Wafa Khairunisa*, Ema Suryanti, Muhammad Rafsan
Universitas Pendidikan
Indonesia, West Java, Indonesia
[email protected]*
Information |
January 21, 2023 Revised:
January 31, 2023 Approved: February 20, 2023 Online: February 24, 2023 |
Sekoper Cinta program is one
of the flagship programs of the West Java Provincial Government which has the
goal of increasing the independence of a woman through participatory
empowerment activities and character education by implementing non-formal
education according to West Java Governor Decree Number
420.05/Kep.1224/Yanbangsos/2018 concerning Organizing Team for Sekolah Perempuan Capai Impian dan
Cita-Cita (Sekoper Cinta). This study aims to find out Sekoper
Cinta program on family welfare based on community civics perspectives. This
study uses a qualitative approach with the method of reviewing literature,
the data analysis technique used is reading sources from books, journals and
previous research that are most relevant, noting important matters, analyzing
problems, and including all sources used. While the data analysis technique
used by the researcher is through three stages including data reduction, data
display, and drawing conclusions and verification. The results of the
research show that the Sekoper Cinta program viewed from the
perspective of community civics functions as a means of understanding
oneself, educating children well, and can open up business opportunities in
the economic side. Sekoper Cinta also plays a role as a forum for
women to interact, communicate, share knowledge, and experience in order to
get an increase in the quality of life and improve family welfare. |
Keywords |
Sekoper Cinta; Community Civics; Family Welfare |
The condition of women needs attention from the
Indonesian government because the majority of Indonesia's population are women.
The condition of women's lack of roles in the implementation of national and
state life can illustrate the lack of understanding of gender equality of the
Indonesian people and the lack of women's welfare through the process of
empowering women. Women are creatures that were created with various strengths
and weaknesses, many topics are raised with a women's background (Lefiarni & Fadhiela, 2022).
Based on the regulation of the Minister of Women's
Empowerment and Child Protection regarding the Strategic Plan of the Ministry
of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection for 2015-2019, nation-building
efforts are not allowed to be used for the benefit of only one gender, but must
be carried out in a gender equality manner for the benefit of all Indonesian
people. In this case the government must strive to improve the welfare of every
In a modern state or welfare state, the state has an
obligation to organize the welfare of its people, for this reason the
government is required to act to resolve all aspects of problems concerning the
lives of its citizens (Effendi, 2017). One of the things the
government has done to strengthen the role of its citizens is through
instilling welfare values from Citizenship Education in formal schools. Apart
from formal learning, the development of these values can be realized through
various activities or programs which are a manifestation of the expansion of
Citizenship Education in the social environment.
The role of Citizenship Education is as follows (Budimansyah, 2010):
(1) citizenship Education as a curricular program in
formal (school/ university) and non-formal educational institutions, which acts
as a vehicle for breeding and empowering children and youth according to their
potential to become smart and good citizens),
(2) citizenship Education as a civic socio-cultural
movement that acts as a vehicle for self-actualization of citizens both
individually and in groups according to their rights, obligations and
socio-cultural context, through active and responsible participation,
and (3) citizenship Education as a national political
education program for state administrators, members and leaders of social and
political organizations packaged in various forms of fostering civic knowledge,
civic skills, and civic virtues refers to conceptual-pedagogical principles to
develop reasoning power (state of mind), not a vehicle for political
indoctrination, as a process of intelligence.
The strategic position is now occupied by women
because they have become the majority population in Indonesia. In order to
increase better attention, the focus on empowerment must be further enhanced by
the local government so that it can be properly integrated. The contribution of
a woman at this time is highly anticipated in all aspects because it can help
achieve the ideals of the state, especially in the socio-cultural sphere. Some
patriarchal cultures that still exist in several regions should no longer be a
barrier to continuing to improve the status of women whose existence is now
increasing and should not become an obstacle to the direction of movement in
contributing to the public sphere.
If we pay attention, several cases such as
harassment, domestic violence, and even divorce are now increasing. Therefore,
increasing women's empowerment must be realized properly which can be
implemented by creating a program so that they can have true strength, ability
and independence.
