Azhar Rahmanto, Imam Nur Wahidin
Sunan Kalijaga
State Islamic University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
The background of this research is to find out about the application of
PAI teachers in online learning using features on the Google platform located
at SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan. The purpose of this study
was to determine the online learning process using the features on the Google
Platform along with the supporting factors and inhibiting factors that existed
during the implementation of PAI learning by using the features on the Google
Platform in class XI Islamic Religious Education SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan. This research is a type of qualitative research
with descriptive analysis techniques. This research takes the background of SMA
Negeri 1 Seyegan. Data were collected through
observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study indicate
that: (1) The implementation of Islamic Religious Education teachers in Online
Learning using the Google Platform in Class XI SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan
includes (a) learning preparation: preparing learning materials using Google
Slides and Youtube media in the form of images and
videos, (b) implementation of learning: learning activities using Google
Classroom which include preliminary activities, core activities and closing
with question and answer methods and quizzes (c) evaluation of learning:
assessment of learning outcomes using Google Form in the form of quizzes and
exams. (2) the factors that support online learning using the Google Platform,
namely, schools facilitate wifi and computers for
teachers, as well as the inhibiting factors for online learning using the Google
platform, namely, the limited access of students to the internet and mobile
Keywords: online learning, google platform, islamic religious education
Received 20
October 2021, Revised 5 November 2021, Accepted 10 November 2021
Education is an effort so that humans can develop
their potential through a systematic and planned learning process. Education
can simply be interpreted as a human effort to grow and develop innate
potentials both physically and spiritually in accordance with the values that
exist in society and culture (Zaman, 2019).
Humans instill values and norms and pass them on to the next generation to be
developed in life and life that occurs in an educational process as a human
effort to preserve life (Fuad, 2005).
At the beginning of 2020 the world experienced an
unexpected event, the outbreak of a new type of virus, namely the Coronavirus
disease virus (Covid-19). The pandemic has affected various lines of life in
many countries including Indonesia, including the line of education which has
experienced serious obstacles, with the government implementing policies to
minimize the spread of Covid-19, namely by doing physical distancing, avoiding
crowds and gatherings with many people. The implementation of learning which is
usually done face-to-face is constrained.
The Ministry of Education and Culture also issued
circular letter No. 15 of 2020 regarding the implementation of learning from
home in the emergency period of the spread of Covid-19. In this circular, it is
stated that the purpose of implementing learning from home (BDR) is to ensure
the fulfillment of the rights of students to obtain educational services during
the Covid-19 emergency, protect education unit residents from the adverse
effects of Covid-19, prevent the spread and transmission of Covid-19 in
Indonesia. Education units and ensure the fulfillment of psychosocial support
for educators, students, and parents (Syamsuri & Md, 2021).
SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan as
one of the schools whose learning process is constrained due to the Covid-19
pandemic, due to Government policies through the Ministry of Education and
Culture students, teachers, and education staff are not allowed to carry out
face-to-face teaching and learning activities. Instead, the learning process
inevitably has to be carried out remotely or online.
According to Syaiful Sagala learning is teaching students to use educational
principles and learning theories which are the main determinants of educational
success, learning is a two-way communication process. Teaching is done by the
teacher as an educator, while learning is done by students (Sagala, 2010).
And According to Thorne, online learning is learning that uses multimedia
technology, virtual classes, CD ROMs, streaming video, voicemail, email and
conference calls, animated online text (Kuntarto, 2017).
Meanwhile, according to (Bilfaqih & Qomarudin, 2015)
online learning is a program for organizing online learning classes to reach a
massive and broad target group.
For this reason, the teacher as a student mentor
must determine the appropriate media as a means of online learning. Of course,
taking into account the level of efficiency and ease of access so that it is
affordable for all students. Islamic Religious Education teacher class XI at
SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan uses the Google Platform as an
online learning medium, because it is easier to use and does not spend a lot of
internet data quota so that it is affordable for all students, besides that the
completeness of the features they have makes it easier for teachers to combine
different learning methods Applied.
Google is the result of a project produced by
Stanford University students Larry Page and Sergey Brin in early 1966 who
developed a search engine that uses related mathematical analysis. This initial
system is called BackRub, Google is growing rapidly
by producing several services such as Gmail, Google maps, Google drive and many
more (Suyoso, Astuti, & Yuniarto, 2016).
