The Role of Social Capital in Socio-Economic Resistance of Tile Makers Families in Banjardowo


Amalia Friska Dyah Nugraheni*, Mahendra Wijaya, Trisni Utami

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Central Java, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]*


Article Information



Received: February 19, 2023

Revised: February 28, 2023

Approved: March 20, 2023

Online: March 24, 2023


Professions in people's own lives are very diverse to achieve a better life, one of which is tile craftsmen. Nowadays there is a shift in the use of tiles, from what was originally traditional tiles to the main tiles in home making, the re-strengthening of social capital in building the economy of tile craftsmen through the sale of tiles is an important thing and needs to be considered. The objectives of this study are to analyze; (1) the role of social capital of tile craftsmen in tile production in Banjardowo, (2) the role of social capital of tile craftsmen in tile marketing in Banjardowo, (3) the driving and inhibiting factors of the role of tile craftsmen's social capital in the socioeconomic resilience of families, and (4) the role of social capital in the socioeconomic resilience of tile craftsmen's families in Banjardowo. This research uses qualitative research methods. The linking social capital that exists in tile craftsmen in the production process is that tile craftsmen in Dukuh Banjardowo have a direct relationship with other parties, namely the village, red soil suppliers, and capital providers (banks). Social capital linking is the cooperation of tile craftsmen with the village government and consumers. The driving factors in achieving the role of social capital are trust that is established between parties, trust in consumers and between parties, and there is support from the village government that is felt by tile craftsmen and the inhibiting factor is the transfer of land functions that provide shock to the production system.



social capital; bonding social capital;

bridging social capital; linking social capital





Livelihoods or professions in people's lives are very diverse, such as livelihoods as fishermen, construction workers, farmers, traders, craftsmen, and so on. The existence of various professions or livelihoods in society helps people to achieve a better life. Having a decent and prosperous life is the ideals and desires of all individuals. According to BPS (2020) regarding poverty, the percentage of poor people in Indonesia in 2020 is 9.78%. This percentage is higher than in September 2019. The number of poor people in Indonesia alone reaches 26.24 million people. This is proof that welfare in Indonesia can be said to be uneven. Poverty in Indonesia is still a multidimensional structural and cultural problem, which includes political, social, economic, resource issues, and others. According to Zuber (2015) poverty still ensnares the community, one of which is the people in Sanggang Village who have cultural poverty, structural poverty, and natural poverty.

Poverty in Klaten district has increased in the previous year. Poverty in Klaten in 2020 reached 12.89% or around 151.83 thousand people (Klaten, 2020). This figure has increased compared to 2019 which was only around 144.14 thousand people. The poverty line in Klaten in 2020 was recorded at IDR 419,510 per capita per month, this amount was higher compared to 2019 which amounted to around IDR 405,537 per capita per month. It can be seen that poverty still exists in every region and has increased quite a lot.

Expansion of industrial land largely confiscates community agricultural land, this land confiscation is accompanied by an increase in the number of residents in an area causing the ratio of land to population to decrease, as a result land ownership is very small with problems - problems in it (Yuliati & Purnomo, 2003). This is proven by the ownership of agricultural land which is currently being used as a residential house which has an impact on the community industry experiencing a shock. For the industrial sector, which utilizes land as a producer of the main industrial raw materials, this is a separate problem for industrial owners.

Home industry is one of the industrial sectors that helps boost the community's economy. The rapid development of the home industry has affected changes in the industrial sector. The development of the home industry is able to survive because it has a quick response to changes and utilization of natural resources which are used as the main raw materials in production. Home industry is included in the center of small-scale industrial activities, but its development cannot be doubted. The Ministry of Industry and Trade explained that home industry is one of the business sectors that has the most investment value touching Rp. 500,000,000, this value does not include land and buildings used for business premises (RI, 2014).

Industrial development in Indonesia is increasing from year to year. This is proven by the many industries currently standing in Indonesia. Especially in Central Java, currently industrial development is also increasing. Reported by BPS (2021) that in 2020 the number of industries in Central Java is around 161,587 with a total of 644,549 workers. Tile craftsmen experience various kinds of problems they face. The problems that arose before the pandemic and during the Covid-19 pandemic were very visible. When the Covid-19 pandemic began in early 2020, there were new problems for tile craftsmen in Banjardowo, problems that emerged such as a decline in the economic level of craftsmen due to a decrease in tile production and sales, so this had an impact on the workforce. This impact makes the owner have to make a decision, namely reducing the workforce.

Besides that, there are other problems in the production process, namely the craftsmen do not have specific benchmarks or standards to assess the quality of the tiles produced, even though the craftsmen use technology in the form of tools or tile printing machines in accordance with the standards (Sofiana, 2018). Meanwhile, the problem that tile craftsmen have in terms of marketing is that they lose competitiveness in sales, because tile craftsmen who are members of small industrial centers do not have good marketing methods such as marketing carried out by large and well-known tile factories. In addition, the tile marketing price is also fully controlled by the agreement of the craftsmen who are members of the small industrial center, so that the craftsmen do not have the freedom to bargain directly with buyers (Prastika, 2016). In addition, in the Banjardowo tile craftsman production system there is social linking capital in the raw material income system, because craftsmen who do not own land in other areas only rely on the supply of raw materials obtained from depositors. In the labor system, Banjardowo tile craftsmen have bonding social capital because apart from the labor obtained from the local area and still in family ties, the wages given to workers have also decreased but the workforce has been maintained. Whereas in the marketing system, tile craftsmen have social bonding capital, which in terms of promotion, tile craftsmen rely on the craftsmen themselves.

Along with the times, there are currently many shifts in the use of roof tiles, from what was originally a traditional tile to become the main tile in making houses, now it has shifted to the use of modern tiles made of galvalum, copper metal, stainless, sand metal and millennium. When compared in terms of price, traditional roof tiles are indeed more expensive than modern tiles. Traditional roof tiles made of clay are priced at Rp. 1,800 to Rp. 3,000 depending on the level of thickness. Meanwhile, the price of modern roof tiles such as sand metal is priced at Rp. 32,000 for a size of 80x80cm.

