Rosa Lorinda*, Nawari Ismail, Azam Syukur Rahmatullah
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
[email protected]*
Information |
December 20, 2022 Revised:
December 30, 2022 Approved: January 11, 2023 Online: January 26, 2023 |
cases that occurred in Bruno District were ranked first in Purworejo Regency
directly proportional to cases of early marriage. Data from the Office of
Religious Affairs (KUA) of Bruno Sub-district, there were 15 cases of early
marriage from 30 couples who got married in 2019. As a result of mental
unpreparedness in building a household, it affects the way young couples
solve a problem. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The
phenomenon of young marriage by teenagers in Bruno Subdistrict, Purworejo
Regency is influenced by several factors, namely economic factors,
educational factors, parental factors, mass media and internet factors,
biological factors, and pregnancy factors out of wedlock. Teenagers get
married early because in Bruno District there are many cases of pregnancy
outside marriage and promiscuity. Many young women and men who do early
divorce are influenced by several factors, namely economic factors, maturity
factors, communication factors, infidelity factors, heredity factors,
educational factors, and environmental factors. The self-concept of the
perpetrators of early marriage and early divorce in Bruno District, Purworejo
Regency consists of a positive self-concept and a negative self-concept.
Adolescents who have a positive self-concept are teenagers who try to be
responsible according to their roles in the household both as husband and
wife. Teenagers tend to have negative self-concepts about early marriage,
where teenagers have the view that after marriage there is a physical change
to become thinner. |
Keywords |
marriage; early divorce |
Marriage is a sacred event where a
pair of human children of different sexes (male and female) make a vow before
God. Marriage changes a person's status in social life from single or widow/ widower
to married. It is hoped that the marriage ties that occur will create a new
generation that is better than the previous generation (Suhadi et al., 2018).
Couples planning to get married are expected to have good preparation in terms
of physical, mental, educational level, socio-economic and age. Age is an
important requirement to measure the level of readiness of a partner in living
a married life which can have an impact on divorce.
Pregnancy that occurs before marriage obliges the man to be responsible
for marrying the woman so as not to embarrass the family. Early marriage in
rural areas has a larger quantity than in urban areas where the population is
older/adult with a ratio of 9% (Qibtiyah,
2015). The report issued by the collaboration
between the BPS, Bappenas, UNICEF, and PUSKAPA Teams in 2020 explains that
rural girls are twice as likely to marry before reaching the age of 18 than
women living in urban areas.
Early marriage from an Islamic point of view has
different opinions, the first is that early marriage is good to prevent
adultery. Second, there is no absolute age limit for a person to marry, causing
debate and different interpretations regarding early marriage. There are many
arguments in the Qur'an and hadith which contain advice to get married
immediately for those who can afford it (Umah, 2020). There needs to be readiness from someone
before marriage to prevent the influence and impact of marriage on someone who
is still underage or perpetrators of early marriage.
Early marriage can have a bad influence on couples who are mentally and
emotionally immature. The lack of knowledge of couples in early marriage about
the responsibilities and rights of husband and wife causes couples who have
married to face problems where family affairs must be addressed wisely and
maturity in thinking is needed. For
women, they often feel emotionally disturbed where at a young age they face
problems in the household, carry out their obligations to their husbands,
conceive and give birth, and most importantly a woman must prepare herself to
become a young mother as well as a wife, causing obligations and
responsibilities of a woman. the wife becomes heavier than before (Salsabilla,
Obligations in marriage are
difficult for young couples to carry out because they have not reached maturity
in the mental aspect (Pratiwi,
2020). Mental unpreparedness for young couples
causes stress that affects household life and divorce is considered the best
solution to do, so cases of early marriage are often followed by divorce cases.
Divorce cases that occurred in Bruno District ranked first in Purworejo
Regency, directly proportional to cases of early marriage. Data from the
Religious Affairs Office (KUA) of Bruno District, there were 15 cases of early
marriage out of 30 couples who married in 2019. The data shows cases of early
marriage in Bruno District equal to half of the marriages that took place. The
high number of cases of early marriage is one of the factors for the rise of
divorce in Bruno District. Couples who marry underage do not have physical and
mental readiness. As a result of mental unpreparedness in building a household,
it affects the way young couples solve problems. Early marriage couples tend to
view divorce as the only solution to the problems they are experiencing (Matondang,
2014). The results of the observation also
explained that some of the perpetrators of early marriage felt sorry for having
done early marriage.
