The Influence of Entrepreneurship Knowledge, Motivation and Family Environment on Entrepreneurship Interest
Yodhi Adytia Arifin, Qodariah*
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Budi Luhur, Jakarta, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]*
Article Information |
Received: February 19, 2023 Revised: February 28, 2023 Approved: March 20, 2023 Online: March 24, 2023 |
This research focuses on understanding the entrepreneurial interest of MSME players in Paninggilan Utara Urban Village, Tangerang City, which is influenced by family environment, motivation, and entrepreneurial knowledge. The total population implemented in the research is 150 subjects while the number of samples implemented in the research is 110 actors determined based on random sampling techniques. The analysis technique in the research applies multiple linear regression tests using the help of SPSS type 25 software and Microsoft Excel 2016. Based on the research conducted, it is found that there is a significant positive influence between the family environment, motivation, and entrepreneurial knowledge with entrepreneurial interest. The researcher hopes that the research can be used as a reference to improve the quality and quantity of MSME players in Paninggilan Utara Village, Tangerang City. · |
Keywords |
Entrepreneurship Knowledge; Motivation; Family Environment; Entrepreneurship Interest
The country of Indonesia has the largest number of islands in the world so that it is nicknamed an archipelagic country which has an impact on increasing the development of human resources in Indonesia. This makes a large source of capital for the economic progress of a country. As the years go by, the population in Indonesia continues to increase but this is not accompanied by an increase in employment which is a source of problems for job seekers (Kawet et al., 2021).
Limited employment opportunities require people to choose between two existing options, namely the first is entrepreneurship, where this choice is an alternative for people not to be unemployed. The second option is as an employee in a company or a civil servant. This choice is quite difficult because the availability of job vacancies is not proportional to the number of job seekers (Zulkarnain & Mukarramah, 2019).
In order for the number of Indonesian MSMEs to continue to grow, the interest in entrepreneurship also needs to be developed. However, the problem is that the younger generation is less interested in becoming entrepreneurs because of low entrepreneurial motivation, an unsupportive family environment, and big challenges (Kusnadi et al., 2022). There are several factors that influence the interest in entrepreneurship, one of which is entrepreneurial knowledge. Someone who has entrepreneurial insight into actions, behaviors, attitudes and ways of thinking will be directed towards career choices for entrepreneurship (Manurung, 2013).
A system based on a balance of leadership, a holistic approach, and attention to business opportunities that influence action taking, ways of analyzing and ways of thinking is called entrepreneurial knowledge. So that this entrepreneurial knowledge will assist individuals in analyzing risks and reading opportunities that exist to determine the right policies so that obstacles that arise can be handled properly in order to achieve success or balance risks with optimal benefits (Saparso et al., 2017).
The motivating factor in the individual so that they are always enthusiastic in trying, always innovative and creative, and courageous in facing all risks to gain profit is called motivation (Octavia, 2020). Entrepreneurial motivation, among others, is due to the desire to be independent in the economy so that it can help meet family needs, optimize space and free time to start entrepreneurship, such as having certain hobbies or skills that can be developed into businesses because they are motivated by seeing other people succeed (Hasibuan, 2008; Putra et al., 2022).
The smallest scope in socialization that affects children for the first time is the family environment. Aspects that children get from the family environment include ways of behaving and ways of speaking that mimic the words of their parents or family, a child's way of thinking, children's social and cognitive abilities (Wahyuningsih, 2020).
Entrepreneurial interest is an interest in a sense of more excitement and enthusiasm for certain tasks and activities. Interest can also be interpreted as a tendency that makes a person interested in a particular field and carry out activities in that field (Mardia et al., 2021).
