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Vol. 03, No. 05, May 2023
e-ISSN: 2807-8691 | p-ISSN: 2807-839X
IJSSR Page 1319
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Peace Sociodrama: A Strategy to Reduce Junior High School
Salsabila Zihan Nurisma
, Budi Astuti
Bimbingan dan Konseling, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Email: salsabilazih[email protected]
sociodrama, peace, aggression
Aggression behavior is one of the negative behaviors caused by the
absence of self-control and emotional control. Another cause of
aggression is the existence of conflicts both between individuals and
between groups. Conflict occurs because of a sense of unrest in
individuals. Hence, this study aims to cultivate a sense of peace
through sociodrama combined with the component of peace which
is referred as “peace sociodrama”. The development of peace
sociodrama is developed through research and development
methods by Borg and Gall development procedure. Before
developing the product, researchers assessed the level of aggression.
The results of these assessments showed a variety of aggression level
among students; 30.9% displayed low aggression, 29.1% had
aggression levels below average, 43.6% exhibited moderate
aggression, and 5.5% showed high levels of aggression. Despite the
relatively low percentages, the existence of aggression still exists
among students in Yogyakarta. Researchers believe that aggression
behaviour must be reduced. Therefore, peace sociodrama is
developed as a strategy intervention to reduce aggression. The
manual and implementation procedures for peace sociodrama have
been created. Following validation by experts in relevant fields,
including material experts, media experts and peace sociodrama
service experts, the results indicate that it is a valuable strategy for
counsellor in reducing student aggressiveness.
Junior high school students are individuals who enter adolescence, a phase in which individuals are
looking for identity which causes teenagers to explore many things that interest them. In this exploratory
process, it is not uncommon for these individuals to make mistakes and engage in behaviors that deviate
from social norms, sometimes resulting in negative consequences. One of such behavior is aggression,
which intentionally intends to physically and verbally hurt and destroy the property of others. For instance,
physical aggression may involve actions like hitting, kicking, or physical injuries, while verbal aggression
may manifest as swearing, ridiculing, and belittling (Saputra, Hanifah, Widagdo, 2017).
Aggression can manifest as violent behavior committed by one individual to another. Violence can
take the form of persecution or bullying. For example, in the DIY area, there has been a troubling pattern of
such behavior where the perpetrators are students. The Klitih action occurred again in Yogyakarta, Sunday,
April 3, 2022, during the early morning hours when a high school teenager lost their life due to an act of
violence. The perpetrator slashed the gear which resulted in severe injuries to the victim's head. (Cyber
Compass Media, 2022). It is concerning to note that the majority of street violence incidents involve
students and university students. A total of 40 students were arrested in connection with these incidents,
including 20 students and 23 unemployed. (UGM Webinar: These Are the Factors Causing Klitih in Jogja
Page All - Kompas.Com, n.d.) From this news, it becomes evident that aggression occurs in extreme ways
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among teenagers, especially Yogyakarta teenagers.
In addition to physical aggression, verbal aggression is also a significant concern. In this digital era,
verbal aggression is increasingly prevalent through social media. This rise in online verbal aggression can
be attributed to the fact that interactions in social media are relatively occur more frequently compared to
direct interactions. As a result, users of social media are more prone to engage in verbal aggression. This is
confirmed by the results of previous studies which state that the use of social media affects the level of
aggression in adolescents. It is proven that the higher the level of social media use, the higher the level of
adolescent aggression. Teenagers will bully their friends through social media, using offensive language
and even engaging in character assassination against their rivals.
The more extreme behavior of teenagers is the frequent uploading of sadistic photos which makes
them aggressive, have no conscience (Istiqomah, 2017).
