Saripudin*, Musa Hubeis, Nancy Yusnita

Faculty of Economics, Universitas Pakuan, West Java, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]*


Article Information



Received: December 11, 2022

Revised: December 29, 2022

Approved: January 16, 2023

Online: January 30, 2023



Quality of Work Life (QWL) is an organizational effort to control employee behavior and maintain work performance so that it improves continuously. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of organizational culture, servant leadership, and personality on turnover as mediated by work-life quality. This study used a quantitative approach with a sample size of 134 respondents. Employees of PT Nipindo Primatama Group in North Jakarta City completed questionnaires, which provided the research data. The SmartPLS program was used to analyze the research data using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM PLS) analysis technique. The findings revealed that organizational culture, servant leadership, and personality all had a significant and positive impact on employees' quality of work life, with the better the organizational culture, servant leadership, and employee personality, the higher the employees' quality of work life. The findings revealed that servant leadership, personality, and work-life quality all had a negative impact on turnover, whereas organizational culture had no direct impact on turnover. Employee turnover can be reduced by servant leadership, personality, and a high quality of work life, whereas a good organizational culture cannot always reduce employee turnover.



organizational culture; servant leadership; personality; quality of work life; turnover






Turnover intention is the tendency or intention of employees to leave work from their jobs (Mujiati & Dewi, 2016). The desire to leave an organization is generally preceded by employee intentions that are triggered, among others, by employee dissatisfaction with work and low employee commitment to attach themselves to the organization (Mahardika & Wibawa, 2015). This greatly affects the performance of coal production, the high employee turnover rate affects the ratio of employee needs and ultimately disrupts the achievement of annual National Coal production.

Intention To Leave occurs in the phenomenon of high percent employee turnover that occurs at PT. Nipindo Primatama Group is when an operator/ employee feels that their work life and professional life are no longer balanced, they rarely submit resignation. I often leave work right away or go on leave (work roster), but when this happens at a coal mining company in North Jakarta, this is very worrying. The Human Resources (HR) Division is the implementation of job analysis, HR planning, recruitment and selection, placement and career development, as well as good education and training which will increase the potential of human resources to work, because they have received the provision of knowledge and skills (Sinambela, 2021).

Employees are one of the important aspects in carrying out the human resource management (HRM) process, because these employees carry out every activity process in the company (Ichsan, Lukman Nasution, & Sarman Sinaga, 2021). One of the problems that cannot be avoided by the company is when employees want to leave the company voluntarily. It is often heard of private and government companies losing their employees and what is most unacceptable for companies is when companies have to lose potential employees, who are most able to contribute to helping the company progress. However, it is necessary to pay attention to obtaining working conditions that support employee satisfaction, so that quality employees can be created. In addition, by knowing the level of employee satisfaction, the company can increase productivity and efficiency, namely through improving the attitudes and behavior of its employees.

 Big Five Personality states a consistent approach to see and assess personality in a person through the analysis of adjective factors, where the five factors are Neuroticism, Openness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Conscientious-ness (Arifin, Saputra, Puteh, & Qamarius, 2019). The theory formulated by McCrae and Costa states that individual personality is influenced by five major things, namely: (1) Neuroticism includes individuals who have problems with negative feelings, such as anxiety, sadness, irritability, and tense; (2) Openness to Experience (Openness to New Things) explains how a person accepts a new idea or situation or is open to new things and is curious to know and learn something new. (3) Extraversion, that is, someone who easily interacts with other people and whose positive traits are happy associating with other people, can socialize, and is able to form groups firmly. (4) Agreeableness (Easy to Get Along or Easy to Agree) summarizes the traits interpersonal, namely someone who is friendly, gentle,

Seen the relationship between the variables of the Big Five Personality Model and employee performance. The Big Five Personality Model is a consistent approach to seeing and assessing personality in a person through adjective factor analysis, where the five factors are Neuroticism, Openness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Conscientious-ness (Simanullang, 2021). So that the personality of the big five personality or characteristics can be seen in the work performance of employees.

Quality of work life (QWL) is a management perspective on people, workers and organizations. Quality of work life refers to a philosophy of introducing changes in organizational culture, as well as improving the physical and emotional state of employees (Rianda & Firmansyah, 2021). The better the QWL, the better the performance produced by employees, so that the goals of the organization can be achieved more quickly. Quality of work life is a condition in which workers feel safe and satisfied at work, because they are in a pleasant position and are treated according to human dignity and worth (Nadeak, 2019). Sinha's research (2012) QWL resulted in the extraction of three factors from various organizational factors. Three factors emerged, namely 1) relationship-sustenance orientation, 2) futuristic and professional orientation, and 3). Self deterministic and systemic orientation. The results show that these factors have an important role in QWL for employees and for developing work-related quality of life (Hadiwijaya, 2016). There are efforts to obtain a better quality of work life, and the achievement of welfare for employees is becoming an increasingly important issue for more attention. Based on research conducted by the QWL life survey team for 30 years in the United States, it has consistently shown results that a high quality of work life in the workplace can reduce stress levels in the workplace, increase productivity and loyalty to the company.

As a company engaged in the mining contracting business and coal port service facility which is technology-intensive, capital-intensive and high-risk, since the issuance of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree No. 1827 K/30/MEM/2018 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Good Mining Principles issued on May 7 2018. PT. Nipindo Primatama Group continuously revamps the system and improves employee competence through internal and external training to improve the skills and competencies of employees, drivers, operators and mechanics in the field.