Based on BPS data for 2017, the data for
Pre-Prosperous Families in West Java Province totaled 968,186, while Prosperous
Families I numbered 5,447,581 and Prosperous Families II 4,025,530 out of a
total of 10,450,225 recorded. This shows that the family welfare rate in West
Java Province is around 9.26% of the total data obtained through BPS in the
West Java Region in 2017. This figure is certainly not a small number so that
it can be a reference or homework for the West Java provincial government in
improving family welfare, including through community empowerment such as
women's empowerment.
Empowerment can be interpreted as strengthening, as
an effort to broaden horizons, every community needs to know the importance and
positive values of developing citizens, especially women. The empowerment of
women will certainly later be used as human resources that are effective and
productive in carrying out several jobs that will increase their dignity as
human beings, apart from the natural functions given by God Almighty in the 4M
system (menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding) (Nurlatifah et al., 2020).
Empowering women aims to provide access and control
over the economic, political, social and cultural systems so that they can be
confident and play an active role in making changes to a cultured social life (Ihsan, 2019). Actually this
empowerment is an effort to provide equal distribution of gender equality for
men and women. It should be emphasized that this strategic effort does not
intend to create a woman superior to a man, but only to fulfill their rights so
that they are not humiliated verbally or in action.
Along with women's empowerment, the existence of
three educational centers can actually direct and provide good direction for
citizens who are still relatively young, especially for all the problems they
are currently facing.
Within the family environment, the importance of
respect for one another can be instilled, such as teaching a son to respect a
woman in his home starting from his mother, brothers and sisters. That way,
future generations of the nation will be increasingly formed to respect each
other with these gender differences because they receive more reinforcement
from their immediate environment.
In the formal education system, it can be introduced
through Citizenship Education subjects which can be used as a means of
knowledge in increasing gender-based tolerance, so that women's empowerment can
begin to form within them. After an understanding is formed through Citizenship
Education, then later a student will form an action that can be channeled
naturally in the sphere of non-formal education.
After a learner understands the meaning of
respecting the scope of formal education, of course they will be able to carry
out a community civics within the community, where the sociocultural domain
will be emphasized when a citizen joins an organization or other institution
that develops it, so that later it can form maturity. in thinking and acting,
can even get used to mutual respect for each other and the surrounding
community, especially for a woman.
One of the empowerment of women that has been
realized in the area of West Java is the Sekoper Cinta program. This program
is one of the efforts to transform a woman which was launched in 2018. One of
the goals is to develop an individual who can be implemented through various
means in the fields of education, economy and health in order to increase the
knowledge, skills and abilities of a woman . Sekoper Cinta is based on the
Decree of the Governor of West Java Number 420.05/Kep.1224/Yanbangsos/2018
concerning the Women's School Organizing Team to Achieve Dreams and Goals (Wahyuni et al., 2021).
This deeper review of Sekoper Cinta can be reviewed
in previous research conducted by (Sofiana, 2020) entitled Sekoper Cinta:
School for Increasing the Quality of Women in Tatar Sunda. The research found
that the Sekoper Cinta program has achieved its goals and functions, namely to
develop women's efforts in various environments, especially in the family
environment as the main educators for their children. In addition, the Sekoper
Cinta program has realized expectations in the area of West Java to reduce
the number of violence, divorce, human trafficking, and stunting so as to
strengthen family resilience and free women from gender injustice.
This research is very important to carry out because
it has enormous benefits for all levels of society, so that women can stand up
straight to defend themselves from an inequality that has not been felt as a
whole, especially for the people of West Java which of course in the future is
expected to strengthen the role of women in various spheres of education,
economy, social and culture, so as to increase the dignity of women amidst a
patriarchal culture in several regions in Indonesia. This study aims to find out Sekoper Cinta
program on family welfare based on community civics perspectives.
