Surya Kusumah
STIE Pembangunan
Tanjungpinang, �������� Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Information |
January 18, 2023 Revised:
January 30, 2023 Approved: February 17, 2023 Online: February 23, 2023 |
The purpose
of this study was to determine the influence of work facilities and motivation
on teacher performance at SDIT Tunas Ilmu Tanjungpinang. Teacher performance
is the ability and effort of teachers to carry out learning tasks as well as
possible in planning teaching programs, implementing learning activities and
evaluating learning outcomes. This research uses quantitative methods. The research sample used was a saturated
sample of 50 people. The data collection technique in this study was to use a
5-point likert scale in the form of a questionnaire with a total of 30
questions. The data analysis method is carried out using the validity test
analysis method, reliability test, normality test, and hypothesis test.The
results of this study show that work facilities affect teacher performance
with a significant level (0.001 < 0.05), and motivation affects teacher
performance with a significant level (0.000 < 0.05), the conclusion of
this study is that there is an influence of work facilities and motivation
together on teacher performance at SDIT Tunas Ilmu Tanjungpinang with a significant
level (0.000 < 0.05).����� |
Keywords |
Work Facilities; Motivation; Teacher Performance |
in an educational institution are the main things that must be considered.
Components of infrastructure facilities are urgently needed, especially that
the implementation of activities requires tools and facilities that can
expedite the process of transforming knowledge and skills needed by teachers (Sinen, 2017).
Because the availability of facilities and infrastructure will support academic
activities and support the realization of intensive learning. In addition, the
role of the teacher in teaching is also very important because of the teacher's
involvement in using the facilities in the teaching and learning process. If
the condition of school facilities is inadequate, such as inadequate buildings,
incomplete laboratories, damaged or insufficient school benches, and many other
problems related to school facilities because all of this will affect students'
abilities. With complete facilities that support teaching and learning
activities, teachers are also expected to be able to optimize their
statement is also supported by the results of research by Heriati�
and Daulay (2020) with
the title "The Effect of Work Environment, Work Facilities and Motivation
on Teacher Performance at the Azadin Anhar Education Foundation, Wampu
District, Langkat Regency" shows that work facilities have a positive and
significant effect on teacher performance at the Azadin Anhar Education Foundation,
Wampu District, Langkat Regency. Another study by (Meylani & Ramlawati, 2017) with
the title "The Effect of Competence, Facilities and Motivation on the Performance
of Public High School Teachers in Kolaka Regency" states that motivation
has a positive and significant influence on the performance of public high
school teachers in Kolaka Regency.
the performance of teachers at SDIT Tunas Ilmu Tanjungpinang, even though
coaching is carried out every week for teachers and staff, it is still not
satisfactory. This is also supported by National Education Standards data and
PMP (Educational Quality Assurance) Radar Data which are reviewed in terms of the
Standards of Educators and Education Personnel.
Table 1. National
Education Standards
Achievement of
2016 |
Achievement of
2017 |
Achievement of
2018 |
Achievement of
2019 |
Achievement of
2020 |
Tanjung Pinang
City� 2020 |
Kepulauan Riau
Province 2020 |
National 2020 |
Graduation Competency
Standards |
6.32 |
6.32 |
6.65 |
6.99 |
6.96 |
5.84 |
5.81 |
5.83 |
Content Standards |
5.69 |
6.3 |
6.61 |
6.88 |
6.68 |
5.42 |
5.44 |
5.57 |
Process Standards |
6.04 |
6.85 |
6.93 |
6.99 |
6.4 |
5.57 |
5.23 |
5.25 |
Graduate Competence
Standards |
5.92 |
6.47 |
5.94 |
6.99 |
6.85 |
6.39 |
6.15 |
6.17 |
Educators and
Educational Staff Standards |
3.48 |
2.84 |
3.76 |
4.99 |
4.61 |
5.82 |
6.02 |
5.9 |
Facilities and Infrastructure Standards |
5.46 |
4.73 |
4.48 |
5.3 |
3.55 |
4.32 |
4.61 |
4.45 |
Education Management
Standards |
4.63 |
6.33 |
6.45 |
6.92 |
6.79 |
5.98 |
5.65 |
5.71 |
Finance Standards
4.85 |
6.21 |
6.21 |
6.99 |
5.71 |
5.56 |
5.43 |
5.51 |
Source: Quality Report Card of the Directorate
General of Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education of the Ministry of
Education and Culture (2020)
on the above data in Figure 1, it can be seen that the standards of educators
and education staff, and standards of educational facilities and infrastructure
are still not optimal so that the attention of school principals is needed to
improve education quality assurance in accordance with above average national
education standards rating is 66.6.
