The Study of Learning Motivation Analysis during COVID-19 Online Learning and Post COVID-19 Offline Learning


Dorcas Langgar*, Marsi Bani, Petrus Ly

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Univeristas Nusa Cendana, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]*, [email protected], [email protected]


Article Information



Received: February 19, 2023

Revised: February 28, 2023

Approved: March 20, 2023

Online: March 24, 2023


This research is motivated by changes in the learning process due to the Covid-19 pandemic where the learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic uses online learning and post-covid-19 learning again uses the face-to-face (offline) learning process, where these two learning processes affect student learning motivation. The purpose of this study is to find out the picture of learning motivation during online learning, offline learning and comparing student learning motivation during online learning and offline learning. This research was conducted on students of Citra Bangsa Kupang Junior High School using a causal-comparative type of research. This research is an ex post facto type of research, which is research on data collected after a fact or event occurs. The population in this study were students of class VIII of Citra Bangsa Kupang Junior High School. The technique used to analyze this research is descriptive quantitative. The results of the research obtained are that student learning motivation during online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic is in the moderate category with an average score of 64.  Student learning motivation during offline learning after the COVID-19 pandemic is in the high category with an average score of 82.4. There are differences in student learning motivation in participating in the online and offline learning process where student learning motivation during offline learning is higher than student learning motivation during online learning.



Learning Motivation; Online Learning; Offline Learning




Education plays an important role for a nation and the transformation of the nation's civilization (Rinawati, 2015). This civilization requires a change in the world of education, including changes in the structure, process and system of implementing education itself, both curriculum, education system, approaches, learning methods and techniques, learning resources, teaching media, assessment processes, and learning evaluation.

Education grows and develops as an important need in human personal life (Haderani, 2018). Being one part of the needs, the quality of education should be improved through quality learning. This can be obtained from the development of activities in schools so that the quality of education is further improved when improving and processing it directly from the bottom, namely the learning process.

The learning process is an interaction activity that involves a communication system between two parties, namely the teacher and students, in which students act as the learning party and the teacher as the teaching party (Triwardhani et al., 2020). This process aims to convey information through a series of activities. Learning that involves students as learning objects becomes the center of attention for this interaction to take place, so that students are guided to be more activated in the teaching and learning process as well as strived to be able to have higher intentions and desires in participating in the process.

The learning process is supported by external factors and internal factors of the students themselves. External factors come from outside the student's self, while internal factors come from within the student, one of which is learning motivation. Motivation can be interpreted as an encouragement that allows students to act or do something to achieve certain results. Motivation does not just arise but efforts must be made to increase so that the learning process becomes more effective (Ikhwani & Kep, 2021). Because the better the learning process and the activeness of students in participating in the learning process, the higher the learning outcomes obtained by students in accordance with the objectives that have been formulated previously.

At the end of 2019, the world was shocked by an outbreak of the corona virus disease (Covid-19) which attacks the main human respiratory tract and can be fatal. Concerns about this risk, in this case the government is the Minister of Education and Culture, on March 17 2020 issued Circular Letter No 36962/MPK.A/HK/2020 which called for online learning for the learning process at schools and universities as an effort prevention, development and spread of spreading the Covid-19 virus. The replacement of offline (face-to-face) learning with online learning caused by the co-19 pandemic supported by developments in information and communication technology in the Industrial 4.0 era has had a major influence on the teaching and learning process. According to Ali Sadikin, online learning is learning using the internet using accessibility, connectivity, flexibility, and the ability to create various types of learning interactions. In other words, students do not depend on the material provided by the teacher (Farell et al., 2021).

The learning process resumed in offline learning as the co-19 pandemic was resolved. The learning process undertaken in post COVID situations is offline learning (face to face). Learning processusing a face-to-face system. An offline or offline learning system is learning that is carried out directly, in contrast to online learning which requires an atmosphere at home that supports learning and requires an adequate internet connection. However, students need to learn effectively through video calls, discussions, questions and answers by chatting, but also must interact with other people, including family members at home and friends outside of video call sessions to hone social skills (Malyana, 2020).

The word learning comes from the basic word "learning" which means a process characterized by changes in a person. Changes as a result of the learning process can be shown in various forms of changes in knowledge, understanding, attitudes and behavior of skills, skills, habits, and changes in other aspects that exist in individuals who are learning (Izhar, 2016).