Failure in the household of early marriage actors will make every couple
who marry early feel disappointed with their self-concept in carrying out their
obligations as married individuals (Baharuddin
& Torro, 2022). Self-concept means that a person is assumed
to be able to understand himself and his needs (Yusuf
et al., 2021).
Self-concept is influenced by one's age and maturity in forming
perceptions based on experiences and interpretations of oneself (Yusuf
et al., 2021). This self-concept becomes a very important
part in shaping and preparing one's character in the family. Self-concept is
also a determinant of how a person should act and make decisions. Early
marriage couples who see themselves unable to complete responsibilities in the
family will have an impact on the formation of self-concept (Asmita
et al., 2021).
This type of research is qualitative, while
the method used is a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach.Research steps with a
phenomenological approach based on the phenomenological research he conducted,
research steps with a phenomenological approach, namely: 1) directing attention
to phenomena from experience, as they appear, 2) descriptions of observations,
explanations are not permitted. 3. Giving equal weight to phenomena that
directly manifest themselves and 4). Looking for and researching the basic
structure that is not diverse (invariant) of the phenomenon (Shochib, 2010).
Most of the data was collected through
interviews and observations and supported and supported by literature studies.
The informants obtained were key informants who were the Village Head and KUA
Head in Bruno District, while there were 3 main informants, namely teenagers
who had early marriages and early divorces in Bruno District while additional
informants were the parents of the main informants who had early marriage and
early divorce in Bruno District. After conducting the interviews, the
researcher categorized the questions asked and the results were analyzed
descriptively according to observations and small interviews with informants
who had married early.
A. The phenomenon of early marriage in Bruno District, Purworejo
The first factor is the economic
factor where the low economy makes early marriage actors decide to get married.
No school fees are their reason for dropping out. Teenagers marry because they
don't go to school so there is nothing to keep them busy. Even so, there are
also economies that are less expected to improve by getting married early or in
other words they hope that by getting married the economy will change for the better.
The results of the interviews show thatLow economic conditions are not one of the factors that cause
early marriage actors to decide to marry early, informants have moderate and
affluent economic conditions. In contrast to the results of research conducted
by Khaerani, it shows that economic factors are one of the causes of early
marriage, that is, there is no cost to continue school, causing them to think
that it is better to marry than be unemployed (Khaerani, 2019). Economic conditions are not the only reason for young people
to marry early, there are other factors that support the occurrence of these
The second factor is the
educational factor, which is known thatthe condition of the last education of the parents and the
surrounding community is that the last education of their parents was
elementary school while the majority of the surrounding community has 80% low
education, 20% higher education. The results of research conducted by Yulivina
showed that the average education of respondents with early marriage had basic
education of 17.22 and the average education of respondents with early marriage
had less education. It can be concluded that there is an influence on the
average education level with basic education and high knowledge of early
marriage (Yulivina et al., 2018). Adolescent girls who marry at an early age, on average, have
low education, such as elementary or junior high school graduates. Many girls
cannot continue their education due to economic factors as well. Parents cannot
afford to pay for their children's schooling so they prefer to marry off their
daughters and think that girls do not need to go to higher education because in
the future they will only take care of the household and their husbands will
bear their living expenses (Yulivina et al., 2018).
The third factor is the parental
factor where the reason for young marriage in Bruno District, Purworejo Regency
is due to coercion from parents. Based on previous research, it shows that
there is a significant influence of parents on early marriage. Parents force
their children to get married even though they are not old enough. A family
that has a daughter will not feel at ease before the daughter is married.
Parents are the influence of decisions from the father or mother of a child,
both through biological and social relationships. According to Hardianti and
Nurwati, parental factors can also be a factor in the occurrence of marriage.
Where there are parents who match their children to the man of their choice and
are usually matched with the children of their siblings even though their
daughters are still young or have just graduated from school, with the aim of
bonding and the assets they own do not fall into the hands of other people (Yulivina et al., 2018).