Figure 1.� PMP Radar (Educational Quality Assurance)
Source: Quality Report Card of the Directorate General of Early Childhood,
Primary and Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture (2020)
on the PMP (Education Quality Assurance) radar in Figure 2 we can also see that
the standards of educators and education staff have increased significantly
from year to year, but have not yet reached the SNP standard (National Educator
Standard) with a value of 6.66 so that attention is needed from the school
principal in paying attention to the standards of educators and teaching staff
where teaching staff are also very influential on the development of education
and the progress of the nation. This is also one of the important factors to
improve the quality of learning in schools, especially SDIT Tunas Ilmu
the explanation above, it can be understood that the performance of SDIT Tunas Ilmu
teachers is allegedly still not satisfactory. This is thought to be influenced
by several factors including facilities and motivation, so it is necessary to
conduct more in-depth research in order to obtain optimal teacher performance
solutions. The
purpose of this study was to determine the influence of work facilities and
motivation on teacher performance at SDIT Tunas Ilmu Tanjungpinang
This study uses an
associative quantitative research approach. Associative research is research
that aims to determine the effect of the independent variable X on the
dependent variable Y and how close the influence of facilities and motivation
is on teacher performance at SDIT Tunas Ilmu Tanjungpinang. According to Siyoto
& Sodik the quantitative research method is a type of research whose
specifications are systematic, planned and clearly structured from the start to
the creation of a research design (Ahyar, 2020).
Data collection technique
The data collection method is a method used
by researchers to obtain data that is relevant to the research objectives. The
data collection methods used in this study are:
Questionnaire is a data collection technique
through a list of questions (questionnaire) which will be distributed to
parties directly related to the problem to be studied (Ayer et al., 2016).
Literature review
Sugiyono (2019) states literature study is a theoretical study and
other references related to the problems and scope of research, values,
culture, and social norms that develop in the research area. In this literature
study method, researchers search for data through references, journals, and
articles on the internet.
and Sample
2. Data on the Number of Teachers at SDIT Tunas Ilmu
No |
Description |
Teacher |
1 |
Man |
15 |
2 |
Woman |
35 |
Total Number of
Teachers |
50 |
Source: Education Management Data SDIT Tunas Ilmu Tanjungpinang (2022)
to Ahyar (2020), the
sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the population.
In this study the sampling technique used was saturated or census sampling
which is a technique for determining samples taken from the entire population
used (Sugiyono, 2018).
Sampling in this study was all SDIT Tunas Ilmu teachers as many as 50 people.
Operational Definitions
3. Variable
Operational Definitions
Definitions |
Indicator |
grain Statement |
Scale Measurement |
Facilities are
everything in the form of facilities or tools used to facilitate office
activities so that employees or employees can carry out their work properly. (Anggara, 2020) |
1. Machinery
and Equipment. 2. Infrastructure. 3. Office
supplies. 4. Equipment
in the office. 5. Supporting
elements (Anggara, 2020). |
1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8 9,10 |
Likert |
Maslow stated that
motivation is the provision of driving force that creates the excitement of a
person's work, so that they want to work together, work effectively and
integrate with all their efforts to achieve satisfaction at work. (Mankunegara, 2017) |
1. Physiological
Needs. 2. need
for security, 3. the
need to feel a sense of belonging, 4. The
Need for Self-Esteem. 5. Self-actualization
(Mankunegara, 2017). |
1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8 9,10 |
Likert |
performance is the teacher's ability and effort to carry out learning tasks
as well as possible in planning teaching programs and implementing learning
programs and evaluating learning programs. Uno and Lamatenggo (Koswara
& Rasto, 2016) |
1. Work
quality 2. Speed
or accuracy of work 3. Initiative
at work 4. Work
ability 5. Communication
Lamatenggo (Koswara
& Rasto, 2016) |
1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8 9,10 |
Likert |
Data Processing Results (2022)
Data analysis technique
data analysis technique used in this study is to test the quality of the data,
namely the validity and reliability tests. The classic assumption test consists
of the normality test, heteroscedasticity test, multicollinearity test,
autocorrelation test. Hypothesis testing is done by testing multiple linear
regression, t test, F test and coefficient of determination (R2)
Effect of Work Facilities (X1) on Teacher
Performance (Y)
on the results of the t-test, the variable work facilities has an effect on
teacher performance. This is shown from the results of the t test > t table
(3.596 > 2.01174), and a significant value (0.001 <0.05), thus work
facilities (X1) have a positive effect on teacher performance (Y). According to
Buchari (Rasdi, 2021)
stated that work facilities are physical equipment to provide convenience to
its users so that the needs of users of these facilities can be met. Therefore,
in implementing education, facilities are needed that can support teaching and
learning activities, in carrying out their activities.
