Stages in Human Resource Development in Da'wah Institutions


Muhammad Ronaydi, Cecep Castrawijaya

 UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

E-mail: [email protected]

Article Information



Received: 29 March 2023

Revised: April 12, 2023

Approved: April 14, 2023

Online: April 16, 2023


This study aims to determine the stages carried out in the development of human resources in da'wah institutions. This study used qualitative descriptive method. Based on the results of writing that has been done about the stages of human resource development in da'wah institutions. It was found that the stages of human resource development in da'wah institutions can be carried out in several stages, namely, First, Providing Training / Education, then Second, Rotating positions so that existing human resources can develop by gaining new experience in work, Third, Leaders do good delegation, Fourth, there is a promotion of course, with this the existence of HR will always be enthusiastic to provide innovations and always try to improve  its performance in work. Fifth, Transfer employees, Sixth, Good counseling between superiors and subordinates or between seniors and juniors within the institution or also closer between the head of the field and its members, especially counseling in work so that performance is always stable and increases. Then the last or the Seventh, which is to hold a conference.



Stages, Human Resource Development, Da'wah Institutions




Today we find many organizations formed from the community in various elements, be it government institutions, private institutions, community institutions, and there are also religious institutions. The organizations formed are also engaged in various fields such as politics, social fields, business fields and of course religious fields, one of which is Islamic institutions that we usually know as da'wah institutions. To be able to manage these various organizations, of course, there needs to be managers who have the ability to lead, have extensive knowledge and qualified skills.

The organization will be successful if the human resources in it are competent and qualified as well, especially human resources engaged in religious or da'wah institutions so that of course the goals to be achieved by da'wah institutions can be achieved, therefore to achieve this requires good human resource management. As Allah SWT has said in QS. As-Shaf verse Ash.Shaf verse 4:

إِنَّ اللهَ يُحِبُّ الَّذِيْنَ يُقَاتِلُوْنَ فِيْ سَبِيْلِهِ صَفًّا كَأَنَّهُمْ بُنْيَانٌ مَّرْصُوْصٌ.

"Behold, God loves those who fight in His way in orderly rows as if they were like a solid edifice"


The above verse is understood by Ustadz Rofi'i Munawwar, Lc. Mentioning that Allah Almighty, likes believers who struggle in a solid building. The characteristic of a sturdy building is that all components in it reinforce each other. Which means that solidarity must exist in every believer and of course all human resources in the organization must be strong in order to achieve the goals of the organization.

Good human resource management can certainly start from recruitment carried out by organizations or institutions to the management and members who participate in it. Human resources must be managed properly in order to increase effectiveness and efficiency in the organization, which is also one of the functions in the organization.(Madya, 2018)

Human resource development is certainly one of the important activities in an organization, especially in da'wah institutions, where da'wah institutions and their human resources work together in balance for the existence of the institution. Human resource development can be done in several forms, usually each organization or institution has a different system according to the situation and conditions of the organization, company or institution, however, in general HR development can be done by honing the skills of members through training, coaching and education to broaden their horizons.(Zaini, 2016)(Yosepa et al., 2020)

Human Resource Development through three stages such as training, coaching and education for long-term development. Human resource management is a major factor that contributes to making a perfect da'wah institution.(T. S. Siagian & Khair, 2018)(Fadili et al., 2018)

As we know, the da'wah institution is a collection of a group of people who have the same goal, which is to fight for religion in the way of da'wah. If we look at the main function of da'wah is to convey Islamic teachings comprehensively to the community so that they understand and believe the truth of Islamic teachings, so that later it can influence the outlook on life, attitudes and behavior in society.(Sari & Manafe, 2021)(Astuti & Setiorini, 2020)

Some research related to the stages of human resource development in da'wah institutions include the Development of Human Resource Management for Da'wah Organizations, which explains the development of human resource management for da'wah organizations and explains the development of effective human resources in da'wah organizations. Next, the research conducted by Miftahuddin et al entitled Human Resource Development Strategy in Improving Employee Performance in this study they explained about the process of training, education and HR career development carried out by Sinergi (Divine & Munir, 2006; Munaty et al., 2022)Foundation to improve the quality of employee work. Then there is also a research conducted by Abdul Mu'is entitled Management of Human Resources Development at the As-Syafaah Kebonsari Jember Islamic Boarding School, this research discusses the planning, implementation and evaluation of human resources in the As-Syafaah Kebonsari Jember Islamic Boarding School.(Rowley & Jackson, 2012; S. P. Siagian, 2005)

Therefore, in this case the author is interested in discussing the Stages of Human Resource Development in Da'wah Institutions. This study aims to determine the stages carried out in the development of human resources in da'wah institutions.

