
Ivana Rahmawati

Faculty of Educational Sciences, Panca Sakti University, Bekasi, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]



This study was conducted to determine efforts to improve the reading ability of children aged 5-6 years through the application of image media in group B in TK PGRI Melati 2. To obtain data in this study the author used quantitative research methods, from the data generated through observation, the format of ability assessment. This research was conducted in group B PGRI Melati 2 Kindergarten with a total of 15 students. The purpose of this study is to improve reading skills by using interesting media images so that children are able to read and recognize the letters of the words in each picture. Not only using pictures that were done in this study, but children can make their own sentences using the picture cards. There is an aspect of language that is taken in this case, so that children get a lot of vocabulary for each of their vocabulary. Teachers can make interesting games too with this picture media. Using image media is also able to improve children's cognitive in recognizing every object or word in the picture, so that children understand and understand the real form of the image. The success of research using picture cards is very helpful in improving each word.


Keywords: reading ability, picture media, early childhood.


Received 20 October 2021, Revised 5 November 2021, Accepted 10 November 2021




In Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the national education system states that: "Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills. needed by himself, society, nation and state.

In the law on the national education system it is stated that early childhood education is a coaching effort aimed at children from birth to the age of 6 years which is carried out through educational stimulation to shape physical and spiritual growth and development so that children have readiness to enter education. Furthermore. Early childhood is also known as the golden age.

The child is seen as an individual who is just starting to get to know the world, he does not yet know manners, manners, rules, norms, ethics, and various things about the world, he is also learning to communicate with other people and learn to understand others, children need to be guided to understand about the world and its contents. Children also need to be guided to understand various natural phenomena and be able to perform the skills needed to live in society. Children's interaction with objects and other people is needed in order to develop a noble personality, character and character. Early age is a very valuable time to instill nationalism, religion, ethics, morals, and social values that are useful for the next life of children (Sit, Khadijah, Nasution, & Sitorus, 2016). Children who are born into the world are a mandate given by Allah SWT. As the next generation of nation and religion. They are new hopes that will grow and develop into the pillars of religion and the nation (Asrul & Sitorus, 2016).

Early childhood education is one form of organization that focuses on laying the foundation for growth and six aspects of development, namely: moral and religious development, physical development (coordination of gross and fine motor skills), intelligence/cognitive (thinking power, creativity), socio -emotional (attitudes and emotions), language and communication in accordance with the uniqueness and stages of development according to the age group that is passed by early childhood (Madyawati, 2016).� Development is a mental change that takes place gradually and over time, from simple abilities to more difficult abilities, such as intelligence, attitude, and behavior.

The growth and development of each child is different, some are fast and some are slow, depending on talent (genetic), environment (nutrition and treatment), and convergence (a combination of talent and environment). Therefore, the treatment of children cannot be generalized, preferably by considering the level of growth and development of children.

One of the areas of development in the growth of basic abilities in kindergarten is language development. Language learning for early childhood is directed at the ability to communicate, both orally and in writing (symbolic). To understand symbolic language, children need to learn to read and write. Therefore, language learning is often divided into two, namely learning language for communication and learning literacy, namely learning to read and write.

According to Eliason in (Ahmad Susanto, 2011) children who like pictures and letters from the start development will have a greater desire to read and the ability to learn to read takes time, patience, and readiness. Children who like pictures or letters from the beginning of their development will have the desire to read, open new doors, fix information, and have fun (Ahmad Susanto, 2011).

In the condition of children in PGRI Melati 2 Kindergarten, the author sees that there are still children whose responses have not been focused on the material given by the teacher and some even prefer to tell stories with heir seatmates compared to seeing / paying attention to the learning material given by the teacher. In addition, in the understanding stage, children tend not to be able to reiterate what has been conveyed. Based on observations of this situation, one of which is influenced by the lack of variety of teachers in using media that can stimulate children's language skills and in improving reading to increase the vocabulary of children, teachers still use reading books without pictures or media that make it easier for children to read, so that children become less to develop language and increase vocabulary, especially children who are less able to apply reading skills through still image media.