Re-strengthening social capital in building the economy of tile craftsmen through tile sales is an important matter and needs attention. Because social capital certainly has an important role, especially in the socio-economic resilience of tile craftsmen in Banjardowo. The relevance of strengthening the role of social capital in this study is one of the efforts to improve the quality of life for tile craftsmen's families, especially in maintaining the socio-economic resilience of the craftsmen's families. Because social capital is developed by tile craftsmen where tile craftsmen rely on the capital they own, so that social capital becomes a source for the operation of a social system which will certainly have an impact on socio-economic resilience in the tile craftsman's family. both in production and marketing. So that the socio-economic resilience of the craftsman's family can be determined by the role of social capital in the tile craftsmen themselves, both from togetherness and trust, established networks, or reciprocal relationships that refer to norms between craftsmen and consumers, as well as between craftsmen and other parties such as raw material suppliers, or the local government.

It is important because strong social capital will have a developmental impact on the tile production and marketing process for tile craftsmen, thus helping the development of craftsmen by making contributions to the empowerment of tile craftsmen. Social capital is a set of existing and inherent resources, which are in family and organizational relationships. So that in order to boost the production and marketing of community tiles, it is necessary to strengthen the role of social capital in order to maintain the socio-economic resilience of tile craftsmen's families in Banjardowo (Mariani, 2014).

Previous research related to the social capital of tile craftsmen stated that the social capital possessed was social networks. Social network because of the trust between craftsmen and collectors. Craftsmen as trustors and collectors as trustees and this relationship is the opposite (Roji, 2015). In addition, collective action and cooperation in the Ciliwung River Basin family are the variables that play the most role in providing family resilience results, while in the information and communication variables and the role of actors in greater family economic resilience they play an important role in economic resilience (Prayitno, 2012). So it can be concluded that the existence of social capital owned by craftsmen or groups has an influence on the economic resilience of the group itself.

Based on the explanation of the background above, according to the researchers, this research is interesting to study, because it examines the role of social capital owned by tile craftsmen in the production and marketing of tiles in the village of Banjardowo. The purpose of this research is; (1)to analyze the role of social capital of tile craftsmen in tile production in Banjardowo, (2) to analyze the role of social capital of tile craftsmen in tile marketing in Banjardowo, (3) to analyze the driving and inhibiting factors of the role of social capital of tile craftsmen in family socio-economic resilience, (4) to analyze the role of social capital in the socio-economic resilience of tile craftsman families in Banjardowo.



The research entitled "The Role of Social Capital in the Socio-Economic Resilience of a Tile Craftsmen Family in Banjardowo" is located in Banjardowo Village, Jimbung, Kalikotes, Klaten. This study used qualitative research methods.The reason researchers use qualitative research methods is to obtain the information needed from informants in the form of stories, perspectives from informants, and so on. By using qualitative research, the depth of the results of the research will be obtained.

The data collected and used in this study is in the form of qualitative data. Qualitative data is data in the form of notes, words, documents, pictures, and actions of an event or informant which is not in the form of numbers or statistics. Sources of data in this study consisted of primary data sources and secondary data.Data collection techniques in this study are observation, interviews, and documentation.

This study uses source triangulation, which is done by comparing and re-checking the information that has been obtained by researchers. Data collection carried out by researchers needs to be carried out for data validity, in order to test the data obtained by researchers from informants in accordance with the topics discussed by researchers, besides that it also describes reality in accordance with what is in the field and previously for further research. To get accurate data, it is done by using the triangulation method. The triangulation used is source triangulation, namely the validity checking technique which is carried out by comparing the data obtained from each informant.







The Role of Social Capital for Tile Craftsmen in Roof Tile Production in Banjardowo

Social capital has a fairly large role in a production in society. Social capital that exists in society occurs as a result of interactions within the community itself, so that the interactions that occur in the environment raises the parameters of measuring social capital. In the tile production process, it can be said that the craftsmen make and print the tiles in their own territory. The production process is of course the most important process in the tile business, which is of course accompanied by the existence of social capital owned by the tile craftsmen. Social capital is the main driver in the production process that can be carried out by tile craftsmen.


Bonding Social Capital

The social capital seen in tile production by tile craftsmen is social bonding capital. Bonding social capital describes the relationship between the closest people, both with family and with neighbors. In this study, the social bonding capital possessed by tile craftsmen can be seen from the relationship that exists between craftsmen and relatives who are both tile craftsmen and workers. It can be said that the relationship that exists in these craftsmen is very close and familial in nature. The relationship between craftsmen and relatives who work as tile craftsmen is very good and there tends to be no problems between the two parties.

Bonding social capital is very visible in tile craftsmen, especially in the production process, namely collaboration between relatives or families. This can be seen from the cooperation between families or relatives which is mutually beneficial, such as when a tile craftsman has a large number of tile orders and is unable to produce, then cooperation with relatives is carried out in the form of buying tiles belonging to that relative or family. So that the existence of social bonding capital helps craftsmen to maintain good relations and build common interests. In other words, the bonding social capital carried out by tile craftsmen with relatives or family actually produces a reciprocal relationship of mutualism because it is mutually beneficial for both parties.


Bridging Social Capital

Another social capital seen in the production process of tile craftsmen in Banjardowo is bridging social capital. The bridging social capital that exists in tile craftsmen is cooperation between craftsmen and neighbors who are members of a group of small tile industry centers in Banjardowo. The existence of cooperation that occurs between tile craftsmen and members who are members of the small tile industry center can be seen in the production process, such as a routine meeting once a month, namely on the 25th. The routine meeting which is held once a month is carried out to improve communication and intimacy between members who joined the small tile industry center in Banjardowo. The small tile industry center in Banjardowo bridges relations between tile craftsmen in the local area. The purpose of establishing the Banjardowo Tile Industry Center is to preserve and improve the local community's economy while continuing to create tile production. Through these small industrial centers, craftsmen will find it easier to supervise, provide guidance and carry out coordination as well as cooperation between members in the group.

The relationship or cooperation that exists between tile craftsmen and group members who are members of the Banjardowo small tile industry center is very influential in the tile production process. The existence of this collaboration illustrates that bridging social capital is found in tile craftsmen in the tile production process itself. The relationship or cooperation that exists between craftsmen and neighbors is one of the things that has been cultivated since the beginning. Good relations with neighbors have a good impact.


Linking Social Capital

Linking social capital is also present in the tile production process found in tile craftsmen in Banjardowo. Linking social capital is a form of social capital that reaches out to the occurrence of interactions or relationships in a more formal bond or scale and refers to relations with power or an institution of power. In this study it was found that roof tile craftsmen in Dukuh Banjardowo had a direct relationship with other parties, namely the village, the supplier of red soil, and the financier (bank).

