Muhamad Jumadi*, Wirman Syafri, Mansyur Achmad, Andi Pitono

Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (IPDN), West Java, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]*


Article Information



Received: December 12, 2022

Revised: December 28, 2022

Approved: January 15, 2023

Online: January 27, 2023



The problem is that planning for the development of information and communication technology has not run the pace of development for Tegal City in line with national development planning so that the role of ICT has not been optimal in its implementation and the knowledge, skills and innovative creativity of the Tegal City apparatus, Central Java Province, is still low in the utilization of information technology. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods, namely data collection by interviews, documentation and observation with data analysis, namely data reduction (data reduction), data display (display data), and conclusion drawing/verification (drawing conclusions/verification) with triangulation techniques on the data obtained. The results of this study state that the implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province, is good but not optimal due to problems in the use of SPBE development information technology in the Tegal City government, namely that it has not yet been implemented, not all Human Resources (HR) in OPD The City of Tegal understands the use of information technology, the knowledge, skills and innovative creativity of the Tegal City apparatus and the beneficiaries of community policies, not all layers of Tegal City society can utilize information technology and understand it. The researcher found a new model, namely the name Information Technology Utilization Model "JADIR", a policy for utilizing information technology in the City of Tegal, Central Java Province, can be a solution and optimize the performance of the Tegal City government apparatus in order to implement good governance and provide quality public services through the utilization adequate information technology in an efficient and effective manner.




Public Policy; use of information technology; ICT; "JADIR" Mode





The world is constantly changing and has now entered the era of information and communication technology (ICT). As when there was a change from the agrarian era to the industrial era, the change from the industrial era to the ICT era also caused social clashes or conflicts (Savitri, 2019). Developments and changes in information technology not only affect people's lives, such as the business world, the industrial world, but also the government (Setiawan, 2018). This is because governance and information and communication technology are interrelated, thus, developments in information and communication technology and government or public administration are highly interrelated (Komalasari, 2020). The nature of public administration explains this, because the main process is always information processing and communication. So this technology is very dominant in influencing the heart of government.


The state civil apparatus as a public service in facing the challenges of the 4.0 industrial revolution era is required to be able to master technology, especially information and communication technology. ASN has a vital role related to the mastery of information and communication technology because Zimmerma predicts that 75% of jobs will not only involve science, engineering and mathematics, but will also involve technology and the internet of thing (Pannen, 2018).

The successful delivery of public services also depends on the rapid development of ICT. Signs of the rapid development of ICT can be seen from the penetration of the internet and cellular telephones in Indonesia in the following graphic info:


Source: APJII (2017)

Figure 1. Graphic info on the Growth of Internet Users in Indonesia


Based on the 2017 APJII survey report, it can be seen that the growth of internet users in Indonesia is always increasing every year. The report also states that ownership of mobile devices, in this case smartphones in Indonesia, is mostly accessed via smartphone devices. The 2017 APJII survey report also stated that 50.08% of Indonesia's population own mobile devices (smartphones). BPS data of the Republic of Indonesia states that the number of mobile cellular device users has reached 319.43 million people (Statistics, 2018).

Source: Central BPS (2018)

Figure 2. Graph of the Number of Community Users of Cellular Devices


The application of the E-Government system in government in the internet era wherever it is is a necessity (Angguna, 2015). This is because it is driven by a situation that requires the government to reduce all financing/spending, increase efficiency, meet the expectations of citizens, and facilitate economic development. The use of internet technology in government can also reduce interactions and transactions between people directly, especially between state apparatus as service providers and the public as service recipients (Goh, 2021). There are media that facilitate this interaction, namely the internet/ computer, which is useful to speed up and expedite the process. Reducing face to face interactions means reducing the potential for abuse of authority, such as corruption and collusion.

   Efforts to use mobile government in the context of digital transformation in Tegal City, the City Government allocates an investment budget with the aim of improving the quality of public services to the community. To create mobile government public service applications, the Tegal City Government has allocated funds of no less than Rp. 400,000,000.-. This fund comes from the Tegal City APBD which aims to improve the quality of public services. The budget originating from the Tegal City APBD which is intended for making mobile government application services needs to be managed properly so as to reduce efficiency risks, but the use of the budget due to digital-based public services has not been optimally utilized by the community. This is what attracts researchers to be able to find out the supporting factors and inhibiting the policies that have been issued by the mayor of Tegal. Because with the management of such a large APBD which is part of state finances, if it is done well it means carrying out the mandate of law number 17 of 2003 concerning state finances, which states that state finances are managed in an orderly manner, complying with laws and regulations, efficiently, economical, and effective.

