Hilman*, Pri Utami

Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Islam Syekh Yusuf, Banten, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]*, [email protected]


Article Information



Received: December 12, 2022

Revised: December 28, 2022

Approved: January 15, 2023

Online: January 28, 2023



The 2024 Simultaneous Election is a Democratic process that has been mutually agreed upon by the Government and the People's Representative Council. This process certainly does not only bring about constitutional consequences but also legal certainty which has implications for all stakeholders in the central, provincial and district/city governments in Indonesia. Accountability from election organizers, namely the General Election Commission (KPU) and the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) in all stages is very important, because the stages and results determination process are expected not to cause conflict between election participants and their sympathizers. Then the quality of elections also needs to get serious attention, this quality is also related to the professionalism of election organizers, so to answer these two demands there needs to be information disclosure as stated in law number 14 of 2008 concerning public information transparency. Banten Province can run simultaneous elections in 2024 if the KPU and Bawaslu work in a professional and accountable manner from all stages. Election quality in Banten province can be achieved if the organizers know and implement the current regulations. Leadership Commitment, Collaboration with all stakeholders, and carrying out various innovations to convey Periodic information, immediately, and information at any time about the implementation of the 2024 Election must be carried out by the KPU and Bawaslu of Banten Province. Commitment, Collaboration and Innovation in the holding of elections in Banten province are novelties in this research. democratic, honest, fair, transparent and the results can be accounted for.




Election; Openness; Quality; Accountability




The Indonesian nation first held General Elections in 1955 which were considered the most democratic when compared to the subsequent elections. As a democratic country, elections are a legal mechanism for transferring power in accordance with the 1945 Constitution (Simamora, 2014). So in the course of the implementation of the General Election up to 2019 there have been many changes in regulations and mechanisms (Cahya et al., 2019).

The 2024 general election will be held in order to elect members of the Legislature, namely the People's Representative Council (DPR), Regional Representative Council (DPD), Regional People's Representative Council Provincial DPRD and Regency/City DPRD and will elect the President and Vice President (Silalahi, 2022). There is room for guarantees for election participants if they are deemed dissatisfied, namely by suing either the Election Supervisory Body, the Election Organizer Honorary Council (DKPP), and the lawsuit can be submitted to the Constitutional Court (MK). Lawsuits on the results of the election often occur in the Constitutional Court (MK) as a result of the dissatisfaction of election participants. So that this constitutional step is used by election participants to get a sense of justice.

The General Election Commission (KPU) is a state institution formed based on Law number 7 of 2017, this law was made in order to carry out the process and all stages of the election (Warjiyati, 2020). Bawaslu is an election supervisory institution which was also formed based on the same law as the KPU. KPU and Bawsaalu institutions have been formed in all provinces and districts/cities throughout Indonesia, including the Banten Province KPU.

General Elections must be carried out on the basis of general, direct, free, confidential, honest and fair. So the principle of implementing the election needs to be upheld by the organizers both from the central to the regional levels (Rais et al., 2021). Realizing quality and transparent elections can actually be realized if there is openness of public information in all stages. The guarantee of Public Information Disclosure is essentially respect for human rights (HAM). So that the election implementation process can be accountable to the State, the public, and especially the election participants.

The regulation-based election implementation strategy is one of the steps that must be implemented by the organizers (Ardiani et al., 2019). Considering that the election stage will begin in May 2022 this year, there are many issues that need to be prepared, including data collection on more than 12 million Banten residents spread across 8 districts/cities, namely; Tangerang City, South Tangerang City, Tangerang Regency, Serang Regency, Serang City, Lebak Regency, Pandeglang Regency and Cilegon City. The data collection on prospective voters is intended to increase voter participation for those who are already registered, because in the implementation of the previous year's general elections it often raised issues regarding the number of Permanent Voter Lists (DPT).

This research will focus on the steps and strategies of the organizers, both the General Election Commission (KPU) and Bawaslu, in the national agenda, namely the 2024 general election to elect members of the People's Representative Council, Regional Representative Council, Provincial and Regency/City Regional People's Representative Councils. Then the process of implementing the stages of the Election is linked to Public Information Disclosure in maintaining Quality and Accountability.

