Work Life Balance Model, Work Stress and Performance of Millennial Generation Online Taxibike Drivers
Muhammad Alfa Ghani, Ani Muttaqiyathun*
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Email: [email protected], [email protected]*
Article Information |
Received: February 19, 2023 Revised: February 28, 2023 Approved: March 20, 2023 Online: March 24, 2023 |
The characteristics of the millennial generation are different from those of the previous generation. It is important to research the performance of those who currently dominate the world of work, especially the unprecedented work of online motorcycle taxi drivers. The purpose of this study is to determine the balance and work stress on the performance of millennial generation online motorcycle taxi drivers. This study used a quantitative approach, with the subject of online motorcycle taxi drivers, where the population is difficult to know. The sample was determined using the Lameshow formula so that a sample of 100 respondents was obtained. Teknik purposive sampling is used with the criteria of married drivers and classified as millennial generation. Data collection using questionnaires in the form of google forms is distributed directly to online motorcycle taxi drivers. Data analysis techniques use multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that there was an effect of work life balance on performance, but on the contrary, there was no effect of work stress on performance. · |
Keywords |
work life balance; work stress; millennials |
The Industrial Revolution 4.0 was marked by rapid advances in technology which included the Internet of Things and Services (IoT and IoS) in various existing business process (Vaidya et al., 2018).One of the rapid developments has occurred in the business of providing online transportation services such as the Grabbike company. Currently, Grab is operating in almost all Southeast Asian countries except Brunei and Laos, and has even expanded to other countries. The strength of this company lies in Grab's partners who make their human resources an asset to remain profitable. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a surge in workers switching professions to become grab drivers. Thus the competition becomes tighter among fellow drivers. They must always be ready to accept work at any time in order to obtain the expected income. Work demands without knowing this time can have an impact on work life balance and work stress. Based on searches, research on online motorcycle taxi drivers is still rare. From existing research, it has only been carried out on a limited scope and variables. Therefore, this study will use several variables that are rarely researched, namely work life balance and work stress.
According to Fisher (2001) work-life balance is the effort made by individuals to balance two or more roles. Work life balance is an important part of improving employee performance (Mogatama, 2020; Obiageli et al, 2015). Worklife balance has a significant effect on employee performance (Johanim Johari et al., 2018;Wolor et al, 2020). However, empirical evidence is still being debated whether work life balance has a direct effect or is mediated by other variables. As found by Rafsanjani et al. (2019) which states that Work life balance does not directly affect employee performance, but is mediated by work stress and or job satisfaction. Occurrence of work imbalance and work stress can result in poor performance. This is evidenced by the findings Pebiyanti and Winarno (2021); Rafsanjaniet al., (2019) that among the factors that influence employee performance as a whole are work life balance and work stress. Stress can cause depression, depression and lack of enthusiasm in a person, resulting in poor performance. Job stress can have a negative and significant effect on employee performance (Wisdom and Lukito, 2021). Therefore, management must pay attention to this and make efforts to reduce the work stress of drivers. Because it is the driver who directly has an emotional bond with the customer.
This research is aimed at millennial generation grabbike drivers. Howe and Strauss (1991); Putra (2016) shows that BPS 2018 said millennial generation is the generation born after 1982-2000. The millennial generation is interesting to study because their personalities have specific advantages and disadvantages compared to previous generations. Among the characteristics that they are more responsive to technology but still weak in emotional control. These characteristics will certainly affect their attitude in doing work.The reason for the researchers to conduct this research was because they were interested in the challenges of the millennial generation Grabbike drivers, where with the specific characteristics they have, they must be able to divide their work time in addition to pressure from within and from outside. Based on the search, very little research is focused on work life balance and work stress for millennial online motorcycle taxi drivers. This raises questions such as whether the work life balance and management of work stress for the millennial generation of online motorcycle taxi drivers are created very well so as to produce the expected performance.
Theory Basis and Hypothesis Development
A. Performance
Robbins and Judge (2017) explain performance is the level of achievement of the overall success of an individual within a certain time in doing his work compared to various possibilities such as work standards, targets or goals or criteria. While Soomro et al. (2019) stated that performance is the productivity of each worker, whose output can be in the form of compensation for returns in the form of financial or non-financial. Employee performance can be described as a response in the form of behavior that reflects learning outcomes by employees, including the results of mental and psychological abilities (Bataineh, 2019). According to Robbins (2016) we can measure employee performance by various factors that can influence it, namely:
1. Quality of work is measured from the perception of workers: from the results of the quality of work, the perfection of skills and the way workers are able to do it.