result is in line with the research of Rodi et al. (2020)
entitled The Effect of Discipline and Work Facilities on Teacher Performance
(Study at SMKN 1 Grati) with the result t count 4.258 > t table 1.993 and
Sig. 0.000 > Sig. 0.05 and in line with the research of Meylani and
Ramlawati (2017)
entitled The Effect of Competence, Facilities and Motivation on the Performance
of State High School Teachers in Kolaka Regency with the results of Sig. The
work facility variable is 0.000 <0.05.
of Motivation (X2) on Teacher Performance (Y)
on the results of the t-test, the motivational variable influences teacher
performance. This is shown from the results of the t test > t table (3.922
> 2.01174), and a significant value (0.000 <0.05), thus motivation (X2)
has a positive effect on teacher performance (Y). According to Sagir, work
motivation is an aspect that encourages to carry out a particular activity (Bahri & Chairatun Nisa, 2017).
This result is in line with the research by Jumika et al. (2015)entitled
The Effect of Teacher Work Motivation on Teacher Performance at SMP Negeri 6
Pekanbaru with the results of tcount 11,383 > ttable 1,697 and Sig. 0.000
> Sig. 0.05 and in line with Sedarmayanti and Safer (2016)
entitled The Effect of Work Motivation on Elementary School Teacher Performance
in Cluster One, Neglawangi Village, Kertasari District, Bandung Regency with
the results. The comparison obtained tcount = 10,421 > ttable = 1,684 with a
significance value = 0% < 5%.
of Work Facilities (X1) and Motivation (X2) on Teacher Performance (Y)
variables of work facilities and motivation together influence teacher
performance. This can be seen from the results of the F test > F table
(31,771 > 3.19), with a significant (0.000 <0.05), thus the variable work
facilities (X1) and motivation (X2) together have a positive effect
simultaneously on performance teacher (Y). Facilities in an educational
institution are the main things that must be considered. The infrastructure
component is urgently needed, especially that the implementation of activities
requires tools and facilities that can expedite the process of transforming
knowledge and skills needed by teachers.As educational professionals, teachers have different work motivations
from one teacher to another. This will result in differences in teacher
performance in improving the quality of education. Motivationteachers at
work are described as factors that encourage teachers to carry out their duties
and foster high enthusiasm for teaching. Therefore this research is supported
by Heriati and Daulay�s research (2020)
entitled The Effect of Work Environment, Work Facilities and Motivation on
Teacher Performance at the Azadin Anhar Education Foundation, Wampu District,
Langkat Regency. With the results obtained, the calculated F value > F table
or (14.558 > 2.87) and the effect is 0.540 or 54.00%.
Work facilities have a
partially positive and significant effect on teacher performance. This is shown
from the results of the t test > t table (3.596 > 2.01174), and a
significant value (0.001 <0.05), thus work facilities (X1) have a positive effect
on teacher performance (Y). Which means that the greater the work facilities
provided to teachers, the higher the level of teacher performance.
Motivation has a
positive and significant effect partially on teacher performance. This is shown
from the results of the t test > t table (3.922 > 2.01174), and a
significant value (0.000 <0.05), thus motivation (X2) has a positive effect
on teacher performance (Y). Which means the greater the motivation
given to the teacher, the higher the level of teacher performance.
Work facilities and
motivation have a positive and significant effect simultaneously on teacher
performance. This can be seen from the results of the F count > F table test
(31,771 > 3.19), with a significance (0.000 <0.05). Which means the greater
the work facilities and motivation provided to teachers, the higher the level
of teacher performance.
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