Culture of Public Vocational Schools

(Review of Academic Supervision and Performance)



University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA

Email: [email protected]




School Culture, Supervision, Performance


·       The research was conducted at a Vocational High School in one of the sub-districts in DKI Jakarta, precisely in Cipayung District with a population of 457 teachers. Using the Kretjie and Morgan Table with an error rate of 0.05, a simple random sample of 207 teachers was taken. Test the hypothesis using a correlation test. Teacher performance variables consist of: ability, motivation, dependability and initiative. Ability indicators are the ability to implement PBM, make lesson plans, use learning media methods and organize school administration. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between the academic supervision of the principal and the organizational culture of SMK Negeri in Cipayung District, East Jakarta. There is a relationship between teacher performance and the organizational culture of SMK Negeri in Cipayung District, East Jakarta. There is a relationship between the principal's academic supervision and teacher performance together with the organizational culture of SMK Negeri in Cipayung District, East Jakarta








School culture distinguishes the characteristics, personality and atmosphere between one school and another. Organizational culture positions how all school members play a role in carrying out their duties depending on the beliefs, values and norms that are part of the school culture. A good culture can build and bind school members together through clear values, standardized norms about what its members can and cannot do and say.

School culture supports individual growth, open communication, collaboration, and following personal goals and passions in projects, as stated by Mickahail & Aquino that "The organizational culture supports individual growth, open communication, collaboration, and following personal goals and passions within the projects.   (    Mickahail     &     Aquino    , 2021)

The importance of school culture is the fact, that even the smartest strategy or tactic cannot be successfully implemented, if it does not fit the prevailing culture. School culture is key to the capacity to innovate and change. If the school culture is given to anyone, then as a kind of "job enrichment" In addition to other tasks with a usually higher priority. Meanwhile, however, school culture must be classified as complex, theoretical, abstract or implicit, which makes it quite difficult to find and assign the right people to it. This is in line with what was conveyed by Resyan:

Importance of organizational culture is the fact, that even the smartest strategies or tactics cannot be successfully implemented, if they don’t fi t to the prevailing culture. Organizational culture is key for the capacity to innovate and change. If oranizational culture is assigned to anybody, then as kinds of a “job enrichment”  Besides other duties with usually higher priorities. Meanwhile however, organizational culture is to be classifi ed as complex, theoretical, abstract or implicit, which makes it quite a challenge to fi nd and assign the right people to it    (    Reisyan    , 2016) .

The new concept of school culture was replaced, while bureaucratic organizations adapted, in conjunction with the public sector, and adapted the role of leaders to solve more complex and diverse economic and social problems. This statement is as stated by kankaew &; Treruttanaset:

The new concept of organizational culture which exists in organizations is substituted, while the bureaucratic organizations adapt themselves, in conjunction with the public sector, and adapt the role of leader to solve economic and social problems which are more complex and diverse    (    Kankaew     &     Treruttanaset    , 2021)

Today attention is paid to the role of human action and symbolic behavior in the study of organizations. In general, it is necessary to live the organization, in order to know how to behave on any information about the organization.  Every organization has a culture that includes at least values, beliefs and norms that influence each other among fellow members of the organization. Some opinions related to organizational culture are interpreted with various meanings as follows.

The understanding of school culture has a broad and deep meaning, according to Chatab (2017) that school culture is a common belief, value system and perception that is widely adopted in shaping and giving meaning to employee behavior, so it becomes a habit that is relatively difficult to change. The culture of human resources is all human behavior in carrying out social life that is influenced by belief systems regarding life, death, religion, nature, and values that get rewards. Such beliefs are taken by humans as accepted norms, and attempts to change them are bound to bring about a major crisis. It is concerned with the performance of a person or group of people or organization.