����������� The application of picture cards is also able to improve children's learning outcomes faster, because children are able to recognize letter shapes, colors, words and others so that children are able to develop themselves (Aliputri, 2018). As for (Asmonah, 2019) picture card media is the beginning in facilitating reading for early childhood.

There are many media that can be used by teachers to improve children's reading skills, one of which is picture media: through still images, children can describe the images they see even though they do not read with written readings.

So from the description above the author explains that the reading ability of children in PGRI Melati 2 Kindergarten still needs to be improved by providing variations in learning, especially with image media to make children happy and pay attention to teachers and not get bored easily and can improve early reading in children. So here the author is looking for a solution to this problem. One of them is by using picture media/picture books. Still image media can be used as a solution to improve reading skills and to increase children's vocabulary in image media.



This research was conducted at PGRI Melati Kindergarten 2 group B, Cikiray Village, Cikidang District, Sukabumi Regency. Time This research was carried out in February 2021.

The research method that will be used is the classroom action research method. The purpose of this study is to bridge the gap between learning theory and practice.

The implementation model of Classroom Action Research in this study uses a collaborative Classroom Action Research model, where the researcher works with collaborators (Akbar, 2009). In the implementation of the research group B kindergarten teachers. PGRI Melati 2 acts as a collaborator and researchers act as observers. The teacher and the researcher carry out the planning, implementation and observation process as well as evaluating the learning process so that the research runs smoothly.

The research is planned to last for two cycles, each of which consists of planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. Each cycle will consist of at least three face-to-face meetings so that the entire study will consist of six face-to-face meetings.

This research is grouped into 2 cycles, each cycle has several stages or steps. The stages or steps are: a) Planning stage; b) Action implementation stage; c) Observation and interpretation stage; d) Analysis and reflection stage.

1.     Action design

The research conducted is to improve reading skills through the application of image media. The background of this research is because of the low reading ability of Group B children in kindergarten. PGRI Melati 2 Cikiray Village, Cikidang District, Sukabumi Regency. The study was conducted in February 2020 on Group B children in kindergarten. PGRI Melati 2 Cikiray Village, Cikidang District, Sukabumi Regency. The research method used is action research (action research). The research design carried out is the Kemmis and Taggart models. This design consists of 4 stages, namely:

a.     Planning (planning),

b.     Action (acting),

c.     Observation, and

d.     Reflection (reflecting).

Based on the reflection, the researcher got an increase in the results of the action intervention and made it possible to plan further actions in the next cycle.

2.     Action Procedure

The research procedure in this classroom action research can be described as follows.

a.      Stage of planning (planning). Planning is in the form of actions to identify the problems encountered, then when the problem identification has been obtained, a scenario is then drawn up for a learning improvement plan.

b.      Stage of Action (acting). The action is guided by the learning scenario that has been prepared at the planning stage.

c.       Observation Phase (observing). By giving evaluation tests to students to determine the success rate of improvement in each cycle.

d.      Reflecting Phase (Reflecting). At the reflection stage, the researcher analyzes the data obtained through the evaluation test, prepares an implementation plan for learning improvements for the next cycle if the desired target has not been achieved, and provides conclusions when the target has been achieved.

This research was conducted in group B PGRI Melati 2 Kindergarten with 15 students. The results showed that the reading ability of children who developed very well, developed as expected, began to develop and did not develop can be seen from the results of initial observations in pre-action children in the there are 8 children in the undeveloped category (53%) which means that the children have not changed with the use of the teaching materials used. Starting to develop there are 4 children (27%), meaning that the children are starting to understand the use of the teaching materials used. Developing according to expectations of having 3 children (20%) means that the child really understands what is being taught with the teaching materials used and Develops very well 0%, meaning that they have not experienced perfection in the use of the teaching materials used.

