Strategy for Utilizing Village Fund Budget to Alleviate Poverty towards Village SDGs in Taeng Village Gowa Regenecy


Mutmainna, Khaeratul Mar'ah, Leni Emilia Sadli

University of Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Article Information



Received: 29 March 2023

Revised: April 12, 2023

Approved: April 14, 2023

Online: April 16, 2023


Based on the results of the National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) conducted by BPS, the number of poor people in September 2020 was 27.55 million people, an increase of 1.13 million people compared to March 2020 and an increase of 2.76 million people compared to September 2019. Rural areas in Indonesia still have more poor people than urban areas. This study was conducted to determine the strategy of using village funds in poverty alleviation in the Taeng Village area of Gowa District, to determine the effectiveness of using village funds for poverty alleviation in the Taeng Village area of Gowa District. This type of research is exploratory research using qualitative descriptive methods, attitudes and perceptions of people individually or in groups. The form of strategies carried out by the Taeng Village government through the village fund program empowers the community and reduces poverty, namely road and bridge infrastructure development, Women's Empowerment Training and Counseling. From the results of research in Taeng Village, Gowa Regency regarding the village fund budget as an effort to alleviate poverty towards SDG's Village, namely overcoming poverty, hunger and economic stability. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the village fund budget has an impact on several informants, namely they feel helped by the village fund budget. It can be seen from the use of village funds spent to meet daily needs and village funds managed for entrepreneurship as additional income.



Budget, Village Funds, Poverty, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's)




Based on the results of the National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) conducted by BPS, the number of poor people in September 2020 was 27.55 million people, an increase of 1.13 million people compared to March 2020 and an increase of 2.76 million people compared to September 2019. The condition of people living in poverty generally suffers from malnutrition, poor health, high illiteracy rates, poor environment and lack of access to adequate infrastructure and public services. Poverty is not a condition of lack of a commodity or a problem of satisfaction from that commodity, but poverty is more likely to be a condition of people who are less able to maximize the function and benefit from the commodity.(Afriyandi, 2015)

Rural areas in Indonesia still have more poor people compared to urban areas. Therefore, it is not uncommon to assume that rural areas are the main contributor to the national poverty rate. According to BPS data, the percentage of poor people in urban areas in September 2019 was 6.56 percent, rising to 7.38 percent in March 2020. Meanwhile, the percentage of poor people in rural areas in September 2019 was 12.60 percent, rising to 12.82 percent in March 2020 (Goddess, 2020)

Some of the factors that influence rural poverty in Indonesia are population growth, rapid population growth in rural areas being the main factor driving poverty in rural Indonesia. An increase in population can have an impact on the problem of providing education, increasing unemployment, and low capital problems. With the onset of the monetary crisis in 1997 has caused the number of poor people to swell again and this condition was also followed by a sharp decline in economic growth.

The attention of the government and society in general to the need for a better standard of living has encouraged the formation of social welfare efforts. In accordance with the goals of SDG's 2030, namely to maintain the continuous improvement of the economic welfare of the community, development that maintains the sustainability of the social life of the community, development that maintains the quality of the environment and development that ensures justice and the implementation of governance that is able to maintain the improvement of the quality of life from one generation to the next (Ministry, n.d.)

Nationally, the use of village funds is regulated in PDT Amendment Regulation Number 5 of 2015 concerning the priority of using village funds for village development allocated to achieve village development goals, namely improving rural communities and the quality of human life and poverty reduction through: a). Fulfillment of basic needs, b). Development of village facilities and infrastructure, c). Development of local economic potential and sustainable use of natural resources and environment While  The priority of using village funds for village community empowerment is mainly used for poverty alleviation and increasing access to economic resources of rural communities.(Darmi &; Mujtahid, 2020)

With government policies that provide flexibility to regions to manage their regional potential, the Regency / City government as an autonomous region is currently trying to encourage participatory development, especially in village areas. Currently community demands regarding services to the community are an important factor in the implementation of government in the village, community participation is a determining factor that needs to be considered in implementing development in the village. The government continues to try to reduce the number of poor people, especially those in rural areas. The state budget allocation has been disbursed to assist the village government in efforts to empower the community to be able to get out of poverty.