Based on the research background and research focus that has been described above, the formulation of the problem in this study is stated as follows; How do the General Election Commission and the Election Supervisory Body maintain the Quality and Accountability of ELECTION implementation; What are the factors that affect Public Information Disclosure in the implementation of ELECTIONS in Banten province, and What strategies can be applied by the General Election Commission and Bawaslu in realizing ELECTION Information Disclosure in order to maintain.



Factors that are no less important affect the type of approach or research methodology used (Arikunto, 2013), namely (1) research objectives; (2) available time and funds; (3) availability of research subjects; (4) interest or taste of researchers. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research.

The object of this research focuses on Election Organizers in Banten Province consisting of KPU members, Banten Province Bawaslu, Information Management and Documentation Officers (PPID) in each organizer as well as Political Parties participating in the 2019 Election which won seats in the DPRD Banten Province. Then the object of this research is also various regulations for holding elections that refer to Law number 7 of 2017 and other implementing regulations. In this study used data collection techniques with in-depth interviews and documentation. The three techniques are described as follows:

a)   In-depth interviews are data collection techniques based on intensive conversations with a specific purpose. Interviews were conducted in order to obtain various information regarding the problems raised in the research. Interviews were conducted with key informants (key informants) who were considered to be in control of the problem, namely the General Election Commission (KPU) Commissioner for Banten Province and the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) Commissioner for Banten Province. Political Party (PARPOL) officials participating in the Election at the Tangerang City level who currently have seats in the Tangerang City DPRD as a result of the 2019 elections, and Beginner Voters.

b)   Documentation, is a data collection technique by studying documents, reports, drawings, electronic documents, encyclopedias, articles, regulations and other literature that is relevant to the research problem. Data collection both by observation, interviews and documentation is carried out continuously until it reaches saturation point.

c)   The Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was carried out in order to obtain complete data from the officials of the Political Parties (PARPOL) participating in the Election at the Tangerang City level who currently have seats in the Tangerang City DPRD as a result of the 2019 elections, and participants especially from Beginner Voters.



This research consists of the variables of Public Information Disclosure, Quality, and Accountability in the implementation of General Elections (PEMILU) which will be held in 2024 in Banten province. In this study, the organizers, namely the General Election Commission (KPU), Election Supervisory Board (BAWASLU), Election Contesting Political Parties and Newbie Voters who were used as respondents, then submitted statements in the form of interviews and Focus Group Discussions. (FGD) which is the elaboration of the variable indicators of Public Information Disclosure, Quality, and Accountability to respondents.

Transparency of Public Information about Elections is the cornerstone of gaining the trust of all parties involved in the Election, including political parties, Regional Representative Council (DPD) candidates, presidential and vice-presidential pairs (Ana, 2018).The information managed by the Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID) of the General Election Commission of Banten Province with 8 districts/cities will be related to regulatory aspects of the General Election Commission Regulations, circulars, technical instructions and so on, and not that there are also the results of the Election, the election or regional elections, the consequence is that they will become factors that influence public information disclosure in the implementation of elections.

Public information needs to be presented by paying attention to the type of information Periodic, at any time, information immediately, and information is excluded (Kamaliah, 2015). These various public information need to be presented through existing infrastructure including websites managed by the KPU and Bawaslu in Banten province. This includes various content available on the social media of each organizer. This is intended to make it easier for the parties to access the information.

Factors that can influence public information disclosure in organizing the 2024 elections in Banten province are the commitments of the organizers themselves, this commitment can be realized through various implementations of all stages of the election, namely to pay attention to transparency and accountability. Evidence of the transparency of the KPU and Bawaslu to the public is the ease with which the public can access various public information on the website and follow the KPU's social media accounts.

The strategy that must be implemented by the general election commission (KPU) and the Banten province Bawaslu in a series of activities to be carried out in achieving the target, requires efficiency in carrying out a job so that the target is achieved in accordance with what has been planned properly (Ridwan et al., 2017). Efficiency is a way or ability to get maximum results and goals, but only uses minimal or few resources. So as not to spend too much money, effort, and time.

The performance productivity of employees within the KPU and Bawaslu Banten Province is currently dominated by honorary workers or contract workers. So productivity can be hampered because it is related to relatively small wages compared to the fairly heavy election workload. The operating personnel who run it should be specially prepared so that the data applicant who submits the request feels satisfied with the maximum service.

