EXCHANGE IN 2015-2020
Hadid Hidayat*, Selamet Riyadi
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Budi Luhur, Jakarta,
Email: [email protected]*
This study aims to examine differences of the company's financial
performance as indicated by the Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Total Assets (DAR),
Total Asset Turnover (TATO), Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE) and
Price Earnings Ratio. Data were obtained from 20 companies that conducted stock
splits in 2017 and 2018. The difference test was carried out using Man Whitney
using SPSS 25 software. The results showed that the current ratio (CR) did not
show a significant difference between 3 years before and 3 years after the
stock splits. Debt to total assets (DAR) did not show a significant difference
between 3 years before and 3 years after the stock split. Total asset turnover
(TATO) did not show a significant difference between 3 years before and 3 years
after the stock split. This result is significant at the 10% alpha or 90%
confidence interval. Return on assets (ROA) shows a significant difference
between 3 years before and 3 years after the stock split. Return on equity
(ROE) shows a significant difference between 3 years before and 3 years after
the stock split. Price earnings ratio (PER) does not show a significant
difference between 3 years before and 3 years after the stock split.
Keywords: Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Total Assets
(DAR), Price Earnings Ratio, Return on
(ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Stock Split, Total Asset Turnover (TATO)
Received 30
October 2022, Revised 12 November 2022, Accepted 27 November 2022
Accurate financial information assists investors in making
decisions about the purchase, retention, or sale of the issuer's shares, as
well as the amount of dividends that the issuer is able to pay. A company's
financial performance is not the only factor that determines whether an
investor will acquire its shares; The share price determination also plays a
role in decisions made by potential investors regarding investment (Dwilita, 2018; Firmansyah & Indriani, 2021; Hendra & Irawati,
2021; Maulani, 2020; Swari & Wiksuana, 2015). One of the most
important things that affects the supply and demand for stocks is the stock
price, which plays a role in both. Compared to the higher price per share, the
lower price per share seems to be the most valuable for investors. Issuers will
try to make it easier for investors to buy shares by lowering the price per
share compared to those offered by competitors (Dewi, Sunarsih, & Dewi, 2019; Hanafie & Diyani, 2016; Hendra
& Irawati, 2021; Kristianiarso, 2014; Labibah & Dwimulyani, 2014;
Tanjung & Ali, 2021; Yuniartini & Sedana, 2020).
When the price per share is too high, investors will find
it difficult to buy the stock. Because of this, people will not want to buy
stock at a higher price than that, and stock sales are often low too. If the
price per share is too high, investors will not have much opportunity to buy
the stock. Because of how supply and demand work together, the price of a stock
that is at an all-time high will continue to fall until it finds a new
equilibrium. Stock splits are a common business strategy that companies use to
keep their stock prices in the best range for trading. This helps ensure that
the purchasing power of investors remains the same, especially the purchasing
power of small investors who put their money into the business (Ikenberry, Rankine, & Stice, 1996; Tanjung & Ali, 2021).
Stock split not the same as active company mergers and
acquisitions; they are just cosmetic. Regardless of the number of shares
divided, it will not have an impact on the company's cash flow in the future,
both now and in the future. Stock splits do not have an economic impact on the
company, but have the potential to increase the number of shareholders,
especially among small investors. Investors who hold large sums of money but
fewer shares will have the illusion that they have become more prosperous as a result
of the mirage impact of the stock split on the value of their holdings.
Scientific research related to stock splits generally revolves around changes
in stock prices or related to stock market reactions and stock trading
liquidity in the short term (Adisetiawan, 2018; Bagaskoro, 2019; Cheung, Faff, Im, & Selvam, 2021;
Dewi et al., 2019; Hanafie & Diyani, 2016; Jayanti & Fattah, 2021;
Kohsaka, 2014; Kristianiarso, 2014; Maulida & Mahardhika, 2021; Paramitha,
2019; Purwata & Wiksuana, 2019; Rahayu & Murti, 2017; Suharno &
Afriani, 2021; Tabibian, Zhang, & Jafarian, 2020; Trisanti, 2020; Wibowo,
2017). The findings of a
study conducted by Cornell (2020)
stated that Tesla's share price increased by 17.94 percent just two days after
the stock split took place. shows that prices have increased significantly in a
relatively short period of time. Over a long period of time, it is necessary to
repeat the analysis.
