Praptomo Baryadi Isodarus

Faculty of Cultural Science, Universitas Sanata Dharma, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]


Article Information



Received: January 14, 2023

Revised: January 25, 2023

Approved: February 16, 2023

Online: February 22, 2023



The study examines the grammatical unit that becomes the means for each type of grammatical cohesion in Indonesian paragraphs. The object of this study is the grammatical cohesion in a paragraph of Indonesian language. The research problems are the type of grammatical cohesion in Indonesian language paragraph and the grammatical unit that mean to every grammatical cohesion itself. This study uses a theory that is proposed by Halliday and Hassan (1976). The data obtained from the news discourse, exposition discourse, narrative discourse, and procedural discourse found in online and offline media. The data collected using observational method and then to be analyzed using distributional method. The distributional method is applied using substitution technique and marker reading technique. The results of this study state that grammatical cohesion in Indonesian paragraphs consists of reference cohesion, substitution cohesion, ellipsis cohesion, and conjunction cohesion.



Cohesion; grammatical cohesion; paragraph Indonesian language




One of the characteristics of a good paragraph is the interrelated sentences.  As well as the viewpoint that language consists of meaning and form (Martinec & Van Leeuwen, 2020). The entanglement of the sentences in a paragraph can be differentiate into two types, namely meaning and form entanglements. The meaning entanglement between sentences called as coherence and the form entanglement between sentences called as cohesion (Chin & Huh, 2019). The following example is presenting the coherence and cohesion in Indonesian paragraph.

(1)   a. Dengan pendidikan, manusia bisa menjadi lebih dewasa, mandiri, dan bertanggung jawab atas apa yang dilakukannya. b. Selain itu, pendidikan juga mampu mendorong orang untuk menentukan identitas dan masa depan mereka (

(1)   a. With education, man can become more mature, independent, and responsible for what he does. b.  In addition, education is also able to encourage people to determine their identity and future.


Paragraph (1) consists of two sentences, namely sentence (1a) and sentence (1b). The (1a) sentence is called as topic sentence, while the (1b) sentence is called explanatory sentence. The topic sentence and explanatory sentence in the (1) paragraph have ‘additive’ coherence. Additionally, the (1a) sentence and (1b) sentence also contain cohesion, those are the cohesion conjunction of selain itu (means in addition) and repetition conjunction in the word pendidikan (means education).

Based on the form, cohesion is divided into two namely the cohesion of lexical and grammatical (Halliday and Hassan 1976). Lexical cohesion is the cohesion in the form of meaning entanglement between one to another constituent sentence (Haberman et al., 2020). The following sentences are the examples of lexical cohesion in Indonesian paragraph.



(2)   a. Buku fiksi ditulis berdasarkan imajinasi sehingga isi dari jenis buku ini lebih banyak berupa cerita yang menghibur dan membangkitkan emosi. b. Sementara, buku nonfiksi adalah buku yang ditulis berdasarkan kenyataan. c. Buku jenis ini menyajikan suatu informasi dan pengetahuan baru. (,suatu%20informasi%20dan%20pengetahuan%20baru)

(2)   a. Fiction books are written based on imagination so that the content of this type of book is more of an entertaining and emotionally evoking story. b. Meanwhile, a nonfiction book is a book written based on reality.   c. This type of book presents a new piece of information and knowledge.


The (2) paragraph consists of three sentences. They are (2a), (2b), (2c) sentences. The (2a) sentence is the topic sentence, meanwhile (2b) and (2c) are explanatory sentence. In the (2) paragraph, the topic sentence and the explanatory sentence have ‘comparative’ coherence. The antonymy cohesion can be seen in the phrase buku fiksi (means fiction book) in (2a) sentence which is antonymic to the phrase buku nonfiksi (means nonfiction book) in (2b) sentence and the word imajinasi (means imagination) in (2a) sentence is antonymic to the word kenyataan (means reality) in (2b) sentence.

The grammatical cohesion is the cohesion in a form of grammatical entanglement between one to another constituent sentence. The following sentences are the examples of grammatical cohesion in Indonesian paragraph.


(3)   a. Di suatu siang yang cerah, dua orang gadis bernama Rara dan Tina tengah mengerjakan tugas sekolah di rumah Rara. b. Mereka mengerjakan dengan serius dan suasana nampak hening (

(3)   On a sunny afternoon, two girls named Rara and Tina are doing schoolwork at Rara's house. b.  They worked seriously and the atmosphere seemed to be quiet


Paragraph (3) consists of two sentences, namely sentence (3a) and sentence (3b). The (3a) sentence is called as topic sentence, while the (3b) sentence is called explanatory sentence. The topic sentence and explanatory sentence in the (1) paragraph have ‘method’ coherence. Additionally, the (3a) sentence and (3b) sentence have grammatical cohesion namely substitution cohesion. Substitution cohesion appears in the word mereka (means they) in (3b) sentence which replaces dua orang gadis bernama Rara (means two girls named Rara and Tina) and Tina in the (3a) sentence.

In this study, the Indonesian paragraph is specifically studied in terms of grammatical cohesion. The problem of study is the type of grammatical cohesion in Indonesian paragraphs and the grammatical units that become its means.

Several literatures have been discussed the grammatical cohesion in Indonesian, including Ramlan (1993), Baryadi (2002), Mulyana (2005), Sasangka (2018) and Sakrim and Maryam Ulfa (Sakrim, 2021). Ramlan (1993) discussed grammatical cohesion to explain the relationship markers between sentences in Indonesian paragraphs. By applying Halliday and Hasan's (1972) cohesion theory, Ramlan has explained each type of grammatical cohesion in Indonesian paragraphs, namely reference, substitution, elision, and conjunction.

