The Impact of E-commerce Tactics Using K-Pop Idol on Brand Awareness, Hedonic Shopping Motivation towards Purchase Intention among K-Pop Fans


Nabila Putri Andira, Raditya Aji Prasetyo

Binus University, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]

Article Information



Received: 29 March 2023

Revised: April 12, 2023

Approved: April 14, 2023

Online: April 16, 2023


The use of K-Pop girlbands/boybands as endorsers is booming by Indonesian e-commerce. For this reason, this research aims to know what factors are owned by endorsers that can influence consumer purchase decisions for the products offered by e-commerces. The secondary motivation of this research is to obtain empirical data on how influential the tactics made by e-commerce using K-Pop girlband/boyband are on purchase intention. Impact of celebrity worship factors related to celebrity worship are Entertainment-Social, Intense-Personal, Borderline-Pathological. That's all under the moderating effect of risk was estimated from the perceptions of Indonesia's K-Pop Fans (n =100) using variance-based structural equation modeling and PLS-SEM process. There is a positive correlation between K-Pop Brand Ambassador to raise Brand Awareness, Hedonic Shopping Motivation towards Purchase Intention among K-Pop Fans. Limitation to get a number of respondents with a high purchase power. Contributes to the current knowledge-related online buying behavior in virtual retail formats and helps marketers in streamlining their focus in using celebrity endorsers to increase purchase decisions of targeted consumers.



K-Pop, Brand Awareness, Celebrity Worship, Hedonic Shopping Motivation, Purchase Intention.




Korean Wave or popularly known as Hallyu, is the phrase that refers to the spectacular expansion of Korean culture and popular culture, which includes everything from music, movies, and drama to online gaming and cuisine. Hallyu has reached all over the world where the popularity of Korean culture increased in the late 2000s and increased further in the 2010s when mainstream Korean television shows and music were introduced. According to Tertiani (2020), K-pop has replaced K-drama as Hallyu's frontrunner. Hallyu has been developing for 20 years, but in the last 5 to 10 years, K-pop in particular has gained more and more international attention.

K-Pop successfully bring a new perspective to the world so that it managed to occupy the 6th position in the world music market (Tirto.ID document: 2020) and for Indonesia itself it was in 2nd place in the Top 5 Countries For K-Pop Streaming (document The Asean Post: 2020). Indonesians have easy access to Korean entertainment and infotainment. Since the beginning, South Korea has been quite proactive in bringing K-Pop to Indonesian fans from the start. Given that Indonesia has among the greatest percentages of internet and social media users worldwide, it makes K-Pop easy for Indonesian audiences to access. K-Pop along with Korean drama and movies has turned into a popular culture, especially among the younger generation of Indonesia. The high position of K-Pop is followed by an increasing number of people who idolize K-Pop girl bands / boy bands.

Currently, Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest K-Pop fandom. It can be seen that based on the highest tweet volume about K-Pop worldwide in 2020, Indonesia ranks third behind Thailand and South Korea. Global Head of K-pop Partnerships Twitter, Kim Yeon Jeong, said that Twitter is a social media platform that allows K-Pop fans to connect globally with each other without country and language barriers. Many K-Pop idols also use Twitter to communicate with their fans. This phenomenon indicates an increase of fandom towards K-Pop girl bands / boy bands. According to Thorne (2011) fandom defined by a sense of closeness to others who share an interest and the use of subject-specific jargon. When involvement is intense, it is also frequently characterized by a subtle sense of superiority toward those who are not "in the know."

Celebrity idolization is characterized by two characteristics, one of which is worship (Raviv, 1996). Stever (2009) defined celebrity worshipers as a group of individuals with compulsive and obsessional attachment with their idols. Worshiping is characterized by great admiration and respect for idols, which can be seen from behaviors such as actively gathering information about idols, buying knick-knacks related to idols, and trying to personally meet idols. According to a study by iPrice in 2020, every K-Pop fan buys at least one item of merchandise (lightstick or photo card), albums from groups, and concert tickets. The behavior of spending money to buy something related to idols is included in the characteristics of the desire to get everything that makes it an obsession with K-Pop girl bands/boy bands. This behavior is also included in the characteristics of individuals who have hedonic shopping motives which according to Engel and Minard (2000) in Kusuma et. al. (2013) is a person's motives for shopping based on emotional responses, sensory pleasures, dreams, and aesthetic considerations.