Leslie defines organizational culture as "what the employees perceive and how this perception creates a pattern of beliefs, values, and exceptions."    (    This    , 2016)

In line with Leslie's opinion, explained also by Lesinger, Figen Organizational culture is the system of habits, beliefs, values, behaviors, and norms that shape the manner of people in an organization. Organizational culture is a system of habits, beliefs, values, behaviors, and norms that shape the way people in an organization    (    Lesinger    ,     Figen    ,     Garcia    By    ,     Jonathan    Altinay     Gazi, Sazali Bin     Yusoff     &  Fahriye, 2016)

   (    Mishra     & Sharma, 2021)  Organizational culture is like the invisible DNA of the organization, it directs and influences everything that happens in the organization.

Organizational culture is an integral trait of a firm/company, as it is able to, and does influence employees' conduct, enthusiasm, and ideals. Organizational culture is a trait that cannot be separated from an organization or company because it is capable and influences the behavior, spirit, and ideals of employees. This opinion is in line with what Amah (2012) conveyed in Gebretsadik (2020) claims that organizational culture is like the invisible DNA of organizations, it directs and affects everything that transpires in the organization.

Some questions to know organizational culture according to Jacobs, Jamiie & Crockett, such as, desired organizational culture, the way people communicate, how to see making, the behavior of others, knowledge of organizational values, the appreciation of values in a consistent way, the consequences of someone not fulfilling values, decisions related to values and cultural pillars that are important to the organization. The details of the question are as follows:

a. What is your organizational culture today? (This is for your eyes only. Be honest with yourself.); b. What is your desired organizational culture?; c. How would you like people to communicate with one another?; d. How would you like to see decisions made?; e. What behaviours would you like people to demonstrate?; f.  Do all employees know the organizational values?; g Do people believe everyone lives the values in a consistent fashion?; h. What happens if someone does not live up to a value (or behaves in a way that violates your core values)?; i. How are decisions tied to your values both in decision making and in communication?; j. What are the pillars of culture that are important to your organization?    (Jacobs,     Jamiie     &     Crockett    , 2021)

Organizational culture has a very important function. The function of organizational culture is as a boundary to the behavior of individuals who exist within. Organizational culture will foster identity in each member and interconnectedness to the organization, because the shared values that are embedded will make it easier for each member to understand and live every event and activity of the organization. It is expected that with the creation of organizational culture, communication relationships become more conducive and most importantly create work motivation from an organization that encourages better goal achievement.

Budaya sekolah mendukung pertumbuhan individu, komunikasi terbuka, kolaborasi, dan mengikuti tujuan dan hasrat pribadi dalam proyek seperti yang dikemukakan oleh Panula, school culture is one of the indicators of organisational effectiveness and the quality of the school. The quality of school culture affects the quality of the overall way of life in school    (    Yli-Panula    and al., 2022).

Organizational culture plays a role in supporting the success of performance, because the effectiveness of the institution is strongly influenced by the existing organizational culture. Everyone will work well and optimally if supported by a good organizational culture, because organizational culture and a conducive work environment will provide a feeling of calm, comfortable, safe and feel valued.

School culture for the most part alludes to the beliefs, insights, relationships, mentalities, and composed & unwritten rules that shape and impact each part of how a school functions, however, the term likewise includes more substantial issues like the physical and mental wellbeing of children, the efficiency of study halls and public spaces, or how much a school embraces and celebrates racial,  ethnic, linguistic, or social diversity. A school culture, like the social culture, is formed by both conscious and unconscious attitudes, values, relationships, and practices, and it is highly influenced by a school's specific institutional history. Students, parents, teachers, administrators, and other staff members all contribute to the culture of their school, as do other influences such as the community in which the school is located, the policies that govern how the school operates, or the ideals upon which the school was formed    (Verma, 2021) .

In general, it can be said that organizational culture is a set of organizational environmental characteristics that are felt either directly or indirectly by all members who are members of an organization and have a major influence on behavior and actions in carrying out tasks, so that it will also affect the pattern of performance. Thus, organizational culture has a close relationship with someone in carrying out their duties in connection with the achievement of organizational goals.

