
Master’s Program in Early Childhood Education, Universitas Panca Sakti Bekasi, Indonesia

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Article Information



Received: January 11, 2023

Revised: January 25, 2023

Approved: February 14, 2023

Online: February 22, 2023



This article aims to discuss the BCCT learning model or often known as the Center Method which discusses the history of the beginning of the presence of this learning model, its advantages and disadvantages, its characteristics, principles and purposes and objectives of the presence of this learning model. Hopefully, with this article, it can become a reference material for ECCE educators because they are the most competent parties and have an important role in the implementation of Early Childhood Education. This article uses descriptive studies by collecting theories from various relevant sources, using literature studies, namely collecting various information from books, journals and related articles. Then the results of this study are directed at the benefits with an independent curriculum related to the identity of the Pancasila Student Profile.



BCCT learning model; Center model; Early Childhood Education; Pancasila Student Profile




The learning process in early childhood is a very important phase in a child's life which will later affect the growth and development of a child, because it is in this phase that the child's physical and mental growth and development develop rapidly (Fitri, 2020). Thus, the learning process in early childhood must be developed as well as possible so that the child's potential develops optimally. This  learning process is very important because it relates to individual development in particular and will have a significant impact on the progress of the nation (Nicol, 2010).

In Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System related to Early Childhood Education in article 28 paragraph 1 which reads "Early Childhood Education is organized for children from birth up to six years and is not a prerequisite for attending basic education" (Irawati & Susetyo, 2017). Furthermore, in Chapter I article 1 paragraph 14 it is emphasized that Early Childhood Education is a coaching effort aimed at children from birth up to the age of six which is carried out through the provision of educational stimuli to help physical and spiritual growth and development so that children have readiness to enter education. (Ulfah & Rahmah, 2017). Early Childhood Education is a form of education that focuses on laying the groundwork for physical growth and development (fine and gross motor coordination), intelligence (thinking power, creativity, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence), socio-emotional (attitudes and behavior and religion), language and communication, in accordance with the uniqueness and stages of development that are passed by early childhood (Sujiono et al., 2013; Yenti & Maswal, 2021)

Early childhood is the golden age phase which is the phase when children begin to be sensitive in receiving various stimuli (Saripuddin, 2019). This phase will develop if it is supported by a good learning environment. The success of education involves many things, such as techniques, methods, strategies and models in learning (Lasaiba, 2018). This needs to be done because of the different characteristics of early childhood students, where educators need to adjust their different learning styles.

The arrangement of the learning environment is related to the learning model used. There are many learning models that can be applied. All models have different characteristics. However, all of them contain the same Early Childhood Education learning principles. Currently there are various learning models that can be applied. However, in Indonesia there are four types of learning models that are widely used in Early Childhood Education units, namely the corner, area, center or BCCT model, and the group model with safeguards (Ministry of Education and Culture, 2018, Pg, 10).

One learning model that can be applied is the Beyond Centers and Circle Time (BCCT) model, which is better known as the Sentra learning model. This learning model is considered more challenging and fun for early childhood because there are many elements involved such as learning while playing, moving, singing. Susilowati (2022) mentioned that regarding the implementation of the independent curriculum, it is necessary to understand in advance the 6 dimensions of the Pancasila student profile, which are based on the Ministry of Education and Culture are: (1) having faith, fearing God Almighty, having polite character, (2) global diversity, (3) teamwork, (4) independent, (5) critical reasoning, and (6) creative. Thus, the study aims to discuss the BCCT learning model or often known as the Center Method which discusses the history of the beginning of the presence of this learning model, its advantages and disadvantages, its characteristics, principles and purposes and objectives of the presence of this learning model



This article, as previously stated in the abstract, the research used in this article uses descriptive research that uses library research to collect various data obtained from various sources such as from books, articles, journals and other necessary data (Sugiyono, 2015).



A.  History of The BCCT or Central Model

The Central Learning Model or BCCT is an early childhood education curriculum model that was introduced and designed by Pamela C. Phelps, P.Hd, who is an educator who has devoted herself to the world of early childhood education for more than 40 years. Pamela developed this BCCT model at the Creative Center for Childhood Research and training (CCCRT) Educational and Research Institute, in Tallahassee, Florida, United States. The Sentra model is better known as a learning model that makes play a child's learning tool, which emphasizes fun activities, children play to explore things around their environment and are equipped with various game tools that function as a foothold (scaffolding) (Masrurah, 2014).

