Novia Eka Maisuri, Rusdi

Faculty of Economics, Teuku Umar University, Aceh, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected]



This research is one of the human resources research that includes the application of scientific methods to find out the truth about human resource management. This study is one of the quantitative research taking the number of respondents, namely as many as 31 employees at the head office of PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara Ujong Beurosok Aceh Barat, in the sampling process using the Saturated Sampling technique, where library research, interviews and questionnaires or questionnaires have been prepared in advance before conducting research. There are two independent variables in this research process, namely work experience and motivation and the dependent variable, namely employee performance, which is tested by multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of the hypothesis test, it is known that the work experience variable and the motivation variable have a positive and significant effect simultaneously on the employee performance variable at the head office of PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara Ujong Beurosok Aceh Barat, but partially the work experience variable has a significant and positive effect on the employee performance variable at the head office of Pt. Agro Sinergi Nusantara Ujong Beurosok Aceh Barat, Work motivation has a significant and positive effect on employee performance at the head office of PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara Ujong Beurosok Aceh Barat.


Keywords: performance; work experience; motivation


Received 20 October 2021, Revised 2 November 2021, Accepted 10 November 2021




Humans play a very important role in seeing opportunities to develop their companies so that they grow rapidly. In an effort to increase the company's development rapidly, of course the company needs to manage and run the company's wheels properly, in this case, human resources (HR) have a very important role to achieve company goals. In achieving the goals of the company, of course, it must include the process of planning, organizing, implementing and controlling which is called the management process through the use of human resources and other resources. It is very important in a company to have competent human resources and have good performance in order to provide maximum results for the company.

Performance is a set of results achieved by a person in carrying out the tasks assigned to him in accordance with his responsibilities, which are based on experience, skills and excellence as well as punctuality. Employee performance is a work result that includes the overall management process shown in a concrete and measurable manner, the results of their work (Kaihatu, Dharmayanti, Juwaeni, & Ekonomi, 2015). Performance is an achievement of organizational goals which can be directly seen from the output produced, which can be in the form of quantity, quality, creativity, flexibility, reliability or other things according to the wishes of the organization.

In an effort to improve employee performance processes, work experience is one of the points that is prioritized and is indispensable. An employee's work experience determines the level of skill utilization. Work experience is knowledge or skills that are known and controlled by a person as a result of actions or work that has been carried out within a certain period of time, taking into account the work experience of employees, the company can determine the position according to their expertise, (Saputra, Bagia, Yulianthini, & SE, 2016).

One other important factor that can affect employee performance is work motivation. Work motivation is a person's effort and desire to do something well. Work motivation can provide a positive side for employees in improving their performance. According to (Noer, Rachmawati, & Basori, 2020), motivation is the driving force that creates the joy of a person's work, so that they want to work together, work effectively, and integrate with all their might to achieve satisfaction. So in this case it cannot be denied that work motivation is one of the most important factors to support a person's success in carrying out their duties.

PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara Meulauboh, is a company in the field of oil palm plantation agribusiness, where the number of employees at the head office of PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara Meulauboh, the employees studied were (31) people, of which there were (6) female employees and (25) male employees. Regarding experience and work motivation it is still very adequate and standard. The phenomenon can be seen from the condition of the company where the leadership gives a firm warning to employees who make mistakes by transferring them. This is because employees are not able to complete their duties and responsibilities properly.

It is also seen that poor employee performance is caused by the lack of work experience for an employee. Work experience is closely related to the expertise and skills of an employee in completing the assigned responsibilities where the longer the working period of an employee, the higher the quality of the employee's work due to the time an employee spends at work can increase understanding of the tasks and responsibilities assigned and well resolved. The company will certainly retain an employee who has good work quality to continue serving in the company, this is in accordance with the data in table 1. below:


Table 1

List of Employee Service Periods at PT. Agro Synergy Nusantara Meulauboh in 2021

Years of service

Number of Employees

0 - 1 tahun


2 - 6 tahun


7 - 10 tahun


>11 Tahun




Source: Legal HR/General PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara


Based on table 1. it has been described that the percentage of the working period of employees of PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara Meulauboh, 5 employees have zero to 1 year of service, 18 employees have 2-6 years of service, 5 employees have 7-10 years of service, and 3 people have 12 years of service. It can also be seen that all employees have been working for a long time and some are new. And the longer the tenure, the fewer the number of employees. Researchers conducted interviews with one of the employees of PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara Meulaboh related to work experience, some employees in carrying out their duties and responsibilities in their company still have limited skills and knowledge even though the employee's tenure is more than 2 years. This can be seen from the lack of self-confidence of employees and the doubts that employees have in carrying out their assigned duties and responsibilities.