The approach used in this study is a qualitative
approach using the literature study method. Researchers use a qualitative
approach because it can support the results of this research as well as
possible. This literature study method uses several primary references
including books and journal articles from previous research results, the second
is secondary references in the form of documentation studies and state
regulations. To complete the results of this study, the researchers used
qualitative data analysis techniques, in the form of reduction, data display,
as well as data verification or drawing conclusions (Sugiyono, 2019). The limitations of this
literature study-based research discuss women's empowerment systems, community
civics, increasing family welfare, and the Sekoper Cinta program within the
scope of the West Java region.
Literature study is another term for literature
review, literature review, theoretical study, theoretical basis, literature
review, and theoretical review. What is meant by library research is research
that is carried out only on the basis of written works, including the results
of both published and unpublished research (Dew, 2012). Even though it is a
study, research with literature studies does not have to go into the field and
meet with respondents. The data needed in research can be obtained from library
sources or documents. In library research, literature search is not only the
first step in preparing a research design but also utilizing library resources
to obtain research data (Zed, 2014). In addition to data,
several things that must be present in a research in order to be said to be
scientific, also require other things such as problem formulation, theoretical
basis, data analysis, and drawing conclusions. research with literature study
is research that has the same preparation as other research, but the sources
and methods of data collection are by taking data from the library, reading,
taking notes, and processing research materials. Even though it looks easy,
literature study requires high persistence so that data and data analysis and
the resulting conclusions are in accordance with the expected goals. This
requires optimal preparation and implementation. Literature study research
requires a mature and in-depth analysis in order to get results. Thus research
with literature studies is also research and can be categorized as a scientific
work because data collection is carried out with a strategy in the form of a
research methodology. Variables in literature study research are not standard.
The data obtained were analyzed in depth by the author. The data obtained is
poured into sub-chapters so as to answer the research problem formulation.
Data Collection Techniques
In this study, in addition to using the right
method, it is also necessary to choose relevant data collection techniques, so
that research on the adaptation process can process relevant data and results.
Data collection techniques used in this study are:
The data used comes from journals, articles, and
data taken from the Central Statistics Agency website. Starting with research
results that are sequentially considered from the most relevant, relevant, and
quite relevant. Another way can also be, for example by looking at the research
year starting from the most recent, and gradually moving backwards to a longer
year. Read the abstract of each research first to provide an assessment of
whether the problems discussed are in accordance with those to be solved in the
research. Record important and relevant parts of the research problem. In order
not to get caught up in plagiarism, researchers should also record sources of
information and include a bibliography. If indeed the information comes from
other people's ideas or research results (Darmadi, 2011).
Literature study is carried out to look for research
data or information through reading scientific journals, reference books and
publication materials available in the library (Ruslan, 2018). Literature study is
used to study reading sources that can provide information related to the
problem being studied.
of literature
Literature study is a series of activities related
to methods of collecting library data, reading and taking notes, and managing
research materials. Literature study is research conducted by researchers by
collecting a number of books, magazines related to the problem and research
objectives (Danial & Wasriah, 2009). This technique is
carried out with the aim of disclosing various theories that are relevant to
the problems being faced/researched as reference material in discussing
research results. Another understanding of literature study is to look for
theoretical references that are relevant to the cases or problems found. In
General Literature Study is a way to solve problems by tracing written sources
that have been made before. In other words, the term Literature Study is also
very familiar with the term literature study. In a research that is about to be
carried out, of course a researcher must have broad insight regarding the
object to be studied. If not, then there is a high percentage of certainty that
the research will fail.
Internet search or online
search is a search using a computer that is carried out via the internet with
certain search tools or software on servers connected to the internet that are
spread all over the world. The use of the internet as a source in data
collection techniques is because on the internet there is a lot of information
related to research (Sarwono, 2010). This various
information is of course very useful for research, and is complemented by a
variety of literature originating from previous research from various parts of
the world. Flexible accessibility and easy application are also important
points for making data search on the internet as one of the data collection
techniques in this research.