The relationship that exists between the craftsmen and the village is due to obtaining a burning permit during the production process. The cooperation that exists between tile craftsmen and red clay suppliers is very close, because red soil is the main raw material that is needed by craftsmen for the tile production process.

Table 1. Prices of tile-making materials


Price of Red Land

Black Soil Prices

Diesel Price/ Liter

Peanut Oil Prices

1 pickup

Rp. 230,000

Rp. 110,000

Rp. 5.150

Rp. 3,000

½ pickups

Rp. 120,000

Rp. 60,000



Number of tiles

1,100 – 1,200 tiles


To measure social capital and the relationships that exist in tile craftsmen in the production process, there are three capital parameters that can be used to draw important points from the research results on the role of social capital in tile production in Banjardowo, namely; trust, norms, and networks.



Trust is the main factor that must be formed by sellers in order to be able to attract consumers or buyers. With the existence of trust, of course there is a business transaction between the two parties, namely between the seller and the buyer. However, trust does not just appear, but must be formed from the start and must be proven (Rofiq, 2007). Trust arises naturally in social life, including in the production process that occurs among tile craftsmen in Banjardowo, whether with relatives, neighbors or outsiders. This trust exists and is formed from shared ideals with the basis for building the economy of the tile craftsmen community in the Banjardowo hamlet. The existence of trust is more placed on how this trust binds the community in a network and the extent is determined by how far the trust is built.

The trust built by tile craftsmen to the bank as the provider or borrower of capital is by providing a plan or plan for what the capital will be used for. It is known that roof tile craftsmen in Banjardowo used the borrowed money for production capital such as buying tile molding equipment, setting up a tobong or a place for burning. In addition, tile craftsmen also provide an understanding that the craftsmen will make deposits or installments according to the maturity date determined by the bank.



Basically, social capital is a set of norms and social relations that are anchored in the social structure that exists in society, where these people have the same goals and interests. So that it can be said that social capital begins with the formation of cooperation based on trust and the existence of traditions that have been rooted in the community. Norms have a close relationship with an activity carried out by a person, in which the norm is formed because of the need for order. So that norms become an important thing in living the business life of tile craftsmen. The tile craftsmen in Banjardowo have a norm, in which the formation of a norm is owned by the tile craftsmen in Banjardowo due to their habits and mutual agreement.

This is what tile craftsmen in Banjardowo apply, where tile craftsmen adapt a culture that is commonly called "rembugan" or in Indonesian means discussion or deliberation. With the existence of the rembugan tradition, the tile craftsmen are able to unite the vision and mission of other tile craftsmen, besides that the custom of rembugan is used to attract buyers or consumers. With the existence of the tradition or habit of rembugan that is the norm that is owned by tile craftsmen in terms of social capital. The habit of rembugan has been developed for a long time and has been passed down from generation to generation, so it has become a growing norm in the community in Banjardowo, especially among tile craftsmen.



The visible network in the tile production process in Banjardowo is the relationship between tile craftsmen and raw material suppliers. The existence of this relationship originated from the existence of cooperation between tile craftsmen and suppliers of raw clay materials which are mutually beneficial to each other. A profitable partnership in which tile craftsmen build a network to obtain red clay raw materials as the main raw material in the tile production process.

The importance of the supply of raw materials to expedite the tile production process is a must, causing tile craftsmen to establish relationships with Tanah Merah suppliers. In line with the research conducted by Nurhayati and Komara (2013) that the supply of raw materials is very important, because if the supply of raw materials is not fulfilled it can lead to a decrease in the production process and can cause bankruptcy.


Table 2. Dimensions and Sub Dimensions The Role of Social Capital in Production






The trust placed by tile craftsmen in production is the trust that is established with neighbors, relatives, third parties and consumers. Both in terms of quality provided, price, and honesty of the use of raw materials.



The norm that exists within the scope of tile craftsmen in the production process is the existence of a rembugan system. Rembugan is used to determine the selling price of roof tiles, expensive raw materials, etc.



There is cooperation between tile craftsmen and clay raw material suppliers. The network is formed to benefit both parties.


The Role of Social Capital for Tile Craftsmen in Roof Tile Marketing in Banjardowo

Marketing is one of the main activities carried out by companies, both goods companies and service companies, in order to maintain the viability of the company. The tile craftsmen in Banjardowo are no exception, who carry out marketing in order to maintain the continuity of the tile business in the region. Marketing is important in an industry, such as in the tile industry center in Banjardowo. Marketing deals directly with consumers, so marketing creates the process of buying and selling goods marketed. In other words, marketing is the key to the success of a company or industry. All existing processes in production will be forwarded to the marketing process. So that marketing is an important point in the sustainability of the tile industry in Banjardowo. As for the results of the study, it was found that the social capital contained in the tile craftsman family in Banjardowo Village was very diverse, including:

Bonding Social Capital

Bonding social capital is one of the social capitals in which there are various aspects that function to bind each individual in a social system. Bonding social capital can be determined based on the existence of common interests, which are usually based on location and association (Claridge, 2018). In line with this, social bonding capital can be seen in the tile marketing process carried out by tile craftsmen with family or relatives who work together as tile craftsmen. In this marketing process, tile craftsmen carry out marketing with their families or relatives who work as craftsmen by marketing their products through two events.


“Gethok Tular”

One of the methods used by tile craftsmen in marketing their tile products is through the gethok tular system. The word-of-mouth system is a system by which news or information is spread directly by word of mouth (from one person to another). Banjardowo Village is indeed known as a roof tile printing village, so that with this popularity the craftsmen can rely on it to market their tiles through a gethok tular system. The gethok tular system is still carried out by tile craftsmen in the marketing process. The craftsmen consider that the word of mouth system is an easy system to get consumers. So that until now the craftsmen still use the gethok tular system.


Online Shop

Communication is an important point in marketing. Along with the times that are accompanied by the development of technology and the internet which can now be used by the wider community in marketing the products being sold. Therefore, tile craftsmen in Banjardowo Village use social media as a place to trade their tile products. The purpose of online marketing carried out by tile craftsmen in Banjardowo is to expand the market. The social media used by tile craftsmen in Banjardowo is WhatsApp. By using social media platforms marketing becomes more efficient and effective.

It can be concluded that the social bonding capital that exists in tile craftsmen in Banjardowo in the marketing process is cooperation with fellow families who work together as tile craftsmen. Where the marketing process is carried out in two ways, namely online through social media (whatsapp) and offline, namely through a word of mouth system.