Baryadi (2002), discusses grammatical cohesion to explain the relationship of the parts of discourse. Similar to Ramlan's (1993) discussion, Baryadi's discussion of grammatical cohesion in Indonesian discourse also applies the theory of cohesion from Halliday and Hasan's (1972). Baryadi (2002) has discussed the types of grammatical cohesion and the form of grammatical units in the Indonesian discourse section. In this review, the grammatical units that are the means of each type of grammatical cohesion are also incomplete.

Mulyana (2005) discusses the grammatical cohesion to explain the unity of the discourse structure. Mulyana (2005) has explained the types of grammatical cohesion and their examples in the Indonesian discourse section.  In this review, only a few examples are given of grammatical units for each type of grammatical cohesion.

Sasangka (2018) analysed the grammatical cohesion in the variety of legislation language. Sasangka (2018) discussed the types of grammatical cohesion and the form of grammatical units in the discourse of laws.

Sakrim and Maryam Ulfa (2021) analysed grammatical cohesion in their study on the manifestation of cohesion and coherence in the student’s papers. Sakrim and Maryam Ulfa (2021) realised each type of grammatical cohesion in papers made by students. 

The cohesion theory proposed by Halliday and Hasan (2014) is used in this study. Moreover, this study also observes the result about cohesion in either Indonesia or English as an implementation of the cohesion theory from Halliday and Hasan (2014). The studies of cohesion in Indonesian language has been explained in the literature review. The results of the cohesion studies in English including the works from Hameed (2008), Michael et al. (2013), and Bahazig (2016).

   Cohesion refers to the entanglement between one to other sentences in a paragraph. Cohesion occurs when the interpretation of particular sentence depends to another sentence (Adiantika, 2015). The sentences in a paragraph can be called as cohesive when one constituent sentence presupposes or is presupposed by another constituent sentence.

   Based on its form, cohesion divides into two, namely lexical cohesion and grammatical cohesion (Halliday & Hasan, 2014). Lexical cohesion is cohesion that takes the form of a lexical meaning relationship between one to another constituent sentence. Grammatical cohesion is cohesion that takes the form of grammatical relationships between one to another constituent sentence.

Based on the nature of the relationship, grammatical cohesion consists of reference cohesion, substitution cohesion, allusion cohesion, and conjunction cohesion (Halliday & Hasan, 2014). Reference cohesion is cohesion in the form of one sentence constituent pointing to another constituent sentence (Uru et al., 2021). Substitution cohesion is cohesion in the form of one constituent sentence replacing another constituent sentence. Ellipsis cohesion is cohesion in the form of constituents when one sentence being omitted in another sentence. Conjunction cohesion is cohesion in the form of a conjunction that connects one to another sentence. 

This study specifically examines each type of grammatical cohesion in Indonesian paragraphs. The discourses used as data sources including news discourse, exposition discourse, narrative discourse, and procedural discourse, both found in online media and offline discourse. In addition, this study examines the grammatical unit that becomes the means for each type of grammatical cohesion in Indonesian paragraphs.



The object of the study is the grammatical cohesion in Indonesian paragraphs. The data of the study is Indonesian paragraphs that contain grammatical cohesion. The data were collected from news discourse, exposition discourse, narrative discourse, and procedural discourse in online and offline media. The data collection was conducted using the observation method (Sudaryanto, 2015), namely observing paragraphs in expositional discourse, narrative discourse, and procedural discourse. Paragraphs containing grammatical cohesion were then recorded on data cards.

After the data collected, then it will be classified based on the types of grammatical cohesion, namely reference cohesion, substitution cohesion, ellipsis cohesion, and conjunction cohesion. The data that has been put into its group then analyzed using the distributional method. It is a method that using determining tools in the form of language elements in the data itself (Sudaryanto, 2015). The distributional method is applied with the replacing technique and the marker reading technique. The replacing technique is used to demonstrate reference cohesion, substitution cohesion, and ellipsis cohesion. The replacing technique is implemented by placing the designated, replaced, or omitted constituent sentence back into the pointer, substitute, and zero constituents in another sentence. The marker reading technique is used to demonstrate conjunction cohesion. The marker reading technique is applied by determining the markers. It appears in a paragraph on the form of conjunctions between sentences.

   Informal and formal method are used to present the result of data analysis. It is in the form of an explanation of each type of grammatical cohesion and its means. The informal presentation method is the formulation of the results of data analysis using ordinary words even with technical terminology. The formal presentation method is the formulation of the results of data analysis using what is commonly known as signs and symbols (Sudaryanto, 2015). In this study, the result of the data analysis are presented in a table by using the formal method.



Based on the data analysis, four types of grammatical cohesion were found in Indonesian paragraphs. They were reference cohesion, substitution cohesion, ellipsis cohesion, and conjunction cohesion. Each type of grammatical cohesion and its means in Indonesian paragraph will be presented in the following discussion.


Reference Cohesion

Reference cohesion is cohesion formed in one constituent sentence pointing to another constituent sentence of a paragraph. There are two parts of reference cohesion, namely the pointing part and the pointed part. According to the direction, reference cohesion divides into two namely anaphoric and cataphoric reference cohesion.

