Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Vol. 03, No. 07, July 2023
e-ISSN: 2807-8691 | p-ISSN: 2807-839X
IJSSR Page 1705
This work is licensedunder aAttribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Financial Management Based on SSP (Smart School
Program) Mobile Application to Accelerate Education
Services at Pondok Darul Arqam Muhammadiyah Patean
in 2022
, Fitri Nur Mahmudah
Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
fitri_mahmuda[email protected]
Financial Management, PSP Apps,
Education Services
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of financial
management based on the mobile PSP (Smart School Program)
application on the acceleration of educational services at Pondok
Darul Arqam Muhammadiyah Patean Kendal in 2022. This
research uses qualitative research methods with a library
research approach. This method is used to collect data and
information from various relevant sources, such as scientific
journals, books, research reports, and other documents. The
library research approach allows researchers to collect and
analyse data thoroughly by referring to existing literature
reviews. In conclusion, this study provides evidence that the use
of PSP Mobile application-based financial management has a
positive impact on the acceleration of education services. The
practical implication of this research is that decision makers and
practitioners in the field of education can consider implementing
PSP Mobile applications as a strategy to improve the efficiency
and effectiveness of Education services.
Schools have the duty to manage finances based on the principles of financial management so
that the money in circulation can be utilized optimally. Optimal school financial management requires
schools to carry out the school financial management process as effectively as possible. School
financial management is grounded in the principles outlined in the Government Regulation of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 48 of 2008 concerning Education Funding. These principles include
justice, efficiency, transparency, and public accountability. The regulation also explains that these four
principles should be applied throughout the process of school financial management, from planning,
realization of receipts and expenditures of education funds, supervision and examination, and
accountability. When all these management measures operate as expected, it will have a positive
impact on all relevant parties in a school.
Likewise, Islamic boarding schools, which are the oldest Islamic educational institutions in
Indonesia, have undergone a significant shift in orientation from traditional ‘salaf’ approaches to more
modern formats. This transformation has had an impact on the students’ ability to master Islamic
knowledge from classical sources. To restore their original role, which is to produce clerical cadres, it
is imperative to implement systematic and organized improvements, both internally and externally
within these institutions. These improvements are essential to ensure that the output of these schools
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possesses a holistic advantage.
This advantage should encompass not only excellence in the study of classical texts but also
proficiency in general knowledge, management, and administration, thereby serving as a
counterbalance to the progress of the times.
Considering that schools and Islamic boarding schools share the same substance and common
vision-mission for each institution, it can be affirmed that financial management of Islamic boarding
schools is an activity carried out to achieve the predetermined goals of the institution. This is
accomplished through the development and effective management of resources and sources of funds
as well as the inherent potentials within the Islamic boarding school system effectively and efficiently.
The financial management of Islamic boarding schools represents a crucial aspect of educational
institution management that will help determine the seamless operation of Islamic boarding school
activities. Much like the management of educational institution in general, financial management
activities within Islamic boarding schools should follow a structured process, including planning,
organizing, directing, coordinating, and supervising or controlling.
It is frequently observed that financial challenges in Islamic boarding schools consistently pose
obstacles in carrying out pesantren activities. These challenges encompass various aspects, including
budgeting, accounting, administrative arrangement, resource allocation and developmental
requirements of pesantren. Regrettably, many pesantren, despite possessing both human and natural
resources, suffer from disorganization. Additionally, errors in financial management often result in a
sluggish progression of the Islamic boarding school's educational processes.
Financial management in general is being carried out effectively in all schools; however, the
extent of implementation varies from one school to another. The diversity is influenced by factors such
as the school's size, location, and reputation. In typical schools located in communities with relatively
lower financial capacity, financial management remains relatively simple. Meanwhile, in ordinary
schools whose community capacity is larger, financial management tends to be more complex. This
complexity arises because these schools must accommodate various activities increasingly demanded
by the community (Hidayat, 2022).
