Rika Suprina, Chairiyaton

Faculty of Economics, Teuku Umar University, Aceh, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected]



The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of work motivation on the quality of work of employees at PT.Agro Sinergi Nusantara. Data collection methods used are: Observation, documentation and interviews. The data analysis method used is a qualitative descriptive analysis model. The results showed that the quality of work of employees is very dependent on the motivation given by the leadership. Because the leadership has provided appropriate motivation, the quality of the work of its employees continues to increase. This shows that there is a relationship between motivation and the quality of employees' work, which is very reciprocal, meaning that an increase in the quality of employees' work will have a positive effect on business income and will support the company's profits very large. Suggestions in this study are for the leadership of PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara Meulaboh to have been able to provide appropriate motivation even though the motivation given must be maintained and further improved so that employees continue to improve performance in order to produce more optimal work results in accordance with what has been expected. by the later leadership for future researchers who take similar themes, it is better to add a longer research period to produce more significant data.


Keywords: work quality, work motivation


Received 15 September 2021, Revised 30 September 2021, Accepted 10 October 2021



Quality control of work means that employees work diligently, efficiently, efficiently and productively to improve their skills through various means in accordance with the correct work process for optimal results (Davenport, 2005). This can be defined as an incentive effort. Employee performance is influenced by the organization's ability to focus efforts and support. Skilled employees, high commitment and organizational support must certainly be able to provide good work results. A good job of an employee shows good personal performance. The success of an organization in achieving its goals depends on the performance of individuals and groups. Therefore, the performance of an organization depends on the performance of individuals and groups, so that if the performance of employees is good, the performance of the organization is also good. Individuals and groups must work together to create organizational effectiveness. High organizational performance means success (Daft, 2012).

Employee motivation is achieved by matching individual and organizational goals. The boss must maximize motivation if he wants to get the most out of his employees. Maximizing employee motivation to achieve organizational goals is the main goal of performance appraisal. Performance reviews provide accurate and useful information about the ability of organizational members to perform their duties. The results of the performance evaluation can be used as the basis for evaluating the performance of members of the organization. Based on information from the performance appraisal system, employees can determine whether they are competent or incompetent, valid or disabled, or promoted. Therefore, to improve employee performance, you need to motivate them (Handoko, 2016).

Motivation plays an important role because it triggers, channels and supports human behavior. As a result, you are more motivated and work hard for the best results. Motivation is said to be the need to drive action towards a certain goal. Motivation is very important to improve employee performance in order to achieve your organizational goals. Organizations must be able to move their employees and motivate them to be more enthusiastic at work (Zainal, Ramly, Mutis, & Arafah, 2019).

According to (Hasibuan, 2005) There are many types of motivation, such as providing fair and appropriate rewards and rewards. This means that whatever happens, they can meet their needs, work well, and are satisfied with all the tasks assigned. When employees are satisfied with the results of their work, they respect each other's rights and obligations and create a supportive work environment. Employees are governed by motivation to perform their duties in the company.

The relationship between work motivation and performance at PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara Meulauboh which operates agricultural plantations in the oil palm division. The author sees several phenomena that occur at PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara Meulaoh and management motivate employees by rewarding the work they see working overtime. The information provided by the leadership to employees about their motivation is also sufficient to encourage them to be enthusiastic and motivated to work. Leaders also often add meaning to competition, engagement, and pride, inspiring employees to keep working. Competition means healthy competition to complete a task. Participation means that employees must be able to participate in carrying out their functions. Employees are proud to be recognized for their achievements and proud to continue their work.

Based on the author's observations of Work Motivation, there are still opportunities for an increase in the Quality of Employee Work at PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara West Aceh. So the authors conducted this research by trying to identify several aspects related to how the influence of work motivation on the quality of work of employees at PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara. The details of the identification of problems that will be examined in this study are as follows: How is the influence of work motivation on the quality of work of employees at PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara.



This study uses a qualitative descriptive method (Sugiyono, 2017). Qualitative method is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observable behavior (Cresswell, 2017).