Anaphoric reference cohesion is noticed by the occurrence of a sentence constituent pointing to a constituent that has already been mentioned. In anaphoric reference cohesion, the pointed part is on the left while the pointing part is on the right. In Indonesian, the means of anaphoric reference cohesion are the words itu, ini, tersebut, and demikian (means thereby). The words itu and ini (means this and that) can stand independently (examples (4) and (5)) and can be preceded by a noun (examples (6) and (7)) or it should be preceded a noun first (examples (8) and (9)). The word demikian (means thereby) is used independently (example (10). There are several examples of paragraphs comprising anaphoric reference cohesion as follows:

(4)    a. Kita dukung Jabodetabek disekat sehingga tidak muncul episentrum-episentrum baru penyebaran korona di wilayah lain. b. Itu tidak boleh terjadi (Media Indonesia, 25 April 2020:2).

We support Jabodetabek to be sealed so that there are no new epicenters of corona spread in other regions. b.  That must not happen.


(5)   a. Jubir GTPP Covid-19 Kabupaten Klaten Cahyono Widodo menyampaikan, seorang anak usia  10 tahun terkonfirmasi positif covid-19. b. Ini merupakan pasien pertama dari kalangan anak-anak di Klaten (Kedaulatan Rakyat, 27 April 2020: 8).

We support Jabodetabek to be sealed so that there are no new epicenters of corona spread in other regions. b.  That must not happen.


(6)   a. Sejak 24 April-31 Mei, seluruh kendaraan tidak boleh masuk dan keluar dari provinsi tersebut. b. Hal itu merupakan implementasi pembatasan sosial berskala besar (PSBB) sesuai Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan (Permenhub) Nomor 25 Tahun 2020 (Media Indonesia, 26 April 2020: 3).

From April 24-May 31, all vehicles are not allowed to enter and exit the province. b.  This is the implementation of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation (Permenhub) Number 25 of 2020.


(7)   a. Kita berharap seluruh warga ibu kota dan wilayah penyangga mematuhi dengan penuh kedisiplinan ketetapan yang telah diberlakukan tersebut. b. Tanpa ketaatan dan kedisiplinan, niscaya larangan mudik untuk mengerem dan menghentikan penyebaran virus korona ini tidak membawa hasil optimal. c. Hal ini kita tekankan benar, mengingat ketaatan dan kedisiplinan untuk mematuhi aturan masih kerap menjadi persoalan (Media Indonesia, 25 April 2020: 2).

We hope that all residents of the capital and buffer areas will comply with full discipline the provisions that have been imposed. b.  Without obedience and discipline, undoubtedly the ban on going home to put the brakes on and stop the spread of the coronavirus does not bring optimal results. c. We emphasize this to be true, considering that obedience and discipline to comply with the rules are still often a problem.


(8)   a. Laju penyebaran virus korona baru (covid-19) yang masif membuat pemerintah menerapkan kebijakan bekerja dan belajar dari rumah bagi karyawan dan pelajar. b. Hal tersebut akhirnya berdampak pada kebutuhan penggunaan konferensi video yang semakin meningkat (Media Indonesia, 3 Mei 2020: 7).

The massive spread of the new coronavirus (covid-19) has made the government implement a work and study from home policy for employees and students. b.  This finally has an impact on the increasing need for the use of video conferencing.


(9)   a. Dalam video yang diunggah Biro Pers, Media, dan Informasi Sekretariat Presiden, Jokowi mengatakan bahwa bangsa Indonesia terus berusaha keras dan berharap kurva pandemi covid-19 menurun. b. Namun, menurutnya, hingga vaksin atau obat yang efektif untuk menangkal ditemukan, masyarkat harus hidup berdamai dengan virus tersebut (Media Indonesia, 9 Mei 2020: 1)

In a video uploaded by the Press, Media and Information Bureau of the Presidential Secretariat, Jokowi said that the Indonesian people continue to try hard and hope that the curve of the COVID-19 pandemic will decrease. b. However, according to him, until an effective vaccine or drug to ward off is found, the community must live in peace with those virus.


(10) a. Polisi mengungkapkan, sekitar 1.800 kendaraan diminta putar balik di hari ketiga larangan mudik berlaku atau pada Minggu (27/4/2020). b. Demikian disampaikan Kepala Biro Penerangan Masyarakat (Karopenmas) Divisi Humas Polri Brigjen (Pol) Argo Yuwono melalui siaran langsung di akun Youtube Tribrata TV Humas Polri, Senin (27/4/2020) (

Police revealed that around 1,800 vehicles were asked to make a U-turn on the third day the homecoming ban took effect or on Sunday (27/4/2020). b.  This was conveyed by the Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karopenmas) of the Police Public Relations Division Brigadier General (Pol) Argo Yuwono through a live broadcast on the Tribrata TV Police Public Relations Youtube account, Monday (27/4/2020).

It is found anaphoric reference cohesion in the example (4), the word itu in the (4b) sentence referring to episentrum-episentrum baru penyebaran korona di wilayah lain in the (4a) sentence. Anaphoric reference cohesion found in the (5) sentence, the word ini in the (5c) sentence referring to seorang anak usia 10 tahun terkonfirmasi positif covid-19 in the (5a) sentence. Anaphoric reference cohesion occurs in the example number (6), namely hal itu in the (6b) that referring to the (6a) sentence. Anaphoric pointing cohesion are shown in the (7) sentence, hal ini in the (7c) sentence referring to (7a) and (7b) sentence. The (8) example containing anaphoric reference cohesion as shown on hal tersebut in the (9b) sentence that referring to covid-19 in the (9a) sentence. It is noticed that in the (10) sentence also found anaphoric reference cohesion namely demikian in the (10b) sentence referring to (10a) sentence.

Cataphoric reference cohesion is cohesion formed of one constituent sentence reffering to the constituent of the upcoming mentioned sentence. In Indonesian, berikut, berikut ini, yakni, and yaitu are the means of cataphoric reference cohesion. Cataphoric reference cohesion is presented in the following discussion.