Even though the use of the budget caused by digital-based public services has not been optimally utilized by the community, the mobile government public service applications launched by the Tegal City Government have received many awards both at the Central Java Province level and at the national level, which we can see in the following table:


Table 1. Award for Tegal City Public Service Application

Name of Application and OPD/Agency

Award (Year)

JAKWIR CETEM: Department of Population and Civil Registration

a.  2nd Place in Tegal City Level Innovation Competition

b. TOP 20 Innovations at Central Java Province

LASKAR DEN NICE: Department of Population and Civil Registration


LAPUR SIJAJA (Android Based): Department of Labor and Industry


YUH SINAU: Department of Education and Culture

Appreciation of Smart Society Innovation Local Loop Learning Program 2020

Source: processed results of researchers in field observations at the Dukcapil Office, the Labor and Industry Office and the Education Office


   The large potential for mobile government services, supported by penetration of the internet network and mobile devices, as well as wide network coverage, are factors supporting maximum mobile government services. The success of implementing digital transformation (mobile government) in Tegal City does not only come from the regional apparatus organization as a service provider, but also from the community side as service users. Both parties must synergize with each other to create digital transformation with good mobile government services and be able to realize good governance according to the mandate of law number 25 of 2009 concerning public services.

Based on the results of preliminary observations that researchers conducted in Tegal City, mobile government services have started to move towards Digital Transformation in Tegal City. However, there are still many people who have not utilized digital-based (online) public service applications that can actually help Tegal City residents access public services without the public having to come to a public service office. The results of the researchers' observations also found that there were indications that studies regarding community adaptation to mobile government-based services were still lacking. However, this is understandable because indeed the mobile government public service is still in its early stage because cellular device technology and the Fiber Optic network built in Tegal City have not been present in people's daily lives for a long time. This makes researchers need to observe further related to the policy. Indeed, a universal and perfect public service model has yet to be found because it depends on the digital transformation process that integrates e-government services into me-government services.

In the context of providing public services, especially at the regional government level, one of them is encouraged by law number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government in which local governments are given the authority to innovate in order to improve the quality of public services. The Tegal City Government has adapted the above in emphasizing the word "innovative" in its government's vision for the 2019-2024 vision. In addition to the law on regional government mentioned above, improving the quality of public services, especially at the regional level, is also driven by other government regulations, namely by law number 25 of 2009 concerning public services which mandates public service providers (government organizations) to create an information system both electronically and non-electronically in order to improve service quality. Based on the description of the background of the problems, the researcher is interested in conducting research. Dissertation in completing Education in the IPDN Postgraduate Program, with the dissertation title "Implementation of Information Technology Utilization Policy in Tegal City, Central Java Province.



A.  Research design

Research departs from a person's curiosity to explore everything starting the process of designing, investigating and concluding to find a truth. The research used in this research is qualitative research to uncover and discuss implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province. This research is an "observed facts" activity that produces "knowledge based on experience".

Considering that this research uses a qualitative approach, the research instrument is the researcher himself (Sugiyono, 2012). Researchers as key instruments conduct interviews, examine documents on matters relating toimplementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province.


B.  Sources, Types and Data Collection Techniques

Data sources consist of secondary data sources and primary data sources. The primary data sources are research informants, totaling 13 people consisting of policy makers implementing policies and policy recipients, namely the people of Tegal City. From primary data sources needed to uncover and discuss the phenomena that are used as research objects, namely implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province. In this study, the authors used data collection techniques including interviews, documentation, and observation.


C.  Data Analysis Stages

  Data analysis activities are designed with the following analysis stages:

1.   Stages of secondary data analysis

This secondary data analysis stage includes the presentation of data and analysis of data obtained from various documents and other sources. Secondary data analysis is intended to describe the general description of the research locus.

2.   Primary data analysis stage

The primary data analysis phase includes presentation, analysis, interpretation and conclusion. This primary data analysis is intended to describe and discuss phenomena based on conceptsimplementation of policies according to (Muchlis Hamdi,2014): 1) productivity, 2) linearity, 3) efficiency, and the determinant factors that influence the supports and obstacles, 1) substance of the policy, 2) behavior of executors, 3) network interaction, 4) target group participation, 5) resources.



A.  Implementation of Information Technology Utilization Policy in Tegal City, Central Java Province

Policy of Tegal Mayor's Regulation Number 10 of 2018 concerning Utilization of Information Technology in the Tegal City Government Environment (Tegal City Regional Gazette of 2018 Number 10) was revoked and declared invalid with the issuance of Tegal Mayor's Regulation Number 2.A of 2022 concerning Electronic-Based Government Systems (SPBE). The target groups in the SPBE Perwal are as follows: SPBE architecture; SPBE Plan Map; SPBE plan and budget; business processes; data and information; SPBE Infrastructure; SPBE application; SPBE security; and SPBE Services. and used successfullyconceptually on this discussion for primary data from the results of this research interview and secondary data from Tegal City regulations. Related to this research, the researchers conducted data triangulation and as an interview guide the researchers referred to Policy Implementation according to (Hamdi, 2014): 1) Productivity, 2) Linearity, 3) Efficiency, and the determinant factors that influence supporters and obstacles, 1 ) Policy Substance, 2) Implementing Task Behavior, 3) Network Interaction, 4) Target Group Participation, 5) Resources. From data and facts in the field researchers can find a new model that is ideal for the implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province.