Seeing the obsession that K-Pop fans have towards K-Pop girl bands/boy bands, leading brands especially e-commerce in Indonesia change their marketing strategy by utilizing this phenomenon to collaborate with well-known K-Pop girl bands/boy bands as endorsers. The use of K-Pop figures has become a trend among Indonesian e-commerce to gain more awareness and take advantage of K-Pop fans' hedonic shopping motivation when it comes to brands that are promoted by their idols. In addition, consumers idolize celebrities and perceive the brands to be of high quality which is endorsed by celebrities and likely to positively affect consumers' purchase decisions on e-commerces. This is confirmed by Close et al. (2016) also proves that advertising from a brand that uses idols has a positive effect on the desire to buy. Therefore, this study was made to determine the effect of K-Pop girl bands/boy bands on K-Pop fans' purchase intention on e-commerce.  In addition, it is also to find out whether the tactics carried out by e-commerce can achieve their respective goals.

Research Gap

-   This research is not conducted in the field of e-commerce segments. So the results of this research will highlight how effective this technique of using K-Pop Idol is to increase brand awareness, and build hedonic shopping motivation.

-   This research about K-Pop boyband/girlband appearing in e-commerce advertisements in Indonesia that is associated with celebrity worship has never been done before and the conclusions that will be drawn will help in understanding the buying behavior of K-Pop fans in Indonesia.

-   This research will help to understand the reaction of K-Pop fans towards K-Pop Idol as celebrity endorser and how it will impact their purchase intention towards e-commerces.

Managerial Problem

The increasing obsession of Indonesian people towards K-Pop, changing e-commerce marketing tactics by using Korean Idols as endorsers/ambassadors. Whereas before celebrity worship caused by K-Pop increased, e-commerce used local celebrities as endorsers/ambassadors. This change in marketing tactics shows the aim of e-commerce to increase awareness, and purchase intention through K-Pop fans. Therefore, this study will focus on seeing whether there is indeed an influence from marketing tactics that are currently quite mainstream using K-Pop idols on awareness and purchase intention.



Measurements used in the research, specifically for the questionnaire, we used the previous related studies that have been validated. To measure nine contracts we use 43 items. Audience involvement consisted of three dimensions, and all items were adopted from Halim and Kiatkawsin (2021). It is used for behavioral involvement and it was measured by three items. To measure Emotional involvement and referential reflection we use three and five items respectively. And celebrity worship itself consists of three sub-dimensions. It consists of  entertainment–social (ten items), intense–personal (seven items), and borderline pathological (two items). Hence, a total of 5 items used by Huang and Sarigöllü (2010) to measure brand awareness. Next, for hedonic shopping motivation used five items from Yim et al (2013). Lastly, the intention to purchase e-commerce products was measured by three items from Spry et al (2009)

This research uses a quantitative approach which according to Kriyantono (2010: 55) quantitative approach or methodology is a research conducted by explaining or proving phenomena or problems whose results can be generalized. As for the samples or subjects studied are K-Pop fans who live in Indonesia. Respondents were taken using the Lemeshow method, this is because the population is unknown or infinite. Based on the Lemeshow formula, the number of samples for this study is at least 96 respondents. For this measurement five point likert scale was used ranging from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree (1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree).  Before the research we should ensured the participants are aware of the research content. Besides, we also need to add the demographic survey. The final survey was in Indonesian to make it easy for the respondents to understand.

The population we chose for these projects were K-Pop fans who had shopped at Indonesian e-commerce. They should have also seen the advertisements of e-commerce involving K-Pop girl bands/boy bands. The filtering questions were, “Are you a fan (following news, buying songs and merchandise) of one or more Korean boyband/girlband (K-Pop group)?”,  “Have you ever shopped at Tokopedia or Shopee?”,  and “Have you seen ads from Tokopedia or Shopee that use K-Pop groups as their ad stars?”.  If the respondents answered “yes”, were they asked to complete the questionnaire. The self-administered survey was then distributed online using Google Forms. In this study we use a non probability convenience sampling to find participants by spreading online surveys using online platforms  such as Instagram and instant messaging applications, such as Whatsapp. The data was collected between October and November 2020. A total of 100 completed surveys were collected.

