Tri Widayati*, Akif Khilmiyah, Aris Fauzan
Universitas Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]*
This study aims to determine how far the influence of parental support
and self-regulated learning on students' learning motivation. This research is
a research model of hypothesis testing (hypothesis testing study) with a
quantitative approach. Data were collected using a questionnaire/questionnaire
in the form of a Likert scale on parental support, self-regulated learning and
learning motivation. The population was taken from all students of SDIT Insan Utama Yogyakarta with a simple random sampling
technique with a sample of 152 students. Data analysis consisted of validity
and instrument reliability tests, normality tests, linearity tests, hypothesis
tests and correlation tests. The results of this study indicate that 1)
Parental support has a significant effect on student learning motivation by
7.7% and has a moderate correlation with the Pearson Correlation value of
0.278; 2) Learning motivation has an effect on student achievement by 31.8% and
is perfectly correlated with the Pearson Correlation score of 0.564; 3)
Parental support and self-regulated learning together have an effect on student
learning motivation by 32.9% with a significance value of 0.000. 4) The
indicators of parental support variable are the provision of accommodation,
motivation, appreciation, regulatory support, comfort, opportunities for
activities, discussions and joint activities. Indicators of self-regulated
learning variable are learning process control, setting learning goals, setting
time and school assignments, motivation, planning, evaluating, implementing
plans and asking for help if needed. The indicators of learning motivation
variable include having an effort to learn, being able to maintain perseverance
in learning and focusing on achieving learning goals.
Keywords: parental support; learning motivation; self-regulated learning
Received 28
October 2022, Revised 11 November 2022, Accepted 26 November 2022
Learning is a process and effort made by a person to
obtain a change in behavior for the better (Ahdar & Wardana, 2019). Changes in
behavior from not being able to being able to, from not knowing to knowing.
Through learning activities, students will have better knowledge and have
better skills.
Students are students. This means that as a student,
students must have a learning spirit or motivation to learn. However, at this
time students' learning motivation has decreased due to the impact of the
pandemic. The impact of the Corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic has
penetrated the world of education. It is hoped that all educational
institutions will refrain from carrying out their normal activities, which will
help limit the spread of Covid-19. This is done to prevent the spread of
Covid-19. Various countries exposed to this disease have implemented a lockdown
or quarantine policy in an effort to reduce the interaction of many people who
can provide access to the spread of Covid-19 (Tabatabai, 2020).
The COVID-19 pandemic has indeed become a tough test for
all nations, testing their ability to take lessons by continuing to try and
endeavor to find solutions to all existing problems. As a big country,
Indonesia must be able to overcome all existing problems. This is indicated by
Indonesia's readiness to embrace all possibilities, as evidenced by the birth
of technology developed by the nation's children to provide online education
services (Abidah et al., 2020).
The pandemic has hampered learning for all students (With & Series, 2021)
and encouraged digital development at all levels of education forcing the
closure of face-to-face classes at both university and school levels (Basilaia & Kvavadze, 2020).
Face-to-face learning activities in schools that have shifted to online
resulted in learning loss for students (Khan & Ahmed, 2021).
Rapid changes in online can pose challenges for every student who needs to
adapt to this learning model, as well as have an impact on student motivation
in dealing with new conditions in the teaching and learning process (Prananda & Ricky, 2021).
The emergence of the COVID-19 virus has had a profound
impact. significant for education. COVID-19 has had an impact on several
parties, including teachers, principals, students, and parents (Santaria, 2020).
During the COVID-19 pandemic, learning is carried out in a blended between
settings and offline As a result, in the absence of face-to-face instruction
from teachers, parents must assume greater responsibility for the academic,
emotional, and technical support of online their children's. Parents, for
example, should provide tutoring, motivate and monitor their children's
progress, and assist in the development of skills to manage study time and
study persistence (Liu et al., 2022).
Motivation to learn is very important during the COVID-19
pandemic because it can provide enthusiasm for learning and can direct learning
activities for the better. In addition, with the motivation of a person will
get better consideration in learning activities. The existence of learning
motivation can also provide encouragement to make changes in pursuing goals (Dharma et al., 2021).
This decline in learning motivation also occurs in SDIT Insan Utama. This is evidenced by the data obtained through
interviews with the parents of SDIT Insan Utama which
shows that during this pandemic, children have less enthusiasm for learning.
Children often sleep at night and wake up during the day. Research from Usher
et al (2021) said that during this pandemic, there was an increase
in the use of social media, playing games and time to sleep and a decrease in
learning motivation and self-regulated learning (Usher et al., 2021).
