Motivation and Compensation Effects on Employees Performance in The Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture Jakarta
Ansar Usman*, Sriyono Joko Sutopo, Rahimullah
Department of Governance Science, Universitas Satyagama, Jakarta, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]*
Article Information |
Received: February 19, 2023 Revised: February 28, 2023 Approved: March 20, 2023 Online: March 24, 2023 |
This study aims to analyze the influence and provision of compensation on employee performance of the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta, namely by how employee performance is carried out with motivation and compensation. In addition, the research is limited to the object of research, namely the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta. This study uses a quantitative method with explanatory research type, with a population of 341 employees and a research sample of 77 people determined by the Slovin formula. The data collection technique in this study was a questionnaire and library technique. The research hypothesis proves that there is a significant and positive effect of motivation and compensation on employee performance at the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta. Based on the results of the study, it can be said that there is a significant and positive effect on employee performance of 77.4% and there is a significant and positive influence on employee performance of 76.4%, where together there is a significant influence and positive motivation. compensation for employee performance is 85.4%. |
Keywords |
Motivation; Compensation; Employee Performance |
The Directorate General of Horticulture is an Echelon I work unit within the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia which is stipulated by Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 9 of 2005 concerning Position, Duties and Functions of Organizational Structure and Work Procedures of the Republic of Indonesia State Ministries and Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 of 2005 concerning units Organization and Working Procedures of Echelon I Ministries of the Republic of Indonesia as amended by Regulation of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 15 of 2005 (Presidential Regulation, 9 CE)
The Directorate General of Horticulture has the responsibility to carry out horticultural development in Indonesia through the Program to Increase Production, Added Value and Competitiveness of Horticultural Products. The implementation of this program is part of efforts to realize food sovereignty and agro-industry which are part of the NAWACITA agenda.
In realizing this agenda as well as the main tasks and functions, every organization requires resources to achieve it. These resources include natural resources, financial resources, scientific and technological resources, and human resources. Among these resources, the most important resource is human resources. Human resources are the most important organizational assets, and make other organizational resources work (Simamora, 2006). Thus, without human resources, other resources will be unemployed and less useful in achieving organizational goals.
Human resource management is the science and art of managing the relationships and roles of the workforce so that they are effective and efficient, helping to achieve company, employee and community goals (Hasibuan, 2001). Realizing the ideals and goals of quality human resources and other advantages possessed by the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture, the agency must be dedicated to the wishes of the organization, so that effective human resource management requires leaders to find the best way to socialize, utilization, coaching and employing people, employees in carrying out their functions to achieve organizational goals.
Management has an important role for an organization/institution because management as a manager of the system, in order to achieve organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, directing and controlling organizational resources. In order for this system to continue, of course in managing its resources it must pay attention to important aspects such as employee competence, motivation, education and training as well as providing compensation so that employees can be encouraged to provide all abilities according to what is needed by the organization (Princess, 2021). By achieving good employee performance, it will ultimately result in good institutional productivity as well.
Employee performance is the result of work in quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him (Mankunegara, 2017).Performance improvement is the most important thing desired by both employees and the organization. Organizations want optimal employee performance for the benefit of increasing work results and organizational profits. On the other hand, employees have an interest in self-development and promotion. To fulfill these two desires, a good management and performance system is needed (Wake Up, 2012).
Based on the results of interviews and direct observation of employees at the Directorate General of Horticulture, it can be seen that indicators of low employee performance can be shown by employees who do not complete assigned tasks in a timely manner, employees work not according to set working hours, they are only concerned with filling in attendance and coming home regardless of the output generated from work on that day, this is still experienced by many employees, compensation is not based on the output produced by employees. Often all employees are generalized, so that it can reduce employee motivation, there are also employees who do not cooperate with coworkers, and employees are not happy to help coworkers who have difficulties at work.
In order to optimize the performance of employees in the institution for the realization of institutional goals, it is necessary to pay attention to the factors that can affect employee performance, including: motivation is a mental condition that encourages action and provides strength that leads to the achievement of needs, and gives satisfaction. Motivation is one of the most important things in the framework of human resource development because it is closely related to leaders and those who are led (Ahmed, 2018). A leader must have the right way to be able to motivate employees to achieve high work performance. Motivation itself is a concept expressed as a need, desire, drive or impulse that cannot be separated from one another. Motivation between one person is different from another, that is, apart from being able to work, it also depends on their desire to work or depends on their motivation.
