Training on Grant Proposal Preparation for Non-Profit Organizations in Lhokseumawe City


Zusma Widawaty A. Wahab1, Elvina2, Nurmila Dewi3, Rahmi Raihan4,

Yetty Tri Putri5

Dosen Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

*e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] , [email protected]  




Training, Grant Proposal, Non-Profit Organizations


·       One of the manifestations of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education is the implementation of the application of science and technology through training charged to the teaching staff of the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic.  This training is a hands-on practice on preparing grant proposals for non-profit organizations in Lhokseumawe City.  This training aims to help improve the capacity of program staff in drafting grant proposals.  The material provided in this training consists of preparing a workplan, logical frame work, and budget.  This training took place successfully, this can be seen from the success achieved, where 95% of participants already understand how to make grant proposals for non-profit organizations and 5% of participants still have to learn it with the guidance of participants who are already proficient.








Non-profit organizations as one of the organizations that play a role in the process of implementing development or in providing public services have been active for a long time.  (Teelken, 2008) Strong non-profit organizations, especially those working at the field level, have the ability to form close relationships with various parties such as with local governments, generate community ownership and participation in development efforts.  Non-profit organizations in the community can take the form of welfare and health organizations, institutions and universities.

A non-profit organization is an organization that aims to provide services or services and does not aim to make a profit from its operational activities (Altuna, Contri, Dell’Era, Frattini, & Maccarrone, 2015).  Or it can be said that non-profit organizations are non-governmental organizations engaged in social activities for the empowerment of civil society whose funds are obtained through grants, donations or other financial mechanisms.  The focus of the vision and mission of non-profit organizations is service to the community.

To support its activities such as community empowerment, non-profit organizations need considerable funds and not just once in a while (Chan, 2013).  The organization derives its funding from donations from members and other donors (donors) who do not expect anything in return from the organization.  Because of this, nonprofits are highly dependent on grant funding and so need to maintain good relations with donors who are sources for their funding.  The source of funds obtained from donor agencies by the board of non-profit organizations is strongly influenced by trust in the organization.  Therefore, non-profit organizations must have a good reputation with donor agencies.

Non-profit organizations get funding sources from two sources, namely funding sources from second parties and third parties (Kamaruddin, Wahyudi, & Gani, 2022).  Second-party funding sources are parties who directly benefit from the funds provided, for example school student levies that can be directly benefited through the acquisition of educational services by these students, while third-party funding sources are obtained from donors who do not directly benefit from these funds, for example funds from donors to orphanages.

Grant is a form of funding assistance that does not require the applicant to return the assistance provided when the activity has been completed, but the applicant simply submits a report on the results of his activities.  So there is no return payment from the recipient to the grantor(Nasrullah, 2020).  The results of this activity will usually be used by the donor agency as one of the achievements of the donor agency's activities.

Grants are generally not only in the form of capital / cash funds, but can also be experts and management, as well as technology transfer(Wright, Siegel, & Mustar, 2017).  This grant can come from one country (bilateral) and can also be from a regional or international funding agency (multilateral), for example institutions under the United Nations such as UNDP, FAO, WHO and other institutions(Morita & Matsumoto, 2017).

Grants can also be interpreted as the provision of money/goods or services from local governments to other governments or local governments, regional companies, communities and community organizations, which have been specifically determined, are non-mandatory and non-binding and not continuous, which aims to support the implementation of local government affairs.  Grant assistance always has a strengthening dimension, grants have a function and purpose of empowerment for recipient groups(Coalter, 2010).

To get grant funds from donors, each institution needs to create an activity related to the activities of the institution(Ko & Liu, 2021).  Institutional activities are related to the programs that will be run by each institution in accordance with a predetermined period of time(Neliwati & Dahlan, 2022).  To clarify the activities carried out by each institution, it is necessary to explain through a preparation of grant proposals in accordance with donor requests(Jay, 2013).

The success of fundraising does not only depend on the preparation of proposals, but also on the good name of the institution, communication and good relations with donor agencies and activities carried out in accordance with conditions at that time.  Therefore, the preparation of a good grant proposal will be able to help non-profit organizations obtain financial assistance from donors(Payne, 1998).

Program staff are part of non-profit organizations, do not fully have the expertise to prepare grant proposals due to limited knowledge and not many institutions that prepare training on this grant preparation (Dubinsky, 2002).

The limited ability of program staff in preparing grant proposals for non-profit organizations is one of the reasons this training is given to them, so that they can make proposals properly and correctly and deserve to be accepted by donor institutions.

Problem Formulation

Based on the analysis of the situation above, the problem formulation is as follows:

1.              Do nonprofit program staff have the ability to draft grant proposals?

2.              Do nonprofit program staff have the ability to craft grant proposals according to standards set by different donors?