Factors that cause aggression behavior are divided into several causes, including social factors,
psychological factors, physical environmental factors, and other factors (Fitrianisa, 2018). These four
categories are general factors and behavior that encompass a range of influences that can contribute to
behaviors resembling aggression, such as conflict with teachers, susceptibility to peer influence, and the
selection of specific groups as friends. In psychological factors, the behavior that arises is instinctive
behavior from within because of the inability of individuals to control emotions. Physical environmental
factors can also play significant role in fostering aggressive attitudes when individuals are in a crowded
conditions, excessive noise, and high temperatures. These are the environmental conditions that can
greatly affect aggression. Lastly, other factors such as cognitive factor, for instance, may lead to aggression
in individuals with limited cognitive abilities who struggle to understand social cues and lacks problem-
solving skills. Other factors such as families who like to commit violence or show violence in front of
children, peers both at school and outside school who like to show aggressive behavior, media that often
show violent scenes, and feelings of frustration and feelings of anger from within (Husen &; Bakar, 2019).
A school environment in which there is conflict and aggressive behavior will cause a lack of
harmony and energy in students and of course will have a negative impact on each individual. The presence
of bullying and minor aggressive behavior (i.e. teasing, ridiculing, harassing) can disrupt students’ learning
concentration at school and interfere with learning activities. The qualities of tolerance, trust, empathy, and
solidarity are found to be lacking among children today (Eliasa et al., 2019). Consequently, this will further
make the level of aggression increase.
The concept of peace that will be used in this research is the concept of peace initiated by Johan
Galtung, a Norwegian scholar renowned for his contributions to the field of peace studies. According to
Galtung (1969), peace is the absence/ reduction of all forms of violence. It represents the nonviolent and
creative resolution of conflict. . Galtung further distinguishes between two aspects of peace, positive and
negative peace (Galtung, 1967). Negative peace and positive peace have been discussed in a study, revealing
that positive peace has a correlation with peace of mind, happiness, and love. Negative peace refers to no
violence, no problems, and no learning obstacles. Students' perception of peace has a negative peaceful
meaning of no violence, no learning tasks, and no problems, while a positive perception of peace refers to
peace of mind. In practice, students feel at peace in school when the atmosphere in school is safe and
comfortable (Eliasa &; Kartadinata, 2019).
There are seven components of peace in peace guidance and counseling derived from research on
the study of peacefulness based on the figure of Markesot. Markesot himself is the personification of
Indonesian cultural figures, namely Emha Ainun Najib and his associates. The seven components of
spiritual guidance are (1) humility to idealism; (2) self-control over equality; (3) tolerance of differences;
(4) forgive the mistakes of others; (5) choose strengths over weaknesses; (6) regulate my emotions; and
(7) regulate my behavior (Saputra, 2019). Of the seven components of peace, a foundation for the
sociodrama development with a peace-oriented aspect will be established. Sociodrama with a peace
component will be developed by creating a guidebook containing scenarios with themes taken from the
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peace component contained in peace guidance and counseling.
Sociodrama is a method of teaching by involving students in various roles in the form of behavior
in social relations. Sociodrama is a learning model that involves more than one student to play the role of a
scenario, while students who are not involved in the drama act as active spectators following the course of
sociodrama (Pakaya et al., 2020). The sociodrama that will be developed in this study is peace sociodrama
which incorporates peace components. It can be understood as a group counseling service model where
counsellors, with a high level of aggression, will play a role by following scenarios that contain social issues
with story themes taken from the peace component.
Sociodrama with a peace component was chosen as a complement to existing techniques and
approaches. The sociodrama model to be developed is designed and created specifically to deal with the
problem of aggression in students. This customization aims to increase the effectiveness in reducing
student aggression. Increasing the quality of this service will have a lot of impact on the success rate of
interventions and solving student problems. In addition, by incorporating sociodrama with a peace
component, guidance and counseling (BK) teachers can also provide more varied and encouraging services
to prevents students from feeling bored during sessions and creates a positive impression that BK services
is a pleasant thing.
This research uses the R&D (research and development) method or also called research and
development. This research was conducted to develop peace sociodrama as a counseling strategy in
guidance and counseling services to reduce aggression. Briefly, "Research and Development" is defined as
a research method that aims to find, produce, test, improve, and develop product until a standardized
product is achieved in accordance with established indicators (Yuberti, 2014). This research and
development focus on creating a product that is developed and maximized its effectiveness from previous
products. In this study, the Borg and Gall development model was used which consisted of ten stages of
development including (1) potential problems, (2) data collection, (3) product design, (4) design validation,
(5) design revision, (6) product trials, (7) product revisions, (8) usage trials, (9) product revisions, (10)
mass production (Mulyatiningsih, 2011). However, in this study, researchers limited the research to the
fourth stage, namely product validation using feasibility tests by experts. This was done because of
limitations in the study.