The fourth factor is the factor of mass media and the internet,
based on information from informants it is known that teenagers do early
marriage because they are very influenced by the mass media and the internet.The most dominant social media used is the type of electronic
mass media or online mass media such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube
and Google. Teenagers who have online media usually post about their personal
activities, their stories, and photos with friends. Whether you realize it or
not, the Mass Media and Internet factor, today's children are very easy to
access everything related to sex and the like. This makes them "used"
to things related to sex and no longer considers it taboo. Sex education is
very important from an early age, but that does not mean that these children learn
on their own without being accompanied by adults (Fauziah & Amanita, 2020).
The fifth factor is a biological
factor, which is caused by early puberty and liking the opposite sex, namely
during elementary school and early junior high school. In addition, because
teenagers also access all forms related to sexuality from an early age in the
mass media. Based on Iskandar and Farida's research, early marriage occurs
because children have had a biological relationship like husband and wife.
Under these conditions, the girls' parents tend to marry off their children
immediately, because according to the parents the girls are no longer virgins,
and this is a disgrace (Iskandar & Farida, 2021).
The biological developmental factors of adolescents that continue to advance
affect the increasing number of premarital pregnancies, thus causing underage
marriages. Children are biologically ready and mature but socially not ready,
with regards to their economic conditions which are still dependent on their
parents. At this time a woman experiences menstruation around the age of 12
years and previously around the age of 15 years. On the other hand, the
marriage period becomes longer. It is during this wait that many teenagers are
unable to restrain their biological desires, resulting in pre-marital
pregnancies that lead to underage marriages (Suhaili
& Afdal, 2020).
Getting pregnant out of wedlock is not only due to an "accident" but
can also be due to being raped so that there is a pregnancy out of wedlock.
Parents who are faced with this situation will definitely marry off their
daughter, even to someone the girl doesn't really love. This is increasingly a
dilemma because it is not in accordance with the Marriage Law. Households based
on love alone can falter, especially because of compulsion (Suhaili
& Afdal, 2020).
sixth factor, iswhere are the cultural factors?Socio-cultural factors also have a very large
roleto encourage early marriage
this factor is a single motivating factor that is not related to economic
factors which apply extreme differences in treatment between boys and girls and
there is also due to a combination of social values and economic
difficulties.Cultural factors may be one of the causes of early
marriage, according to culture, the appropriate age for marriage is associated
with the arrival of the first menstruation for women, thus many teenagers who
are not eligible to marry, are forced to marry. due to cultural pressures. This
is in line with the Village Head's statement vizlow human resources, too free
association and economic inequality. In addition, there is also a cultural
factor, namely because the Bruno community due to low human resources and also
road transportation is not possible (road access) with the distance they cannot
continue school inevitably because they are always at home and there are no other
thoughts so that the marriage occurs quickly and eventually has a family .
The Phenomenon of Early Divorce in Bruno
District, Purworejo Regency
The first factor is the economic
factor, in which the economic condition of adolescents in Bruno Subdistrict,
Purworejo Regency, when they are married and managing a household that is
initially affluent becomes unfavorable and inadequate. Therefore, they decided
to do an early divorce.
The second factor, is the maturity
factor where adolescents in Bruno District, Purworejo Regency, who carry out
early divorces, it can be concluded that the lack of a good attitude and full
responsibility for the household and the problems being faced causes early
marriage actors to decide to carry out early divorces. A person can be said to
be mature if he has the ability to manage patience and anger. Because if not
managed properly it can lead to domestic violence, and lead to divorce.
According to research data conducted by Mushoffa, a married couple at an early
age have problems controlling their emotional nature, so they must continue to
learn from other parties such as parents (Mushoffa, 2020). Based on Mayangsari's research, the decision-making
autonomy of women divorced as a result of early marriage to remarry is influenced
by several factors, namely age which correlates with maturity so that women are
better able to use rational thinking by considering aspects of themselves,
their families, potential partners, and their partner's families (Mayangsari et al., 2022).
Third, is the communication factor
where adolescents who carry out early divorce can be concluded that there is no
intense communication between husband and wife and poor communication when
there is a problem causing a divorce lawsuit. Although there are some teenagers
who still have good communication between husband and wife when they are
married. This is supported by Nurjannah and Kahija. Divorce occurs because a
possessive attitude has an impact on household life that is not harmonious
because the two of them become reluctant to communicate with each other.