The decrease in learning motivation will have an impact on student achievement.
Therefore, students must have the ability to set their own
learning schedule. It is also often called self-regulated learning which is an
intrinsic motivation and is considered an important factor for successful
learning (Dent & Koenka, 2016).
Self-regulated learning is "an active constructive process in which
learners set" goals for their learning and then strive to monitor,
regulate and control their cognition, motivation, and behavior, guided and
constrained by their goals and contextual features in the environment (Pintrich, 2000).
In addition to self-regulated learning, parental support
factors also influence student learning motivation (Grolnick, 2016).
Because the family is the first environment faced by children during the
socialization process, assistance is needed to increase or maintain student
motivation (Rohmahwati et al., 2021).
Relevant research shows that there is a relationship
between parental support and learning motivation in adolescents during distance
learning during the pandemic at SMPN 2 Pule Trenggalek
(Rohmahwati et al., 2021). Furthermore, in online
learning activities, self-regulated learning significantly affects learning
motivation (Yuruk, 2021).
self-regulated learning can affect learning performance (Chou & Zou, 2020).
Based on this phenomenon, this research focuses on
parental support, self-regulated learning and learning motivation. Students'
motivation, which is thought to be high or low, is influenced by self-regulated
learning and parental support. The purpose of this study was to examine how the
influence of parental support on student motivation at SDIT Insan
Utama, to identify how the effect of self-regulated learning on learning
motivation in students at SDIT Insan Utama, and to
analyze which variables most influenced SDIT Insan
The type of research used
is descriptive correlational research. Correlational descriptive research is a
type of non-experimental research that describes the quantitative data obtained
in relation to the state of the subject of a population. This study aims to
describe, describe and describe the effect of parental support and
self-regulated learning on learning motivation at SDIT Insan
Utama Yogyakarta.
The data collection
technique in this study used a questionnaire method. Questionnaire is a
technique or method for collecting data indirectly. The instrument or data
collection tool is also called a questionnaire which contains a number of
questions that must be answered or responded to by the respondent. The
questionnaire instrument or questionnaire in this study uses an ordinal scale.
Data analysis techniques
used are organizing data, grouping by category, theme and pattern of answers,
testing assumptions or problems with data, writing research results.
Classical assumption test
Normality Test
test is used to determine whether the sample comes from a population that is
normally distributed or not. The normality test in this study used the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with a significance level of 5%. The data can be said
to be normally distributed if the significance is > 0.05. And vice versa, if
the significance <0.05, it can be said that the data is not normally distributed.
Linearity Test
test is used to determine the relationship of each independent variable and the
dependent variable is linear or not. The linearity test was carried out with a
significance level of 5%, the data can be said to be linear if the Deviation
from Linearity Sig > 0.05, then there is a significant linear relationship
between the independent and dependent variable. Vice versa, if the value of
Deviation from Linearity Sig <0.05, then there is no significant linear
relationship between the independent and dependent variable.
Multicollinearity Analysis
testing is used to determine whether the independent variables have a strong
correlation or not. Regression analysis requires that there is no
multicollinearity between the independent variables. The multicollinearity test
in this study used the VIF (Variance Inflation Factor) value test. If the VIF
resulting tolerance>0.1, then there is no multicollinearity.
Heteroscedasticity Test
test is used to determine whether or not there is a difference in variance from
the residuals for all observations. In regression analysis, it is required that
there is no heteroscedasticity. Heteroscedasticity test in this study used the Glejser test. If the p-value > 0.05 then there is no
Multiple regression analysis
regression analysis was used to determine parental support (X1) and self regulated learning (X2) on students' learning
motivation (Y).
T test
hypothesis testing of this research was conducted on statistical hypotheses
using t test. The t-test is used to determine the partial effect of each
explanatory/independent variable on the dependent variable. (Sugiyono, 2017) Hypothesis testing can be done by
paying attention to the level of significance and the beta coefficient. The
significance level is used to see whether or not the influence of the
independent variable is significant with the dependent variable, while the beta
coefficient is used to see the direction of the relationship between the
influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Decision
making whether or not the hypothesis is accepted is based on the direction of
the relationship and the significance of the model in question. The criterion
for accepting the hypothesis is using the t test, by seeing whether the values
obtained by the coefficients are significantly or not between t arithmetic
and t table at a 5% confidence level (α = 0.05).