Financial management is one of the fundamental aspects of school administration that
significantly influences the execution of educational activities within schools. According to the
Ministry of National Education (2003), financial management encompasses a range of financial
management and administrative activities which includes recording, planning, implementation,
accountability and reporting. Thus, school financial management can be interpreted as a series of
activities aimed at efficiently managing school finances ranging from planning, bookkeeping,
spending, supervising and accountability of school finances. This is in line with the results of Ezah and
Ogara's (2020) research entitled "Impact of Financial Management on Effective School Administration
in Enugu Education Zone '' which underscores that poor financial management is a primary obstacle
to effective school management. The role of the principal in financial management positively
influences school coordination.
Financial management represents a pivotal component within education management, playing
a vital role in the growth and advancement of an educational institution. Education, as a long-term
investment, is geared towards the ultimate objective of producing reliable and competitive human
resources both at the local and global levels. Education management holds a strategic position, as it
forms the core of educational services. Financial management organizes the learning process within
schools to achieve both school goals and optimal educational goals. Its focus is on improving the
quality of educational services (Chidinmachinenye &; Anachuna, 2019).
Pondok Darul Arqam Muhammadiyah Patean is one of the Islamic boarding schools in Patean
District, Kendal Regency, Central Java. This institution has used the PSP (Smart School Program)
Mobile application to maximize the financial management of Islamic boarding schools. Initial
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observations by researchers revealed that about 40% of all guardians within the boarding school had
not completed the administrative tasks until the specified time. This issue often arose due to the lack
of meeting between the guardians and the Islamic boarding school, resulting in occasional negligence
and forgetting to pay the required fees on time. Therefore, Pondok Darul Arqam Muhammadiyah
Patean has been continually improving its operations, one of which is by utilizing information
technology to create a PSP (Smart School Program) Mobile application, making it easier for student
guardians to carry out administration at the boarding school. This is in line with Azyumardi Azra in
the I.G.-Worlu, M. O. Chiekezie, H. E. introduction to the book ‘Pesantren Rooms’ by Nurcholis Madjid
(1997) which explains that the modernization of the pesantren education system includes four things:
the renewal of the educational content which focus on general and vocational subjects, updates in
methodology, institutional reforms, and functional enhancement.
As an implementation of the existing education management paradigm in Indonesia, Total
Quality Management (TQM), financial and financing issues are primarily regulated by the educational
institutions themselves, including Islamic boarding schools. Although, historically, Islamic boarding
school have operated as independent institution in terms of management, it would be beneficial for
them to adopt a management arrangement that serve the greater good for the community. This aligns
with the core principle of Pesantren, (al-Muhafadhoh'alaal-Qodimas-Sholih-waal- Akhdu bi al-Jadid al-
Ashlah) which preserves good old traditions while adopting new things that bring more benefit
(mashlahat). Therefore, according to researchers, the use of information technology in the form of PSP
(Smart School Program) Mobile applications used by Pondok Darul Arqam Muhammadiyah Patean in
maximizing financial management of Islamic boarding schools is the right choice. (Bua & Adzongo,
The utilization of information technology in the field of education holds significant importance
for enhancing the quality of education. This significance arises from the diverse geographical
conditions prevalent in Indonesia as a whole. Supporting this viewpoint, a study entitled "The Effect
of Information Technology, Competence, and Commitment to Service Quality and Implication on
Customer Satisfaction" reveals that information technology has a significant influence on service
quality, where the partial path coefficient value of the information technology variables on service
quality is 0.456. Given the background outlined above, the research focuses on the impact of PSP
(Smart School Program) Mobile on the Acceleration of Education Services. Consequently, the research
is titled "The Effect of PSP (Smart School Program) Mobile-Based Financial Management on the
Acceleration of Education Services at Pondok Darul Arqam Muhammadiyah Patean Kendal in 2022".