Communication restrictions also make husband and wife do not know each other.
Poor communication makes couples do not have the opportunity to share openness
with each other so that intimacy between them is less established (Nurjannah & La Kahija, 2020).
Fourth, is the factor of infidelity
where there are teenagers who carry out early divorces due to the presence of a
third person or the affair causes the desire of the husband and wife to
divorce. Aryanti in Octaviani and Nurwati said that the initial symptom of
divorce is because of an affair. The main cause of infidelity due to the
influence of friends. However, if we look again at the factors that cause early
marriages carried out by adolescents, it can be seen that adolescence is a
period of transition from childhood to adulthood. So, at that time they still
wanted to further explore their lives and still wanted to hang out with their
peers. Without a doubt, the symptoms in adolescents make it very possible for
them to change partners (Octaviani & Nurwati, 2020). Affair is
a stage of violating commitments, the most extreme in violating commitments is
when one has a relationship with another ideal man or woman, but in general
cases of infidelity cause constant disputes and quarrels, namely one party
finds a telephone or chat with another ideal man or woman . In fact, the
Religious Court is not an institution that decides disharmonious family
relations, but the Religious Court is an institution that assists in the
process of resolving cases filed by the plaintiff for certain reasons which
result in the impossibility for the two of them to be reconciled again (Nugraha et al., 2020).
Fifth, is the hereditary factor
where adolescents who carry out early divorces in Burno District, Purworejo
Regency are caused by not having children or having been blessed with one child
in their marriage, but still file for divorce. Preserving offspring in the
household, no one doesn't want children to continue their lineage and continue
their survival. Allah created humans in pairs so that they could reproduce to
fill this earth and prosper it according to Allah's will and human instincts
also want it (Ubaidilah, 2022). Based on
research by Chitia et al., it shows that the reason for the divorce is that the
applicant and the respondent have not yet been blessed with offspring. In
principle, the husband and wife have the right to terminate the marriage by
means of divorce based on the applicable divorce law. However, a husband and
wife who want to carry out a divorce must have certain legal reasons and the
divorce must be before a court hearing after the competent court has tried to
reconcile but has failed to achieve peace between the two parties (Susilo, n.d.).
Sixth, is the educational factor
where adolescents who carry out early divorces have a low level of education,
which is equivalent to elementary and junior high school graduates. Lack of
access to knowledge through education and the direction of someone who is more skilled
adolescents tend to try things that early childhood should not do. Nisva and
Ratnasari's research shows that wives who file for divorce tend to have a
higher level of education than husbands who file for divorce. Divorce
applicants or applicants/ plaintiffs with high school education tend to be 2
times more likely to experience a contested divorce (divorce at the request of
the wife) than applicants/plaintiffs with kindergarten and elementary school
education (Nisva & Ratnasari, 2020). According
to Nasir, to participate in an education, good concentration is needed. Small
problems in the household can make a young father easily angry, because he is
also being pursued by certain targets in his education. Or a young mother who
is forced to quit school because she is married and has children, feeling
frustrated every time she faces a problem and often blames her marriage as the
cause of failure in school education (Nasir, 2012).
Seventh, is the environmental
factor where adolescents in Bruno District, Purworejo Regency, who carry out
early divorces, it is known that the family environment does not influence
their decision to carry out early divorces. However, due to other factors
outside the family. Life in densely populated areas is usually marked by a very
decisive relationship of mutual influence from neighbors. The pattern of life
is characterized by a desire to intervene in the lives of other families, which
is not impossible to have very serious consequences (Zuhrina, 2020).
C. Self-concept of perpetrators of early marriage in Bruno
District, Purworejo Regency
Physical self
who have a self-concept dimension of positive physical appearance tend to show
a positive attitude towards the needs of adolescents for physical
self-appearance so that their body shape is fuller. But there are also
teenagers who experience changes in body shape that are getting thinner,
because of the frequent relapses of their illnesses.
Marriage at
an early age is indeed very vulnerable to various problems that can affect
household harmony. This is in line with the lack of physical, material, and
mental readiness of the husband and wife, because marriage is not just to
justify sexual relations between a man and a woman, but at the same time is a
legal act that gives rise to civil law consequences in the form of rights and
obligations. for both parties (Hasanah, 2018).