At the first cycle meeting, there were 4 children in the category of Undeveloped (27%), Beginning to Develop there were 7 children (47%), Developing as Expected there were 4 children (27%) and Very Good Developing 0%. In Cycle I there were 2 children who met the Undeveloped category, there were 2 children (13%), Started Developing had 5 children (33%), Developed as Expected had 7 children (47%) and Very Well Developed had 1 child (7% ). In the first cycle meeting 3 children in the Undeveloped category there was 1 child (7%), Starting to Develop had 4 children (27%), Developed as Expected had 8 children (53%) and Very Well Developed had 2 children (13%). At the meeting of Cycle II 1 there were no children in the Undeveloped category, Starting to Develop had 2 children (13%), Developing as Expected had 9 children (60%) and Very Good Developing had 4 children (27%). In cycle II meeting 2 there were no children in the category of Undeveloped and Starting to Develop, Developing According to Expectations there were 7 children (47%) and very well developed there were 8 children (53%). At the meeting of Cycle II, there were 2 children (13%) developing according to expectations and 13 children developing very well (87%).

To find out the success in the learning process, a thorough evaluation is needed. The criteria for success in this study was the increase in the initial reading ability of Group B children in PGRI Melati 2 Kindergarten Cikidang. The indicators of reading ability are in the form of children's ability to mention letter sound symbols, children's ability to mention the same phonemes, and children's ability to read words. This research is said to be successful if children who experience an increase in early reading skills use picture word cards media by 81% or with very good criteria.



1.     PreAction Description

Initial data were obtained by researchers by conducting initial observations of reading skills that had been carried out during one meeting, namely on February 10, 2020. Observations were carried out using an observation sheet instrument that had been arranged in the form of a check list to reveal the child's initial ability to mention letter sound symbols, mentioning the same phoneme, and read the word.

The research was conducted using a qualitative method in which the theory and application were in accordance with the research to be carried out by the researcher (Dwiyanto, 2002). In the study, children's cognitive development was also developed in recognizing letters and numbers, so that children remembered more quickly through the media of picture cards, numbers, letters, animals, plants, vegetables and others according to the learning theme (Tai, Meka, & Rawa, 2021). No less important is the environment around the child to make habituations from an early age, which if you get used to repeating school activities with family members, the child will quickly absorb the learning taught by the teacher according to (Yanti & Marimin, 2017). Meanwhile, according to (Yhuaningsih, 2010) picture card media can improve children's language skills and increase interest in reading in early childhood.

In the pre-action research, the teacher teaches the theme of communication tools with the sub-theme of various communication tools without using picture media, the media used by the teacher in the pre-action research is the blackboard and chalk media, the teacher draws radio communication tools and the teacher gives information under the picture using chalk. Based on the results of initial observations in group B at TK PGRI Melati 2 Cikidang Sukabumi there were about 8 (53%) students out of 15 students whose fine motor skills were still not developed there were 4 (27%) students whose motor skills were starting to develop. developing, and there are 3 (20%) students whose motor skills develop as expected, and there are no students whose reading skills are very well developed.

He results of the Pre-action reading ability are presented in Table 1 as follows:


Table 1

Recapitulation of Observation Result of Pre-Action Reading Skills










Start to Develop (MB)




Develop as expected (BSH)




Develop very well (BSB)







Picture 1

Graph of reading ability in pre-action


The table above shows the recapitulation of the observation results of the pre-action reading abilities of children in Group A at PGRI Melati 2 Kindergarten. For more details, it will be shown in graph 1 below:


2.     Description of the action of cycle I

The core activity at the First Meeting consisted of mentioning the sound symbols of letters that make up words: radio, telephone, letter, drum, kentongan and bells contained in the picture word card media, then the teacher took a picture word card that matched the sub-theme at the first meeting, namely radio. , then the children mention words or nouns that have the phoneme ''ra'' that are around the child, and provide opportunities for children to answer, and the teacher guides by mentioning some examples of names of objects that have the phoneme ''ra'', teacher shows word cards that start with the prefix ''ra'' in Indonesian for example : rasa, ragu,ramah, rakit, rapih, etc, the child reads the card and after the child is able to read it, the child matches the word card with the picture. After all groups have had a turn to play with picture card media, then each group is given a Children's Activity Sheet in the form of matching pictures with their writings.