Several studies suggest the impact of stock splits on
long-term financial performance (Bajaj & Arora, 2017; Dwilita, 2018; Firmansyah & Indriani, 2021;
Hendra & Irawati, 2021; Labibah & Dwimulyani, 2014; Madani, 2018;
Nurdin & Abdani, 2020; Sabar, Ridjal, & Tangngisalu, 2022; Wibowo,
2017; Yustisia, 2018). This study
emphasizes the impact of stock splits on differences in company performance in
the long term.
Based on the description of the background of the research
above, the authors are interested in studying, discussing and conducting
research with the title "Analysis of Long-Term Financial Performance
Differences before and after Stock Split in Companies Listed on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange in 2015-2020". The aims of this research are (1).
empirically test and prove the difference in debt to total assets (DAR) between
before and after the stock split, (2) empirically test and prove the difference
in current ratio (CR) between before and after the stock split, (3) empirically
test and prove the difference total asset turnover (TATO) between before and
after the stock split, (4) empirically testing and proving the difference in
return on assets (ROA) between before and after the stock split.
research is a positivistic research using a quantitative approach. Attempts to
acquire, generate, or demonstrate knowledge that can be used to understand,
solve, and predict problems in a particular subject, researchers apply
scientific methods known as research techniques. The population used as the
object of research in this study consisted of 76 companies that carried out a
stock split between 2015-2020 which were listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange. Data obtained from,, and stocks. Purposive sampling technique
was used to select and determine the sample used in the study. One of the
criteria in purposive aside is that the selected company has provided a report
3 years before the stock split and 3 years after that to see how well it is
doing financially. Given the reports that are available 3 years after 2021,
2020, 2019, respectively, the stock split was carried out between 2018 and
2017. Based on these criteria, 20 companies that carried out stock splits were
selected as samples (objects of research).
Mann Whitney
U Test is a non-parametric test that is used to determine the difference in the
median of 2 independent groups if the dependent variable data scale is ordinal
or interval/ratio but not normally distributed. The Mann Whitney U Test is also
known as the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test. It is a non-parametric test option if the
Independent T Test cannot be performed because the assumption of normality is
not met. However, despite the non-parametric form of the independent t test,
the Mann Whitney U Test does not test the difference in the Mean (mean) of the
two groups like the Independent T Test, but instead examines the difference in
the Median (mean value) of the two groups.
experts statethat the Mann Whitney U Test not only tests the Median difference,
but also tests the Mean. Why is it like that? because in various cases, the
median of the two groups may be the same, but the P Value of the results is
small, i.e. < 0.05, which means there is a difference. The reason is because
the mean of the two groups is significantly different. So, it can be concluded
that this test is not only testing the difference in the median, but also the
difference in the mean.
Statistical Analysis Results
1. Current Ratio (CR) Pre-Post
Stock Split
One of the main components of assessing
the condition of the company in a healthy or unhealthy condition is by
measuring the ratio of the level of liquidity. Liquidity has a function as a
counter to the company's strength in fulfilling its current financial
responsibilities to internal or external parties. Liquidity is not only about
compliance, but also managing current assets into cash. Ideally the ratio
number is 2 or 200% or at least 1X or 100%. However, the standardization of
each company is different regarding the minimum limit for the level of
liquidity. The current ratio itself shows the company's ability to pay off its
short-term obligations. The higher the current ratio, the higher the company's
ability to pay off short-term obligations and this is a good sign for investors
and creditors.
Of the 20 issuers studied within a period
of 3 years, 9 companies showed an increase in the average current ratio, while
11 experienced a decrease in the average current ratio. In the first year since
the stock split, only 8 issuers showed an increase in the current ratio, the
remaining 12 issuers experienced a decrease in the current ratio. The
results of descriptive statistical analysis of the distribution of the current
ratio (CR) variable data before and after the stock split can be seen in Table
of Descriptive Statistics Current Ratio (CR) Pre-Post Stock Split
Pre-Post Stock Split |
Statistics |
Std. Error |
CR |
Pre Stock Split |
mean |
157,874 |
14,924 |
95% Confidence Intervals for Mean |
Lower Bound |
128,011 |
Upper Bound |
187,737 |
5% Trimmed Mean |
151.061 |
median |
132.180 |
Variance |
13363,388 |
Std. Deviation |
115,600 |
Minimum |
0.480 |
Maximum |
484.360 |
Range |
483.880 |
Interquartile Range |
76.553 |
Skewness |
1.181 |
0.309 |
Kurtosis |
0.873 |
0.608 |
Post Stock Split |
mean |
138.081 |
13,582 |
95% Confidence Intervals for Mean |
Lower Bound |
110,904 |
Upper Bound |
165,257 |
5% Trimmed Mean |
129,443 |
median |
123.650 |
Variance |
11067,645 |
Std. Deviation |
105,203 |
Minimum |
0.210 |
Maximum |
444,410 |
Range |
444,200 |
Interquartile Range |
125,948 |
Skewness |
1.096 |
0.309 |
Kurtosis |
1,248 |
0.608 |
The average value of the current ratio of
the pre-stock split is 157.87, the average value of the post-stock split is
138.08. This shows a decrease in the current ratio from before the stock split
of 1.58X down to 1.38X. This decrease indicates that in the long term, the
stock split does not have a positive effect on the current ratio.