The influence of school culture on school effectiveness has also been found in studies concerning school leadership. One study found out that the reason of why two “sister” schools were so different in terms of learner achievement, was that the two principals employed two dramatically different leadership approaches. Furthermore, those two different leadership approaches shapes and maintains distinct school cultures. Finally, a study on elementary schools showed that principals could indirectly affect school effectiveness by influencing the school’s culture   (    Home    and al., 2018)

Organizational culture is influenced by organizational structure and organizational processes, and a conducive organizational culture can improve morale and performance because with organizational culture and a comfortable and pleasant work atmosphere, all components in this case teachers and administrative personnel will work earnestly, responsibly, and highly motivated. Conversely, an organizational culture that is lacking and unpleasant will negatively affect its achievements and performance

School culture is profoundly shaped by individual institutional history. Schools are inherently hierarchical in nature. As such, schools as workplace environments may become the ideal setting for bullying and incivility to arise due to the different levels of organisation and inherent power dynamics that often facilitate and sustain toxic behaviours. Unfortunately, these hierarchical structures are supported by legislation, regulations and processes and are therefore difficult to challenge or call out    (    Mannix-Mcnamara    and al., 2021)

Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 13 of 2007 concerning Standards for School Principals / Madrasahs, school principals should be competent in carrying out supervision whose implementation includes several stages as follows: (1) planning academic supervision programs in order to improve teacher professionalism; (2) carry out academic supervision of teachers using appropriate approaches and techniques; (3) evaluate and follow up on the results of supervision of teachers in order to improve teacher professionalism. Important programs that must be implemented by school principals in measuring, directing and guiding teachers for optimal performance can be carried out through academic supervision activities. 

Supervision is assistance given to all teachers / school staff to develop the school optimally. Supervision here is not an inspection from people who feel superior to people who are considered ignorant at all (inferior). Academic supervision in the form of coaching and assistance provided to teachers or educators to develop teaching and learning situations for the better. Teachers are always making improvements in the way they teach a subject and increasing the effectiveness of their work which ultimately improves the quality of education in the school.

Based on the answers to these questions, information will be obtained about the teacher's ability to manage learning. But one thing that needs to be emphasized here, that after conducting a performance appraisal means the completion of the implementation of academic supervision, but it must be continued with the follow-up in the form of making an academic supervision program and carrying it out as well as possible. While the objectives of academic supervision are: a. Helping teachers develop their competencies, b. Developing curriculum, c. Develop teacher working groups, and guide classroom action research (PTK)     (Nurhayani     and    to the. , 2022)

Supervision is defined as building, improving or improving (Dewi &; Primayana, 2019). School principals must supervise properly and correctly in accordance with the principles and techniques as well as the right approach (Agustina and Kristiawan, 2020). Coaching carried out by school principals to teachers can improve teacher performance and dedication in education (Nawawi, 2016). The task of a supervisor is to help, encourage and give confidence to teachers that the teaching and learning process can provide the development of various experiences, knowledge, attitudes and skills of teachers and the teaching and learning process carried out by the teacher must be assisted professionally so that teachers can develop in their work, namely to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the teaching and learning process.   (Nurdin, 2015)

Teachers are one of the main elements that determine the success of schools in achieving the vision, mission and goals of education. The quality of teachers can be measured by how teachers perform. Teacher performance as a result of work or work achievements carried out by a teacher based on the ability to manage teaching and learning activities, which includes lesson planning, learning implementation, learning evaluation and fostering interpersonal relationships with students. This suboptimal teacher performance is indicated to be influenced by academic supervision carried out by the principal.

Mathis, Robert L, and John H Jackson, performance is basically what employees do or don't do in carrying out their jobs. Colquitt describes performance as "    (    Suwatno    , 2019) Performance is the set of explicit obligations that an employee must fulfill to receive compensation and continued employment    (    Colquitt    , Jason A. Jeffrey A.     Lepine    , Michael J.     Wesson    , 2010) ." Creative task performance is the degree to which individuals develop ideas or physical outcomes that are both novel and useful. (Colquitt et al., 2015). The performance of a creative task is the extent to which an individual must be able to creatively and innovatively develop ideas or physical results that are new and very useful for the progress of his work.