Learning according to Thorndike occurs through the formation of associations or connections between sensory experiences, namely the perception of stimuli or events and nerve impulses or responses that manifest in the form of behavior. Thorndike also believed that learning occurs through a series of trial and error experiments or selecting and connecting (Peni, 2021).

The notions of learning expressed by experts prioritize the keywords change or experience. These two keywords are heavily influenced by the schools of thought of the Behavioralis in delineating learning and learning which are two inseparable sides. Change and experience are interpreted as the essence of learning.

Slightly different boundaries are those formulated using the keyword effort which indicates the presence of other parties. Or other mechanisms that must exist along with the student learning process. These mechanisms are teachers, media, and various sources, both print and electronic which then become prerequisites for learning and learning, so that learning boundaries become more systematic when discussed through the term learning technology (Sumiharsono & Hasanah, 2017). Based on the definition above, the authors conclude that learning is an activity that allows interaction between educators and students so that learning activities occur.

Motivation to learn comes from the word motive, which is a state within a person that encourages him to carry out an activity to achieve a goal. Motivation is defined as a power contained in a person who can influence his behavior to carry out activities in order to meet his needs (Ariyanto & Sulistyorini, 2020). In learning activities, motivation can be said to be the overall driving force within students that generates, guarantees continuity and gives direction to learning activities, so that the goals are expected to be achieved (Kamila, 2020). In learning activities, motivation is needed, because someone who does not have motivation in learning will not be able to carry out learning activities.

Motivation is divided into two types (Sutikno, 2021); (1) intrinsic motivation, this type of motivation arises from within the individual himself without any coercion from other people, but on the basis of his own will, and (2) extrinsic motivation, this type of motivation arises as a result of influences from outside the individual, whether due to invitations, orders, or coercion from other people so that under these circumstances students want to do something or learn.

A pandemic is a global epidemic, which is an outbreak of an infectious disease in many people in a large geographic area. In addition to fulfilling the WHO requirements/criteria, namely a new disease in a population, in which the agent causing the disease can spread easily and sustainably and infect and cause serious illness in humans.

A pandemic is a condition in which an infectious disease spreads rapidly from human to human in many parts of the world. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), the World Health Organization, a pandemic occurs when three conditions are met, namely, the emergence of a new disease in the population, infecting humans, causing dangerous disease, and the disease can spread easily to be sustainable among humans. Since Friday (28/2/2020) WHO has raised the risk status of this corona virus to the highest level due to its rapid spread to a number of countries (Zahra, 2020).

Covid-19 is an acronym for the English words Corona Virus Disease-2019. This epidemic began to be recognized by scientific authorities in 2020, the epidemic originated in the large city of Wuhan in China, the capital of Hubei province. This infection was initially discovered in a group of people who had unrecognized pneumonia symptoms. Most of them are working in the Wuhan fish market. The market has about a thousand stalls selling fish, chickens, rabbits, bats, civets, guinea pigs, snakes, spotted deer and many other animals. As a result, it was immediately assumed that the pneumonia was caused by a new coronavirus from an animal.

In fact, scientists have isolated a new type of coronavirus in sick people. WHO has given this coronavirus the name Covid-19 (Meldico, 2020). Coranavirus Disease (Covid-19) is a virus associated with respiratory infections, referring to viruses that attack and multiply in the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract which can cause respiratory and systemic symptoms. Corona virus is a non-segmented single-stranded positive RNA virus. Corona viruses belong to the order Nidovirales, the Coronaviriade family, and the Orthocoronavirinae sub-family. Corona viruses belong to the genus Coronavirus, named after the wreath-shaped protrusions on the virus envelope (Shi et al., 2020).

Implementing a lockdown does not mean closing access for the entire community. They are still allowed to leave the house, but only buy basic necessities and visit the doctor. A more lenient restriction policy was recorded as being enforced in 5 countries or regions affecting 266 million world people. The same thing is also being implemented in Indonesia through appeals to work at home, study at home, and pray at home. On the other hand, a number of countries have implemented curfew rules that limit residents' time of activities outside the home (Ahmad, 2021).

Based on the description above, this study seeks to analyze and compare students' learning motivation during normal post-covid-19 learning and learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. With the problems and limitations of the teaching methods used by teachers in online learning, it is possible that students will experience difficulties in participating in learning.

Based on the description above, this study aims to provide an overview of students' learning motivation during online learning during the covid-19 period, student learning motivation in post-covid-19 offline learning and a comparison of student learning motivation in online learning during covid-19 and offline during post-covid-19.