Based on the results of the descriptive
statistics above, it can be seen that there is a difference in the mean
(average value). We will test this mean difference further, whether it is
statistically significant or not.
The debt ratio as a measure of the use of
external funds to fund the company's wealth with the aim of encouraging its
operational activities to be sustainable and earn a profit. The use of high
debt with a fixed asset value will make it difficult to pay the nominal debt
plus the interest expense so as to reduce liquidity. Of the 20 issuers studied
within a period of 3 years, 8 companies showed an increase in the average debt
asset ratio, while 1 fixed issuer and only 11 issuers experienced a decrease in
the average debt asset ratio. In the first year since the stock split, only 12
issuers showed a decrease in the debt asset ratio, while the remaining 8
issuers experienced an increase in the debt asset ratio. The results of
descriptive statistical analysis of the distribution of variable data Debt to
Total Assets
before and after the stock split can be seen in Table 2
Debt to Total Asset (DAR) Debt to Total Asset
(DAR) Pre-Post Stock Split
Pre-Post Stock Split |
Statistics |
Std. Error |
CR |
Pre Stock Split |
mean |
47,075 |
3.615 |
95% Confidence Intervals for Mean |
Lower Bound |
39,841 |
Upper Bound |
54,309 |
5% Trimmed Mean |
47,016 |
median |
45,725 |
Variance |
784,156 |
Std. Deviation |
28.003 |
Minimum |
0.690 |
Maximum |
99,840 |
Range |
99,150 |
Interquartile Range |
44,823 |
Skewness |
-0.087 |
0.309 |
Kurtosis |
-1.032 |
0.608 |
Post Stock Split |
mean |
47,747 |
3,710 |
95% Confidence Intervals for Mean |
Lower Bound |
40,323 |
Upper Bound |
55,172 |
5% Trimmed Mean |
47,166 |
median |
56,205 |
Variance |
825,973 |
Std. Deviation |
28,740 |
Minimum |
0.620 |
Maximum |
147,060 |
Range |
146,440 |
Interquartile Range |
38.343 |
Skewness |
0.294 |
0.309 |
Kurtosis |
0.914 |
0.608 |
Combined, the average Debt to Total Asset
pre-stock split is 47.07, the post-stock split average is 47.75. This shows
that in the long term there is no decrease in the debt to total asset ratio,
there is an increase. Based on the results of the descriptive statistics above,
it can be seen that there is a difference in the mean (average value). We will
test this mean difference further, whether it is statistically significant
(significant) or not.
The smaller the total asset turnover
ratio (decreased) then the total assets are slower to rotate in achieving
profits and the less efficient the use of total assets in generating sales
levels. In the aspect of activity with the Total Assets Turn Over Ratio (TATO)
proxy in a three-year period, of the 20 issuers studied, 14 issuers experienced
a decrease in the ratio, only 6 issuers experienced a slight increase.
Meanwhile, in the first year since the stock split, only 10 issuers have
increased while 10 other issuers have decreased. The low ratio can be caused by
several factors, such as overproduction accompanied by a decrease in product
demand. The cause could be constraints in the supply chain so that the number
of products cannot meet the company's sales targets
Statistics Results of Total Asset Turnover (TATO) Pre-Post Stock Split
Pre-Post Stock Split |
Statistics |
Std. Error |
Total Asset Turnover |
Pre Stock Split |
mean |
75,363 |
6.605 |
95% Confidence Intervals for Mean |
Lower Bound |
62,146 |
Upper Bound |
88,580 |
5% Trimmed Mean |
73,245 |
median |
74.625 |
Variance |
2617,689 |
Std. Deviation |
51.163 |
Minimum |
1,800 |
Maximum |
186,970 |
Range |
185.170 |
Interquartile Range |
83.613 |
Skewness |
0.310 |
0.309 |
Kurtosis |
-0.825 |
0.608 |
Post Stock Split |
mean |
58,472 |
5,712 |
95% Confidence Intervals for Mean |
Lower Bound |
47.042 |
Upper Bound |
69,902 |
5% Trimmed Mean |
55,888 |
median |
64,680 |
Variance |
1957,772 |
Std. Deviation |
44,247 |
Minimum |
1.020 |
Maximum |
171.870 |
Range |
170.850 |
Interquartile Range |
74.570 |
Skewness |
0.478 |
0.309 |
Kurtosis |
-0.539 |
0.608 |
average value of Total Asset Turnover (TATO) pre-stock split is 75.36, the
average value of post-stock split is 58.47. This shows a decrease in the asset
turnover ratio from before the stock split of 75.36% to 58.47%. This decrease
shows that in the long term, there is no positive effect of stock split on
company performance. The
results of this study are in line with the research of Pascafiani (2021) which
states that based on the average results of 9 industrial sectors in the aspect
of activity ratio (TATO) it shows that all industries have decreased in the
total asset turnover ratio.