He core activity at the Second Meeting was still the same as the First Meeting, namely the children mentioned the symbols of the letters that make up words: radio, telephone, letters, drums, gongs and bells contained in the picture card media. The focused picture card is the phone picture card, after the teacher takes the phone picture card, the teacher asks the child what objects are around the child that have the phoneme ''te'', the teacher helps the child by mentioning the characteristics of the name of the object After the child answered it, the teacher showed a picture card that had the phoneme ''te'' in indonesian namely a teko, teras, telur, teman,termos, etc. Then the child read the picture card. After all groups have had a turn to play with the picture card media, then each group is given a Children's Activity Sheet to match the picture with the writing.

The core activity at the third meeting was still the same as the First and Second Meetings, namely the children mentioned the sound symbols of letters that make up words: radio, telephone, letters, drums, gongs and bells contained in the picture card media. However, at the third meeting the picture cards were focused on letter picture cards, after the teacher took the letter picture card, then the teacher put it on the flannel board then the teacher asked the children what objects were around the child that had the "su" phoneme, the teacher help the child by mentioning the characteristics of the object's name, then after the child answers it, the teacher shows a picture card that has the "su" in Indonesian show word for example is �susu, suka, sulit, sudah, sumur, etc. The children were asked one by one to paste the word cards on the picture cards on the flannel board, and the child who succeeded in attaching the card to the appropriate picture, the teacher gave a reward in the form of a star image. After all groups have a turn to play with picture card media. Then each group is given a Children's Activity Sheet by matching the pictures and writings.

At the observation stage, the following data were obtained:


Table 2

Recapitulation of reading ability at cycle stage 1



Cycle Stage 1


Lesson 2

Lesson 3
















Start to Develop (MB)








Develop as expected (BSH)








Develop very well (BSB)















Picture 1. Graph of reading ability at cycle stage 1

Table 2 above shows the recapitulation of the results of observing the reading ability of the first cycle of children in Group B at PGRI Melati 2 Kindergarten. For more details, it will be shown in the following graph.

Based on the data above, efforts to improve reading skills through letter card media have shown changes for the better, meaning that there are developments that occur from the results of pre-action and cycle I actions. In Cycle I, the first meeting of students who scored Undeveloped were 4 children (27%), and 7 children (47%). And those who got Developing As Expected increased to 4 children (27%). In the first cycle of the second meeting, the students who got the Undeveloped score dropped to 2 children (13%) and those who scored Started Developing were 5 children (33%), and those who got the Developing According to Expectations were 7 children (47%), and there were 1 (7%) children who scored very well developed or their reading skills developed very well. In Cycle I, the third meeting of the three students who scored underdeveloped decreased to 1 child (7%), and those who scored began to develop were 4 children (27%), children who scored developing according to expectations increased to 8 children (53%), and children who got BSB scores or reading skills that developed very well increased to 2 children (13%). Based on the data above, the learning process is said to be successful in accordance with the development indicators if it is very well developed, reaching 81%. Therefore, based on the results above, it is stated that in improving reading skills through letter card media it has not been successful because the criteria for developing very well only reached 13% not in accordance with the predetermined target. can achieve the success criteria of 81%.