1.  Productivity Dimensions

Tegal Mayor's Regulation Number 10 of 2018 concerning Utilization of Information Technology in the Tegal City Government Environment (Tegal City Regional Gazette of 2018 Number 10) was revoked and declared invalid with the issuance of Tegal Mayor's Regulation Number 2.A of 2022 concerning Electronic-Based Government Systems (SPBE). The target groups in the SPBE Perwal are as follows: SPBE architecture; SPBE plan map; SPBE plan and budget; business process; data and information; SPBE Infrastructure; SPBE application; SPBE Security; and SPBE Services. and used successfully. SPBE stands for Electronic Based Government System (SPBE) is a government administration that utilizes information and communication technology to provide services to SPBE Users.

Productivity, Total achievement of the target group Implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province, because by achieving the target group in implementing information technology utilization policies, the information conveyed will be more effective and efficient because the target group can utilize the information obtained to meet the needs of each target group.

The results of the interviews with the informants mentioned above are productivity, the number of achievements of the target group for the implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province, indeed the Tegal City Government already has 62 government service applications such as SIMDA, SIM, LPSE, SIAK, SIMOSS, and Command Room. A special room to monitor the utilization of these various applications. In addition to various innovative applications, currently Tegal City already has an Information and Communication Technology Infrastructure Masterplan and Roadmap to support the Tegal City Smart City Program. All Tegal City Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) have also been connected online via a fiber-optic network. Even, 20 kilometers of fiber optic networks have been laid out in four districts and 27 urban villages, bringing a total of 52 kilometers of fiber optic networks that have been laid out. The Tegal City Government also provides free public internet access facilities for citizens at 21 location points with an average speed of 50 Mbps. The WiFi locations are in the Ki Gede Sebayu Hall, the town square, Taman Poci, several district and sub-district pavilions, DPRD yards, and the PAI Maritime Monument.

2.  Linearity Dimension

The degree of procedural suitability is an important factor in achieving the SPBE goals and is part of the bureaucratic reform which in the national road map is planned to be realized in 2025. Therefore, it is important for the Tegal City Government's SPBE development plans to be timed with the national bureaucratic reform roadmap. below the researchers attach the results of the evaluation of the Electronic-Based Government System at ministries, institutions and local governments in 2021.

The degree of compliance with procedures is very important in creating certainty through accurate procedures (Budhiningtias Winanti, 2011). Inaccurate procedures can make you sick. During the industrial era, people tended to manage their lives with time. Thus, time inefficiency as a result of the degree of compatibility with less time can result in disharmony of various lines of life. Thus, the degree of conformity with time is very important, the feature of Welfare is the implementation of policies that are implemented at affordable prices so that indigenous peoples in particular do not need to incur high costs, so the degree of compatibility with costs is very important, each place, especially when talking about Indonesia, even the City of Tegal has relatively heterogeneous local wisdom. Thus, the degree of conformity with the place is something that is important to note in the implementation of information technology utilization policies.

The feature of welfare is the implementation of policies that are implemented at affordable prices so that indigenous peoples in particular do not need to incur high costs, so the degree of compatibility with costs is very important (Ashoer et al., 2021). Each place, especially when speaking of Indonesia, even the city of Tegal has relatively heterogeneous local wisdom. Thus, the degree of conformity with the place is something that is important to note in the hope that all Tegal City people can increasingly enjoy the facilities provided by the Tegal city government in terms of utilizing information technology. Followed by the results of interviews with researchers on the dimensions of linearity, degree of conformity with standard procedures, time, cost, place, implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province.

Linearity, degree of compliance with procedural standards, time, cost, place, implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province. The degree of ability level of each is not the same because it needs policies that can support policies on technology utilization, the degree of suitability with time, the time that needs to be considered adjusts the time opportunity especially in the Tegal city area where residents are so busy in accelerating time in the business world, the degree of suitability with cost. Costs must also be adjusted to the degree of people who are below standard, must be distinguished from standards above, the degree of conformity with the place. The place is appropriate considering the needs in Tegal City.

3.  Efficiency Dimension

The description of policy efficiency according to Hamdi (2014) is related to the ability to utilize resources in implementing policies, these resources can be in the form of executors, assets, funds and technology. The more minimal the use of executors, assets and funds through the use of technology that is more precise in implementing policies to achieve policy objectives, it can be said that the implementation of these policies is more efficient, with respect to efficiency, the level of resource utilization (implementers, assets, funds and technology). Implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province.

Utilization of information technology in the administration of government aims to improve the quality of public services through the use of information technology in the process of administering government; improve governance that is clean, transparent, and able to respond effectively to demands for change; as a means of improving the organization, management system and work processes of government and civil servants who are qualified in the use of communication will certainly improve the quality of public service delivery, especially in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 (Fathony et al., 2021). Apart from being proficient in using technological devices, ASN as public service providers are also required to be able to innovate to create applications that support digital public services that can be accepted and used by the public, so as to create highly competitive government in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0.

Efficiency, level of utilization of resources (implementers, assets, funds and technology). Implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province, that SPBE resources, namely human resources, finance and SPBE infrastructure. Where these resources have been utilized as optimally as possible in achieving SPBE goals, in the implementation of the SPBE policy in Tegal City guaranteeing the availability and optimization of the use of information technology assets, SPBE financing is outlined in the DPA of each OPD whose preparation is carried out synergistically by Bappeda guided by the SPBE architecture and SPBE roadmaps, leveraging shared technology to increase efficiency.