Performance as a result of work achieved by individuals is adjusted to the role or task of the individual in an agency at a certain period of time, which is associated with a certain measure of value or standard of the company where the individual works. Teacher performance is the result of work in quality and quantity achieved by a teacher in carrying out his duties in accordance with responsibilities which include compiling learning activity programs, implementing learning, implementing evaluations, and evaluating analysis".   (    Wiadnyana    and    to the.    , 2021)    ( manullang, 2017)



The research was conducted at a Vocational High School in one of the sub-districts in DKI Jakarta, precisely in Cipayung District with a population of 457 teachers. Using the Kretjie and Morgan Table with an error rate of 0.05, a simple random sample of 207 teachers was taken. Test the hypothesis using a correlation test. Teacher performance variables consist of: ability, motivation, dependability and initiative. Ability indicators are the ability to implement PBM, make lesson plans, use learning media methods and organize school administration. Motivation indicators are encouraging: timely work programs, effective PBM and objective assessment. Dependability consists of: serving BK, communicating new things, managing PBM with communication techniques. The initiative consists of: innovation in PBM, the use of innovative media and profective PBM with a total of 27 statements. The dimensions of the principal's academic supervision include: guiding teachers in: implementing PBM, using learning media, assessing PBM capabilities and making improvements and enrichment. Indicators guide teachers in the implementation of PBM, namely giving examples of lesson plans, new materials and assessing student work. Guiding indicators using learning media are: guiding learning innovations, providing solutions for unproductive teachers and giving examples using media. Indicators assess the ability of PBM are: help make assessments, help make assessment criteria and help assess objectively. Indicators of improvement and enrichment, namely: coaching and counseling, commitment to school goals, assistance in need participated in providing understanding with a total of 26 points of statements. The dimensions of school culture are organizational characteristics, regularity of action, adhered norms, dominant values. Indicators of organizational characteristics are spirit and trust. An iraiator of order of action: work commitment, support school rules and respect school traditions. Indicators of norms adopted are: socialization, understanding and implementation. The dominant value indicators are ethics and understanding of vision and mission with a total of 25 statement items.

The purpose of the study was to empirically examine the relationship between: academic supervision of the principal and the culture of vocational schools in Cipayung District, East Jakarta. 2) teacher performance with SMK school culture in Cipayung District, East Jakarta, and 3) there is an influence of academic supervision of the principal and teacher performance together with the organizational culture of SMK in Cipayung District, East Jakarta.



1. The Effect of the Principal's Academic Supervision on School Culture

Based on the results of the study, it can be stated that the Principal's Academic Supervision has a direct positive effect on the School Culture of SMKN in Cipayung District, East Jakarta. This is evidenced from the results of the r test statistical test for Principal Academic Supervision with the acquisition of a calculated r value of 0.426, a value of β = 0.3 72 and a t value = 6.794 with a significant value of 0.000 which is smaller than 0.05 with the following calculation:

Model Summary



R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate






a. Predictors: (Constant), Academic Supervision




Sum of Squares


Mean Square






















a. Dependent Variable: Organizational Culture

b. Predictors: (Constant), Academic Supervision




Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error









Academic Supervision






a. Dependent Variables of Organizational Culture

This means that the Principal's Academic Supervision has a direct positive effect on School Culture. The results of this study have implications for school principals to carry out Principal Academic Supervision to teachers who can improve a good school culture, namely academic supervision in humane ways.

Research by Mabruroh, et al in 2021 is that there is a relationship between academic supervision and school culture. The higher the academic supervision score, the higher the school's cultural score. Vice versa, the lower the score obtained by academic supervision, the lower the school culture, d). There is a relationship between academic supervision variables and school culture and teacher performance. The better the supervision and culture of the school, the better the performance of teachers.