Documentation is a data
collection technique by collecting and analyzing documents, both written
documents, images and electronics. Documents that have been obtained from the
Central Bureau of Statistics are then analyzed (decomposed), compared and
integrated (synthesized) to form a systematic, coherent and complete study
Data analysis technique
Data analysis techniques in qualitative research are
the most important part in carrying out steps to analyze the data that has been
obtained. Data analysis in qualitative research is carried out when data
collection takes place, and after completing data collection within a certain
period. Data analysis is the process of arranging data sequences, organizing
them into patterns, categories, and basic sequence units (Moleong, 2021). In qualitative
research, data analysis is carried out throughout the research. This is done
through a description of research data, a review of existing themes, as well as
highlights on certain themes (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). Data analysis
techniques were carried out throughout the research process from the time the
researchers entered the field to collect data. Related to that, the data
analysis technique that will be taken by researchers is through three stages,
namely: data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions and verification.
The family is the smallest social institution that
forms the foundation of the initial investment to build a nation, so that's
when a person's life begins for the first time, as well as in terms of
education (Clara & Wardani, 2020). Education is first
obtained from the family, because the family is a place to educate children to
have knowledge, experience, intelligence, and good behavior. The family has a
very big role for the welfare and sustainability of its members, including the
development and formation of the child's personality.
In the theory of tabula rasa, every human being is
born with an empty soul like a white sheet of papernothing written yet. The paper will begin to be filled
in through experiences from a young age through the senses. In this case John
Locke added that the first educator of an individual is the family, and the
family is the first to fill in the blank.
The success of
students in education is not only due to the quality of these educational
institutions, but also the success of families in preparing and educating their
children (Pidarta, 1997). Strengthened by Hurlock who stated that parenting in
the family will determine the quality of the development and personality of the
child. Then Ki Hajar Dewantara emphasized that the family is one of the three
education centers that educate children starting from breastfeeding, teaching
the mother tongue, and educating children to enter the gate of marriage.
Within the family
there is a division of tasks and work, as well as rights and obligations to
meet family needs including spiritual, psychological, clothing, food and
housing needs. Based on the socio-cultural approach, several family functions
are biological functions, religious functions, protective functions, affection
functions, economic functions, reflective functions, then educational functions
as educational institutions then socialization functions as a place to prepare
children to become good members of society. In general, the roles of father and
mother are the same in the family, but there are different touches.
There are actually
four models of roles in the family, namely complementary or complementary with
different roles, role exchange due to a response to a request to switch roles,
role conflict when there is a dispute about a role, and reverse roles when
family members perform the opposite role when they usually do. But dominantly,
the instrumental role is mostly performed by the father, while the expressive
function is played by the mother.
A family that is
sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah and maslahah is the dream of every family, because
with such an atmosphere all of its inhabitants will feel the atmosphere of
heaven. To achieve such a family, of course, an understanding of mutuality or
cooperation is needed in achieving this dream, including in sharing roles
flexibly regardless of gender, but looking at the ability and possibility to do
something (Zuwardi, 2020). So that they are not confined to the understanding
of women who are weak and men who are strong, then it results in the
understanding that women must be protected by men. In addition to this
assumption, other assumptions were born such as the traditional role of women
as people in charge of the domestic area, and men in charge of the public area,
then the dual role where women who work in the public space are still burdened
with domestic affairs, and other assumptions.
This understanding is
very important, because patriarchal construction will sometimes have an impact
on oppression or subordination of women. In achieving this understanding,
efforts are needed to empower women by providing access to good education, so
that women can understand their own essence well too. Considering that
education is a way to form productive and innovative human resources, besides
that it is also to transform cognitive, affective, psychomotor, and useful
values in life. Moreover, John Locke said that humans are born like a white
sheet of paper, then there is a process to make the paper contain writing and
color. This task is within a family (Sofiana, 2020).
The family is a place
where there are fathers, mothers and children who live together with love, of
course they want to give the best writing and colors on the white paper they
have. A family's resilience will be strong if a mother is of quality. This is
because a mother is the first educator and school for her children. A woman has
an active role in family resilience and quality of children. The more educated
a woman is, the more it can be a supporting factor in maintaining family
resilience, playing a role in the progress and development of her children.
Women will be the center of civilization from which the future of the nation is
at stake. Moreover, there is a hadith which states that "women are the
pillars of the state, if the women are good then the state is good, and if the
women are bad then the state is also bad".
