The Effect of Parental Support on the Learning Motivation of Grade IV Elementary School Cluster 3 Students of Kempo District for the 2022/2023 Academic Year
Ardiansyah, Hari Witono, Abdul Kadir Jaelani
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram
Email: [email protected], [email protected],
Keywords |
Parent Support, Learning Motivation, Learning |
Based on the results of initial observations made in grade IV of SDN Cluster 3 Kempo District on March 3, 2020, that work and high economic demands in this modern era make parents work hard to meet their daily family needs, so that the time spent on children is very limited to pay attention and monitor children's learning activities, So that children learn at will and in their daily lives are used to play PlayStation, games commuted on computers and the internet. Parental support given to children is still not optimal. Parental support is very important because it can motivate them to achieve achievements and can build self-confidence and foster enthusiasm when children face problems. |
Learning is an activity that is familiar to humans, because learning is an activity that is always carried out by humans since humans are in the womb, cradle, grow and develop from children, adolescents, to adults to the grave, in accordance with the principles of lifelong learning.
The learning motivation of students is one of the things that greatly determines the success of the learning process (Hamalik, 2010: 157). If students have high learning motivation, the learning process will be carried out with enthusiasm and earnest. Conversely, if student learning motivation is low, the learning process becomes less than optimal. According to Uno (2009: 23) learning motivation is a drive that causes someone to do learning activities. While Thursan (2000: 27) views motivation as a driver who wants to give a certain goal. Learning motivation helps encourage students to find good and helpful learning methods, so that in the learning process students do not lose their way because students know the purpose of learning by holding on to the motivation that drives them to learn.
In the learning process, the level of perseverance of students is largely determined by motives and strong weak learning motivation. This means that motivation plays an important role to help generate perseverance in learning which further has an impact on the success of the learning process. Fakhri (2019: 10) states that learning motivation is important because motivation is a driver for learning. With motivation, students are given instructions about everything that will be obtained and a shadow of the future that will be obtained from learning. The role of motivation is important for students because motivation is an encouragement when the learning process takes place. Things that affect someone when learning such as lazy, bored quickly, can be overcome well with the motivation to learn. Because psychologically, everything involves behavior that needs to be seen to be corrected.
According to Keller (2004) students who have high learning motivation are characterized by things such as attention to lessons, curiosity, not easily bored, have clear learning goals and goals, realize the relationship of the learning process with their needs, believe that achievement can be achieved only through the process of learning outcomes. Students who have high learning motivation must have high learning goals so that students will choose activities that can deliver them to these goals. Thus, learning motivation can lead students to achieve achievements. Without learning motivation, it is difficult to achieve high learning achievement. Therefore, the learning motivation that exists in students is influenced by many factors, both internal and external factors.
One external factor that is closely related to learning motivation is parental support. According to Shah (2008: 46) parental support is one of the important external factors that affect student learning motivation. Parents can motivate children by appreciating children's achievements, providing adequate learning facilities and involving themselves in children's learning. Parental support is the most important support system for children. Parental support is closely related to a child's success, self-concept, self-esteem, self-confidence, and motivation (Sinaga, 2018: 47).
Parental support is the provision of comfort, attention, appreciation, the provision of both material and non-material assistance from parents to children related to the learning process. If students get support from their parents, be it emotional support such as empathy, comfort, affection and attention as well as self-esteem support / appreciation such as approval of ideas, recognition of every effort and praise or reward, students will be encouraged or motivated to show independence in learning, have the courage to train themselves to take initiative, responsibility and be able to solve their own problems, both in academic and non-academic fields (Sinaga, 2008: 52).
In addition to external factors, learning motivation is also influenced by internal factors. One internal factor that is closely related to learning motivation is a person's assessment of his own abilities or having high self-confidence to carry out certain behaviors or goals. If a child has high self-confidence in his abilities, he will be more motivated to learn and achieve achievements. Conversely, children who have low self-confidence in their abilities will feel that learning and achieving achievements is a difficult thing to achieve so that they will be lazy and not motivated to learn and achieve achievements.
The results of Nur Aeni and Supraptiningsih's (2012: 83) research entitled The Relationship Between People's Support and Learning Motivation in Class VIII Akhwat Students at MTs Misbahunnur Cimahi City show that there is a relationship between parental support and student learning motivation. The greater the support provided by parents, both emotional support, appreciation support, instrumental support and information support, the higher the student's learning motivation.
Based on the results of initial observations made in grade IV of SDN Cluster 3 Kempo District on March 3, 2020, that work and high economic demands in this modern era make parents work hard to meet their daily family needs, so that the time spent on children is very limited to pay attention and monitor children's learning activities, So that children learn at will and in their daily lives are used to play PlayStation, games commuted on computers and the internet. Parental support given to children is still not optimal. Parental support is very important because it can motivate them to achieve achievements and can build self-confidence and foster enthusiasm when children face problems.
Therefore, considering the importance of parental support for student learning motivation, the author is interested in adding the title of the study "The Effect of Parental Support on the Learning Motivation of Grade IV Students of SD Cluster 3 Kempo District for the 2020/2021 Academic Year.