(11)  Berikut adalah cara yang benar dalam menggunakan masker. Pastikan untuk menggunakan masker yang sesuai dengan ukuran wajah Anda, tidak kekecilan atau kebesaran. Selalu mencuci tangan dengan sabun atau hand sanitizer sebelum menggunakan masker. Perhatikan sisi masker. Biasanya masker memiliki warna hijau dan putih. Sisi hijau merupakan bagian luar sehingga sisi warna putih yang menempel pada kulit Anda. Letakkan garis kawat pada masker di bagian hidung Anda. Jika Anda menggunakan masker tali, ikat tali bagian atas pada kepala bagian ubun-ubun. Lalu, arag tali bagian bawah hingga masker menutupi dagu, kemudian ikat tali di leher Anda. Jika Anda menggunakan masker karet, Anda hanya perlu mengikat karet ke bagian telinga. Setelah masker terpasang, cubit garis kawat agar mengikuti bentuk hidung Anda sehingga tidak tersisa celah antara masker dan wajah Anda. Panjangkan bagian bawah masker hingga menutupi dagu. Pastikan masker Anda menutupi hidung, mulut, hingga dagu. Jangan menyentuh masker, apalagi jika Anda belum mencuci tangan.
(Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul “Cegah Penyebaran Corona, Pahami Cara Pakai Masker yang Benar”,

Here's the right way to use a mask.  Be sure to use a mask that fits your face size, not smallness or oversizedness. Always wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizer before using a mask. Pay attention to the side of the mask. Usually masks have a green and white color. The green side is the outside so the white side that sticks to your skin. Put a wire line on the mask on your nose. If you are using a strap mask, tie the top strap on the head of the crown. Then, strap the bottom until the mask covers your chin, then tie the strap around your neck. If you use a rubber mask, you only need to tie the rubber to the ear part. Once the mask is in place, pinch the wire line to follow the shape of your nose so that there is no gap left between the mask and your face. Extend the bottom of the mask until it covers the chin. Make sure your mask covers your nose, mouth, and chin. Do not touch the mask, especially if you have not washed your hands.


(12)  Bagaimana cara melepas masker hidung yang tepat. Jika masker sudah kotor, rusak, dan harus dibuang, lakukan cara melepas masker yang tepat berikut ini. Sebelum melepas masker, cuci tangan Anda terlebih dahulu menggunakan sabun dan air mengalir atau hand sanitizer. Ketika melepas masker, hindari menyentuh bagian depan masker. Mengapa? Pasalnya bagian tersebut penuh dengan kuman yang menempel dari luar. Jadi, sebaiknya hanya sentuh bagian tali atau karet pengaitnya. Untuk melepas masker karet, pegang kedua karet yang menempel di kedua telinga. Lepaskan masker dari telinga. Sementara, untuk melepas masker tali, buka tali bagian bawah, lalu lepaskan tali bagian atas. Buang masker ke tempat sampah. Lalu, aragra cuci tangan atau gunakan hand sanitizer guna membersihkannya dari kuman yang menempel. (

How to properly remove the nose mask.  If the mask is dirty, damaged, and must be thrown away, do the following proper way to remove the mask. Before removing the mask, wash your hands first using soap and running water or hand sanitizer. When removing the mask, avoid touching the front of the mask. Why? Because the section is full of germs that stick from the outside. So, you should only touch the strap or rubber part of the hook. To remove the rubber mask, hold both rubbers attached to both ears. Remove the mask from the ear. Meanwhile, to remove the strap mask, open the lower strap, and then remove the top strap. Throw the mask in the trash. Then, wash your hands or use hand sanitizer to clean them from germs.


(13)  Cara memilih masker medis yang tepat

Ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam memilih masker medis yang tepat, yakni:

Pilihlah jenis masker atau masker bedah yang berfungsi melindungi dari mikroorganisme, cairan tubuh, dan partikel berukuran besar di udara. Menutup area hidung dan mulut. Terbuat dari material lembut dan nyaman digunakan. Umumnya dikemas dalam sebuah kotak yang berisi masker sekali pakai.  (

How to choose the right medical mask

There are several things that need to be considered in choosing the right medical mask, namely: Choose a type of mask or surgical mask that functions to protect against microorganisms, body fluids, and large particles in the air. Covers the area of the nose and mouth. Made of soft material and comfortable to use. It is generally packed in a box containing disposable masks.


Cataphoric reference cohesion occurs in the example (11), the word berikut located in the beginning of the first sentence referring to the other next sentences.  In the example (12), cataphoric reference cohesion also found. The phrase berikut ini  in the end of the sentence referring to the other next sentences. Similarly, paragraph (13) also contains cataphoric reference cohesion, the word yakni at the end of the first sentence referring to the other next sentences.

There are several words and phrases that are used in Indonesian as means of anaphoric reference cohesion. The following table presents the words and phrases used as a means of anaphoric reference cohesion and cataphoric reference cohesion in Indonesian.


Table 1. Means of Reference Cohesion 

Types of Reference Cohesion

Means of Reference Cohesion

Anaphoric Reference Cohesion

itu, ini, tersebut, di atas, demikian, begitu

Cataphoric Reference Cohesion

berikut, berikut ini, itu, begini, demikian, yakni, yaitu


Substitution Cohesion

Substitution cohesion is a cohesion formed in a one constituent sentence to replace another constituent sentence in a paragraph. There are two elements in substitution cohesion. They are replaced element and replacement element. If replaced element expresses persona, then replacement element is the pronomina persona. The function of pronomina persona as a marker of substitution cohesion is as third person singular consisting of dia, ia, -nya, and beliau and third person plural consisting of mereka,  nya, and beliau-beliau. The function of persona pronominal as a means of substitution cohesion is presented in the following table.