Companies that pay little attention to the QWL quality of work life factor, will likely find it difficult to get or retain workers that match the company's needs, it will even be difficult to resurrect the performance of existing employees (Achmad Agus Priyono, 2020). More than that, sometimes companies will face conditions of worker displacement, because employees prefer to work in other places or companies that apply various quality of work life factors that are more promising.

Quality of work lifeis one of the most important factors for human motivation and increase job satisfaction. Quality of work life is a comprehensive concept consisting of physical and psychological health, economic situation, personal beliefs and interaction with the environment (Farmi, Apridar, & Bachri, 2021). The work atmosphere will create a conducive quality of work life for the achievement of organizational goals, where an increase in QWL can have a positive impact on increasing job satisfaction with the organization. This explanation implies that QWL is the right way to improve the quality of human resources in a company. By going through an HR (employee) process it is hoped that it will maximize responsibility for work. Servant leadership is the behavior of a leader who prioritizes service, namely service that arises from a person's desire to perform service to others, which aims to enable the individual served to grow, be healthy, be independent (autonoumous), and have serving soul (Rangkuti, 2017).

 Servant leaders usually put the needs of followers as a top priority and treat them as colleagues, so the closeness between the two is very close, because they are involved in one another. Servant Leadership is a management style in terms of leading and serving in harmony, and in interaction with the environment (Suryati, 2021). A servant leader is someone who has a strong desire to serve and lead, where the important thing in servant leadership is to be able to combine the two as a mutually reinforcing strategy in a positive way. In this case the leader acts as a role model, co-worker, as well as a driver or motivator.

Personality is a relatively stable set of characteristics, tendencies, and temperaments that have been significantly shaped by inheritance and by social, cultural, and environmental factors (Mashudi, 2018). Personality is the totality of attitudes, feelings, expressions, temperament, character traits and behavior of a person. Personality is one of the things that is very influential in the success and failure of a person in life, both in the field of work and in his actions in society. Personality is very important to be known by everyone so that each individual is able to develop the strengths they have and improve the weaknesses that exist in that person (Lusyawati, Anni, & Suharso, 2018). Someone who has difficulty developing himself, probably because he does not know the weaknesses and shortcomings he has, because most of the science of psychology still uses old ways and methods in the process of understanding and studying the psychological side of an object, this is less efficient because it requires quite a long time in the process, besides that a feeling of saturation is prone to occur during the process.

The phenomenon of employee turnover is the tendency of employees who have competence (skills) not to feel QWL or work–life balance (WLB) they do not feel from the company where they work (Octaviani, 2015). Such a turnover phenomenon also occurs in other mining companies which are not the object of this research. Since 2018-2020, at least the rate of employees resigning at PT. Nipindo Primatama Group has achieved an average rate of 12 percent in three years. This condition tends to fluctuate increasing from year to year.

About 30% of employees will stay on the conditions and job, if there is a higher salary offer elsewhere. Based on temporary observations, that currently the average high turnover rate is the highest of the standard set by the company, thus affecting the ratio of competent operators which is quite a large deviation from the needs of operators in the mine. Other problems currently faced by companies apart from Turnover are organizational culture, service leadership and personality towards Intention to Leave through QWL. Quality of work life has an important role, especially in one's performance at work.

Based on the literature from several previous studies, another factor that is thought to have a relationship with Intention to Leave through QWL is organizational culture, namely the understanding of important values ​​and norms in the organization that direct the behavior of members of the organization. Serving Leadership is the behavior of a leader who prioritizes service, namely service that arises from a person's desire to perform service to others, which aims to enable the individual served to grow, be healthy, be independent (Autonoumous), and have service spirit, and Personality, which is a relatively stable set of characteristics, inclinations, and temperaments (individuals) that have been significantly shaped by inheritance and by social, cultural, and work environment factors.



The influence of Servant Leadership on Turnover Through Quality of work life

According to Agnesya (2019), leadership is an activity to influence people so that they are directed to achieve organizational goals. Leadership includes influencing processes in determining organizational goals, motivating behavior to achieve a goal. According to Afroz (2017), QWL is defined as an engagement-based culture. The QWL culture engenders a very high mutual commitment among individuals to organizational goals as well as between organizations and individual development needs. Quality of work life can be seen as goals, processes and organizational philosophy. Quality of work life is seen as a goal, namely QWL refers to the creation of increased work, employee involvement, satisfaction of the people involved in the organization and organizational effectiveness. Turnovers is the level or intensity of the desire to leave the organization/company, there are many reasons that cause this turnover intention and one of them is the desire to get a better job (Dechawatanapaisal, 2017). According to Budiarto (Budiarto, 2020) Turnover is characterized by a decrease in the productivity level of employee performance at the company, usually this occurs as frequently arriving late, often skipping school, or high levels of absenteeism for various reasons, lack of enthusiasm and low initiative or lack of desire to work hard. better than the start.