Based on the description above, the researcher wants to discuss this problem in more detail by taking the title "The Influence of Entrepreneurship Knowledge, Motivation and Family Environment on Entrepreneurial Interests (Case Study of MSME Actors in North Paninggilan Village, Tangerang City)". The limitations of the research problems used are: (1) "Knowledge of Entrepreneurship" (X1), "Motivation" (X2), "Family Environment" (X3) as independent variables and "Interest in Entrepreneurship" (Y) as the dependent variable, (2) the research object of MSME actors in Paninggilan Utara Village, Tangerang City with 110 samples taken, (3) data taken by distributing questionnaires. Moreover, the following is the theoretical framework used in this study:
Figure 1. Theoretical Framework
The hypothesis in research is:
H1: Entrepreneurial Knowledge has an effect on Entrepreneurial Interest
H2: Motivation influences Entrepreneurial Interest
H3: Family Environment has an effect on Interest in Entrepreneurship
Population and Sample
The group of subjects used in the research is called the population, where in this research the population, namely MSMEs in North Paninggilan Village, Tangerang City, totaled 150 actors. Furthermore, how to determine the sample used in research by selecting random subjects from the population that has the least bias and offers the most appropriate generalization possibilities, this method is known as simple random sampling technique which is part of probability sampling sampling (Sekaran, Uma Bougie, 2017). To determine the exact number of samples needed in research, the Slovin equation is used.
The research model used is described below:
Figure 2. Research Path Diagram
Y = a + β1X1+β2X2 + β3X3 + €
€ : disturbing factors outside the model
β1,β2, β3 : regression coefficient of each variable
A : constant
X3 : Family environment
X2 : Motivation
Y : Interest in Entrepreneurship (dependent variable) X1: Entrepreneurship Knowledge
This research includes descriptive quantitative research using questionnaires for surveys. There are two types of tests implemented in research, namely the first test to analyze data using the help of SPSS version 25 statistical software, which involves t tests, analysis of the coefficient of determination, multiple linear regression analysis, simple correlation analysis and classical assumption tests. Then the second is instrument testing which involves reliability and validity tests.
Validity test
Based on the test, the rarithmetic value exceeds the rtable, which is 0.187, so that all statement items in the variables "Entrepreneurial Knowledge (X1), Motivation (X2), Family Environment (X3) and Interest in Entrepreneurship (Y)" are said to be valid. For more details, it is described as follows:
Table 1. Validity Test Results
Corrected Item-Total Correlation |
Corrected Item-Total Correlation |
Corrected Item-Total Correlation |
Corrected Item-Total Correlation |
X1.1 |
.653 |
X2.1 |
.301 |
X3.1 |
.595 |
Y1 |
.736 |
X1.2 |
.605 |
X2.2 |
.535 |
X3.2 |
.719 |
Y2 |
.657 |
X1.3 |
.832 |
X2.3 |
.610 |
X3.3 |
.704 |
Y3 |
.747 |
X1.4 |
.524 |
X2.4 |
.571 |
X3.4 |
.674 |
Y4 |
.769 |
X1.5 |
.692 |
X2.5 |
.512 |
X3.5 |
.585 |
Y5 |
.703 |
X1.6 |
.617 |
X2.6 |
.451 |
X3.6 |
.684 |
Y6 |
.708 |
X2.7 |
.243 |
X3.7 |
.493 |
Y7 |
.748 |
X3.8 |
.538 |
Y8 |
.644 |
X3.9 |
.448 |
Y9 |
.565 |
Y10 |
.413 |
Y11 |
.582 |
Y12 |
.505 |
Y13 |
.547 |
Reliability Test
Table 2. Reliability Test Results
Variables |
Cronbach's Alpha |
Description |
Entrepreneurship knowledge |
0.860 |
reliable |
motivation |
0.738 |
reliable |
Family environment |
0.871 |
reliable |
Entrepreneurship interests |
0913 |
reliable |
Based on the table above, the results of the statistical reliability test for the four variables, namely interest in entrepreneurship, family environment, motivation, entrepreneurial knowledge, each have a Cornbach's alpha value exceeding 0.6 so that they are said to be reliable.
