Competency-Based Human Resource Management Practice PT. BPJ


Firman Anggara*, Pantius Drahen Soeling

Administrative Science, Universitas Indonesia, West Java, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]*, [email protected]


Article Information



Received: February 19, 2023

Revised: February 28, 2023

Approved: March 20, 2023

Online: March 24, 2023


The economic crisis ready to hit the company at any time makes every company always on standby, so the development of human resources is important to survive. The better the human resources owned by a company, the longer the company will be able to survive. This study aims to determine competency-based human resource practices with case studies of PT. BPJ. This research uses qualitative research with a case study approach. The study's results found that competency-based human resource management practices are contained in four activities related to human resources: recruitment and selection, training and development, and career management. The implementation of human resource management is implemented in it to get employees who have good performance and can improve the company's quality.




practice management; human resources; competence




In conditions of economic crisis, the challenge for every organization to survive and develop is even greater. When external factors are increasingly difficult to predict and control, the organization's internal management, including empowering the potential of human resources, becomes crucial. The organization is one thing that cannot be separated in everyday life. One of the most important components of an organization lies in its human resource management. Along with changes in technology and globalization that are increasingly rapid, an organization must adapt quickly and precisely to survive and not experience destruction (Aji, 2018).

Improvement of this internal condition simultaneously aims to strengthen itself and increase resilience in facing local and global competition, which will certainly be increasingly stringent because the success of agencies in improving the performance of their agencies is very dependent on the quality of human resources (HR) concerned in working and working. (Sumendap et al., 2015).

Competitive organizations require the availability of human resources who have reliable capabilities to respond to the challenges of globalization. Organizational human resources must have the competencies needed to survive and develop to implement human resource management since recruitment must be oriented towards a competency model. Existing human resource management practices must support the creation of work attitudes and behaviours that benefit the organization. Many studies have successfully examined the positive influence of human resource practices on organizational performance (Wikaningrum, 2011).

Management is a process of planning, organizing, and using other organizational resources in order to achieve organizational goals that have been set (Jahari et al., 2018). Human Resources are people who are ready, willing and able to contribute to efforts to achieve organizational goals. In population science, human resources can be equated with labour, including the workforce and non-workforce. The labour force is also known as workers (Samsung, 2017). Human resources (HR) dominate an institution or organization (Hartanto, 2015).

Human Resource Management (HRM) is defined as planning, organizing, directing, and controlling employees' procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance, and termination to realize corporate, individual, employee, and community goals. (Putri et al., 2022).

Human Resource Management is a matter that includes the development, use and protection of human resources both in work relationships and those who are self-employed. Human Resource Management is a matter related to the utilization of humans in carrying out a job to achieve the maximum level or be effective and efficient in realizing the goals to be achieved within the company, an employee and the community (Susan, 2019).

According to Palan (2007), competency is often known as skill and empowerment, referring to the condition or quality of being able and appropriate. The definition of competence in the workplace refers to the notion of a person's suitability for his job. Competence refers to the characteristics that underlie behaviour that describe the motives, personal characteristics, self-concept, values, knowledge or skills that someone who excels in the workplace brings. Competence consists of several different types of characteristics which drive behaviour. It is expected that someone competent will be able to provide the expected results according to organizational standards in terms of quality, quantity and cost (Kartika & Sugiarto, 2014).

Competence is also a deep and inherent part of the personality, with predictable behaviour in various situations and work tasks. By evaluating a person's competencies, we can predict that person's performance (Pattiasina et al., 2016). Based on the background description above, human resource management practice needs to prioritize competence because competence will be seen from a person's performance. Thus, researchers are interested in conducting research titled "Competence-Based Human Resource Management Practices (Case Study: PT. BPJ)". The purpose of study is to determine competency-based human resource practices with case studies of PT. BPJ.



This research is qualitative. Qualitative research refers to procedures that produce descriptive data: written or spoken words directly from people who write or speak or behaviour that can be observed (Donatus, 2016). Then, the approach used is a case study conducted to gain an understanding of competency-based HR management practices at PT. BPJ.