Then it can also be seen that the poor performance of employees can be caused by the lack of motivation that exists in employees. Every work carried out by employees in any field, apart from relying on abilities and skills, also requires sufficient motivation. So that the work being carried out is carried out to the maximum. Without motivation, employees will certainly not succeed in carrying out their work properly. Based on this background, the authors are therefore encouraged to conduct research and raise the title. �The Influence of Work Experience and Motivation on Employee Performance at PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara (ASN) Ujong Beurasok, West Aceh.


The research uses this type of quantitative research. Which uses the method of analysis in the form of multiple linear regression, with data collection techniques using questionnaires, interviews, library research. The sample and population used by the researcher is Saturated Sampling. This study analyzes the effect of work experience and motivation on employee performance at thehead office of PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara Ujong Beurosok West Aceh.



In this study, the characteristics of the respondents were taken based on gender, age, length of work, and education level. Based on the characteristics listed, the researcher can conclude that the dominant gender in this study is male with a total of (25) people and female with a total of (6) people. Then in terms of the age characteristics of the respondents (7) respondents were aged 23-30 years, (18) respondents were aged 31-45 years and (6) respondents were aged 45 years, of all respondents the most dominant age was 31-45 years. 45 years. Then in terms of the respondent's length of service, namely (5) respondents have a long working period of 0-1 years, (18) respondents have a long working period of 2-6 years, (5) respondents have a long working period of 7-10 years and (3) respondents have a long working period of > 10 years, thus the longest working respondent is dominant at 2-6 years. Furthermore, in terms of the characteristics of the education level, there are (31) respondents with high school education (14) people, respondents with D3 education level (9) people and respondents with S1 education level (8) people, therefore the most dominant respondent is high school level. Based on the results of the validity test obtained from all the question items, they are declared valid so that all of these items can be used for further analysis immediately, in this case, it can also be seen that the correlation value of r count is greater than the r table, which is 0.3550. In this case, it can also be seen from the results of the reliability test, that this study can also be said to be reliable because it has a Cronbach's alpha value of more than 0.60.


Classic assumption test

It should be noted that multicollinearity does not occur in this study because the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) value is 10 or 0.1. So in terms of the heteroscedasticity test, the points spread randomly. However, if viewed from the normality test, the data obtained are around the diagonal line and the distribution does not spread but follows the line.


Multiple Linear Analysis

The analysis in this study uses multiple linear analysis. Which is used for the process of calculating how much influence between work experience variables and motivational variables on employee performance at the head office of PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara Ujong Beurosok West Aceh. Based on the test results, the results of the regression can be arranged in the following table:


Table 2

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Results


Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients



Collinearity Statistics


Std. Error





























Source: Data processed 2021


From the table above, the regression equation is as follows:

Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + e

Y = 1.978+ 0.655X1 +0, 668X2 + 6.036

From the results obtained from the regression equation above, it can be seen that:

1.     The constant value of 1.978 can also be said if the work experience (X1) and motivation (X2) variables then employee performance (Y) is equal to 0 (zero), then the employee performance (Y) is 1.978.

2.     The work experience variable (X1) has a value of 0.655. This explains that each unit of the work experience variable contributes 0.655 to the employee's performance if the other variables remain. The data obtained show that the coefficient on the value of work experience has a positive effect on employee performance. This means that when the work experience variable (X1) has increased by 1 unit, it will cause employee performance (Y) to increase by 65.5%.

3.     Motivation variable (X2) has a value of 0.668, this explains that each unit of motivational variable contributes 0.668 to employee performance, which if other variables remain. The acquisition of these data illustrates that the coefficient on the value of motivation has a positive effect on employee performance. This means that when the Motivation variable (X2) has increased by 1 unit, it will cause employee performance (Y) to increase by 66.8%.


Hypothesis Test

F Test (Simultaneous)

������� ��� In an effort to find out whether the independent variable (independent) simultaneously (simultaneously) has an effect or not on the dependent variable, it is, therefore, necessary to use the F test by comparing F count and Ftable with a level of 5% (𝛼 = 0.05) or a comparison of values significant F. If Fcount > Ftable or the value of Sig F≤0.05 means Ha is accepted. On the other hand, if F count Ftable or sig. F≥0.05 means Ho is rejected.