The priority of using village funds disbursed by the central government in accordance with the mandate of the Law is aimed at sustainable development or Village Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In the Regulation of the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia Number 13 of 2020 concerning Priorities for the Use of Village Funds in 2021, it is stated that Village SDGs are an integrated effort to realize villages without poverty and hunger, economic villages grow evenly, villages care about health, villages care about the environment, villages care about education, women-friendly villages, networking villages, and cultural response villages to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals  (Fachry, 2019)

The world responded by agreeing to a meeting in September 2000 attended by 189 countries by issuing a declaration known as The Millennium Development Goals (MDG's). One of the targets is to reduce the number of poor people by 50% by 2015. This declaration indicates that the problem of poverty is still a major world problem that must be tackled together. With the end of the MDGs era, which succeeded in reducing the world's poor population by almost half. Furthermore, it is now entering the era of SDGs ((Ishatono & Raharjo, 2016)Sustainable Development Goals), which began with a meeting held on September 25-27, 2015 at the headquarters of the United Nations (United Nations), New York, United States. The event was a ceremonial activity to ratify the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) document. (Faozi, 2015; Ferezagia, 2018)

SDGs are global and national commitments in an effort to improve the welfare of society including 17 goals, namely (1) No Poverty; (2) No hunger; (3) Healthy and Prosperous Life; (4) Quality Education; (5) Gender Equality; (6) Clean Water and Proper Sanitation; (7) Clean and Affordable Energy; (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth; (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; (10) Reduced Inequality; (11) Sustainable Cities and Settlements; (12) Responsible Consumption and Production; (13) Climate Change Handling; (14) Ocean Ecosystems; (15) terrestrial ecosystems; (16) Peace, Justice, and Resilient Institutions; (17) Partnerships to Achieve Goals.(Gusti et al., 2020)

Meanwhile, in the Village SDGs there are 18 points, namely (1) Villages without poverty: (2) Villages without hunger: (3) Healthy and Prosperous Villages: (4) Quality Village Education: (5) Gender Equality Villages: (6) Decent Villages Clean Water and Sanitation: (7) Villages with Clean and Renewable Energy: (8): Employment and Economic Growth Villages: (9) Village Innovation and Infrastructure: (10) Villages Without Gaps:  (11) Sustainable Village Residential Areas: (12) Environmentally Conscious Village Consumption and Production: (13) Village Climate Control and Change: (14) Village Marine Ecosystem: (15) Village Land Ecosystem: (16) Peace and Justice Village (17) Partnership for Village Development: (18) Dynamic village institutions and adaptive village culture.(Harmiati et al., 2019; Jonnadi et al., 2012)

This proves that the problem of poverty is a problem that needs attention, especially in rural areas. To accelerate the achievement of SDGs, it is necessary to prioritize the focus of development.  One of the programs to accelerate the achievement of SDGs is to choose a pilot village called SDGs Village. The selected SDGs village will implement priority development programs that refer to RAD SDGs. Where a) program management is led by village apparatus;  b) program funding involves non-governmental support;  and c) the implementation of activities involves public consultation.

Many poverty alleviation programs have been carried out by the government, especially in Taeng Village, Gowa Regency, such as; Inpres Desa Lagbehind (IDT), Family Hope Program (PKH), Prosperous Rice Program (Rastra), Direct Cash Transfer Program (BLT), People's Business Credit (KUR), and Keridit Usaha Bersama (KUBE), Raskin, Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) etc. However, there is still inequality in development and welfare of rural communities. Taeng Village is one of the villages in Pallangga District, Gowa Regency. Orbitation and travel time from the capital of ± District is 3 km with a travel time of 5 minutes and from the district capital 4 km with a travel time of 7 minutes.

Table 1. Number of Inhabitants of Taeng Village


Village Name



Percentage (%)




 Taeng Village



13,385 inhabitants





13,385 inhabitants


            Source : 2020 Population Census Data

Meanwhile, data on poor people based on aid recipients can be seen in the following table:

Table 2.  Number of Poor People in Taeng Village


Types of help













Source: 2021 Beneficiary Data

Based on these problems, the researcher raised the title of the study, namely "Village Fund Utilization Strategy as an effort to alleviate poverty towards Village SDGs in Taeng Village, Gowa Regency". Researchers will analyze poverty conditions in Taeng Village, Gowa Regency by going into the field, then conducting interviews with the Village Head, Village Staff and the community about how the government's efforts in alleviating poverty through empowering funds.



