Ana Marliana

Faculty of Economics, Teuku Umar University, Aceh, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]



This research in 2021 aims to find out the Analysis of Community Satisfaction with Village Funds in Financial Management to improve the achievement of the Regional Development program in Meureubo Village, sub-district. Meureubo Kab. Aceh Barat, viewed based on community satisfaction using the Community Satisfaction Index (IKM) seen from the Village Fund. Descriptive Research is a research using analysis (IKM) Community Satisfaction Index. The research was conducted in Meureubo Village, Meureubo District with 100 respondents as the sample used. The data collected was carried out using a Questionnaire or Questionnaire method. The results showed that the community's perception of the Meureubo Village Fund, Meureubo sub-district, was seen based on Community Satisfaction using the Community (IKM) of the entire Village Fund in Financial Management to increase the achievement of regional development programs that were somewhat in line with the expectations of the community but in terms of Financial Management Slightly decreased in community satisfaction in Village development program, so with difficult conditions we see that in the future hopefully what has not been achieved, and with this research we can see how the situation of the community in Meureubo village is, how the community's satisfaction with Meureubo Village's services to the community.


Keywords: Public Satisfaction on village funds, regional development programs,


Received 9 September 2021, Revised 30 Septermber 2021, Accepted 10 October 2021




Community satisfaction is a sense of satisfaction obtained by the community or residents of the Village Fund in accordance with the expectations they want (Buntaine, Daniels, & Devlin, 2018). Community satisfaction is the most important thing for village officials to pay attention to in order to maintain a sense of trust and community comfort. Community Satisfaction is the level of a person's feelings after comparing the performance or perceived with what is expected (Erdogan, Tom�s, Valls, & Gracia, 2018). From the affirmation of the title above, the purpose of the title of this Scientific Work is a study that will reveal whether community satisfaction with village funds in financial management to increase the achievement of regional development programs has an effect on community satisfaction in Meureubo Village, Kec. Meureubo.This also affects the Village Fund and regional development programs.

Village is an area occupied by the community or which has a number of residents as a community unit that has customs and culture developed by the local community, and the village has a legal community unit that has territorial boundaries that are authorized to regulate and manage government affairs, in achieving development programs. Village Financial Management must of course be carried out with good and accountable management because the funds that enter the village are not small funds, but are very large to be managed by a government with the Village Fund policy.

Village development is an effort to improve the quality of life for the greatness of the welfare of the village community (Falah, Marlisa, Pangayow, & Ghozali, 2018). Village development can be carried out if village funds provided by the government can be managed properly, then village funds can run well and regional/village development is going well. In the course of the state administration of the Republic of Indonesia, Villages have developed in various forms so that they need to be protected and empowered to become strong, advanced, independent, and democratic so that a strong foundation can be created in carrying out government and development towards a just, prosperous, and prosperous society.�

Village community is a group of people who are in a remote area in a country or individuals who live together in one place and are interconnected (Entwisle, 2007). Usually, in village communities, many things will happen, such as customs that are carried out in community groups, namely in villages where people help each other, cooperate, work together and respect each other. Prosperity of a country and the welfare of citizens if community empowerment is prioritized.

Community feelings depend on the needs provided by the government and how satisfied and happy or disappointed the community is with regional development and on the funds given to the community, so community satisfaction depends on the feeling of pleasure or disappointment of the community.

community satisfaction depends on perceptions of service quality or service quality, it can be improved by providing opportunities for the community to submit complaints that they feel, therefore if the government provides opportunities for the community maybe the community can provide suggestions or criticism, if that happens then the community will feel satisfied for what is conveyed and their suggestions and criticisms if they are hurled, they may be very satisfied, and if not, at least their complaints have been submitted.

Financial Management is the overall activities and activities of the owner company to obtain the lowest/cheapest/cheapest capital or shares related to the business using it as effectively, efficiently, and productively as possible to generate profits or profits derived from the company or village (Chandra, 2011).

Financial Management, Achieving goals through other people in an organization for an activity of planning, unemployment, checking, managing, controlling, finding and storing funds owned by an organization or company, Introducing new products, applying for bank transfers, issuing shares/bonds, expanding credit to customers and how much cash to hold (Zietlow, Hankin, Seidner, & O�Brien, 2018).