BCCT or the learning center model was first brought to Indonesia in 1996 by drg Wismarti who diligently traveled around various countries in order to find the best model of early childhood education. Finally, through the Al Falah school she owns, Mrs. Wismi directly implemented this model by consulting directly with Dr. Pamela as the initiator of this model. This learning model was officially adopted by the Ministry of National Education in 2004 and made Dr. Pamela the inventor and developer of the concept and he was also made a consultant for its application in Indonesia (Iswantiningtyas & Wulansari, 2019).

Moreover, it was also adopted in Indonesia by the Jakarta Istiqlal Early Childhood Education Institute led by Nibras bint OR Salim. The center model is considered feasible to be implemented in Indonesia because it is considered to be able to optimize children's intelligence without the need for a lot of game equipment. This model is considered capable of stimulating all aspects of children's intelligence through learning while playing in a more directed manner.

The center can be interpreted as a container that has been prepared by the teacher for children's play activities, where the teacher distributes various children's activities in various learning materials that have been arranged in the form of lesson plans (Qori'ah et al., 2019). All the activities that have been prepared must be interrelated and support each other to achieve the goal. Each existing center has center points and focuses on the goals in the lesson plan. There are 7 centers that have been implemented in kindergartens in Indonesia, namely preparation centers, natural materials centers, art centers, blocks centers, imtaq centers, large role playing centers and large role playing centers (Rahmawati, 2019).


B.  Objectives 0f Learning Center

The central learning model is a learning model that focuses on children so that its application is more centered on play centers. Of course, in playing, learning satisfaction, and children's emotions are very concerned. And this is the same as learning that is the learning achievement of the current independent curriculum, namely learning that focuses on developing competencies by paying attention to the characteristics of children, including both interests and children's learning styles. Center-based learning objectives include:

1.   Optimizing the potential of multiple intelligences, where children learn to solve problems until they are able to create valuable products. This is also one of the expected achievements in independent curriculum learning related to the Pancasila Student Profile Project

2.   Instill basic values, where children are introduced to an understanding of manners, manners and religious values. This is also included in one of the characteristics of Pancasila students, namely belief in the One and Only God, and is included in the learning outcomes in early childhood education, namely religious values ​​and character.

3.   Development of basic abilities, namely stimulating various aspects of development in early childhood with play activities arranged using a variety of platforms and providing opportunities for children to gain experience as a source of knowledge and as a way to form good character. This is also in line with the dimensions of the Pancasila student profile which are capable of critical reasoning(Anggraini, 2020).


C.  Principles of Implementing Central Learning Models

According to Martuti A in her book entitled Establishing and Managing Early Childhood Education (Martuti, 2010). There are several principles in learning center models, including:

1.   The learning process is more based on theory and empirical experience

2.   In order to be able to stimulate all aspects of children's intelligence, there are directed games and the need for educator support on the 4 playing bases

3.   There is a learning SOP

4.   All teachers or educators involved are expected to have attended training or coaching first

5.   The need for parental or companion involvement to support children's activities when at home


D.  Advantages and Disadvantages of Central Learning Models, Mainly Related to The Independent Curriculum

1.   Advantages

The advantage of the center model for early childhood is that children get more complete and in-depth playing experiences. besides that the learning is more flexible and contextual which of course is in accordance with the learning outcomes in the independent curriculum, namely Religious Values ​​and character, Identity and the basics of literacy and STEAM and is learning that refers to the six dimensions of the Pancasila Student Profile and its activities which are also appropriate by learning the Project to strengthen the Pancasila student profile

2.   Weakness

There is no perfect learning model. There are drawbacks to the center model, namely: an emphasis on centers that can inhibit and prevent children from exploring and choosing the activities they want. In addition, it is not easy for children to switch activities to other activities before completing the previous activity. In addition, the teacher needs to prepare well for this center model learning beforehand (Fitri et al., 2022).



The central learning model is a learning model that provides a lot of hands-on experience for children from various activities provided by the teacher, so that it adds a lot of insight and creativity to children which is expected to then become children who have 6 dimensions of Pancasila student profiles. This learning model can be applied by demanding the creativity of educators in making good use of available materials, and there is no need for expensive equipment or the number of tools needed, so that is also the hope of implementing an independent curriculum, namely teachers who are full of innovation and creative. Suggestions for implementing this center learning model include more training for teachers so that they can become excellent facilitators and help students be able to solve problems and be able to create something useful.




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