Sahrul Ari Irawan1*, M. Ilham Pu’adi2, Serly Silviyanti3, Tyas Sekartiara Syafani4, Herman5

Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Lampung, Indonesia1,3,4

Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Muhammadiyah Lampung, Indonesia2

Development Extension and Community Empowerment Department, Universitas Lampung, Indonesia5

Email: [email protected]*


Article Information



Received: January 18, 2023

Revised: January 30, 2023

Approved: February 17, 2023

Online: February 23, 2023



The low sense of enthusiasm in the work of the younger generation makes the next generation of the nation will be hindered from achieving their goals in the future.  Various factors make it difficult for the younger generation to work and find their identity by finding and honing their life skills.  The current globalization and the lack of love for reading and writing literacy are one of the biggest causes for the younger generation to find it difficult to achieve a generation of excellence, achievement, and character.  The purpose of this study is to find out the efforts that can be made to increase the enthusiasm of the younger generation and to know the efforts that can be made to compile and achieve success tips in achieving goals for a better generation.  This research was conducted by a survey of the younger generation in Lampung Province with a qualitative approach, in terms of literature study analysis or case study.  Research has conducted in 35 locations consisting of schools, organizations, Islamic boarding schools, and groups of youth communities (young generation).  The result of this study is that the usual motivation to raise enthusiasm or motivation is to apply the friendship facilitator method, achievement motivation training (AMT), and Training Within Industry (TWI).  Success tips that can arouse the enthusiasm of the younger generation to achieve their goals are to record plans and set goals, always believe in abilities, always thirst for experience and knowledge, network, and maintain self-optimism. 



character; motivation; young generation




The younger generation is a proud hope, this is an ideal that is not just a mere language.  The implementation of various development processes or movements of the nation and state is carried out, fully later by the younger generation.  The hopes or ideals of a tough and tenacious young generation certainly strive for the creation of a proud next generation who are ready to become movers with good moral capital, quality and ready to be competitive, wisely and in accordance with religious law.  So that the optimization of the younger generation with the character of kharimah, namely the generation that is ready to be the frontline for Indonesia's pride in achieving a golden Indonesia in 2045.  In a broad sense, the younger generation is a group of people between the ages of 0 and 35. The members or individuals of the group share the same experience, both sociologically and practically, especially major events that occur simultaneously throughout society, such as generations of development.  Today's young generation is not only in all corners of Indonesia but even Lampung Province, many young generations are low in enthusiasm in working and achieving their goals, where the younger generation leads to direct marriage at an early age, promiscuity everywhere, brawls and others.  Judging from the large number of early marriages, namely 59,709 according to Komnas, the increasingly rampant brawls and cases of acquaintances of other younger generations indicate that they will not have the spirit to work (Sumantri et al., 2014).

The education of the younger generation is a vivid example that is currently experiencing low degredation, such as lack of high motivation in learning, enthusiasm and literacy in reading writing which is very lacking.  Education is the main key for the younger generation who want to get a change in character and even better behavior.  The existence of good skills, a positive attitude, and superior knowledge is a manifestation of the implementation and implementation of good youth education later.  Existing problems such as low enthusiasm in aspiring, even pursuing education are low, making this the key to the failure of the younger generation.  Indeed, not all are completely failed but sometimes from education the younger generation will open up and learn to find their identity and hone their life skills in working for pride and country.

Let's take the example of the younger generation who do not have high or low learning activities, of course, this is due to several factors, both internal and external.  Those who are already educated but have low morale for work.  This phenomenon occurs because the source of motivation for learning of the younger generation is still weak.  Usually, the younger generation's goal in life is to study only in the short term, for example, passing the exam directly from marriage, demands from parents who require marriage, let alone women, and even lazy in looking for achievements in school because scoring is just writing. The movitation of the younger generation in the field of education is just a diploma and getting grades and most importantly not missing out on moving up the grade.  Even though there are other sources of motivation, building great character, strong life skills, and providing for better behavior change should be a higher motivation, it turns out that the younger generation thinks not.  Researchers in this case want to know how efforts in increasing the enthusiasm of the younger generation? and how to make efforts in compiling and achieving tips for success in achieving goals? These various things are important to get and increase the enthusiasm of the younger generation in their work.  This research aims to know the efforts that can be made to increase the enthusiasm of the younger generation, and to know the efforts that can be made to compile and achieve tips for success in achieving goals for a better generation.



Respondents in this study are the younger generation (adolescents) who are in several schools, communities, Islamic boarding schools in Lampung Province, some of which are presented in Table 1.