Bridging Social Capital

The social capital created in tile marketing is bridging social capital which occurs in a cooperative relationship between tile craftsmen and the same neighbors – both work as tile craftsmen and are members of one container or group of Banjardowo Tile Small Industry Center. In tile marketing in Banjardowo, tile craftsmen are members of the Banjardowo tile industry center, so that this bridging social capital is a social capital that bridges between tile craftsmen in Banjardowo. The bridging social capital seen in the marketing process is the cooperation carried out between craftsmen, between members who are members of industrial centers assisted by local village youths. Bridging social capital or bridging cooperation between craftsmen in marketing is not always in business relations, but there is assistance and knowledge sharing in members of the Banjardowo tile industry center group. Bridging social capital or bridging in the marketing process is the cooperation that is established between members who are members of the Banjardowo tile small industry center group. Where the marketing process is carried out by making pamphlets and is carried out online by disseminating through social media, both instragram and Facebook and other social media. The cooperation is established in the group, and the marketing in the craftsmen's group is carried out by the young people who are members of it.


Linking Social Capital

Linking social capital is a form of social relationship that seeks to connect one group to another or an individual to another. In this study, the social linking capital found in tile craftsmen in Banjardowo in marketing is cooperation between the craftsmen and the village government and also with consumers. In terms of marketing, the local village government assists the craftsmen in marketing, so that there is cooperation between the two parties.

Linking or bridging social capital in the marketing process is cooperation between craftsmen and the village government which is carried out through pamphlets and between craftsmen and consumers through a word of mouth system.


Table 3. Dimensions and Sub Dimensions The role of social capital in marketing





Bonding social capital

There is marketing carried out by tile craftsmen together with family or relatives, marketing is done through whatsapp status.


Bridging social capital

There is a relationship between tile craftsmen and other tile craftsmen who are members of one container or group of small banjardowo tile industry centers. This bridges cooperation between craftsmen in marketing, not always in business relations, but in the presence of assistance and knowledge sharing among members of the Banjardowo tile industry center group.


Linking social capital

There is collaboration between tile craftsmen with the village government and consumers.


To measure the social capital and the relationship that exists in tile craftsmen in the marketing process, there are three capital parameters that can be used to draw important points from the research results on the role of social capital in tile marketing in Banjardowo, namely; trust, norms, and networks.



Trust is a point or indicator that is needed in the tile marketing process carried out by tile craftsmen. Tile craftsmen in Banjardowo build trust not only with fellow craftsmen, but also with consumers or buyers to market their tiles so that the sales process continues. Trust is an important point that must be instilled from the start, especially between tile craftsmen who act as sellers and consumers who act as buyers. In this case, the main trust that is created in terms of marketing from the two parties is that there is marketing carried out by craftsmen (sellers) who promote products according to the reality of the product.

Trust is built by tile craftsmen who act as sellers in this marketing is by forming trust with consumers, either by promoting or marketing their products as well as possible but must remain in accordance with reality or reality, so that buyers or consumers do not feel disappointed with the actual product. In addition, the craftsmen explained that another belief that is formed is by providing satisfactory service, when promoting the craftsmen, in addition to promoting their products, they also promote good and satisfying service by providing good service in terms of delivering goods, processing payments, or others.


Norma is one of the things that is very useful and has an important role in marketing tiles to tile craftsmen in Banjardowo. Norms are one of the rules or mutual agreements that have a role to control and maintain relationships between individuals or groups in social life. Norms are also very supportive in marketing. The norm that exists in the marketing of tiles carried out by tile craftsmen in Banjardowo is the norms created between tile craftsmen and the village government. In marketing, the local village government helps tile craftsmen by making pamphlets to market tile products. With the efforts made by the government, it helps to create or build a good image by the village government. Norms are important in marketing, where in this marketing tile craftsmen cooperate with the village for marketing, and equally provide benefits by building a good image or image.



The network on social capital in the tile craftsmen group in Banjardowo can be seen from the existence of craftsmen who provide testers or samples of tile products to prospective buyers. This is done by craftsmen as a form of attracting the interest of consumers or buyers. In addition, there is also a relationship that exists with consumers and suppliers of tile raw materials. The ability of tile craftsmen to interact and socialize with other parties is able to produce good relations and relationships with consumers and suppliers of raw materials. The existence of well-maintained communication by the craftsmen creates a relationship or relationship with consumers in marketing their products, one of which is by giving examples when a buyer asks about the product.


Table 4. Dimensions and Sub Dimensions of the Role of Social Capital in Marketing






There is a relationship between tile craftsmen who act as sellers and consumers who act as buyers.



The norm in tile marketing carried out by tile craftsmen in Banjardowo is that there is a norm created between tile craftsmen and the village government. In marketing, the local village government helps tile craftsmen by making pamphlets to market tile products.



The network on social capital in the tile craftsmen group in Banjardowo can be seen from the existence of craftsmen who provide testers or samples of tile products to prospective buyers.


Factors Driving and Inhibiting the Role of Social Capital of Tile Craftsmen in Family Socio-Economic Resilience

Driving Factors

In carrying out the role of social capital, tile craftsmen are also supported or based on the existence of several driving factors in achieving the role of social capital. The business of social craftsmen in carrying out the role of social capital which is useful for maintaining the socio-economic resilience of the family is based on one of the driving factors, including the existence of trust that exists between parties. Trust is an important thing in the sustainability of social capital, because the existence of trust that is created both between tile craftsmen and consumers or other third parties will have an impact on the tile buying and selling process. Trust according to the craftsmen is the basic capital to perpetuate a business.

Trust is something that should be maintained, this is meant by the existence of trust that exists between the two parties to provide a bond of cooperation so as not to lose direction, so that cooperation continues based on trust. The highest thing in a relationship is the existence of trust that exists in society (Zulfadhli & Khairulyadi, 2021).

In addition to establishing trust between parties, another driving factor is the openness between craftsmen and their networks. Transparency is carried out by tile craftsmen with their networks, namely with consumers or buyers, then with land suppliers, village parties, and capital providers. This openness is a continuation of the trust that existed before. This openness can be said to always be attached to trust.

Another driving factor is the support from the village government that is felt by tile craftsmen. Support from the local government is a driving factor for the success of a production and marketing carried out by tile craftsmen in Banjardowo. From the results of the study it was found that tile craftsmen received encouragement in the form of permits to burn, in addition to marketing assistance provided by the local village government.