Construction of a Fiber Optic network that connects all Regional Device Organizations (OPD) and provides free WIFI access for the community at many locations, while the Fiber Optics that has been installed is approximately 52 km long. Hotspot facilities, public internet is access to information provided by the Tegal City Government for free at 21 points spread throughout Tegal City with an average speed of 50 Mbps. These free WIFI locations are available, among others, at the Ki Gede Sebayu Hall, City Square, Poci Park, District and Kelurahan Offices, the courtyard of the Regional People's Legislative Assembly Building and at the Maritime Monument. In Tegal City there are also 65 Base Transceiver Station (BTS) towers used by various companies.

Efficiency, the level of utilization of resources (implementers, assets, funds and technology). Policy implementation of information technology utilization in Tegal City, Central Java Province, Relation to resources needs to be reviewed, resources and assets, Resources and assets need to be balanced considering the future needs of Tegal City, resources and funds, Funds need wisdom for further development, resources power and technology do not know.

Mobile government services have started to walk towards digital transformation in Tegal City. However, there are still many people who have not utilized digital-based (online) public service applications that can actually help Tegal City residents access public services without the public having to come to a public service office. However, this is understandable because public services are still in an early stage because the technology developed in Tegal City has not been present in people's daily lives for a long time.


B.  Diterminant Factors Supporting InhibitorsImplementation of Information Technology Utilization Policy in Tegal City, Central Java Province

1.  Determinants of Policy Substance

The substance of the policy is concerned with the consistency of the derivation of the content or specification of the policy and the alignment of the contents of the policy with the contents of other policies (Orocomna, 2017). In the context of policy implementation on the use of information technology in Tegal City, Central Java Province, the substance of the policy referred to by Hamdi refers to being consistent. Implementation of policies on the use of information technology in Tegal City, Central Java Province, with regard to policy substance, consistency of policy content/specification derivation and alignment of policy contents with other policy contents implementation of policies on the use of information technology in Tegal City, Central Java Province, the government to reach out to the community to improve services to the community through access to information, technology, and communication knowledge that makes government work more efficiently and effectively. Tegal Mayor Regulation Policy Number 10 of 2018 concerning Utilization of Information Technology in the Tegal City Government Environment (Tegal City Regional Gazette of 2018 Number 10) was revoked and declared invalid with the issuance of Tegal Mayor Regulation Number 2.A of 2022 concerning Electronic-Based Government Systems (Perwal SPBE). The target groups in the SPBE Perwal are as follows: SPBE architecture; SPBE plan map; SPBE plan and budget; business processes; data and information; SPBE Infrastructure; SPBE application; SPBE security; and SPBE Services.

An electronic-based government system, hereinafter abbreviated as SPBE, is governance that utilizes information and communication technology to provide services to SPBE users and SPBE governance is a framework that ensures the implementation of regulation, direction and control in implementing SPBE in an integrated manner. carried out by reforming the bureaucracy as stipulated in Presidential Regulation Number 81 of 2010 concerning the Grand Design of Bureaucratic Reform 2010 - 2025 with 8 (eight) areas of change, namely: arrangement and management of supervision, accountability, institutions, management, HR apparatus, laws and regulations, public service, and mindset and work culture. Meanwhile, the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) revolution provides an opportunity for the government to innovate the development of the state apparatus through the implementation of an Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) or e-government, namely administration of government that utilizes ICT to provide services to government agencies, the state civil apparatus, actors business, society and other parties. SPBE provides an opportunity to encourage and realize open, participatory, innovative and accountable government administration, increase collaboration between government agencies in carrying out government affairs and tasks to achieve common goals, improve the quality and reach of public services to the wider community, and reduce the level of abuse of authority in the form of collusion, corruption (Lubis, 2019).

In particular, the implementation of the SPBE is part of the area of ​​change in governance where the implementation of transparent, effective, efficient and measurable work systems, processes and procedures is supported by the implementation of the SPBE (Katharina, 2021). In addition, in general SPBE supports all areas of change as a fundamental and comprehensive effort in the development of state apparatus that utilize ICT so that the professionalism of the state civil apparatus and good governance can be realized. The substance of the policy, the consistency of the derivation of the content/specification of the policy and the alignment of the content of the policy with the content of other policies, the implementation of policies on the use of information technology in Tegal City, Central Java Province,do not know, the alignment of the contents of the policy with the contents of other policies is already aligned.

Interviews with researchers on the dimensions of policy substance, consistent derivation of policy content/specifications and alignment of policy content with other policy contents implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province with informants 13 the policy of using information technology in Tegal City, Central Java Province, I don't know, the alignment of the contents of the policy with the contents of other policies is already aligned.