   To observe and to analyze the data that has been collected, we will use Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). To maximize the explained variance of the dependent latent constructs we use the causal modeling approach. This is contrary to CB-SEM’s objective of reproducing the theoretical covariance matrix, without focusing on explained variance (Hair, Joe F. et al. 2014). The PLS-SEM only permits recursive relationships in the structural model (no causal loops), and can only head in a single direction. Hence we think it is aligned with the conceptual framework that we use for this research. Which all the variables are associated with a single latent construct, and a headed arrow pointing to the latent construct.

A total of 100 participants were recruited for the study, but after removing respondents who had incomplete responses, i.e. missing data, 100 participants remained in our data analysis set. Participants who identified themself as a fan of k-pop groups, had shopped at e-commerce that used K-Pop groups as part of their promotions and had seen advertisements using K-Pop groups were identified as study participants. By using intercept interviews, we were able to reduce the rate of refusal to participate (Bush and Hair 1985). The majority of participants were women (88.7%). The mean age of the participants was 25 – 29 years (46.1%), with various ages being represented in our sample, which is supported by a measure of standard deviation. More than half of the participants have at least a bachelor's degree, and around 66.1% of participants' expenses in a month is less than 5,000,000 rupiah. In addition, most of the participants did shop on e-commerce that is known using K-Pop groups as a way of marketing promotion.



1. Measurement Model

Results of the measurement model evaluation are shown in Table 2. The loading above the value of 0.708, the composite reliability (CR) were above the minimal threshold of 0.7, and the AVEs (Average Variance Extracted) were greater than 0.5 for all eleven reflective components in this investigation (Hair, Hult, Ringle and Sarstedt 2017). As a consequence, all constructs satisfied the criteria for reliability and convergent validity. Discriminant validity was tested using Heterotrait-Monotrait (HTMT) ratio of correlations technique (Henseler et al. 2015). (Henseler et al. 2015). As can be shown in Table 3, all reflecting construct values above the cutoffs of HTMT 0.85 (Kline 2010) and HTMT 0.90 (Gold et al. 2001), demonstrating that the measurement model's discriminating validity was established.

Table 2:Measurement Model for Reflective Constructs


Cronbach's Alpha


Composite Reliability


Audience Involvement





Brand Awareness





Celebrity Worship





Hedonic Shopping Motivation





Purchase Intention






Table 3: Discriminant Validity using Heterotrait-Monotrait (HTMT) Criterion (2015)





































Note: AI (Audience Involvement), BA (Brand Awareness), CW (Celebrity Worship), HSM (Hedonic Shopping Motivation, IP (Intense Personal), PI (Purchase Intention).


2. Structural Model

First, the collinearity problem was evaluated before the structural model was appraised. There were no lateral collinearity problems in this model, according to the exterior VIF values in the range of 1.911 to 4.727 and the internal VIF values in the range of 1.000 to 2.079, both of which were below the threshold value of 5 (Hair et al. 2014). The bootstrap resampling method was then used to evaluate the path-coefficient in order to determine the significance of the hypotheses (5000 re-sample). All of the direct association hypotheses were validated based on the findings in Table 4.

Table 4: Path Coefficient Assessment



Std. Beta (β)

Std. Error





AI -> CW







CW -> BA



























Note: AI (Audience Involvement), CW (Celebrity Worship), BA (Brand Awareness) HSM (Hedonic Shopping Motivation, PI (Purchase Intention)


Additionally, bootstrapping techniques were used to look at the mediation impact (Preacher and Hayes 2008). Additionally, mediation effects were visible when there was no 0 between the upper and lower intervals of the 95% bootstrap confidence interval (Preacher and Hayes 2008). In order to better understand the mediating effect and the kind of mediation, this study additionally examined the indirect relationship between components. The bootstrap approach was used to calculate the indirect effect with 2000 samples and a 95% confidence level. Brand awareness, hedonic shopping motivation, and buy intention are the three independent variables that suggest direct correlations. Table 5 is a summary of the indirect effect assessment.