This type of research is exploratory research using qualitative descriptive methods aimed at analyzing and describing phenomena or objects of research through social activities, attitudes and perceptions of people individually or in groups. The implementation time starts from June-August 2022. Held in Taeng Village, Gowa District.

The object of research in this study is the analysis of poverty alleviation based on Village Fund empowerment in Taeng Village, Gowa Regency. This Village Fund empowerment-based poverty alleviation analysis activity focuses on two main scopes, namely: regional scope and material scope. The scope of the area is the village local government while the scope of the material includes empirical studies in the form of poverty alleviation analysis, as well as theoretical studies on community empowerment.

Population and Sample of activities related to the title of this study, then the author determines the target population. Population is a generalized area consisting of objects or subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics that are determined by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions.  Based on the above understanding, according to the title of this study, the target population is Taeng Hamlet and Gantarang Hamlet.

While the sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the population. Sample measurement is a step to determine the size of the sample taken in carrying out a study. It is also noted that the sample selected must be representative, meaning that all characteristics of the population should be reflected in the selected sample. The sample in this study was Taeng Hamlet.

The type of data used by the author in conducting this study is primary data. Primary data is a source of data obtained directly to the data collector. Data obtained through direct interviews with respondents, where the data is in the form of data that has been collected, the data collected here are data related to the object to be researched for the purpose of making it easier for researchers to find out whether the elements that are run are not as they should. Data management is in the form of collecting data that has been generated from direct interviews with informants.

Data collection techniques aim to obtain relevant and accurate data related to the issues discussed. The way or technique of data collection can be done by observation. interview and documentation. The data analysis method  used by the author is qualitative descriptive analysis is an analysis method that usually uses words to explain phenomena and data generated.



A. Strategy for Using Village Funds in Poverty Alleviation in Taeng Village Area, Gowa Regency

The enactment of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages strengthens the position of villages within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The enactment of the law clarifies the duties, roles and functions of villages in managing villages, running village governments, and providing services for their communities in order to achieve common goals of realizing community welfare. The stipulation of Law Number 6 of 2014 emphasizes that the village government in regulating the village will not be separated from the purpose of village regulation and make it the basis for implementing village development. The purpose of the Village Fund is basically to realize inclusive economic growth by equalizing income.

Villages, which have been the object of development policies and implementation, are now the subject of development with wider authority and opportunities in formulating policies and implementing their own development. Government policy on village funds cannot be separated from how the role of village governments in organizing development and community empowerment activities held through village funds. The village government becomes a bridge to the village community itself in carrying out all activities to be able to help economic life and the interests of the community in general.  According to MQ as Secretary of Taeng Village stated that:

"If we are in the APBDesa there are five areas contained in the APBDesa, namely the field of village governance, the field of implementing village development, the field of community development, the field of community empowerment, and the field of disaster management. Only specifically for Village Funds, there are three areas that can be financed, namely the field of development, the field of community empowerment, and disaster management. If the activities are for the field of development in the form of physical development, for its empowerment through training and disaster management, it includes handling covid-19.

All activities and policy programs carried out by the village government are expected to be able to create changes for the community, especially in reducing poverty and prospering the community, especially in the economic sector. The Taeng Village Government is the top priority in implementing the village fund budget program for the poor.

Community empowerment in Taeng Village, especially in terms of poverty alleviation, has not been running optimally, especially before the considerable financial assistance from the government. Discusses the strategy carried out by the Taeng Village government in implementing programs issued by the government through village funds. It is inseparable from the stages carried out by the Taeng Village government in implementing the program, especially in poverty alleviation through village funds.

Community empowerment carried out by the Village Government through village funds is through village work programs, the mechanism of which is carried out through several stages. The village government's efforts to reduce poverty in Taeng Village must work effectively. The success of Taeng Village in carrying out its duties in terms of reducing poverty in Taeng Village is assisted by other parties.

In the management of Village Funds in overcoming poverty in Taeng Village, there are several strategies used. Here is the form of strategy used:

a. Road and Bridge Infrastructure Development

Infrastructure development is very important to accelerate the process of national-scale development. Infrastructure development will certainly affect several sectors. The most important thing is how the development can facilitate community activities. The role of village funds is indeed very important for development. Before the existence of village funds, there was already assistance from the government, but it was not enough to process development. Because of limited funds, making development is not optimal.