Research conducted by Harahap (2021), Gusroni (2021), Hayati, et al., (2021), Hidayati and Saputra (2018), and Agnesya, (2019) state that QWL is able to mediate the influence of servant leadership on Turnover. Based on the description above, the hypothesis in this study is:

H1: There is servant leadership towards Turnover through Quality of work life


The Effect of Personality on Turnover Through the Quality of work life

Personality or psyche includes all thoughts, feelings and behavior, conscious and unconscious. Personality guides people to adapt to the social and physical environment. From the beginning of life, the personality is unitary or has the potential to form a whole. When developing personality, people must try to maintain unity and harmony between all elements of personality (Alwisol, 2014). According to Afroz (2017), QWL is defined as an engagement-based culture. The QWL culture engenders a very high mutual commitment among individuals to organizational goals as well as between organizations and individual development needs. Quality of work life can be seen as goals, processes and organizational philosophy. Quality of work life is seen as a goal, namely QWL refers to the creation of increased work, employee involvement, satisfaction of the people involved in the organization and organizational effectiveness.

Turnovers is the level or intensity of the desire to leave the organization/company, there are many reasons that cause this turnover intention and one of them is the desire to get a better job (Dechawatanapaisal, 2017). Turnover is characterized by a decrease in the productivity level of employee performance at the company, usually this occurs as frequently arriving late, often skipping school, or high levels of absenteeism for various reasons, lack of enthusiasm and low initiative or lack of desire to work hard. better than the start (Dechawatanapaisal, 2017).

Research conducted by Pramudita and Suharnomo (2022), Fridolin, (2020) and Prasetyo, (2019) states that QWL is able to mediate the influence of personality on turnover. Based on this description, the hypothesis in this study is:

H2: There is a personality towards Turnover through Quality of work life


Author, Year






(Mustamil & Najam, 2020)

The Impact of Servant Leadership on Follower Turn-over Intentions:

Mediating Role of Resilience

Quantitative Survey

This study provides empirical evidence of the importance of having leaders who manage servant leadership, as it helps reduce turnover intention. It also reports the mediating effect of employee resilience.

Both involve servant leadership and turnover variables. In addition, both use quantitative survey research.

The research conducted added several variables such as organizational culture, personality, and QWL. In addition, this research was conducted on HEIs academics in Pakistan, while the research was conducted on employees of PT Nipindo Group in North Jakarta, Indonesia.

(Huning, Hurt, & Frieder, 2020)

The effect of servant leadership,

perceived organizational support,

job satisfaction and job embeddedness on Turnover intentions An Empirical Investigation

Quantitative survey

POS and engagement are mediating mechanisms in which servant leadership is related to employee turnover intention, POS and job engagement are significant mediating constructs that help explain the nature of the servant leadership and turnover intention relationship.

Both involve servant leadership, organizational culture, and turnover variables. In addition, both use quantitative survey research.

The research conducted added several variables such as personality and QWL. In addition, this research was conducted on metropolitan employees in the Southeastern United States, while the research was conducted on PT Nipindo Group employees in North Jakarta, Indonesia.

(Pomsuwan, 2018)

The Impact Of Employee Personality Traits, Perceived Stress

And Stress Management On Quality Of Work Life Of

Operational Employees Selected For Layoff


There is an influence of employee personality traits on the quality of work life of operational employees who are selected for termination, except for friendliness and neuroticism. In addition, there is a perceived impact of stress on the quality of work life of operational employees who are selected to be terminated

Both involve QWL. In addition, both use quantitative survey research.

The research conducted added several variables such as organizational culture, personality and Turnover. In addition, this research was conducted on employees in Bangkok, Thailand while the research was conducted on employees in North Jakarta, Indonesia.



The approach in this research is a quantitative approach, because this research is presented with numbers. This is in accordance with the opinion of Arikunto (2010) who stated that quantitative research is a research approach that requires a lot of numbers, starting from data collection, interpretation of the data, and the appearance of the results. In this study, data were collected using a questionnaire, and the results of the questionnaire were analyzed to determine the effect of each variable calculated using SEM PLS analysis.

To obtain the necessary data in the field, in order to prove the hypothesis that has been set, it is necessary to use the right data collection technique or method in the sense that it can be accounted for that the data obtained is accurate, correct, and not distorted. Data collection techniques in this study used surveys with data collection tools, such as questionnaires or questionnaires. Questionnaire is a tool that can be used for research that uses a quantitative approach to the survey method (Hamdi & Bahruddin, 2015).

Data analysis was carried out using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method using SmartPLS version 3 software. PLS is a method of solving Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) which is valued more than other SEM techniques. SEM has a higher degree of flexibility in research that links theory and data, and is capable of carrying out path analysis with latent variables, so it is often used by researchers who focus on social sciences. Partial Least Square is a fairly strong analytical method, because it is not based on many assumptions. Data also does not have to be multivariate normal distribution (indicators with category scale, ordinal, interval to ratio can be used in the same model), and the sample does not have to be large (Ghozali, 2016)



A.  Description of Servant Leadership

Serving leadership in this study is measured bynine measurement indicators, Empowerment, Accountability, Standing Back, Humility, Authenticity, Courage, Interpersonal, Acceptance and Stewardship. The results of the analysis in Figure 5.2 show that the average score of respondents' answers on the variable serving leadership is in the good category (mean = 3.602), meaning that the leaders at PT Nipindo Primatama Group, North Jakarta City, have carried out their leadership well.

Figure 1. Description of Serving Leadership carried out by the leadership at PT Nipindo Primatama GroupNorth Jakarta City.