2.  Determinants of Executing Task Behavior

The behavior of executors, according to Hamdi, is work motivation, tendency to abuse authority, learning ability to implement information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province. In this study the behavior of executors, work motivation, tendencies to abuse authority, learning ability to implement policies on the use of information technology in Tegal City, Central Java Province are as follows: according to the results of interviews with researchers, the dimensions of behavior of executors, work motivation, tendencies to abuse authority, learning ability to implement policies the use of information technology in Tegal City, Central Java Province.

The work motivation for implementing information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province is very high because the Tegal City Government provides rewards in the form of TPP to executors of Functional Positions equivalent to Structural Positions, there is a tendency for abuse of authority. Implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province, there is a bug in the application which can be used by persons to abuse it andLearning capacity Implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province must be improved with more education and training for implementers.

The implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City is very useful in facilitating the completion of work so that it can increase employee motivation, the potential for abuse of authority still exists. There must be supervision both internal and external to the OPD. The learning ability of each ASN is very good. For example, the presence of each ASN must use a smartphone, the daily e-performance filling that is entered by each ASN is going well

Information and communication technology asset management is carried out through a series of processes for planning, procuring, managing, and deleting hardware and software used in SPBE. Information and communication technology asset management as referred to in paragraph (2) is carried out based on SPBE information and communication technology asset management guidelines. All regional apparatuses carry out information and communication technology asset management and consult with the SPBE Coordination Team and regional apparatuses which carry out regional asset management functions.

4.  Determinants of Network Interaction

Network interaction, cooperation between implementers, authority relations between levels of government implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province, sincek 2014 – 2020 The Tegal City Government has made efforts to strengthen institutions and activities from strengthening the Regional Innovation System (SIDa) to mentoring through krenova activities which are carried out every year. This effort is part of the facilitation of the Tegal City Government in accommodating innovation in society, while the innovations that have been implemented are shown in the table below:


Tabel 2. Implementation of SIDA in Tegal City in 2016 -2020

Description                                                         2016      2017      2018      2019                                                                              2020


Facility Application of Regional Innovations


The number of regional apparatus facilitated







The number of total device area







Percentagee regional device that facilitated regional innovations implementation







Regional Innovation Policy Implementation


The number of implemented innovation policies







The number of the proposed innovation







Percentagee innovation policy that applied in the area






Sourcer : Bappeda City of Tegal, Year 2020


Facility implementation of regional innovations until 2020 increased to 82.14%. The number of regional apparatus facilitated from only 1 in 2015 and 2016 has increased to 23 regional apparatus in 2020. The implementation of innovation policies has also increased in 2020 to 51.35%, of the number of innovations proposed as many as 37 proposals 19 of which have been implemented . However, regional innovation must continue to be improved by embracing all institutions and elements of society to be able to create innovations in society to improve welfare, this can be seen from the number of innovations proposed in 2018 which decreased compared to previous years.

Function of internal control is an integral part of the implementation of bureaucratic reform to improve the performance of internal control, in particular to build the institutional capacity of all work unit entities in the framework of carrying out basic tasks and functions in accordance with the directives of good governance. The focus of good governance is on efforts to improve the quality of public services and eradicate corruption in a directed, systematic and integrated manner.

Bureaucracy reform, it is impossible to materialize if governance still provides opportunities for collusion, corruption and nepotism practices. Prevention of corruption provides a guarantee for the alignment of the results of the implementation of supervisory duties, which in turn can provide adequate assurance on the achievement of objectives, as well as can fill the role of providing an early warning system for potential irregularities/ fraud that occurs, due to weaknesses in system or as a result of individual violations.

Network interaction, cooperation between implementers, authority relations between levels of government implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province, the Tegal City Government SPBE Coordination Team has been formed as a forum for cooperation between regional apparatuses and the Tegal City Government has carried out the affairs that become regional authorities in accordance with statutory regulations and carry out coordination and consultation with the Provincial Government and the Central Government.

Collaboration between regional apparatuses and the Tegal City Government has carried out matters that fall under the authority of the regions in accordance with laws and regulations and carried out coordination and consultation with the Provincial Government and the Central Government. dayRegional competitiveness is one aspect of the objective of implementing regional autonomy in accordance with the potential, uniqueness and superiority of the region. A competitiveness is one of the key factors for the success of economic development related to regional development goals in achieving a high and sustainable level of welfare. Aspects of regional competitiveness consist of regional economic capacity, regional facilities and infrastructure, investment climate and human resources.

Network interaction, cooperation between implementers, authority relations between levels of government have been very good, for synergy between implementers, in my observation, relations of authority between levels of government have established good hierarchical relations.Network interaction, cooperation between executors, authority relations between levels of government are already good, need improvement, authority relations between levels of government are good.



5.  Determinants of Target Group Participation

Target group participation, ability to contribute according to existing procedures for implementing information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province, Peraturan The President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 18 of 2020 concerning the 2020-2024 National Medium Term Development Plan is a guideline for national planning and regional planning. Central and regional planning become one unit in the national development planning system.

DeveloperThe 2020-2024 national medium-term development was carried out during the leadership period of President Joko Widodo and Vice President KH Ma'ruf Amin with the vision "The Realization of an Advanced Indonesia that is Sovereign, Independent, and Has a Personality Based on Mutual Cooperation". This vision is realized through 9 (nine) Missions known as the Second Nawacita.