Motivation is a process within a person because they have psychological and physiological needs so that they drive behavior or encouragement to achieve a goal (Nawawi & Hadari, 2006). Motivation is something that makes people act or behave in certain ways. Motivation is the provision of individual encouragement to act which causes the person to behave in a certain way that leads to goals (Setiawan & Ghozali, 2006). A person's motivation points a certain direction to him in taking the necessary steps to ensure that he reaches his goal. Meanwhile, being motivated means wanting something based on one's own desires or being driven by whatever is there to achieve success.
The abilities and skills of a leader are important factors in motivating employees to work better. In this case the influence of a leader greatly determines the direction of the goals of the institution, because to realize the goals of the institution it is necessary to play a role in leading work that is consistent with the work situation at hand (Ibrahim & Rahayu, 2022). In addition, in carrying out their duties, they must strive to create and maintain good relationships with their subordinates so that they can work productively. Thus, indirectly the motivation of employees is increasing.
In the case above, the leader as management functions to guide, guide, guide, build work motivation, drive the organization, establish good communication, carry out regular supervision, and direct his subordinates to the target they want to aim for, namely the creation of employee performance which will lead to achieving the vision and mission of the institution.
Another factor that has an influence on improving employee performance is compensation. Compensation is all income in the form of money, goods, directly or indirectly received by employees as compensation for services provided to companies/institutions (Hasibuan, 2016). Compensation is very important for employees, because employees hope that the compensation they receive can meet their needs and be able to improve their welfare. If a company/institution in providing compensation to employees is able to generate enthusiasm and enthusiasm for work, then one of the company's goals to increase productivity will be fulfilled.
In this study, efforts are needed to improve employee performance by paying attention to motivation and providing appropriate compensation so that their work is done well. The existence of proper, fair compensation and positive work motivation for employees, is expected to increase employee productivity and performance so that the vision, mission and main tasks and functions of the institution can be achieved
Based on the background and limitations of the problem above, the formulation of the problem in this study are; (1) how big is the influence of motivation on employee performance at the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta?, (2) how big is the influence of compensation on employee performance at the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta?, and (3) how big is the influence of motivation and compensation together on the performance of employees of the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta?
Research approach used in this study is a quantitative research method that is explanatory in nature. Explanatory research is research that aims to test a hypothesis in order to strengthen or even reject a theory or hypothesis based on pre-existing research results because it is fundamental in nature.
The population in this study were employees of the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture in Jakarta, which consisted of 341 work units. And through the calculation of the Slovin formula above, the number of samples is 77. Data collection techniques in this study used questionnaires, interviews, and observation.
Data analysis technique
Data analysis techniques in quantitative research use statistical calculations with a Likert scale(Sugiyono, 2019). In this study, data analysis will use descriptive statistical techniques.
Validity and Reliability Test
Before the research instrument is used to collect data, it is necessary to test its validity. It is used to obtain valid data from valid instruments.
The measurement of reliability in this study was assisted by the SPSS program for the Cronbach Aplha (α) statistical test. The results of the Cronbach Aplha statistical test (α) will determine whether the instrument used in this study is reliable or not.
Classical Assumption Testing
In estimating the regression model, there are basic assumptions that must not be violated so that the estimation results can be used as a basis for analysis. There are three problems that often arise which can result in non-fulfillment of the basic (classical) assumptions, namely multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity and serial correlation. In this study, tests will be carried out on whether there is interference with multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity and serial correlation.
Determination Analysis
To test the suitability of the multiple regression model, the Coefficient of Determination (R2) is used to explain the variability of the dependent variable of the regression equation model used, especially of the independent variables used.
Regression Equation
Regression analysis is a procedure in which by formulating a mathematical equation, the value of a random continuous variable is to be predicted based on the known values of other quantitative variables. Where is the independent variable or Motivation and Compensation in realizing the dependent variable or Employee Performance, then the regression equation will be used as follows:
Ŷ = a + b1X1 + b2X2
Where :
a = Constant
b1 = Regression coefficient of variable X1
b2 = Regression coefficient of variable X2
Y = Employee Performance
X1 =Motivation
X2 = Giving Compensation
Hypothesis testing
Arithmetic t test
To test the hypothesis or each regression coefficient is done by t test with the following formula:
bi– 0
t count = –––––––
Se (bi)
Where Se (bi) is the standard error of the guess parameterbi.
Test Criteria:
t count < t table: accept H0
t count > t table: reject H0
If the null hypothesis is rejected, it means that the tested variables have a significant effect on the dependent variables. Conversely, if the null hypothesis is accepted, then the variables tested have no significant effect on the variables.