Based on the average score of respondents' answers on each dimension of serving leadership measurement, the lowest average was found on the dimensions of Humility and Acceptance. This means that the servant leadership carried out by superiors is good, but still needs improvement in terms of Humility and Acceptance. The details can be seen in Table 1.

Table 1. The Average Score of Respondents' Answers on Serving Leadership Variables





Managers provide the information needed to do a good job



Managers offer many opportunities to learn new skills



Managers take responsibility for the work done



Managers hold colleagues accountable for how we handle work



The manager hides himself and gives credit to others



Managers seem to enjoy the success of their colleagues more than their own



Managers learn from criticism



Managers learn from mistakes



Managers constantly criticize people for mistakes made in their jobs



Managers find it hard to forget the things that went wrong in the past



Managers take risks, even when unsure of their own manager's support



The manager takes the risk and does what he sees fit to do



Managers prefer to provide criticism outside the meeting forum for the results of meeting decisions



The manager carries out the results of the meeting's decisions at will



Managers always accept jobs given by superiors



Managers never refuse orders from their superiors.



Managers emphasize the importance of focusing on the overall good



Managers have a long term vision


Source: processed data (2022)

The results of the analysis in Table 1 show that of the 18 question items that measure the variable serving leadership, indicators with the lowest average values ​​are found numbers 6, 7, 8, 15 and 16. This means that even though the serving leadership carried out by superiors is good, but still need improvement in terms of:

(1)    The manager is satisfied with the results of his team's efforts and does not compare them with the results of other teams' work, so it is as if the results of other teams are always better than his team

(2)    Managers want to learn from criticism, and accept criticism as a reference for future improvement

(3)    Managers want to learn from various mistakes, where each error must be studied and a solution sought, so that in the future if the same problem is encountered, the error will no longer occur.

(4)    Managers always accept jobs given by superiors

(5)    Managers never refuse orders from their superiors


B.  Personality description

Employee personality in this study is measured bysix dimensions of measurement, namely feelings of being able to complete tasks and being trusted, having a strong power for constructive change, fixing something if you don't like it, always believing in something and making it happen, looking for better ways to do things and finding good opportunities long before others . The results of the calculation of the average score of respondents' answers on the personality variable show an average value of 3.223 (good), which means that the personality of most employees in this company tends to be good.

The results of calculating the average score of respondents' answers on all dimensions of measuring employee personality, where the dimension with the lowest average is in the dimension of fixing something if you don't like it. This needs to be corrected, because when working in a mining company all risks must be accepted, even though the work provided by the company is quite heavy.


Table 2. The average value of the respondent's answer score on the personality variable question





I believe I have a sense of being able to complete tasks and can be trusted



I am confident and confident. I feel able to complete tasks and can be trusted



I want the company to believe in my abilities, feel able to complete tasks and can be trusted



I feel I have the ability to complete assignments well and on time



I believe that the task will be completed within the time set by the supervisor



I always have a way of doing a good job



I always finish work on time



I always provide input that can build the company



I always make a strategy at work



I always stick to the vision and mission of the company



I still try to be patient in doing jobs that I don't like



I always try to like all the jobs in the company



I am required to do a good job



Every employee is required to like every job given



I feel I can fix all the work well



I'm always confident in doing my job



I can always carry out every job from the boss well



I'm always optimistic



I never give up before doing work



I'm always trying to find a way to get the job done



I'm always trying to find a way to get the job done



Every difficult job I always have a way to solve it



Every job I always do it carefully



I always look for references before doing work



Every reference I get, I develop again according to my work



I always try to find interesting ideas



I always find a good opportunity before anyone else does



Every opportunity I find is always welcomed and appreciated by my manager



I always have creative ideas



I always consult ideas that I have with others


Source: processed data (2022)

The results of the analysis in Table 2 show that of the 30 questions that measure personality variables, the question items with the lowest average scores are items number 17 and 29. This means that basically the personality of the employees in this company is good, but there are still many employees who lacks patience when faced with difficult work, tries to do a good job and has creative ideas.


C.  Description of Quality of Work Life

QWL variables in this research is measured by five measurement dimensions, namely Supervisors supports, Good work environment, Professional respect, Work life balance, Skill development. The results of the calculation of the average score of respondents' answers on the QWL variable are in the good category. This shows that basically the QWL of employees in this company is good. The results of the calculation of the average score of respondents' answers on the QWL variable are in the good category (mean = 3.367), so it can be said that the employee's QWL is actually good.

Furthermore, the results of calculating the average per dimension, the result is that the lowest average is on the dimensions of availability of job alternatives and hostile work environment, meaning that overall the employee QWL is good, but in terms of availability of job alternatives and hostile work environment employees still feel lacking. Details of this can be seen in Table 3.


Table 3. The average score of Respondents Answers on QWL Question Items





The work given is very difficult



There is no alternative from superiors at work



The target given is quite high



The work given is too dense



Leaders do not provide corrective directions, when employees make work mistakes



Always encounter difficulties at work



All policies are applied inconsistently to all employees



Before making a decision, the organization does not seek accurate and factual information



The company does not provide opportunities for employees to express their opinions before making decisions



Colleagues don't want to help, when someone has difficulty doing the task



Co-workers don't want to help when someone has difficulty doing the task



Bosses who are unfair to co-workers


Source: processed data (2022)

The results of the analysis show that of the 12 question items that measure the QWL variable, the items with the lowest average are item numbers 2,4,5,9,11 and 12. This means that even though the employee QWL is quite good, there are still many employees who feel that their QWL is low, because (1) there is no alternative from their superiors at work, (2) the work given is too dense, (3) there is a lack of direction from superiors when employees work, (4) the company does not provide opportunities for employees to express their opinions before making decisions, (5) Co-workers don't want to help when someone is having difficulties doing tasks and Bosses are unfair to co-workers.