3.     Description of the action of cycle II

The core activities of the First Meeting in Cycle II consisted of mentioning the sound symbols of letters that make up words: radio, telephone, drum, letters, gongs and bells contained in the picture card media, then the teacher took cards that matched the sub-themes at the First Meeting of Cycle II, namely bedug, then the children mention words or nouns that have the phoneme ''be'' around the child, then the teacher shows a picture card that starts with ''be'' such as drum, eel, grasshopper, bear, rifle, and powder. The child sticks the word card under the appropriate picture card. If correct, the child will be rewarded with a star and put it on the achievement board. At the end of the activity the teacher invites the children to discuss the activities that have been carried out for 1 day. Before going home, the children were invited to sing to make them more enthusiastic, then continued with a prayer after studying and closed with a closing greeting.

The core activities of the Second Meeting in Cycle II consisted of mentioning the sound symbols of letters that make up words: radio, telephone, letters, drums, gongs, and bells contained in the picture card media, then the teacher took a picture card that matched the sub-themes at the Second Meeting of the Cycle. II, namely kentongan, then the children mention nouns that have the phoneme ''ke'' around the child then the teacher shows a picture card that starts with ''ke'' in Indonesian for example is kelapa, kepala, kenapa, kemana, kepiting, etc, the children match word cards with picture cards if correct, the child will be rewarded in the form of a star and stick it on the achievement board, at the end of the activity the teacher invites the child to discuss the activities that have been carried out for one day. Before going home, the children were invited to sing to make them more enthusiastic, then continued with a prayer after studying and closed with a closing greeting.

The core activities of the Third Meeting in Cycle II, consisting of mentioning the symbols of the sound of letters that make up words: radio, telephone, drum, kentongan, letters, and bells contained in the picture card media, then the teacher takes a picture card that corresponds to the sub-theme in the Third Meeting. Cycle II is a bell, then the children mention nouns that have the phoneme ''lo'' around the child, then the teacher shows a picture card that starts with ''lo'' such as radish, metal, locker, rice cake, and a baking sheet and The child sticks the word card under the appropriate picture card. If correct, the child will be rewarded in the form of a star. At the end of the activity the teacher invites the children to discuss the activities that have been carried out for one day. Before going home, the children were invited to sing to make them more enthusiastic, then continued with a prayer after studying and closed with a closing greeting.


Table 3

Recapitulation of reading ability at cycle stage 2



Cycle Stage 2

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3








Undevelop (BB)








Start to Develop (MB)








Develop as expected (BSH)








Develop very well (BSB)
















Picture 3. Graph of reading ability at cycle stage 2


The above shows the recapitulation of the observation results of the second cycle of reading abilities of children in Group B at PGRI Melati 2 Kindergarten. For more details, it will be shown in the following graph.

Based on the data above, efforts to improve reading skills through image media have shown a better change, meaning that there are developments that occur from the results of the first cycle of action and the second cycle of action and the presentation results have reached an 81% success indicator. From the data above, in Cycle II, the first meeting, there were no students who got the Undeveloped score, and those who got the MB score decreased to 2 children (13%). And those who got Developing According to Expectations increased to 9 children (60%), and there were 4 children (27%) who scored Very Well Developed or their reading skills were very well developed. In the second cycle of the second meeting, there were no students who got the value of Starting to Develop, and those who got the Developing According to Expectations decreased to 7 children (47%), and children who scored very well developed or their reading skills that developed very well increased to 9 children. (53%). In Cycle II, the third meeting of the students who scored developing according to expectations decreased to 2 children (13%), and children who got BSB scores or reading skills that developed very well increased to 13 children (87%).

The assignment to work on the Children's Activity Sheets in Cycle I was carried out after the card game activity was completed, but this turned out to be noisy and supported the group that did not get an idle turn which was on their turn, so that in II giving the Children's Activity was given in the initial core activity, namely simultaneously with picture card game activities but those who do the LKA are the groups that have not had their turn to play pictures, this makes the children not run around and disturb the group that is having their turn to play drawing cards, so that the group that gets their turn to play cards is more confident and more concentrated in answering the teacher's questions. The teacher conditions the children by singing and clapping, this makes the children more interested and the atmosphere in the class becomes more conducive. Giving rewards in the form of stars in Cycle II is made more interesting by sticking them on the achievement board, so that children are more active in following all teacher instructions, previously presenting rewards in the form of stars only in verbal form and drawing on the blackboard.