2. Moral-ethical
Teenagers in
this study were teenagers who got married because women got pregnant out of
wedlock. This is the reason for them to do early marriage at a young age. The
view of adolescents regarding self-marriage in Islam, shows a positive
self-concept. Teenagers agree with early marriage so they can avoid adultery in
dating. Dating is a sin and an act that is not allowed. But in reality
teenagers commit acts that violate moral and religious norms because they
become pregnant out of wedlock. The occurrence of pregnancy out of wedlock
because the children have a relationship that violates the norm forces them to
do early marriage in order to make it clear that the child conceived in this
marriage forces them to get married (Afgara, 2020).
Regardless of the pros and cons of early marriage, basically Islam does not
prohibit the practice of early marriage. However, Islam has never encouraged or
encouraged its followers to marry early. Because in Islamic marriage it only
encourages those who are able to get married immediately and provides direction
that will guarantee the success of a marriage. Words capable must be
interpreted comprehensively, not interpreted one piece at a time.
Personal self
getting married, their teenagers are of the view that teenagers feel immature
so they have difficulty dealing with household problems. Teenagers must be able
to recognize and control themselves so that they can become good individuals in
building a household. Teenage marriages in their teens encounter many problems,
both economic conditions and the physical and psychological conditions of
Couples who
had problematic characteristics in their relationship during the period before
marriage, who often disagreed and had different perceptions about how to
resolve disagreements were more likely to divorce three years after marriage. The
stability of a marriage depends on both partners achieving their own
identities. This achievement helps establish the balance of power and mutual
respect that is so important in emotional and intellectual closeness (Munaing & Niandari, 2019).
In general, there are three impacts arising from early marriage, namely
psychological, health, and socio-economic impacts. When viewed from the
psychological impact, they often experience problems such as being easily
emotional, stressed, and burdened (Maudina,
Family self
The family
self-component shows a person's feelings and self-esteem in his position as a
family member. This section shows how close a person feels to himself as a
family member, as well as to the roles and functions he carries out as a member
of a family. The self-concept of adolescents who marry young is formed through
the first view of themselves who think that they are ready to marry even though
they are still young, this is evidenced by changes in attitude that adjust
their role and status as married. The self-concept of young married couples
formed from their role as husband and wife in the household influences the
formation of a positive self-concept (Asmita et al.,
The results of interviews with adolescents who had early marriages revealed
that the views of adolescents regarding their feelings after marriage felt
pressured, felt they had a responsibility and considered this a burden.
Domestic life is indeed not easy to carry on, especially for teenagers who
should still be able to use their lives to continue their education.
Social self
self-concept of adolescents who engage in early marriage to their social self
shows that they maintain communication with parents and adolescent friends.
Teenagers often tell stories about domestic life and also ask for opinions.
This shows that there is a lack of experience in households so that teenagers
really need guidance and support so that marriages can be harmonious. There was
no change in friendship even though the informant was married and also often
exchanged opinions. However, teenagers still limit communication with only
their closest friends.
Every individual must have a different self-concept,
consciously or not everyone will try to believe in themselves for the decisions
that have been made through their own views, the experiences of other people
too. Unknowingly, they will later describe themselves by comparing their social
environment, good morals for the future, good knowledge, desired expectations,
even in the judgment of other people are also very influential in shaping one's
self-concept. But each individual also seeks to understand his situation in a
complete self-concept as a form of self-reflection. The results of this
self-reflection will be embedded as a self-concept in each individual and that
will differentiate him from other people (Romadhona, 2020).
who decide to marry early have various aspects of self-concept. Self-concept
can work well if teenagers are able to have good emotional maturity, can think
maturely, think well, think objectively. Emotional maturity is expected that
individuals will be able to think well, see problems objectively. It has been
explained that in order to act well, the mind must be used properly as the
fulcrum of that action. If actions are only based on emotions, then these
actions are difficult to account for and actions based on emotions are
psychologically immature (Romadhona, 2020).