Vision is translated into 9 (nine) missions and 7 (seven) development agendas according to the framework in the figure below. This development agenda is also a national priority (PN) for national annual development

Before analyzing the alignment of the Tegal City development goals in the RPJMD with the national development goals in the RPJMN, first it is necessary to pay attention to several things related to the RPJMN. The first is that the RPJMN was passed in January 2020, with a period of 2020–2024. Meanwhile, the RPJMD for Tegal City was originally ratified in 2019, with a period until 2024. The revision to the RPJMD was carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic, while the RPJMN was ratified before the Covid-19 pandemic. The fact that the RPJMN was ratified before the Covid-19 pandemic meant that there was a possibility that the macro indicators predicted for the Central Java region in the RPJMN would need adjustments.

Major project as described in the table above has also been stated in Presidential Regulation Number 79 of 2019 concerning Accelerating Economic Development in the Kendal - Semarang - Salatiga - Demak - Grobogan Region, Purworejo-Wonosobo - Magelang - Temanggung Region, and Brebes - Tegal - Pemalang Region.

Agendaa development or in the annual planning to become a national priority implemented with the support of all local governments. Central and regional synergy is needed in implementing each PN. On the other hand, Article 159 of the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 86 of 2017 states that policy synchronization with other development plans is carried out in the preparation of the RPJPD, RPJMD, and RKPD. In connection with the evaluation of the Tegal City RPJMD, a review of the RPJMN was carried out. Articles 159 and Article 160 of the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 86 of 2017 state that a review of national development planning documents is carried out by examining national policies that have an impact and must be guided by the regions.

RPJMN in the preparation of RPJMD is carried out by aligning targets, strategies, policy directions and regional medium-term development programs with targets, development agendas, strategies, regional development directions, and national strategic programs by taking into account regional authorities, conditions and characteristics.

Wisdomn The Medium-Term Development of Central Java Province for 2018 - 2023 is directed at efforts to achieve the regional development vision, namely: "Towards a Prosperous and Self-sufficient Central Java, Mboten Corruption, Mboten Ngapusi", which is carried out through 4 (four) regional development missions as follows:

a)   indeedfor the people of Central Java who are religious, tolerant and united to protect the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia;

b)  speed upt dynamic reform of the bureaucracy as well as broadening targets to Regency/City governments;

c)   Memestrengthen people's economic capacity and create new jobs to reduce poverty and unemployment;

d)  Becamen the people of Central Java are healthier, smarter, more cultured and love the environment.

The strategic development of Central Java Province for 2018-2023 that the City of Tegal must pay close attention to are as follows:

a)   Countermeasuresn Poverty;

b)  Upgraden quality and competitiveness of human resources;

c)   daya economic competitiveness and increased business opportunities;

d)  Sustainabilityn Development with attention to the carrying capacity of the environment and the preservation of natural resources;

e)   Sovereigntyn food and energy;

f)    Gap Territory;

g)  Governance and regional conductivity.

Regarding the spatial development policy in Tegal City, in March 2021 a Regional Regulation of the City of Tegal Number 1 of 2021 concerning Amendments to the Regional Regulation of the City of Tegal Number 4 of 2012 concerning the Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) for the City of Tegal for 2011-2031 has been enacted. Therefore, the changes to the Tegal City RPJMD 2019-2024 must pay attention to regional development policies, spatial structure development policies (urban systems and infrastructure networks), spatial pattern policies (protected and cultivated areas), and spatial use control policies. Spatial policies in the RTRW need to be integrated into the RPJMD, especially for references to programs/activities that need to get location directions.

6.  Resource Determinants

Resources that include adequacy of funds, availability of implementers, adequacy, availability of information, accuracy of technology implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, whatratur as the main element of governance, development and public services will be further improved in quality, both in terms of increasing apparatus resources, supporting facilities and infrastructure as well as organizational culture. With the enactment of Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus, it is hoped that the professionalism of the apparatus will increase in the coming year. The number of Tegal City Government apparatus as of December 31 2020 was 3369 people, distributed among 30 regional apparatuses.

Apparatuses structures also pay attention to gender issues, as shown in Figure 2.29. In 2020 the percentage of women in echelon II, III and IV positions is 35.70% of the 490 echelon II, III and IV officials. PPPK (Government Employee with Work Agreement) is a mandate of Law No. 5 of 2014 which was followed up with PP No. 49 of 2018 Concerning PPPK Management. The implementation of the first phase of PPPK selection can only be participated in by Ex-K2 registered in the BKN database for the formation of teachers, health workers and agricultural extension workers. For the City of Tegal, the number of ex-K2s who could take part in the PPPK selection was 50 people, while only 40 people who fulfilled the passing grade and 1 person resigned. So that there are 39 former K2 who were appointed as PPPK (TMT as of January 2021).