D.  Turnover Description

Turnovers employees in this study is measured byfive measurement dimensions, namely supervisors supports, good work environment, professional respect, work life balance and skill development. The results of the calculation of the average answer score on the Turnover variable are in the high category, which means that there have been many turnover symptoms in this company caused by many things, both from the leadership side and job specifications. Details of this can be seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Overview of Employee Turnover at PT Nipindo Primatama Group, North Jakarta City

The results of the calculation of the average score of respondents' answers, the results of the analysis show that most of the symptoms of turnover are due to lack of support from supervisors, lack of work life balance and professional respect which are considered lacking by employees. Details of this can be seen in Table 4.


Table 4. The average score of Respondents' Answers on the Turnover Variable





Supervisorsnot always support career and job



Supervisorsdoes not ensure that the income/salary received is appropriate and in accordance with the workload



I feel uncomfortable with the working conditions (comfort, quiet, and facilities) at work.



Lack of assurance of a safe work environment.



The company does not implement a structural system for providing competitive direct compensation (salary) in accordance with the position/title



Rewardswhat is received is not appropriate and in proportion to the results of the work



There were times when I had to work not according to the working hours set by the company



I can't do other activities outside working hours



Bosses never try to create a wide variety of tasks for employees to reduce monotony.



Bosses have never given more job-related responsibilities



Bosses do not provide opportunities for all employees to use the new knowledge they have.


Source: processed data (2022)


The results of the calculation of the average score of respondents' answers on each item of the question of the turnover variable show that the highest average is in items number 9 and 10, meaning that symptoms of turnover appear mostly because superiors are assessed by employees not trying to create a wide variety of tasks for employees To reduce monotony and superiors, it is considered that employees do not give more work-related responsibilities.



1.  The Servant Leadership Construct

The Servant Leadership Construct is a 2nd order construct with nine measurement indicators, Empowerment, Accountability, Standing Back, Humility, Authenticity, Courage, Interpersonal, Accept-ance and Stewardship. Details of this can be seen in Figure 3.


Description: Diagram

Description automatically generated

Figure 3. Estimation Results of the Serving Leadership Construct CFA Model (X2)


Based on the estimation results of the serving leadership construct CFA model in Figure 3, there are several indicators that are invalid in measuring the serving leadership construct, because it has a loading factor <0.7, namely indicator X2.1.1; X2.2.2; X2.3.2 and X2.6.2. Therefore, these four indicators must be removed from the model because they are considered unable to properly measure X2 and its dimensions. The results of the estimation of the X2 measurement model after the two indicators are removed from the model can be seen in Figure 4.

Description: Diagram, schematic

Description automatically generated


Figure 4. Estimation Results of the Serving Leadership Construct CFA Model (X2) after the four invalid indicators were issued


The model estimation results in Figure 4, show that after two invalid indicators are removed from the model, all indicators in the X2 measurement modelvalid and the 1st order construct AVE (X2 dimension) has > 0.5, which means that all indicators in the Serving Leadership construct measurement model have met the required convergent validity criteria. Furthermore, to ensure that the dimensions of the X2 gauge can measure X2 properly, a bootstrapping test is carried out. The results of the bootstrapping test in Table 4.12 show that all dimensions have a p value <0.05 and t statistic > 1.96, which means that the nine dimensions measuring X2 are dimensions that can be used to measure servant leadership by company leaders. Details of this can be seen in Table 5.

Table 5. Results of the Serving Leadership Construct Bootstrapping Test (X2)


Original Sample(O)

Sample Means(M)

Standard Deviations(STDEV)

t Statistics (|O/STDEV|)

P Values

X2 -> X2.1






X2 -> X2.2






X2 -> X2.3






X2 -> X2.4












X2 -> X2.6






X2 -> X2.7






X2 -> X2.8






X2 -> X2.9






Source: processed data (2022)


2.  Personality Construct

The Personality Construct is a 2nd order construct with six measurement dimensions, namely feelings of being able to complete tasks and can be trusted, having a strong power for constructive change, fixing something if you don't like it, always believing in something and making it happen, looking for a better way to do it something and find good opportunities long before anything else. The shape of the measurement model for the Personality construct and its estimation results can be seen in Figure 5.


Description: Chart, diagram

Description automatically generated

Figure 5. Estimation Results of the Personality Construct CFA Model (X3) after the four invalid indicators were excluded Based on the estimation results of the CFA model of the Personality construct


Figure 5 shows several indicators that are not valid in measuring the service leadership construct, because they have a loading factor <0.7, namely indicators X3.2.3, X3.2.4, X3.3.1, and X3.3.2. Then the four indicators must be removed from the model because they are considered unable to measure X3 properly along with its dimensions. The results of the estimation of the X3 measurement model after the two indicators are removed from the model can be seen in Figure 6.