Arithmetic F test
The test statistics used in the F test are:
SSR / k
F count = ––––––––––
Where :
SSRS = Sum of squared regression
SSE = Sum of squares of remainder
n = Number of samples
k = Number of independent variables
Test criteria:
F count < F table: accept H0
F count > F table: reject H0
If the null hypothesis is rejected, it means that at least one variable used has a significant effect on the dependent variable. Conversely, if the null hypothesis is accepted, it means that together the variables used cannot explain the variation of the dependent variables.
Hipothesis Test Design
The hypothesis to be tested in this study can be formulated as follows:
1. H0 : b1 = 0
No effectMotivation for Employee Performance at the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture in Jakarta.
H0 : b1¹0
There is influenceMotivation for Employee Performance at the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture in Jakarta.
2. H0 : b2 = 0
No effectProvision of Compensation for the Performance of Employees of the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture in Jakarta.
H0 : b2¹0
There is influenceProvision of Compensation for the Performance of Employees of the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture in Jakarta.
3. H0 : b1 : b2 = 0
No effectMotivation and Providing Compensation together for the Performance of Employees of the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture in Jakarta.
H0 : b1 : b2¹0
There is influenceMotivation and Providing Compensation together for the Performance of Employees of the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture in Jakarta.
Motivation Variable Data Description(X1)
The average score of respondents' perceptions of the motivation variable is shown in table 1 below.
Table 1. Average Score of Respondents' Perceptions of Motivational Variables (X1)
Variable |
Dimensions |
Indicator |
Score |
Motivation (X1) |
Process (4.20) |
Policy |
4.01 |
Initial step |
4,17 |
Applicable regulation |
4,26 |
Communication System |
4,26 |
Need |
4,31 |
Individual Traits (4.14) |
Attitude |
4.47 |
Ability |
4.08 |
Wages |
4,23 |
Supervision |
4,12 |
Praise |
3.75 |
Pension plan |
4,21 |
Productivity (4.27) |
Discipline |
4,17 |
Responsibility |
4,34 |
Use |
4.35 |
Maintenance |
4,22 |
Source: Results of data processing with Ms.Excel
Based on the results of the study, the average score of the respondents' assessment of each dimension on the variable Motivation (X1) can be described as follows:
Dimensions Process
The average respondent's assessment of the dimensionstaskobtained an average of4.20. This indicates that respondents tend to agree or agree with the statements submitted. In dimensionprocess, the highest to lowest average indicator scores, namely (1) Needs, (2) Communication Systems, (3) Applicable regulations, (4) First Steps, and (5) Policies.
Dimensions of Individual Traits
The average respondent's assessment of the dimensions of individual nature obtained an average of4.14. This indicates that respondents tend to agree or agree with the statements submitted. In the dimension of Individual Characteristics, the lowest to the highest average indicator scores, namely (1) Attitude, (2) Salary, (3) Old age security, (4) Supervision, (5) Ability, and (6) Praise.
Productivity Dimensions
The average respondent's assessment of the dimensionsproductivityobtained an average of4.27. This indicates that respondents tend to agree or agree with the statements submitted. In dimensionproductivity, the highest to lowest average indicator scores, namely (1) Use, (2) Responsibility, (3) Care, and (4) Discipline.
Variable Data Description of Compensation (X2)
The average score of respondents' perceptions of the compensation variable is shown in table 2 below.
Table 2. Average Score of Respondents' Perception Variable of Compensation (X2)
Variable |
Dimensions |
Indicator |
Score |
Compensation (X2) |
Benefits (4.18) |
Operational Allowance |
4.39 |
Holiday allowance |
4,21 |
Health benefits |
4.08 |
Education Allowance |
4,23 |
Punctuality |
4.01 |
Incentives (4.25) |
Bonus |
4,17 |
Incentive Justice |
4,26 |
education and training |
4,26 |
Payment of Overtime / Overtime |
4,31 |
Time for Education |
4.47 |
Group Outings |
4.08 |
Awards (4.01) |
Praise |
4,23 |
Boss's acknowledgment |
4.00 |
Present |
3.86 |
Opportunity for promotion |
3.96 |
Source: Results of data processing with Ms.Excel
Based on the average score of the respondents' assessment of each dimension in the variable of Compensation (X2) it can be described as follows:
Dimensions Allowances
The average respondent's assessment of the dimensionsallowanceobtained an average of4.18. This indicates that respondents tend to agree or agree with the statements submitted. In dimensionallowance, the highest to lowest average indicator scores are (1) Operational Allowances, (2) Education Allowances, (3) Holiday Allowances, (4) Health Benefits, and (5) Punctuality.