on the results of the descriptive statistics above, it can be seen that there
is a difference in the mean (average value). We will test this mean difference
further, whether it is statistically significant or not.
Profitability ratios
provide benefits to interested parties in the company, including to measure the
amount of net profit generated from every rupiah invested from total assets.
Profitability ratio with ROA proxy describes the company's ability to generate
profit from every rupiah invested from total assets. Of the 20 issuers studied, in
a period of 3 years 7 issuers experienced an increase in ROA, 5 fixed issuers
and 8 issuers decreased. Within 1 year since the stock split, 9 issuers
experienced an increase in ROA, 5 fixed issuers and 6 issuers experienced a
decrease in ROA. The
results of descriptive statistical analysis of the distribution of Return on
Assets variable data (ROA)
before and after the stock split can be seen in Table 4 below.
of Descriptive Statistics of Return on Assets (ROA) Pre-Post Stock Split
Stock Split |
Statistics |
Std. Error |
Return on
Assets |
Pre Stock
Split |
mean |
4.394 |
0.938 |
Confidence Intervals for
Mean |
Lower Bound |
2.518 |
Upper Bound |
6.270 |
5% Trimmed Mean |
4.291 |
median |
3,005 |
Variance |
52,754 |
Deviation |
7.263 |
Minimum |
-10,070 |
Maximum |
21,490 |
Range |
31,560 |
Range |
9.560 |
Skewness |
0.339 |
0.309 |
Kurtosis |
-0.164 |
0.608 |
Post Stock
Split |
mean |
1,243 |
1.232 |
Confidence Intervals for
Mean |
Lower Bound |
-1.223 |
Upper Bound |
3,708 |
5% Trimmed Mean |
1.161 |
median |
1.185 |
Variance |
91.060 |
Deviation |
9.543 |
Minimum |
-26,240 |
Maximum |
26,400 |
Range |
52,640 |
Range |
9,243 |
Skewness |
0.014 |
0.309 |
Kurtosis |
1,000 |
0.608 |
The average return on assets (ROA) of the
pre-stock split is 4.39, the average value of the post-stock split is 1.24.
This shows that the stock split in the long run does not have a positive effect
on financial performance. Based on the results of the descriptive statistics
above, it can be seen that there is a difference in the mean (average value).
We will test this mean difference further, whether it is statistically
significant (significant) or not.
The profitability ratio with
ROE proxy describes the company's ability to generate profit from each rupiah
of its own capital invested in total assets. The higher the ROE, the faster the
shareholders will get their investment back. Based on the results of
research conducted on 20 issuers, in the long term only 7 issuers increased
their ROE after the stock split, the remaining 2 fixed issuers and 11 issuers
decreased. In the short term, after the stock split, there were 10 issuers
whose ROE increased, 4 fixed issuers and 6 issuers decreased their ROE. The
results of the descriptive statistical analysis of the distribution of the
Return on Equity (ROE) variable data in the long term from all issuers before
and after the stock split.