Table 1. Location of the respondents throughout Lampung


Name of Institution

Address (City, Province)


KPP (Pancasila Youth Community) Jati Agung

South Lampung, Lampung


SMPN 1 Tanjungsari

South Lampung, Lampung


PONPES Foundation Nurul Islam Center

Bandar Lampung, Lampung


Seminar Motivation "Little Journalist" Hotel Nusantara Lampung

Bandar Lampung, Lampung


Ponpes Foundation Nurul Islam Cab Padang Cermin

Pesawaran, Lampung


Ponpes Foundation Nurul Islam Cab Jati Agung

South Lampung, Lampung


MT. Al Hidayah

South Lampung, Lampung


PMI Lampung Volunteers

Bandar Lampung, Lampung


STKIP Dharma Discourse Metro

Metro, Lampung


KAMMI UIN Raden Intan

Bandar Lampung, Lampung


Metro State SLB

Metro, Lampung


Muhammadiyah Metro Vocational School

Metro, Lampung


SMAN 1 Jati Agung

South Lampung, Lampung


The Tanggamus Teachers' Association

Tanggamus, Lampung


Lampung Palestinian Volunteer

Bandar Lampung, Lampung


Yatim Mandiri Lampung

Bandar Lampung, Lampung


SMPN 1 Kota Agung

Tanggamus, Lampung


SMKN 1 Jati Agung

Tanggamus, Lampung


MA Bani Salim Merbau Mataram

South Lampung, Lampung


Community 1000 Fridays

Bandar Lampung, Lampung


Middle School Al-Kausar Bandar Lampung

Bandar Lampung, Lampung


SMPN 2 Tanjungsari

South Lampung, Lampung


Nurul Islam Sumber Jaya Vocational School

South Lampung, Lampung


MIN 6 South Lampung

South Lampung, Lampung


MTs Al-Ikhlas Tanjung Bintang

South Lampung, Lampung


SD N 1 Sumber Jaya

South Lampung, Lampung


SD N 3 Sumber Jaya

South Lampung, Lampung


National Trainers Festival 2018

Tanggamus, Lampung


National Trainers Festival 2019

Bandar Lampung, Lampung


SMP IT Insan Rabbani City of Earth

North Lampung, Lampung


Teacher at SMPN 1 Sribowo

East Lampung, Lampung


Bimtek Waka. SMPN 1 in South Lampung

South Lampung, Lampung


The sons and daughters of employees of PT Gunung Madu Plantation

Central Lampung, Lampung


Wiyatama Middle School

Bandar Lampung, Lampung


MTs-MA Al Hidayah

Kotabumi, North Lampung


Earth City IT Middle School

Kotabumi, North Lampung

Source: ASA Training Center data


The implementation of research is carried out not only in formal institutions, but also in non-formal institutions where research can be carried out to see the motivation of the younger generation. In terms of creating a generation of high-quality gangsa, education plays an important role. To build national character, education provides various knowledge and skills. National education must be the main means of nation and character development (Ministry of Education and Culture, 2012). Character education can be taught in both formal and informal settings at school. In Indonesia, Islamic boarding schools, which are non-formal educational institutions that focus on nurturing young Muslims, have spread widely apart from formal schools. Many pesantren have also opened formal schools, from elementary to tertiary level, from time to time (Salsabiela et al., 2018). This research was conducted by survey of the younger generation in Lampung Province with a qualitative approach, using observation and interview methods.



The method used to increase the spirit of the younger generation

The low morale of the younger generation is certainly caused by many things. One of the drivers of the low enthusiasm of the younger generation in taking steps and working is a lack of enthusiasm and ambition in working, low literacy in reading and writing, the influence of globalization and so on. The ASA Training Center is the party that carries out motivational training for the younger generation through Friendship Facilitator activities. This activity is expected to awaken the spirit of competitiveness in the younger generation to be able and able to carry out various things.

The Facilitator's Friendship Method is a training motivation that is carried out with attractive, fun, friendly packaging and designs, and is presented through musical collaboration so that a feeling of openness and warmth is created with the participants to inspire ideas for self-change for each young generation who participates. These training activities are usually carried out indoors, outdoors or in both places. This activity is also equipped with motivational and outbound games.

ASA Training Motivation can also be displayed and implemented in various forms of training. Motivational training activities are carried out to provide knowledge and experience about the importance of sowing ideals and basic strategies to realize dreams of becoming a superior, accomplished, noble generation (Fuadi, 2023).

Apart from the motivational approach of the Friendship Facilitator method, there are also other trainings that can increase the achievement and enthusiasm of the younger generation. According to MeClelland (1961), this young generation has a high need for natural individual feedback. In fact, now not all expect to have these high needs. They are more likely than those with a low need to participate in activities or tasks that are moderate in risk, require individual skill and effort, have a high degree of individual responsibility for results, and include clear feedback on performance. According to McClelland, there are four fundamental components that can increase one's motivation to succeed, which include; (1) increasing the motive syndrome, (2) increasing goal setting, (3) increasing the cognitive support, (4) increasing the emotional support (Putu et al., 2013).

