The Effectiveness of School Program at SDN 21 Taluak, Kecamatan Banuhampu, Kabupaten Agam
Yuhelmi W1*,
Lili Hasmi2
1*,2Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera
Barat1, STKIP Yayasan Abdi Pendidikan,
Email: [email protected]
Keywords |
effectiveness, management, school |
purpose of this research is to describe the effectiveness of school
management at SDN 21 Taluak for the 2022/2023
academic year. The management of school activities is the aspects that
researched. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The School
principal, the teachers, and the committee of SDN 21 Taluak
are the subjects. Techniques of collection the data through interviews,
observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique that were used
are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Credibility
test with triangulation of sources and techniques were used to test the
validity of the data. The finding showed that: 1) The school management in
program planning has been implemented, but the involvement of the parental in
the formulation of school plans is still low; 2) The school management in
implementing the work plan has been implemented, but there are still program
implementations that are not going through the plan; 3) In the terms of
leadership the management of the school has been implemented, but the
supervision to the principal is still low; 4) The school management in
monitoring and evaluation has been carried out, but the program of
supervision is still low. |
Education is a process of humanizing
humans or elevating human degrees so that they become better. Formal education
is started from the elementary school level. Elementary schools have educator
staff (teachers) and educational staff (administrative officers and school
guards) that is led by a principal who is also as an educator. Wahjosumidjo (2011: 49) stated that the success principal
can be seen by knowing the level of concern in what is achieved by the school
organization (organizational achievement) and coaching the school organization
(organizational maintenance). Therefore the Principal has a central role in
determining policy in the school.
Based on the precious research and the
interviews with the principal, it is obtained information that in carrying out
management at SDN 21 Taluak, the planning process was
based on the vision and mission of the school. The teachers and guardians of
the students are involved by the principal in planning activities at school
which are officially included in the School Activity Plan and Budget. However,
the implementation of the management in the school has not been carried out
According to the interview with the
Principal that was conducted on August 6, 2022 at 09:30 WIB, several problems
were found at the school, namely: the awareness about the notion of free
schooling is still not good from the parents, limitation of the School
Operational Assistance funds, school facilities are still very limited,
official teachers (teachers) (ASN) from the government is still lack,
operational funds and certain services that are difficult to predict.
Based on the background of the problem
above, the researcher interested in researching how effective school management
is at SDN 21 Taluak, Kecamatan
Banuhampu, Kabupaten
Based on the problems that has been described above, this
study focused on the effectiveness of school management at SDN 21 Taluak, kecamatan
Banuhampu, Kabupaten� Agam.
Based on the formulation of the problem that have been stated
above, the main purpose of this research is to describe how effective school
management is at SDN 21 Taluak, Kecamatan Banuhampu, Kabupaten Agam.
Management of Education
According to Daryanto
& Farid (2013: 1), management is the process of
planning, organizing, directing, and controlling organizational resources to
achieve the goals effectively and efficiently. The management of education is
the art and science of managing educational resources to achieve the goals of
education effectively and efficiently (Usman, 2010: 12). In the general, the
activities that are categorized as education management are organizing the
education, namely organizing (arranging) the activities of education into unit
(units) of educational organization according to the type and level of
The Factors that Influence Management of
Usman (2010: 13) said that the factors
that influence education management in a broad sense are as follows: 1)
education managers, 2) educational organizations, 3) environment, and 4) the
national system of education. Meanwhile, in a narrow sense Tatang
(2013: 4) stated that in the management of education there is a system that
consist of several components that are interconnected and influence each
other�s. The following are the factors that influence the management of
education, namely: 1) educators, 2) students, 3) the educational materials
which is curriculum, 4) facilities and infrastructure of the education, and 5)
educational goals.
School based management
According to Raihani
(2011: 62) the characteristics of School Based Management include:
The vision and mission of the school are
formulated by the principal, teachers, representatives of students, alumni, and
other stakeholders.
There is a development plan of the school
based on the vision and mission.
The planning of the school budget, which
is aligns on the school development plan, is prepared transparently by the
principal, teachers, and school committees.
The autonomy of the School is realized,
which is indicated by the increasing ability of the schools to support itself
and focus on fulfill the local needs.