One of Google's cloud computing implementations
is Google Apps for Education. Google Apps for Education (GAFE) is a Google
service for the world of education ranging from kindergarten, elementary,
junior high, high school / MA / vocational and college. Google provides
solutions for integrated communication with email, calendar and chat/discussion
and solutions for collaborating in learning activities (Cahyani, 2016).
Islamic religious teachers are teachers who
specialize in carrying out activities to achieve religious teachings to a
person or group (Depag, 1985).
The duties of a religious teacher other than being
a supervisor and person in charge of Islamic religious education subjects are
teaching Islamic religious knowledge, instilling faith in the souls of
students, educating children to obey religion, and educating children to have
noble character (Ghafir & Yusuf, 1983).
The importance of education for the nation's
civilization is a benchmark for the development and progress of a country. With
this education, a person can have high knowledge, skills and abilities. This is
one of the valuable assets for humans to navigate civilization. Because of the
importance of education, teaching and learning activities must continue to be
carried out in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic with online learning
facilities using the Google Platform implemented by PAI teachers in class XI at
SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan.
This research is a type of qualitative research with
descriptive analysis techniques. This research takes the background of SMA
Negeri 1 Seyegan. Data was collected through
observation, interviews and documentation. The validity of the data using
triangulation. Data analysis was carried out by collecting data, reducing data,
presenting data, and drawing conclusions.
The media used for online learning in Islamic
Religious Education class XI SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan is
using the media provided by the Google Platform. The Google platform was chosen
due to the ease in accessing and variations in online learning that are more
diverse, this was explained by Mr. Azhar Rahmanto as the teacher of PAI class
XI in an interview conducted by the researcher with the following interview
�Online learning conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan has started from mid-February 2020 until now.
Especially for PAI class XI online learning is used, namely using learning
videos sourced from YouTube, material in the form of slides as well as written
assignments and learning evaluations, which are managed in online classes,
including using media from the Google platform (Azhar,
The Google Platform used by PAI teachers in class XI
SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan in carrying out online learning
is divided into several applications, which of course have their respective
functions to support PAI online learning in class XI SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan. As the findings obtained by researchers about the
online learning process using the Google Platform media by PAI teachers in
class XI SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan, and to make it easier
to understand the results of the research the researchers will divide them into
several parts with the following details:
Using The Google Platform
In preparation for teaching the teacher certainly
prepares the material to be taught to students, in this pandemic period
teachers are required to be more creative in preparing teaching materials
because learning is done online, students tend to be more interested in
material that is packaged creatively using media. Learning media has a very
important role in the learning process, students will more easily understand
the material if it is supported by the media.
Based on the results of observations on thePAI online learning for class XI SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan, the media used by the teacher is in the form of
pictures and videos. The material presented using images is arranged in a slide
presentation, in one presentation slide includes one teaching material material, occasionally the teacher prepares a video link so
that learning is more varied and students can access the learning video via
live Youtube and can download it for restudy by
viewing the recording.
1 Class XI PAI learning materials
preparing the teaching materials, the teacher uses Youtube
media and Google slides which are summarized in a series of Google docs
applications. Furthermore, in delivering the material that has been prepared,
the teacher will upload it to the Google Classroom platform during the learning
process. The learning preparation process is in line with what was stated by
the PAI teacher class XIS MA Negeri 1 Seyegan in
interviews conducted by researchers with interview excerpts as follows:
personally use google slides and youtube videos to
prepare learning materials, I use google slides to make material in the form of
presentations accompanied by pictures and explanations of the material,
occasionally I give a youtube video link that
contains teaching materials to complement so students don't get bored, and can
be re-watched at any time.
materials in preparation for online learning carried out by PAI teachers in
class XI of SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan can accommodate the
criteria set by (Bilfaqih & Qomarudin,
namely, online: each subject provides material in the form of videos or
slideshows, massive: learning can be followed by many participants , and open:
accessible to many people. Learning materials in the form of presentations or
videos that have been prepared by the PAI teacher can easily be accessed by
class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan.
