Jumbratu Rahma

Faculty of Economics, Teuku Umar University, Aceh, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]



This is a lesson aims to confirm and check the impact of incentives and work discipline in the workplace employee show productivity. This special location study finished in land office (BPN) of West Aceh Regency. This study's sample consisted of all employees land office (BPN) of West Aceh Regency, totaling 37 people, sampling Saturated Sampling was used in this study (Non Probability Sampling). The variables in this study are as follows reward (X1), work discipline (X2), as well as employee performance productivity (Y). The result of multiple linear regression analysis in this research explain that the prize and work Variable discipline has positive influence on employee performance productivity with the equation Y = 8.096 + 0.483X1 + 0.315X2 + e. Based on t and f. test outcomes is stated that reward variable as well as several work disciplines or simultaneously (simultaneously) have a significant and positive influence in terms of employee performance productivity, this can be proven by the reward variable tcount > ttable (4,651 > 2.03224), and the work discipline variable tcount > ttable (2.584 > 2.03224), and the f test results are proven by Fcount > Ftable or 76,359 > 3.27 and the significance level is less than 0.05. And The coefficient of determination test results show that ability of the reward variable (X1) and exertion discipline (X2) in explaining the employee productivity variable (Y) was 80.7% and the remaining 19.3% was not explained as determined by another variable discussed in this research.


Keywords: reward; work discipline; employee performance productivity


Received 20 October 2021, Revised 7 November 2021, Accepted 10 November 2021




The role of human resource management in an agency has begun to get the attention of several academics (Abdullah, 2017). Especially in the current era of globalization where the existence of Human Resources is the main thing in the success and success of the agency. HRM (Human Resource Management) in an agency should be supervised by professionals to achieve a balance between the needs and demands of employees and the capabilities of an organization (Riniwati, 2016). Expectations of good performance productivity about employees are not spared because of how a company rewards and applies work discipline to its employees. The basis for an agency to be able to achieve success in terms of competition is how a company manages the company's resources. There are various factors that can affect employee performance productivity, including rewards and work discipline.

The reward can be in the form of an appreciation given by the agency to its employees in order to motivate employees to increase their productivity (Tangkuman, Tewal, & Trang, 2015). Agencies can also provide rewards to employees for working and their dedication is able to be a role model for other employees. Rewards are given to employees in the hope that increasing progress at work will automatically advance the company (Lina, 2014).

The reward is the provision of remuneration or appreciation provided by the agency to its employees because of the achievement of the work that has been done by employees with the aim that employees are more active in improving or improving their performance in the world of work that advances the company automatically (Armstrong, 2010). The rewards given by the land office (BPN) of West Aceh district to employees are in the form of promotions, disciplined and obedient ASNs, bonuses in the form of money given to employees for completed work and responsibilities, and rewards in the form of praise given by superiors to employees. Employees in front of colleagues for the performance of employees in completing the tasks provided.

Work Discipline is another factor that influences employee performance and productivity. Work discipline is very important because employees with work discipline produce quality work, large quantity of work, and a reasonable amount of working time and great responsibility for the work that has been delegated to them so that they can increase employee performance productivity and support the realization of agency goals (Syafrina, 2017). As a result, discipline can be said to be the key to success so that the goals of an agency can be achieved (Sulaksono, 2015). Discipline in work becomes a medium by leaders in conveying and persuading employees to obey the rules that have been set previously (Kusumastuti, 2021).

The Land Office (BPN) is a National Land Agency located in the Regency/City environment to carry out registration of land rights and maintenance of general registers of land registration. In carrying out its duties and obligations in each region, namely by establishing a National Land Agency institution in the province as well as a land agency in the district/city, one of which is located in the Meulaboh area, Kab. West Aceh. Currently, there are 37 employees working at the land office (BPN) of West Aceh Regency, where at the West Aceh Land Office (BPN) there are 5 divisions, namely survey and mapping, determination of rights and registration, structuring and empowerment, land acquisition and development and control and resolution of disputes. The vision of the West Aceh District Land Office in particular is to become an institution capable of realizing land for the greatest prosperity of the people, as well as justice and the long-term sustainability of the nation's social system.