The driving factor in the success of tile craftsmen in carrying out their social capital role. It is known that the production and marketing of tile craftsmen in Banjardowo is supported by several driving factors, including the existence of mutual trust or trust that exists between parties, then there is openness such as the openness of craftsmen to consumers in the use of materials, then there is support from the local government who where the government gives permission to tile craftsmen.


Table 5. Dimensions and Sub Dimensions of Driving Factors






Trust created by tile craftsmen to consumers and third parties (village government, tile suppliers and financiers so that a business can continue.



Disclosure is carried out, namely in terms of the quality of the materials used, in the profit system because in buying and selling craftsmen often get offers from consumers.


Village government support

The support from the village government is in the form of granting permits from the village to the craftsmen, as well as assisting the marketing process by placing pamphlets or brochures on the village office notice board.


Inhibiting factor

In carrying out the role of social capital of tile craftsmen there are various kinds of obstacles, so that in achieving this success there are various kinds of inhibiting factors. One of the factors that become an obstacle for social craftsmen in carrying out the role of social capital which is useful for maintaining family socio-economic resilience is one of which is based on the presence of inhibiting factors in the form of land conversion which provides shock to the production system.

Land conversion is the most important obstacle or problem experienced by tile craftsmen. This is because tile craftsmen who do not have their own land must buy the main raw materials from land suppliers, which when compared to the prices usually given by fellow craftsmen are different from the prices from land suppliers. So that with the shift in land use, the land was originally used as a place to collect raw materials, now it is used as a residential area.

In the shift in land use change, researchers found the fact that the village government argued and was not responsible for the existence of buildings that stood on land that was originally used as the main place for raw materials. The local village government and the tile craftsmen had clashes and were involved in a conflict, that the tile craftsmen felt that the absence of clear information had an impact on the tile craftsmen who had to look for a sudden change of raw materials.

Another inhibiting factor is the declining public interest in using traditional roof tiles. The decrease in people's interest in choosing traditional roof tiles is quite felt by craftsmen. This is also based on the current number of competitors or competitors in modern tile production. Currently, the many competitors in modern tile are a separate obstacle for traditional tile craftsmen in Banjardowo, because currently the many competitors offer a wide variety of modern tile products of fairly good quality, which has reduced public interest in using traditional tile.

The success of the production and marketing of tile craftsmen in Banjardowo Village is based on the ongoing social capital within the scope of the craftsmen. However, in carrying out the role of social capital there are certainly obstacles. In this case, the social capital of tile craftsmen in Banjardowo is a shift in land use change and a decrease in community interest in selecting and using traditional roof tiles.


Table 6. Dimensions and Sub Dimensions of Inhibiting Factors





Land use change

The shift in land use change, which was originally land used as a place for raw materials, has shifted to residential areas, so that some tile craftsmen have to buy raw materials from raw material suppliers at higher prices.


Decreased public interest in using traditional roof tiles

The decline in people's interest in using traditional roof tiles because people are already familiar with the existence of modern tiles. So that craftsmen have to compete with competitors who work on modern tiles.


The Role of Social Capital in the Socio-Economic Resilience of Tile Craftsmen Families in Banjardowo

Social capital has an important role in increasing human resources, because social capital has a strong influence in every relationship within a group or between individuals. The existence of social capital is one of the bridges for individuals or communities to achieve their goals. Social capital has links between communities or individuals, starting from the cooperation that exists to achieve a better quality of life by relying on values ​​and norms which are the main elements in establishing relationships, both between individuals and groups (Supono, 2011).

In maintaining the life of an individual or group must be able to meet their needs first. So that after these needs are met, individuals or communities are able to maintain their lives in various ways. Likewise with the people in Banjardowo Village who work as tile craftsmen. In maintaining their lives, tile craftsmen use various methods by utilizing the social capital that is already owned by the craftsmen as a basis for holding. In maintaining their lives, these tile craftsmen have various strategies of socio-economic resilience by utilizing what they already have to overcome various kinds of risks and challenges that exist, by going through a process of resistance, recovery, and creativity.



Resistance in this case related to efforts or ways that are done by individuals to defend their lives from existing dangers or disasters. This is understood from the existence of threats or challenges that arise and must be faced by the community. In the concept of tile craftsmen, resistance is needed to deal with existing challenges, these challenges include shifts in land use change, lack of marketing, changes in current job opportunities, and a decrease in the use of traditional roof tiles. These four things are challenges that must be faced by tile craftsmen in Banjardowo.

The resistance carried out by farmers in Pandeglang is by selling only part of their land as a way to comply with government policies.(Kusumastuti et al., 2018). So that in maintaining the economic resilience of farming families, farmers are still able to work and sell their crops from some of their land that is not sold. In order to cover market demand, farmers take rice from other farmers so that market demand is still fulfilled. This is in line with this research. It was also found that tile craftsmen experienced land conversion which caused difficulties in obtaining raw materials, so that tile craftsmen had to buy land as the main raw material from land suppliers. Until now, the craftsmen have been able to survive in production and marketing to buyers, because the income earned from selling the tiles is the main source of income for the tile craftsmen.

In addition, during the pandemic, the income of tile craftsmen also decreased, due to a shift in land use, causing tile craftsmen who did not have their own land to buy raw materials at quite expensive prices. So that the profit earned is very small.

For tile craftsmen who do not have private land, they have to buy raw materials from other land suppliers. The price of raw materials purchased from suppliers is also quite expensive, so the profit earned is very minimal. The tile craftsmen explained that if the price of the tile is increased, the price of raw materials is expensive, it will have an impact on the buying and selling process, because if the price of the tile is high, it will not sell. So that the steps or resistance taken or carried out by tile craftsmen are to continue selling at prices as usual and get minimal profits even though the price of raw materials is expensive and rises every year. Raw materials are an important point in a production, so even though raw material prices rise, production is still being carried out to meet market demand,

The efforts of tile craftsmen in maintaining socio-economic resilience, resistance is an effort made by tile craftsmen in defending their lives from disasters or existing challenges. With a number of things that become challenges or disasters, tile craftsmen in Banjardowo are resisting, one of which is by giving the same price but with a thinner quality thickness. This was done by tile craftsmen in Banjardowo because the craftsmen felt that the price of raw materials was expensive, whereas if the tile price was increased, it would result in a decrease in sales. So that tile craftsmen choose to set the same price amidst the price of raw material for making tile continues to increase.

