Melyana Ratana Pugu

Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Cenderawasih Jayapura, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]


Article Information



Received: January 21, 2023

Revised: January 31, 2023

Approved: February 20, 2023

Online: February 24, 2023



Disaster mitigation and human security are two things that cannot be separated in relation to saving people as an important subject of the state. This paper aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the importance of disaster mitigation within the framework of human security from the perspective of international relations. The method used is a qualitative research method in which primary data is obtained through samples provided to residents via Google forms and also through secondary data, namely news, newspapers and other internet sources. The primary and secondary data obtained are then processed and get an accurate analysis to then be used as valid data. The output of this study is that so far there has been no socialization related to disaster mitigation in the city of Jayapura and most of the respondents agree that they get disaster mitigation lessons through themselves by reading and watching through television or cellphone media. In international relations, when this situation occurs, human security in this region is actually very vulnerable, so it is necessary for the government to pay attention to socializing and learning about disaster mitigation for Jayapura city residents.



Disaster Mitigation; Human Security; International Relations; Perspective; Community; Jayapura City; Earthquake




Natural disasters, especially earthquakes, are things that cannot be predicted by anyone and there is no tool that can predict when an earthquake will come or occur. Under these conditions it is important for the state to provide protection to its citizens through continuous education. Why does the state need to do this? Because the state is responsible for the safety of its citizens both during times of war, natural disasters and times of peace. Indonesia as an archipelagic country is also not immune from the various natural disasters that have occurred. This is because Indonesia is included in the Pacific ring of fire and this makes Indonesia has many volcanoes (Rahma, 2018). There are around 139 volcanoes located in Indonesian territory and all volcanoes have their own uniqueness. With so many volcanoes, the phenomenon of volcanic eruptions often occurs in Indonesia and this makes the movement of the earth's base more active (Saichudin, 2015). It is no wonder that so many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have occurred in Indonesia and have caused a lot of harm to the people of Indonesia.

From the results of earthquake loggers, Indonesia is included in the Alpide belt and earthquake loggers have an important role in predicting the condition of an area. The Alpide Belt is the second most active seismic belt in the world and this causes many earthquakes in Indonesia (Rajagukguk, 2022). Each disaster that occurs has a relative motion that varies and causes different damage. The government through the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) appealed to all Indonesian people to always be alert to various disaster threats that could occur and during the rainy season, it's best not to play too much in the beach area.

Indonesia is located on three active plates, namely Indo-Australia from the south, Eurasia from the north, and the Pacific from the east. In accordance with good research steps, Indonesia has a vulnerable geological condition and this condition cannot be avoided from Indonesia. Disaster mitigation is very important to minimize disasters and the condition of Indonesia which is located between three world plates makes the emergence of several volcanoes, earthquakes or tsunamis. These various natural events have the potential to continue to occur in Indonesia and become a thing that is detrimental to members of the public (Firdaus & Yuliani, 2022). Besides that, there is still the belief of the Indonesian people that spirits can be trusted to have the power to bring about many disasters for humans, usually these disasters are shown as floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes (Khusna, 2022).

The responsibility of the Indonesian government is to issue Law Number 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management. Law Number 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management, as stated in Article 4, aims to, among other things: Provide protection to the community from disaster threats and Ensure the implementation of disaster management in a planned, integrated, coordinated and comprehensive manner (Gerungan, 2019). The paradigm that used to be more responsive or emergency response in dealing with disasters has now been changed to an activity that is preventive in nature, so that risks can be minimized (mitigation) (Asmoro, 2022). Thus, Law Number 24 of 2007 provides a balance of attention in the implementation of disaster management from initially tending to help and providing assistance to handling efforts before a disaster occurs (Novita, 2019). In connection with the foregoing, government regulation number 21 of 2008 concerning the implementation of disaster management has been stipulated, the scope of which includes: all disaster management efforts carried out during pre-disaster, emergency response, and post-disaster; emphasizing preventive efforts on pre-disaster; providing easy access for disaster management agencies during emergency response; and implementation of post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts (Nariani & Surata, 2017).



Figure 1. Human Security Acts

Source: United Nation Development Program


Threats that are local in nature are divided into seven things which can be summarized as follows: (1) threats to economic security, such as lack of adequately paid jobs, lack of income certainty, and absence of social safety nets; (2) threats to food security, such as inadequate supply of nutritious, healthy and quality food, inadequate food processing facilities, and no governance of food distribution supply; (3) threats to health security, such as spread of disease outbreaks, medicines needed are not available in sufficient quantities, inadequate health facilities are available, and lack of access to adequate health facilities; (4) threats to environmental security, such as decreased availability of clean water, pollution of water, soil and air, decreasing area of ​​arable land, deforestation, and problems arising from natural disasters; (5) threats to personal safety, such as violence due to criminal crimes, drug trafficking and violence or abuse against children and women; (6) threats to community security, such as family failure, high divorce rates, breakdown of traditional values, ethnic discrimination, genocide and ethnic cleansing; and (7) threats to political security, such as government atrocities against its people, systematic human rights violations and militarization (Ocean, 2023).