2. Learning
carrying out this research, the researchers conducted observations in learning
activities, as the observations made by teacher researchers using the Google
Platform media, namely Google classroom in the implementation of online
learning PAI class XI SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan. In the
implementation of this learning, Google Classroom plays an important role
because it functions as the parent of learning activities to manage the class
during the learning process.
main function of Google classroom in PAI online learning activities for class
XI SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan itself is as a place for
class management with features such as direct interaction with students in the
form of class group chats, delivery of material in the form of slides and
videos, giving assignments or quizzes, announcements, as well as evaluation of
learning which in practice has been collaborated with other Google Platforms.
implementation of Google classroom learning is carried out 1 meeting in 1 week
in each class, namely every meeting of 2 lesson hours (2x40 minutes) for PAI
students in class XI SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan. In
interviews conducted by researchers regarding the learning process in online
classes, the PAI teacher of class XI SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan
stated that:
the implementation of class learning, we carry it out using google classroom,
on the platform like a normal class, learning activities in general are carried
out, namely by delivering subject matter in the form of slides or videos that I
have prepared beforehand, then there is such a thing as quizzes, class
interaction by chatting , class announcements. Previously, it had also been
carried out using google meet, but due to many obstacles such as signals or
limited student internet quotas, we ended up completely with google classroom.�
2 Google classroom PAI Class XI
Based on the results of observations of the
condition of the implementation of online learning using Google classroom, it
lies in the readiness of teachers and students' readiness, the results of
observations that have been carried out by researchers on teacher readiness, it
appears that teachers are on time in starting learning, this shows that
teachers have prepared themselves to teach, teachers also have the ability to
condition students, the teacher has also prepared the material to be delivered
to students well.
The condition of the implementation of online
learning is not much different from learning as when face-to-face at school,
only different in one thing, namely the implementation of learning is carried
out online through the Google classroom platform. Based on observations,
students and teachers interact with each other during the learning process, the
implementation includes preliminary activities, core activities, and closing
Where in this preliminary activity, as usual, the
teacher asks how the students are doing, takes attendance, and conveys the
learning objectives. In the core activity the teacher delivers subject matter,
in this condition of distance learning the subject matter is delivered by the
teacher by uploading material in the form of slides or video links from Youtube to be responded to by students or teachers giving
assignments or quizzes to students.
The implementation of online learning carried out in
the PAI XI class of SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan is in line
with the characteristics of online-based learning according to the Directorate
General of Teachers and Education Personnel, namely: demanding student
independence, collaboration between students, forming a learning community,
utilizing internet media and interactive learning. It is proven by the learning
materials provided by the teacher more demanding of students to be independent,
so that collaboration is formed between students in the classroom learning
community or in assignments.
Based on observations, the teacher uses the question
and answer method after finishing giving the subject matter, the question and
answer method is adjusted to the material presented, the circumstances, and the
situation in the ongoing learning implementation. However, during this question
and answer session, not many students were seen asking questions, so the
teacher would continue learning by giving quizzes to students if no students
The activeness of students in the question and
answer session during the implementation of online learning is in line with the
shortcomings of online learning according to Suhery, Trimardi, and Jasmalinda in
written journals, namely, students who do not have high learning motivation
tend to fail. So that with this deficiency, the PAI teacher of class XI SMA
Negeri 1 Seyegan overcomes it by stimulating activity
by giving assignments or quizzes so that students are active and independent in
understanding the learning material.
Then in the closing activity, the teacher closes the
lesson, conveys the conclusions of the material that has been studied, conveys
the material to be delivered at the next meeting and closes the learning
activity. Although the implementation of learning is carried out online, the
series of learning implementations have been carried out well.
Assessment is a very important part in the world of
education, because assessment is an evaluation material during the learning
process. Assessment of learning outcomes is carried out to determine the level
of student understanding and measure students' ability to understand the
material. The evaluation carried out in the PAI online learning process for
class XISMA Negeri 1 Seyegan is by giving assignments
to students in written form through the Google form platform. In an interview
conducted by the researcher regarding the evaluation of learning, the PAI
teacher of class XI SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan revealed
�In my learning evaluation, I refer to the grades of
assignments, quizzes and exams. Assignments, quizzes or exams I prepare in
written form using a google form which will later be uploaded to google
classroom so that it is easy to announce to students to do the assignment. �
Based on the results of observations in class XI PAI
SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan, assignments via Google forms
are presented in the form of quizzes or exams, the teacher will prepare forms
in the form of quizzes or exams in Google forms and then the forms are uploaded
to the Google classroom platform.
4 PAI Semester Final Exam for class XI
5 PAI question bank class XI
When the form has been uploaded the teacher will
deliver an announcement to students on the Google classroom platform to take a
quiz or exam independently with a predetermined time duration. Then the teacher
will correct the students' work which will be used as evaluation material
during the learning process.
