Warapsari Jihadtullah Tanara*, Sapto Priyanto

Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global (SKSG), Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]*


Article Information



Received: December 24, 2022

Revised: December 30, 2022

Approved: January 15, 2023

Online: January 27, 2023



Terrorism is a global issue for countries in the world, both in Indonesia itself. Since the existence of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, the country has always faced incidents and threats of terror. This study aims to determine the security system and prevention of terrorist attacks in one of the offices of law enforcement agencies in Indonesia in order to anticipate potential threats of crime that may occur. This study used a qualitative approach, followed by an analysis of the location security system based on three ring security in the surveillance detection program and CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design). Furthermore, conclusions and anticipation of problems can be made. This study concludes that in order to create comfort and security from the threat of various criminal acts, it is deemed necessary to have an integrated security plan as a preventive measure in securing and preventing terrorist attacks at the offices of law enforcement agencies in Indonesia.




Terrorism; security; prevention; office of law enforcement agencies in Indonesia




Terrorism is a global issue for countries in the world, both in Indonesia itself. Since the existence of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, the country has always faced incidents and threats of terror. Threats to state sovereignty have emerged since the early years of independence. These threats take various forms, including separatist movements and rebellions  (Damayanti, 2013). Along with the times, it must be recognized that the practice of intolerance in Indonesia is increasingly widespread. Conflicts caused by religious differences then trigger disputes, so that the issue of intolerance develops into acts of terror that appear. Furthermore, if one pays attention, a series of terrorist incidents in Indonesia experienced a shift. Previously, terrorist groups attacked churches and Christian institutions, but since the Bali Bombing I era, this tendency has decreased. At present the targets of terror are more in public places and other places related to Western interests. The attacks were even aimed at security forces and government offices  (Bakti, 2014).

Acts of terrorism cause fear of the wider community, causing trauma to the victims, and giving rise to negative stigma and prejudice against Islam or Islamophobia. Ironically, terrorism is carried out by subjects who are equally civilized, namely religious adherents. Meanwhile, every religion contains the value of absolute truth. The process of absorption by both parties has brought the reality of the goal of terrorism to achieve its goal of obtaining universal power  (Hendropriyono, 2009). Seeing that there are many phenomena that show that similarities between different groups within the same civilization will be a stronger driving factor in creating conflict. This is in line with Huntington's opinion that culture is the main source of conflict, and this occurs because of internal divisions within themselves. A civilization that has no cultural identity will not last long. Even though cultural differences occur within a country, this will form a unique and different civilization from the others  (Huntington, 1993). Conflict will continue to occur until it collides with one civilization against another. This clash of civilizations will create an international conflict  (Russett, 2000). In addition to ethnic and linguistic similarities, religious differences can also increase the possibility of conflict leading to incidents of war  (Henderson, 2001).

Escalation terrorism has increasedsignificantlyin somecountry afterUS bombing on September 11, 2001, where in the incident it has been destroy World Trade Center (WTC) building. Referring to current development trends and reflecting on terror incidents in the past, it can be shown that acts of terrorism already have international networks so that they further accelerate quality and quantity improvements which have the potential to disrupt global, regional and national security stability. Therefore, the globalization of terror and the forces that followed forced the response of most countries to reform their national security policies. National stability is urgently needed to realize national stability in order to jointly maintain the integrity of the nation and state by forming a collective awareness of all elements of the nation and nation of Indonesia. However, national stability efforts face various challenges. One of them is the rise of acts of terrorism in several areas  (Sihotang, 2021).

According to Mostofa, terrorism can define as shape threatening acts of violence victim soul, by acts of violence committed at random and notrelateddirectly withculprit, resulting in destructionwhichvery large, death, fear, worry and despair  (Mustofa, 2002). UNHCR Fact Sheet No.32 on Human Rights, Terrorism and the War on Terror, terrorism is defined as acts of violence directed against civilians for political or ideological reasons. Komariyah is of the opinion that terrorism is an emergency crime that poses a serious threat to national sovereignty because it is classified as a crime against humanity because it is international in nature and capable of undermining world security and peace. So, there is a need for sustainable planning so that the human rights of many people are protected and supported  (Komariah, 2017). Terrorism itself is considered as an anomalous crime, (Extraordinary Crime) is a form of World War, similar to the Cold War in the form of another alternative  (Fahreza, 2020).