Bureaucratic formation is an effort to realize good governance and is an effort to reform and fundamental changes to the system of government administration, especially regarding institutional (organizational) aspects, management and human resources. There are 8 (eight) areas of change in bureaucratic reform, one of the areas of change is the aspect of strengthening the HR management system which is focused on: Job analysis, workload analysis and job evaluation; Planning employee needs according to organizational needs; Conducting employee assessments; Mapping and developing employee competencies through training; Formulation and application of reward and punishment systems in measuring employee performance; Implementation of an open promotion system for senior leadership positions; Preparation of structural and functional position competency standards; Enforcement of disciplinary rules/ code of ethics/employee code of conduct; and Development of personnel information system.

Qabel 3. Tegal City Employment Year 2016 - 2020


intarget dictator








Merit System Index







Percentage of Needs Fulfillment








Percentage of job formations filled







Functional employee ratio (%) (apparatuses excluding teachers and health workers)







Certified functional position ratio

competency (%) (apparatuses excluding teachers and health workers)







Number of retired civil servants (people)







Source:BKPPD Tegal City, 2020


The number of civil servants in Tegal City as of 31 December 2020 was 3,369, while the average number of civil servants who retire each year is 150-200 people. In 2020, selection activities for CPNS acceptance were carried out with a total of 205 formations filled with 195 formations. Based on the Workload Analysis (ABK), the Tegal City ASN needs should be 6516 people, so that by the end of 2020 there is still a shortage of ASN of 3147 people. There are 579 structural position formations in Tegal City, but as of December 31 2020, 490 positions were filled, so there were 89 vacant positions. From these data it is illustrated that in 2020 the need for civil servants in new structural positions was fulfilled by 84.90%.

   Merit system is the policy and management of ASN based on qualifications, competence and performance, which are applied fairly and fairly without discrimination. The goals of the Merit System are:

a)   Recruit apparatuses who are professional and have integrity and place them in government bureaucratic positions according to their competence;

b)   Develop apparatuses capabilities through guidance and training;

c)    Maintain apparatuses by providing fair and proper compensation;

d)   Protect apparatuses careers from politicization and policies that conflict with the principles of merit (nepotism and primordialism).

The merit system assessment was carried out independently (self-assessment) by a team formed by PPK, which then submitted the results of the assessment to KASN for verification, which then determined the merit system index and its recommendations. Assessment is carried out based on aspects and sub-aspects determined by KASN. There are 8 (eight) aspects of the ASN merit management system assessment.


Table 4. USpack and Sub Aspects of Assessment



Needs Planning


Apparatuses Procurement


Career Development


Promotions and Transfers


Work management


Payroll, Rewards and Discipline


Protection and Service


Information Systems


Source: BKPPD Tegal City, 2020


In 2020 merit system index 0.64. This achievement was included in the good category (0.61 – 0.8), that the achievement value of the merit system was assessed independently by the Tegal City Government through the Assessment Team.The results of interviews with researchers on the resource dimension which include adequacy of funds, availability of implementers, adequacy, availability of information, accuracy of technology implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province with informant 1 are as follows:

Resources (adequacy of funds, availability of implementers, adequacy of equipment, availability of information, accuracy of technology) implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province is sufficient, Availability of human resources in the field of IT is adequate, by continuing to carry out activities to increase HR competence, IT infrastructure owned by the Government The City of Tegal is adequate and Information on IT implementation is provided through the Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID) and the Tegal City Government continues to seek the right technology in solving problems.



Table 5. Availability of Regional Development Planning Documents

City of Tegal in 2014-2018







Availability of RPJPD documents that have been stipulated by Regional Government Regulation (Yes/No)











Availability of RPJMD Documents that have been stipulated by Regional Government Regulation (Yes/No)











Availability of RKPD documents that have been determined by Regional Government Regulation (Yes/No)











Source: Bappeda City of Tegal, 2020


The implementation of regional autonomy gives greater authority in managing their own household, including being responsible and creative in finding sources of funding and actively looking for various opportunities that can be used as a source of regional income. Regional regulations and policies are formulated to increase the receipt of Regional Original Revenue (PAD) in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, namely policies in the management of regional income in the form of regional taxes, levies, regional wealth management results and other legal income. Regional financial capacity is still limited, so regional revenues rely on two main sources, namely Balancing Funds and Other Legitimate Regional Revenues which are the main sources of funding for development and personnel expenditures.

The optimization of regional asset management is carried out based on PP Number 27 of 2014 concerning Management of Regional Property and guided by Permendagri Number 19 of 2016 concerning Guidelines for Regional Property Management in order to increase the utilization and utilization of regional assets to support increased PAD and management efficiency. For this reason, optimizing the use and utilization of regional assets, updating procurement and mutation data, safeguarding assets, deleting and transferring Regional Property (BMD), inventorying BMD, resolving asset cases/disputes, fostering control and supervision of BMD and compiling a List of Needs for Regional Property (DKBMD) and the List of Needs for Changes in Regional Property (DKPBMD). With the increasing performance of regional financial administration, in 2018 the Tegal City Government won the WTP (Unqualified) title for the BPK Opinion on regional financial reports. This condition deserves appreciation and must be maintained in the coming years. The service performance of the Tegal City Regional Financial Board based on the Main Performance Indicators for 2016-2020 is presented in the following table:


Table 6. Achievement of Financial Support Function Performance 2016-2020 year

Performance Indicators based on Device Duties and Functions Region (IKU)

Achievement Realization 2nd Year






Ratio of PAD to APBD






Regional Tax Ratio to PAD






Timeliness level completion of the preparation of the APBD










December 28th





Realization percentage to approved revenue budget






Percentage of realization of the budget that has been set






The level of accuracy of completion

financial documents






Timeliness level delivery of Financial Reports Area












March 2021

Timeliness level completion of the preparation of the APBD Implementation Accountability Report







August 27th


August 28th





BPK Opinion on Examination Regional Financial Report






Percentage of validity of registration of regional property



There are no findings regarding the validity of BMD

There are no findings regarding the validity of BMD

There are no findings regarding the validity of BMD

Source: Bakeuda City of Tegal, 2021


Based on the table above, the achievement of the main performance indicators related to the level of timeliness for completing the preparation/stipulation of the APBD and the level of timeliness for completing the preparation of the APBD Implementation Accountability Report from 2016 to 2020 were achieved according to the target with timely achievements. Regional Original Revenue (PAD) is income that is sourced and collected by the Regional Government. Sources of PAD consist of: regional taxes, regional levies, separated regional wealth management results, and other legitimate regional original income. Realization of PAD components from 2016-2020 can be presented in the following table:


Table 7. The Development of Regional Original Income for the City of Tegal in 2016-2020 year



Legitimate Retribution

Miscellaneous Management

Regional PAD

Separated Regional Wealth

Local tax































Source: Bakeuda City of Tegal, 2021


Based on the table above, it can be seen that the PAD component that made the largest contribution to PAD during 2016-2020 was the legitimate Other PAD account, and the smallest was the separated regional wealth management account.

Funds for the implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City are sufficient, because the utilization of information technology is mandated in the 2019-2024 Tegal City RPJMD, the availability of implementers for the implementation of information technology utilization policies is sufficient, the equipment for utilizing information technology is sufficient, the availability of information is good, with the existence of policies The PPID of each OPD is required to publish the information available in each OPD. The implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City until 2022 is correct.

   Human resource competence is one aspect that plays an important role in achieving good performance from an organization. The Tegal City BKPPD as a technical work unit that handles the development of civil servant competencies within the Tegal City Government environment, is gradually implementing competency development for civil servants within the Tegal City Government environment.

Known the 2020 budget, the Tegal City BKPPD obtained a competency development budget that was relatively sufficient to be used in competency development activities through education and training but with the Covid-19 pandemic implementing competency development through face-to-face/classical, blended and online methods.

Internal function control is an integral part of the implementation of bureaucratic reform to improve the performance of internal control, in particular to build the institutional capacity of all work unit entities in the framework of carrying out basic tasks and functions in accordance with the directives of good governance. The focus of good governance is on efforts to improve the quality of public services and eradicate corruption in a directed, systematic and integrated manner. Research and development is a process that is used to develop and validate a particular product that is used in an institution or company and so on. The results of research and development later should be beneficial for the development of science and for the prosperity of society.

Benefitn R&D results in general from 2016 to 2020 decreased, in 2016 it reached 90% but in 2017 it only reached 71.43% and 2018 reached 61.90%, and in 2020 it experienced a decrease in terms of follow-up studies, not yet optimal the utilization of the results of the study is due to the absence of standards in compiling studies that are a priority scale, not based on a priority scale in development planning that has been prepared as a need to be implemented. In the future, it is expected that studies will be prioritized with reference to planning documents, so that between studies and needs can be fulfilled according to the planning documents that have been prepared. The results of interviews with researchers on the dimensions of resources which include adequacy of funds, availability of implementers, adequacy, and availability of information.

Adequate availability of IT human resources, by continuing to carry out HR competency improvement activities, the IT infrastructure owned by the Tegal City Government is sufficient, IT implementation information is provided through the Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID), the Tegal City Government continues to seek the right technology in every settlement problem.



The determinant factors supporting and inhibiting the implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province. Determinants of policy substance consistent derivation of content/specification of policies and alignment of policy contents with other policy contents of implementation of information technology utilization policies in Tegal City, Central Java Province, in 2018, Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 95 concerning Electronic-Based Government Systems (SPBE) was issued. This Presidential Regulation becomes a strong legal umbrella for electronic-based governance. The essence of this Presidential Decree is the maturity of the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in government to the level of integration, where integration starts from between Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) to between regional governments and to the central government. The role of information technology is currently included as a driving force in the process of regional development, so that it is necessary to plan for the development of information and communication technology in harmony with development planning, so that the role of ICT will be very optimal in participating in running the rate of regional development. SPBE development policy initiatives have been carried out by the government with the issuance of Presidential Instruction Number 3 of 2003 concerning National Policy and Strategy for E-Government Development.

The policy instructs ministers, heads of institutions and heads of regions to develop SPBE in accordance with their duties, functions and authorities and in accordance with the capacity of the resources they have. Various SPBE applications have been produced by Central Agencies and Regional Governments and have contributed to the efficiency and effectiveness of government administration.





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