This research uses a descriptive method with a causative approach and uses data collection techniques through literature studies, which of course the author collects articles and books that discuss human resource development in organizations or institutions.



In writing about strategic human resource management, a qualitative approach using the literature review method is used. Qualitative research aims to understand an individual's experience in an event. Although there are various approaches in qualitative research, they are generally flexible and focus on maintaining rich meaning when interpreting data Some common approaches used are basic theory, ethnography, action research, phenomenological research, and narrative research. Despite some similarities, each approach emphasizes different goals and perspectives.(Leuwol et al., 2020).

The qualitative researcher also considers himself an "instrument" in research, so all conclusions, perceptions, and views are interpreted through his personal lens. Therefore, when writing about qualitative analysis methods, it is important to focus on your strategy and provide a detailed description of the choices made in collecting and evaluating data.



1.    Understanding Human Resource Development

Talking about the notion of human resource development, there are several opinions expressed by experts about the definition of human resource development. According to Armstrong, human resource development is a planned and sustainable effort carried out by the organization in improving employee competence and organizational performance through training, education and development programs. Meanwhile, according to Natasya et al, Human resource development is all activities or activities carried out by organizations, institutions or groups in facilitating employees to have the knowledge, expertise and attitudes needed in handling work.

Kaswan also revealed that human resource development is a process where employees gain skills and experience to succeed in current and future jobs. According to Sedarmayanti, human resource development will provide more efficient competitive strength and can compete positively.

Rowley and Jackson also explained that human resource development is a process carried out to develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities of workers, as well as competencies developed through training and development, organizational learning, leadership management, and knowledge management for the benefit of performance improvement.

From some of the above understandings, it can be said that Human Resource Development is an activity carried out by organizations, institutions or groups in providing a forum for members or employees to expand their horizons, expertise or other things to improve performance that is expected to be useful for the present and the future.(Leuwol et al., 2020b)

2.    Objectives of Human Resource Development for Da'wah Institutions

Human Resource Development for Da'wah Organizations, according to M.Munir and Wahyu Ilahi in his book entitled "Da'wah Management" emphasized that human resource development in the view of da'wah emphasizes more on the ability of da'i in developing mental, spiritual, and emotional aspects as well as human psycho-motor to  achieve goals with the following identification:

a)    Religious Features

A da'i is an ideal human resource force who has complete and consistent faith and belief, so that this da'i can have an influence on his mad'unya. At the level of application of faith a da'i is not enough only at the level of confession, but must be balanced with behavior in accordance with the values and norms in the Qur'an and the Sunnah.

b)    Scientific Characteristics

Scientific characteristics are certainly characterized by good skill abilities  , in addition to having expertise and skills. These skills can be connoted in the implementation of the program. This is directly related to the level of education possessed by human resources in da'wah institutions. If a qualified level has not been obtained by human resources in the da'wah institution, but they already have a professional role in the institution, it can be balanced by attending regular education and training carried out by the da'wah institution. Therefore, every da'wah institution must have or provide training and education centers to provide opportunities for the human resources of da'wah institutions in improving  their skills and skills.

c)     Motivational Traits

In order to be part of human resources that have potential, an HR in a da'wah institution must have the motivation to continue to progress and be productive, so that the abilities possessed can be useful for the da'wah institution or organization as well as for himself. Because motivation is an aspect of movement that can increase productivity and quality. Motivation is an individual's internal state that can give rise to strength, and dynamics, as well as behavioral direction to goals.

Apart from the objectives of human resource development for da'wah institutions that have been described above, there are also opinions from Sedarmayanti contained in articles written by Hendita et al about the objectives of human resource development including: First,  employee work productivity will continue to increase, the quality and quantity of production is getting better, Second, Increase work efficiency.  Third, Reduce the rate of work accidents.  Fourth, Improve services to the community or consumers.  Fifth, Better abilities and skills that are in accordance with the position of loyal existing human resources.(Sunyoto, 2013)

From the explanation above, it can be seen that the purpose of developing human resources for da'wah institutions is very beneficial for the progress and achievement of the goals of the organization. Such as the increasing quality of human resource work in institutions, increasing services provided by institutions to the community and increasing numbers to achieve the goals of the agreed da'wah institution.