But unfortunately, it
is considered that a woman in West Java does not need to get a higher
education, it is enough to be able to read, write and count. So that there are
still many women who only go to junior high school and even elementary school.
Then many marry their children at a young age which results in divorce and
domestic violence. Even though both women and men have the same opportunity to
get an education. Moreover, education about family for women who will be the
first school for the generation they give birth to.
This of course makes
women should receive special education, both knowledge and general knowledge
for lower, middle and upper class women, because later to achieve a superior
generation. Then, the concept of women's education is not only about giving
women the opportunity to enter classes, but also providing a curriculum
according to the needs of women in the future.
Family welfare can be used as a reference point to
achieve an even level of welfare in Indonesia. Because the family is the
smallest group unit that forms society itself. Family welfare is often
interpreted as a prosperous condition, namely a condition where all the
necessities of life are fulfilled, especially those that are basic in nature
such as food, clothing, housing, education and health care (Sunarti, 2006). In addition, in looking
at the extent to which the level of welfare of the Indonesian people,
especially those related to women's empowerment, can be seen from the various
tables below:
Table 1. Data on the Number of Families Based on the Stages of
Prosperous Families in West Java Province 2017
Regency |
Pre Prosperous |
Prosperous Family |
Total |
I |
II |
Bogor |
102,233 |
628,062 |
586,875 |
1,317,170 |
Sukabumi |
66,773 |
413,154 |
277,991 |
757,918 |
Cianjur |
50,516 |
276,789 |
387,693 |
714,998 |
Bandung |
58,609 |
518,409 |
344,388 |
921,406 |
Garut |
47,446 |
466,218 |
242,100 |
755,764 |
Tasikmalaya |
62,250 |
332,649 |
142,238 |
537,137 |
Ciamis |
28,352 |
260,423 |
113,857 |
402,632 |
Kuningan |
18515 |
224,132 |
107,286 |
349,933 |
Cirebon |
62,960 |
352,354 |
202,891 |
618,205 |
Majalengka |
22,997 |
250,863 |
135,933 |
409,793 |
Sumedang |
16.156 |
67,917 |
289,283 |
373,356 |
Indramayu |
78,412 |
307,713 |
133,413 |
519,538 |
Subang |
57,202 |
289,510 |
137,331 |
484,043 |
Purwakarta |
21.132 |
159,839 |
90,291 |
271,190 |
Karawang |
111,807 |
303,211 |
192,282 |
607,300 |
Bekasi |
106154 |
383,985 |
298,213 |
788,352 |
West Bandung |
44,168 |
136,910 |
311,363 |
492,441 |
Pangandaran |
12,504 |
75,443 |
41.102 |
129,049 |
Totak |
968,186 |
5,447,581 |
4,025,530 |
10,450,225 |
Central Bureau of Statistics West Java Province, 2017)
Based on BPS data for 2017, the data for
Pre-Prosperous Families in West Java Province totaled 968,186, while Prosperous
Families I numbered 5,447,581 and Prosperous Families II 4,025,530 out of a
total of 10,450,225 recorded. This shows that the family welfare rate in West
Java Province is around 9.26% of the total data obtained through BPS in the
West Java Region in 2017. This figure is certainly not a small number so that
it can be a reference or homework for the West Java provincial government in
improving family welfare, including through community empowerment such as
women's empowerment. Women's School Organizing
Team to Achieve Dreams and Goals (Sekoper Cinta) which was echoed by the West Java Provincial
government is one of them.
Reported by detikjabar, the number of divorce cases
in West Java over the past three years has seen an increase. Throughout 2022,
divorce cases in West Java have reached 67,108. Quoted from the official
website of the West Java Religious High Court. Or PTA Bandung, until now a
total of 50,606 divorce cases have been contested. Meanwhile, divorce cases
reached 16,502. If the total reaches 67,108 cases. Meanwhile, quoted from the
Central Statistics Agency (BPS) data in 2021 the divorce rate in West Java reached
98,088 cases. The majority of wives file for divorce against their husbands.
