The Influence of the Sociodrama Method on the Speaking Ability of Grade V Students of SDN 1 Gerung Utara for the 2022/2023 Academic Year
Fatimatul Ulya, Muhammad Tahir, Abdul Kadir Jaelani
University of Mataram, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Keywords |
Socio-Dramatic Method, Speaking Ability |
This study aims to determine the influence of the socio-drama method on the speaking ability of grade V students of SDN 1 Gerung Utara for the 2022/2023 school year. This type of research is Quasi Experimental Design research type Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The population in this study was all grade V students of SDN 1 Gerung Utara. The sampling technique used was saturated sampling with a sample of 27 students of class V A as a control class and 28 students of class V B as an experimental class. Data collection techniques in this study are tests (pre-test and post-test) and observation. The researchers' data was analyzed with the help of SPSS. 16. The researcher hypothesis examiner uses the calculation of the Independent Test Sample Test. The results showed the intention of sig. (2-tailed) 0.001 < 0.05, then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted or there is a significant influence with the socio-drama method on the speaking ability of grade V students of SDN 1 Gerung Utara for the 2022/2023 school year. |
Education is the key to the success of a nation. Developed countries currently set education as a development priority. The essence of education is to humanize people. Through education, humans are formed into people who believe and are devoted to Allah SWT., have good ethics and have skills in solving various problems in life. Educational activities cannot be separated from the role of a teacher who becomes a bridge for students in delivering them to the process learning and learning. The learning process carried out by teachers also has a very important role to develop the personality of students.
One of the most important components in supporting the development of students in Ibtidaiyah Elementary School / Madrasah is the child's language ability. Language skills consist of spoken language skills and written language skills. Oral language skills are the ability to master vocabulary, comprehension (listening and listening) the ability to communicate with others. While written language skills are children's abilities in terms of reading and writing (Khoiroh, 2014).
In supporting the success of the learning process carried out, students need to utilize their abilities. One of them is in communicating. To be able to communicate easily and well, students need the ability to speak. This is because good speaking is needed not only from the learning process but will also turn to its relationship with the surrounding environment. Speaking also has a function or use as the ability to convey ideas, ideas, or information (Khairoes &; Taufina, 2019).
Speaking is a tool for communicating ideas that are arranged and developed according to the needs of the listener or listener. Speaking is the ability to pronounce articulated sounds or words to express, express and convey thoughts, ideas, and feelings (Tarigan, 2008: 16). While Suharyati (2011: 6) stated that the ability to speak is essentially the ability to pronounce articulated sounds or words to express, express and convey thoughts, ideas, and feelings. The main purpose of speaking is to communicate. According to Magdalena, et al (2021) communication is the sending and receiving of messages or news between two or more people so that the intended message can be understood. Therefore, in this case the teacher is expected to be able to convey the message effectively, the teacher must also understand what will be conveyed or communicated with students.
In order for students to communicate smoothly, an activity is needed that can develop their speaking skills. Teachers as facilitators need to design learning activities that are oriented to language skills, especially in speaking skills. As a teacher, of course, you must be able to choose what method or model to use in the learning process so that with the selection of the right learning model, it is hoped that the goals of education will be achieved and make students become active in the learning process (Faddylla Intan Maharani &; Taufina, 2020). In training students' speaking skills, teachers are required to be skilled in choosing the media or method to be used. In order to make it easier for students to train their speaking skills, teachers can facilitate students with the socio-darama method.
The application of the sociodrama learning method is to involve interaction between two or more students about a topic where students play a role or dramatize behavior according to the character they play in social relations between humans after hearing the teacher's explanation without having to experience practice and memorize previous scripts. Sudjana (2000) defines sociodrama as pretending or acting as if, through the process of behavior, imitation, play about a behavior that is carried out as if in actual conditions. The purpose of Sociodrama is for students to appreciate and live the feelings of others, fostering a sense of responsibility in students.
In sociodrama activities, there will be interaction between group members and mutual trust will arise to express problems. Then from the results of the discussion in the sociodrama game, students can learn from new experiences in the form of memory and understanding assessments experienced. When sociodrama activities are carried out, there will be a communication relationship between group members so that an understanding will be created through discussion and question and answer between group members regarding the topics discussed so as to assess students' speaking skills.
The ability to speak does not appear out of thin air, the ability to speak can be acquired and mastered by practice and practice. There are many techniques that can be used in training speaking skills in students, one of which is the story reproduction technique. The story reproduction technique focuses more on students in practicing their speaking skills independently in front of the class. Speaking skills are needed to train students to dare to speak in front of the class or in public and be able to give their opinions and build students' mentality so as not to hesitate to express their opinions.