This research was carried out at Citra Bangsa Middle School Kupang in 2022 using a quantitative research approach. Quantitative is a research method based on the philosophy of positivism, which will be used to examine certain populations or samples, sampling techniques are generally carried out randomly, data collection uses research instruments, data analysis is quantitative/statistical in nature with the aim of testing established hypotheses (Sugiyono, 2018).

This type of research is causal-comparative, according to Sudaryono (2017) comparative research is research that, in addition to measuring the strength of a relationship, also shows the direction of the relationship between the independent variables and related variables, besides measuring the strength of the relationship. This type of research is ex post facto research, namely research on data collected after a fact or event has occurred. The population in this study were Grade VIII students of SMP Citra Bangsa Kupang. The total population is 130, thus the sample taken is 83 to generalize with an error rate of 10%.

The data sources used in this study were primary data and secondary data, with data collection techniques using motivational learning questionnaire sheets. After getting all the data, the next step is to draw conclusions from this research by analyzing the data. The technique used to analyze this research is descriptive quantitative.



Student Learning Motivation during Online Learning (during the COVID-19 pandemic)

The results of the elaboration of the student learning motivation questionnaire obtained the following results

Table 1. Learning Motivation in Online Learning


Learning Motivation Indicator




Persevere in studying




Tenacious in the face of learning difficulties




Show interest in learning




Maintaining the opinion that is owned and not easily letting go of something that is believed




Independent at work







Based on Table 1 that there are five indicators of learning motivation observed in this study in online learning during Covid-19 showing overall student learning motivation in the medium category with only one indicator of learning motivation in the high category, namely the belief indicator (defending opinions held and it is not easy to let go of something you believe in), three indicators of learning motivation are in the medium category, namely indicators of being diligent in learning, showing interest in learning and being independent in working to complete tasks and problems given in the learning process, while one indicator is in the low category, namely being tenacious in facing difficulties Study.

After analyzing the results of the research on all students who took part in the learning process with an online or online system, it showed that the learning motivation of students who took part in online or online learning in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic virus situation was generally in the moderate category.

There are several factors that influence students' learning motivation when viewed from the learning situation during the Covid-19 period, both internal factors and external factors. Based on the descriptive data obtained, that external factors such as the conditions of the learning environment have an influence on students' learning motivation. With conducive and supportive learning conditions, students will be more enthusiastic in learning so that the learning objectives that have been set can be achieved effectively and efficiently.

The condition of the online learning environment requires students to study in their respective homes, teachers cannot accompany and educate students directly so that teachers cannot take actions such as giving gifts, praising, reprimanding, punishing, and giving advice. Even though the teacher's actions can strengthen students' intrinsic motivation.

Descriptive data shows that learning conditions at home are certainly different from learning conditions in the classroom. At home, students must be able to study independently and maintain the quality of their learning so that what is learned can be understood effectively.

In addition, another factor that causes student learning motivation is the right time to study. students admit that it is difficult to find the right time to study at home. The family social environment that is not conducive causes students to be unable to focus on learning, so there must be cooperation and support from parents so that students can continue to study in peace.



Student Learning Motivation during Laryngeal Learning (Post-pandemic COVID-19)

The results of the elaboration of the student learning motivation questionnaire obtained the following result.

Table 2. Learning Motivation in Offline Learning


Learning Motivation Indicator




Persevere in studying




Tenacious in the face of learning difficulties




Shows interest in learning


Very High


Maintaining the opinion that is owned and not easily letting go of something that is believed




Very High


Independent at work







Based on table 2 above, it shows that there are five indicators of learning motivation observed in this study in online learning during Covid-19 indicating that overall student learning motivation is in the high category with three indicators of learning motivation in the high category and the other two in the very high category. Indicators of high learning motivation are diligent in learning, tenacious in facing learning difficulties and independent at work, while indicators of learning motivation are in the very high category, namely showing interest in learning and defending one's opinions and not easily letting go of something one believes.

After analyzing the results of the research on all students who took part in the learning process with the face-to-face system after Covid-19, it shows that the learning motivation of students who take part in offline or face-to-face learning is generally in the high category.

There are several factors that affect student learning motivation so that student learning motivation is high, namely the learning conditions that take place at school make students not disturbed by the home environment which sometimes creates an uncomfortable and uncomfortable learning atmosphere. With conducive and supportive learning conditions, students will be more enthusiastic in learning so that the learning objectives that have been set can be achieved effectively and efficiently.