Table 2 Third-person Pronomina as a Means of Substitution Cohesion

Pronomina Persona



Third-person singular pronomina

dia, ia, -nya


Third-person plural pronomina

mereka, -nya



The third-person pronomina on the table can be used as a means of substitution cohesion because the third-person pronomina has intratextual properties, which can replace sentence constituents that have already been mentioned. Here are the following examples of the use of persona substitution cohesion in Indonesian paragraph.


(14) a. Ahli Psikologi Politik Universitas Indonesia (UI) Hamdi Muluk mengatakan, pemerintah Indonesia sudah melakukan metode penanganan pandemi Covid-19 yang juga diterapkan seluruh negara terdampak. b. Namun, kata dia, metode penanganan berupa kebijakan-kebijakan itu perlu dukungan masyarakat agar efektif. (

University of Indonesia (UI) Political Psychology expert Hamdi Muluk said that the Indonesian government has carried out methods of handling the Covid-19 pandemic which are also applied by all affected countries. b. However, he said, the method of handling these policies needs community support to be effective.


           (15) a. Taslam sendiri penduduk asal Rejosari. b. Orang tuanyalah yang Jawa. c. Ayahnya, yang berasal dari Semarang, datang melalui Singapura. d. Tahun 1942 ia menuju Rejosari, dan dua tahun kemudian membangun rumah bergaya Melayu.

Taslam himself a resident of Rejosari origin. b. His parentsare the Javanese. c. His father, who is from Semarang, came through Singapore. d. In 1942 he went to Rejosari, and two years later built a Malay-style house.


           (16) a.“Mulai kemarin (Kamis 7/5) satu laboratorium Wisma Atlet berbasis TCM untuk memeriksa antigen sudah kita operasionalkan. b. Kita juga sudah kirim  specimen ke lebih 15 mesin TCM di seluruh Indonesia,” kata  Juru Bicara Pemerintah untuk Penanganan Covid-19 Achmad Yurianto dalam telekonferensi di Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Kemarin.  c. Menurutnya, catridge sudah ada di jalan dalam mencapai sasaran yang sudah ditargetkan pemerintah. d. Sebagian sudah diterima laboratorium dan sudah diperiksa (Media Indonesia, 9 Mei 2020: 1).

"Since yesterday (Thursday 7/5) we have operated a TCM-based Wisma Atlet laboratory to check antigens. b. We have also sent specimens to more than 15 TCM machines throughout Indonesia," said Government Spokesperson for Covid-19 Handling Achmad Yurianto in a teleconference at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Yesterday.  c. According tohim, cartridges are already on the road in achieving the targets that have been targeted by the government. d. Some have been received by the laboratory and have been examined.


          (17)  a. Di saat pandemi covid-19 memukul perekonomian, masih banyak warga yang tidak mengeluh dan tidak hanya mengharapkan bantuan. b. Mereka tetap optimistis dan kreatif menyiasati keadaan, bahkan rela alih profesi demi bertahan hidup (Media Indonesia, 3 Mei 2020: 1).

At a time when the COVID-19 pandemic is hitting the economy, there are still many residents who do not complain and don't just expect help. b. They remain optimistic and creative in getting around the situation, even willing to change professions in order to survive.


           (18) a. Ki Hajar Dewantara mulai aktif dalam pendidikan ketika beliau diasingkan di Belanda. b. Dalam masa pengasingan, beliau belajar ilmu pendidikan hingga memperoleh gelas Europeesche Akte. c. Gelar ini menjadi berguna ketika tahun 1919 beliau kembali ke Indonesia dan berlatih menjadi guru. d. Langkah besar beliau adalah ketika mendirikan sekolah Perguruan Nasional Taman Siswa pada tanggal 3 Juli 1992. e. Banyak halangan dan rintangan yang diluncurkan oleh pemerintah Belanda terhadap beliau. f. Akan tetapi beliau tetap memperjuangkan pendidikan. g. Hingga beliau menciptakan semboyan yang terkenal sampai sekarang. (

Ki Hajar Dewantara became active in education when he  was exiled in the Netherlands. b. During his exile,  he  studied education until he obtained the Europeesche Akte glass. c. This degree became useful when in 1919 he returned to Indonesia and trained to become a teacher. d. His big strides   was when it founded the Student Park National College school on July 3, 1992. e. There were many obstacles and obstacles launched by the Dutch government against him. f. But he  still fought for education. g. Until he created a motto that is famous until now.


On the example (14) is found replacement cohesion. They are the word dia in the (14b) sentence replacing Ahli Psikologi Politik Universitas Indonesia (UI) Hamdi Muluk in the (14a) sentence. The example (15) also found  substitution cohesion, namely nya and orang tuanya in the (15b) sentence and ayahnya in the (15c) sentence replacing the word Taslam in the (15a) sentence. In addition, in example (15) there is also substitution cohesion, namely -ia in sentence (15c) replacing the word Taslam in sentence (15a). In the (16) example also found replacement cohesion, the word nya  in the word menurutnya in the (16c) sentence to replace Juru Bicara Pemerintah untuk Penanganan Covid-19 Achmad Yurianto in the (16a) sentence. In the (17) sentence found substitution cohesion, the word mereka in the (17b) sentence replacing banyak warga yang tidak mengeluh dan tidak hanya mengharapkan bantuan in the (17a) sentence. In paragraph (18) there is substitution cohesion, namely the word beliau in sentences (18b), (18d), and (18f) which replace the word Ki Hajar Dewantara.