Threats to human security in the event of an earthquake are included in the category of environmental security, namely problems caused by natural disasters. In this regard, this article will analyze disaster mitigation and human security related to the earthquake that has occurred in Jayapura City and its surroundings since the beginning of January 2023, which has reached 882 earthquakes until this writing was carried out. What is the community's perspective regarding earthquake disaster prevention and whether the community feels their security is threatened is an important part of this paper (Lahur, 2023). Based on those phenomenon, this paper aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the importance of disaster mitigation within the framework of human security from the perspective of international relations



This study uses a qualitative research method, namely a descriptive research method in which, according to Creswell, a qualitative research method is a method for describing, understanding, and developing meaning by several individuals or groups whose sources are social or humanitarian problems. Qualitative research efforts in the process involve efforts such as asking questions and procedures, collecting data from specific participants, themes from specific to general which are analyzed inductively and interpreting the meaning of the data. This research has a flexible structure or framework in the final report. Participants in this study must apply an inductive perspective, focus on individual meanings and translate the complexity of a problem (Creswell & Creswell, 2017).



Disaster Mitigation in the context of Human Security, should it?

Natural disasters and efforts to prevent them in the context of human security need to be carried out by the state. The definition of mitigation is a series of efforts to reduce disaster risk, both through physical development and awareness and capacity building in dealing with disaster threats (BNPB, 2018). This is regulated based on Law no. 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management. While earthquake disaster mitigation are efforts in order to reduce the risk of earthquake disaster. According to the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), earthquakes are vibrations or shocks that occur on the surface of the earth caused by collisions between the earth's plates, active faults, volcanic activity or rock debris. The territory of Indonesia is located at the confluence of the Earth's plates so it is prone to earthquakes (Wahyuni ​​et al., 2020). Earthquake disaster is a disaster that can come at any time and cannot be predicted. Therefore, it is important to know earthquake mitigation measures so you know how to anticipate them. Earthquake Mitigation is an effort that can be done to prevent casualties and minimize losses. According to the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), earthquake mitigation is divided into three stages, namely before, during and after an earthquake.

Disaster mitigation and human security in the analysis of international relations are evident in the concepts and theories offered by Barry Buzan, definition most often used by HI learners is the definition of Barry Buzan who in his book People, States, and Fear says that:

Security, in any objective sense, measures the absence of threat to acquired values, in a subjective sense, the absence of fear that such values ​​will be attacked (Buzan, 2008). Implementation of a country's security strategy always takes into account the threats and vulnerabilities of that country. Threats and vulnerabilities are two different concepts but are closely related in the realization of national security. A threat to national security that can be prevented will reduce the degree of vulnerability of a country to its national security. These two aspects of national security are largely determined by the capabilities of the country (Buzan, 2008). Natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, tidal waves, and droughts may cause destruction in a country. As happened in Bangladesh. But all of this is seen as part of humans fighting nature, while the main issue of security arises from the struggle of humans with others. Some of the smallest scales of ecological threats, namely the activities of one country can affect other countries. For example deforestation in Nepal and flooding in Bangladesh. Meanwhile, the largest scale of ecological threats is very difficult to include in a security framework (Buzan, 2008). Likewise emphasized by Viotti and Kauppi who have defined security as the basic defense and protection of a state, and this security concept applies to individuals and groups (Viotti & Kauppi, 2009).

Based on the above review, of course it has been seen that environmental security threats are part of human security threats in all countries. Likewise, with the earthquake that recently occurred in Jayapura City, it is necessary to get treatment from the government in the form of increasing education related to disaster mitigation for all residents so that the threat of earthquakes can be minimized because of the community's readiness in dealing with disasters. The responsibility of the state, in this case the government, is to continue to carry out simulations and socialization of disaster prevention and management for the people of Jayapura city, both through social media and face-to-face with the public.


Community Perspectives on Earthquake Mitigation in Jayapura City

The people of Jayapura City, who since the beginning of 2023, to be precise on January 2 in the morning, including the Writer, felt an earthquake measuring 5.4 Magnitude which was the first destructive earthquake in the city of Jayapura and its surroundings in several years. Based on the data collected by the author, the earthquake that occurred at that time damaged various facilities, including damage to the Horizon Hotel, Jayapura City (the floor tiles were damaged); Provita Jayapura Hospital (part of the wall is damaged); Jayapura Mall (part of the wall is cracked); Hotel Sunny Abepura (part of the wall and glass is cracked) (Wibawana, 2023). Since the early hours of January 2 until this writing, February 4, 2023, there have been 882 earthquakes. As quoted, if counted since the main earthquake that occurred on January 2, 2023, earthquakes in this region have penetrated up to 800 times. "Since 2 January 2023 to Saturday 4 February 2023 12:00 WIT there have been earthquakes in the area around Jayapura City 882 times with 74 incidents of which were felt by the community," explained Daryono (Lahur, 2023).

The opinions of the community that were collected by the authors as many as 33 respondents spread across 5 districts, 25 sub-districts and 14 villages in the Jayapura City area said that their understanding regarding disaster mitigation was obtained through self-study by reading and viewing on television and mobile phones as many as 14 respondents, there were several 11 respondents who said that they studied at the place where they attended school were mostly outside the Papua region and the rest answered that they did not know as many as 8 respondents. Most of the respondents said that when the earthquake occurred in Jayapura City, they had taken various precautions by looking for the nearest exit, hiding behind a table, getting out of buildings, avoiding tall buildings.

Based on the opinions of the respondents above, it is clear that during the 882 aftershocks that have occurred until now in the city of Jayapura there has been no earthquake prevention simulation carried out by the government, in this case the parties involved, both village heads, village heads, districts and the government, of course, have a national agency. disaster management but also the school as a proper place of education.



This study found that the important role of the government in disaster mitigation efforts so that environmental security threats to the community related to earthquake disasters can be minimized because the community has been educated on disaster prevention and management. The socialization of simulations and direct education to the public and through schools is the main means of conveying and socializing disaster mitigation so that threats to human security when natural disasters occur can be overcome and strengthen the position of the state because a strong state is a state that is responsible for the individuals in it.




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