Information Commission Regulation (PERKI) 1 of 2021 concerning public information service standards (SLIP) is a guide on strategies for providing public information services to the public relating to the presentation of Periodic, Anytime, and Instant information. Optimizing the implementation of the information commission regulations is a strategic step in realizing transparency and accountability for the implementation of the 2024 elections in Banten province.

a)  The role of the KPU and Bawaslu in maintaining the Quality and Accountability of Election Implementation

The potential for less than optimal implementation of public information disclosure in maintaining the quality and accountability of the 2024 election in Banten province is inseparable from the factors that influence it, namely whether or not problems are easily controlled which consist of problems; Technical difficulties faced by KPU and Bawaslu; The diversity of group behavior in Banten province includes the behavior of election participants; and the Proportion of Change Desired in the 2024 election in Banten province.

Policy Capability of Structuring the Implementation Process Characteristics and capabilities of a policy can be implemented properly if various elements actively participate in the policy process (Maunde et al., 2021). These elements include clarity and consistency of goals, the existence of a theory of causality, allocation of resources, integration of implementing agencies, regulations within implementing agencies, recruitment of implementing officials, and openness to outsiders. To see more clearly about how policy capabilities can structure the process of implementing public information disclosure in Banten province.

Clarity and Consistencythe aim of holding honest and fair elections for all citizens who already have the right to vote is hoped not to lose their rights just because they are not listed on the voter list and do not have an electronic KTP. Because of this, the government is expected to complete the process of recording as well as distributing electronic KTPs.

The implementing agencies for the 2024 Election are exactly the same as those for the 2019 Election, so that it will be of higher quality if the various regulatory approaches are well understood by the organizers. So hierarchically the election organizers are independent institutions that carry out law number 7 of 2017.

b)  Variables Outside the Policy Influencing the Implementation Process

The policy of public information disclosure in the implementation of General Elections in Banten province in increasing quality and accountability will depend on several important aspects (Hardiyansyah, 2018). These aspects are classified in variables; socio-economic and technological conditions, public support, attitudes and resources owned, support from superior officials and the commitment and skills of implementing officials, both KPU and Bawaslu, Banten province. The socio-economic conditions of the people of Banten in general will affect attitudes towards the implementation of the 2024 elections and the technology used by the KPU and Bawaslu in their implementation.

The implementation of public information disclosure in the implementation of the 2024 elections in Banten province requires support from the public, including support from the superiors of the election organizers themselves. In law number 7 of 2017 concerning general elections, article 1 explains that general elections, hereinafter referred to as elections, are a means of ratkyat sovereignty to elect members of the People's Representative Council, members of the Regional Representative Council, President and Vice President, and to elect members of the Regional People's Representative Council. , which is carried out directly, publicly, freely, randomly, jdur, and fairly within the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

The success of holding elections is not only the responsibility of the election organizers themselves, in this case the General Election Commission (KPU), the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) and the Election Organizer Ethics Council (DKPP), but it is the responsibility of all of us, including election participants, and the public.

The success of holding general elections in Banten province cannot be separated from the role of the provincial government and district/city governments. The role of local government participation in the success of the electoral process is very important. Then what is the role of the government and local government in the success of the election. In law number 7 of 2017 concerning general elections, article 434 has mandated that for the smooth implementation of the duties, powers and obligations of election organizers, the government and regional governments are required to provide assistance and facilities in accordance with statutory provisions. These forms of assistance and facilities included the assignment of personnel to the secretariat of PPK, Sub-District Panwaslu, and PPS, provision of room facilities for the PPK secretariat, Sub-District Panwaslu, and PPS.

The Provincial Government of Banten in providing political education to the public/voters is of course no less important, because with political education at least people who have the right to vote can exercise their rights or in other words can cast their right to vote at the time of voting later. So that the participation rate of people who have the right to vote in the implementation of elections is increasing.


c)  Factors Influencing Public Information Disclosure in the Implementation of ELECTIONS in Banten Province

Disclosure of public information is needed both for the government and the community because with public information disclosure the community can take part in monitoring the policies that have been issued and this can reduce the number of fraud that often occurs in government (Sari et al., 2022). Disclosure of public information can be carried out through various steps taken to support the achievement of the goal of openness in a better direction and based on the principle of community satisfaction as the best partner with an open service system. The transparency aspect has been running but has not yet reached the budget. The participation aspect has been running but is still in need/receiving data, it has not yet reached the point of improving the data as a whole. Then in terms of efficiency it has been running, it just needs to be improved.