F test
F test is
used to determine whether simultaneously (together) the regression coefficient
of the independent variable has a significant effect or not on the dependent
variable. The F or ANOVA test is carried out by comparing the level of
significance determined for the study with the probability value of the
research results (Sugiyono, 2017).
Determination Coefficient (R2)
The coefficient of determination (RSquared)
essentially measures how far the ability to explain variations in the dependent
variable. The value of the coefficient of determination is between zero and
one. If the value is close to 1, it means that the independent variable
provides almost all the information needed to predict the dependent variable.
Description of
Parental Support Variables, Self-Regulated
Learning and Learning Motivation
Description of research variables
Parental support
Parental support in this
research variable contains indicators of providing accommodation, motivation,
appreciation, shared opportunities, regulatory support, comfort, opportunities
for activities and discussions. This indicator can be described in the
following diagram.
Figure 1.
Diagram of parental support indicators
Based on the diagram, it can
be explained that good indicators for the parental support variable are
indicators of providing regulatory support, providing accommodation, providing
comfort, providing opportunities for activities, providing motivation and
providing comfort. Thus, this indicator needs to be maintained. While the
indicators that are still lacking are indicators of providing regulatory
support and discussion. Thus, the indicators that are still lacking need to be
improved so that parental support can be maximized. Indicators of providing
regulatory support can be improved by making rules about children's activities
where these rules are an agreement made between parents and children. While the
discussion indicators can be improved through discussion activities between
parents and children about a theme, especially the theme of lessons in school.
Self-regulated learning
learning in this research variable
contains indicators of controlling the learning process, setting learning
goals, managing time and school assignments, motivating oneself, making plans
in learning, evaluating learning activities, carrying out planned activities,
asking for help if needed. This indicator can be described in the following
Figure 2.
indicator diagram Self regulated learning
Based on the diagram above,
it is known that good indicators are indicators of managing time and school
assignments, making plans in learning, controlling the learning process, making
plans in learning, evaluating learning activities, carrying out planned
activities. Thus, this already good indicator can be maintained. While the
indicators in the sufficient category are indicators of setting learning goals,
motivating themselves and asking for help if needed. Thus, this indicator needs
to be improved so that the ability of self-regulated learning can be
maximized. Indicators of setting learning goals and self-motivation can be
increased through activities providing an understanding of the importance of
learning so that students can set their goals in learning. With this goal
setting, motivation will appear in oneself to carry out learning activities. In
addition, it will also appear the courage to ask things that they do not know.
Learning motivation
Learning motivation in this
research variable contains indicators of having an effort to learn, maintaining
learning perseverance and leading to the achievement of learning goals.
Indicators on this variable can be described in the following diagram
Figure 3.
Diagram of learning motivation data description
Based on the diagram above,
it is known that a good indicator of learning motivation is leading to learning
goals and having a desire to learn. Thus, this indicator should be maintained.
While the indicators that are still lacking are indicators of learning
persistence. Thus, these indicators need to be improved so that learning
motivation can be maximized. This indicator of maintaining persistence in
learning can be improved through consistent learning activities every day.
Regression analysis prerequisite test
Normality Test
Normality test is used to determine whether the sample comes from
a population that is normally distributed or not. The normality test in this
study used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with a significance level of 5%.
The data can be said to be normally distributed if the significance is >
0.05. And vice versa, if the significance <0.05, it can be said that the
data is not normally distributed
From the calculation, the results of the normality test are
obtained as follows:
Table 1
Normality test
Based on the table, it was
found that the significance value of Asymp.ig
(2-tailed) was 0.096 which was greater than 0.05. So according to the decision
making in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov above, it can be concluded that the
data are normally distributed. Thus, the assumptions or requirements for
normality in the regression model have been met.