Learning environment conditions that allow teachers to control the learning process as a whole, teachers can accompany and educate students directly so that teachers can take actions such as giving gifts, praising, reprimanding, punishing, and giving advice. The teacher's actions can strengthen students' intrinsic motivation.

In addition, another factor that causes student learning motivation is the right time to study. Students will find the right time to study at school because the school environment is regulated with a fixed lesson time allocation. The social environment that is less conducive causes students to focus on studying quietly.


Comparison of students' Learning Motivation during Online and Offline learning

Motivation to learn is the overall driving force that exists within students which raises the intention to continue carrying out learning activities and provides direction to learning activities so that the desired goals can be achieved. High motivation to learn can be seen from the persistence of students in dealing with assignments given by the teacher, having a tenacious nature in facing every difficulty and also showing a very high interest in learning.

Learning motivation is very important for someone to have, especially for students who are currently studying at school. the level of student learning motivation determines the quality of behavior in carrying out a given task. The existence of learning motivation will encourage students to be more enthusiastic in learning and doing assignments given by the teacher, so as to produce positive results and according to what is desired.

The online and offline learning processes due to an incident that occurred, namely the Covid-19 pandemic, caused differences in student learning motivation which can be seen more clearly in table 3 and figure 1.

Table 3. Learning Motivation in Online and Offline Learning


Learning Motivation Indicator

Online Learning

Offline Learning






Persevere in studying






Tenacious in the face of learning difficulties






Shows interest in learning




Very High


Maintaining the opinion that is owned and not easily letting go of something that is believed




Very High


Independent at work












Figure 1. Graph of Learning Motivation During Learning

Online and Offline Learning


From Table 3 and Figure 1, it provides an overview of student learning motivation when learning online during the covid-19 pandemic and offline learning after the covid-19 pandemic, namely that there are differences in student learning motivation, namely student motivation in online learning is in the medium category and in offline learning in the category tall. The difference in student learning motivation is also shown based on the results of statistical tests. Where the statistical equation used to test is the student's t-test, namely the two-party test. From the calculation results, it is obtained –t table = -1.67 < t arithmetic = 5.78 > t table = 1.67 so that means there are differences in students' learning motivation during online learning and offline learning. From the differences in learning motivation, it can also be seen in the table and graph above that student learning motivation in offline learning is in the high category with an average score of 82.6%, which is higher than online learning which is in the medium category with an average score of 64%. This result is also in line with the results of the statistical tests carried out. The statistical equation is the student's t-test, namely the right-hand side test. From the calculation results obtained t arithmetic = 5.78 and t table = 1.30. Because t arithmetic > t table, this means that students' learning motivation in offline learning is higher than when learning online. The statistical equation is the student's t-test, namely the right-hand side test. From the calculation results obtained t arithmetic = 5.78 and t table = 1.30. Because t arithmetic > t table, this means that students' learning motivation in offline learning is higher than when learning online. The statistical equation is the student's t-test, namely the right-hand side test. From the calculation results obtained t arithmetic = 5.78 and t table = 1.30. Because t arithmetic > t table, this means that students' learning motivation in offline learning is higher than when learning online.

In an offline learning system, student activities can be controlled directly by the teacher so that the learning process can run well. Whereas in the online learning system the teacher cannot control student activities properly because teachers and students do not meet face to face, learning is only done through whatsapp media. The number of obstacles such as the absence of a network or internet quota and the absence of control from the teacher causes a lack of student motivation to participate in the learning process.

In accordance with the theory of behaviorism put forward by Edward Lee Thordike, which states that learning is an event where associations are formed between events called stimulus (S) and response (R). Stimulus is anything that is given by the teacher in the learning process both in offline and online learning systems, while the response is the response or reaction given by students to the stimulus given by the teacher. In an offline learning system student can be more active and focused because there is direct control from the teacher, this will make students feel more motivated to take part in the learning process.

This is in accordance with the results of the author's observations in the field that in the offline learning system students are more active in making assignments given by the teacher than in the online learning system students tend to delay the time of collecting assignments which should be collected three days after being given assignments but students submit assignments one week or two weeks more.



Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded as follows: (1) students' learning motivation during online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic was in the moderate category with an average score of 64, (2) student learning motivation during offline learning after the Covid-19 pandemic was in the high category with an average score of 82.4, and (3) there are differences in student learning motivation in participating in online and offline learning processes where student learning motivation during offline learning is higher than student learning motivation during online learning.




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