Riana Wandira, Ivon Jalil

Faculty of Economics, Teuku Umar University, Aceh, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected]



This survey was conducted at the BPN Aceh Barat Office located on Jl.Swadaya, Meulaboh, Aceh Barat. With the aim of discovering the consequences of environmental conditions and the promotion of job satisfaction for BPN Aceh Barat personnel. In the population survey, all personnel of the BPN Aceh Barat totaled 37 people. Determination of the sample using the saturated sampling method with all the population being sampled, so the number of samples in this survey is 37 people. In this survey, the researcher applies an associative quantitative design. Materials are obtained by distributing questionnaires in the form of questions to be answered by the respondents. The data analysis used multiple linear regression analysis. The source of the data comes from primary data, the data is obtained directly from the respondents. The results of this survey prove that the environment and promotions, either partially or simultaneously, have a positive and significant influence on employee satisfaction at the BPN Aceh Barat Office. With the results of the determinant coefficient being able to explain the Environment and Promotion of Employee Satisfaction as much as 64.5%, the remaining 35.5% was obtained from other factors and was not examined in this survey model.


Keywords: Work environment, promotion of position, Job satisfaction


Received 18 September 2021, Revised 30 September 2021, Accepted 10 October 2021




Organization is a group of people who have a goal / program with a process or the same stages to achieve the goals that have been set (Johnson, Suriya, Yoon, Berrett, & La Fleur, 2002). The most important elements of an organization are the activities of the organization in which it is run and the people who respond to those activities. Organizations can be successful with the presence of people who play a key role in making it happen. Therefore, people are an important factor in an organization in order to achieve the results desired by the organization.

This survey was conducted at the West Aceh District Land Office (BPN) having its address at Jl.Swadaya, Aceh Barat. The National Land Agency (BPN) of the Aceh Barat Region is responsible for carrying out affairs that assist the president in the government with tasks in the land sector. BPN in carrying out government functions in the land sector is in the fields of land preparation and decision making, research, surveys and mapping, and land decision making. Carry out activities in the field of land data collection and land rights, management arrangements as well as administration, work on land acquisition, management and settlement of land disputes, realization of HR work in the land sector. In carrying out this mission, BPN builds public trust in BPN, carries out comprehensive land registration and certification, strengthens human rights, resolves local and land tenure issues, and carries out the function of systematic dispute resolution. Of course, if employees do not feel comfortable or satisfied with their work, the tasks and functions they perform will not be carried out.

Since the continuity of an organization's operations depends on successful and well-performing people, the procedure that can be taken to attract successful employees is to pay attention to job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is an employee's attitude or feeling towards the pleasant aspects of work that is consistent with the employee's individual assessment. According to (Afandi, 2018) job satisfaction is the absolute attitude of the workforce, including emotions as well as behavior on work, and job evaluation is an award for achieving job value. Employee satisfaction with work can be seen from the number of employees who often enter and leave the company. Regarding the satisfaction of the employees of the West Aceh BPN Office, it is quite satisfactory, where the issue of job satisfaction is that the employees have had enough and are satisfied with all the actions that exist and occur in the office starting from how superiors can be fair, salary that is considered sufficient, a sense of comfort and safe, as well as closeness between fellow employees as well. However, among all that is deemed sufficient, there are still some employees who are still dissatisfied, starting from the issue of incentives provided, and the welfare of employees who are considered not to be considered properly.

The work environment also affects job satisfaction (Jain & Kaur, 2014). The environment is all the material that surrounds and is near an employee and affects the mechanism of the employee's activities (Bauman & Skitka, 2012). According to (Afandi, 2018) the work environment exists in the employee's environment and when carrying out tasks such as temperature, humidity, air circulation, light, noise and cleanliness, the workspace does not affect employees, and whether or not the appropriate work equipment is sufficient. At the BPN West Aceh office, the work environment is very good and feels very satisfying and feels comfortable, from the observations obtained by environmental writers at the BPN West Aceh Office, it is felt that they are very capable of making employees feel comfortable doing their jobs, starting from the air. and a clean environment, away from noise, paint colors and equipment layout neatly arranged. However, it was also found that some of the rooms in the office still felt very disturbing to the employees where there was a smell of cigarette smoke that occurred due to some male workers who worked until the night and stayed in the room. So the researchers conducted a survey in order to find out and how influential the smoke or odors were. Based on the description of the environment, it is concluded that the environment is the employee or anything around the employee that arises and will affect the performance of the tasks performed by the employee.

In addition, there is also one item that is used to achieve employee satisfaction, namely promotion. As personnel everyone wants to be promoted to a higher position. Companies need to provide opportunities for all personnel in the company to raise and advance personnel careers through promotional programs. At BPN West Aceh itself, promotions are in accordance with the qualifications or benchmarks of employees who can or can be promoted, such as being competent and having a long work tempo, loyalty and integrity, and the educational context is also used as a reference in promotions. According to Hasibuan in (Syahyuni, 2018), promotion is an approach that aims to increase the authority and commitment of employees who are increasingly high in the institution and increase their requirements, eligibility, position, and income.