Linearity Test
Linearity test is used to
determine the relationship of each independent variable and the dependent
variable is linear or not. The linearity test was carried out with a
significance level of 5%, the data can be said to be linear if the Deviation
from Linearity Sig > 0.05, then there is a significant linear
relationship between the independent and dependent variable. Vice
versa, if the value of Deviation from Linearity Sig <0.05, then there
is no significant linear relationship between the independent and dependent
variable. From the calculation, the results of the linearity test are
obtained as follows:
Parental support for learning motivation
Table 2
Test for linearity of variable X1 against variable Y
Sum of squares |
df |
Mean square |
F |
Sig. |
Learning motivation* Parental support |
Between groups |
(Combined) |
1158.542 |
32 |
36.204 |
1.638 |
.030 |
Linearity |
293.403 |
1 |
293.403 |
13.271 |
.000 |
Deviation from Linearity |
865.139 |
31 |
27.908 |
1.262 |
.187 |
Within groups |
2630.932 |
119 |
22.109 |
Total |
3789.474 |
151 |
Based on the table, the Deviation
from Linearity Sig value is obtained. is 0.187 greater than 0.05. So it can
be concluded that there is a significant linear relationship between the
variables of parental support and learning motivation
Self-Regulated Learning on learning
Table 3
Test for linearity of variable X2 against variable Y
Sum of squares |
df |
Mean square |
F |
Sig. |
Learning motivation* Self regulated
learning |
Between groups |
(Combined) |
1689.084 |
29 |
58.244 |
3.383 |
.000 |
Linearity |
1203.392 |
1 |
1203.392 |
69.898 |
.000 |
Deviation from Linearity |
485.692 |
28 |
17.346 |
1.008 |
.465 |
Within groups |
2100.390 |
122 |
17.216 |
Total |
3789.474 |
151 |
Based on the table, the Deviation from Linearity Sig value is
obtained. is 0.465 greater than 0.05. So it can be concluded that there
is a significant linear relationship between the variables of parental support
and learning motivation.
Multicollinearity Test
Multicollinearity testing is
used to determine whether the independent variables have a strong correlation
or not. Regression analysis requires that there is no multicollinearity between
the independent variables. The multicollinearity test in this study used the VIF
(Variance Inflation Factor) value test. If the VIF resulting tolerance>0.1,
then there is no multicollinearity. From the calculation, the results of the
multicollinearity test are obtained as follows.
Table 4
Multicollinearity Test
Coefficientsa |
model |
Coefficients |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
Statistics |
B |
Error |
Tolerance |
1 |
(Constants) |
24.173 |
3.728 |
6.484 |
.000 |
support |
.084 |
.053 |
.112 |
1.590 |
.114 |
.901 |
1.109 |
Self regulated learning |
.445 |
.059 |
.528 |
7.473 |
.000 |
.901 |
1.109 |
Dependant variable:
Learning motivation |
Based on the table, it is
known that the tolerance value for parental support (X1) and self-regulated
learning (X2) is 0.901 > 0.10. Meanwhile, the VIF value for parental support
(X1) and self-regulated learning (X2) is 1.109 <10,000. Then referring to
the basis of decision making in the multicollinearity test it can be concluded
that there are no symptoms of multicollinearity in the regression model.
Heteroscedasticity Test
Heteroscedasticity test is
used to determine whether or not there is a difference in variance from the
residuals for all observations. In regression analysis, it is required that
there is no heteroscedasticity. Heteroscedasticity test in this study used the Glejser test. If the p-value > 0.05
then there is no heteroscedasticity. From the calculations, the following
results are obtained:
Table 5
Coefficientsa |
model |
Coefficients |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
Statistics |
B |
Error |
Tolerance |
1 |
(Constants) |
6.156 |
2.249 |
2.737 |
.007 |
support |
-.053 |
.032 |
-.142 |
-1.667 |
.098 |
.901 |
1.109 |
Self regulated learning |
.002 |
.036 |
.005 |
.055 |
.957 |
.901 |
1.109 |
Dependant variable:
Abs_RES |
Based on the data in the
table, the results show that the significance value (Sig.) for parental support
(X1) and self regulated learning (X2) is 1.109.
Because the significance value of the two variables is > 0.05, there is no
heteroscedasticity in this regression model.
B. The Effect of Parental
Support on Learning Motivation
The first hypothesis in this
study is H1= there is an effect of parental support on student
motivation at SDIT Insan Utama Yogyakarta
Table 6
Hypothesis Testing 1
Coefficientsa |
model |
Coefficients |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Error |
1 |
(Constants) |
36.824 |
5.661 |
6.505 |
.000 |
motivation |
.372 |
.105 |
.278 |
3.548 |
.001 |
Dependant variable:
Parental support |
Based on the table, it is
known that the Sign for the effect of X1 on Y is 0.001 <
0.05 so it can be concluded that H1 accepted or there is an
influence between X on Y (there is an influence of learning support on
students' learning motivation). Thus, it can be concluded that there is an
effect of parental support on student
learning motivation of 7.7%.