There is participatory and democratic
The school have to open to criticism,
input and suggestions from anyone who wants a development for the school.
Everyone in the school have to be in
commitment to carry out the vision and mission that was agreed.
All of the potential school stakeholders
are utilized to achieve the destination.
There is a conducive working atmosphere to
improve the performance of the school.
There is an ability to create a pride�s
sense among the staff and the local society.
There is transparency and public
accountability in implementing all of the activities in the schools.
3. The Principal
a. The Duty of the Principal
(2011: 203) said that the principal is responsible for organizing educational activities,
so that the principal has an obligation to provide guidance continually in the
sense of trying to make the management, assessment, leadership, supervision,
and development of education running well. Wahjosumidjo
(2011: 204) explained that the duties of the principal are: a) management, b)
assessment, c) leadership, d) financing, e) supervision, and f) development.
b. The characteristics of an effective
(2013: 150-151) described that the characteristics of an effective principal,
are having a strong vision of the future of the school, and encourage all of
the staffs to realize that vision; have high expectations of students
achievement and staffs performance; observing teachers in the class diligently
and providing positive and constructive feedback in order to solve the problems
and improve the learning process; encourage the use of time efficiently and
design some measures to minimize clutter; be able to utilize material and
personnel resources effectively; monitoring students achievement individually
and collectively and utilizing the information to guide constructional
A. Research�s Finding
Subject of the Research
key informant subject in this research is the principal with the initials AF
(female) and has been the principal of SDN 21 Taluak since 2016. AF has the
academic qualifications of Strata 1 of Elementary School Teacher Education and
has been attended and declared passing the Teacher Certification in Position
and has been declared as a professional teacher in the field of study
Elementary Class Teacher in 2012.
Data of the Research
Program Planning of the School
Program planning of the School is made for the
implementation of school activities can run smoothly and directed. The
indicators that contained in program planning of the School are as follows:
Create vision and mision of the school
If having a clear and good vision, the
school will carry out daily activities in a clear and directed manner. The vision
of SDN 21 Taluak is "The realization of students who are pious, excel in
achievement, skilled in work, mastered in technology, having global insight,
based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, and having noble character".
Based on the results of school�s observation, it can be seen that in the school
management the school's vision is clear. Vision and mission can be seen at the
teacher's and the principal's rooms. Based on the results of the� interview with the principal, it was
explained that the school has a vision that is shared by the school society and
was formulated together with the teacher board and school committee, as well as
society leaders. The school's vision was socialized to all members of the school
and all interested people during teacher council and school committee meeting.
Based on an interview with Mrs. YN as a grade 4�s teacher, she explained that
the vision of tihis school was formulated based on input from the council,
guardians, and the education office according to the times. Mr. TU as deputy chairman
of the school committee explained that the vision was formulated together.
Based on the results of the observation,
the school has the missions as follow:
Fostering appreciation and practice of Islamic
religious lessons in accordance with the adat basandi sara, sara basandi
Carry out the learning and leadership effectively for achieving
learning completeness.
Develop the �knowledge in the fields of science and technology,
language, sport, art culture in accordance with the talent, interest, and
potential of the students.
Fostering the nationalism�s spirit in the school society.
Empowering the potential of the school and the
Establish the harmonious cooperation between the
school society and the environment.
Create purpose of the School
Based on the results of the observation, the
school has purpose to be achieved. The school's purpose are set forth in the
school curriculum document. The Principal stated that the general purpose must
refer to the national education purpose meanwhile the specific purpose according
to the conditions of the school. The goals� formulation accommodates input from
various parties including the school committee. The school socializes thus purpose
in every time where is a student parent and committee doing meeting.
In the interview result, AD and YS
explained that the school's purpose are in accordance with vision and mission
of the school. Dissemination of school purpose through plenary, committee and student
guardian meetings, and bulletin boards.
Create work planning of the school
Based on the results of observation it can
be seen that the school has made a program plan in the form of an Activity Plan
and School Budget (RKAS). This RKAS contains the activity plans and school
budget for the academic year of 2022/2023. According to the results of the
interview with the Principal, it was explained that the school makes a
Medium-Term Work Plan (RKJM) and a School Activity and Budget Plan (RKAS). In this
case the principal said that "The school also makes the RKJM but not every
year. When I was placed here I saw that there was already a RKJM which was contained
a 4-year description of SDN 21 Taluak". The RKAS was made based on input
from various parties, both from the teacher council and the school committee.