� Based on these considerations, this research is able to provide an overview of the influence of work motivation on the quality of work of employees at PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara.

In collecting data, the technique used is qualitative data collection techniques through in-depth interviews with several sources as primary data in this study. The resource persons in this study include the managers of PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara and employees of PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara. In addition, secondary data used in this study is to support the results of the analysis in the literature study (Arikunto, 2010).



Work motivation affects the quality of work of employees. The higher the motivation given, the higher the quality of the employee's work. The results of this study indicate that the influence of work motivation on the quality of work of PT Agro Sinergi Nusantara employees is very important. This means that there is a relationship between employee motivation and work quality. The motivation that managers bring to employees plays a very important role in the quality of their work. Several indicators are used to measure work motivation, such as physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, self-esteem needs and personal development needs.

According to the results of a survey conducted, there is a significant influence on the quality of employee work between these five factors. Psychophysiological needs are the first motivational factors that play a role in determining the quality of employee work. This means that the salary provided by the company plays an important role in the quality of workers' work, whether it fulfills or does not meet the basic needs of workers. The second motivational factor that determines the quality of work for employees is the need for security. This means that safety facilities and security benefits such as health insurance and medical assistance provided to employees make a significant contribution to the quality of employees' work. The third motivational factor that affects the quality of work of employees is social needs. This means that the working relationship that exists within the company between co-workers has a significant effect on the quality of employee work.

The fourth driving force that contributes to the quality of employees' work is the need for gratitude. This means that the awards given in the form of bonuses, incentives and praise from management for employee performance make a significant contribution to the quality of an employee's work.

The fifth motivational factor that has a significant impact on the quality of work of employees is the need for personal development. This means that human resource development and human resource development through programs offered by the company will make work more interesting and useful and will greatly contribute to the quality of employee work.

Based on the results of the study, the researchers concluded that the motivational method provided by management to employees of PT.Agro Sinergi Nusantara is in accordance with the theory proposed by Robbins (Robbin & Coulter, 2010). That is, motivation or motivation as a driver to act. To reach the target. Then motivation as a means of transportation to meet needs and motivation as a machine to create morale. Surveys based on field results show that management offers a direct way to motivate employees. This can be seen from the fact that management often compliments employees who arrive early by saying, �You guys are really punctual, I really greet you all. Leaders also reward great employees for their work. Remember that management regularly provides bonuses and notes to employees who work overtime. This is done by management to encourage employees to work better. Furthermore, the meeting of researchers in the field of research for supervisors or managers of PT Agro Sinergi Nusantara not only provided direct but also indirect motivation given by management. Employees are always enthusiastic in their work, as reflected in the comfortable employee workspace with comfortable chairs and excellent machines. Leaders also often create a sense of competition, participation, and pride in encouraging employees to continue working. Competition means fair competition in the execution of tasks. Participation means that workers must be able to participate in carrying out their duties. Pride means that employees are rewarded for their work so they can continue to work with pride. In the study conducted, motivation is related to the quality of work. This is in accordance with the theory that motivation affects the quality of work proposed by Abraham Maslow.



Based on the results of research on the influence of work motivation on the quality of work of employees at PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara, it can be concluded as follows: 1) Employee work motivation has a positive effect on the quality of work of employees at PT. Agro Sinergi Nusantara. Psychophysiological needs are the first motivational factors that play a role in determining the quality of employee work. This means that the salary provided by the company plays an important role in the quality of workers' work, whether it fulfills or does not meet the basic needs of workers. The second motivational factor that determines the quality of work for employees is the need for security. This means that safety facilities and security benefits such as health insurance and medical assistance provided to employees make a significant contribution to the quality of employees' work. The third motivational factor that affects the quality of work of employees is social needs. This means that the working relationship that exists within the company between co-workers has a significant effect on the quality of employee work. 2) The quality of employee work is highly dependent on the motivation of the leadership where the quality of employee work continues to improve when management provides the right motivation. This shows that the relationship between employee motivation and work quality is very reciprocal. In other words, improving the quality of work of workers has a positive impact on the company and contributes greatly to the company's profits.



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