The results of this study are expected to be valuable recommendations for education personnel, school
principals, boarding school leaders and fellow researchers to optimize the financial management
within their respective Islamic boarding schools. (Husaini, 2017) (Nugraha et al., 2022)
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of financial management based on the
mobile PSP (Smart School Program) application on the acceleration of educational services at Pondok
Darul Arqam Muhammadiyah Patean Kendal in 2022.
This study aims to analyze the effect of financial management based on the PSP (Smart School
Program) Mobile application on the acceleration of educational services. This research uses qualitative
research methods with a library research approachto collect data and information from various
relevant sources, including scientific journals, books, research reports, and other documents. The
library research approach enables comprehensive data collection and analysis through existing
literature reviews.
Research steps:
1. Identify Research Objectives:
a. Explain the purpose of the research clearly and in detail.
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b. Identify the variables to be studied, namely PSP Mobile application-based financial management
and acceleration of education services.
2. Determination of Research Scope:
a. Clarify the scope of research, such as the location of the study and the target population.
b. Explain why the use of PSP Mobile application was chosen as the object of research.
3. Data Collection:
a. Search and access relevant literature sources such as scientific journals, books, research reports,
and related documents.
b. Identify and collect information related to PSP Mobile application-based financial management
and acceleration of education services.
4. Selection and Assessment of Information Sources:
a. Selecting literature sources in accordance with the research topic.
b. Assess the quality and reliability of the sources of information found.
5. Data Analysis:
a. Conduct analysis of data found from literature sources.
b. Identify important findings related to the effect of PSP Mobile application-based financial
management on the acceleration of education services.
6. Report Preparation:
a. Prepare a research report that includes a summary of the research findings.
b. Present research findings systematically and logically.
Principles of Financial
Realization of
Cottage Financial
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1. Analysis of Research Findings:
In this study, we identified the impact of PSP Mobile application-based financial
management on the acceleration of education services. This section presents and analyzes the key
2. The Effect of PSP Mobile Application-Based Financial Management on the Acceleration of
Education Services:
The analysis of research findings shows that the implementation of PSP Mobile
application-based financial management has a positive influence on the acceleration of education
services. The app allows schools and stake to manage and monitor expenses and income
efficiently and transparently. As a result, financial administration processes become easier, faster,
and more accurate, ultimately enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of educational services.
3. Optimization of PSP Mobile Application Use in Financial Management:
This discussion emphasizes the importance of optimizing the use of PSP Mobile
application in financial management. The study revealed that schools actively use this application
throughout their financial processes tend to experience a significant increase in the acceleration
of education services. In addition, effective training and mentoring to school staff in the use of the
application also contributes to the improvement of service quality.
4. Challenges and Constraints of PSP Mobile Application Implementation:
In this section, we discuss the challenges and constraints encountered during the
implementation of PSP Mobile application in financial management. Identified challenges include
resistance to change from the parties involved, limited access to technology, and a shortage of
technical expertise among school staff. To overcome these challenges, strategic measures such as
additional training, effective socialization, and adequate technical support need to be put in place
to ensure successful implementation.
5. Principles of School Financial Management
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 article 48 states that the
management of education funds is based on the principles of justice, efficiency, transparency, and
public accountability. These principles align with the ongoing reform within the Ministry of
Education and Culture. The implementation of the Strategic Plan of the Directorate General of
Secondary Education (Renstra Ditjen Dikmen) places a strong emphasis on bureaucratic reform
of the Ministry of Education and Culture. This reform is guided by the 2010-2014 strategic plan
and the 5K mission of the Ministry of Education and Culture, namely availability, affordability,
quality, equality, and certainty. These principles serve as the basis for planning the
implementation of bureaucratic reform programs. In addition, the bureaucratic reform initiatives
undertaken by the Directorate General of Secondary Education is also based on the principles of
efficiency, effectiveness, accountability, and transparency. Given this context, this study aims to
explore the principles of fairness and efficiency in financial management as explained below:
(Fair, 2016)
1) Justice
Republic of Indonesia Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education
System, Article 5 Paragraph 1, mandates that every citizen has the same right to get quality
education. The principle of fairness in school financial management is carried out by providing
the widest possible opportunity to candidates and / or students to access educational services
at school. These opportunities encompass various aspects, including (1) special services for
students with special needs and / or who have special intelligence and talent potential, (2)
accessibility to education for prospective students, and / or students, (3) opportunities to
continue education (Article 5 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning
the National Education System).