The current issue with the Land Office of West Aceh Regency is the productivity of employee performance, which is still lacking or negligent in completing their duties effectively and efficiently within the time frame that has been set. According to findings from research, If you look at the Work Discipline of the employees at the Land Office of West Aceh Regency, it is said to be lacking, because there are still some employees who are unprofessional and disciplined in their work, for example, there are some employees who come late, and during breaks, there are some employees who leave the office early to rest or are late going back to the office after the break is over, as well as the negligence of the employee in completing the given work, However, some employees are still aware of the importance of work discipline, so if work discipline on employees is not improved, then this can affect the productivity of the employee's performance to be bad. So the situation must be overcome in order to increase the productivity of employee performance. While the rewards given and provided by the West Aceh District Land Office for its employees can be said to motivate employees to be more active in improving or improving their performance, which can automatically increase employee productivity.

The purpose of this study is to see whether rewards and work discipline have a significant and positive effect on Employee Performance Productivity at the Land Office of West Aceh Regency. Based on the description, it is possible to submit the research title "The Effect of Rewards and Rewards. Work Discipline Against Employee Performance Productivity BPN Aceh Barat�.

Based on the description above, it can be seen that there is a close relationship between rewards, work discipline, and employee performance productivity. Where these variables become an integral part of HR management in a company As a result, the authors want to study further research on this matter.

According to the previous description, The problems in this study are as follows:

1.     Is it true that rewards have a major impact on the productivity of the employees of the West Aceh District Land Office?

2.     Is it true that work discipline has a significant impact on the productivity of employee performance at the Land Office of West Aceh Regency.

3.     Is it true that rewards and work discipline simultaneously have a significant impact on the productivity of the employee performance of the West Aceh District Land Office.



The method in this research is causal associative research and uses a quantitative approach. Quantitative research methods, namely research methods based on the philosophy of potivism, are used to investigate a particular population or sample (Sugiyono, 2019). Because this research is in the form of numbers and statistics, which are used to measure and obtain research results through the distribution of a list of questions.

(Sugiyono, 2019) explained that causal association is a research question formulation, which asks about the relationship between two or more variables. The use of associative causal in this study is to identify the extent to which the causal relationship Reward (X1) and Work Discipline (X2) will Productivity employee performance (Y).

The population of this study were employees of the land office of West Aceh district (BPN) Meulaboh, as many as 37 employees, the researchers used asampling technique non-probability. carried out using the saturated sampling technique (census) which is if all members are sampled from the population. So the sample for this study were all 37 employees at the West Aceh District Land Office (BPN).

In this study, the data sources used to support this study are based on secondary data and primary data. (Sugiyono, 2019), explained that this primary data is a source that provides data directly to data collectors, for example data selected from respondents by dividing and filling out questionnaires or data from researcher interviews with different sources while secondary data is information obtained by how to read or learn and understand using other media such as literature, books, and documents.

This research data collection technique was obtained directly by filling out employee questionnaires at the West Aceh District Land Office (BPN), where the questionnaires had been previously distributed and also participated in studying the research directly at the research location, namely the West Aceh District Land Office (BPN). In addition, researchers also obtained additional data by reading online journals, articles, internet web searching related to the effect of Reward and Work Discipline on Employee Performance Productivity, as well as previous research as supporting data and complementary data. The questionnaire distributed in this study used a positive statement Likert scale (score 5 to 1). Where the Likert scale is used to determine the score / value for each statement in the distributed questionnaire sheet.

In preparing the questionnaire in this study, one of the criteria is that it must be valid and reliable (reliable), to measure the validity and reliability of a questionnaire, Validity Test and Reliability Test are used (Matondang, 2009). The purpose of evaluating the validity and reliability of the questionnaire is to ensure that the list of questionnaires that the researcher makes will produce valid and reliable data.

The analytical method used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis using regression equations (Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + e), hypothesis testing (t test and f test), and the coefficient of determination (R2). To test the validity and reliability (reliability) of a questionnaire and to process the data analysis technique used in this study, the SPSS statistical study program version 20 was used.



1.     Results

Validity and reliability testing are handled by SPSS 20, provided on a questionnaire about items deemed If rcount> rtable has a significance level of 0.05 (5%), amounting to 0.334 then valid so that when the rcount  rtable  the item about the questionnaire is considered invalid. And a variable is considered reliable, we can see through the Cronbach�s Alpha value on all statement items from each research variable exceeding 0.70 then all statement items in this study are declared reliable.

