International Journal of Social Service and Research,
Fina Dwi Nuriyani, R. Rosiyana Dewi
IJSSR Page 205
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disclosure of carbon emissions with a significant level of 0.05 (H1, H3, H6, H8 are accepted), employee-
oriented industries , and creditor pressure has a negative effect on disclosure of carbon emissions with
a significant level of 0.05 (H2, H5 are rejected), environmentally sensitive industries and KAP Big4
audits have no effect on disclosure of carbon emissions with a significant level of 0.05 (H4 and H7 are
rejected). Based on the research results, it proves that stakeholders, investors, consumers, media, and
government support previous research and underlie stakeholder and legitimacy theories.
This research has implications for various parties such as stakeholders, especially the government
in formulating policies and being able to understand the importance of maximizing the disclosure of
carbon emissions produced by companies as a responsibility to people, planet, social and environment
that can attract investors. The government can supervise and provide stricter policies to companies.
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