The performance and capabilities of human resources can be added through increasing skills, transparency in performance appraisal, offering tiered careers and providing rewards for those who are passionate about training (Pratana & Abadi, 2018). One way to improve the performance of human resources, including the younger generation, is to improve skills, one of the factors mentioned above. One way to improve these skills is to attend good training provided both internally and externally in communities, institutions and businesses. The younger generation often has doubts and fears because they haven't stepped up (never been trained). Despite the fact that many of them had received training, many were able to quickly overcome this hesitation, which would be a point in and of itself in improving performance. Human resource capacity to be a training objective (Lestari et al., 2022).

Training aims to increase the capacity of human resources to achieve goals by increasing the level of professionalism, knowledge and work skills (Fitra & Gultom, 2017). Performance can be improved through training (Rivai, 2005). However, the participation of human resources in training may not always result in increased performance in the various activities that everyone does (Wang & Neihart, 2015).Efforts that can be made to optimize the spirit of achievement motivation and high aspirations for the younger generation is Achievement Motivation Training (AMT), which is a training activity that is oriented towards increasing motivation to achieve the goals set by the facilitator for all participants from those who attend training (Triyuliandika, 2017). This AMT is almost the same as the friendship facilitator method, both of which provide a forum for motivation, self-reminder, games both indoor and outdoor (Putu et al., 2013).

The AMT intervention process is carried out through four main stages (McClelland, 1969). First, the stage of achievement syndrome, which teaches participants how individuals with high achievement motivation think, speak and act and know their relation to the need for achievement. The second stage of AMT is self-study which provides an individual opportunity to understand what he is like and what he wants to be. The third stage of AMT is the game simulation stage. At this stage, students experience the process of practicing achievement behavior which provides a platform for them to experience real conditions that support the development of motivation. Fourth is the goal setting stage, this stage helps students adopt achievement thinking in settings outside the group according to the real life of students, namely in the activity of setting realistic goals for themselves (Putra et al., 2019).

Education is a form of process of creating human resources quality. Increasing the level of quality of education is only achieved through improving the quality of the learning process which leads to improving the quality of educational outcomes existing in the younger generation. In addition to friendship facilitators, achievement motivation training, there is also Training Within Industry. Implementation of the Training Within Industry strategy more to the motivation to the younger generation who are in the scope of education for example in lectures being able to guide students to learn to work in stages, sequentially and following standard work procedures to master a work skill (Bustami et al., 2018).

The Training Within Industry strategy is a strategy that teaches how to bring students into an industrial atmosphere. Industrial atmosphere means, it is not necessary to bring students into the world of industry with sophisticated equipment. However, how the industry trains new employees to become skilled is what the Training Within Industry strategy emulates. The Within Industry Training Program consists of five main models: work instruction, work method, work relationship, work safety, and program development.

In lectures, each of these programs is utilized to facilitate successful learning. In industrial electrical installation practicum lectures, the application of Training Within Industry learning strategies can increase student motivation. This is evident from the seriousness of the students in completing the Jobshet at each lecture meeting (Bustami et al., 2018).The following is a description of the learning stages for the Training Within Industry strategy:


Overall, the educator exercises at this stage are preparing worksheets (Jobsheets), understanding the learning objectives as well, preparing to understand their significance, arousing students' interest encouraging students' interest. However, the activities of this stage for the teacher are to plan, organize, and formulate learning and training conditions so that logical activities with the strategies to be used can occur.


The instructor or teacher/lecturer has started the implementation phase at this point. By using this media, a teacher teaches material that is useful for learning and training. The student should then be given time to respond to what he or she has observed. The next step is for the teacher to show students a real-world project, explain how good work is in relation to the whole process, and stand in such a way that students can see the work process clearly.


The impersonation stage is only carried out after the demonstration stage is carefully held. During the impersonation stage, students carry out work-related activities imitating the teacher's demonstration. In order for students to really understand and carry out work activities in accordance with the objectives of learning and practical training, it is necessary to regulate and regulate their practical activities. The teacher must really pay attention to the stages of work completed by students at this stage. The process of student work must always be monitored by the teacher. If something is inappropriate, the teacher should instruct students to complete repetition of the work and help them become proficient in the work assignments.


The next step is to practice the theory after students can imitate how it works. At this point, students engage in new work activities until the skills learned are fully mastered. At this stage, the important thing to do and pay attention to is to develop a management strategy and regulate learning and training practices so that students are truly able to carry out practical learning activities optimally.


Evaluation activities are carried out at the practice stage in the learning strategies and practical training of the TWI model. Use the Performance Assessment tool to evaluate learning and training practices. The evaluation stage is a crucial final step in every learning and training process, but especially in vocational practice learning and training. Students will be able to improve the quality of their learning and training by evaluating their abilities in relation to practical learning and training. In the same vein, evaluation activities are very important for a teacher because the evaluation results can be used to determine how far the set goals have been achieved (Bustami et al., 2018). The following presents the planned stages of the TWI (Training Within Industry) method.