of Descriptive Statistics of Return on Equity (ROE) Pre-Post Stock Split
Pre-Post Stock Split |
Statistics |
Std. Error |
Pre Stock Split |
mean |
7.068 |
2.330 |
95% Confidence Intervals for Mean |
Lower Bound |
2.406 |
Upper Bound |
11,730 |
5% Trimmed Mean |
8,471 |
median |
8025 |
Variance |
325,661 |
Std. Deviation |
18.046 |
Minimum |
-74,580 |
Maximum |
35,870 |
Range |
110,450 |
Interquartile Range |
17,895 |
Skewness |
-1,749 |
0.309 |
Kurtosis |
6.330 |
0.608 |
Post Stock Split |
mean |
1,962 |
2.481 |
95% Confidence Intervals for Mean |
Lower Bound |
-3.003 |
Upper Bound |
6.927 |
5% Trimmed Mean |
2.882 |
median |
3.080 |
Variance |
369,373 |
Std. Deviation |
19,219 |
Minimum |
-56.190 |
Maximum |
55,770 |
Range |
111.960 |
Interquartile Range |
19,538 |
Skewness |
-0.647 |
0.309 |
Kurtosis |
2.128 |
0.608 |
average return on equity (ROE) of the pre-stock split is 7.07, the average
value of the post-stock split is 1.96. This indicates a decrease in the return on
equity ratio. In the long term, the stock split does not have a positive effect
on financial performance, especially return on equity. Thus the signaling
theory has no effect in the long run.
Based on the results
of the descriptive statistics above, it can be seen that there is a difference
in the mean (average value). We will test this mean difference further, whether
it is statistically significant or not.
Price Earning Ratiois
the ratio used to evaluate the low or high price of a stock based on the
issuer's capacity to generate earnings per share. Price Earning Ratio that is
too high indicates that investors expect high net profits from issuers.
Of the 20 issuers studied, in the long term,
11 issuers showed an increase in price earning ratio and 9 issuers showed a
decrease in price earning ratio. In the short term, only 7 issuers have an
increase in price earning ratio, the remaining 13 issuers have a decrease in
price earning ratio. The results of descriptive
statistical analysis of variable data distribution Price Earnings Ratio (PER)
before and after the stock split can be seen in Table 6.
Descriptive Statistical Results of Price
Earnings Ratio (PER) Pre-Post Stock Split
Pre-Post Stock Split |
Statistics |
Std. Error |
Price Earnings Ratio |
Pre Stock Split |
mean |
-3.075 |
15,617 |
95% Confidence Intervals for Mean |
Lower Bound |
-34.325 |
Upper Bound |
28.175 |
5% Trimmed Mean |
3.484 |
median |
5780 |
Variance |
14633.958 |
Std. Deviation |
120,971 |
Minimum |
-480,000 |
Maximum |
376,610 |
Range |
856610 |
Interquartile Range |
20,260 |
Skewness |
-1.291 |
0.309 |
Kurtosis |
7.438 |
0.608 |
Post Stock Split |
mean |
27,721 |
12.165 |
95% Confidence Intervals for Mean |
Lower Bound |
3.380 |
Upper Bound |
52.062 |
5% Trimmed Mean |
15,480 |
median |
6,980 |
Variance |
8878,591 |
Std. Deviation |
94.226 |
Minimum |
-94,500 |
Maximum |
437,970 |
Range |
532,470 |
Interquartile Range |
32,965 |
Skewness |
2,761 |
0.309 |
Kurtosis |
8.348 |
0.608 |
average value of the price earnings ratio of the pre-stock split is 3.07X, the
average value of the post-stock split is 27.72. This shows an increase in the
ratio of share price to earnings per share from 3.07% before the stock split
down to 27.96X. This increase was due to a decrease in stock prices due to a
stock split.
on the results of descriptive statistics for each variable before and after the
stock split, it can be seen that there is a difference in the mean (average
value). We will test this mean difference further, whether it is statistically
significant or not.
of the assumptions required to perform a different test using the Man-Whitney U
Test is that the data is not normally distributed. Normality test is a test
carried out to assess the distribution of data in a group of data or variables,
whether the distribution of the data is normal or not. In this study, the
Kolmogorov Smirnov technique was used to test whether the data distribution was
normal or not.
Kolmogorov Smirnov technique is a test of difference between the data being
tested for normality and standard normal data. The Kolmogorov Smirnov test saw
a significance value of 0.05. If the significance value is > 0.05 then the
data is normally distributed because there is no significant difference. Vice
versa, if the significant value is <0.05, then there is a significant
difference and the data can be said to have not reached normal.