Relationship of Job Promotion to Job Satisfaction According to the survey that has been conducted, there is a close relationship where the survey conducted (Ballian, 2020) (Pebri, 2020), (Martin, 2020) shows that promotion has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. Therefore, it can be concluded that increased promotion increases the company's job satisfaction. The Relationship of the Work Environment to Job Satisfaction According to the survey that has been conducted, there is a close relationship where the previous survey conducted (Nasib & Martin, 2018), (Fate, 2019) (Fate; Ratih Amelia, 2018) shows that the environment has a positive and significant effect on employee satisfaction. Therefore, it can be concluded that a better work environment will increase employee satisfaction with their work. The problems that exist in the research are (1) Finding out the positive and significant influence of the work environment on job satisfaction (2) Finding out the positive influence of job promotion on job satisfaction (3) Finding out the existence of a positive and significant influence if done together between work environment and job promotion on employee job satisfaction at the West Aceh BPN Office.



In this survey, the researcher uses an associative quantitative study which aims to find out the influence between one variable and another (Cresswell, 2017). The theme that will be examined in this survey is the Effect of Work Environment and Promotion on Workforce Satisfaction of BPN Aceh Barat Employees. What is said by the population in this study is that all personnel working at the West Aceh District Land Office (BPN) have at least 37 personnel in the office. In the survey conducted to obtain a sample, the researchers used the saturated sampling method. According to (Sugiyono, 2019) saturated sampling is a method in which the entire population is sampled. So a sample of 37 personnel was obtained to be used as material for the ongoing survey.

The source of information was obtained from Primary Data, namely information obtained directly from personnel at the BPN Aceh Barat office, this information was obtained when researchers distributed questionnaires. When you want to collect data, the method used is a questionnaire/questionnaire. Questionnaires usually contain various statements or questions from researchers that will be used to obtain the desired information through the respondents and the method used is a Likert scale which has a weight of 1-5.

Data Analysis Techniques are obtained from analysis by means of the Coefficient of Determination Test according to (Sugiyono, 2019) where we are able to take into account the results obtained from the contribution of the independent factor to the dependent factor by ensuring the results on the F test at the time of regression have a significant value. Partial test (t test) is used to prove between factors one and two on factor three whether significant results are obtained between them, then also for factors one and two if they stand alone still have an influence or not on the third factor. Simultaneous Test (F Test) is a test based on the level of how much influence is given by independent factors to other factors that are bound. And Multiple Linear Regression is a test to examine the possibility that occurs between the independent factors Environment as (X1) and promotion as (X2) to the dependent factor Job satisfaction as (Y).









Work Environment (X1),Job Promotion (X2),Job Satisfaction (Y) 






The method obtained is as follows:



Figure 1

Thinking Framework



Y = Bound factor (Y)

a = Constant

b1 = Regression of (X1)

b2 = Regression of (X2)

X2 = Release factor (X1)

X2 = Release factor (X2)

e = Error



1.    Results

In the study that has been carried out, to answer the various questions posed, the researchers obtained results from a survey on the Effect of Environment and Job Promotion on the Satisfaction of employees at the West Aceh Land Agency Office.


Table 1

Results of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis






Standardized Coefficients




























Then we can present a form of the equation as below:

Y = 4,948 + 0,568X1 + 0,269X2 + e


The explanation of the results obtained in SPSS are:

a.     In the model shown in the table above this regression, the quantity constant in the table is recorded as 9,948, the constant quantity means that without adding the work environment and promotion variables this will not change the quantity of job satisfaction of BPN West Aceh employees which will remain at 9,948.

b.     The value of the Work Environment (X1) with a number of 0.568, when the environment has increased by 1 unit, this makes job satisfaction increase by 0.568, it can be said that there is a positive influence from the environment on the job satisfaction of BPN West Aceh employees.

c.     The value of Position Promotion (X2) is 0.269, when job promotion has increased by 1 unit, this makes job satisfaction increase by 0.269, so it can be said that there is a positive effect of job promotion on job satisfaction of BPN West Aceh employees.


Table 2

The Result of the Coefficient of Determination

Model Summaryb



R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate







Based on the table above, it is obtained:

a.     The quantity at R 0.803 shows that there is a very strong bond between the work environment (X1) and the promotion (X2) on employee job satisfaction (Y) at the BPN West Aceh office.

b.     The value of the determinant coefficient (R2) amounting to 0.645 can be used as a percentage of 64.5% showing if the magnitude of the consequences that occur directly from environmental factors (X1) and job promotion (X2) can be interpreted as employee job satisfaction (Y) has a total of 64.5 %, on the other hand, the remaining 35.5% was obtained from (100%-64.5%) excepted because the remainder was only obtained by other factors and was not examined in this survey.

c.     In the table that has been searched, the Standard Error Of The Estimated is 2,772, which is interpreted as a form of prediction error. The smaller the standard deviation, the better the model will be.