This research is used in descriptive research, namely qualitative research (Cresswell, 2017). This research is called descriptive research because the researcher produces data in the form of sentences or descriptions of the community's satisfaction with Village Funds in Financial Management to improve the achievement of regional development programs in Meureubo Village, West Aceh. The data that has been collected in the form of figures will then be calculated in accordance with the provisions of the IKM Calculation. A research Scientific work is usually with a study, this is considered very important because without a research, and what is stated will be difficult to justify the truth. This research process involves important efforts, such as asking questions and (procedures), collecting data that the specifics of the participants (Sugiyono, 2017).

In a study concerning the Analysis of Community Satisfaction with Village Funds in Financial Management to improve the achievement of regional development programs in Meureubo Village, West Aceh, research that produces descriptive data�� in the form of written or spoken words from people and observed behavior.

In this study using several data collection techniques as follows;

1.     Using the Questionnaire studied. This is done to obtain data regarding the Analysis of Community Satisfaction with Village Funds in Financial Management to improve the achievement of regional development programs in Meureubo Village, West Aceh (Laila & Sastro, 2018).�������

2.     Face - to - face interview is a method of collecting data or information by means of face - to - face interviews in order to obtain complete and in-depth data (Deakin & Wakefield, 2014).



Based on the results of the observations/surveys conducted, the researcher concluded that the Village Development program in Aceh Barat Regency was almost effective, this can be seen from several questions submitted to the Meureubo community, especially to the hamlets of Imusa, Padang Si Kabu, Syeh Answer and Pematang.


Table 1

Satisfaction with Village Funds


Question asked

Level of Satisfaction and Suitability

Number of Respondents



Community Satisfaction with Village Funds




Less Satiesfied






Not Satisfied







Figure 1

Graph of Community Satisfaction with Village Funds



Community Satisfaction with the Village Fund in 2021 has increased to the maximum and comprehensively by the Meureubo Community, Meureubo sub-district. West Aceh. And the village funds obtained have quite an effect on the economic level/ community welfare, and there are also some communities that are not relevant to village funds, as a result some communities do not receive assistance or village funds, this can be seen from community satisfaction with village funds and there are some communities Meureubo who is dissatisfied with the Village Fund, we can see in the graph of Figure 1.


Table 2

Village Financial Management


Question asked

Level of Satisfaction and Suitability

Number of Respondents



Village Financial Management




Less Satisfied






Not Satisfied







Figure 2

Graph of Village Financial Management


Village Financial Management in 2021 Still Less implemented. This can be seen from some people who are dissatisfied with village financial management and few are satisfied with village financial management, and also village financial management is not transparent to the community, therefore some people are not satisfied with village financial management, out of 100 respondents seen, there are some who are dissatisfied with village financial management, about 44%, and those who are satisfied about 32%, and there are also people who are doubtful and also dissatisfied with Village Financial Management. It can be seen above in Figure 2.


Table 3

Improving the Achievement of Regional Development Programs


Question Asked

Level of Satisfaction and Suitability

Number of Respondents



Improving the Achievement of Regional Development Programs

In Accordance



Not Suitable






Not Appropriate







Figure 3

Graph of Improving the Achievement of Regional Development Programs



There has been a lot of improvement in the achievement of the village development program in 2021, this can be seen from several buildings that have been implemented such as mosques, several irrigations, roads and others. And some have not been fully realized such as one of the public bathrooms, therefore village development must be appropriate targets, and the development of village funds provided by the government in improving the welfare of the community, there are still many people who feel that they have not fully felt the welfare of development sourced from village funds. When viewed from the respondents, out of 100 respondents there are about 62% that are suitable for increasing the achievement of the development program. There are about 36% of villages, and those who are not suitable for increasing the achievement of development programs, and the rest feel doubtful and unsuitable, we can see in the graph above, pictured 3.



Based on the results of the research in 2021 and the discussion, it can be






concluded as follows: From the community's satisfaction with the 2021 village fund, we can see that the Meureubo community has increased somewhat. From the results of the study it was found that out of 100 respondents who were dissatisfied, there were around 44%, so we can see that there are changes to village funds, but with these changes The village must also look at the community who are not satisfied with village funds, in terms of village financial management, it has decreased somewhat from 100 respondents who are satisfied, only 32% are not satisfied, due to not being transparent to the community, from there we can see that the village development program must be appropriate the target, although many have already been implemented such as mosques, irrigation of alleys and others, but behind that the village must also look at the alleys that the development program has not achieved, because many people are still dissatisfied with the assistance or development of the village.



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