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

According to the multiple linear regression test that has been carried out, the results are as follows:


Table 1

Multiple Linear Regression Test Results



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error









Reward (X1)






work discipline (X2)






Source: SPSS 2021 processing data


According to the findings of the data processed using the SPSS version 20 program, then the results of the multiple linear regression equation were obtained as shown below:

Y = 8.096 + 0.483X1 + 0.315X2 + e. The relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable is shown by multiple linear regression equations, so it can be concluded:

1. The constant value is 8.096 (positive value), if the variable does not change reward and work discipline (X1 and X2 values ​​are assumed to be 0) then the productivity of employee productivity at the West Aceh Land Office (BPN) has a value of 8.096.

2. The value of the regression coefficient is reward 0.483 which indicates the direction of the relationship is positive in its influence on employee performance productivity. This means that the variable reward (X1) has increased by 1 (unit) which can be assumed to variable labor discipline (X2) and the constant (a) is 0 (zero), so the productivity performance of employees at the Land Office (BPN) of West Aceh increased by 0,483.

3. The value of the work discipline regression coefficient is 0.315 which shows the direction of a positive relationship in its influence on the productivity of employee performance. This means that the discipline of work (X2) has increased by 1 (unit) can be assumed to be a variable reward (X1) and the constant (a) is 0 (zero), so the productivity performance of employees at the Land Office (BPN) of West Aceh increased by 0.315.


Hypothesis Testing Results

1)  The results of t test

T-testis used to determine whether a variable reward (X1) as well as work discipline (X2) partially (alone) will affect the performance of employee productivity variable (Y) at the Land Office (BPN) Aceh Barat. This test is done by checking the significance column for each independent variable with a significance level of 0.05. The t test has been carried out, the results are as follows:


Table 2

T-Test Results (Partial)



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error









Reward (X1)






Work discipline (X2)






Source: SPSS 2021 processing data


According to the test results table t, is the conclusion, namely:


Variable Effect Reward  On Productivity PerformanceEmployees (H1)

Reward (X1) significantly and positively statistically'll productivity employee performance (Y) at the Land Office (BPN) Aceh Barat. This can be seen from the significant value of the reward (X1) 0.000 <0.05. The value of t table = t(α/2; n � k � 1= t(0.05/2; 37 � 2 � 1= (0.025; 34) = 2.03224. This means that the value of t count > t table (4,651 > 2.03224) H0 was rejected while H1 is accepted, so the first hypothesis in this study (variable reward) partially acceptable

Variable effect on productivity work Discipline Employee performance (H2)

Working discipline (X2) significant and positive impact of productivity performance employee (Y) at the West Aceh Land Office (BPN). This can be seen from the significant value of work discipline (X2) 0.014 < 0.05. The value of t table = t(α/2; n � k � 1 = t( 0.05 / 2; 37-2 - 1 = (0.025; 34) = 2.03224. This means that the value of t> t table (2.584> 2.03224) H0 was rejected, and H2 is received, so hypothesis II study This (work discipline variable) is partially acceptable

2)  F test results

Significance of the values ​​compared in this test Fcount > Ftable it is possible to conclude that the regression model is correct, implying that it affects simultaneously (simultaneously). By checking the value of Ftable = f(k; n � k) = F(2; 37 � 2) = Ftable = (2; 35) = 3.27 with an F test with an error rate of 5%, it can be seen in the table below : 


Table 3

F Test Results (Simultaneous)



Sum of Squares


Mean Square






















Source: SPSS 2021 processing data

It can be seen that the test results shown in the table above show that Fcount has a value of 76,359 with a value of Ftable is 3.27 As a result, the value of Fcount > Ftable or 76,359 > 3.27 and a significant level of 0.000 < 0.05 H0 is then rejected while H1 is accepted, so it can be it is concluded that the reward variable (X1) and work discipline (X2) simultaneously (simultaneously) have a significant effect on the productivity of employee performance at the West Aceh Land Office (BPN).