The implementation of reflection in Cycle II research was carried out by researchers and classroom teachers by comparing the data at the time of Pre-viewing and before taking action in Cycle I and Cycle II. The comparison is as follows:


Table 4

Comparison of percentage improvement in reading skill at pre-action and post-action stage



Cycle stage 1

Cycle stage 2




































Start to Develop















Develop as Expected















Develop Very Well
































Figure 4 Graph of Comparison of percentage improvement in reading skill at pre-action and post-action stage


The initial ability in the Pre-action shows that the reading ability of Group B children in PGRI Melati 2 Cikidang Kindergarten has not developed, it can be seen when the teacher makes an assessment of reading ability, only 3 out of 15 children have reading skills in a good category or develop as expected, so that as many as 12 children are less able to mention the sound symbols of letters, mention the same phonemes, and read words with good criteria, based on these problems, efforts or actions are needed to improve reading skills, so that the problems studied in this study are improving reading skills using picture card media in Group A children at PGRI Melati Kindergarten, Cikiray, Cikidang, Sukabumi.

There are several things that cause reading ability in Group A is still low, one of which is the lack of precise selection and use of learning media to develop reading skills. The media used by the teacher in developing reading skills is only writing the letters of the alphabet, making their own pictures on the blackboard, and writing words on the blackboard then the children are asked to read them, this method is not appropriate and makes children less interested in reading activities.

The use of picture media in learning gives children an understanding that the reading process includes activities to introduce letters, syllables, and words. In teaching reading, children are introduced to words which are then broken down into letters, as stated by (Aulia & Kartawijaya, 2011) suggests that reading is a process of understanding the relationship between letters and sounds or sounds by changing written symbols in the form of letters or words into a system. Sound, this process is called the word recognition process in teaching reading first the child is introduced to the word then the word is broken down into letters so that the child becomes more aware of the relationship between the letters in a word. In addition, the letters used in developing reading skills are lowercase letters, this was stated by (Zubaidah, 2003). Stating that the letters introduced to children in learning to read should be in lowercase letters, this is because when children are in elementary school at first the child will encounter or be introduced to the use of lowercase letters both in learning to read and write.


Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that the reading ability of children in Group B of PGRI Melati 2 Cikidang Kindergarten can be improved by using picture cards as media. This can be proven from the results of improving reading skills. In the pre-action condition, children's reading ability developed as expected by 20% and in Cycle I there were children with very well developed reading ability category by 13% and Cycle II increased to 87%.

This research was carried out in two cycles, one cycle consisted of three meetings, the implementation time for one meeting was approximately 60 minutes during the core activity. The picture media used were media made by the researchers themselves which consisted of 36 picture cards, namely: radio, twigs, racket, randu, hair, raft, telephone, eggplant, thermos, teapot, tent, terrace, letter, nurse, milk, embroidery, tendrils, drivers, drums, eels, grasshoppers, bears, rifles, powder, kentongan, coconuts, carts, kendil, monkeys, drums, bells, turnips, lockers, metal, and rice cakes. The learning steps using picture media are as follows: 1) the teacher conditions the children to sit in their groups by giving a count of 1-10; 2) the teacher prepares and introduces picture media; 3) the teacher distributes 21 pieces of picture media to each group; 4) the child uses picture media in mentioning one by one the symbols of the letters that make up words, mentioning the words around the child that have the same phonemes, and reading the words in the pictures; and 5) children match word cards to the appropriate pictures and compete, this activity is carried out by competing in groups.




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