Incentive Dimension
The average respondent's assessment of the incentive dimension obtained an average of4.25. This indicates that respondents tend to agree or agree with the statements submitted. In the incentive dimension, the highest to lowest average indicator scores are (1) Time for Education, (2) Payment of Overtime, (3) Education and Training, (4) Incentive Justice, (5) Bonus, and (6) Group Outing.
Dimensions Award
The average respondent's assessment of the dimensionsawardobtained an average of 4.01. This indicates that respondents tend to agree or agree with the statements submitted. In dimensionaward, the highest to lowest average indicator scores, namely (1) Praise, (2) Superior Recognition, (3) Opportunity for promotion, and (4) Prizes.
Description of Employee Performance Variable Data (Y)
The average score of respondents' perceptions of employee performance is shown in table 3 below.
Table 3. Average Score of Respondents' Perception of Employee Performance Variable (Y)
Variable |
Dimensions |
Indicator |
Score |
Employee Performance (Y) |
Employee internal factors (4.22) |
Comparative study |
4.03 |
Work performance |
4,12 |
Ability |
4,19 |
Skills |
4,26 |
Idea |
4,31 |
Strategy |
4.47 |
Internal environmental factors (4.24) |
Personnel development |
4.03 |
Organization goals |
4,14 |
Leadership action |
4,23 |
Big expenses |
4,26 |
Organizational management |
4,32 |
Work program |
4.47 |
Environmental external factors (4.15) |
Receive input |
4.08 |
organizational programs |
4,22 |
Method |
4,17 |
Source: Results of data processing with Ms.Excel
Based on the average score of the respondents' assessment of each dimension in the Employee Performance variable (Y) it can be described as follows:
Dimensions of Internal Employee Factors
The average respondent's assessment of the dimensionsEmployee Internal Factorsobtained an average of 4.22. This indicates that respondents tend to agree or agree with the statements submitted. InEmployee Internal Factors, the lowest to highest average score indicators, namely (1) strategy, (2) ideas, (3) skills, (4) abilities, (5) work performance, and (6) comparative study.
Dimensions of Internal Environmental Factors
The average respondent's assessment of the dimensions of Internal Environmental Factors obtained an average of 4.24. This indicates that respondents tend to agree or agree with the statements submitted. In the dimension of Internal Environmental Factors, the lowest to the highest average score of indicators, namely (1) work program, (2) organizational management, (3) amount of expenditure, (4) leadership actions, (5) organizational goals, and (6) Personnel development.
Dimensions of External Environmental Factors
The average respondent's assessment of the dimensions of External Environmental Factors obtained an average of 4.15. This indicates that respondents tend to agree or agree with the statements submitted. In the dimension of External Environmental Factors, the lowest to the highest average indicator scores, namely (1) Organizational program and (2) Method, and (3) Receiving input.
Testing Requirements Analysis
Test requirements analysis in researchThe Influence of Motivation and Providing Compensation on Employee Performance at the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture, JakartaThis is a data instrument test in the form of a validity test and a reliability test. For each test described as follows:
Validity test
Validity test was conducted to determine the level of validity of the instrument (questionnaire) used in data collection. The validity requirement of the instrument (questionnaire) is the value of r count > r table. Where based on the number of samples in this study, namely 77 people, an r-table value of 0.221 was obtained. The results of the validity test with the "product moment" correlation technique of each research variable are as follows:
Motivational Variable Validity Test Results (X1)
Table 4. Motivation Validity Test Results (X1)
Variable |
Dimensions |
Indicator |
r-count |
r-table |
Description |
Motivation (X1) |
Process |
Policy |
0.574 |
0.221 |
Valid |
Initial step |
0.556 |
Applicable regulation |
0.479 |
Communication System |
0.667 |
Need |
0.536 |
Individual Nature |
Attitude |
0.228 |
Ability |
0.287 |
Wages |
0.305 |
Supervision |
0.503 |
Praise |
0.549 |
Pension plan |
0.435 |
productivity |
Discipline |
0.39 |
Responsibility |
0.605 |
usage |
0.549 |
Maintenance |
0.557 |
Source: Results of data processing using SPSS Version 24 and Ms.Excel
From the table above it can be seen thatthe r-count value of all motivational variable question items obtained was greater than r-table (0.221) or r-count > r-table, so that all 15 research data instruments were said to be valid. The dominant indicators are communication systems, responsibilities and policies.