Figure 1. Implementation of Training Within Industry


These various trainings were carried out against a background of low motivation of the young generation to know the importance of ideals and plan for the future. Training that is carried out either by friendship facilitators, AMT, or TWI all have their own advantages and disadvantages, these methods are carried out according to the targets and backgrounds of the participants which are adjusted to either involve participants in a meaningful way or just the lecture method. These motivational trainings are part of a good way of preaching to be given to the younger generation. Da'wah is a practice that can be done in various ways. When engaging in da'wah activities, it is important to pay attention to the components of da'wah or, in other languages (Dian et al., 2020). "Call (people) to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good lessons and argue with them in a good way. Verily, your Lord is He who knows best who has strayed from His path and He who knows better those who are guided." (QS An-Nahl: 125).



Tips for success in achieving the goals of the younger generation

It is hoped that the accomplished ideals can provide more motivation to the younger generation and bring good changes to them. Changes that are expected Apart from changes in character and morality, changes in the achievements of the younger generation are things that are expected in the future. The Spirit of Hermes, a mythological representation of the achievement motivation, within an individual is one way to increase motivation to succeed (Alschuler, 1973). Internalization of achievement thinking and early implementation of achievement behavior in order to meet the criteria or standards of success that it sets can indicate an increase in motivation to succeed. The setting of success standards refers to three norms, namely: (1) societal norms: Individuals will check their performance against previous results to see whether it has changed, improved, or decreased; (2) societal norms: Individuals will compare their performance with the results of others; (3) Objective standards: People will evaluate performance results using the absolute criteria of the task (Dickhäuser & Rheinberg, 2003). When setting standards for success, people who have construed extraordinary ways of thinking and acting deliberately apply three norms. As a result, people with high achievement motivation will go through a dynamic self-evaluation process regarding their standards of success, which will lead to shifts in subcultures and encouragement to work harder to achieve success (Putra et al., 2019). Some of the ways you can do to get the position of achieving your goals include:

Write down plans and set goals

Planning what to do in the future can be made easier with the help of mini goals. Planning details are carried out in stages following the planned objectives. Keep in mind and note that this plan needs to be documented in as much detail as possible to always focus on future planning.

Always believe in ability

The reason for this is that it is of no use if the younger generation has high aspirations but is not sure who they are. We will automatically be more determined and persistent in achieving these goals if we have self-confidence. with the provision of knowledge, education, and life skills learned.

Always look for experience and knowledge

Naturally, we young people with aspirations will find a lot of new information and experiences on the way to achieving our goals. The fact that the nation's next generation is always open to both is positive. Because both undoubtedly have a positive effect on growth, especially in line with ideals that will bring about real change in the future.


In addition, this point is very important for achieving goals. It's time to expand social networks, which are almost indispensable in all aspects of modern life. Because the most important thing right now is social, economic and other interactions with lots of new people from various fields of work. Colleagues in the neighborhood may be able to assist in career advancement.

Keep optimism

Positive thinking is the last piece of advice. This advice is useful for the younger generation, but it is unlikely that all parties will be able to achieve this goal when the younger generation is insecure and pessimistic. by maintaining a positive outlook and believing that these goals will be met as they move forward.

The tips are expected to be able to provide good steps for the younger generation, especially in generating motivation from within. The benefit of the training is that it is hoped that the younger generation, with difficulty carrying out these tips, can find motivation from within themselves first. The word "motivation" comes from the Latin word "motivo" which refers to the drive, force, and driving force that drives a person or organization to act or do something (Rusdiana, 2018). Education, experience with activities, surroundings, and technology can all contribute to a person's motivation (Fahmi, 2013). It is these various things that show and direct the younger generation to be ready and able to be competitive in providing identity and being ready to continue to rise and be enthusiastic in achieving goals that will provide success in the future (Oktavia & Suprapti, 2020).






The conclusion obtained in this study is that there are various efforts that can be applied in improving and raising the spirit of the younger generation of the next generation of pride. ASA Training Center is a facilitator who encourages proud generations to be able to find their identity, plan for the future with full planning, and aspire to success in the future. The usual motivation increases to raise the spirit or motivation is to apply the facilitator friendship method, achievement motivation training (AMT), and Training Within Industry (TWI).  Success tips that can arouse the enthusiasm of the younger generation to achieve their goals are to plan and set goals, always believe in abilities, always thirst for experience and knowledge, network, and maintain self-optimism.

It is hoped that various motivational facilitator training parties can really adjust to the needs and answer various client problems, especially the younger generation who are still unstable in acting, behaving, and speaking. There are motivational trainings that are more adaptable and can be carried out in the future and better.




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