The focus of this research is related to the implementation of competency-based human resource management at PT. BPJ, so that research data collection was carried out at PT. BPJ with data collection techniques is by observation and interviews.

In this study, the selection of informants used a purposive sampling method. The research results that will be presented need to be supported by the documentation method. On research Nilamsari (2014), The documentation method is a research method with data sources in the form of sources from images or videos, works, and written matters that can provide information.



Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment is a human resource management planning decision regarding the number of employees needed, when needed, and what criteria are needed in an organization. Recruitment is an attempt to fill vacant positions or jobs within an organization or company. For this reason, there are two sources of labour, namely sources from outside (external) of the organization or from within (internal) the organization (Potale et al., 2016). In comparison, the selection is the process of selecting a group of applicants or people who meet the criteria to occupy available positions based on the conditions that exist in the company (Atikawati & Udjang, 2016).

Recruitment and selection are important in determining whether applicants will apply to the organization or company (Suparni, 2017). The significance of the recruitment process, among others, is to be consistent with the company's strategy, insights and values, to determine the company's current and future recruitment needs related to major changes in the company, HR planning, job design and job analysis, to increase candidates qualified employees as efficiently as possible, to support company initiatives in managing a diverse workforce, to help increase the success of the selection process by reducing unqualified candidates. The selection process involves selecting various objects by prioritizing a few selected objects. In staffing, the selection is more specifically making decisions by limiting the number of employees contracted out of the choice of a group of potential employee candidates. (Widya, 2021).

According to Azmi (2010), competency-based human resource management in the recruitment and selection process is defined as a method for selecting candidates appropriately and effectively by assessing the suitability of the competencies required by the company to achieve the goals and vision and mission of the organization with the competencies possessed by the applicants.

Based on the interview results of the prospective employee selection process at PT. BPJ according to the following stages; (1) selection of application letters and required document files, and (2) exams, psychological tests, and interviews.


Training and development

Training is a learning process. Therefore to train employees, knowledge of how people learn is needed. In an organization that pays attention to Productivity, education and training are the most important facts.

Based on the results of interviews at PT. BPJ found that the company always routinely conducts employee training and development because many benefits are obtained when conducting training and development. Following are the aims and benefits of the training, according to Bariqi (2018).


With training, I will be able to improve my abilities, knowledge, skills and changes in behaviour. This is expected to increase organizational Productivity.


Implementation of training not only improves the quality of employees but is expected to minimize the possibility of errors in work. Thus the quality of the resulting output will be maintained and even increased.

Human resource planning

Training will make it easier for employees to fill vacancies in an organization so that employee planning can be carried out as well as possible. In human resource planning, one is regarding the quality and quantity of employees with the quality under what is directed.


It is hoped that the training will improve employees' work performance, which will increase employee wages. This will increase employee morale to be more responsible for their duties.

Indirect Compensation

Providing opportunities for employees to take part in training is providing remuneration for achievements that have been achieved in the past, whereby participating in the program, the employees concerned have the opportunity to be more able to develop themselves.

Health and safety

It is the best step in preventing or reducing work accidents in an organization to create a calm, safe working atmosphere and stability in their mental attitude.

Obsolescence prevention

Training will encourage employee initiative and creativity. This step is expected to prevent employees from becoming obsolete. This means that the ability possessed by employees can adapt to technological developments.

Personal growth

Providing opportunities for employees to increase their knowledge and skills, including increasing their personal development.

The competency system can be used as a tool to determine or predict the success of a person's work in a position because this competency seeks to explore a position further. In other words, this system can provide information about the main knowledge, skills or behaviours required in certain positions (Haryana, 2017).

Competency-based training can be done in three ways (Dubois & Rothwell, 2004), are: (1) reinventing the ISD model. In reinventing the ISD model, it is necessary to build worker competencies rather than match individual abilities to job requirements. The main key to competency-based training is how the needs assessment process is carried out and what the training focuses on, (2) focusing on training to build individual competencies related to competency models with an exemplary implementation. In this approach, training and competency development responsibilities shift from the organization towards the individual, and (3) build individual competence in the context of a work team. Because the team is the centre of attention in a team-based organization, each team member must jointly have the ability to meet predetermined requirements.