In addition to the continuous increase in raw materials, the craftsmen are taking steps to maintain their socio-economic resilience by means of restoration, the way to do this is to provide the same price but with a quality level of tile thickness that is thinner than what is usually made by craftsmen. This is done by the craftsmen, because the price of raw materials fluctuates, which of course affects the profit that will be obtained by the craftsmen.

In research conducted by Sayyida (2014) that at UD. Surya Mandala is a soy sauce company that has been established since 1995 and has also experienced ups and downs in raw material prices. While producing the soy sauce, UD. Surya Mandala Putra feels the ups and downs of raw material prices which in turn have an impact on the company's profit. So that UD. Surya Mandala continues to produce in the midst of rising raw materials which are getting higher and profits are getting smaller, because of the high raw materials used by UD. Surya Mandala Putra was not accompanied by an increase in the price of traded soy sauce. Also, Aprilla (2009) explained that an increase in raw material prices led to an increase in production, resulting in a decrease in profits due to the selling price of products used by the industry still using a fixed price.


Table 7. Dimensions and Sub-Dimensions of Resistance





Tile quality

The tile craftsmen reduced the quality of the tiles due to rising raw material prices, so that the profit earned was very minimal. So the path taken by the craftsmen is to reduce the quality of the tile which lies in the thickness of the tile.


Purchase of Raw Materials

The tile craftsmen who experienced problems due to land conversion decided to buy raw materials from land suppliers, this was done so that the craftsmen could still carry out tile production to meet market demand.


Decrease in Revenue

The tile craftsmen experienced a decrease in their income because the profits they earned were very minimal and a little caused by the rising prices of raw materials purchased from land suppliers as the main raw material for making tiles.

Source: Interview with tile craftsmen in Banjardowo, April 2022


Recovery is related to the ability of the group to get out of a disaster (Adger, 2000). But on the other hand, this recovery is also related to the existence of ideas that invite communities or groups to be able to get back on their feet as they were before a disaster occurred. One of the ways tile craftsmen in Banjardowo maintain socio-economic resilience is by carrying out various kinds of recovery after the resistance by the craftsmen. There are several ways taken by tile craftsmen in the recovery process, such as online transactions. This was taken by the tile craftsmen based on deliberations that had been mutually agreed upon between the craftsmen who had joined the small tile industry centers, because so far the craftsmen were still stuck in a word of getok tular system.

In order to continue to facilitate the process of buying and selling tiles in Banjardowo, craftsmen who initially only accepted payments in cash, are now balanced by opening online payments that can be done by transfer via ATM, m-banking, or through banks. However, tile craftsmen also provide payment by COD (Cash on Delivery). MT craftsmen say that COD is given to buyers or consumers with the aim of building trust and relationships between craftsmen and consumers. So that when there are goods / tiles that are broken, consumers can get compensation directly. The COD system is carried out with a price deal between the two parties, then the process of delivering tiles using pickups or trucks, then sent to consumers. When the goods have been received by the consumer, then the consumer pays a sum at a price that has been mutually agreed upon between the craftsman and the consumer.

The recovery process that can be carried out by tile craftsmen in Banjardowo is by innovating in terms of using or providing online purchases or commonly referred to as online transactions. Online transactions are provided starting from ordering which can be made via whatsapp or other online media and the payment process provided by tile craftsmen, which can be via transfer. However, the tile craftsmen also continue to provide COD and offline systems.


Table 8. Dimensions and Sub Dimensions of Resistance





Online Transactions

Tile craftsmen provide convenience to buyers or consumers who don't have time to check the ingredients. But the mix and match is very good. Because it provides convenience to the craftsmen.

The change from word of mouth system to online transactions with the aim of facilitating the tile buying and selling process. Online transactions are not only in the purchasing system, but also in the payment system which is carried out by means of payment via ATM/bank transfer.


COD transactions

Tile craftsmen provide transactions offline, with payment by COD & pay in advance.

Source: Interview with tile craftsmen in Banjardowo, April 2022


Creativity is one of the steps used by tile craftsmen in overcoming resistance and then carrying out recovery. The creativity offered by tile craftsmen is that they can deliver goods and ensure that the quality of the goods remains good, and this has received a positive response from consumers. In general, creativity in economic resilience is part of an advantage achieved in resilience as part of the recovery process carried out by craftsmen. So that in order to maintain economic resilience, tile craftsmen who have tried to survive with various existing resistance from disasters, in addition to decreased income, Often consumers want to pick up the product themselves without using the facilities of the craftsmen, which ultimately causes the product to be brought home to be damaged. So that the craftsmen make an offer to be obliged to use the facilities that have been provided.

Tile craftsmen have experienced several problems, one of which was getting complaints from consumers due to damaged goods purchased, while the consumers also took the goods themselves. So that the tile craftsmen after conducting deliberations and the result, the craftsmen provide facilities to deliver the goods so that the goods remain safe until they reach their destination. However, these facilities are accompanied by additional transportation costs.

The creativity used by tile craftsmen in Banjardowo in maintaining their product sales business is by providing facilities to consumers in the form of delivering products that have been purchased to their destination with the guarantee that the goods remain safe and good. If there is damage, you will get a replacement from the seller or craftsman. So that there will be no complaints from consumers, and between the two parties there will also be no misunderstanding due to damage. Even though the facilities offered by tile craftsmen as sellers are not provided free of charge, so the buyer must pay or reimburse the transportation costs for the delivery of goods or products.


Table 9. Dimensions and Sub Dimensions of Creativity





Services Between Goods

Tile craftsmen provide services between goods/products to their destination by increasing transportation costs




Banjardowo village is one of the villages in which there is a place of business, namely a tile printing business, where the location of Banjardowo village is not far from the city center, which is about 6 km. Banjardowo Village is known as a tile-making village, so there are craftsmen in the village who make this business a source of livelihood. It can be said that the profession as a craftsman is the main business, but in recent years tile craftsmen have experienced changes and unrest. This started when the Covid-19 pandemic hit. The village of Banjardowo makes or prints roof tiles, from the production process to marketing, which is carried out by the villagers themselves.

