Sarah Arsitha Putri, Abdul Rahman
Faculty of Social Sciences, Makassar State University, Makassar,
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
This research and writing aims to find out the background of the
implementation of the Andingingi Ritual as a custom
of the Kajang Ammatoa
tribe, Andingingi is a sacred ritual to facilitate
the arrival of fortune, live long and be kept away from all harm. Based on the
results of Andingingi's research, it means to cool
the earth, almost all Kajaang tribesmen participated,
from children to adults, this ritual was led by Labiria
or Ammatoa representatives and traditional leaders of
the Kajang tribe. During the ritual, participants are
prohibited from talking and moving a lot because it can distract the attention
of traditional stakeholders, before performing the ritual the community makes konre-konre (offerings) which are placed at various points.
The Andingingi ritual is still being carried out
today which causes an impact on the community, as can be seen from the
socio-economic background and cultural tourism. This study uses a historical
research method consisting of four stages, namely: heuristics (collection of
data or sources) Criticism (sources consisting of internal and external
criticism, interpretation or interpretation of sources and historiography, namely
historical writing. Ammatoa is considered very
primitive and rejects the entry of Modernization.
Keywords: andingingi; kajan; ritual
Received 20
October 2021, Revised 5 November 2021, Accepted 10 November 2021
Indonesia is known for its various customs and cultures.
Each part of them has a different tribe and nation (Salim, 2017).
One of them is that the Kajang Tribe holds a strong
belief in the tides and their ancestors. South Sulawesi is one of the provinces
in Indonesia which consists of several tribes. Like Bugis Makassar. Toraja, Duri, Mandar, Bone, Pattae and Kajang. One tribe that
is different from other tribes is the Kajang tribe.
The Kajang tribe is a tribe located in the interior
of Makassar, South Sulawesi. From generation to generation
they live in the sub-district of Kajang, Bulukumba Regency which is considered to be where they
live, they call it the land of ancestral heritage and call it Tanah Toa. The
life of the Kajang tribe is very close to nature and
its customary law is very thick and still applies today. They are more
introverted and stay away from everything related to modernization, economic
activities and the government of Bulukumba Regency.
Perhaps due to the relationship between indigenous peoples and their forest
environment that always relies on Tana Toa, the Kajang
tribe is divided into two groups, there is no difference between the two. Since
the first until now they have always adhered to the teachings of their ancestors,
the Kajang tribe must always maintain a balance of
life with nature and ancestral matters.
����� �According to (Agus, 2011), The
Kajang tribe also has several differences compared to
other South Sulawesi tribes, such as lifestyle, customs, traditions and beliefs
(Musali, Karnadi, & Renaningtyas,
They prioritize simplicity in life, there is no need to overdo it because it is
considered that it will cause conflicts among the people which will ultimately
result in disharmony in the society. The style of dress, the way to
communicate, how to welcome guests and the shape and arrangement of their
residential space (Pontoh, 2013).�
a. Heuristics
of data sources or historical studies will be better known as heuristics.
Heuristics is the process of finding or collecting sources that will be used to
reconstruct history.
determining the technique of collecting historical sources, the determination
of historical sources affects the place (where) or who (source of oral
information) and how to obtain it. Primary historical sources written in
history are generally in the form of documents (archives and books). Searching
and collecting sources related to research and collecting secondary data from
several articles, then strengthened through observation or research by
interviewing traditional stakeholders and leaders and the people who live
b. Critics
collecting data to support and writing materials for researchers of the Ritual Andangigi Kajang tribe, the next
step is to criticize the source.
c. Interpretation
historical facts that have been collected have not told
much about these facts and must be compiled and combined, so as to form a story
of historical events.
d. Historiography
the final stage of historical research, history starts from the heuristic,
criticism and interpretation phases. It is at this
last stage that the writing of history is carried out. It is at this last stage
that the writing of history is carried out. At this stage the facts have been
formulated or interpreted regarding the Andangingi
Ritual of the Kajang Ammatoa
tribe carried out by the Kajang Dalam
Beginning of the Andangigi Ritual Celebration of the Kajang
Ammatoa tribe
a) This
andingingi ceremony as a form of
Andingingi Ritual of the Kajang Ammatoa tribe is carried
out by the Ammatoa community with joy so that those
who carry out this ritual receive blessings from God, and keep themselves away
from calamity, specifically made time to gather to greet each other, as well as
to ask for prayer so that nature and its contents are protected and blessed by
the creator, uniquely this tradition is carried out by all Ammatoa
communities but this ritual is not a main part or thing that is required by Ammatoa communists (Fatra,
2017). Instead, it is used as a
spectacle or show that is merely entertaining tourists (the crowd).
What used to be done behind
closed doors is now open to the public. Regarding this, the Ammatoa
community began to open and publicize the Andangingi
ritual (Siryayasa
& Jam�an, 2020).
b) According
to (Fatra,
�Community interaction towards the Ammatoa in nature
Interaction is a form or relationship between
one another, the interaction aims to convey the intent and purpose in order to
get each other in interacting, meaning we can find out what is the result of
the interaction (Purba
et al., 2020). Interaction can be done to
anyone. Regarding this, the interaction referred to in this study is the
interaction in nature they interact through a ritual called Andangigi.
The Andangingi ritual is believed by the community to
greet or interact with nature.�
Every year, the Kajang tribe performs the Andangingi
Adat Kajang Ammatoa Ritual
which aims to be a prayer and hope for peace and to be kept away from danger.
Uniquely, the clothes they use are required to be black when entering the Kajang tribe in
The Kajang Region, which is a customary region where Kajang customary law applies. the people of Kajang breed, herd, and cultivate in the indigenous
territory of Kajang. The special feature of the Kajang indigenous people lies in the black clothes that
they wear everyday and walk without wearing shoes.
Kajang indigenous people have indigenous
leaders and indigenous stakeholders. The head of the custom is called Ammatoa, which is a person who is pure in heart and chosen
by certain rituals. One of the parts that continue to be maintained by the
indigenous people of Kajang is the preservation of
the environment by maintaining the forest. In the Regional Regulation (PERDA)
of Bulukumba Regency number 19 of 2019 on the
establishment, strengthening of rights, and protection of the community's right
to plant seedlings and then take good care of them until the specified time
before the person can cut down a tree. Forests in customary areas consist of
two, namely forests that can be cut down and sacred forests that can only be
used for customary ritual events.
Interaction is a
form or relationship between one another, interaction aims to convey the intent
and purpose to obtain each other in interacting means we can know what is the
result of the interaction. Interaction can be done to anyone. Regarding this,
the interaction referred to in this study is the interaction in nature they
interact through a ritual called Andangigi. Andangingi ritual, this is believed by the community of
greeting or interaction with nature.
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