Resources Mapping of Elementary School Educators in Central Jakarta


Hamid Al Jufri

Muhammadiyah University Prof. Dr. HAMKA, Indonesia

 Email: [email protected]




Elementary Teacher Professionalism


The problem of this research is that there are still many teachers who are not yet professional because teachers are the spearhead of a nation's progress. The purpose of this research is to find out the level of education, status, certification, and age of elementary school teachers in Central Jakarta. The population in this study were all teachers in Central Jakarta. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of documentation and questionnaires. In order to get an accurate assessment, the assessment of the results of the questionnaire is carried out with a descriptive quantitative assessment. The results showed that there were still many teachers with 1486 senior high school levels, 1588 assistant and honorary teachers, and 1847 who were not certified, and there was still a lack of young teachers. Based on the results of this study, it is suggested that public schools in Central Jakarta need to increase the level, status, and certification of teachers, and that there needs to be age consideration in accepting teachers.








Educators must have academic qualifications and competencies as learning agents, physically and mentally healthy, and have the ability to realize national education goals. The academic qualifications referred to above are the minimum level of education that must be met by an educator as evidenced by relevant diplomas and/or certificates of expertise in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Teachers have several important roles, namely being agents of reform and development as well as improving quality and equalizing access to education for students. The tasks assigned to the teacher will be carried out more smoothly if the teacher has professional competence. Law number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, article 1 explains that teachers have a position as professionals at the levels of basic education, secondary education, and early childhood education in the formal education pathway who are appointed in accordance with statutory regulations. Article 2 explains that the recognition of the teacher's position as a professional as referred to in paragraph (1) is proven by an educator certificate. This law has consequences for all teachers to be certified educators so that they get the title of professional teacher, without exception for teachers in rural areas. The teacher certification policy is conceptually very good for increasing teacher competency in Indonesia. However, the unequal geographical conditions have resulted in regional development not being evenly distributed throughout the countryside, resulting in disparities in the quality of education, both for teachers and students. Differences in environmental conditions between big cities and small towns, or even further with rural areas often lead to a sense of unfairness towards the implementation of uniform policies. The educator certification policy is considered unfair, especially for teachers who cannot meet the requirements to follow it. The government has targeted that the in-service teacher certification program will be completed in 2014. The completion of the teacher certification program faces a big challenge because there are still many teachers who do not have a minimum education qualification of S1 and D4.

Based on the conditions above, namely the low number of public elementary school teachers in the Central Jakarta area, we tried to research "Mapping Central Jakarta Elementary School Teachers".



The research method used is descriptive quantitative method, because the research was carried out in natural conditions (natural setting). Descriptive research is a form of the most basic research. Intended to describe or illustrate existing phenomena, both natural phenomena and human engineering. In addition, the research data is more concerned with the interpretation of the data found in the field. in quantitative research is "a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of numbers and words."

Data Collection Technique

The data collection technique used in this study was a questionnaire. Questionnaires are data collection by sending a list of questions to be filled in by respondents by marking the available alternative answers. While the respondent is the person who responds to the questions asked. (Hasan: 2002, 83-84) . The questionnaire prepared in this study was addressed to teachers in the Central Jakarta area.

Data Analysis Technique.

According to Miles and Huberman, the data analysis technique is by following a flow model: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions/verification. Data analysis in research is based on the approaches, methods and techniques used, which are then developed and modified according to research needs. The data analysis was carried out in the following way.













Figure 1. Data Analysis Flow



Based on the results of data tabulation carried out on the four aspects assessed, they can be seen below:

1. Assessment of the Educational Level of Teachers

The assessment of the status of teachers consists of four items as shown below, From the results of Figure 2. below, it gives meaning, including the aspect of the educational level of elementary school teachers in the Central Jakarta area for senior high school, 17%, bachelor's degree, 79%, master's degree, 4%, doctoral degree, 2 teachers out of 6,336 teachers in the Central Jakarta area.

Even though there are 1,064 S-1 teachers, there are still 1,064 teachers who are still in senior high school. This needs to be improved to make it better.

Image 2. Education of Teacher

2. Assessment of the Status of Teachers

The assessment of the status of teachers consists of four items as shown below, Figure 3. Below gives meaning including the aspects of teachers for civil servants, from the results obtained 53%, assisting teachers 3%, honorary teachers 39%, and Temporary teachers 5%, although for PNS teachers it is 53% but honorary teachers and assistant teachers must be processed to become civil servant teaching staff.


Image 3. Status of Teacher

3. Assessment of Certification

Figure 4. Of the total number of elementary school teachers in the Central Jakarta area, totaling six thousand three hundred and thirty six (6336) certified elementary teachers, 51% are quite good, but for auxiliary teachers who are not yet certified, they must be certified immediately so they have the ability teach well.



Image 4. Certification of Teacher

4. Assessment of Teacher Age

Regarding the age of the teachers, there were still at least 39% of the young people who became teachers. The teachers had to add young teachers so that their work process had more work force than those over 40 years of age.

Image 5. Age of Teacher

To find out from the overall results it will be seen from table 2. below,

Table 2. Results of a Survey of Central Jakarta Elementary School Teachers




















40 >=

< 40













          TOTAL             :                               6336


From the survey results in the table above, it can be concluded that it is very encouraging, but the level or quality of education for teachers in Central Jakarta must always be increased. Therefore, the government is expected to provide more space for teachers to develop their interests and talents to continue their education so that it is better for the teacher personally, the institution, the nation and the nation.

Image 6. Total Result of the Variable.



Central Jakarta education staff covering the aspects of status, age, certification, and education level of teachers showed that in general Central Jakarta teachers had an undergraduate degree, 79%. however, there are still 17% who have high school education, this must always be improved. Even so, youth who have the potential to become educators must be given the widest possible opportunity. As for the status for teachers who are still assistant teachers, they must be appointed as civil servants as soon as possible. And what is no less important for teacher certification must always be processed to become professional teachers.



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