In this study the researchers attempted to interpret the role of social capital in the socio-economic resilience of tile craftsmen's families in Banjardowo. Therefore all the activities carried out by tile craftsmen in Banjardowo are ways or efforts made by craftsmen to maintain the socio-economic resilience of their families. Social capital as "features of social organization, such as networks, norms, and trust, that facilitate coordination and co-operation for mutual benefit", what is meant is the existence of social organizations such as networks, norms, and trust to facilitate coordination and cooperation in a group for mutual benefit(Syahra, 2003). Because Putnam considers that social capital is used as a set of horizontal relationships between individuals. So it can be concluded that according to Putnam, there are two things which are the basic assumptions of the existence of the concept of social capital, namely the existence of a network of relations with related norms which both support each other to achieve success in the economic field in which there are these people.

Putnam also explained that social capital is related to the goodness of moral aspects or what is commonly called "civic virtues". In social capital, Putnam also emphasizes that in social life there are three main things in social capital, namely in the form of networks, norms, and trust (Putro et al., 2022).

Identification of social capital in the community is very important in maintaining the socio-economic resilience of the family from various kinds of disasters. Social capital gives strength to craftsmen in facing various difficult conditions through implementations that can foster a sense of trust, which in turn forms social networks. The tile craftsmen group in Banjardowo has 3 forms of social capital in the production sector.


Bonding Social Capital

Bonding social capital is social capital that describes the relationship between the closest people, both with family and with neighbors. The relationship is very close between craftsmen and relatives who work as craftsmen. In bonding social capital, it is clear that between families or neighbors are generally homogeneous, this is clearly seen from the tile craftsmen, on average only dominated by families. Relations between families and between neighbors are also very close, so as to provide feedback in the production system so that there is a reciprocal relationship of mutualism between the two parties.


Bridging Social Capital

One of the strengths of social capital is the ability to bridge between relationships, both individuals and groups. Bridging social capital is social capital that is more directed at bonds that are further from the scope of the family, such as having co-workers or neighbors. Social capital that bridges within the scope of tile craftsmen in the village of Banjardowo can be seen from the relationship between craftsmen who are members of the small tile industry center of Banjardowo. This can be seen from the cooperation that exists between members of the group who help each other expedite the tile production process. The visible collaboration is the existence of mutual cooperation between tile craftsmen and other group members.


Linking Social Capital

Linking social capital is social capital that extends to the occurrence of interactions or relationships in a bond or a more formal scale and refers to relations with power or an institution of power. The bridging social capital found in tile craftsmen in Banjardowo is the relationship between tile craftsmen and the land supplier, the village side and the financier.

In the course of social capital is influenced by the existence of three main things, namely trust, norms, and networks. In the tile production process, trust is the main thing that is built or fostered by tile craftsmen. Trust becomes a determinant in the occurrence of business between the two parties. Trust cannot appear suddenly, so the existence of an existing belief must be formed from the start and can be proven. This trust arises naturally between craftsmen and buyers. This belief is intertwined in two patterns, namely hereditary and environmental patterns. Trust is built not only by one party, but also by several parties, in addition to buyers or consumers, tile craftsmen also build trust with other parties, namely land suppliers,

Apart from trust, norms are also visible in the social capital of tile craftsmen. From the success of the existence of trust must be accompanied by the existence of norms. Because the presence of norms helps so that craftsmen do not do things outside the rules that have been mutually agreed upon by the craftsmen. Social capital begins with the formation of cooperation based on trust and the existence of traditions that have been rooted in the community. Norms have a close relationship with an activity carried out by a person, in which the norm is formed because of the need for order. So that norms become an important thing in living the business life of tile craftsmen. The tile craftsmen in Banjardowo have norms, which is the formation of a norm that is owned by tile craftsmen in Banjardowo due to the existence of habits and mutual agreements. Norms originate from habits that arise in society which then become a people's perspective. So that the norm that exists in the craftsmen is the presence of rembugan. With the existence of the rembugan tradition, the tile craftsmen are able to unite the vision and mission of other tile craftsmen, besides that the custom of rembugan is used to attract buyers or consumers.

The other thing is the existence of a network which is one of the important factors in social capital. The visible network in the tile production process in Banjardowo is the relationship between tile craftsmen and raw material suppliers. The relationship between tile craftsmen and raw material suppliers is very visible, where raw material suppliers are third parties in the tile production process in the village of Banjardowo. The relationship is closely intertwined because with a supplier of raw materials the craftsmen can carry out the production process, and vice versa, the supplier of raw materials also feels benefited because the land being sold sells.

Not only in the production process, in the tile marketing process there is something similar. Marketing is one of the main activities carried out by companies, both goods companies and service companies, in order to maintain the viability of the company. The roof tile craftsmen in Banjardowo have 3 forms of social capital in marketing, bonding social capital, bridging social capital, and linking social capital.


Bonding Social Capital

Bonding social capital is one of the social capitals in which there are various aspects that function to bind each individual in a social system. Social bonding capital can be seen in the tile marketing process carried out by tile craftsmen with family or relatives who work together as tile craftsmen. In this marketing process, tile craftsmen do marketing with their families or relatives who work as craftsmen by marketing their products via whatsapp status.


Bridging Social Capital

In roof tile marketing in Banjardowo, tile craftsmen are members of the Banjardowo tile industry center, so this bridging social capital is social capital that bridges between tile craftsmen in Banjardowo. Bridging social capital that can be seen in the marketing process is the existence of collaboration between craftsmen, between members who are members of industrial centers. Bridging social capital or bridging cooperation between craftsmen in marketing is not always in business relations, but in the presence of assistance and knowledge sharing among members of the Banjardowo tile industry center group.


Linking Social Capital

In terms of marketing, what is the linking of social capital is collaboration between craftsmen and the village government and consumers. Where this naturally happens because in an area there must be interference from the village government. In the tile printing industry, this is visible because of the village government's interference in licensing and marketing, which is carried out using pamphlets or brochures provided.

Marketing social capital is influenced by the existence of three main things, namely trust, norms, and networks. In the tile marketing process, trust is the main thing that is built or fostered by tile craftsmen. Trust is fostered starting from the first between the craftsmen and the consumers, with the consumers of the craftsmen placing full trust which is done by providing honesty regarding the price and quality of the tile products being sold. The second is the norm. Norms are one of the rules or mutual agreements that have a role to control and maintain relations between individuals or groups in social life. Norms are also very supportive in marketing. The norm in tile marketing carried out by tile craftsmen in Banjardowo is that there is a norm created between tile craftsmen and the village government. In marketing, the village government helps with marketing by building a good image. The third is the network. The network on social capital in the tile craftsmen group in Banjardowo can be seen from the existence of craftsmen who provide testers or samples of tile products to prospective buyers and raw material suppliers. In this network there is interaction that is maintained well by the tile craftsmen. The network on social capital in the tile craftsmen group in Banjardowo can be seen from the existence of craftsmen who provide testers or samples of tile products to prospective buyers and raw material suppliers. In this network there is interaction that is maintained well by the tile craftsmen. The network on social capital in the tile craftsmen group in Banjardowo can be seen from the existence of craftsmen who provide testers or samples of tile products to prospective buyers and raw material suppliers. In this network there is interaction that is maintained well by the tile craftsmen.