Positive self-concept in adolescents, namely adolescent
self-view and family roles, shows that roles and affection for parents and
in-laws are always given. Adolescents try to be responsible according to their
role in the household, namely a man is obliged to provide for the family and a
wife fulfills her role as a housewife who is obedient and obedient to her
husband. Teenagers also interact with parents and friends and often ask for
opinions and suggestions from parents. In addition, the view of self-concept
from a moral/ethical point of view shows that agreeing to early marriage with
reasons can avoid sinful acts due to adultery.
A high self-concept can be demonstrated by the partner's
ability to accept the weaknesses and strengths of each partner to live the
household. If this self-concept is well formed in every individual in the
household even at an early age, then the household will run well because there
is a sense of confidence and trust in oneself and their partner and will create
a feeling of security, comfort without anxiety when having to face problems
that come, so that each of the couple can show their full potential in carrying
out their duties and obligations as a household (Salsabilla, 2021).
Aspects that
should stand out in adolescents in deciding to marry early are high curiosity
for learning, being able to reach in the middle of a problem, and good impulse
control, from the three differences in the subject of this teenager being able
to try to keep living a better life and improve mistakes from the past, being a
good wife and mother in the household (Romadhona, 2020).
Adolescents tend to have a negative self-concept about early
marriage, where adolescents have the view that after marriage physical changes
occur in adolescents, namely the body becomes thinner. Adolescents argue that
early marriages are carried out at a young age, adolescents have not been able
to face and solve household problems, due to immature psychological conditions.
The burden that is felt is also getting heavier because of the duties and roles
in the household, especially when dealing with bad partner behavior. This
indicates that actually teenagers are not ready to get married, however, there
are cases of pregnancy outside the home forcing teenagers to get married. Early
marriage in their teens makes them unable to continue their education.
The self-concept of perpetrators of early
divorce in Bruno District, Purworejo Regency.
Marital problems resulting from this self-concept can cause
household rifts that can lead to divorce. As is well known, the informants in
this study were teenagers who had early marriages and had already gone through
the divorce process. Adolescents who marry early should be able to bring
themselves to adapt to new conditions and environments as partners, both as a
wife and as a husband.
Not only
does it have an impact on physical and mental health, women and men who
experience early marriage unknowingly bury their rights to study and go to
school, and to achieve their goals. The economic and social impacts also
exacerbate the situation, a man must be responsible for making a living and
loses his social sphere, so do women have to take care of the family and lose
the opportunity to play with their peers (Fadilah, 2021).
It seems
that women with high self-concept are unable to change their partner's behavior
after repeated attempts. So they decided to go for a divorce in the hope that
it would be good for their children and for themselves. However, because
domestic violence results from dysfunctional interactions between family
members, a positive self-concept and high self-differentiation from one partner
is not enough to maintain the integrity of their family (Sheikh et al., 2013).
self-concept in mothers of divorced families is found in the dimension of
emotional stability, namely an assessment of the emotional self-ability to feel
calm, relax stable and the ability to manage worry (Sukaidawati et al., 2016).
The impact of divorce on young women on social conditions is the view of young
widows towards themselves, this is evidenced by the recognition from young
widows that the occurrence of divorce and the current status of young widows
makes them ashamed because they are viewed negatively by the community around
them. residence. However, the decisions taken are the best for the future of
yourself and the
occurrence of the phenomenon of early marriage and divorce in Bruno District,
Purworejo Regency is influenced by several factors, namely economic factors,
educational factors, parental factors, mass media and internet factors,
biological factors, and pregnancy out of wedlock. Teenagers do early marriage
because in Bruno District, Purworejo Regency, there are many cases of pregnancy
out of wedlock and promiscuity. Teenagers also access all forms related to
sexuality from an early age in the mass media. Teenagers engage in early
marriage because in Bruno District, Purworejo Regency, there are many cases of
pregnancy out of wedlock and promiscuity. Many young women and men who divorce
early are influenced by several factors, namely economic factors, maturity
factors, communication factors, infidelity factors, heredity factors, education
factors, and environment factors.
The self-concept of perpetrators of early marriage
and early divorce in Bruno District, Purworejo Regency consists of positive
self-concept and negative self-concept. Adolescents who have a positive self-concept namely adolescents trying to
be responsible according to their role in the household both as a husband and
wife. Adolescents tend to have a negative self-concept about early marriage, where
adolescents have the view that after marriage there is a physical change to
become thinner.
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