Table 3. Normality Test Results
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test |
Unstandardized Residuals |
N |
110 |
Normal Parameters, b |
Means |
.0000000 |
std. Deviation |
5.43266411 |
Most Extreme Differences |
absolute |
.070 |
Positive |
.070 |
Negative |
-.049 |
Statistical test |
.070 |
asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) |
.200c,d |
a. Test distribution is Normal |
b. Calculated from data |
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction |
From the test results, it was found that the data were normally distributed and the regression model could be implemented for further data processing. Because of the normality test obtained Asymp.sig (2-tailed) exceeds 0.05 which is 0.200. The normality test when viewed based on the normal PP Plot, is as follows:
Figure 3. Normality Test
The normal results of the P-Plot show that the distribution of data points is around the diagonal line and the direction spreads along the line diagonally. So it is determined that the data from this research variable have a normal distribution. Normal distributed data can be forwarded to continue this research.
Multicollinearity Test
Table 4. Multicollinearity Test Results
Model |
Collinearity Statistics |
tolerance |
1 |
(Constant) |
Entrepreneurship Knowledge |
.357 |
2,798 |
motivation |
.681 |
1,469 |
Family Environment |
.387 |
2,581 |
Based on the test results above, the data obtained is free from multicollinearity for each variable because it has a VIF value that does not reach 10 and its tolerance value exceeds 0.1.
Figure 4. Heteroscedasticity Test
Based on the diagram above, the dots form an irregular pattern and are scattered at the bottom and top and around the number 0. The conclusion that can be drawn from the results of this regression model is that it is free from heteroscedasticity problems.
Simple Correlation Analysis
Table 5. Simple Correlation test results
Correlations |
Entrepreneurship knowledge |
motivation |
Family environment |
Entrepreneurship interests |
Entrepreneurship knowledge |
Pearson correlation |
1 |
.555** |
.778** |
.574** |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
.000 |
.000 |
.000 |
N |
110 |
110 |
110 |
110 |
motivation |
Pearson correlation |
.555** |
1 |
.500** |
.458** |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
.000 |
.000 |
.000 |
N |
110 |
110 |
110 |
110 |
Family environment |
Pearson correlation |
.778** |
.500** |
1 |
.556** |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
.000 |
.000 |
.000 |
N |
110 |
110 |
110 |
110 |
Entrepreneurship interests |
Pearson correlation |
.574** |
.458** |
.556** |
1 |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
.000 |
.000 |
.004 |
N |
110 |
110 |
110 |
110 |
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) |
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed) |
The following is an explanation of the results of the correlation test:
1) Entrepreneurship Knowledge with Entrepreneurial Interest has a correlation value of 0.574 which means it is very strong with a significant relationship direction. The interest in entrepreneurship is significantly influenced by entrepreneurial knowledge, with a value of Sig. (2-tailed) does not reach 0.05, namely 0.000.
2) Motivation with Interest in Entrepreneurship has a correlation value of 0.458 which means it is very strong with a significant relationship. So that the interest in entrepreneurship is significantly influenced by motivation, with a value of Sig. (2-tailed) does not reach 0.05, namely 0.000.
3) Family environment with an interest in entrepreneurship has a correlation value of 0.556, which means it is in the direction of a significant relationship. So that the interest in entrepreneurship is significantly influenced by the family environment, with a value of Sig. (2-tailed) does not reach 0.05, namely 0.000.
Table 6. Multiple Linear Regression Test Results
Model |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
B |
Std. Error |
1 |
(constant) |
17,928 |
4,714 |
Entrepreneurship knowledge |
.537 |
.241 |
Motivation |
.338 |
.177 |
Family environment |
.344 |
.172 |
1) If the value of the variable family environment, motivation, and entrepreneurial knowledge is 0, then the constant value of the coefficient table equation is 17,928.
2) In the data presentation above, the entrepreneurial knowledge variable has a regression coefficient (β) worth 0.537, which means that entrepreneurial interest will increase by 0.537 for every one unit increase in the entrepreneurial knowledge variable.
3) The motivational variable has a regression coefficient (β) worth 0.338, which means that entrepreneurial interest will increase by 0.338 for every one unit increase in the motivational variable.
4) The family environment variable has a regression coefficient (β) worth 0.344, which means that entrepreneurial interest will increase by 0.344 for every one unit increase in the family environment variable.