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To uphold the principle of justice and promote educational equality, schools are also
required to manage finances derived from School Operational Assistance (BOS) funds. MA
School Operational Assistance is a government program designed to support the
implementation of affordable and high-quality secondary education programs (BOS MA
Technical Guidelines 2014). Some of the primary objectives of the BOS MA program include
aligning government efforts to assist economically disadvantaged high school students. This is
achieved through waiving and/or assisting school fee bills for impoverished students and
providing equal opportunities for them to get affordable and quality education services.
Furthermore, the Social Friendly Program is mandated to collaborate with schools that serve
students who come from economically disadvantaged families. This program actively identifies
and recruits underprivileged students who possess both the interest and potential to attend
education at the respective institution. Furthermore, schools are obligated to implement cross-
subsidy mechanisms and/or actively seek additional funding from local governments,
communities, and other non-binding and voluntary sources to support students from
impoverished backgrounds. (Mubin, 2018)
In addition to the BOS fund, schools are also required to manage the Poor Student
Assistance fund. Poor Student Assistance is a constitutional mandate implemented through a
policy of subsidizing educational costs for poor students. The objectives include providing
opportunities for junior high school graduates and equivalent to continue their education,
preventing poor students from Sucipto, Fitri Nur Mahmudah dropping out of school, and
providing greater opportunities for poor students to continue attending school (2014 High
School Poor Student Assistance Implementation Guidelines).
Based on this theory, researchers concluded that the principle of fairness in school
financial management serves as the cornerstone of school financial management in planning
income, financial allocation, and providing optimal services to students, teachers, employees as
a form of educational equity. Furthermore, the principle of efficiency in relation to budget
implementation in school financial management is also explained.
2) Efficiency
Efficiency in the management of educational funds is achieved by optimizing access,
quality, relevance, and competitiveness of education services (Government Regulation of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 48 of 2008). Efficiency in the world of education is closely tied to
the utilization of limited educational resources to achieve the highest possible optimization. An
efficient operational process is defined as one in which a product or desired outcome can be
attained with the minimal use of resources and funds, essentially ensuring prudent spending.
(Andiawati, 2017; Komariah, 2018)
In school financial management, the principle of efficiency can be implemented through
both internal and external efficiency. Internal efficiency focuses on achieving the desired output
at minimal cost. It involves comparing the cost of educational inputs to their effectiveness in
enhancing learning outcomes. Additionally, internal efficiency also emphasizes the provision of
stimuli that can motivate the behavior of students, teachers, and External efficiency, on the other
hand, is often associated with the cost-benefit analysis method. This method calculates the ratio
between financial benefits as a result of education and all costs incurred for education. Beyond
cost-benefit analysis, external efficiency is also associated to the analysis of the return on
education investment from the formation of abilities, attitudes, and skills. This goal of external
efficiency is to determine policies in allocating education costs, as well as social recognition of
graduates and educational outcomes. (Main & Setiyani, 2014; Masruri et al., 2021)
Based on this theory, researchers concluded that the principle of efficiency in school financial
management involves empowering school financial resources to optimize access, quality,
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relevance, and competitiveness of educational services. Furthermore, it is also explained about
the stages of school financial management based on these principles.