Terrorist attacks directed against America and its allies, including in Indonesia, which occurred from 1993 to 2003 have counted 977 times, consisting of deaths, injuries, and other losses. The attacks that occurred against America and its allies were triggered by the actions of America and its allies directly or indirectly, so that the attacks that occurred were not just without cause  (Priyanto, 2006). Furthermore, after the end of the Cold War, during the administration of President Bill Clinton, America began to question the issue of human rights violations in Indonesia. The issue of human rights was exhaled so that the Government of Indonesia agreed to comply with America's wishes  (Cipto, 2003). As a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, after the global war, Indonesia has also become the target of terrorist attacks on the interests of America and its allies. Among them was an attack carried out by unknown persons in 1986 on the Embassies of the United States, Japan and Canada located in Jakarta. Then the bombing that occurred in Legian Kuta Bali, the perpetrators of which were members of the Southeast Asia Al Jamaah Al-Islamiyah organization  (Priyanto, 2006).

Domestic and international security threats increased in the wake of large-scale acts of terrorism, particularly 9/11 in the United States. Technological advances have made ideologies and networks wider until the emergence of acts of terrorism with new forms. The modus operandi underwent a change, from initially relying on the role of groups and tending to be organized, to a form of strategy with individual attacks (lone wolf), which made this difficult to detect. With the development of the pattern of acts of terrorism that occur and target terror targets more to public places and other places, which even attacks are aimed at security forces and government offices, it is important to plan an integrated security system for vital objects of the state as a preventive effort in securing and preventing terrorism attacks, one of which is to be applied to the offices of law enforcement agencies in Indonesia.



In this research used descriptive qualitative method and analyzed with secondary data. Sugiyono argues, secondary data is data obtained indirectly, including data in the form of tables, graphs, or research topics. Reports on the results of activities that authors can use as necessary data related to the topics discussed, such as articles, journal results on the Internet, and materials for comparison with what was written  (Sugiyono, 2016).

Next, an analysis of the location security system will be carried out based on three ring security in the surveillance detection program and CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) theory. Surveillance detection program is a method of observing or observing people or parties who are carrying out suspicious actions or activities in a certain environment  (,, n.d.). Detecting surveillance or reconnaissance to detect is a method that can be said to be the best in preventing or anticipating the occurrence of all kinds of attacks. Success can be achieved with careful planning and reconnaissance by terrorists. In detecting terrorist preparations, it is necessary to have a protective team to identify the target environment. Whenever something unusual happens, it must be a concern and followed up. In carrying out protection efforts, teams or officers must be careful and organized in order to detect attacks planned by terrorist groups. The protection team must have the ability to accurately describe and record any incidents that are seen or assessed as unusual. On many occasions, the effort to protect the home environment is a determining factor related to security at that location. So that continuous observation of dangerous objects will be very decisive. The protection team must carry out an inspection of the environment around the executor's house and also make a map of the hazard zone. Likewise, careful inspection covering various routes is important to do. When this is achieved, there will be many choices to be found when leaving the house and office Likewise, careful inspection covering various routes is important to do. When this is achieved, there will be many choices to be found when leaving the house and office Likewise, careful inspection covering various routes is important to do. When this is achieved, there will be many choices to be found when leaving the house and office  (Priyanto, 2006).

To prevent acts of terrorism, surveillance detection should be carried out from the start when a building is to be constructed or when a development plan has been made, but this can also be done by renovating the building or buildings owned, or buildings purchased and rented. As for what must be done to carry out surveillance detection namely  (Surveilance Detection Intermediate Training, 2002):

1.   Physical Security:

a)   Building Design is security in the form of buildings or buildings, doors, windows, and fences as well as other buildings originating from private institutions, government-owned or public. Buildings depend on their function and purpose, and by looking at their shape they can be distinguished from their construction, namely:

That is a building that has a strong and sturdy construction, this is usually found in community service facilities, government buildings, and correctional institutions. The construction is made of steel, with a wall thickness of between 30-50 cm and then with a sand-cement ratio of 1: 1-1: 5, and this depends on demand and needs. The window cavities of the building are made of steel and the glass is bulletproof made of steel or polyester. The fences are made of whole iron which has a thickness of 5-20 cm, then the wires are barbed wire made of steel, the distance from the main road and buildings is at least 30 meters. Usually these buildings are formed with the aim of being able to withstand shocks or explosions up to hundreds of years old.