When the replaced element formed in a language element that expresses a place or location, the replacement element is a locative pronomina (Praptomo, 2002). Locative pronomina are sini, situ, and sana. Examples are given below.


   (19)  a. Di halaman istana ini, terdapat juga pohon beringin dan kolam besar. b. Aku benar-benar nyaman tinggal di sini. c. Selain aku, ada ratusan rusa lain yang tinggal di halaman istana megah ini. (

In  the courtyard of this palace, there are also banyan trees and a large pond. b. I'm really comfortable living here. c. Besides me, there are hundreds of other deer living in the courtyard of this magnificent palace.


           (20)   a. Setiap pagi orang itu berdiri di depan hal halte bus. b. Di situ ia menunggu bus yang melewati jalan di depan kantor tempat ia bekerja.

Every morning the person stood in front of the bus stop thing. b.  There he waited for a bus that passed through the street in front of the office where he worked.


            (21)  a. Seperti biasa, pada waktu istirahat hari itu, Tian mulai mengambil bekalnya dan bersiap untuk makan di belakang sekolah. b. Ia selalu makan di sana karena jika ia makan di kantin sekolah, ia pasti akan diejek dan dicibir oleh teman-temannya. (

As usual, during the rest period of the day, Tian began to pick up his provisions and prepare to eat  behind the school. b. He always eats there because if he eats in the school cafeteria, he will definitely be ridiculed and sneered at by his friends.


Substitution cohesion found in the example (19), the phrase di sana in the (19b) sentence replacing the phrase di Malaysia in the (19a) sentence. It is found substitution cohesion in the (20) example, the phrase di situ in the (20b) example replacing the phrase di depan halte bus in the example (20a). In the example (21) there is substitution cohesion, where the phrase di sini sentence (19c) replaces the phrase di kota ini in sentence (21a). The following table is a table of grammatical units formed as substitution cohesion.


Table 3. Means of Substitution Cohesion in Bahasa Indonesia

Persona Pronomina


dia, ia, -nya, beliau


mereka, -nya, beliau-beliau

Locative Pronomina

sini, situ, sana


Ellipsis Cohesion

Ellipsis cohesion is cohesion in the form of the omission of one to another sentence in a paragraph. The grammatical unit that is omitted is called zero (ǿ). The following is an example of ellipsis cohesion.

(22) Cara membuat chicken katsu:
 a. Marinasi dada ayam fillet dengan bahan marinasi. b. Diamkan ǿ 30 menit. c. Baluri  ǿ  dengan tepung terigu, celupkan ǿ ke kocokan telur, lalu baluri ǿ tepung roti. d. Goreng ǿ sampai garing kecokelatan. (

How to make chicken katsu: a. Marinate chicken breast fillet with marinated ingredients. b. Let it sit
for 30 minutes.  c.  Baluri  ǿ with wheat flour, dip ǿ  in the egg whisk, then baluri ǿ breadcrumbs.   d.  Fry ǿ until crisply browned.


(23)  a.Kentang dikukus sampai matang, lalu ǿ dikupas dan ǿ dihaluskan. b. Setelah ǿ halus, kentang dicampur susu, pala, lada, keju parut, garam. c. ǿ Dimasak di atas api kecil sampai agak kering.

Potatoes are steamed until cooked, then ǿ peeled and ǿ mashed. b. After ǿ fine, the potatoes are mixed with milk, nutmeg, pepper, grated cheese, salt. c. ǿ Cooked over low heat until slightly dry.


(24)  a. Membuat cireng dengan cara campurkan tepung sagu, bawang putih, lada, penyedap aduk rata, kemudian masukkan air sambil diaduk cepat, setelah kalis masukkan daun bawang, aduk kembali. b. Siapkan wajan untuk menggoreng ǿ, panaskan minyak sayur dengan api kecil, cetak adonan ǿ menggunakan 2 sendok. c. Masukkan  ǿ ke minyak yang sudah mulai hangat ke panas, goreng sampai mengembang. d. Angkat ǿ lalu sajikan dengan kuah cuko. Sumber :

Make cireng by mixing sago flour, garlic, pepper, flavoring mix well, then add water while stirring quickly, after rinsing put the leeks, stirring again.  b.  Prepare a pan for frying ǿ, heat vegetable oil over low heat, mold the dough ǿ using 2 spoons. c. Put ǿ in the oil that has started to warm to the heat, fry until fluffy.  d.  Remove ǿ and then serve with cuko soup.  


In fragment (22b) there is cohesion of omission, namely the constituent zero (ǿ) in sentence (22). It has the same referent as the word dada ayam fillet that has been mentioned. The constituent zero (ǿ) in sentence (22c) has the same referent as the result of the action stated by sentence (22b), which is  Marinasi dada ayam fillet dengan bahan marinasi. b. Diamkan ǿ 30 menit. The zero constituent (ǿ) in sentence (22d) has the same referent as the result of the action expressed in sentences (22a), (22b), and (22c). 

In paragraph (23) there is ellipsis cohesion, namely the constituent zero (ǿ) in sentence (23a). It has the same referent as the word kentang mentioned in the previous clause. The zero (ǿ) constituent in sentence (23b) has the same referent as the result of the action stated in sentence (23a), namely kentang yang sudah dikukus sampai matang, lalu dikupas, dan dihaluskan. The zero constituent (ǿ) in sentence (23c) has the same referent as the result of the action expressed in sentences (23a) and (23b). 