There are two important factors that can affect the disclosure of election information in Banten Province, namely:

1)  Transparency; Information managed by the Information Management and Documentation Officer (PPID) of the General Election Commission and Bawaslu of Banten province relating to regulatory aspects of General Election Commission regulations, circulars, technical instructions and so on, and not that there are also the results of elections, elections or local elections. This is proof of transparency between the government and the community because all levels of society can access websites and follow social media accounts from the KPU and Bawaslu in Banten province. To ensure that the implementation of the provision of information can actually be carried out, information is needed.

2)  Participation; In general, participation can be categorized as a basic psychological need for every individual. This means that humans want to be in a group to be involved in every activity. Participation is a concept that refers to a person's participation in various development activities. This shows the presence of an element of involvement in an activity. One of the urgency of the importance of public information disclosure is to encourage the participation and active role of the community in the information retrieval process.

d)  Strategies that can be implemented by KPU and Bawaslu in realizing Election Information Disclosure in maintaining Quality and Accountability

Strategies that can be implemented by the KPU and Bawaslu to maintain the quality and accountability of election implementation in Banten province are inseparable from the existence of public information disclosure. In the history of the implementation of elections in Indonesia, the term election supervision actually only emerged in the 1980s. In the implementation of the first elections held in Indonesia in 1955, the term election supervision was not yet known. In that era, trust was built among all participants and citizens regarding the implementation of the General Election which was intended to form a parliamentary institution which at that time was known as the Constituent Assembly.

The quality of elections is determined by the quality of the parties. No matter how well we design elections and encourage people's participation optimally and with full awareness, if the quality of parties stagnates, then there will be no significant improvement in the conduct of elections. In political life, the party is the root of the nation's problems. This nation also has hope for the improvement of life. Currently, the democratic system in Indonesia is being enlightened. It seems that it is not yet strong enough to even stagnate in an ideal international study.

Political finance accountability, that campaign funds are one of the important things in the election process (Son, 2018). Campaign funds are needed by political parties and their candidates to be able to compete in elections (Aminuddin et al., 2022). Every political party, legislative candidate will not be able to work optimally in a campaign explained without sufficient campaign funding support. The impact of transparency and accountability can also increase public trust in government. On the one hand, it will be a leadership legacy from the government, and on the other hand, it can also have an impact on various sectors, such as the economy, for example. The strategy that must be carried out by the KPU and Bawaslu of Banten province is to open access to various public information related to periodic information, immediately and information at any time.

Public Information Disclosure Strategy in maintaining the quality and accountability of the 2024 Election in Banten province by using Mazmanian and Sebatier's perspective on dimensions; the ease with which the problem is controlled, non-policy variables that influence the implementation process, and the dimensions of policy ability to structure the implementation process, were found to be unable to answer the need for election quality and accountability.

The theoretical approach of Mazmanian Sebatier is based on the results of this study, it is necessary to add other elements, namely First, the existence of the commitment of the public body's superiors; second, increasing collaboration with various stakeholders in Banten province; third, Innovation in public information services through the development of websites for election organizers, namely the KPU and Bawaslu in Banten province with the addition of content in the category Periodic information, at any time, and information that is excluded as contained in articles 9, 10, 11 and 17 law number 14 of 2008 concerning public information disclosure.



Public information disclosure in the implementation of the 2024 elections in Banten province will depend on aspects of transparency and quality assurance from the organizers. Two important factors that can affect the Disclosure of Election Information in Banten Province can be summarized as follows

Transparency; Information managed by the Information Management and Documentation Officer (PPID) of the General Election Commission and Bawaslu of Banten province relating to regulatory aspects of General Election Commission regulations, circulars, technical instructions and so on, and not that there are also the results of elections, elections or local elections. This is proof of transparency between the government and the community because all levels of society can access websites and follow social media accounts from the KPU and Bawaslu in Banten province. To ensure that the implementation of the provision of information can actually be carried out, information is needed.

Participation; In general, participation can be categorized as a basic psychological need for every individual. This means that humans want to be in a group to be involved in every activity. Participation in the implementation of the 2024 elections in Banten province is a concept that refers to one's participation in various development activities. One of the urgency of the importance of public information disclosure is to encourage participation and active role of the community in the process of collecting election information in Banten Province.




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