b)  Approximately Uncontrolled Areas is an area or area that may not be fully controlled such as the location of a parking lot, bathroom/WC, telephone room, and others.

c)   Portals Vehicles & Pedestrians is an access consisting of several gates for vehicles and pedestrians to enter the building.

d)  Barriers are fences, walls, barbed wire and others that function as obstacles to restrain people from entering a building or structures.

e)   Access by Uncleared Personnel is access for people outside of employees in a building or buildings (guests).

f)    Required Service Access is an entry or exit access for external service needs such as guest cars, vendor cars, water filling cars, garbage trucks and others.


2.   Security Engineering

a)   Personnel

       Namely the security officer responsible for security at that location. The ideal number of security officers varies, depending on each place and location and there are other security supporting factors such as CCTV, the shape of the building and so on. What needs to be considered in this case is the determination of potential points for observation which will then be the placement of security officers in order to create the desired security.


b)  Equipment

The availability of equipment will be very helpful in improving the performance of security officers, including CCTV, surveillance towers, itemazers, alarms, walkthroughs, infrared rays, central locks, batons, firearms, and others.

c)   Techniques and procedures

Security techniques are emphasized on how a surveillance system is run by security officers to guard the area. Important things that are part of this are the number of guard teams, how the time is divided and guard rotation, whether CCTV and alarms are fully operational, and so on. No less important is the procedure for visitors or outsiders who will enter the building, this is to reduce the risk of crime.


3.   Information/ Intelligence Security

Namely the outermost ring of a security system that contains various activities and events that can be an important source of information for security at a location or all kinds of ongoing events at the location or environment around the building in the form of routine or non-routine activities and news from the mass media. Furthermore, there are seven steps (Seven Step Terrorist Attack) carried out by terrorists when carrying out attacks, which are as follows  (Surveilance Detection Intermediate Training, 2002):

a)   Target List

Target list is a list of targets that will be the target of terrorist attacks. The first target is usually the President, Ambassador and other high-ranking State officials. The next target is the State Palace, Embassies and other vital objects. The third target is government staff or important state staff, usually carried out in the form of kidnapping and killing. Other targets are places of worship, hotels, shopping centers and other crowds.

b)  Surveillance

At this stage, a complete initial observation is started, and the collection of data regarding objects or places that are expected to be targets or targets of terrorists. The data collected will be very useful in determining the most likely goals or targets to be implemented.

c)   Final Selection

At this stage the terrorist will determine the target or targets which will then be attacked, namely there are main targets, alternative targets, and lie targets. The decisions taken are based on the results of observations made at the beginning along with considerations that are in accordance with the capabilities of the terrorists in implementing them.

d)  Last Surveillance

Furthermore, after the target is set, the terrorist will re-observe the main target, alternative targets, and fake targets. Observations made with the aim of knowing the weaknesses in the target or target, so that it can determine the type of attack to be carried out.

e)   Attack Team Deploys

At this stage the terrorists create a team that will then be in charge of carrying out the attack. In this case it is also determined who will be the leader of the attack along with the division of tasks during the attack, including preparation of the attack strategy, purchasing materials, and so on.

f)    Zero Hours

Zero hours is the best time to attack. Usually terrorists will carry out attacks during busy hours because at this time the security system is usually lax so that the victim or target is not aware. Usually zero hour, that is when entering the office or lunch break.

g)  Entries and Escapes

Entry and escape is a place that will be the target of terrorist attacks and roads that terrorists will use to escape after a successful attack. Usually this place is some distance away and higher than the target or target, but it is considered safe. It is different with the perpetrators of suicide attacks, entry and escape does not apply because the perpetrators will die at that time.