Description: Chart, diagram, schematic

Description automatically generated

Figure 6. Estimation Results of the Personality Construct CFA Model (X3) after the four invalid indicators were excluded



The model estimation results in Figure 6 show that after the four invalid indicators are removed from the model, all indicators in the X3 measurement modelvalid and the 1st order construct AVE (X3 dimension) has > 0.5, which means that all indicators in the Personality construct measurement model have met the required convergent validity criteria. Furthermore, to ensure that the dimensions of the X3 gauge can measure X3 properly, a bootstrapping test is carried out. The results of the bootstrapping test in Table 4.9 show that all dimensions have a p value <0.05 and t statistics > 1.96, which means that the six dimensions measuring X3 are dimensions that can be used to measure Personality by company leaders. an.


Table 6. X3 Construct Bootstrapping Test Results


Original Sample(O)

Sample Means(M)

Standard Deviations(STDEV)

t Statistics (|O/STDEV|)

P Values

X3 -> X3.1






X3 -> X3.2






X3 -> X3.3






X3 -> X3.4






X3 -> X3.5






X3 -> X3.6






Source: processed data (2022)


The QWL construct is a 2nd order construct with five measurement dimensions, namely Supervisors supports, Good work environment, Professional respect, WLB, Skill development. The shape of the QWL construct measurement model and its estimation results can be seen in Figure 7.

Description: Diagram, schematic

Description automatically generated

Figure 7. Estimation Results of the Construct CFA Model Quality of Work Life(Z)


Based on the estimation results of the CFA model of the Personality construct in Figure 7, there are several indicators that are not valid in measuring the QWL construct, because they have a loading factor <0.7, namely indicators Z3.1 and Z4.1. Therefore, these two indicators must be removed from the model, because they are considered unable to measure QWL properly along with its dimensions. The estimation results of the QWL measurement model after the two indicators are removed from the model can be seen in Figure 8.

Description: Diagram, schematic, bubble chart

Description automatically generated


Figure 8. Estimation Results of the Construct CFA Model Quality of Work Life(Z) after all four invalid indicators are issued


The model estimation results in Figure 8 show that after two invalid indicators are removed from the model, all indicators in the construct measurement modelThe QWL is valid and the 1st order construct AVE (QWL dimension) has > 0.5, which means that all indicators in the QWL construct measurement model have met the required convergent validity criteria. Next, to ensure the dimensions of the QWL meter are correct, a bootstrapping test is carried out to measure QWL properly. The results of the bootstrapping test in Table 4.12 show that all dimensions have a p value <0.05 and t statistic > 1.96, which means that the four QWL measuring dimensions are dimensions that can be used to measure the QWL of a company's employees. Details of this can be seen in Table 7.


Table 7. X3 Construct Bootstrapping Test Results


Original Sample(O)

Sample Means(M)

Standard Deviations(STDEV)

t Statistics (|O/STDEV|)

P Values

Z -> Z. 1






Z -> Z. 2






Z -> Z. 3






Z -> Z. 4






Source: processed data (2022)

3.  Turnover construct

The Turnover construct is a 2nd order construct with six measurement dimensions, namely Supervisors, Good Work, Professional respect, WLB, Skill development. The estimation results can be seen in Figure 9.

Description: Diagram, schematic

Description automatically generated

Figure 9. Estimation Results of the Construct CFA Model Quality of Work Life(Z)

Based on the estimation results of the CFA model for the Personality construct in Figure 9, there are several indicators that are invalid in measuring the Turnover construct, because they have a loading factor <0.7, namely indicators Y2.1 and Y4.1, so these two indicators must be removed from the model, because they are considered unable to properly measure Turnover along with its dimensions. The estimation results of the Turnover measurement model after the two indicators are removed from the model can be seen in Figure 10.

Description: Diagram, schematic

Description automatically generated

Figure 10. Estimation Results of the Construct CFA Model turnovers (Y) after both invalid indicators are issued



The model estimation results in Figure 10 show that after the two invalid indicators are removed from the model, all indicators in the Turnover construct measurement modelvalid and AVE 1st order construct (Turnover dimension) has > 0.5, which means that all indicators in the Turnover construct measurement model have met the required convergent validity criteria. Next, ensure that the dimensions of the Turnover measure can measure Turnover properly. Then do the bootstrapping test. The results of the bootstrapping test in Table 8 show that all dimensions have a p value <0.05 and t statistic > 1.96, which means that the four dimensions for measuring turnover are dimensions that can be used to measure company employee turnover.


Table 8. X3 Construct Bootstrapping Test Results


Original Sample (O)

Sample Means (M)

Standard Deviations (STDEV)

t Statistics (|O/STDEV|)

P Values

Y -> Y.1






Y -> Y.2






Y -> Y.3






Y -> Y.4






Y -> Y.5






Source: processed data (2022)

Based on the overall results of the CFA analysis on each construct, it is concluded that all dimensions of each research variable can be used to measure research variables, but there are several indicators that are invalid in measuring research variables, so they cannot be used as a measure of research variables. Based on the overall results of the CFA test on each construct, Organizational Culture is measured by six measurement indicators, Service Leadership is measured by 14 measurement indicators, Personality is measured by 26 indicators, QWL is measured by 10 indicators and Turnover is measured by nine measurement indicators.


F.   Testing the Effect of Between Variables

In PLS analysis, after the model is proven fit, testing the effect between variables can be done. Testing the effect includes testing the direct effect, testing the indirect effect and testing the total effect.

