Dheanda Maurizta Chairunnisa*, Widiartanto, Ari Pradhanawati

School of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]*


Article Information



Received: December 17, 2022

Revised: December 28, 2022

Approved: January 13, 2023

Online: January 27, 2023



Technological developments make everything easy, one of which is accessing information on social media, namely Youtube. For some people, this is used by creating video content that presents various kinds of information, one of which is in the form of make-up products in the beauty sector, which are also called beauty influencers. Suhay Salim is a beauty influencer who uses his YouTube social media to review beauty products, one of which is PIXY products. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not influencers and social media influencers had influence on purchase intention of PIXY products through a source characteristics study on influencer Suhay Salim. This researcher used the method of distributing questionnaires to 150 respondents who knew Suhay Salim using path analysis techniques and concluded that influencers and social media influencers had an influence on source characteristics with the results of the coefficient of determination from the calculation results of 2,370 and 3,021.



Influencer; Social Media Influencer; Source Chatacteristics; Purchase Intention; Suhay Salim





Technology growth is increasing rapidly. Information is more easily accessible with the internet, which has more and more users. The increase in Indonesia is 15.5% compared to 2020 where the total Indonesian population that is connected to the internet is 73.7% or 195.3 million of Indonesia's total population of 274.9 million. user. The increase that has occurred has made people's lifestyles change to become completely digital, including in fulfilling several needs by utilizing platforms provided via the internet. One of the internet media platforms that can be used to find information is YouTube (Ambarwati et al., 2019).

There are many kinds of videos displayed on the YouTube platform which are also called vlogs. Vloggers can also act as influencers. According to (Sugiharto et al., 2018) a vlogger is someone whose words can influence other people. It seems like what Suhay Salim did when he reviewed PIXY products in the video content he made. In (Larasati & Oktivera, 2019) it was stated that there was a positive influence on the use of Instagram social media on consumer buying interest, as well as (Purwanto & Purwanto, 2019) which showed that social media influencers statistically had a positive influence on purchase intention.

However, there are several research results which state that influencers and social media influencers do not have a significant influence on purchase intention. As in (Widyanto & Agusti, 2020) it is stated that the beauty influencer variable in some dimensions does not have a significant impact on purchase intention, and also in (Maria, 2019) study which states that a beauty vlogger must be objective when reviewing a product, because if not then their followers will leave when the beauty vlogger conveys the message not objectively.

In the research of (Gunawan et al., 2021) states that social media influencers do not significantly influence purchase intention. Likewise, (Atika et al., 2022) states that social media influencers do not have a significant effect on purchase intention.

Purchase intention according to Howard and Sheth (1060) in (Priansa, 2017) is something related to the consumer's plan to buy a certain product and how many units of the product required for a certain period. It can be said that purchase intention is a mental statement from consumers who reflect the purchase plan of a number of products with a particular brand. It is very required by buyers to find out consumer buying interest in a product, both consumers Marketers and economists use interest variables to predict future consumer behavior will come.

According to (Sugiharto et al., 2018) an influencer is someone whose words can influence other people. An influencer doesn't only have to be a celebrity, but even ordinary people can be said to be influencers if that person has a lot of followers and what he says can influence other people. Influencers are a form of public speaking. Public speaking is the process of designing and conveying messages (advertising) to the audience directly.

The opinion of social media influencers is also seen as credibility and can be trusted which can influence the perceptions of their followers. Anyone who participates in social media can have more influence than the people who follow them, but social media influencers differ due to their large number of followers and the ability to elicit responses or actions from their connections or followers (Ioanid et al., 2015).

According to Kelman (1961) in (Widodo & Mawardi, 2017) effective communication is influenced by how the characteristics of the communicator are, namely how the message can be received by the recipient and can persuade the recipient. The three factors of the communicator as characteristics are: (1) source Credibility can be created if the source has relevant knowledge, expertise and experience in a field related to the message being informed. So source can provide opinions that are objective or trustworthy (Egan, 2014), (2) source attractiveness, the attractiveness of a communicator is associated with a person's behavior, how the individual can convince or persuade the recipient, and (3) source power, the source or communicator has power or power in terms of influencing the recipient. The power possessed is to punish or vice versa, to reward the recipient.

Therefore the researcher wants to add an intervening variable to find out how influencers and social media influencers influence PIXY product purchase intentions if there is an intervening variable, namely Source Characteristics. Its Source Characteristics according to (Kelman, 2006) can be conceptualized as "weight" which can increase the value of the information in the message. According to (Kelman, 2017).

Based on the background of the problems that have been described, the objectives of this study are:

1.   To determine the effect of influencers on source characteristics.

2.   To determine the effect of influencers on purchase intention.

3.   To find out the influence of social media influencers on chat actreistics sources.

4.   To determine the influence of social media influencers on purchase intention.

5.   To determine the effect of source characteristics on purchase intention.

6.   To determine the effect of influencers and social media influencers on purchase intention through source characteristics.