Furthermore, prevention of criminal acts can be done in many ways, one of which is through CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design). C. Ray Jeffrey stated that CPTED is a design in the built environment that can be effective and appropriate with the aim of reducing fear and incidents of criminal acts that will occur  (Santoso, 2018). This theory is based on the argument that most crime incidents occur because they are also supported by the opportunities created by the design of the environment  (Cozens, 2005). A natural approach is used in CPTED by changing the physical form of the environment or building which aims to reduce the occurrence of crime  (Tseng, 2004). Cozens states that there are six basic principles in CPTED, namely:

a)   Territoriality is a design concept in strengthening ideas/ideas about ownership of legitimate users of space, so that it can be an effort to reduce the opportunity to commit violations by preventing unauthorized users  (Cozens, 2005).

b)  Surveillance is about how design increases visibility, this is because most offenders don't want to be noticed. So that this can be prevented by environmental design, can affect crime and perceptions about the safety of users of the room  (Cozens., 2015).

c)   Access Control, which is related to territorial assertion that helps form a separation between public space and private space and can control parties who have entered the environment or area  (Cozens., 2015).

d)  Target Hardening which focuses on making it difficult for criminals to commit criminal acts by narrowing down the possibilities that can occur  (Cozens., 2015).

e)   Image and Management, namely providing routine maintenance and developing a positive image of the environment or area and ensuring that physical elements continue to function effectively and transmit positive signals to all users  (Cozens, 2005).

f)    Activity Support namely by making activities that are safe and legal in areas that are considered as unsafe areas  (Cozens., 2015).




A.  General Situation at One of the Offices of Law Enforcement Agencies in Indonesia

Security situation on the territory of the officeThese are generally under control but there is still the possibility of potential disturbances to security and order that can be caused by certain individuals or groups, such as demonstrations, infiltration, theft, and others.

1.   Opponent

a)   Threat Forecast

1)   Sabotage

2)   Rally

b)    Disturbance Forecast

1)     Theft

2)   Infiltration

3)   Damage to infrastructure

c)   Barrier Estimation

1)   Rain/ flood/ tsunami

2)   Incomplete security support equipment

2.   Comrades

a)   Polres

b)   Polsek

c)   Kodim

d)   Koramil

e)   Security


B.  Implementation of Security Activities

1)  Security Concept

a)   The security team carries out surveillance throughout the environmentoffices in an intensive and coordinated manner, in anticipation of potential threats, disturbances and obstacles that may occur.

b)   Running sweeping programs and night patrols.

c)   Supervise all activities or monitor CCTV footage inside and outside the building.

d)   Examination of goods or logistics in and out.

e)   Perform data collection and inspection for guests or visitors who come.


2)  Security System

a)   Open Security (Pre-emptive & Preventive)

·     Examination of goods or logistics in and out.

·     Perform data collection and inspection for guests or visitors.

·     Carry out sweeping and night patrols.

b)   Closed Security (Pre-emptive, Preventive & Repressive)

·     Pre-emptive

Dig up information related to current issues that are developing, smuggling, the movement of criminal groups, acts of terror, sabotage, and demonstrations /demonstrations.

·     Preventive

Collaborating with relevant government agencies, security forces, and local community leaders to gain support and work together to achieve mutual security and order.

·     Repressive

Conducting investigations to obtain information and data, cooperating with the authorities in investigating cases.


3)   Security Goals

a)   Man

·     Official

·     Staff

·     Visitor

·     Local society

b)   Goods

·     Infrastructure

c)   The place

·     Office building

·     Office complex

·     Place of activity

d)   Document

e)   Activity


4)  Security Area

a)   Inner/ Area Within Area

·     Office location

·     Office building

·     Warehouse

·     Parking area

b)   Outer/ Environment Outside the Area Area

·     Building boundary with fence

·     Outer fence of residential building boundaries

·     Office infrastructure

c)   Closed/ Surrounding Environment Outside the Area Area

·     Settlements

·     Other objects



C.  Security System Analysis at One of the Offices of Law Enforcement Agencies in Indonesia

1.  Based on Three Ring Security Theory

a)  Physical Security

Based on the physical security aspect of the office, it can be concluded that the physical security of the building is quite good, because:

·     The distance between the main building and the main road is approximately 30 meters, so that it has met safety standards.

·     The front fence of the building is made of concrete only about one meter high, but the fence surrounds the entire building area and also has iron trellis wire on the side to back fences.

·     The gate is only made of iron.

·     There are no obstacles (barriers).

b)  Security Techniques and Procedures (Technical and Security Procedure)

Based on the technical and procedural aspects of the office, it can be concluded that it is good enough, because:

·     The security personnel in charge of guarding only consisted of five people. One person on guard at the front door or gate, one officer on guard at the main entrance, one person on guard at the visitor entrance. Two officers stand guard in the courtroom, namely one person is assigned to guard the front door of the courtroom, and one person guards the entrance for the Judge.