1.   Direct Influence

The direct effect or often referred to as the direct effect is the direct effect of exogenous variables on endogenous variables. In PLS SEM analysis, the significance and direction of direct influence can be seen from the p value, t statistic and the path coefficient connecting endogenous to exogenous. If the p value is <0.05 and the t statistic is >1.96 (two tail t value), it can be concluded that the exogenous variable has a significant effect on the endogenous variable with the direction of influence according to the sign attached to the path coefficient. Furthermore, if the p value is obtained > 0.05 and the t statistic is <1.96 (two tail t value), then it is concluded that the exogenous variable has no significant effect on the endogen (Hair et al, 2019). Details of this can be seen in Table 9.


Table 9. Results of the Direct Effect Test


Original Sample (O)

Sample Means (M)

Standard Deviations (STDEV)

t Statistics (|O/STDEV|)

P Values

X1 -> Y






X1 -> Z






X2 -> Y






X2 -> Z






X3 -> Y






X3 -> Z






Z -> Y






Source: processed data (2022)



The explanation of the results of the direct influence test is as follows:

a)   X1 lineàZ

On the path that shows the influence of organizational culture on QWL, a very significant p value (0.000) is obtained with a t statistic of 4.075 and a positive path coefficient of 0.276, because the p value <0.05; t statistic > 1.96 and the path coefficient is positive, it can be concluded that organizational culture has a significant and positive effect on employee QWL, the better the company's organizational culture, the higher the employee QWL, and vice versa, a bad organizational culture can reduce employee QWL.

b)   X2 lineàZ

On the path that shows the influence of servant leadership on QWL, a very significant p value (0.000) is obtained with a t statistic of 5.441 and a positive path coefficient of 0.369. Because the p value < 0.05; t statistic > 1.96 and the path coefficient is positive, it can be concluded that servant leadership has a significant and positive effect on employee QWL, the better the service leadership carried out by company leaders, the higher the employee QWL, and vice versa, serving leadership does not carried out properly by company leaders can reduce employee QWL.

c)   X3 lineàZ

On the path that shows the influence of personality on QWL, a very significant p value (0.002) is obtained with a t statistic of 3.137 and a positive path coefficient of 0.234. Because the p value < 0.05; t statistic > 1.96 and the path coefficient is positive, it can be concluded that employee personality has a significant and positive effect on employee QWL, the better the personality of the company's employees, the higher the employee QWL, and vice versa the unfavorable employee personality can reduce employee QWL.

d)   X1 lineàY

On the path that shows the influence of organizational culture on turnover, the p value is not significant (0.424) with a t statistic of 0.800, because the p value is > 0.05; t statistic <1.96, it can be concluded that organizational culture has no effect on employee turn-over, meaning that a good organizational culture cannot always reduce employee turnover in a company.

e)   X2 lineàY

On the path that shows the influence of servant leadership on turnover, a very significant p value (0.003) is obtained with a t statistic of 2.983 and a negative path coefficient of -0.217. Because the p value < 0.05; t statistic > 1.96 and the path coefficient is negative, it can be concluded that servant leadership has a significant and negative effect on employee turnover, the better the service leadership carried out by company leaders, the lower employee turnover, and vice versa, serving leadership is not carried out properly by company leaders have the potential to increase employee turnover.

f)    X3 lineàY

On the path that shows the influence of personality on Turn-over, a very significant p value (0.000) is obtained with a t statistic of 3.857 and a negative path coefficient of -0.351. Because the p value < 0.05; t statistic > 1.96 and the path coefficient is negative, it is concluded that employee personality has a significant and negative effect on employee turnover, the better the personality of the company's employees, the lower the employee turnover, and vice versa the unfavorable employee personality can trigger employee turnover.

g)   Z lineàY

On the path that shows the effect of QWL on Turnover, a very significant p value (0.001) is obtained with a t statistic of 3.484 and a negative path coefficient of -0.286. Because the p value < 0.05; t statistic > 1.96 and the path coefficient is negative, it can be concluded that employee QWL has a significant and negative effect on employee turnover, the better the quality of work life of company employees, the lower employee turnover, and vice versa a poor QWL can trigger turnover employee.



2.  Indirect Influence

The indirect effect or often referred to as the indirect effect is the influence of exogenous variables on endogenous variables through mediating (intervening). As in the direct effect test, the significance of this indirect effect is assessed from the p value and t statistics. P value <0.05 and t statistic > 1.96 (two tail t statistics cut value) indicating the existence of an intervening role in mediating exogenous effects on endogenous, while P value > 0.05 and t statistic <1.96 (two tail t statistics cut value) indicates the absence of an intervening role in mediating exogenous to endogenous influences.Details of this can be seen in Table 10.