Table 5: Hypothesis Testing For Indirect Relationship



Std. Dev





AI -> BA












AI -> PI






BA -> PI












CW -> PI






Note: AI (Audience Involvement), CW (Celebrity Worship), BA (Brand Awareness) HSM (Hedonic Shopping Motivation, PI (Purchase Intention)


Hence, the R^2 score was considered substantial in the explanatory power, as the R^2value was greater than 0.26 (Cohen 1988). In explaining purchase intention, brand awareness (0.415), celebrity worship (0.628), hedonic shopping motivation (0.542) indicated a trivial effect size. Lastly, predictive relevance was evaluated using Stone-Geisser’s Q^2 (Geisser 1974; Stone 1974). The Q^2 values for Celebrity Worship (0.452), Brand Awareness (0.238), Hedonic Shopping Motivation (0.443), Purchase Intention (0.649) were larger than 0, thus indicating the model's predictive relevance and validity.



According to the findings of the above data, there is a connection between celebrity adoration and audience participation. It has been demonstrated that the audience engagement dimensions, such as emotional involvement and referential reflection, have a substantial impact on K-Pop fans' veneration of celebrities. This can be the result of emotional investment, which suggests that the K-pop followers are profoundly moved by their idol. The characters or the mediated environment in the K-Pop industry are here effectively engaging K-pop fans (Perse, 1990, 1998; Step, 1998; Wirth, 2006). The person then feels a variety of emotions, such as warmth, wrath, fear, and others, as well as intrigue, suspense, tension, empathy, awe, and surprise. K-pop fans have a propensity to idolize K-pop stars as a result of all those different experiences. In contrast, the referential reflection dimension deals with how a viewer connects the media to his or her own personal experiences (Kim & Wang, 2012). Referential reflection influences the viewing of television dramas and the cognitive engagement of viewers in creating, reconstructing, and deconstructing the messages and their meanings. The cognitively motivated aspects of fan engagement with K-pop celebrities, however, include cognitive interaction during live performances, fan gatherings, or any other offline activity.

The role of behavioral involvement is another aspect of audience involvement that has a detrimental effect on the devotion of celebrities. The degree to which an audience modifies their behavior to consume more information or interact with others about the medium, in this case K-pop, is referred to as behavioral participation, according to Kim (2018). The possibility of a pandemic in the start of 2020, during which people are forbidden from physically interacting, may have an impact on how passionately K-pop fans discuss their idols or any other news pertaining to the K-Pop industry. Intense personal and social entertainment are the characteristics that are most influenced from the perspective of celebrity worship. Celebrity worship that displays an attraction to a beloved K-Pop idol due to their perceived capacity for entertainment and social concern is known as entertainment-social celebrity worship. There are strong individual views that are a reflection of strong, compulsive impulses toward the celebrity. Since the most extreme form of celebrity worship is borderline-pathological and is thought to reflect a person's socially abnormal attitudes and behaviors, the borderline pathological component is not connected to any audience engagement dimensions. The argument provided above leads to the conclusion that H1, which audience involvement has significantly impacts celebrity worship among K-Pop fans.

We can conclude there is a positive correlation between Audience Involvement, Emotional Involvement, and Referential Reflection. Based on the answers of the questionnaire, the emotional involvement that has the highest correlation is the feeling of keeping them company if they watch their favorite K-Pop idols on tv shows, variety show, and other programs. The second factor that has correlation is the activity of its audience who will attend online streaming on any platform, or any concert that invites their K-Pop Idol. Also they will oftenly check the media to know the latest update, or the latest music video of their Idol. The third indicator that has correlation towards audience involvement is the determination to meet K-Pop Idols in person. There are some people that answered that they think they are failed if they heard something bad towards their Idol, it has shown the strong correlation between the Audience Involvement towards Emotional Involvement. Based on the answers of the respondent, audience involvement also has a positive correlation towards Referential Reflection. It is shown on how most of them think that all of their K-Pop Idol songs are related to their daily life, also they think that sometimes their K-Pop Idol songs give them lessons about life. Another indicator that affects the audience's involvement is the lyrics that they think are related to the issues they are interested with.  The hypothesis about Audience Involvement and Emotional Involvement, and Audience Involvement and Referential Reflection are valid. 