Vriable Validity Test Results of Giving Compensation (X2)
Table 5. Variable Validity Test Results of Compensation (X2)
Variable |
Dimensions |
Indicator |
r-count |
r-table |
Ket. |
Compensation (X2) |
Allowances |
Operational Allowance |
0.515 |
0.221 |
Valid |
Holiday allowance |
0.457 |
Health benefits |
0.482 |
Education Allowance |
0.384 |
Punctuality |
0.561 |
Incentive |
Bonus |
0.459 |
Incentive Justice |
0.352 |
education and training |
0.588 |
Payment of Overtime / Overtime |
0.480 |
Time for Education |
0.414 |
Group Outings |
0.482 |
Award |
Praise |
0.384 |
Boss's acknowledgment |
0.579 |
Present |
0.991 |
Opportunity for promotion |
0.282 |
Source: Results of data processing using SPSS Version 24 and Ms.Excel
From the table above it can be seen thatthe r-count value of all variable question items for providing compensation obtained was greater than r-table (0.221) or r-count > r-table, so that all 15 research data instruments were said to be valid. With the dominant indicators being prizes, education and training, and timeliness.
Employee Performance Variable (Y)
Table 6. Variable Validity Test ResultsEmployee Performance (Y)
Variable |
Dimensions |
Indicator |
r-count |
r-table |
Desc. |
Employee Performance (Y) |
Employee internal factors |
Comparative study |
0.634 |
0.221 |
Valid |
Work performance |
0.681 |
Ability |
0.546 |
Skills |
0.680 |
Idea |
0.625 |
Strategy |
0.279 |
Internal environmental factors |
Personnel development |
0.639 |
Organization goals |
0.647 |
Leadership action |
0.546 |
Big expenses |
0.698 |
Organizational management |
0.602 |
Work program |
0.301 |
Environmental external factors |
Receive input |
0.272 |
organizational programs |
0.258 |
Method |
0.434 |
Source: Results of data processing using SPSS Version 24 and Ms.Excel
From the table above it can be seen that the r-count value of all question items on employee performance variables obtained is actually greater than r-table (0.221) or r-count > r-table, so that all 15 research data instruments are said to be valid. The dominant indicators are expenditure, skills and personnel development
Reliability Test
Reliability tests are carried out to determine whether the instrument is used more than once, will produce consistent data. In this study, the reliability test was carried out using the Alpha Cronbach technique. The instrument is declared reliable if the Alpha Cronbach value > r-table. Where based on the number of samples in this study, namely 77 people, an r-table value of 0.221 was obtained
Table 7. Reliability Test Results
No |
Variable |
Alpha Cronbach |
r-table |
Information |
1 |
Motivation (X1) |
0.730 |
0.221 |
Reliable |
2 |
Compensation (X2) |
0.582 |
0.221 |
Reliable |
3 |
Employee Performance (Y) |
0.796 |
0.221 |
Reliable |
Source: Results of data processing with SPSS Version 24 and Ms.Excel
Based on the results of instrument reliability testingshows that each variable has a cronbach alpha value respectively X1, X2, and Y which is 0.730; 0.582; and 0.796 where the value is greater than r-table (0.221), so that the instrument used can be said to be reliable, which means that the instrument can be trusted enough to be used as a data collection tool.
Classic assumption test
The classical assumptions tested in this study consisted of three tests, including the normality test, multicollinearity test and heteroscedasticity test.
Normality test
Normality test is conducted to find out whether the dependent variable, independent or both are normally distributed, close to normal or not. Detect a data normally distributed or can not be known through statistical analysis. The normality test can be done by looking at the plotting points from the SPSS output results and seeing whether the plotting points are around the Normal Probability Plot's diagonal line or not.
Figure 1.
Normality Chart
Source: Results of data processing with SPSS Version 24
Based on the graph above, it can be seen that the points or data are near or follow the diagonal line, so it can be said that the data is normally distributed.
Heteroscedasticity Test
The heteroscedasticity test was carried out to find out whether in a regression model there is an unequal variance from the residuals of one observation to another. The estimation results using the help of the SPSS program application are presented through the Glejser test where the independent variables are regressed with absolute unstandardized residual data at a significance level (α) of 0.05. If the significance value of each independent variable is greater than 0.05, it indicates that the data has beenhas met the assumption of homoscedasticity.