The number of contested divorces, or divorce claims filed by wives against
their husbands in 2021 reached 74,117 cases. Meanwhile, husbands who filed for
divorce were 23,917 cases. The number of divorces in 2021 has increased
compared to the previous year.
Table 2
Gender Empowerment Index Data in West
Java for 2018-2020
Province Region |
Gender Empowerment
Index by Province |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
West Java province |
89.19 |
89.26 |
89.20 |
(Source: Central Bureau of Statistics
Gender Empowerment Index is a measure of the
success rate of development achievements that have accommodated gender issues.
The Gender Empowerment Index is used to measure the achievement of the same
dimensions and variables as expressing the inequality of achievement between men
and women which is seen from the three basic human achievement dimensions,
namely the dimensions of longevity and healthy living, knowledge, and a decent
standard of living.
When viewed based on the Gender Empowerment Index data table, West Java Province still
has a gender development index number that is lacking compared to several other
regions, this shows that gender development in West Java Province needs to be
increased again with various kinds of policies by the local regional government
so that empowerment society towards women can be achieved optimally.
With various kinds of problems based on the data
described above, both data on prosperous families, data on divorce cases,
violence against women, data on development indexes and gender empowerment. The
West Java Provincial Government is trying to come up with a solution to solving
the problem in implementing women's empowerment, one of which is the
implementation of the Women's School Organizing Team to Achieve Dreams and
Goals (Sekoper Cinta) policy.
The Sekoper Cinta program was initiated as a
solution and preventive step towards the problems of divorce, violence, early
marriage, human trafficking, malnutrition, and low education in West Java
Province. Sekoper Cinta acts as a non-formal school for women in West Java
Province whose learning method is quite unique. Non-formal education is
education that is institutionalized, intentional and planned by the community
with the characteristics of being additional, alternative and/or complementary
to formal education in a lifelong learning process (Aulia & Arpannudin, 2019). In addition, non-formal
education according to article 26 paragraph (1) of Law Number 20 of 2003
concerning the National Education System,
View from perspective ecommunity civicswhich is a study in the field of citizenship,
its existence functions to form citizens who are good and intelligent, love the
motherland, have character, are competent, democratic, tolerant and able to
understand, analyze and answer the problems faced by society, nation and state
on an ongoing basis . This is also in line with the statement Budimansyah (2010) that in order to build the nation's
character, Civic Education must play a role as a curricular program in formal
and non-formal educational institutions, as a civic socio-cultural movement,
and as national political education for state administrators, leaders and
members of social and political organizations. These three roles must be seen
as one unit that cannot be separated.
Indirectly, community civics is said to be a branch of citizenship
studies that emphasizes the individual's relationship with their social
environment which is understood as a community that continues to develop, both
at the regional and national levels. This movement will later develop a mission
to prepare the younger generation to develop knowledge and skills in building a
community by focusing on citizen involvement as a form of civic responsibility (Budimansyah,
So if you look at the Sekoper Cinta program as a
study in community civics which is part of community citizenship education in
the non-formal sphere, this will certainly teach you to understand yourself,
learn to educate your children well, and training to open up business
opportunities from an economic standpoint. In addition, Sekoper Cinta also
serves as a forum for women to interact, communicate, exchange knowledge and
experience. This program is also a forum for recognizing the needs and
interests of women related to efforts to improve Sekoper Cinta program is one of the leading programs
in West Java province to create women champions that focus on empowering women
through skills, knowledge and power regarding character (Tirza, 2019).
This program provides special training for
housewives so that they can maximize their potential as citizens who have
skills and expertise, especially in improving the quality of their family's
welfare. Furthermore, if this is related to the concept of Citizenship
Education, of course it is related, especially with regard to the main
components of Citizenship Education, one of which is civics skills or citizenship
skills which are skills that citizens should have which include intellectual
skills and participation skills. Skills in finding solutions to social
problems, skills in forming coalitions, cooperation, and managing conflict is a
form of civic skills that can be connected with the ability to contribute to
society, the nation to the state, which ultimately leads to the creation of a
civil society. Another goal to be achieved through this love suitcase program
isThere are four values
that need to be improved for women, especially those who are married, these
four values are Physical Quotient (PQ), Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Emotional
Quotient (EQ), and Spiritual Quotient (SQ) so that they can produce good human
resources (HR). superior and powerful
Since its launch in December 2018 until now, Sekoper
Cinta has had 2,700 graduates. As for every one female Sekoper Cinta alumni, it
is required to recruit three cadres so that more and more cadres will be
created. The priority for Sekoper Cinta participants is women in areas where
the human development index is still low. The implementation of Sekoper Cinta
is carried out in one village determined by each district/city in West Java.