Based on observations made by researchers at SDN Gerung Utara in class V that the quality of students' speaking skills is still very lacking, among them they are less active in speaking, the majority of them are still passive during lessons, students are still not confident and very rarely questions arise from students. When the teacher asked them to speak, the students still stammered, embarrassed and hesitant by noticing some of these things. It can be concluded that the student still does not have the ability to speak well and it is difficult to express the opinions he has obtained.
In enabling students to dare to express their ideas, ideas, and opinions, teachers must be creative in choosing media or learning methods so that learning objectives can be achieved. The low ability of students to speak is also caused by the lack of use of learning methods that can develop students' speaking skills. Basically, the learning method is an alternative in optimizing learning, so its use is important in creating effective learning. Learning methods are patterns used as guidelines and planning learning in class to achieve goals. In addition to adjusting to learning objectives, learning methods are also important to be considered by teachers.
In this case, teachers need to overcome these problems, one of which is the need for learning methods that can develop students' speaking skills in the classroom. One such method is the sociodaram learning method. Sociodrama is one of the student-centered learning methods, because this method requires the activeness of students in the classroom. The sociodrama method is very good for improving children's speaking skills because in sociodrama there are drama dialogues that can be used to train students to repeat simple sentences and language activities occur through dialogues or conversations carried out or watched by students so that teachers can train students to express their thoughts by giving questions to students (Saleha, 2020. This method is suitable for making students active in class and is also very suitable for developing student creativity in expressing their ideas and ideas into movements, the teacher only directs with the assignment that the teacher gives. This statement is supported by the results of previous research conducted by Kairun, Nurlaila (2019) where the results of her research stated that learning with the Sociodrama method turned out to be able to improve speaking skills in grade I students of SD Alkhairaat Airmadidi Atas.
Based on the description above, it is necessary to conduct research to determine the real influence of sociodrama methods on the speaking ability of grade V students of SDN 1 Gerung Utara for the 2022-2023 academic year.
The research conducted is experimental research. The type of research in this study is Quasi Experimental Design type Nonequivalent Control Group Design. This research was conducted on two classes, namely the experimental class and the control class (comparison). In this study design, there were two groups that were not randomly selected, then given a pretest to determine the initial state of whether there was a difference between the experimental group and the control group. Good pretest results when the experimental group scores are not significantly different. This research was conducted at SDN 1 Gerung Utara. This research was carried out in the even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year.
This study aims to determine the influence of sociodrama methods on the speaking ability of grade V students of SDN 1 Gerung Utara for the 2022/2023 school year.
The study was conducted for 2 days each in VA class and VB class SDN 1 Gerung Utara. The sample in this study amounted to 55 students with 27 students as a control class and 28 students as an experimental class. Data collection techniques with test techniques and conservation of learning implementation.
This study began with the provision of pre-tests in the control class and experimental class with the aim of seeing students' initial speaking skills. The pre-test given is that students are asked to read a story for 15 minutes then assigned to read the story to the front of the class by alternating according to attendance.
The average control pre-test result was 54.60 while in the experimental class it was 63.58. These results show that both classes have equal initial abilities so that they can continue to be given treatment. In addition, the highest score for the control class was 70 and the lowest was 50, while in the expedition class the highest value was 83 and the lowest was 53
The next treatment given in the control class was learning about Indonesian historical material using conventional methods (lectures). Students only listen to the explanation from the teacher about the story. After that, researchers conducted a post-test to determine students' speaking skills after learning by being asked to read a story text for 15 minutes, then students were assigned to read back to the front of the class in turn.
The average score obtained from the post-test results of the control class was 57.03 with the highest score in the control class being 71 and the lowest 54. It can be seen that there was an increase in the average score in the control class by 2.43% from the initial average score of pre-test administration of 54.60 then the post-test results rose to 57.03 after learning using conventional. The increase is still relatively small, this is influenced by the lack of student interest in the learning process because the material that is only delivered by the mah method as well as the learning syntax that is more carried out by teachers results in changes in initial grades and grades after being given learning is still low.
Learning using conventional methods is less desirable by students because teachers only explain about a material without using learning media as a tool in class. This causes students to quickly feel bored and lack understanding of the material provided by the teacher. To overcome boredom in students, teachers must look for new innovations to increase enthusiasm for learning and can make students happy, one of which is by using sociodrama methods.
The learning method offered by researchers as a solution to improve students' speaking skills is the sociodrama method. Sociodrama is a way of teaching by dramatizing the form of behavior in social relations (Sumiati and Asra, 2002: 100). So sociodrama is one of the learning methods applied to help learning. The sociodrama method is also a role-playing learning method to solve problems related to social phenomena, problems related to relationships between humans such as juvenile delinquency problems, drugs, authoritarian family images, and so on.