Kolmogorov-SmirnovTest |
Current Ratio |
Debt to Total
Asset |
Total Asset Turnover |
Return on Equity |
Return on Asset |
Earnings Ratio |
N |
120 |
120 |
120 |
120 |
120 |
120 |
Normal Parameters, b |
mean |
147,977 |
47,411 |
66,917 |
4,515 |
2.818 |
12,323 |
Std. Deviation |
110,506 |
28,256 |
48,378 |
18,740 |
8,591 |
109,071 |
Extreme Differences |
Absolute |
0.157 |
0.097 |
0.126 |
0.113 |
0.100 |
0.261 |
Positive |
0.157 |
0.060 |
0.126 |
0.049 |
0.076 |
0.261 |
negative |
-0.091 |
-0.097 |
-0.087 |
-0.113 |
-0.100 |
-0.251 |
Test Statistics |
0.157 |
0.097 |
0.126 |
0.113 |
0.100 |
0.261 |
asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) |
.000c |
.008c |
.000c |
.001c |
.005c |
.000c |
a. Test
distribution is Normal. |
Calculated from data. |
Significance Correction. |
on the test results above, the value of Asyp. Sig (2-tailed) below 0.05, which
means data on the variables current ratio (CR), debt to total assets (DAR),
total asset turnover (TATO), return on equity (ROE), return on assets (ROA),
and the price earnings ratio (PER) is not normally distributed, so the
assumption is fulfilled.
1. Histogram of Pre-Post Stock Split – Current Ratio
Based on the comparison of the 2 histograms
above, it can be seen that the shape of the slope and width is relatively the
same. This shows that the shape and distribution of the data is the same. The
highest peak of the two histograms shows a difference which means there is a
difference in the median. So the first assumption of the Man Whitney U Test has
been fulfilled, namely that there are similarities in the form and distribution
of the data. The next assumption to be tested is normality and homogeneity of
Results of Normality Assumptions of Variable Current Ratio
Stock Split |
Kolmogorov-Smirnova |
Shapiro-Wilk |
Statistics |
df |
Sig. |
Statistics |
df |
Sig. |
Ratio |
Pre Stock Split |
0.212 |
60 |
0.000 |
0.861 |
60 |
0.000 |
Post Stock Split |
0.134 |
60 |
0.009 |
0.912 |
60 |
0.000 |
a. Lilliefors
Significance Correction |
Based on the results of the normality
test using the Lilliefors and Shapiro Wilk method, the Sig value (p value) of
the two tests above <0.05, which means the data is not normally distributed.
Furthermore, the homogeneity test of the current ratio (CR) variable in the
different test with Mann Whitney can be seen in Table 9
of Homogeneity Test Variable Current Ratio
Levene Statistics |
df1 |
df2 |
Sig. |
Current Ratio |
Based on Mean |
0.113 |
1 |
118 |
0.737 |
Based on Median |
0.012 |
1 |
118 |
0.912 |
Based on Median and with adjusted df |
0.012 |
1 |
113.818 |
0.912 |
Based on trimmed mean |
0.069 |
1 |
118 |
0.793 |
The results of the homogeneity test used
the Levene's test method. Levene's test is recommended because the test can be
used to test the homogeneity of variance on data that are not normally
distributed. While the other test, namely the Fisher F test is preferred if the
data is normally distributed. The value of Levene's Test is shown in the Value
Based on Mean row, with Sig (p value) 0.737 > 0.05, which means that the
variance of the two groups is the same or is called homogeneous. Then the
second assumption, namely homogeneity, has been fulfilled. Next we will test
the hypothesis, namely the Mann Whitney U Test.
Pre-Post Stock Split |
N |
Rank |
Sum of Ranks |
Current Ratio |
Pre Stock Split |
60 |
63.21 |
3792.50 |
Post Stock Split |
60 |
57.79 |
3467.50 |
Total |
120 |
The table above shows the Mean Rank or the
average rank of each group. In the Pre Stock Split group, the average ranking
is 63.21, which is higher than the Post Stock Split average rating, which is
57.79. To test the difference in the average ranking of the two groups above is
statistically significant (significant), it can be done with a significance
Current Ratio |
Mann-WhitneyU |
1637,500 |
Wilcoxon W |
3467,500 |
Z |
-0.853 |
asymp. Sig.
(2-tailed) |
0.394 |
Grouping Variable: Pre-Post Stock Split |
on the above, the U value is 1637 and the W value is 3467. When converted to a
Z value, the value is -0.853. Sig value or P Value of 0.394 > 0.05.
considering the p value > the critical limit of 0.05 then there is no
significant difference (significant) Current Ratio between before and after the
stock split. Thus, hypothesis 1 which states that there is a significant difference
in Current Ratio (CR) between before and after the stock split is not
statistically supported.