The preparation of the RKAS is carried out once a year. RKAS is carried out
with adjustments meaning it is flexible. RKAS was socialized by means of
photocopies and distributed it at meetings with students� parents.
The Implementation of School Program
1) The Students field
Based on the result of observation, it can
be seen that the classrooms at the school are already enough to accommodate all
students properly. Through the building support services, the school is also
working on repairs. Based on observations in several classes, it can be seen
that counseling services in schools was carried out by the class teacher to
their students. Sports teacher and Mr EF also help to make the students being
discipline and they regularly remind the students about being discipline at the
school. AF also said that that The school makes some instructions for admitting
new students. The number of students are appropriate with the school capacity.
Student counseling is attached to the teacher class. According to the result of
interview with ER, it can be seen that the school conducts counseling for the students
through the class teacher each. Each class teacher provides BK books and counseling
2) Curriculum and learning activities field
Based on the result of observation on
August 9, 2022, it can be seen that the school has a document in the form of an
elementary school curriculum. The researcher also looked at the education calendar
and curriculum document in the teacher's room. The learning program occuired
quite conducive and each teacher tried to educate and teach in preparation for
using lesson plans.
According to the ER�s interview result, it
can be seen that the school compiles a syllabus based on the Indonesian applicable
curriculum. Each teacher has a �responsible
to compile each syllabus of the subjects that she/he taught. The preparation of
this syllabus is coordinated, supervised, and facilitated by the Education
Office of Kabupaten Agam. The school guarantees an increase in the learning
activities� quality. Teachers carry out their learning in the class using
lesson plans. The school also held tests, remedial, semester exams, and National
standard school final examination. Through the results of the interview with YN
explained that the school makes a syllabus. The teachers make lesson plans
through the Teacher Working Group (KKG) activities.
The field of educators and educational staff
Based on the result of observation on
August 6, 2022, it is known that the empowering educators and educational staff
program looks at the abilities and potential of educators by school principals.
The schools appointed additional teachers through the teacher job vacancies� selection.
For managing educators and educational staff the principal give motivate and show
a good role.
AF said that the school has developed a
program for empowering educators and staff education based on their needs,
quality of human resources, abilities, and suitability with the potential that
are possessed by the educator and the educational staff. In fact, the school has
been experienced a shortage of teachers, so the school ask the Education Office
to provide additional teachers. However, because this suggestion was not
fulfilled, the school adopted a policy of opening registration for honorary
teachers, so that until now there are 4 honorary teachers.
Facilities and infrastructure Field
Observation�s result showed that the guidelines
for the use of facilities and infrastructure have not been made in writing. The
school added facilities in the form of bathrooms for the students and perfected
the construction of new classrooms in this year. Based on the result of
interview with the principal, it can be known that the school established
policies regarding of facilities and infrastructure management by taking into
account several things, namely: a) preparing plans for the procurement of
facilities and infrastructure as needed, b) utilizing existing facilities and infrastructure
optimally, c) the school try adding the required facilities and infrastructure,
and d) procurement by submitting a proposal to the Education Office or other
parties. In preparing policies for managing facilities and infrastructure, the
school asking input and suggestion from educator and education staff. The
School also socialize this policies to educator and education staff and
Society participation and partnership with the school
From the results of observation, the
information was obtained that the role of the society and the school committee
looked good and active. It can be seen during the construction of the UKS room,
which was built by voluntary donations from the parents of the students. EF
stated that the school involves residents and the school's supporting society
in managing education.
This is implemented by holding a meeting
and deliberation through the student parents and school committee
administrators meeting. In cooperating with government and non-government
institutions, the school makes a written MoU. Mr BS said that to become school
committee administrators and accommodate input from residents, the school
recruited society leaders. The school cooperates with several government and
non-government agencies. AF explained that the school involves residents
through the student guardians, school boards, and school committees.