Table 8. Glejser Heteroscedasticity Test Probability Value
Source: Results of data processing with SPSS Version 24
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the magnitude of the probability value of each variable is Motivation (X1) = 0.436 and Compensation (X2) = 0.495. Because the probability value of the estimation results for each independent variable is greater than the specified significance level (0.05), it can be concluded that the data has beenhas met the assumption of homoscedasticity.
Multicollinearity Test
The multicollinearity test aims to evaluate whether or not there is a strong correlation between independent variables, where a strong correlation between independent variables indicates that the use of independent variables in the regression model is not efficient. By using the help of the SPSS application program, the estimated results of the VIF value of each independent variable for the multicollinearity test are as follows:
Table 9. Multicollinearity Test VIF Value
Model |
Collinearity Statistics |
tolerance |
1 |
(Constant) |
.357 |
2,801 |
.357 |
2,801 |
Source: Results of data processing with SPSS Version 24
The VIF value estimation results presented in the table above show that the VIF value of each independent variable is below the critical value of 10, namely Motivation (X1) = 2.801 and Compensation (X2) = 2.801. Based on these results, it can be concluded that there is no multicollinearity between the independent variables in the regression model.
Hypothesis test
Hypothesis testing was carried out in this study using a two-sided or two-sided test technique. So based on the results of testing the five hypotheses, the test results are obtained which can be explained as follows:
First Hypothesis Testing
H0 : ß1 = 0 : there is no effect of motivation on employee performance.
Ha : ß1 ≠ 0 : there is an influence of motivation on employee performance.
If tcount > ttable or sig <0.05, then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted.
If tcount < ttable or sig > 0.05, then H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected.
Table 10. Motivation Variable t test results(X1)
Coefficientsa |
Model |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
Standardized Coefficients |
Q |
Sig. |
B |
std. Error |
Betas |
1 |
(Constant) |
5.187 |
3,631 |
1,429 |
.157 |
.923 |
058 |
.880 |
16,047 |
.000 |
a. Dependent Variable: Y (EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE) |
Source: Results of data processing with SPSS Version 24
t test
Based on the SPSS calculation results, the tcount value obtained is 16.047 and the ttable with df nk-1 = 77-2-1 =74 at α (0.05) is 1.992. Thus tcount 16.047 > ttable 1.992 and sig > 0.05, so H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. This shows that motivation influences employee performance.
Determination Analysis
Table 11. Motivation Variable Determination Test Results(X1)
Source: Results of data processing with SPSS Version 24
Based on analysisobtained a coefficient of determination of 0.774. This shows that 77.4% of the variation in employee performance is caused by a variety of motivations, while the remaining 22.6% is caused by other variables.
Simple Linear Regression Equations
Based on analysisthe value of the simple linear regression equation is obtained as follows:
Ŷ = a + b1X1
Ŷ = 5.187 + 0.923X1
This linear regression equation shows that every 1 increase in the value of the motivational variable can increase the value of service performance by 0.923 with the assumption that other variables are constant.
Second Hypothesis Testing
H0 : ß1 = 0 : there is no effect of compensation on employee performance.
Ha : ß1 ≠ 0 : there is an effect of compensation on employee performance.
If t count > t table or sig <0.05, then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted.
If t count < t table or sig > 0.05, then H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected.
Table 12. T-test Results of Variable Compensation (X2)
Coefficientsa |
Model |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
Standardized Coefficients |
Q |
Sig. |
B |
std. Error |
Betas |
1 |
(Constant) |
4,471 |
4,363 |
1025 |
.309 |
1,084 |
.070 |
.874 |
15,563 |
.000 |
a. Dependent Variable: Y (EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE) |
Source: Results of data processing with SPSS Version 24
t test
Based on the SPSS calculation results, the tcount value obtained is 15.563 and the ttable with df nk-1 = 77-2-1 =74 at α (0.05) is 1.992. Thus tcount 15.563 > ttable 1.992 and sig > 0.05, so H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. This shows that the provision of compensation affects the performance of employees.
Determination Analysis
Table 13. Determination Test Results for Variable Compensation (X2)
Source: Results of data processing with SPSS Version 24
Based on analysisobtained a coefficient of determination of 0.764. This shows that 76.4% of the variation in employee performance is caused by the variation in compensation, while the remaining 23.6% is caused by other variables.
Simple Linear Regression Equations
Based on analysisthe value of the simple linear regression equation is obtained as follows:
Ŷ = a + b2X2
Ŷ = 4.471 + 1.084X2
This linear regression equation shows that every 1 increase in the value of the compensation variable can increase the value of service performance by 1.084 with estimates of other variables being constant.