Test Results The coefficient of determination (R2)

This test is used to determine what percentage of the effect of variable reward (X1) as well as work discipline (X2) will be variable productivity of employee performance (Y). This determinant coefficient test can be known through the help of the SPSS version 20 program, with reference to thetable model summary, shown in the following table:



Table 4

Determination Coefficient Test Results

Model Summaryb





R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate

Change Statistics


R Square Change

F Change





Sig. F Change












Source: SPSS 2021 processing data

The coefficient of determination of the results in the table The coefficient of determinant shown above is found in the Adjusted R Square column which is 0.807. This may imply the ability of variable reward (X1)and discipline (X2)to explain the productivity variable employee performance (Y), ie 80.7% of 100% and the remaining 19.3% is explained by variables that are not mentioned in the study these like promotions and individual characteristics, etc. In other words, there are still many other factors that can have an impact on the productivity of employee performance at the West Aceh Land Office (BPN).


2.     Discussion

Based on the results of the analysis, Employee Performance Productivity is influenced by Rewards and Work Discipline as evidenced by positive and significant results at the West Aceh District Land Office. The high number of respondents' responses to each research variable resulted in these results. Furthermore, the results showed that the variables X1 and X2 had a partial and simultaneous influence on the Y variable.

Based on the results of the study, it is known that the Reward variable has a significant effect on the Performance Productivity of the Land Office of West Aceh Regency. The results of the significance test of 0.000 are smaller than the significance value of 0.05. Therefore, the West Aceh District Land Office is required to give appreciation to its employees so that they can motivate them and with the hope that increasing progress in work will automatically advance the company.

Based on the results of the study, it is known that Work Discipline has a significant effect on the productivity of employee performance at the Land Office of West Aceh Regency. The test result of 0.014 significance is smaller than the significance value of 0.05. Therefore, the leadership of the West Aceh District Land Office must continue to improve and maintain discipline in working for their employees in order to produce quality work.

The value of Adjusted R2 = 0.807 was obtained from the results of the determinant coefficient test based on the experimental results. Employee Performance Productivity is influenced by Reward and Work Discipline by 80.7 percent, while the remaining 19.3 percent is explained by variables not examined in this study. In other words, employee productivity at the West Aceh District Land Office can still be influenced by various other factors.

There is a t-count of 4.651 and a significance value of 0.000 based on the experimental results of the t-reward hypothesis (X1). A significance value that is smaller than 0.05 indicates that the X1 variable has a significant and positive effect on the Y variable. Testing the Work Discipline hypothesis (X2) shows that the total t count = 2.584 and the magnitude is 0.014. Work Discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance and productivity if the significance value is less than 0.05. As a result, the two hypotheses tested in this study are important for the productivity of employee performance at the West Aceh District Land Office.

The results of testing the F test hypothesis show that Y is influenced by X1 and X2, and this effect is positive and significant. It has been tested, and the results show that the calculated f value is 76,359, and the significance value is 0.000. At the Land Office of Aceh Barat Regency, the significance value of 0.000 is smaller than 0.05, indicating that Y is affected by X1 and X2 simultaneously with positive and significant results.



The results of testing with the SPSS program obtainedvariables reward (X1) has a positive and statistically significant effect on employee performance productivity (Y) at the West Aceh Land Office (BPN). Partially obtained the value of tarithmetic > ttable = 4.651 > 2.03224 with a significance level of 0.000 < 0.05, namely H0 is rejected, while Ha is accepted.

The results of testing with the SPSS program obtained that the work discipline variable (X2) has a significant and positive effect on employee performance productivity (Y) at the West Aceh Land Office (BPN). Partially obtained the value of tarithmetic > ttable = 2.584> 2.03224 with a significant level of 0.014 < 0.05, namely H0 is rejected while Ha is accepted.

Variable reward (X1) as well as work discipline (X2) simultaneously has a positive and significant impact will be the variable productivity of employee performance (Y) at the Land Office (BPN) Aceh Barat. These test results obtained from Fcount>Ftable= 76.359> 3.27 with a significance level of 0.000> 0.05.

The results of testing coefficient of determination (R2) obtained by the value of Adjusted R Squard = 0.807. That means that 80.7% of the employee performance productivity variable (Y) is affected by thevariable reward (X1) and work discipline (X2), while the remaining 19.3% (100% - 80.7%) other independent variables are not examined in this study. this study affected the results. In other words, there are still several other variables that can have an impact on the productivity of employee performance at the West Aceh Land Office (BPN).

So, there is a positive interaction between reward and work discipline variables on employee performance productivity variables at the West Aceh Land Office (BPN). So that if the rewards and work discipline are increasing, the productivity of employee performance will also increase.




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