Table 10. Test resultsIndirect Influence


Original Sample (O)

Sample Means (M)

Standard Deviations (STDEV)

t Statistics (|O/STDEV|)

P Values

X1 -> Z -> Y






X2 -> Z -> Y






X3 -> Z -> Y






Source: processed data (2022)


Based on the results of the analysis in the table above, the following test results are obtained:

a)       Line X1 – Z – Y

On the indirect path that connects X1 to Y via Z, a p value of 0.007 and t statistic is 2.728 with a negative path coefficient of -0.079, because the p value <0.05, t statistic > 1.96 and the path coefficient is negative, then it can be concluded that organizational culture can have an indirect effect on turnover throughQWL. This means that QWL is significantly proven to mediate the indirect effect of organizational culture on turnover, where a good organizational culture can increase employee QWL and can further reduce employee turnover.

b)      Line X2 – Z – Y

On the indirect path connecting X2 to Y via Z, a p value of 0.005 and a t statistic of 2.840 with a negative path coefficient of -0.106 are obtained. Because the p value <0.05, t statistic > 1.96 and the path coefficient is negative, it is concluded that servant leadership can have an indirect effect on turnover throughQWL. This means that QWL is significantly proven to be able to mediate the indirect effect of servant leadership on turnover, good servant leadership can increase employee QWL which in turn can reduce employee turnover.

c)       Line X3 – Z – Y

On the indirect path connecting X3 to Y via Z, a p value of 0.023 and a t statistic of 2.272 with a negative path coefficient of -0.067 are obtained. Because the p value obtained is <0.05, the t statistic is > 1.96 and the path coefficient is negative, it is concluded that personality can have an indirect effect on turnover throughQWL. This means that QWL is significantly proven to mediate the indirect effect of personality on turnover, good personality can increase employee QWL, which in turn can reduce employee turn-over.

G.  Hypothesis Test

Hypothesis 1 in this study states that servant leadership influences QWL. The results of the analysis show that the path that shows the influence of servant leadership on QWL obtained a very significant p value (0.000) with a t statistic of 5.441 and a positive path coefficient of 0.369. Because the p value < 0.05; t statistic > 1.96 and the path coefficient is positive, it can be concluded that servant leadership has a significant and positive effect on employee QWL, the better the service leadership carried out by company leaders, the higher the employee QWL, and vice versa, service leadership which is not implemented properly by company leaders can reduce employee QWL. This supports hypothesis 2 in this study, then hypothesis 1 is accepted.

Hypothesis 2 in this study states that personality influences QWL. The results of the analysis show the effect of personality on turnover, a very significant p value (0.000) is obtained with a t statistic of 3.857 and a negative path coefficient of -0.351. Because the p value < 0.05; t statistic > 1.96 and the path coefficient is negative, it can be concluded that employee personality has a significant and negative effect on employee turnover, the better the personality of the company's employees, the lower the employee turnover, and conversely, the personality of employees who are not good can trigger employee turnover. This supports hypothesis 2 in this study, then hypothesis 2 is accepted.



A.  The Influence of Servant Leadership on the Quality of Work Life

Hypothesis 1 in this study is proven and it is concluded that servant leadership has a significant and positive effect on employee QWL, the better the service leadership carried out by company leaders, the higher the employee QWL, and conversely, service leadership which is not carried out well by company leaders can reduce employee QWL.

The results of this study are in line with the results of previous studies conducted by (Agustha et al., 2018; Ardiyanti et al., 2021; Haji et al., 2021; Hamidi et al., 2016; Herman, 2009; Ijeudo & Unachukwu, 2022; Küçükoğlu & Akca, 2019; Megale & Sunardi, 2017 ; Merdiaty et al., 2019; Nursalam et al., 2018; Perna, 2018; Setyaningrum & Pawar, 2020; Suyanto et al., 2020; Tamsah et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2018) which shows a significant relationship between servant leadership and employee work quality.

The results of this study indicate an increase in the quality of work life of employees, so even though the servant leadership carried out by superiors has been good, it still needs improvement in terms of (1) Managers are satisfied with the results of their team's efforts and do not compare with the results of other teams' work and as if the results of other teams always better than his team, (2) Managers want to learn from criticism, accept criticism as a reference for future improvement, (3) Managers want to learn from various mistakes, every mistake must be studied and a solution sought, so that in the future if the same problem is encountered, the error will no longer occur, (4)Managers always accept jobs given by superiors and (5) Managers always never refuse orders from their superiors.

B.  The Effect of Personality on Turnover

Hypothesis 2 in this study is proven and it is concluded that employee personality has a significant and negative effect on employee turnover, the better the personality of the company's employees, the lower the employee turnover, and conversely, the personality of employees who are not good can trigger employee turnover.

The results of this study are in line with the results of Life's research (Akgunduz et al., 2020; Albrecht & Marty, 2020; Ariantaka & Wirakusuma, 2020; Ariyabuddhiphongs & Marican, 2015; Bartolec, 2018; Chaichi et al., 2020; David & Holladay, 2015; Dole & Schroeder, 2001; Eckhardt et al., 2016; Jeswani & Dave, 2012; Kasa et al., 2019; Lee et al., 2021; M. Almandeel, 2017; Mayende & Musenze, 2014; Milovanovic, 2017; Osman et al., 2016; Saeed , 2020; Tsaousoglou et al., 2022; TUNÇ et al., 2021; Vermooten et al., 2019; Woo et al., 2016a, 2016b; Zimmerman, 2006, 2008) shows that there is a significant relationship between personality and employee turn-over.



Servant leadership has a significant and positive effect on the quality of work life of employees, the better the service leadership carried out by company leaders, the higher the quality of work life of employees, and conversely, serving leadership that is not carried out properly by company leaders decreases quality employee's work life.

Employee personality has a significant and negative effect on employee turnover, the better the personality of the company's employees, the lower the employee turnover, and conversely, the personality of employees who are not good can trigger employee turnover.




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