Third Hypothesis Testing
H0 : ß1, ß2, ß3, ß4 = 0 : There is no effect of motivation and compensation simultaneously on employee performance.
Ha : one or more β ≠ 0 : there is influence of motivation and compensation simultaneously on employee performance.
If F count > F table, or sig < 0.05 then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted.
If F count < F table, or sig > 0.05 then H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected
F test
Table 14. F Test Results (Anova Table)
Source: Results of data processing with SPSS Version 24
Based on the SPSS calculation results, the Fcount value obtained is 215.846 and Ftable in row nk = 77-2 = 75 and column k is 3.12. Thus Fcount 215.846 > Ftable 3.12 and sig > 0.05, so H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. This shows that motivation and compensation simultaneously affect employee performance.
Determination Analysis
Table 15. Determination Test Results (R Square)
Source: Results of data processing with SPSS Version 24
Based on analysisobtained a coefficient of determination of 0.854. This shows that 85.4% of the variation in employee performance is due to variations in motivation and compensation, while the remaining 14.6% is caused by other variables not examined in this study.
Multiple Linear Regression Equations
Table 16. Multiple Linear Regression Results
Based on analysisIn testing this hypothesis, the multiple linear regression regression equation is obtained as follows:
Ŷ = a + b1X1 + - - - - - - - - - + bnXn
Ŷ = 6.404 + 0.527X1 + 0.584X2
The definition of the double linear equation above are; (1) every 1 increase in the value of the motivational variable can increase employee performance by 0.527 with the assumption that other variables are constant, and (2) every 1 increase in the value of the compensation variable can increase service performance by 0.527 with the assumption that other variables are constant.
The Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance
Based on the results of research data analysis that has been done, it has been proven that motivation has a positive influence on Employee Performance of the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta with a coefficient of determination of 77.4%. The most dominant indicators of motivational variables are communication, responsibility, and policies.
While looking at the results of the questionnaire, it is known that the motivational variable influences the performance of the employees of the Directorate General of Horticulture. with an average value of 4.20 which means good.
The significance of the influence of motivation on the performance of employees of the Directorate General of Horticulture can be seen from the indicators in motivation that play an important role in employee performance, namely, a good communication system in the work environment, the responsibility of the agency to meet the desired needs, and the application of appropriate policies in accordance with the rules . This indicates that respondents tend to agree that a good communication system in the work environment makes them enthusiastic and comfortable at work,
These indicators greatly influence the motivation of a person to work so that it is hoped that the directorate general of horticulture, the ministry of agriculture, can pay attention to the factors that influence the motivation of the employees of the directorate general of horticulture so that employee motivation is getting better to achieve organizational performance targets.
The results of this study are in line with research conducted by Andi Reski Kurniawati, Faculty of Economics, Makassar State University, 2018 in Thesis The Effects of Compensation and Work Motivation on Employee Performance at PT Bumi Karsa in Makassar. In his research, it was found that motivation has a positive effect on employee performance, meaning that the influence of motivation on employee performance is due to the amount of motivation given to employees (Kurniawati, 2019).
High work motivation certainly makes employees have high enthusiasm to provide the best service for the community so that people feel satisfied with the services provided (Utomo, 2011). Efforts are needed to maintain the work motivation of employees of the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture, so that it remains at a high level so that it will have a positive impact on the development of the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture in the future. Employees will be motivated if there is a good communication system in the work environment and their wants and needs are met. There is a strong relationship between motivation and performance, the higher the work motivation, the better the resulting performance.
Effect of Compensation on Employee Performance
Based on the results of research data analysis that has been done, it has been proven that the provision of compensation has a positive influence on Employee Performance of the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta with a coefficient of determination of 76.4%. The most dominant indicators of the compensation variable are gifts, education and training, and timeliness.
While looking at the results of the questionnaire, it is known that the variable of compensation has an effect on the performance of employees of the Directorate General of Horticulture. with an average value of 4.14 which means good
Allowances also need to be paid attention to, they must be given according to performance and given in a timely and adequate manner. Rewards are also very influential for employees, such as awards or praise given for their achievements and receiving recognition from the leadership for their work achievements and receiving certain awards or prizes for achieving an institution's target.
The results of this study are in line with research conducted by Andi Reski Kurniawati, Faculty of Economics, Makassar State University, 2018 in Thesis The Effects of Compensation and Work Motivation on Employee Performance at PT Bumi Karsa in Makassar. In his research, it was found that compensation has a positive effect on employee performance, meaning that based on the compensation given in the form of allowances, wages, incentives and awards to each employee the work can be completed properly (Kurniawati, 2019).