3.    Scope of Human Resource Development

In line with the definition or understanding of human resource development both micro and macro, the scope referred to by the author in this discussion is, the development of human resources within the scope of an organization, agency or institution, be it at the government or private level. Therefore, in accordance with these limitations, the scope of HR development in an organization or institution includes three interrelated activities, namely:

a)    Human resource planning.

b)    Education and training as an effort for human resource development.

c)     Human resource management


4.    Effective Human Resource Development

In a da'wah organization, a good atmosphere of cooperation is needed, of course, it is obtained by developing the quality of members or human resources in it. Therefore, the leaders of organizations or da'wah institutions must be able to improve the working atmosphere by fostering the following:

a)    Trust gained through fair honesty and being an exemplary figure by its members. Trust is fostered or built on every friendliness and treating people wisely.

b)    Support is shown by trusting members, giving desired rewards, and helping to improve members' abilities.

c)     Developing communication comes from informing each other and listening carefully.

d)    Strengthened participation by involving members in planning and in influential decisions, this can be interpreted as a willingness to ask and listen to members' suggestions.


5.    Stages of human resource development in da'wah institutions.

In developing human resources in the da'wah institution, Manullang argues that described in the article written by Ahmad Zaini, that to develop more effective human resources in the da'wah institution, the leaders of da'wah institutions or organizations can direct or delegate to the administrators and members to hold various activities, namely:

a)    Training/Education

The success of an organization certainly depends on the application of training for the workforce in an organization or institution. Training / education at this time is considered not an unproductive investment. Effective management sees training/education as a long-term investment in human resources. With training / education is also defined as organizational activities designed to improve or improve knowledge, skills (abilities) in accordance with the needs of the organization or institution, so that all human resources in the institution can work well.

b)    Position Rotation

Rotation of positions is actually no different from one of the ways of training, education. With the rotation of positions, a member or administrator is assigned to hold different positions from one time to another, besides that it is expected that employees can understand the implementation of various tasks, so that they get broader knowledge about various positions. Position rotation is often applied to coordinators or field heads, as an effort to develop managerial.

c)     Delegation

Leaders who cannot delegate to subordinates, reduce the effectiveness of the leader himself, management can also be said to achieve results through others, therefore to be able to realize that, delegation by the leader is absolutely necessary. One of the important qualifications of a leader is the ability to delegate some tasks and authority to his subordinates. The duties of the leader both from the point of process, and from the point of view, can be partially or wholly delegated.

d)    Promotion

This promotional activity is the transfer of management from one position to a higher position, where their duties, authorities, and responsibilities are higher than before. This is done for the further development of the management because in the previous position they have shown optimal performance. Of course, if they are in the same position for a long time, it will cause boredom and their enthusiasm for development will not appear.

e)    Transfer

This transfer activity is an activity to replace the position of the same administrator. In this case, the working group or organizational unity of the board is changed with the aim of attention, ability, and cooperation can increase. The effectiveness and goals of the organization will increase if the board is transferred to a position that is in accordance with the attention and ability of the board concerned.

f)     Counseling

In every organization, administrators can be divided into two types, namely advisors and advisors. Generally, field leaders include advisory groups, namely advisors to members, especially those related to the implementation of the member's work in order to be more skilled and good at the members in carrying out their performance.

g)    Conference

Participating in a conference for someone will provide a lot of experience, knowledge in various fields and can add skills. The way the conference is held, the meeting process, the way discussions are made, and the decisions made will have an impact on everyone who participates in a conference. Especially for the heads of fields, the conference has a positive impact on the development of the heads of these fields.



Based on the results of the presentation and explanation that the author has conveyed about the stages of human resource development in da'wah institutions. So it can be concluded that the stages of human resource development in da'wah institutions can be carried out in several stages, namely, First, Providing Training / Education, then Second, Rotating positions so that existing human resources can develop by gaining new experience in work, Third, Leaders do good delegation, Fourth, there is a promotion of positions of course with this the HR will always be enthusiastic to provide innovations and always try  improve its performance at work. Fifth, Transfer employees, Sixth, Good counseling between superiors and subordinates or between seniors and juniors within the institution or also closer between the head of the field and its members, especially counseling in work so that performance is always stable and increases. Then the last or the Seventh, which is to hold a conference.



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