2. Quantity is the amount produced: it can be said in terms such as units, as well as the number of activities completed.
3. Timeliness: the level of activity at the beginning of the agreed time, seen from the results and the ability to maximize the time available for other activities.
4. Effectiveness: is the level of use of resources (energy, money, technology, and raw materials) is maximized to increase the yield of each unit/amount that uses resources.
5. Independence: is the level of ability of a worker to carry out his work function.
6. Work commitment: is a situation in which an individual sided with the company and the goals and desire to keep his workers in the company.
Armstrong and Baron explain the factors that can affect performance including: personal factors, leadership, systems and situational context. In detail, Kasmir (2016) explains the factors that affect performance both results and work behavior, namely: abilities and skills, knowledge, work design, personality, work motivation, leadership, organizational culture, job satisfaction, work environment, loyalty, commitment and work discipline.
B. Worklife Balance
Work-life balance is a balanced position between the two demands of an individual, namely work and life. In the view of employees, work life balance is the choice of managing work and personal obligations or responsibilities towards the family (Kembuan, D, et al., 2021). Meanwhile, Fisher (2001) argues that work life balance is an individual's effort to balance two or more roles. Based on several definitions, work life balance is the ability of individual workers to balance between two or more roles at work, roles in the family and oneself. The indicators for measuring work life balance according to Greenhaus, Collins and Shaw (2003) are as follows:
1. Time Balance refers to the amount of time that can be given by someone both for work matters and matters outside of work. For example, within the scope of students, the division of time for lectures and for doing other work. In a father's side time to earn a living with family time.
2. Involvement Balance refers to the level of psychological involvement and commitment of an individual in his work and matters outside of work, the capacity for quality involvement in every activity carried out. By being physically and emotionally involved in work, family and others, a balance of involvement will be achieved.
3. Satisfaction Balance refers to an individual's level of satisfaction with work activities and matters outside work. Satisfaction will arise by itself if you think that what you have done so far is good enough to fulfill your work and family needs.
C. Work Stress
Riggio (2018) states stress as a physiological and/or psychological reaction to events that are considered threatening or burdensome. Stressors are environmental events that are perceived by individuals as threats. Thus, work stress emphasizes physiological and/or psychological reactions to events in work that are considered threatening or burdensome. According to Robbins and Judge (2017) stress is an unpleasant psychological process that occurs in response to environmental pressures. Ordinary stress has a negative context, but it can also have a positive impact. Such as the pressure of heavy workloads and deadlines as challenges that can improve the quality of work and the satisfaction you get from work. But when the situation is negative, it can mean that his mental health is disturbed. Negative stress or distress can increase errors in work, hindering worker progress. According to Robbins (2016), there are indicators of work stress, namely:
1. Task demands: is the pressure associated with the task given in an individual job.
2. Role demands: related to the pressure exerted on a person or condition as a function of the particular role played in an organization.
3. Interpersonal demands: are pressures created by other individuals within an organization or job.
4. Organizational structure: a picture of an agency with an unclear organizational structure, lack of clarity regarding positions, rights and obligations.
5. Organizational leadership: provides a management style to the organization. Several parties can create an organizational climate filled with tension, fear, and anxiety.
D. Hypothesis Development
Effect of work life balance on performance. Work-life balances the ability of individual workers to balance between two or more roles at work, roles in the family and oneself. A balance between work and personal life is needed by workers to increase productivity. So that the creation of a work life balance makes a person comfortable to work and can divide his time appropriately. According to Greenhaus, Collins and Shaw (2003), work life balance consisting of time balance, involvement balance, and satisfaction balance has a major influence on a worker's performance. Work life balance has a partially positive and significant effect on employee performance (Suharno, 2020; Johari et al, 2018). Thus, there is a link between work life balance and performance which has a positive and significant influence.
H1: There is a positive effect of work life balance on the performance of millennial generation Grab drivers in Yogyakarta.
Effect of work stress on performance. Wahyudi (2017) suggests that functional stress levels will have a good impact on a person's performance, in the sense that his performance can be more optimal. When stress is too low, performance will stagnate or become low. On the other hand, when stress is too high, performance will also be lower or worse, due to the inability to work together, high individual ego, aggressive attitude accompanied by ambitious attitude. Based on the research findings of Yozgat, Yurtkoru & Bilginoglu (2013); Daniel, (2019), and Hikmah and Lukito (2021) work stress has a significant negative effect on employee performance. Based on this description, the following hypothesis is formulated:
H2: There is a negative effect of work stress on the performance of millennial generation Grab drivers in Yogyakarta.
