cases, researchers analyze that in this element there is very much rhetoric given by news writers to be included in the news. Researchers analyze in terms of images or graphics first. Starting from the cover with an image like the following:



By looking at the newspaper cover photo above, the researchers' analysis saw that seemed to want to highlight the figure of the police (with the silhouette of Teddy Minahasa) with his syndicate (two people behind) being caught in a drug case (the presence of meth wrapper clips). What is interesting is that the choice of dark colors and elements of the image of Teddy Minahasa and the 2 people behind him were made unclear. Researchers interpret the use of black as a negative color, can be interpreted as mourning, obscurity, chaos and something dark. Analysis of researchers, the author wants to emphasize that currently the state of the police is in turmoil, gloomy and grieving because of many cases that befall the police.

While the elements of the image of Teddy Minahasa and the 2 people behind him were made unclear, according to the researcher's analysis, the news writer wanted to emphasize that the drug syndicate is still unclear who was involved. But it is likely that this case will develop more with the syndicate that participated earlier will become more and more clear in the disclosure of the case. Another rhetoric used is the use of graphic images to support the news with the following graphic images:



In this case, researchers have an intriguing question, why most of the graphics of a person, both officials / police officers, when involved in criminal cases, must be the graphics that exist are about wealth juxtaposed with the profile and achievements concerned. By looking at the graphic design of the tempo newspaper above, the researcher's analysis saw that seemed to want to highlight that he wanted to invite the audience to think that Teddy Minahasa's wealth came from his crime money and of course some rhetorical elements that certainly have an impact on public opinion which will indirectly have a negative impact on the image of the police.

The next analysis is an analysis of media ideology which certainly affects the news construction process. Researchers analyzed and concluded that tempo tempo online newspapers according to their media ideology construct reality through a framing process. In this context, tempo does not emphasize the business aspect, but rather focuses on idealism in forming a unique perspective compared to other media.

Tempo aims to be a reference in efforts to increase public freedom in thought and opinion, as well as to build a civilization that values intelligence and difference. Therefore, Tempo is committed to producing multimedia products that are independent and free from all forms of pressure, and provide a fair space for different voices. It is clear that the news about the Tedy Minahasa case has planted its ideology according to the vision and mission of the company. The indicator is that while other media are still busy looking for agenda setting and framing related to the Tedy Minahasa case, the online tempo newspaper H + 1 has dared to publish this case into the main rubric with a critical cover and provocative news direction and even tends to corner the image of the Police.

This is in accordance with the findings expressed by (Masrun, et al., 2022; Scheufele, 1997) which state that media ideology is an ideology that emerges from the structure of the media, so that media ideology can be identified through the vision and mission of the media. To describe or produce the ideology displayed by the media, is done through the method of framing analysis. According to the typology framing theory proposed by (Scheufele, 1997), media framing is a variable that depends on other contexts. In this context, media framing is formed based on the perspectives shared by media organizations and their teams of journalists.

In addition, the researcher's analysis that Tempo planted ideology in the process of reporting the Tedy Minahasa case turned out to be in line with the thoughts of (Fadilah, et al., 2022) that Tempo media gained the need to use this perspective to develop news narratives that could provide organizational identity to the public. Basically, the ideology held by Media Tempo has a significant influence on the type of news they present.

Tempo's vision is to build an archipelago that values intelligence and differences, and makes the organization a reference in increasing people's freedom of opinion. Tempo uses its media ideology effectively to process facts and diverse news topics in the field (Fadilah, et al., 2022).

In addition, Tempo is known as a media that always reports negative and critical things related to the Police. In this context, print media often portray the police negatively, especially through the spotlight on the shortcomings of the police structure, based on the findings of research conducted by (Tayipnapis, 2019) in Police News in Tempo Magazine. Meanwhile, according to (Kartika (2014), the image of the police is still not fully viewed positively by the public because there are more satirical photos that damage the reputation of the police than photos that show the humanity of the police.