In this research, the method used is descriptive and causal method with a approach quantitative. According to (Yusuf, 2017), in quantitative research researchers will always try to prove hypotheses, and generalize or predict the results of the research. To be able to prove a hypothesis, the researcher will use statistics which in its implementation require requirements certain factors, such as number of samples, homogeneity, and linearity. This is only possible if the sample is taken from a large, random, accurate, and representative population. According to (Yusuf, 2017) descriptive research Quantitative research is a type of research that aims to describe systematically, factually, and accurately about the facts and characteristics of a particular population, or trying to describe a phenomenon in detail. According to (Sugiyono, 2018) causal relationship is a causal relationship. So here is a variable independent (variable affecting) and dependent (influenced).


A.  Influencer Test (X1) on Source Characteristics (Z)

With a real level (probability) = 5% = 0.05 and from the SEM regression results obtained t-count = 2.936. Based on the results of data processing, the value of t-count (2.936) > t-table (1.96) is obtained, so it is concluded that the Influencer variable (X1) has a positive and significant effect on Source Characteristics (Z).


B.  Testing Influencer Influence (X1) on Purchase Intention (Y)

With a real level (probability) = 5% = 0.05 and from the SEM regression results obtained t-count = 6.083. Based on the results of data processing, it was obtained t-count (6.083) > t-table (1.96), it was concluded that the Influencer variable (X1) had a positive and significant effect on Purchase Intention (Y).


C.  Social Media Influencer Test (X2) against Source Characteristics (Z)

With a real level (probability) = 5% = 0.05 and from the SEM regression results obtained t-count = 6.785. Based on the results of data processing, it was obtained that the t-count (6.785) < t-table (1.96), it was concluded that the Social Media Influencer variable (X2) had a positive effect, but not significantly on Source Characteristics (Z).


D.  Testing the Effect of Source Characteristics (Z) on Purchase Intention (Y)

With a real level (probability) = 5% = 0.05 and from the results of the SEM regression obtained t-count = 1.994. Based on the results of data processing, it was obtained that the t-count (1.994) < t-table (1.96), it was concluded that the Source Characteristics (Z) variable had a positive effect, but not significantly on Purchase Intention (Y).


E.   Testing Social Media Influencers (X2) against Purchase Intention (Y)

With a real level (probability) = 5% = 0.05 and from the SEM regression results obtained t-count = 3.542. Based on the results of data processing, it was obtained that the t-count (3.542) < t-table (1.96), it was concluded that the Social Media Influencer variable (X2) had a positive and significant Purchase Intention (Y) effect.


F.   Testing Influencer Influence (X1) on Purchase Intention (Y) through Source Characteristics (Z)

With a real level (probability) = 5% = 0.05 and from the SEM regression results obtained t-count = 2.370. Based on the results of data processing, it was obtained t-count (2.370) > t-table (1.96), it was concluded that the Influencer variable (X1) had a significant effect on Purchase Intention (Y) which was mediated by Source Characteristics (Z).


G.  Testing the Effect of Social Media Influencers (X2) on Purchase Intention (Y) through Source Characteristics (Z)

With a real level (probability) = 5% = 0.05 and from the SEM regression results obtained t-count = 3.021. Based on the results of data processing, it was obtained t-count (3.021) > t-table (1.96), it was concluded that the Social Media Influencer variable (X2) had a significant effect on Purchase Intention (Y) which was mediated by Source Characteristics (Z).










The results showed that the Influencer variable had a positive and significant influence on Source Characteristics. This can be interpreted, if Influencers increase, then Source Characteristics will experience a significant increase. The results of the study show that the Social Media Influencer variable has a positive and significant influence on Source Characteristics. This can be interpreted, if Social Media Influencers increase, then Source Characteristics will experience a significant increase. The results of the study show that the Source Characteristics variable has a positive and significant influence on Purchase Intention. This can be interpreted, if the Source Characteristics increase, the Purchase Intention will experience a significant increase. The results of the study show that the Influencer variable has a positive and significant influence on Purchase Intention. This can be interpreted, if Influencers increase, then Purchase Intention will experience a significant increase. The results of the study show that the Social Media Influencer variable has a positive and significant influence on Purchase Intention. This can be interpreted, if Social Media Influencers increase, then Purchase Intention will experience a significant increase. The results of the study show that the Influencer variable has a significant influence on Purchase Intention which is mediated by Source Characteristics. This can be interpreted, if Influencers increase, Source Characteristics also increase, then Purchase Intention will experience a significant increase. The results of the study show that the Social Media Influencer variable has a significant influence on Purchase Intention which is mediated by Source Characteristics. This can be interpreted, if Social Media Influencers increase, Source Characteristics also increase, then Purchase Intention will experience a significant increase.




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