Table 7
The magnitude of the influence of X1
Model summary |
R |
Square |
R Square |
Error of the Estimate |
1 |
.278a |
.077 |
.071 |
6.454 |
Predictors: (Constant) Learning motivation |
The table shows the magnitude
of the Rsquare of 0.077 which describes the
magnitude of the influence of learning support on students' learning motivation
of 7.7%. Thus, the effect of other variables on learning motivation is 92.3%.
This is in line with research
conducted by Affuso which shows that parental support
is one of the factors that contribute to learning motivation. (Affuso et al., 2022) Likewise with research conducted by Hasanah which states parental support has a significant
influence on motivation (Hasanah et al., 2019) So the
parental support variable has a significant influence on the learning
motivation variable.
C. The Effect Self-Regulated Learning Motivation
Hypothesis in this study is H2=
there is an effect of self-regulated
learning on student motivation at SDIT Insan
Utama Yogyakarta
Table 8
Hypothesis Testing 2
Coefficientsa |
model |
Coefficients |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Error |
1 |
(Constants) |
19.810 |
4.327 |
4.579 |
.000 |
motivation |
.669 |
.080 |
.564 |
8.355 |
.000 |
Dependant variable:
Self regulated learning |
Based on the test results
table, it is known that the Sign value for the effect of X2 on Y is
0.000 <0.05 so it can be concluded that H2 is accepted or there is an
influence between X and Y (there is an influence of self-regulated learning on students' learning motivation).
Table 9
The magnitude of the effect of X2
Model summary |
R |
Square |
R Square |
Error of the Estimate |
1 |
.564a |
.318 |
.313 |
4.933 |
Predictors: (Constant) Learning motivation |
The table shows the magnitude
of the Rsquare
of 0.318 which describes the magnitude of the influence of self-regulated learning on learning
motivation of 31.8%. Thus, the effect of other variables on learning motivation
is 68.2%.
This is in accordance with
research conducted by Yuruk which states that self-regulated learning
affects student learning motivation (Hasanah
et al., 2019). In addition, research conducted by Chih‑Yueh Chou and Nian‑Bao Zou
shows that student learning motivation is influenced by by
self (Chou & Zou, 2020). Thus, it can be concluded that self-regulated
learning has a significant influence on students' learning motivation
The Effect of
Parental Support and Self-Regulated Learning on Learning Motivation
Hypothesis in this study is H3=
there is an influence of parental shamans and self-regulated learning on
student motivation at SDIT Insan Utama Yogayakarta.
F test
If the significance value
<0.05 then the hypothesis is accepted. However, if the significance value is
> 0.05 then the hypothesis is rejected. From the calculations obtained the
following data
Table 10
F Test
Coefficientsa |
model |
Coefficients |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Error |
1 |
(Constants) |
24.173 |
3.728 |
6.484 |
.000 |
support |
.084 |
.053 |
.112 |
1.590 |
.114 |
Self regulated learning |
.445 |
.059 |
.528 |
7.473 |
.000 |
Dependant variable:
Learning motivation |
Based on the table, the
results show that the significance value (Sig.) in the F is 0.000. So it can be concluded that parental support (X1)and
self-regulated learning (X2)simultaneously
have an effect on learning motivation (Y) or significantly. Thus, the
requirements for us to be able to interpret the value of the coefficient of
determination in multiple linear analysis have been fulfilled.
T test
If the significance value
< probability 0.05 then there is an effect of variable X on variable Y or
the hypothesis is accepted. If the probability value > 0.05 then there is no
effect of variable X on variable Y. From the calculation, the following data is
Table 11
Coefficientsa |
model |
Coefficients |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Std. Error |
Beta |
1 |
(Constants) |
24.173 |
3.728 |
6.484 |
.000 |
Parental support |
.084 |
.053 |
.112 |
1.590 |
.114 |
regulated learning |
.445 |
.059 |
.528 |
7.473 |
.000 |
Dependant variable:
Learning motivation |
Based on the table, it is
known that the significance value of the self-regulated
learning is 0.000 <0.05, which means that self-regulated learning has an influence on learning motivation.
Meanwhile, the parental support variable has a significance value of 0.114 >
0.05, which means that parental support does not affect students' learning
Coefficient of Determination
The magnitude of the
simultaneous effect of variables X and Y can be seen from the coefficient of
determination. The magnitude of the influence of the independent variable on
the dependent variable can be seen from the value of R square. The
results of the test are as follows.