Finally, is an analysis related to Tedy Minahasa's reporting whether it affects the representation of the image of the POLRI. According to the researcher's analysis of the results of the framing analysis that has been carried out, all elements of framing (script, syntactic, thematic and rhetorical) in the direction of news tend to corner the police and even look negative and of course indirectly it will represent a negative image of the police element. However, a news related to something in an organization, will have an impact on the image of the organization, either making a better image or vice versa, a worse image.

The researcher's analysis is in accordance with (Miharja & Mauliashari's, 2022) thinking that currently, the image of the police in the community is less positive because there are many negative prejudices that tend to doubt, fear, and doubt their authority. This is exacerbated by the presence of individuals in the police who abuse their authority for personal gain which is then revealed by the media. However, these various news will greatly affect the image of the National Police.

Researchers' analysis related to mass media reporting will have an impact on the image of the organization is also corroborated by research from (Corley, et al., 2001) which states that this perceived image can be the result of a citizen's personal understanding or the effect of the way the police organization falsifies and projects its own image.� Another possible explanation for the perception of the image formed by citizens is the effect of other police stakeholders, such as the mass media and news about police work. The news from the mass media will greatly affect the image of the police themselves.




From the results of the analysis of Pan and Kosicki's framing model study conducted on the coverage of the Teddy Minahasa drug case in the October 15, 2022 edition of, conclusions can be drawn based on the following chart. The main focus of the news framing is on a two-star general's involvement in a drug case, which is both controversial and detrimental to the reputation of the Indonesian National Police institution. News writers employ specific strategies, including reinforcing framing by utilizing unbalanced source quotations, leading to non-neutral reporting. Furthermore, the news script is strengthened and enriched by emphasizing "How" elements to downplay the "Why" aspects, with the intent of providing information and education to the public.

Three major themes are identified: firstly, the revelation of the two-star general's entanglement in the drug case; secondly, the chronological unfolding of the case; and thirdly, efforts to counter the negative image of the Indonesian National Police. Rhetorical elements like newspaper covers and graphics are employed to underscore hyperbolic and provocative news elements. Additionally, it can be inferred that online Tempo newspaper's coverage of drug cases is influenced by Tempo media's own ideology. This underscores the presence of a construction process within a report through framing techniques.

Observing media governance as a whole, the spread of social media construction adheres to a one-way communication model, wherein media acts as an information provider consumed by audiences without alternative choices. This study emphasizes that news related to drug cases holds significant sway over online Tempo newspaper's content, revealing news as a social construct. Moreover, the distinct perspective of contributes to a negative image of the Police through framing. It is worth noting that framing is pervasive in all report elements, demonstrating media's role in constructing reality.

In conclusion, this research highlights media's ideological influence, shaped by content determinants and the media's political economy, affecting news structure and messaging. It underscores the intricate interplay of media, framing, and the construction of reality within the context of the Teddy Minahasa drug case.News in the issue of drug cases certainly has a major influence on news in the media they provide different perspectives on reality that have been constructed in such a way as to be given to audiences and readers. If we look carefully, news is a social construction. Newsmaking is the act of constructing reality itself. Though people often do not realize that the media as a messenger has a significant influence on their lives, although audiences tend to focus more on the content of the message conveyed.

The construction of reality presented provides a different perspective and perspective from other online media. In addition, also formed a negative image representation of the Police through framing with the selection of the last source whose statement was used in the closing of the news and in all framing elements (script, syntactic, thematic and rhetorical) had a direction of news that tended to corner the police and even seemed to show a negative impression.

Each media constructs with framing (frame) in every report. This influence makes evidence that the media constructs reality in a report, of course, the ideological factor of the media is very deeply rooted here, in addition to the determinants of media content and the political economy of the media affect the content of the content and also the message that will be included in the news structure.

The researcher expressed his gratitude to the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, especially BPP SDM Kominfo who has provided financial support in this research so that it can be successfully completed.



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