Ahmad Munjih Nasih (2009: 81) the objectives of sociodrama as a learning method are as follows; 1) so that students gain social skills (2) prevent feelings of shame and inferiority that are not in place (3) educate and develop the ability to express opinions (4) get used to being able to accept and respect others (5) this sociodrama will have more influence on changes in personality attitudes.
In the experimental class, researchers gave treatment in the form of using sociodrama methods. Students were divided into groups and then shared a story text as a visual form. The teacher explains the material about the elements of the story text by giving examples of each element in the story text distributed to students. After that students were asked to read the text of the story for 15 minutes then demonstrate it in front of the class. At the end of the lesson, the teacher discusses the results of student work together.
Based on the results of observations that have been made during the learning process which were assessed by observers, namely grade V teachers of SDN 1 Gerung Utara, it can be seen that the use of sociodrama methods by teachers has been carried out well. This can be seen from the results of observations of teaching teachers at the first meeting who obtained a score of 91.7% which was included in the high category and then increased at the time of giving the second treatment, namely a value of 95.8% which was included in the very high category.
After giving treatment to the learning process, researchers conducted a post-test in the experimental class. Post-test administration aims to see the influence or comparison of student speaking ability learning outcomes.
The average score obtained from the experimental class post-test results was 67.85 with the highest score of 100 and the lowest score of 54. There was an increase in scores of 4.28% after being treated in the experimental class. This can be seen from the average score on the pre-test of 63.57 rose to 67.85 at the time of post-test. This increase is influenced by the syntax of using sociodrama methods that involve students more directly in the learning process so as to increase student interest and concentration in learning. The use of sociodrama methods can help students see events that occur in the text so that it is easier to remember which then affects the results of students' speaking skills.
From the pre-test and post-test scores that have been obtained after giving treatment in the learning process of the control class and experimental class, there was an increase in the results of the students' speaking ability test by 2.43% in the control class and 4.28% in the experimental class, respectively.
The low rate of increase in the results of students' speaking skills in the control class was influenced by the syntax of learning carried out by teachers in conventional methods was fairly monotonous because more activities carried out by teachers were carried out by students in the learning process. While the increase in results is quite high in the experimental class influenced by the syntax of learning carried out by providing sociodrama methods providing opportunities for students to be more active in the learning process. This can be seen from most of the learning syntax carried out by students themselves, while students only supervise the activities carried out by students.
The use of sociodrama methods in the learning process makes it easier for students to remember important information needed for students' ability to speak their own language.
After obtaining data from the results of the pre-test and post-test speaking ability, the research students calculated the data normality test to find out whether the data was normally distributed or not. Based on normality test with the help of SPSS Version 16.0. Obtained significance results obtained statistical test significance values using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test obtained significance values of experimental class pre-test 0.249 > 0.05, control class pre-test 0.074 > 0.05, experimental class post-test 0.477 > 0.05, control class post-test 0.237 > 0.05 so that it can be concluded that the data of this study are normally distributed.
After the data of both classes are declared normally distributed, the next step is to test the homogeneity of the data. The homogeneity test aims to determine whether the object under study has a homogeneous variant or not. Test the homogeneity of the largest variant and the smallest variant using the difference in post-test values and used to determine the follow-up hypothesis test (t-test) used.
Based on the results of the homogeneity test with the Levane statistical method with the ANOVA approach above, it can be seen that the significance value of 0.001 < 0.05 so that it can be concluded that the data from this study are not homogeneous.
After conducting the prerequisite test, the researcher can conduct a hypothesis test to find out whether there is an influence of sociodrama methods on students' speaking skills.
Hypothesis testing can be done using a t-test which aims to determine whether there is an influence of sociodrama methods on students' speaking ability. The hypothesis test in this study uses a t-test with the type of Independent Sample Test with testing criteria, namely if sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05 then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted or if Sig, (2-tailed) > 0.05 then H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected.
Based on the hypothesis test that has been done, because from the homogeneous incision test the data is declared inhomogeneous, the significance value in the hypothesis test that is read is Equal Variances Not Assumed where in the table the sig value is obtained. 0.001 < 0.05. In accordance with the test criteria of the t-test formula if the value of sig. < 0.05, it can be said that there is an influence of sociodrama methods on students' speaking skills.
Based on research conducted on grade V students of SDN 1 Gerung Utara on the influence of sociodrama methods on students' speaking skills using quantitative data analysis of t-tests, with the help of the SPSS Version 16 program, Sig.2 tailed< 0.05 is 0.000< 0.05. In accordance with the criteria of hypothesis testing, that is, if Sig. (2-tailed)<0.05 then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. This shows that there is an influence of sociodrama methods on the speaking ability of grade V students of SDN 1 Gerung Utara for the 2022/2023 academic year.
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