This study used survey research methods. Survey research, is research conducted by large and small populations, but the data studied is data from samples taken from those populations. This type of research is contained in causal correlative research (causal relationships). Causal correlative research (causal relationship), is a causal relationship. So in this study there are independent (influencing variables) and dependent (influenced) variables (Sugiyono, 2013: 59)
The type in research is ordinal data, so the type of statistics used, is non-parametric statistics. Non-parametric statistics is one type of statistics that does not require many assumptions to be fulfilled, for example, data does not have to be normally distributed (Sugiyono, 2012: 150).
This study aims to provide an overview of the effect of parental support on the learning motivation of grade IV students of SD Cluster 3 Kempo District.
Research Results
After the data is collected, researchers then conduct prerequisite tests before analyzing the data further. The submission of analysis requirements is a normality test and a linearity test. Prerequisite tests are used as conditions for hypothesis testing using simple linear regression analysis. The data tested in this study were the value of parent assistance questionnaires and learning motivation with respondents as many as 50 students.
1. Normality Test
The normality test aims to determine whether the residual value is normally distributed or not. To determine whether the data is normal or not, it is done by looking at the significance value of the Smirnov kolmogrof test with a significance standard of 0.05, if the significance value is 0.05 then the data is normally distributed, on the contrary, if the significance value is 0.05, the data is not normally distributed (Syofian Siregar, 2018: 256). The normality test in this study was carried out with the help of SPSS 26 with the following results:
Table 1
Normality Test Results
Variable |
Significance Standards |
Calculated Significance Value |
Information |
Parent Support and Learning Motivation |
0,05 |
0,20 |
Usual |
Based on table 4.8 of the normality test results, a significance value of 0.20 can be said to be a significance value of 0.20 0.05, it can be concluded that the residual value is normally distributed and regression analysis can be performed. The results of the normality test can be seen in appendix 09 of the 2nd part of the research data analysis on the prerequisite test.
2. Linearity Test
The linearity test serves to determine the form of the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The Linearity Test in this study was carried out with the help of SPSS 26 with the provision that if the significance value of deviation from linearity is 0.05 then it is said that the variable has a linear relationship and vice versa if the deviation from linearity is 0.05 then it is said that the variable does not have a linear relationship (Rochmat Aldy Purnomo, 2016: 100). The results of the linearity test can be seen in the following table:
Table 2
Linearity Test Results
Variable |
Sig |
Sig. Deviation from linearity |
Information |
Parent Support with Learning Motivation |
0,05 |
0,77 |
Linear |
Based on table 4.9 of the results of the linearity test, a significance value of 0.77 is known which can be said to be 0.77 0.05, it can be concluded that there is a linear relationship between the variables of parental assistance with learning motivation and regression analysis can be done. The results of the linearity test can be seen in appendix 09 of the 2nd part of the research data analysis on the prerequisite test.
3. Test the hypothesis
After conducting the prerequisite test, hypothesis testing is then carried out. A hypothesis is a provisional answer to the formulation of a research problem. Furthermore, the hypothesis is tested for correctness, whether the hypothesis can be accepted or rejected. The hypothesis test was used to test the effect of parental assistance on the learning motivation of grade IV students of SDN 1 Sukamulia during the COVID-19 pandemic for the 2020/2021 school year with 50 respondents. Test the hypothesis in this study using simple linear regression analysis with the T test. The basis for decision making in a simple linear regression test is if the significance value is 0.05 meaning that variable X has an effect on variable Y and vice versa if the significance value means that variable X has no effect on variable Y (Suyono, 2015: 73).
Based on the calculation results with the help of SPSS 26, a value = 13.71 and a significance value of 0.00 were obtained which can be seen in appendix 09 of the 3rd part of the coefficients table. With a significance level of 0.00 to 0.05, the decision is that the research hypothesis is accepted. In the summary model table of the linear regression test, the magnitude of the correlation or relationship value (R) is 0.89. From this output, a coefficient of determination (R Square) of 0.797 was obtained which contains the understanding that the influence of parental assistance on learning motivation is 79.7% which can be seen in appendix 09 of the 3rd part of the research data analysis in the model summary table. The results of a simple linear regression test can be seen in the following table:
Table 3
T Test Results
Variable |
Level of Significance |
Significance Value |
Constant |
Regression Value |
Parental support for learning motivation |
0,05 |
0,00 |
12,33 |
0,94 |
13,71 |
Table 4
Model Summary
Variable |
R |
R Square |
Percentage |
Parental assistance to learning motivation |
0,89 |
0,797 |
79,7% |
The regression equation is as follows:
Y' = a bX
Y' = 12.334 + 0.946X
The meaning of the equation is that the constant value is 12.334, so if the value of parental assistance is 0 then the value of student learning motivation is 12.334. The regression value of parental assistance is 0.946, which means that for every 1% increase in parental assistance, student learning motivation will increase by 0.946%.
Based on the results of research analysis conducted at SD Cluster 3 Kempo District, it is known that there is a significant influence between parental assistance on learning motivation.