Compensation that will be given to employees must be in accordance with the performance they produce so that they can be motivated and can be even more enthusiastic at work (Kurnia, 2016). This must be further improved so that the performance of the existing staff at the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture will not sufferdecreased but could be further increased. The implication in this research is to maintain and increase the existing compensation.
To maintain and increase compensation, which is supported by several factors such as expertise at work, one's expertise at work must be continuously improved, an increase in an employee's expertise can be seen from their experiences at work. With the results of the work they do in accordance with their expertise, the compensation given to them is also in accordance with what they do. With that they will also be motivated to work and they can get work performance according to what is expected.
The Effect of Motivation and Compensation on Employee Performance
The results of the R2 analysis show that the influence between motivational variables and compensation on employee performance is 85.4%, while seen from the F test the significance level is 0.000 <0.05 and Fcount is 215.846 > Ftable is 3.12 meaning that there is a significant influence between variables of motivation and compensation for employee performance together. While looking at the results of the questionnaire, it is known that the variables of motivation and compensation have a joint effect on the performance of employees of the Directorate General of Horticulture, with an average value of 4.20 which means good
From these results it can be seen that employee performance is influenced by motivational factors and compensation so that if an agency wants to improve employee performance, the agency must increase employee motivation and provide compensation more optimally. Based on the findings from the analysis results, it can be seen that employee performance indicators play an important role in the performance of employees of the Directorate General of Horticulture, namely internal employees, internal environment and organizational programs,
The significance of the influence of motivation and compensation on employee performance in the Directorate General of Horticulture can be seen from the indicators that play an important role in employee performance, namely internal employee factors that need to be considered to increase motivation such as conducting comparative studies to achieve common goals,leaders must pay good attention to employees who have work performance so that they can maintain and improve their performance and employees must also provide practical examples of their abilities to other employees so that other employees are motivated which ultimately improves organizational performance and must pay attention to internal environmental factors such as employee needs What needs to be considered, such as providing compensation according to the performance output given, should not be equated with low performing employees which in turn reduces employee motivation which ultimately impacts the performance of the Directorate General of Horticulture and a clear work program from the institution/organization.It is very important for employees to know the ideas/programs compiled by the organization so that they can be implemented properly in accordance with the direction of the organization's program and strategy to achieve goals.
The results of this study are in line with research conducted by Andi Reski Kurniawati, Faculty of Economics, Makassar State University, 2018 in Thesis The Effects of Compensation and Work Motivation on Employee Performance at PT Bumi Karsa in Makassar, it was found that the provision of compensation and motivation had a positive effect on employee performance, meaning that based on the provision of compensation given and good motivation, it had a significant effect on employee performance.
Employees who have high motivation tend to have high performance, whereas those who have low performance are possible because of low motivation (Moses, 2016). Therefore, providing motivation for employees is very important to be given by superiors. In this case motivation is used to spur the level of productivity produced by employees. Appreciation or recognition from leaders for their employees is enough to influence. Situations and conditions explain that most employees who feel appreciated or rewarded by leaders, they will work more thoroughly and more actively. On the other hand, employees who feel they are receiving less attention from the leader, then their performance will appear more relaxed and self-centered.
The existence of proper compensation can not only affect the material condition of employees, it will also reassure the employee's mind to work more diligently and with more initiative. If, giving compensation is not appropriate, of course it will unsettle employees and reduce motivation and work enthusiasm, so that employee performance will decrease.
Thus the role of motivation and compensation is very influential on the performance of employees of the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta
Motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture. The significance of the effect of motivation on employee performance in the Directorate General of Horticulture can be seen from the results of indicators in motivation that play an important role in employee performance, namely, a good communication system in the work environment, the responsibility of agencies to meet the desired needs, and the application of appropriate policies in accordance with Rules can motivate employees to perform well
Compensation has a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees of the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture. The significance of the effect of compensation on the performance of employees of the Directorate General of Horticulture can be seen from the results of indicators on the provision of compensation which plays an important role in employee performance, namely incentives, allowances and awards given from leaders or agencies that greatly affect employee performance
Taken together, motivation and provision of compensation have a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees of the Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture. The significance of the influence of motivation and provision of compensation jointly on the performance of employees of the Directorate General of Horticulture can be proven in the results of internal employee indicators to increase motivation and the internal environment such as providing compensation in accordance with the rules and needs of employees will greatly impact employee performance.
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