In paragraph (24) there is a cohesion of omission, namely the constituent zero (ǿ) in sentence (24b) has the same referent as the word cireng that has been mentioned. The zero (ǿ) constituent in sentence (24b) has the same referent as the result of the action stated by sentence (24a), namely frying and printing cireng. The zero (ǿ) constituent in sentence (24c) has the same referent as the results of the actions expressed in sentences (24a) and (24b). The zero constituent (ǿ) in sentence (24d) has the same referent as the results of the actions expressed in sentences (24a), (24b), and (24c). Thus, since the zero constituent (ǿ) has a choreferential relationship with the constituents already mentioned, the referent of the zero constituent can be found and sometimes can be discharged.


Conjunction Cohesion

Conjunction cohesion is a grammatical cohesion formed as conjunction to connect one to another sentence in a paragraph.  The conjunction that connects between paragraphs called intersentence conjunction. Conjunction cohesion is different with any other grammatical conjunction. Moreover as a marked of cohesion, conjunction also function as a marker of coherence. The following sentences present conjunction cohesion in Indonesian paragraph. 

(25)a. Pressiden Joko Widodo meminta penyaluran bantuan sosial kepada masyarakat yang terdampak Covid-19 dipercepat. b. Meski begitu, persoalan tumpang tindih data masih ditemukan di lapangan sehingga menjadi terkendala (Kompas, 6 Mei 2020: 4).

a. Pressiden Joko Widodo requested that the distribution of social assistance to communities affected by Covid-19 be accelerated. b. Even so, the problem of overlapping data is still found in the field so that it becomes constrained.


(26)a. Menteri Sosial Juliari Batubara, mengatakan, pemerintah terus berupaya mempercepat penyaluran bantuan sosial (bansos). b. Pemerintah pusat menganggarkan Rp60 triliun untuk bantuan ini. c. Namun, besarnya jumlah penerima bantuan dengan tenggat waktu yang pendek menyebabkan terhambatnya upaya percepatan itu (Kompas, 6 Mei 2020: 4).

Minister of Social Affairs Juliari Batubara, said that the government continues to strive to accelerate the distribution of social assistance (bansos). b. The central government budgeted IDR 60 trillion for this assistance. c. However, the large number of beneficiaries with short deadlines hampered efforts.


(27)a. Pencemaran tanah biasanya berlangsung karna banyak yang buang sampah serta limbah asal-asalan. b. Akan tetapi, ada hal-hal lain yang mengakibatkan terjadinya pencemaran tanah, yaitu pemakaian pupuk kimia dengan terus-terusan yang beresiko pada ketidakstabilan susunan tanah. c. Imbasnya, tanah tidak cuma juga akan jadi tandus serta gersang, tetapi juga riskan erosi dan longsor. d. Di samping itu, pada masalah pembuangan sampah yg tidak harusnya juga akan buat lingkungan jadi kotor serta tidak enak untuk diliat. c. Bukan sekedar itu, sampah yang menumpuk atau berantakan dimana-mana akan mengundang beragam tipe binatang pembawa penyakit misalnya tikus, kecoa serta lalat. (

Soil pollution usually lasts because many people throw garbage and waste carelessly.  b.  However, there are other things that result in soil pollution, namely the continuous use of chemical fertilizers that are at risk of instability of soil composition.  c.  As a result, the land will not only become barren and arid, but also at risk of erosion and landslides.  d.  In addition, on the issue of garbage disposal that should not also make the environment dirty and unpleasant to look at.  c.  Not only that, garbage that accumulates or falls apart everywhere will invite various types of disease-carrying animals such as rats, cockroaches and flies.


(28)a. Dengan pendidikan, manusia bisa menjadi lebih dewasa, mandiri dan bertanggung jawab atas apa yang dilakukannya. b. Selain itu, pendidikan juga mampu mendorong orang untuk menentukan identitas dan masa depan mereka. (

a. With education, man can become more mature, independent and responsible for what he does. b. In addition, education is also able to encourage people to determine their identity and future. 


(29)a. Setelah bangun tidur dan mandi, kamu jadi bisa melakukan perawatan kulit yang lebih baik. b. Setelah itu, dengan memiliki waktu yang cukup untuk sarapan, kamu jadi bisa memilih makanan yang lebih sehat. c. Jika nutrisi yang dibutuhkan otak sudah cukup, kamu jadi lebih mudah untuk berkonsentrasi. (

After waking up and taking a shower, you can do better skin care. b. Moreover, by having enough time for breakfast, you can choose healthier foods. c. If the nutrients your brain needs are enough, it's easier for you to concentrate.

(30)a. Artinya, kita harus memanfaatkan lingkungan hidup secara baik dan bertanggung jawab untuk menjaga kelestarian, keberlangsungan, serta kesehatannya. b. Dengan begitu, upaya pelestarian lingkungan hidup ini dapat menghasilkan ekosistem yang bisa ditempati oleh generasi-generasi selanjutnya. (

a. This means that we must make good use of the environment and be responsible for maintaining its sustainability, sustainability, and health. b. That way, this environmental conservation effort can produce an ecosystem that can be occupied by later generations.


It is found conjunction cohesion in paragraph (25) by the occurrence of the conjunction meski begitu in the sentence (25). In the sentence (25b), the conjunction meski begitu becomes the marker of the 'concessive' meaning relationship between sentence (25b) and (25a).

In paragraph (26) there is a conjunction cohesion shown by the word namun sentence (26c). The conjunction namun in sentence (26c) expresses 'contrastive' meaning, which contrasting to the sentence (26a) and sentence (26b) with sentence (26c). 