Table 7. Test Results for the Coefficient of Determination (R2)
Summary modelb |
Model |
R |
R Square |
Adjusted R Square |
std. Error of the Estimate |
1 |
.617a |
.318 |
.364 |
5.20561 |
a. Predicators: (Constant), Family environment, motivation, Entrepreneurship knowledge |
b. Dependent Variable: Entrepreneurship knowledge |
Based on the determination test (Adjusted R Square), the percentage value of the influence of the family environment, motivation, and entrepreneurial knowledge on the interest in entrepreneurship is 0.364 or equal to 36.4%, while the percentage rate due to other variables is 63.6% (100% - 36, 4%).
Table 8. T test results
Model |
Q |
Sig. |
1 |
(constant) |
3,803 |
001 |
Entrepreneurship knowledge |
2,229 |
.000 |
motivation |
1914 |
.004 |
Family environment |
2,000 |
002 |
From the data presentation obtained:
Entrepreneurship Knowledge (X1)
a) H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted because ttable does not reach tarithmetic, namely (1.659 <2.229).
b) H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted because the ttable significance value does not reach 0.05, namely 0.000.
It means, partially interest in entrepreneurship (Y) is significantly influenced by entrepreneurial knowledge.
Motivation (X2)
a) H0 is rejected and H2 is accepted because ttable does not reach tarithmetic, namely (1.659 <1.914).
b) H0 is rejected and H2 is accepted because the ttable significance value does not reach 0.05, namely 0.000.
It means, partially interest in entrepreneurship (Y) is significantly influenced by motivation.
Family Environment (X3)
a) H0 is rejected and H3 is accepted because ttable does not reach tarithmetic, namely (1.659 <2.000).
b) H0 is rejected and H3 is accepted because the ttable significance value does not reach 0.05, namely 0.000.
It means, partially the interest in entrepreneurship (Y) is significantly influenced by the family environment.
The Effect of Entrepreneurship Knowledge on Entrepreneurial Interest
Based on the analysis of MSME actors in Paninggilan Utara Village, the interest in entrepreneurship is significantly influenced by entrepreneurial knowledge. These two variables are related to each other, where the interest in entrepreneurship in the Paninggilan Utara Village SMEs will increase along with increased entrepreneurial knowledge. This statement is supported by Jaya (2021) and Sadeli (2021) that interest in entrepreneurship is influenced positively by entrepreneurial knowledge.
The Effect of Motivation on Entrepreneurial Interest
From the results of an analysis of MSME actors in Paninggilan Utara Village, it was found that the interest in entrepreneurship was significantly influenced by motivation. These two variables are related to each other, where the interest in entrepreneurship in the UMKM of Paninggilan Utara Village will increase along with an increase in motivation. The statement in the research is supported by the results of Ramantha (2019) and Putra (2022) namely the interest in entrepreneurship is influenced positively by motivation.
The Influence of the Family Environment on Entrepreneurial Interests
Based on an analysis of MSME actors in Paninggilan Utara Village, the hypothesis H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected, meaning that the interest in entrepreneurship is significantly influenced by the family environment. These two variables are related to each other, where the interest in entrepreneurship in the UMKM of Paninggilan Utara Village will increase along with increased support from the family environment. The statement in the research is supported by Rachmawati (2022) which stated that the interest in entrepreneurship was positively influenced by the family environment.
The purpose of conducting this research is to understand the influence between the family environment, motivation and knowledge of entrepreneurship with an interest in entrepreneurship in UMKM actors in North Paninggilan Village, Tangerang City. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the interest in entrepreneurship is significantly influenced by the family environment, motivation and knowledge of entrepreneurship. Based on the conclusions obtained, it can be explained that Entrepreneurial Knowledge, Motivation and Family Environment have an influence on MSMEs in Paninggilan Utara Village, but this still needs to be improved. To be able to improve this, MSME actors must be confident and able to survive to face obstacles in entrepreneurship, be able to rise from failure and be able to solve problems in various other situations and conditions.
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