on the results of the Debt to Total Asset (DAR) Variable Histogram analysis of
the 2 groups of pre stock split and post stock split data, it can be seen in
Figure 2:
Figure 2. Histogram of
Pre-Post Stock Split – Debt to Total Asset
Based on the comparison of the 2 histograms
above, it can be seen that the shape of the slope and width is relatively the
same. This shows that the shape and distribution of the data is the same. The
highest peak of the two histograms shows a difference which means there is a
difference in the median. So the first assumption of the Man Whitney U Test has
been fulfilled, namely that there are similarities in the form and distribution
of the data. The next assumption to be tested is normality and homogeneity of
Pre-Post Stock Split |
Kolmogorov-Smirnova |
Shapiro-Wilk |
Statistics |
df |
Sig. |
Statistics |
df |
Sig. |
Debt to Total Assets |
Stock Split |
0.088 |
60 |
.200* |
0.959 |
60 |
0.040 |
Stock Split |
0.132 |
60 |
0.011 |
0.930 |
60 |
0.002 |
*. This is a lower bound
of the true significance. |
Lilliefors Significance Correction |
Based on the results of the normality
test using the Lilliefors and Shapiro Wilk methods, the Sig value (p value) of
the two tests above <0.05, which means the data is not normally distributed.
Furthermore, the homogeneity test of the Debt to Total Asset variable in the
different test with Mann Whitney can be seen in Table 13
of Homogeneity Test of Debt to Total Assets Variables
Levene Statistics |
df1 |
df2 |
Sig. |
Debt to Total Assets |
Based on Mean |
0.011 |
1 |
118 |
0.918 |
Based on Median |
0.083 |
1 |
118 |
0.774 |
Based on Median and with adjusted df |
0.083 |
1 |
110,547 |
0.774 |
Based on trimmed mean |
0.005 |
1 |
118 |
0.945 |
The results of the homogeneity test used the
Levene's test method. Levene's test is recommended because the test can be used
to test the homogeneity of variance on data that are not normally distributed.
While the other test, namely the Fisher F test is preferred if the data is
normally distributed. The value of Levene's Test is shown in the Value Based on
Mean row, with Sig (p value) 0.918 > 0.05, which means that the variance of
the two groups is the same or is called homogeneous. Then the second
assumption, namely homogeneity, has been fulfilled. Next we will test the
hypothesis, namely the Mann Whitney U Test.
of the Debt to Total Asset Rank Variable Test – Pre-Post Stock Split
Pre-Post Stock Split |
N |
Rank |
Sum of Ranks |
Debt to Total Assets |
Pre Stock Split |
60 |
60.52 |
3631.00 |
Post Stock Split |
60 |
60.48 |
3629.00 |
Total |
120 |
The table above shows the Mean Rank or the
average rank of each group. In the Pre Stock Split group, the average rating is
60.52, which is higher than the average Post Stock Split rating, which is
60.48. To test the difference in the average ranking of the two groups above,
it is statistically significant (significant), it can be done with a
significance test which can be seen in table 15.
Whitney Significance Test Results for Variable Debt to Total Assets
Debt to
Total Assets |
Mann-Whitney U |
1799,000 |
Wilcoxon W |
3629000 |
Z |
-0.005 |
Sig.(2-tailed) |
0.996 |
a. Grouping Variable: Pre-Post Stock Split |
Based on the above,
the U value is 1799 and the W value is 3629. If it is converted to a Z value,
the value is -0.005. Sig value or P Value is 0.996 > 0.05. considering the p
value > the critical limit of 0.05 then there is no significant difference
(significant) Debt to Total Assets between before and after the stock split.
Thus, hypothesis 2 which states that there is a significant difference in Debt
to Total Assets (DAR) between before and after the stock split is not
statistically supported.
3. Total Asset Turnover (TATOON)
on the results of the Histogram analysis of Total Asset Turn Over (TATO)
variables from 2 groups of pre stock split and post stock split data, it can be
seen in Figure 3
3. Pre-Post Stock Split Histogram – Total Asset Turnover
Based on the comparison of the 2 histograms
above, it can be seen that the shape of the slope and width is relatively the
same. This shows that the shape and distribution of the data is the same. The
highest peak of the two histograms shows a difference which means there is a
difference in the median. So the first assumption of the Man Whitney U Test has
been fulfilled, namely that there are similarities in the form and distribution
of the data. The next assumption to be tested is normality and homogeneity of
Test Results for Variable Total Asset Turnover (TATO)
Pre-Post Stock Split |
Kolmogorov-Smirnova |
Shapiro-Wilk |
Statistics |
df |
Sig. |
Statistics |
df |
Sig. |
Total Asset
Turnover |
Pre Stock Split |
0.092 |
60 |
.200* |
0.949 |
60 |
0.015 |
Post Stock Split |
0.164 |
60 |
0.000 |
0.919 |
60 |
0.001 |
*. This is a lower bound of the true
significance. |
a. Lilliefors
Significance Correction |
Based on the results of the normality
test using the Lilliefors and Shapiro Wilk methods, the Sig value (p value) of
the two tests above <0.05, which means the data is not normally distributed.