The form of parental support can be done by helping children in the learning process, because this is an aspect of this study that has indicators, namely asking and helping difficulties in learning which has the highest contribution of 20.78% to learning motivation. With help from parents, students are more enthusiastic in the learning process. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, parental support plays an important role in the learning process carried out at home. This is in accordance with according to Bakhtiyar (2018: 41) children's support in learning is to provide guidance and support to children to always learn and return and build passion for learning. In learning, parents play an important role in accompanying children, so that children have confidence in doing school assignments. Good support is to accompany children directly to know the difficulties experienced by children in learning activities, as can be seen in Appendix 11 Figure 1.2 about Parent Support of Students in the Learning Process.
The indicator of parental support that has the second largest contribution is providing motivation in learning by 16.11%, because from this motivation students will be excited in learning activities. Basically, children have the motivation to do something, if they get a push from the closest people such as parents. Because of the size of the award given is very influential on children.
Another aspect can be in the form of providing learning facilities in the form of meeting children's needs in learning which is an indicator in this study which has the third largest contribution of 14.67% to learning motivation. With the existence of fulfilled learning facilities, children think that they are more cared for by their parents and children are more motivated in learning. The facilities in question are providing learning tools and materials such as study tables, stationery, textbooks, and others that facilitate children in the learning process and can be seen in appendix 11 figure 1.3 about student learning facilities.
The existence of a conducive learning environment can trigger student learning motivation, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The learning environment is a condition or circumstance that affects during the learning process. A comfortable learning environment filled with textbooks and pictures containing science can attract students' attention to learn and can be used for teachers as a learning resource that attracts student learning motivation as can be seen in Appendix 11 figure 1.1 about the learning environment.
Motivation is a change in energy in a person characterized by affective (feelings) and reactions to achieve goals. Someone has a certain goal from his activity, then someone has a strong motivation to achieve it with all the efforts he can make to achieve it (Djamarah, 2011: 148). A person who has motivation in him always wants to move forward in learning. The desire is motivated by positive thinking, that something learned now will be needed and very useful in the future.
Student learning motivation is in the very high category in the aspect of intrinsic motivation with indicators that are happy to find and solve problems during the COVID-19 pandemic which has a contribution of 32.18%. By giving assignments or homework to students, they try harder to complete it at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. The indicator of learning motivation that has the second largest contribution of 31.12% is the drive and desire in individuals to learn during the COVID-19 pandemic. With encouragement from within students, without any encouragement from outside students such as waiting for orders from parents or waiting to get rewards, students naturally remain enthusiastic in the learning process. Furthermore, the indicator that has the third largest contribution of 19.92% is the need and aspiration for the future. It is the view of students that what they learn now is very useful in the future.
The results also showed that parental support was included in the very good category with the number of respondents as many as 15 (30%), while the good category with the number of respondents as many as 16 (32%), the sufficient category with the number of respondents as many as 11 (22%), the less category with the number of respondents as many as 4 (8%), and the very less category with the number of respondents as many as 4 (8%). So it can be seen that parental assistance provided to grade IV students of SD Cluster 3 Kempo District at the category level is good with the most frequency.
Student learning motivation is included in the very high category with the number of respondents as many as 18 (36%), while the high category with the number of respondents as many as 14 (28%), the sufficient category with the number of respondents as many as 11 (22%), the low category with the number of respondents as many as 3 (6%), and the very low category with the number of respondents as many as 4 (8%). So it can be seen that the learning motivation of grade IV students of SD Cluster 3 Kempo District at the category level is very high with the most frequency.
The effect of parental support on student learning motivation can be known by simple linear regression analysis. Regression results regarding the effect of parental support on student learning motivation using SPSS 26 assistance obtained 13,717 and a significance value of 0,000 with an R square contribution/donation of 0.797 or 79.7%, which means that parental support has an influence of 79.7% on student learning motivation. Another 20.3% contribution was influenced by other variables that were not studied by researchers.
Parents are the first and foremost education for their children. From parents the child first receives education. The first form of education is found in the family environment. Thus parents not only provide food, water and clothing to their children, but must try to educate so that children become good, intelligent and useful to society. Parents must be able to nurture, educate, accompany and provide motivation so that children can develop all their potential optimally.
Based on the results of the research and discussion above, each parent supports children in learning activities in different ways. It is greatly influenced by the parents' varied educational backgrounds and parents' occupations and so on. There are some students supported directly by their parents and some others are only given learning facilities without any assistance at all such as meeting students' learning needs and comfortable learning spaces because parents are busy working to fulfill daily life. Therefore, it is expected that parents better understand the importance of mentoring, guidance and direction to children during the COVID-19 pandemic, because during this pandemic at the age of elementary school children need more parental attention and guidance so as to make the child get proper love and affect his education at school. In addition, children's learning motivation both at school and at home can increase with the encouragement that arises from parents.
Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between parental assistance on the learning motivation of grade IV students of SD Cluster 3 Kempo District. This is evidenced by the influence of parental assistance on learning motivation to contribute 79.7% with t_hitung= 13.71 and a significance value of 0.00. The form of parental assistance can be in the form of providing assistance in the learning process, providing motivation in learning and providing facilities in learning. The higher the parental assistance, the higher the student's learning motivation.
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