A. Potential problems
Potential problems are carried out through preliminary studies conducted in a junior high school.
This preliminary study contains interviews conducted with 4 guidance and counseling teachers working at
the school. The results of interview with guidance and counseling BK teacher found that aggression
behavior in the school tended to be high. Aggression that occurs includes physical aggression in the form
of beatings, crooking, brawls, and some are even involved in “Klitih”. Verbal aggression in the form of
mutual insults, rude words, mutual ridicule, and others besides that there is also bullying and hostility
between groups.
To overcome the problem, BK teachers have not found an effective strategy. So far, all BK teachers
have done is provide classical guidance, group guidance, and individual counseling. Therefore, there is a
potential that BK teachers need special strategies in reducing aggressiveness, therefore peace sociodrama
is ideal to be developed because peace sociodrama is a strategy in reducing aggression.
B. Data Collection
After that, the preliminary study continued by measuring the level of aggression using aggression
instruments. In the period there were 32 statements and the number of students who filled in as many as
60 people. The analysis was carried out descriptively resulting in the following data:
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a. Top Rated : 32 x 4 = 128
b. Lowest Value : 32 x 1 = 32
Mean Ideal
(Mi) : == 80
𝑁i𝑙𝑎i 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑡i𝑛**i+𝑛i𝑙𝑎i 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑎- /20+12
2 2
d. Ideal Elementary School (SDi) :
𝑁i𝑙𝑎i 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑡i𝑛**i 𝑛i𝑙𝑎i 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑎-
/20 12
3 3
The following are the results of categorizing keriteria based on ideall scores including:
Through this category, researchers conducted data analysis and the results showed that as many as
3 students fell into the high aggression category, 24 students fell into the medium aggression category, 16
students entered the less category and 17 students entered the low aggression category.
Table 1.
Figure 1. Presentation of students' levels of aggressive behavior
In addition to conducting a thorough analysis, researchers also analyze data on every aspect inside
the aggression variable. Such aspects are physical aggression, verbal aggression, angry aggression and
aversive aggression. The analysis table is as follows:
Table 2. Categorization of the level of aggressiveness of each aspect
Categorization of the level of aggressiveness of
each aspect
The percentage results of each aspect are described as follows:
a. First is the aspect of physical aggressiveness, the highest score was 3 people with a percentage of
5.45%. The medium score was 15 students with 27.27%. There was less category score with 21
students or a percentage of 38.18% and a low score of 21 students or 38.18%.
b. The second aspect is verbal aggressiveness, in the high category there are 3 students with a percentage
of 5.54%, the medium category there are 15 students with a percentage of 27.27%, the less category
as many as 22 students with a percentage of 40.00% and the low category as many as 18 students with
a percentage of 32.73%.
88 < X < 104
56 < X < 88
X < 56
Presentation of students' levels
of aggressive behavior
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c. The third aspect is anger. In this aspect, the high category has 2 students with a percentage of 3.64%,
the medium category has 9 students with a percentage of 16.36%, the less category has 22 people with
a percentage of 40.00% and the low category has 22 students with a percentage of 40.00%.
d. The fourth or last aspect is hostility. In this aspect, in the high category there were 12 students with a
percentage of 21.82%, the medium category of 16 students with a percentage of 29.09%, the less
category of 19 students with a percentage of 24.55% and the low category of 16.36%.
Based on the data collected, it can be concluded that there are aggression behaviors that need to be
reduced even though the number is very small. Researchers believe that this strategy can also be used for
students as a preventive measure so that high aggression behavior does not increase.
Furthermore, quantitative data was obtained from literature studies that collected various
supporting materials in making this peace sociodrama guide. Several supportive studies were also collected
to be a reference for making guidance and counseling service strategies using this peace sociodrama.
Previous research has already shown the potential for integrating guidance services and peace counseling.