The three forms of social capital are in the form of bonding, bridging, and linking social capital which provide their respective roles in the socio-economic resilience of tile craftsman families in Banjardowo. With the creation of various kinds of cooperation between craftsmen, consumers, or third parties, it helps to become an opportunity to maintain the socio-economic resilience of tile craftsmen in Banjardowo.

In this study, the activities carried out and pursued by tile craftsmen both in production and marketing are separate efforts in maintaining socio-economic resilience. This relates to the existence of social resilience theory explained by Leitch in Suwigyo and Yuliantri (2018) that the ability of an individual or group to act in a timely manner when conditions are stable and immediately adapt, organize themselves and remain actively involved in responding to uncertain conditions. In maintaining their lives, tile craftsmen have various socio-economic resilience strategy efforts by utilizing what they already have to overcome various kinds of risks and challenges that exist by carrying out resistance, recovery, and creativity that is created within the scope of these craftsmen.



Resistance in this case relates to the efforts made by craftsmen to defend their lives from disasters. The tile craftsmen put up a fight, such as through online and more widespread marketing. Resistance or resistance carried out by tile craftsmen in Banjardowo to survive in the production and marketing process in the midst of tile craftsmen having to face disasters in the form of shifts in land conversion, lack of marketing, and a decrease in the use of traditional tiles, namely that tile craftsmen continue to produce tiles by utilizing capital existing social services by maintaining stable prices even though raw material prices soared. Tile craftsmen do not increase the selling price of tiles, instead it lowers the quality at the level of tile thickness to be thinner. However, the craftsmen still provide information about the quality of the tiles to the buyers.



Recovery is closely related to the community's ability to get out of a disaster (Adger, 2000). In this case it refers to the existence of ideas that provide opportunities for individuals or groups to get out of pre-disaster conditions, so that in this case individuals or groups must be able to recover from a disaster. In this case the recovery or recovery carried out by tile craftsmen to survive to maintain their socio-economic life, namely tile craftsmen provide choices in the form of online transactions. The existence of an agreement that has been made within the scope of the craftsmen has been mutually agreed upon by the craftsmen in the village of Banjardowo. Online transactions carried out by tile craftsmen start with ordering which can be done online, such as via WhatsApp and Facebook, and the payment process can also be made online, namely via mbanking or transfer.





Creativity is one of the steps used by tile craftsmen in overcoming disasters and then carrying out resistance or resistance and recovery. Creativity is an advantage that can be achieved in resilience as part of the recovery process. In this case the creativity built by tile craftsmen in the village of Banjardowo to survive, namely the existence of goods delivery services while ensuring that the quality of the goods remains good. Even though in the activity offered by tile craftsmen, they pay attention to the mileage. The tile craftsmen have an agreement in the form of the distance traveled from each delivery.

According to the researchers, the tile craftsmen in Banjardowo have all the characteristics of economic social resilience in which the tile craftsmen have put up various resistances and also made recovery which resulted in the creativity of the tile craftsmen in maintaining their business.



Bonding social capital describes the relationship between the closest people, both with family and with neighbors. In this study, the social bonding capital possessed by tile craftsmen can be seen from the relationship that exists between craftsmen and relatives who are both tile craftsmen and workers. Bonding social capital is very visible in tile craftsmen, especially in the production process, namely the existence of collaboration between relatives or families. Then, the bridging social capital that exists in the production process of tile craftsmen in Banjardowo is the relationship or cooperation that exists between tile craftsmen who are members of the Banjardowo small tile industry center which is very influential in the tile production process. The existence of this collaboration illustrates that bridging social capital is found in tile craftsmen in the tile production process itself. Furthermore, the social linking capital that exists in tile craftsmen in the production process is that tile craftsmen in Dukuh Banjardowo have a direct relationship with other parties, namely the village, the supplier of red soil, and the financier (bank).

The social bonding capital in tile marketing that exists with tile craftsmen is marketing carried out by craftsmen with the assistance of family or relatives which is carried out online through various applications, one of which is via WhatsApp. The bridging social capital that exists within the scope of tile craftsmen in Banjardowo Village is the existence of a relationship between tile craftsmen and other tile craftsmen who are members of a single container or group of small banjardowo tile industry centers. This bridges cooperation between craftsmen in marketing, not always in business relations, but in the presence of assistance and knowledge sharing among members of the Banjardowo tile industry center group. Furthermore, social linking capital is the collaboration of tile craftsmen with the village government and consumers.

In carrying out the role of social capital, tile craftsmen are also supported or based on the existence of several driving factors in achieving the role of social capital, namely the existence of trust between parties, the existence of trust in consumers and between parties, and the support from the village government felt by tile craftsmen. Support from the local government is a driving factor for the success of a production and marketing carried out by tile craftsmen in Banjardowo. The inhibiting factor is the change in land use which causes shock to the production system. Another inhibiting factor is the declining public interest in using traditional roof tiles. The decrease in people's interest in choosing traditional roof tiles is quite felt by craftsmen.

In maintaining their lives, these tile craftsmen have various strategies of socio-economic resilience by utilizing what they already have to overcome various kinds of risks and challenges, by going through a process of resistance, recovery, and creativity possessed by the craftsmen in maintaining their socio-economic resilience. The tile craftsmen in Banjardowo are resisting, namely by setting the price for the tiles as usual but by reducing the quality of the thickness of the tiles, because the price of raw materials continues to rise, so the craftsmen get a very minimal profit. This effort is made so that buyers still get the same price (not expensive) even though there is a reduction in quality. Meanwhile, in the restoration of tile craftsmen, in the recovery process, they carry out several efforts, namely online transactions, where online transactions can be made, one of which is via WhatsApp and payments can be made by transfer. The creativity that is created is that tile craftsmen in Banjardowo maintain their product sales business by providing facilities to consumers in the form of delivering products that have been purchased to their destination with the guarantee that the goods will remain safe and good.





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