Output Target

The target of implementing this science and technology application is non-profit organizations, especially program staff(Harris et al., 2019).  The expected output from this activity can be useful for program staff so that they are able to compile non-profit organization grant proposals consisting of preparing work plans, preparing logical frame work and preparing budgets. Therefore, the first output of the application of science and technology is publication in national scientific journals, the second output of the application of science and technology is a standard for preparing grant proposals in accordance with the standards set by donors(Dhillon et al., 2017).

Through this training, non-profit program staff are expected to have the ability to compile grant proposals in accordance with the standards set by donors(Sacristán López de los Mozos, Rodríguez Duarte, & Rodríguez Ruiz, 2016).





Troubleshooting Framework      

          In this training, participants will be given examples of work plans, logical frame work and budget preparation as well as examples of questions made by the implementers of science and technology application activities.  The initial step of this activity is the preparation stage which begins with the preparation of training agendas and materials as well as the determination of training participants. The second stage is the training stage where participants will be given an explanation of the general description of non-profit organizations, understanding funding proposals grants and the purpose and usefulness of preparing grant proposals.  Then participants will be given how to prepare work plans, logical frame work and budgeting.  The last stage of this training is to evaluate the participants by providing exercises so that the activity implementers know the extent of the abilities of the participants who have attended the training.

Target Audience

          In order for the training provided to be appropriate, the target audience of this activity is the program staff of non-profit organizations located in Lhokseumawe City.  This training requires thorough guidance both from the material provided and solving case examples.  Therefore, the organizer of the activity sets specific criteria that must be met by the participants such as

1.     Program staff of non-profit organizations located in Lhokseumawe City

2.     Understand the purpose and usefulness of attending training.

3.     Have a commitment to attend initial training until they have the ability to compile grant proposals.



         The implementation of science and technology implementation activities is carried out within a period of 6 (six months) as shown in the following table:

Table.  Schedule of activities










Preparatory Stage:

1.           Preparation of training agendas and materials.

2.           Determination of trainees.










Training Implementation Phase:

1.         Preparing equipment and materials.

2.         The first meeting was given an explanation of the general description of the nirmaba organization, the proposal for grants, the purpose and usefulness of preparing grant funds.

3.         The second meeting carried out the practice of preparing work plans, logical frame work and budgets.






Stages of Activity Evaluation:

Provide exercises and assess the work of participants.







Preparation of reports on the results of the application of science and technology







Publication of reports in national journals








Analysis of Activity Results

The application of science and technology for the preparation of grant proposals for staff of the non-profit organization program in Lhokseumawe City ran smoothly and successfully carried out at the LBH APIK Aceh Office.  The number of participants is limited to 20 people from 11 non-profit organizations in Lhokseumawe City, namely LBH APIK Aceh, Tandaseru, RPUK, BSUIK, BSKL, Balaisyura, NGOs SAHARA, Jari Aceh, P2TP2A, SEPAKAT and RAWI.

Picture. Trainee Photos


Before the training was given, participants admitted that not all understood the purpose and usefulness of the grant proposal.  This is because, not all program staff are involved when making proposals that will be submitted to donors, and in the education process are also not taught how to prepare grant proposals.

Image of Training Material Delivery


The delivery of material is theoretically carried out through the discussion method so that participants more easily understand the explanation given, but there are still participants who are less active in discussing or answering the questions asked.  In practical activities, participants are given the task of preparing grant proposals, making work plans, logical work frames and budgets.  Initially, the participants distinguished between work plan and logical frame work, but after working on the given case, finally the participants were able to understand and understand.


Picture. Participants are asking questions related to proposal and grant preparation materials


Picture. Participants seriously pay attention to the speaker's explanation


                  After the training was given, the participants' abilities were considered very good.  From the evaluation results, 95% of participants have understood the benefits and uses of preparing grant proposals and have been able to compile grant proposals.  The success of this activity is inseparable from the participants who already have basic skills about grant proposals, making it easier for implementers to provide explanations about the use of preparing grant funds and the practice of preparing grant proposals.


Obstacles Faced

                  This activity experienced obstacles, where it was difficult to adjust the time of activities that had been arranged according to the teaching and learning process at the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic.  Implementers must plan and arrange schedules appropriately so as not to clash with teaching activities.  In addition, the modules and example cases provided must go through appropriate considerations, namely fast resolution but must be thorough and answered as planned.



Based on the discussion above, conclusions can be drawn about the results of the implementation of science and technology application as follows: Training participants have high enthusiasm in participating in the training because they have never received training on preparing grant proposals. Participants already have a basic understanding of grant proposals, making it easier for them to understand the advanced material. The trainees have been able to compile grant proposals very well.



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