B. Supporting And Obstacling Factors
Supporting factors
online learning is certainly different from implementing direct or face-to-face
learning in the classroom. Especially for the implementation of online learning
using the Google Platform, it requires supporting factors that are more or less
the same as online learning activities in general.
the results of observations made by researchers during the process of
implementing online learning using the Google Platform media in class XI PAI
SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan, there are various factors that
support the implementation of learning activities such as internet access
provided by schools for teachers, internet access is the most basic thing for
The implementation of online learning is due to internet access which makes
teachers and students connected to each other so that interaction is created in
the implementation of learning. Next is the device used to be able to connect
to the internet such as a laptop or cellphone.
the results of interviews conducted by researchers, the PAI teacher Class XI SMA
Negeri 1 Seyegan stated that the school had
facilitated internet access in the form of wifi for
teachers to support the online learning process while the teacher was at
school, as well as laptop devices available in the computer laboratory that can
be used by students. Teachers in order to support online learning activities,
with interview excerpts as follows:
so during this distance learning period the school has provided facilities in
the form of wifi and computers in the lab, this is
very helpful for us teachers during the implementation of learning activities
" (Azhar, 2021).
Obstacle factor
online learning can be said to be a new thing in the world of education,
because in its history this is the first time it has been carried out in formal
education simultaneously. So of course it is understandable when there are many
inhibiting factors in its implementation, especially in terms of providing
facilities for students.
on observations, there are several factors that inhibit online learning in
Class XI PAI SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan, namely: limited
internet access and unstable internet signals, students
obstacles in accessing devices such as cellphones because some students
according to the teacher's narrative still borrow cellphones belonging to their
parents. During the learning process, there were some students who were late in
entering the session on the Google classroom due to internet access being
constrained, or their parents still using their cellphones, thus hampering the
teacher during the learning process. Based on the results of the interview, the
PAI teacher Class XI SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan gave the
following narrative:
for the obstacle, it might be in the student facilities, sir, because there are
some students whose places are difficult to signal or whose cellphones are
still borrowed from their parents. For internet quotas, maybe a few months ago
there was assistance from the government, it was quite helpful, although now I
don't know if the distribution is late or even stopped� (Azhar, 2021).
Based on the results of research
and discussion in the previous chapter on the implementation of online learning
using the Google Platform by PAI teachers in class XI SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan, it can be concluded that:
The online learning process
using the Google Platform by PAI teachers for class XI SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan includes several parts of learning components,
Learning Preparation: in
preparing teacher teaching materials using Youtube
media and Google slides which are summarized in the Google docs application
series, the material prepared by the teacher is in the form of pictures and
videos. The material is delivered using pictures arranged in a slide
presentation accompanied by an explanation of the material, occasionally the
teacher prepares a video link so that learning is more varied and students can
access the learning video via Youtube and can
download it for re-study.
Implementation of Learning: the
teacher uses Google classroom in the implementation of online learning PAI
class XI SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan, the implementation of
Google classroom learning is carried out 1 meeting in 1 week in each class,
i.e. each meeting is 2 lesson hours (2x40 minutes). Students and teachers
interact with each other during the learning process, the implementation
includes preliminary activities, core activities, and closing activities.
During the implementation of online learning, the teacher applies the question
and answer method and quizzes, but during the question and answer session there
are not many active students.
Learning Evaluation: evaluation
carried out in the online learning process of PAI class XI SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan, namely by giving assignments to students in
written form via Google form. The assignment through the Google form is
presented in the form of a quiz or exam, the teacher will prepare a form in the
form of a quiz or exam in a Google form and then the form is uploaded to the
Google classroom platform.
Supporting factors for online
learning using the Google Platform by PAI teachers in class XI SMA Negeri 1 Seyegan, namely, internet access provided by the school in
the form of wifi for teachers to support the online
learning process while the teacher is at school, as well as laptop devices
available in the computer laboratory that can used by teachers in order to
support online learning activities.
The inhibiting factors for
online learning using the Google Platform by PAI teachers of class XI SMA
Negeri 1 Seyegan, namely, the limited number of
students in terms of internet access and unstable internet signals and
students' obstacles in accessing devices such as cellphones because some
students still borrow cellphones belonging to their parents.
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