������� ��� Based on the results of multiple regression analysis at an alpha of 5%, F table is 3.14 while F count is 10.611 then from the calculations it can be found that F count F table, with a significance of 0.05 so that H2 is accepted, Ho is rejected. This means that work experience (X1) and motivation (X2) affect employee performance (Y).

T-Test (Partial)

T-test to test the regression coefficient partially. This test is a process carried out to determine the level of partial significance of the role between the independent variables on the dependent variable with the assumption that other independent variables are considered constant. The results of these calculations are then compared with the table using an error rate of 0.05.

Based on the test data obtained:

1.     The work experience variable (X1) produces a t-count value of 2.098 2.045 t table with a sig value of 0.001 0.05, meaning that there is an influence between work experience variables on employee performance variables (Y).

2.     Motivation variable (X2) produces a t-count value of 2.815 2.045 t table with a sig level of 0.004 0.05, meaning that there is an influence between motivational variables on employee performance variables (Y).


Coefficient of Determination

It is known that the value of the coefficient of determination (Adjusted R Square) which is equal to 0.391 indicates that work experience and motivation affect the performance of employees at the head office of PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara Ujong Beurosok West Aceh by 3.91%.



The Effect of Work Experience and Motivation on Employee Performance at the Head Office of Pt. Agro Synergy Nusantara Ujong Beurosok West Aceh

Based on the results of the research that has been done by researchers that the variables of work experience and motivation have a significant and positive effect on employee performance at the head office of Pt. Agro Synergy Nusantara Ujong Beurosok West Aceh. The results of the study indicate that the more work experience and motivation that is given smoothly, the performance produced by employees will be better. The results of this study are in accordance with and in line with previous research conducted by (Fauzi, 2018) said that simultaneously work experience and work motivation has an effect significant and positive on employee performance. The results of research by (Readi, Graha, & Sedyastuti, 2020) also said that work experience and work motivation had a significant effect on employee performance.


The Effect of Work Experience on Employee Performance at the Head Office of PT. Agro Synergy Nusantara Ujong Beurosok West Aceh

Based on the results of the research conducted by the researcher, the work experience variable has a significant and positive effect on employee performance at the office of the PT head. Agro Sinergi Nusantara Ujong Beurosok West Aceh. The more and wider the employee's work experience, the more the employee's performance will be given. The work experience possessed by an employee will make it easier for employees to master their equipment and work. (Bagus Aries Riyadi, 2015) said that work experience significantly affects performance. (Slamet Riyadi, 2018) also said that work experience significantly affects performance. According to (Zahro, Suyadi, & Djaja, 2018) work experience is a measure of the length of time for employees to know everything about responsibilities in a job. (Likdanawati, 2018) says work experience is the knowledge possessed by an employee in taking a job while in the company calculated from the length of work.


The Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance at the Head Office of Pt. Agro Sinergi Nusantara Ujong Beurosok Aceh Barat

Based on the results of research conducted by researchers that motivation has a significant and positive effect on employee performance. With the right motivation and appreciation, it will help employees in giving enthusiasm and willingness to work, so that this will have a good impact on employee performance. This research is also in accordance with previous research by (Mahardika & Ruhanan, 2010) which states that motivation has a significant effect on employee work productivity.



Based on the results of research and analysis from researchers, it can be concluded that work experience and motivation have a significant effect on the performance of employees at the head office of Pt. Agro Synergy Nusantara Ujong Beurosok West Aceh.

Based on the results of research and analysis from researchers, it can be concluded that The work experience of employees has a significant effect on employee performance at the head office of Pt. Agro Synergy Nusantara Ujong Beurosok West Aceh. Employees who have work experience will find it easier to do work, the wider the employee's work experience, the higher the employee's ability. It can be said that the longer work experience you have, the more experience you will get, and the performance will also increase. The results of this study explain that work experience is formed by the length of time a person works, the level of skills and knowledge possessed, as well as mastering the ability of equipment and work.

Based on the results of research and analysis from researchers, it can be concluded that work motivation has a significant effect on employee performance at the head office of Pt. Agro Sinergi Nusantara Ujong Beurosok Aceh Barat, These results indicate that work motivation is also very important for employees, this shows that work motivation will support the level of desire in employees to carry out tasks well to succeed company goals.




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