2. The Effect of Performance on School Culture

Based on the results of the study, it can be stated that the Principal's Academic Supervision has a direct positive effect on the School Culture of SMKN in Cipayung District, East Jakarta. This is evidenced from the results of the r test statistical test for Principal Academic Supervision with the acquisition of a calculated r value of 0.664, a value of β = 0.533 and a value of t = 12.813 with a significant value of 0.000 which is smaller than 0.05 with the following calculation:

Model Summary



R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate






a. Predictors: (Constant), Organizational Culture




Sum of Squares


Mean Square






















a. Dependent Variable: Teacher Performance

b. Predictors: (Constant), Organizational Culture




Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error









Organizational Culture






a. Dependent Variable: Teacher Performance

This means that the performance of the School has a direct positive effect on the culture of the organization. The results of this study have implications for teachers by improving performance can create a conducive school culture. Research (Saputra &; Latif, 2022) states that academic supervision and organizational culture have a significant influence of 70%, while the remaining 30% are influenced by other variables that are not observed in this study.

3. The Influence of the Principal's Academic Supervision and Teacher Performance Together

Based on the results of the study, it can be stated that the Principal's Academic Supervision and teacher performance are jointly related to the School Culture of SMKN in Cipayung District, East Jakarta. This is evidenced from the results of the r test statistical test for Principal Academic Supervision with the acquisition of a calculated r value of 0.725, β value = 0.482 and 0.259 and t value = 12.231 and 6.043 with a significant value of 0.000 which is smaller than 0.05 with the following calculation:

Model Summary



R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate






a. Predictors: (Constant), Academic Supervision, Organizational Culture





Sum of Squares


Mean Square






















a. Dependent Variable: Work Culture

b. Predictors: (Constant), Academic Supervision, Performance




Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error









Organizational Culture






Academic Supervision






a. Dependent Variable: Teacher Performance


This means that Principal Supervision and Teacher Performance are influential with organizational culture. The results of this study have implications for the school community in order to optimize the principal's academic supervision and teacher performance to improve a conusive organizational culture.

Muhammad Binjei's research is entitled The Effect of Principal's Academic Supervision, School Culture and Motivation on the Performance of Elementary School Teachers within the scope of UPT. Education and Culture Office of Peusangan Bireuen District. The results of the Academic Supervision Factor research conducted by the Principal and teacher performance affect organizational culture (Binjei, 2021)

by Muhammad Binjei entitled The Effect of Principal's Academic Supervision, School Culture and Motivation on the Performance of Elementary School Teachers within the scope of UPT. Education and Culture Office of Peusangan Bireuen District. The results of the Academic Supervision Factor research conducted by the Principal affect the performance of elementary school teachers within the UPT Education and Culture Office of Peusangan District, Bireuen Regency, with a large direct and indirect influence of 23.15%. b). School culture factors can affect the performance of elementary school teachers within the UPT Education and Culture Office of Peusangan District, Bireuen Regency, with a large direct and indirect influence of 10.23%.c). Teacher motivation factors can affect the performance of elementary school teachers within the UPT Education and Culture Office of Peusangan District, Bireuen Regency, with direct and indirect influences of 13.73%. The simultaneous influence of the Principal's Academic Supervision, School Culture and Teacher Work Motivation factors on teacher performance was 47.10%. And the remaining 52.90% can affect teacher performance variables such as environmental aspects, infrastructure, bimtek, and others.   (    Binjei    , 2021)



Based on the results of the study can be concluded as follows: 1. There is a relationship between the academic supervision of the principal and the organizational culture of SMK Negeri in Cipayung District, East Jakarta. 2. There is a relationship between teacher performance and the organizational culture of SMK Negeri in Cipayung District, East Jakarta and 3. There is a relationship between the principal's academic supervision and teacher performance together with the organizational culture of SMK Negeri in Cipayung District, East Jakarta.

Based on these conclusions and implications, the following researchers can provide advice to:

1.  The principal together with teachers and education staff to create a conducive school culture so as to create norms and values to develop teacher performance.

2.  Principal of SMKN in Kecamatan Cipayung East Jakarta in order to be able to develop Academic Supervision of School Principals so as to improve teacher performance.

3.  Teachers to improve their performance so that the resulting performance will also increase.



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