Talking about the human resource development problem is seen from two aspects, namely quantity and quality. The development is a process of planning, learning or managing employees to achieve optimal work results (Haryati, 2019). Appropriate training and development will improve performance and create an effective and efficient workforce (Sulaefi, 2017).

According to Hasibuan (2016), development goals essentially involve the following:

Work Productivity

With development, employee work productivity will improve the quality and quantity of production because the technical, human, and managerial skills of employees are improving.


Employee development aims to improve labour efficiency, time, and raw materials and reduce machine power.


Employee development aims to reduce damage to goods, production, and machine items because employees are increasingly skilled and skilled in carrying out their work.


The development aims to reduce employee accident rates so that the amount of medical expenses incurred by the company is reduced.


The development aims to improve better service from employees to corporate customers. Because the provision of good service is a very important attraction for the company's partners concerned.


With development, employee morale will be better because their expertise and skills match their work, so they are enthusiastic about getting the job done well.


With development, the opportunity to improve employee careers is greater because expertise, skills and work performance are better. Scientific promotion is usually based on one's expertise and work performance.


With development, managers are more capable and faster in making better decisions because their technical, human, and managerial skills are better.


With development, the leadership of a manager will be better. His human relations will be more flexible. His motivation will be more directed so that vertical and horizontal cooperation development will be more harmonious.


With development, employees' remuneration (salary, wage incentives, and benefits) will increase because their work performance will increase.


Employee development will provide good benefits for consumer society because they will receive higher quality goods or services.


Competency-based human resource management in the training and development process emphasizes the importance of what a person can do as a result of training (output) rather than the traditional approach, which is more concerned with the aspect of attendance in training (input). Competency-based human resource management practice in training and development is demonstrated through an analysis of the need for appropriate training and development programs. Secondly, there are benefits of training programs for individual career development. Third, there is an evaluation of the implementation of development and training programs for developing individual competencies.


Career Management

The career path is a sequential job position model that shapes one's career. Career goals are future positions a person seeks to achieve as part of his career. Career planning is a process that is deliberately pursued to realize oneself, opportunities, opportunities, constraints, choices, and consequences, and to identify career-related goals, as well as to develop work programs, education, and related experiences that are developmental to provide time and the sequence of steps taken in selecting career goals and career paths to achieve these goals (Sugijono, 2016).

Seeing the magnitude of the opportunity and the size of the workforce needed so that the role of management can be effective and efficient in responding to opportunities and challenges, it is necessary to establish a competitive strategy, careful evaluation and careful planning. Career planning by individuals, according to Simamora (Firdaus, 2017), includes:

1)   Self-assessment to determine strengths, weaknesses, goals, aspirations, needs, or career anchors

2)   Assessment of the labour market in determining the opportunities available both inside and outside the organization

3)   Preparation of evaluated career goals

4)   Matching opportunities to needs, goals, development of career strategies

5)   Career strategy planning

Interview results PT. BPJ's career management process is shown through promotion and transfer activities, where the determining process in promotion and transfer is the competency test. This competency test shows that the principles of competency-based human resource management have been carried out in the process of promotion and transfer.

According to Shaputra & Hendriani (2015) There are five types of competency characteristics, namely as follows:

1)   A motive is something people consistently think about or want that causes an action. Motives drive direct and select behaviour towards certain actions or goals.

2)   Traits are physical characteristics and consistent responses to situations or information. Reaction speed and eye sharpness are the physical characteristics of a fighter pilot's competence.

3)   Self-concept is a person's attitude, values, or self-image. Confidence is people's belief that they can be effective in almost any situation and is part of people's self-concept.

4)   Knowledge is information possessed by people in a specific field. Knowledge is a complex competency.

5)   Skill is the ability to do certain physical or mental tasks. Mental competence or cognitive skills include analytical and conceptual thinking



Based on the results of research with case studies at PT. BPJ found that the practice of competency-based human resource management is contained in four human resources activities: recruitment and selection, training and development, and career management. Implementation of human resource management is implemented in it to get employees who have good performance and can improve the company's quality.




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