Noviarini et al., (2021)explain that work-life balance and work stress have an important effect on employee performance. In the study of Wargain and Saragih (2021) stated that employee performance can be measured by the dimensions of the work life balance and this dimension can be associated with work stress, with the results of the study simultaneously having a significant effect on performance. Research findings from Pebiyanti and Winarno (2021) also suggest that work life balance and work stress have a significant simultaneous effect on employee performance. Based on this description, the following hypothesis is proposed:
H3: There is a simultaneous effect of work life balance and work stress on the performance of millennial generation Grab drivers in Yogyakarta.
The research model can be described as follows:
Figure 1. Research Model
The population of this research is the millennial generation of Grab bike drivers in Yogyakarta. Because the population is unknown, the researcher uses the formula from Lameshowet al. (1997) and chose a purposive sampling technique so that a sample of 100 drivers was obtained. The sample selection criteria were Grab bike drivers who were married and belonged to the millennial generation.
The questionnaire in this study is a closed questionnaire and is distributed online using the Google form. The measurement of the work life balance variable uses indicators according to Greenhaus et al., (2003) namely: time balance, involvement balance, and satisfaction balance. Work stress variable is measured by indicators according to Robbins (2016), namely: task demands, role demands, interpersonal demands, organizational structure, and organizational leadership. While performance variables are measured based on indicators according to Robbins (2016), namely: quality of work, quantity, timeliness, effectiveness, independence, and work commitment.
The instrument test was carried out by testing the validity and reliability. CFA validity provisions are said to be valid if the question item has a factor loading value of >0.5 (Umar and Nisa, 2020). A variable is said to be reliable if it gives a Cronbach Alpha value > 0.60 (Ghozali, 2018). Based on the results of the validity and reliability tests, all question items were declared valid and the three variables were declared reliable so that they were feasible to use to find data. In testing the hypothesis, researchers used multiple regression analysis method. The decision-making criterion is the sig value. < 0.05 then Ha is accepted (Sugiyono, 2019).
The results of the first hypothesis partial test show that there is a significant effect of work life balance on performance. It can be interpreted that the management of work life balance for every millennial generation grabbike driver in Yogyakarta can optimally support the achievement of performance in their work. These findings support research conducted by Mogatama (2020); Johari et al. (2018); Woloret al. (2020) and Pebiyanti and Winarno, (2021) that work life balance has a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees of the Solo branch of the Gojek Company. Unlike the results of testing the first hypothesis, the results of the second hypothesis partial test show that there is no significant effect of work stress on employee performance. These findings are in line with Muhidin, (2021) and Pebiyanti and Winarno, (2021) who suggested that work stress had no partially significant effect on the performance of online motorcycle taxi drivers (Study on Grab Drivers in Surakarta). This is very possible because the millennial generation is considered to have a different character from the previous generation. They have a faster attention span, so their communication style, way of thinking and lifestyle are more flexible. If they encounter a problem, they will actively seek solutions. If they don't like something, including work, then they will easily let go and find a job as expected.
The results of the third hypothesis test show that simultaneously work life balance and work stress have a significant effect on driver performance, meaning that in this case work life balance can still be achieved without stress, complaints, and various other psychological symptoms. These results support the research conducted by Pebiyanti and Winarno (2021) who suggested that work life balance and work stress had a significant effect on female motorcycle taxi drivers at the Srikandi Surakarta grub. This means that when drivers can align their time and involvement directly between work and personal life and ignore feelings of stress, complaints, and other psychological symptoms, they will be able to improve the quality and quantity of their performance. However, if the driver feels unable to balance his work and personal life, this will not cause stress at work. The results of the regression analysis are statistically displayed in table 1. as follows:
Table 1. Regression Analysis Results
Variable |
t-arithmetic |
Sig |
work-life balance |
7,422 |
0.000 |
work stress |
0.202 |
0.840 |
(Source: processed data, 2022)
Based on the research results, work life balance has a significant and positive effect on performance, which means that the better and higher the work life balance of the driver, the better and higher the driver's performance. Meanwhile, the results of research on the effect of work stress on performance were not significant. Then simultaneously, work life balance and work stress have a significant effect on performance.
This study has limitations, namely there are two missing indicators. The indicator comes from the work stress variable, namely the organizational structure indicator and the performance variable, namely the effectiveness indicator. For this reason, researchers provide suggestions for further research, it is hoped that they can examine and improve question items, especially for indicators that have not been represented. In addition, future research is expected to be able to develop other variables that can affect the performance of Grabbike drivers. Future research can also use other methods in examining work life balance and work stress on performance, for example through in-depth interviews with respondents so that the information obtained can be more varied.
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