So it can be concluded that the people of Taeng Village are greatly helped by the existence of this infrastructure because it can make it easier and faster for people to get to their workplaces, it is proof that infrastructure development can improve community welfare.

   In its implementation, through village funds, the Taeng Government has spent Rp.251,050,000 development gradually and comprehensively to each hamlet in Taeng Village has seen fruit. The development carried out by the Taeng Village government is of course based on proposals from the community, this is so that the development carried out by the Taeng Village Government really feels the benefits.

b. Women's Empowerment Training and Counseling

   Women are already equated with men. Thus, women who spend their time at home taking care of the household also have the right to be given knowledge and training. With the program from the government that specifically empowers women, it is expected to be able to improve the economy in the community, namely, waste management training, wet cake making training, mask connector making training and plate making training made from sticks.

One of the trainings that then creates income, in the sense of being able to develop and then sell products is the manufacture of mask connectors. Although it has not sold in large quantities and has not yet reached out of town, if it is developed, it will continue to add to the economic sector of the people in Taeng Village in particular. Because, it will create new jobs and also earn income. With this, women are also able to play a role in earning income.         

C. The effectiveness of the use of village funds in poverty alleviation in the Taeng Village area of Gowa Regency

Government Regulation Number 60 of 2014 concerning Village Funds sourced from the State Budget, has been explained in the previous chapter, that Village Funds are funds sourced from the State Budget intended for villages, which are transferred through the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget, which are used to finance government administration, development implementation, community development, and community empowerment. The purpose of village funds is basically to realize economic growth by equalizing income.

Community empowerment is not merely an economic concept, but is often aimed at poverty alleviation and community welfare. The allocation of village funds is intended to finance government programs and to implement programs that are being run by the village government, namely community development and empowerment through the Village Fund Budget. Through village funds, community empowerment can accelerate the community preparation process through various ways and strategies that are able to accommodate community components. With the issuance of a policy on village funds, it means that the government strives for an order to be achieved at a point where the village can build itself to develop rapidly.

Based on the results of interviews conducted with several informants, it can be concluded that the achievement of the implementation of the Taeng Village Government Village Fund program has been good because of some assistance obtained by the poor such as BLT, PKH, BST, and house renovation assistance. This assistance is very helpful for the survival of poor people in Taeng Village.

Through village funds, then the government has a liaison role between the government and the village community. Where the main target for empowerment programs is weak people, in the sense that they may be able but there is no opportunity to get a job. Either because of age, education, social, or location. This is in accordance with the principle of empowerment, which must embrace all groups, especially the weak. That way the village government conducts socialization to the community in the implementation of the Village Fund program.  Village development planning by involving all levels of society is a tangible manifestation of the community's role in realizing government programs. The success of the Taeng village government in overcoming existing poverty is inseparable from its transparency regarding the village fund budget to the community.

Based on the results of interviews conducted by several informants, it can be concluded that Taeng Village has not been transparent about the Village Fund Budget because there are still many villagers who do not know about the village fund budget, both the amount of budget received by the village, and what the budget is used for.

Based on the results of interviews conducted with several informants, it can be concluded that the poor who receive assistance from the village are used to fulfill their daily lives but there are also people who use the village fund budget obtained to be used as trading capital,

The implementation of community empowerment is carried out through activities with a self-management pattern. Which means empowering or using local labor, and utilizing local raw materials in the village. In self-management efforts, it means that the planning and implementation of these activities is carried out independently by the village, so that the money used for these development activities will not flow out of the village. By using local labor, it is hoped that the implementation of the work can absorb labor and provide income for those who work. While local raw materials, it is hoped that they will provide income to people who have these raw materials. So, the velocity of money will take place in the village itself.

Meanwhile, for the recruitment of workers who will be empowered to work, of course, prioritize or prioritize people who are unemployed or do not have jobs and income, or people whose families have members with disabilities or mental disorders. So here the essence of village funds as an effort to alleviate poverty is indeed happening, namely by empowering the community.     

   Law Number 6 of 2014, concerning Villages, namely the state's commitment in overcoming and empowering villages to become strong, advanced, independent and democratic so as to create a strong foundation in implementing governance and development towards a just, prosperous and prosperous society. With the village fund, it has a big influence on poverty in the village itself. Villages that previously did not have the capital to build infrastructure, with village funds will be greatly helped. The direction of the village fund is the establishment of an independent village.