Celebrities’ appearances could enhance someone’s image at the same time. The appearance of its idol could also be the cause they idolize celebrities. Level of awareness could help to increase the level of awareness of the Korean product brands. (Halim, Thalia. Kiatkawsin, Kiattipoom. 2021). It is proven on the questionnaire that shows a significant impact of e-commerce brand awareness. The appearance of the Korean Idol increased the awareness level of the products.

   While Celebrity Worship also has correlation with a few dimensions consisting of Entertainment-Social and Intense-Personal. The audience usually check the life story of their Korean Celebrity and they see it as a fun activity, and as their entertainment. Besides, the Intense-Personal also has correlation to Celebrity Worship. It is shown on how the audience sometimes feels that they have a relationship with the idol, and if something happened to their Idol they will feel it as well. Even if the Korean Celebrity achieved something, they also felt it as their achievement as well. It is because they also usually think about their favorite K-Pop group even when they don’t want to.

Furthermore, H3 which brand awareness has a significant relationship with hedonic shopping motivation. This proves that the use of k-pop idols by e-commerce to increase awareness can change the buying behavior of k-pop fans such as having hedonic shopping motivation. This can also be seen in the results of the questionnaire, where the majority of respondents agree that they are happy every time they shop at e-commerce advertised by their idols because of the respondent's obsession with K-Pop groups. This also happened in H4 which brand awareness also shows a significant relationship with purchase intention. This proves that e-commerce is successful in taking advantage of the high level of K-Pop fans to get brand ambassadors who can influence their purchase intention towards e-commerce. According to a previous study, for customers with a low involvement in purchase, consumers would be a  “beliefs–behavior–affect” hierarchy (Mowen and Minor, 2001). Most of the time, consumers did not do an elaborate decision-making process before purchasing goods (Olshavsky and Granbois, 1979). Credibility of endorser also positively and significantly influence the attitude towards ad, while the attitude towards brand shown in the ad and purchase intention (Goldsmith et al., 2000; Lafferty et al., 2002; Lafferty and Goldsmith, 1999).

Lastly, in H5, hedonic shopping motivation has also been shown to have a significant influence on the purchase intention of K-Pop fans. Desire of pleasure, joy, and fun offered by the products will affect the hedonic consumption motivation, with the main goal is to satisfy the denically motivated appetite (Hirschman and Holbrook 1982). E-commerce has succeeded in building a desire for pleasure, joy and fun in K-Pop fans through their idol which is a K-Pop girlband / boyband, this indicates the successful use of K-Pop figures in their marketing tactics. Most of them think the same way, hence Audience involvement has a significant impact on celebrity worship. As we might be aware of, E-commerces in Indonesia are competing to feature the K-Pop Idol as a Brand Ambassador. They expect it will boost the sales, or give traffic to their platform. And it proved to give them a positive impact on their Brand Awareness. It might not be as high as the other factors, but based on respondents' answers most of them will talk about the Idol that became Brand Ambassador of any E-commerce. They are also aware of all the ads that featured K-Pop Idols such as Tokopedia x BTS, Shopee Big Sale with Stray Kids, and many more.



In the extent of theoretical implication in this study, researchers have learned and have more understanding of the relationship between Brand Awareness, Hedonic Shopping towards Purchase Intention. Utilizing K-Pop Idol as a Brand Ambassador for E-commerce is one of the tactics used to increase the Brand Awareness proven to give a positive impact on consumers' purchase intention. Learning theory in this study, found that behavioral involvement, emotional involvement, and referential reflection will increase brand awareness and become the hedonic motivation that will influence consumers’ purchase intention. From this study, researchers will suggest using K-Pop Idol as a Brand Ambassador to increase the brand awareness which will impact the consumers’ purchase intention. Brand could use the K-Pop Idol that has a big influence, and also have an audience with a strong emotional involvement. Based on the data analysis, we will also suggest Entertainment Social as one of the factors to fulfill the consumers’ emotions and will influence purchase intention.



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