3) Effective
Effectiveness pertains to the alignment between individuals performing tasks and the
intended goals. It also involves how effectively an organization allocates and utilizes resources
to achieve its operational objectives. From the above understanding, effectiveness is intertwined
with the successful execution of fundamental tasks, goals attainment, timeliness, and active
involvement of its members. In the context of an activity, it is considered effective when the
objectives are optimally achieved with minimal resource utilization. Efficiency refers to the
measure of an organization's utilization of scarce resources. Dharma also explained that
efficiency is also a comparison between inputs and outputs, energy and results, expenditures
and inputs, costs, and the pleasure generated (Alkurnia &; Anggraini, 2017) (Kartikawati, 2016).
4) Transparency
According to school management principles, transparency is a fundamental aspect. It
involves making information easily accessible to all members, providing continuous reports,
enabling stakeholders to understand the decision-making and policy formulation processes
within the school. Transparent education management plays a pivotal role in fostering trust and
confidence among stakeholders, enhancing the school's reputation as a symbol of good and
clean governance. Transparency is a principle that guarantees access or freedom for everyone
to obtain information about the administration of government, namely information about
policies, the process of making and implementing them and the results achieved. According to
Krina, transparency comprises two core components: public communication by the government
and the public's right to access information. It is built on the principle of freedom of information.
Information related to the public interest, in this case, includes the community and school
residents, should be easily obtainable. Proper fund management must be carried out with
openness so that school residents and the community can provide suggestions, criticisms, and
supervise and control the implementation of the program. Krina (2003: 15) explained that the
principle of transparency can be evaluated through a number of indicators such as: (1)
Mechanisms ensuring an open and standardized system for all public service processes; (2)
Mechanisms facilitating public questions about various public policies, services, and processes
within the public sector; (3) Mechanisms supporting the reporting and dissemination of
information and irregularities in the actions of public officials in serving activities. (Fatra &
Hope, 2017) (Karyatun, 2018)
5) Accountable
According to government regulation number 48 of 2008 article 59, the principle of
accountability is enacted by ensuring that education providers or units are accountable for their
activities to education stakeholders in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. According
to Mardiasmo (2009: 20) accountability is the responsibility for managing activities in an
economical and efficient manner towards the entity assigning the responsibility. According to
Fattah (2013: 93), accountable education can be measured through the following criteria: 1)
Clearly defined objectives that can be translated into specific goals 2) Survivable activities that
consistently lead to the achievement of goals 3) Effective results due to the achievement of set
objectives 4) Efficient processes for achieving results, considering available sources 5) Running
feedback mechanisms for continuous improvement. The demand for school accountability as a
public sector emphasizes not only vertical accountability, but also horizontal accountability.
Public sector organizations must meet four dimensions of accountability, namely: a)
Accountability for probity and legality b) Process accountability c) Program accountability d)
Policy accountability.
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In this study, the author has investigated the effect of PSP Mobile application-based financial
management on the acceleration of education services. Based on the analysis of research findings, the
following conclusions can be drawn:
1. The use of PSP Mobile application in financial management demonstrates a positive impact on
accelerating education services. This application allows schools and relevant stakeholders to
manage finances efficiently and transparently, improve administrative processes, and speed up
decision-making regarding the allocation of education funds.
2. Optimization of the use of PSP Mobile application throughout the entire financial management
process is very important. Schools that actively and comprehensively integrate this application
into their financial management system are likely to experience a significant increase in the
acceleration of education services. Providing proper training and mentoring to school staff in the
use of the application also contributes to the improvement of service quality.
3. However, the implementation of the PSP Mobile application is also faced with challenges and
obstacles. Issues such as resistance to change, limited access to technology, and a shortage of
technical expertise among school staff are some of the obstacles that must be overcome.
Additional training, effective socialization, and adequate technical support are required to
overcome these obstacles.
In conclusion, this study provides compelling evidence that the use of PSP Mobile application-
based financial management has a positive impact on the acceleration of education services. The
practical implication of this research suggests that decision makers and practitioners in the field of
education should consider implementing PSP Mobile applications as a viable strategy to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of educational services. In addition, this study also makes theoretical
contributions in the literature on financial management within the education sector.
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Sucipto, Fitri Nur Mahmudah (2023)
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International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)
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