B. Discussion
1. Program Planning of the School
on the findings above, the management of school in program planning has
produced the vision, mission and purpose of the school. In formulating the
school's vision, mission and goals, they were formulated based on input from
various interested parties, including the school committee. This is in
accordance with the opinion of Tatang (2013: 152) that one of an effective
school principal�s indicator is that decisions are made in a participatory
manner. The vision of this school is "The realization of students who are
pious, excel in achievement, skilled in work, mastered in technology, have a
global outlook based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, and have noble
character". The vision of this school illustrates that SDN 21 Taluak has
clear visions and noble aspirations. This school emphasizes that good students
are the students who not only excel in the academic field but are also pious,
skilled, and have noble character. And dealing with this, Tatang (2013: 152) said
that effective school principal has a clear vision, mission and future goals.
school has general and specific purpose. The general purpose in accordance with
the national education goals. meanwhile for specific purpose from this school
it is more towards maintaining school achievement. The school targets that its
students can win various competitions in academic and non-academic fields.
Raihani (2011: 62) said that one of the characteristics of School Based
Management (SBM) is that there is participatory and democratic decision making
in the school. The RKAS contains clear provisions regarding to the student
affairs, curriculum and learning activities, as well as society participation
and school partnerships.
2. The Implementation of School Program
on the findings above, the management of school in implementing program that has
been implemented is to make guidelines that regulate various aspects of
management in writing. All of the leaders, educators, and educational staff
have clear duties and authorities. According to Tatang (2013: 152) , one of an
effective school principal�s indicator is that there is clear delegation of
tasks between the principal, teachers and the staff. The implementation of the activities
in the schools is carried out based on work plans and school budgets. But there
are also some activities that are not in accordance with the plans that have
been made. One of them was when a school was appointed to represent the
sub-district in the competition of Healthy School. The school prepared it
together with the school committee, the society, and the village/nagari
government. Then if there is a family member death, the school often pays
tribute to the family's house and sends the students home earlier than usual.
The school is able to establish a harmonious relationship with the society. Dealing� with the opinion, Supriyono, 2001 (in Imam
Musbikin, 2013: 87) said that one of the criteria for an effective school
principal is being able to establish harmonious relationships with the society,
as the result they can involve them actively in order to realize educational
and school purposes. Guidelines for the management of facilities and
infrastructure as well as the fund and financing sector are still difficult to
access for the researcher and the surrounding society. This showed that the
dissemination of this management is still not optimal. One of the criteria for
an effective principal is a principal who can complete assignment and work
according to a predetermined time (Supriyono, 2001 in Musbikin, 2013: 87).
3. Monitoring and
to the findings above, the school management regarding supervision and
evaluation that has been carried out is school supervision, self-evaluation
(school), curriculum evaluation and development, evaluation of teacher and
education utilization. The supervision program has been implemented but still not
optimal. This is due to the principal has many activities outside of the school.
The principal often leaves the school to take part in activities from both of the
District Education Office and the District UPT, or others. This has an impact
on the supervision of the principal in the teaching and learning process at theschool, so that the teachers are more likely to be
released, even though there is still supervision from other teachers. This is
not relevant to the opinion of Tatang (2013:
151) who said that the effective principal observe teachers in the classroom diligently
and give positive and constructive feedback. Self-evaluation (school) which is
carried out takes place once a year, namely at the end of the year. Evaluation
and development of the school curriculum involves many parties including the
school committee. The evaluation of the utilization of educators and education
staff is based on the ability and performance of the teachers. Supriono, 2001 (in Musbikin,
2013: 87) explained that one of the criteria for an effective school principal
is to apply leadership that is in accordance with the maturity level of the teachers
and the staff at the school.
Based on the results of the research and the discussion it can
be concluded as follows: (1) Create a vision, mission, goal, and school work plans are the part of
school management in program planning that have been implemented is. However,
the involvement of parents of the students is still low. The preparation of the
annual work plan is stated in the School Activity Plan and Budget (RKAS)
document and is disseminated to interested parties such as teachers and school
committees through the scheduled meeting. (2) The implementation of work
programs at school management that have been carried out are in the field of
student affairs, curriculum, and educators and education staff. The
implementation of school programs that are still not effective because of
school guidelines are in the field of facilities and infrastructure and
financing reports that are difficult to access, so that socialiszation to
school members and the society in this field is not optimal. (3) The school management in
monitoring and evaluation activities already implemented but still not optimal.
This is because the principal has many activities both at school and outside.
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