·     There are many CCTV installed inside and outside the building.

·     There is a routine night patrol or watch with more than one person taking turns on guard.

·     There is cooperation with the local police or district military command, but only specifically for securing the execution of the disputed object.

·     The inspection procedure carried out on guests/ visitors who will enter the building is quite strict and thorough.

·     Absence of equipment to detect bombs or other dangerous types.

c)   Information Security/ Intelligence

There is cooperation with related government agencies, security forces, and local community leaders in order to get support and work together to achieve mutual security and order. Furthermore, in the context of investigating the investigation of cases, there is cooperation with the relevant apparatus. Including information related to current issues that are currently developing.


2.  Based on CPTED Theory (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design)

a)  Territoriallity

Between the main road and the main building there is a physical barrier in the form of a fence and a gate. As for the Surveilance Detection Intermediate Training 2002, Building Design is one of the components in physical security (Physical security). Building Design is security in the form of buildings or buildings, doors, windows, and fences and other buildings originating from private, government-owned or public institutions. The security standard based on the 2002 Surveillance Detection Intermediate Training is that the distance from main roads and buildings is at least 30 meters.

In this case the distance between the main building and the main road is approximately 30 meters, so that the safety standard has been met. The front fence of the building is made of concrete only about one meter high, but the fence surrounds the entire building area and also has iron trellis wire on the side to back fences. This is a territorial confirmation between the building and the outside area. Then the building gate is only made of iron and there is no barrier.

b)  Surveillance

The security personnel in charge of guarding consist of five people. One person on guard at the front door or gate, one officer on guard at the main entrance, one person on guard at the visitor entrance. Two officers stand guard in the courtroom, where one person is on duty at the front door of the courtroom, and one person stands guard at the entrance for the Judge. There are many CCTVs installed inside the building or outside the building. There is a routine night patrol or watch with more than one person taking turns on guard.

c)   Access Control

The inspection procedure carried out by guests who will enter the building is quite strict and thorough. There is data collection for every visitor or guest who is required to show a KTP (Resident Identity Card) along with the purpose of arrival as a visitor entry and exit control. Then an ID card (identification) is given to the person concerned as a means of order. Then at the entrance to the trial visitors there is one officer whose job is to re-verify the visitor's ID Card. In addition, there are also special facilities at the entrance for officials and court staff to go to the courtroom. That is, the entrance is equipped with a certain code that is only known by the staff and officials concerned, so that this tightens the existing security system.

d)  Target Hardening

Efforts to protect targets apart from guarding security posts, guarding several entrances, having password facilities at the entrances of officials and staff, there is also cooperation with the local police or district military command, specifically for securing the execution of the disputed object.

e)  Image and Management

The facilities and infrastructure at the office are well maintained. This is evident by the absence of neglected conditions. The outside and inside of the building looks neat and clean. This is also because every month an evaluation is held by the Center or the Supreme Court which includes the performance of the Court and infrastructure.

f)   Activity Support

The office has a large and adequate area. However, the security equipment owned by security officers is incomplete. Absence of equipment to detect bombs or other dangerous types.



Whereas with the development of patterns of terrorist acts that occurred and targeted terror targets more at public places and other places, where even attacks were aimed at security forces and government offices, it is important to plan an integrated security system for vital state objects as a preventive measure in safeguarding and prevention of terrorist attacks, one of which is to be applied to the offices of law enforcement agencies in Indonesia. From the results of a study based on the Three Ring Security theory and the CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) theory at one of the offices of law enforcement agencies in Indonesia, it shows that the security system is good enough. Namely on the elements of physical security, techniques and security procedures (technical and security procedures), and information/ intelligent security on Three Ring Security is already running well. Then every element of the CPTED concept runs optimally, especially in the elements of surveillance, access control, target hardening, and image and management.

However, there are still a number of elements that need to be improved, namely the assertion of territoriality, the gate is only made of iron and there are no barriers. Then in the supporting activity elements, the security equipment owned by security officers is incomplete because there is no equipment to detect bombs or other dangerous types. So that in order to create comfort and security from the threat of various criminal acts, it is deemed necessary to increase the security plan and establish an integrated security system as a preventive measure in securing and preventing terrorist attacks at the offices of law enforcement agencies in Indonesia.










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