Table 3

Partial Test (T Test)






Standardized Coefficients




























In the table above, the results obtained:

a.     The work environment (X1) has a sig value. at the number (0.000) the number is smaller than the number (0.05) than the sig value. listed have significant meaning. The number of t-count 4.337 in the table is clearly visible where t-count has a larger number than t-table 2.030. It is sought based on the formula df = n-k, so it will be found that H0 will be rejected and then Ha will be accepted. So it can be said that the work environment factor as an independent factor has a positive and significant influence on a dependent factor. Employee job satisfaction at the BPN west Aceh Office.

b.     Promotion (X2) has a value of sig. at the number (0.033) the number is smaller than the number (0.05) than the sig value. listed have significant meaning. The number of t-count 2.223 in the table is clearly visible where t-count has a larger number than t-table 2.030. It is sought based on the formula df = n-k, so it will be found that H0 will be rejected then Ha will be accepted. So it can be said that the work environment factor as an independent factor has a positive and significant influence on a dependent factor. Employee job satisfaction at the BPN West Aceh Office.


Table 4

Simultaneous Test (F)



Sum of Squares






1.     Tota Residual Regression
















Y: Dependent variable

(Constant), X1, X2: Predictors


Based on the results of the analysis above, it is obtained that F count 30.943 has a larger number than F table 3.260 with a significance of 0.000 less than 0.05, it can be said that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. This shows that there is a positive and also significant effect of both environmental factors and their joint promotion on satisfaction. So the work environment and promotion together show that there is a positive and significant impact on the satisfaction of the personnel at the West Aceh BPN Office. It can be concluded that every increase that occurs in the work environment and promotion simultaneously, there is also an increase that occurs in employee job satisfaction at the BPN West Aceh Office.

2.    Discussion

In our discussion, we will get an explanation of the survey that has been researched in order to find and aim to determine the effect of the work environment and job promotion on job satisfaction for BPN West Aceh office employees.

a.     The Effect of Work Environment on Job Satisfaction

The survey conducted shows that the environment has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction of the employees of the BPN West Aceh Office. The positive impact can be understood as the work environment directly affects job satisfaction, but what is important is the level of confidence in the credibility of the claim that the work environment affects job satisfaction on which job satisfaction can be relied on. Previous research conducted (Nasib & Martin, 2018) (Fate, 2019) (Nasib; Ratih Amelia, 2018) claims that the work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction.

b.     The Effect of Job Promotion on Job Satisfaction

The survey conducted shows that promotion has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction of the employees of the West Aceh BPN Office. The positive impact can be interpreted as a promotion that directly affects job satisfaction and a significant impact shows the credibility of the claim that the promotion affects job satisfaction. This study supports previous research conducted by (Ballian, 2020), (Pebri, 2020), (Martin, 2020) stating that job promotion has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction.

c.     The Influence of Work Environment and Position Promotion on Job Satisfaction

The survey conducted found that the work environment and promotion at the same time had a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction of the employees of the West Aceh BPN Office. This positive impact can be interpreted as an improvement in the work environment and promotion in line with an increase in job satisfaction, significance on the other hand means the level of confidence that ensures that the work environment and promotion simultaneously affect the job satisfaction of BPN west Aceh employees is very good and reliable.



The conclusions obtained from the results of the analysis and discussion that have been explained in previous chapters, the formulations taken by the researchers are: First, the work environment (X1) has a positive and significant influence on employee job satisfaction (Y) at thse West Aceh BPN Office, in other words the better the work environment, the more comfortable and satisfied the employees who work at the BPN West Aceh office will be. The second promotion (X2) has a positive and significant influence on the satisfaction experienced by employees (Y) at the BPN West Aceh office, in the words In other words, the higher the promotion to be given, there will be an increase in employee job satisfaction at the West Aceh BPN Office. And finally, the work environment (X1) and promotion (X2) simultaneously have a positive and significant influence on employee job satisfaction (Y) at the West Aceh BPN Office. This means that every increase between (X1) and (X2) will simultaneously increase (Y).

As for some suggestions from the researcher, namely the West Aceh BPN Office can improve the quality of employee job satisfaction by making improvements based on the elements of the work environment, this can be done by paying attention to the comfort of employees in the workplace. And also the West Aceh BPN Office needs to improve the quality of employee job satisfaction, by increasing the frequency of promotions, this can be done by paying more attention to experienced and talented employees in carrying out the tasks they are doing so that they can be promoted. For further researchers, they can continue studies and surveys using other variables that can affect job satisfaction other than work environment and job promotions to get a more complete picture of job satisfaction of BPN West Aceh employees.



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