Participants from each village consisted of 100 housewives, who were over 18 years
old. The duration of learning is carried out in 12 meetings or within three
From the explanation
regarding the concept and objectives of the Sekoper Cinta program, it cannot be
denied that this program is very helpful in improving the quality of women in
West Java. Moreover, this program has received attention and appreciation from
the Ministry of PPPA (Women's Empowerment and Child Protection) Yohana Susana
Yambise and is considered to be implemented at the national level and become a
model for other regions. Even though the Sekoper Cinta program is a new
program, it is a program that will help West Java women to be empowered and
qualified, so that they are able to have the same roles and opportunities as
The age target can
also be said to be right on target, because there are many marriages at a young
age in people in West Java, so that it can help strengthen family resilience.
In addition, marriage is an inner and outer bond between a man and a woman as
husband and wife with the aim of forming a family or household that is
eternally happy based on Belief in One Almighty God (Hakim, 2021).
When viewed from the
family function, this program has helped a woman to be able to become a mother
who is able to play a good role in the family according to family functions
such as the biological function of fulfilling needs which is strengthened by
the economic function with business development material obtained while
studying at Sekoper Cinta, then the function of protection, affection, and
socialization which is supported by all kinds of material about the environment
and self which will encourage the recreational function and present a
comfortable, safe and prosperous family (Febrini, 2017). As well as the function of education as a form of
helping women to be ready to educate their children. In addition, the existence
of the Sekoper Cinta program can be a forum for realizing self-actualization
for women or as a process of becoming oneself by developing the characteristics
and uniqueness of oneself as an individual's potential to become a whole
person. This effort will lead women to recognize and improve themselves, then
change their condition for the better.
Eventually there is a
close connection between the benefits of children's education, family
improvement and generational development. Where the Sekoper Cinta program
provides knowledge material that can be applied in educating children as future
generations of the nation, where the way of educating children will certainly
affect the pattern of children's behavior in the future, then of course this
program provides provisions to improve families for the better to build a
superior generation. In addition to this program, women are invited to be
independent and alert in facing opportunities and challenges. Independent in
the economy with good financial planning through creative home industries,
independent in handling food and clothing management, independent in responding
to health and hygiene issues, and other things that have been fostered in this
The family has a very
important role for the welfare and sustainability of its members, including the
development and formation of the child's personality. As in the case of primary
education, you will definitely get it starting from the smallest scope, namely
the family because it is a place to educate children to have excellent
knowledge, experience, intelligence, and behavior. From this statement, it is
known that the role of a mother (woman) is no less important in building family
welfare than the role of a father (man), and to build a great figure of a
mother (woman), it is necessary to hold several programs to improve knowledge
and skills in raising a family.
Sekoper Cinta is a
program that was initiated as a solution and preventive measure against the
problems of divorce, violence, early marriage, human trafficking, malnutrition,
and low education in the province of West Java. Sekoper Cinta acts as a
non-formal school for women whose learning method is quite uniqueand has been ratified by Decree of the Governor of West Jawa Number 420.05/Kep.1224/Yanbangsos/2018 concerning the
Women's School Organizing Team to Achieve Dreams and Goals (Sekoper Cinta).With this program, of course it really helps women in
West Java in improving their quality of life and has received attention and
appreciation from the Ministry of PPPA (Women's Empowerment and Child
Protection) Yohana Susana Yambise, so that its implementation is considered
capable of being implemented at the national level and becoming a model for
other regions . The existence of the Sekoper Cinta program can ultimately help
West Java women to be more empowered and qualified, so that later they can
improve the family welfare system.
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