Therefore, from the research data, researchers concluded that peace sociodrama can be complementary in
the implementation of peace-oriented guidance and counseling services.
C. Product Development
1. Product design planning
Product planning begins with product design, which encompasses various elements,
such as determination of media and design of guidebooks, formulation of goals, formulation of
material on peace sociodrama and group guidance, formulation of technical guidelines in the
implementation of peace sociodrama in group guidance, designing the final evaluation of the
peace sociodrama process in group guidance format, and identification of activities to test the
feasibility of peace sociodrama guidebook to reduce aggressiveness.
2. Product design development
Following the product design phase comes the product development stage. In this stage,
researchers develop and design a peace sociodrama guidebook from design to material and
evaluation. The design itself is made to be as engaging as possible, ensuring it does not leave a
sense of boredom. The material is compiled from various sources, including several books and
journals, while the procedures for implementation and the procedures themselves are originally
made by researchers.
D. Product validation
Product validation for the peace sociodrama guidebook was carried out by three experts, namely
material experts, media experts and service experts. In this validation process, feasibility tests were carried
out for both the product and the counselor's strategy using peace sociodrama. The results of the eligibility
are as follows:
The results of the material expert evaluation on the development of peace sociodrama guidebooks
to reduce students' aggressiveness behavior were calculated using the percentage calculation formula as
Final Grades = (Number of scores obtained)/68 x 100
= 59/68 x 100
= 86.77 %
The results of media expert evaluation on the development of peace sociodrama guidebooks to
reduce students' aggressiveness behavior were calculated using the percentage calculation formula as
Final Grades = (Number of scores obtained)/72 x 100
= 72/72 x 100
= 100 %
The results of service experts' tests on the development of a peace sociodrama guidebook to reduce
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aggressiveness behavior were calculated using the percentage calculation formula as follows:
Final Grades = (Number of scores obtained)/68 x 100
= 54/68 x 100
= 79.42 %
The assessment category is carried out based on four criteria based on opinions (Suharsimi, 2011)
"BS value is very good if the range is 76-100, B value = Good if the range is 51-75, C value = Sufficient if the
range is 26-50, and the value of K = Less if the range is less than 26. From this opinion, it can be concluded
that the peace sociodrama and its guidelines fall into the category of very feasible both in terms of material,
media, and services.
The research on the peace sociodrama in reducing aggression represents developmental research.
The product of the development is in the form of a guidebook for peace sociodrama, which will later become
a medium for the implementation of peace sociodrama. The guidebook covers the entire implementation
of the peace sociodrama in a group guidance setting, starting from the opening, service implementation
procedures, scenario development, evaluation, and reflection.
From the results of preliminary studies, it is proven that there is a presence of aggression among
students, even the percentage results are low. It is crucial to address and reduce these instances of
aggression, as they can serve as indicators of potential aggression in other contexts. In addition, cases of
violence including behaviors bordering on criminal acts clearly occur in students. Both the perpetrators
and victims are students.
Furthermore, the results of research and tests from media experts, materials experts, and services
experts show positive results. These findings affirm the suitability of employing peace sociodrama as a
technique to reduce aggression in students. Therefore, in future research, direct tests can be carried out to
students in the form of testing the effectiveness of peace sociodrama techniques in reducing this aggression.
This would serve as a valuable next step in evaluating the impact of this approach.
Aggression can indeed lead to unexpected and far-reaching repercussions. Along with the
development of society, teenagers are increasingly involved in a spectrum of behaviors, ranging from
violence to criminal behavior. This is based on the physical and psychological condition of both the
perpetrator and the victim of this aggression behavior. Consequently, a special strategy is essential for
dealing with this behavior, preventing their escalation, and providing proper intervention.
The results also showed that there were different levels of aggression across each aspect, meaning
that the services provided to each student must be different based on their aspects. Therefore, researchers
developed a short film media in which there are seven films with different themes adapted to the seven
components of peace to meet the needs of the media in every aspect. This peace sociodrama strategy has
been tested by experts with excellent grades, so it is declared worthy of use in reducing aggression in
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Salsabila Zihan Nurisma, Budi Astuti (2023)
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