In paragraph (27) there is a conjunction cohesion in the form of a conjunction akan tetapi in sentence (27b). The conjunction akan tetapi in sentence (27b) expresses a 'contrastive' meaning relationship between sentence (27b) and sentence (27a). Moreover, there is also a conjunction in sentence (27d) namely di samping itu which expresses an 'additive' meaning relationship between sentence (27d) and sentence (27c). 

In paragraph (28) there is conjunction cohesion shown by the conjunction selain itu in sentence (28b). The phrase selain itu in sentence (28b) marks the 'additive' meaning relationship between sentence (28b) and sentence (28a). 

In paragraph (29) there is conjunction cohesion shown by the conjunction setelah itu in sentence (9b). The phrase setelah itu in sentence (29b) marks the relationship of meaning 'time afterwards' between sentence (29b) and sentence (29a).

It is found conjunction cohesion in paragraph (30) in the form of conjunction as dengan begitu in sentence (30b). The conjunction dengan begitu expresses the meaning of the relationship ‘method’ between sentence (30b) and sentence (30a). 

The following table presents a list of inter-sentence conjunctions in Indonesian. The following list of conjunctions is based on the list proposed by Baryadi (1990) with necessary changes.


Table 4. Inter-sentence Conjunctions and Their Meanings

Inter-sentence Conjunctions


akan tetapi, namun, sebaliknya, di pihak lain, di sisi lain


walaupun demikian, walaupun begitu, meski(pun) demikian, meski(pun) begitu, sekalikun demikian, sekalipun begitu, biar(pun) demikian, biar(pun) begitu, kendati(pun) demikian, kendati(pun) begitu, sungguhpun demikian, sungguhpun begitu


selain itu, di samping itu, kecuali itu, begitu juga, begitu pula, demikian juga, demikian pula, lagi pula,


waktu itu, saat itu, ketika itu, sementara itu, bersamaan dengan itu, serentak dengan itu, bersamaan demikian, bersamaan begitu

at the same time’

sebelumnya, sebelum itu, sebelum demikian, sebelum begitu, terlebih dahulu

‘the time before’

sesudah itu, setelah itu, sehabis itu, sesudah demikian, sesudah begitu, setelah demikian, setelah begitu, (se)usai demikian, (se)usai begitu, (se)habis demikian, sehabis begitu, sehabis itu

‘the time after’

lalu, kemudian, lantas, selanjutnya, seterusnya, berikutnya, akhirnya

sequence time’

sejak itu, semenjak itu, sejak demikian, sejak begitu, sejak saat itu, mulai saat itu


oleh sebab itu, oleh karena itu, oleh sebab demikian, akibatnya, maka dari itu, sebabnya.


jika begitu, jika demikian, jika demikian, jika begitu, jikalau demikian, jikalau begitu, seandainya demikian, seandainya begitu, andaikata demikian, andaikata begitu, apabila demikian, apabila begitu, sekiranya demikian, sekiranya begitu, seumpamanya, seumpama demikian, seumpama begitu


untuk itu, agar begitu, supaya begitu, agar demikian, supaya demikian


dengan begitu, dengan demikian, dengan begini, dengan cara demikian, dengan cara begitu, dengan cara demikian, dengan cara tersebut, dengan cara itu, dengan cara ini, dengan cara begini, dengan hal ini, dengan hal itu, dengan hal tersebut.


jadi, ringkasnya, garis besarnya, kesimpulannya, atas dasar hal tersebut, pendek kata, dengan demikian, pokoknya, intinya


bahkan, malah, malahan, lebih-lebih, lebih-lebih lagi, terlebih lagi, apalagi, tambahan lagi, ditambah lagi, tambahan pula


daripada demikian, daripada begitu, daripada begini, dibandingkan dengan hal (itu, tersebut, ini)


sesuai dengan hal (itu, ini, tersebut), selaras dengan hal (itu, ini, tersebut), seiring dengan hal (itu, ini, tersebut), sejalan dengan hal (itu, ini, tersebut), seirama dengan hal (itu, ini, tersebut)


tak pelak lagi, tak heran, memang begitulah, sudah selayaknya demikian


contohnya, misalnya




Based on the data analysis, the conclusion of the grammatical cohesion in Indonesian paragraph consist of reference cohesion, substitution cohesion, ellipsis cohesion, and conjunction cohesion.

Based on the references direction, the reference cohesion consists of anaphoric and cataphoric. Anaphoric reference cohesion is the cohesion formed in a grammatical unit that pointing to the constituent of the former sentence.  The means of the anaphoric reference cohesion are itu, ini, tersebut, di atas, demikian, begini, and begitu.

Cataphoric reference cohesion is cohesion formed in a grammatical unit that pointing to the constituent of the next sentence. The means of the cataphoric reference cohesion are berikut, berikut ini, begini, demikian, yaitu, and yakni.

Based on the substituted matter, substitution cohesion consists of persona substitution cohesion and locative substitution cohesion. Persona substitution cohesion is a cohesion formed into the constituent of sentence that replacing the constituent of a sentence that has mentioned a person. The means of persona substitution cohesion are dia, ia, beliau, -nya, mereka, and beliau-beliau. Locative substitution cohesion is a cohesion formed into the constituent of the sentence that replacing a sentence which has mentioned a place. The means of locative substitution cohesion are sini, situ, and sana.

Ellipsis cohesion is cohesion formed in a constituent of sentence that has been mentioned omitted in the next sentence. Zero is the means of ellipsis cohesion. Conjunction cohesion is cohesion formed as conjunction to connect one to another sentence in a paragraph. The means of conjunction cohesion is the conjunction itself located between the sentences.




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