Of course, with the pattern of self-management, the village government has screened its people, who will really be empowered. That is the unemployed community, one of the people with disabilities and women. By creating jobs, it will certainly make people who were previously not earning income.

   Poverty alleviation is the main agenda of Law No. 25 of 2000 concerning the National Development Program 2000 - 2004. To support this, the Indonesian government has established the Poverty Reduction Coordinating Board (BKPK) which has the main task of developing discourse and to encourage central and local government agencies, community leaders, universities, legislative and executive institutions and other communities to implement a new paradigm in poverty reduction that places the poor as actors to overcome their own poverty.

   The implementation of the village fund program, of course, the village government cannot be separated from suggestions and criticisms from the community. Based on interviews conducted by several informants, it can be concluded that the community has never given criticism and advice to the village government on the Village Fund Budget which is used to overcome poverty because there is no space for freedom of opinion provided by the taeng village government regarding this.



Government Regulation Number 60 of 2014, Village Fund is a fund sourced from the State Budget (APBN) intended for villages transferred through the District/City Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) and used to finance government administration, development implementation, community development and community empowerment. The purpose of village funds is basically to realize economic equality, especially in villages.(Lestari et al., 2019)

How to determine the criteria for poor people by going directly into the field, these criteria are the floor area of residential buildings less than 8m2 per person, the type of residential floor is made of cheap soil / bamboo / wood, The sources of income for the head of the household are: farmers with a land area of 500m2, agricultural workers, fishermen, construction workers, not in schools and so on besides that the village government also refers to the data of BLT recipients,  BST, PKH and others whose data is sourced from the central government. However, people who receive assistance from the central government no longer receive assistance from the village and also not all proposals proposed by the community as recipients of aid can be accepted by the government because in the village there is a development planning document called RPJMDesa which is valid for 6 years.(Soleh, 2017)

The village government in carrying out its duties in terms of poverty alleviation all functions have worked effectively, besides that the Taeng Village government is assisted by village assistants who monitor the activities carried out by the village through APBDes, and for its accountability the Taeng village government is assisted by the district government and the form of supervision and evaluation of the village fund allocation program, one of which is in the health sector every month a meeting is held between posyandu cadres who  report all activities that have been carried out .(Maun, 2020)

Activities carried out by the village government are carrying out training. The training has very positive benefits and objectives in improving the community's economy, which starting from training, will later provide him with provisions for his own entrepreneurship. The village government has allocated a budget for women's training and empowerment of Rp.45,680,000 sourced from village funds.(Muta'ali et al., 2018; Primary et al., 2020)

This training that then creates income, in the sense of being able to develop and then sell products is the manufacture of mask connectors. Although it has not sold in large quantities and has not yet reached out of town, if it is developed, it will continue to add to the economic sector of the people in Taeng Village in particular. Because, it will create new jobs and also earn income. With this, women are also able to play a role in earning income.         

The people of Taeng Village have felt the impact of the Village Fund Budget. Poverty alleviation does not just increase income, but needs to be done holistically which concerns aspects of basic human life, such as well-managed infrastructure and other aspects that can improve the quality of life of the community(Haqq, 2022).

The allocation of village funds is intended to finance government programs and to implement programs that are being run by the village government, namely community development and empowerment through the Village Fund Budget. Through village funds, community empowerment can accelerate the community preparation process through various ways and strategies that are able to accommodate community components. With the issuance of a policy on village funds, it means that the government strives for an order to be achieved at a point where the village can build itself to develop rapidly.



Based on the results of the research contained in the discussion, it can be concluded that: The strategy of utilizing the village fund budget has an impact on several informants, namely Road and Bridge Infrastructure Development, and Women's Empowerment Training and Counseling. The implementation of community empowerment is carried out through activities with a self-management pattern. Through village funds, community empowerment can accelerate the community preparation process through various ways and strategies that are able to accommodate community components. The effectiveness of the use of the village fund budget for their communities is helped by the village fund budget. It can be seen from the use of village funds spent to meet daily needs and village funds managed for entrepreneurship as additional income. In addition, there are also some informants who do not feel the impact of the village fund budget because the distribution of village funds is not optimal so they still feel hunger. While one of the goals of SDG's Village is to overcome poverty, without hunger and maintain economic stability.



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