Table 12
Coefficient of Determination Test
Model summary |
R |
Square |
R Square |
Error of the Estimate |
1 |
.574a |
.329 |
.320 |
4.131 |
Predictors: (Constant), Self
regulated learning, parental support |
Based on the calculation,
obtained a value of 0.329 or 32.9%. This shows that the independent variable (self-regulated learning and parental
support) contributes 32.9% to the dependent variable (student learning
motivation), for the remaining 67.1% is influenced by other variables not
included in the study.
Predictor Contribution
Predictor contribution to
this research variable can be seen in the following table
Table 13
Correlation Test
Correlations |
support |
Self regulated learning |
motivation |
support |
correlation |
1 |
.314** |
.278** |
(2-tailed) |
.000 |
.001 |
N |
152 |
152 |
152 |
Self regulated learning |
correlation |
.314** |
1 |
.564** |
(2-tailed) |
.000 |
.000 |
N |
152 |
152 |
152 |
motivation |
correlation |
.278** |
.564** |
1 |
(2-tailed) |
.001 |
.000 |
N |
152 |
152 |
152 |
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) |
Based on the correlation test table, a summary can be made as
Table 14
Correlation and regression
Coefficientsa |
model |
Coefficients |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Error |
1 |
(Constants) |
24.173 |
3.728 |
6.484 |
.000 |
support |
.084 |
.053 |
.112 |
1.590 |
.114 |
Self regulated learning |
.445 |
.059 |
.528 |
7.473 |
.000 |
Dependant variable:
Learning motivation |
Based on the table above, it can be obtained
the calculation results for the effective contribution and the relative
contribution between the variables X1, X2 and Y.
1. Effective Contribution (SE) variable X1 to variable Y
Effective contribution variable parental
support to learning motivation.
SE (X1)% = Beta X1 x rxy
x 100
0.112 x 0.278 x 100
Based on the results of the above calculation,
it can be seen that the Effective Contribution (SE) of the parental support
variable (X1) on learning motivation (Y) is 3.1%.
2. Relative
Contribution of variable X1 to variable Y
Relative Contribution of parental support to learning motivation
SR (X1) % = SE X1%/R square
= 3.1% / 32.9%
Based on the results of the above
calculations, it can be concluded that the relative contribution (SR) of the
learning support variable to learning motivation is 9.4%
3. Effective
contribution of variable X2 to variable Y
SE (X2)% = Beta X2 x rxy
x 100
= 0.528 x 0.564 x 100
= 29.77%
Based on the results of the above
calculations, it can be concluded that the Effective Contribution (SE) of the self-regulated learning (X2)
to learning motivation (Y) is 29.8%.
4. Relative Contribution of variable X2 to variable Y
Relative Contribution self regulated
learning to learning motivation
SR (X2) % = SE X2%/Rsquare
= 29.8% / 32.9%
= 90.6%
Based on the above calculation results, it can
be concluded that the relative contribution (SR) of the learning support
variable to learning motivation is 9.4%.
5. Effective contribution of variables X1 and X2
to variable Y
Effective contribution of parental support and
self-regulated learning to learning motivation.
SE Total = SE (X1) + SE (X2)
= 3.1% + 29.8%
= 32.9%
Based on the calculation results above, it can
be concluded that the self-regulated
learning (X2) has a more dominant influence on the learning
motivation variable (Y). For the total SE is 32.9% or the same as the
coefficient of determination (Rsquare)
regression analysis is 32.9%.
6. Relative Contribution of variables X1 and X2
to variable Y
Relative Contribution of variable parental support and self-regulated learning on learning motivation:
SR Total = SR (X1) + SR (X2)
= 9.4% + 90.6%
= 100%
Based on the results of the above
calculations, it can be concluded that the relative contribution (SR) of the
parental support variable and self regulated learning on learning motivation is
100%. For the total SR is 100 or equal to 1.
Parental support has an effect
on student learning motivation at SDIT Insan Utama
Yogyakarta by 7.7% and has a moderate correlation with the Pearson Correlation
Self-regulated learning has an
effect on student motivation at SDIT Insan Utama
Yogyakarta by 31.8% and is perfectly correlated with the Pearson Correlation
Parental support and
self-regulated learning have a simultaneous effect on students' learning
motivation at SDIT Insan Utama Yogyakarta by 32.9%
with a significance value of 0.000.
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regulatory support, comfort, opportunities for activities, discussions and
joint activities. Indicators self-regulated learning are learning process
control, setting learning goals, setting time and school assignments, motivation,
planning, evaluating, implementing plans and asking for help if needed. The
indicators for learning motivation variables include having an effort to learn,
being able to maintain perseverance in learning and focusing on achieving
learning goals
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