Furthermore, the homogeneity test of the Total Asset Turnover (TATO) variable
in the different test with Mann Whitney can be seen in Table 17
of Homogeneity Test for Variable Total Asset Turnover (TATO)
Levene Statistics |
df1 |
df2 |
Sig. |
Total Asset Turnover |
Based on Mean |
1.187 |
1 |
118 |
0.278 |
Based on Median |
1,240 |
1 |
118 |
0.268 |
Based on Median and with adjusted df |
1,240 |
1 |
114.713 |
0.268 |
Based on trimmed mean |
1.111 |
1 |
118 |
0.294 |
The results of the homogeneity test used
the Levene's test method. Levene's test is recommended because the test can be
used to test the homogeneity of variance on data that are not normally
distributed. While the other test, namely the Fisher F test is preferred if the
data is normally distributed. The Levene's Test test value is shown in the
Value Based on Mean row, which is Sig (p value) 0.278 > 0.05 which means the
variance of the two groups is the same or is called homogeneous. Then the
second assumption, namely homogeneity, has been fulfilled. Next we will test
the hypothesis, namely the Mann Whitney U Test.
test results for Total Asset Turnover (TATO) – Pre-Post Stock Split
Stock Split |
N |
Mean Rank |
Sum of Ranks |
Total Asset Turnover |
Pre Stock Split |
60 |
66.59 |
3995.50 |
Post Stock Split |
60 |
54.41 |
3264.50 |
Total |
120 |
The table above shows the Mean Rank or the
average rank of each group. In the Pre Stock Split group, the average ranking
is 66.59, which is higher than the average Post Stock Split rating, which is
54.41. To test the difference in the average ranking of the two groups above,
it is statistically significant (significant), it can be done with a
significance test which can be seen in table 19.
Man Whitney
Significance Test Results for Total Asset Turnover (TATO) Variable
Total Asset
Turnover |
Mann-Whitney U |
1434,500 |
Wilcoxon W |
3264,500 |
Z |
-1.918 |
Sig.(2-tailed) |
0.055 |
a. Grouping Variable: Pre-Post Stock Split |
on the above, the U value is 1434 and the W value is 3264. When converted to a
Z value, the value is -1.918. Sig value or P Value of 0.055 > 0.05.
considering the p value > the critical limit of 0.05, there is no
significant (significant) difference in Total Asset Turnover between before and
after the stock split. Thus, hypothesis 3 which states that there is a
significant difference in Total Asset Turnover (TATO) between before and after
the stock split is not statistically supported.
4. Return on Assets (ROA)
Based on the results
of the Histogram analysis of the Return on Assets (ROA) of the 2 groups of pre
stock split and post stock split data, it can be seen in Figure 4:
Based on the comparison of the 2 histograms
above, it can be seen that the shape of the slope and width is relatively the
same. This shows that the shape and distribution of the data is the same. The
highest peak of the two histograms shows a difference which means there is a
difference in the median. So the first assumption of the Man Whitney U Test has
been fulfilled, namely that there are similarities in the form and distribution
of the data. The next assumption to be tested is normality and homogeneity of
of Normality Assumption Test for Return on Asset Variable
Pre-Post Stock Split |
Kolmogorov-Smirnova |
Shapiro-Wilk |
Statistics |
df |
Sig. |
Statistics |
df |
Sig. |
Return on Assets |
Pre Stock Split |
0.101 |
60 |
0.200 |
0.976 |
60 |
0.286 |
Post Stock Split |
0.115 |
60 |
0.047 |
0.977 |
60 |
0.318 |
a. Lilliefors
Significance Correction |
Based on the results of the normality test
using the Lilliefors and Shapiro Wilk methods, the Sig value (p value) of the
two tests above is > 0.05, which means the data is normally distributed.
Furthermore, the homogeneity test of the return on assets (ROA) variable in the
different test with Mann Whitney can be seen in Table 21.
Test Results of Return on Assets (ROA)
Levene Statistics |
df1 |
df2 |
Sig. |
Return on Assets |
Based on Mean |
1.191 |
1 |
118 |
0.277 |
Based on Median |
1.373 |
1 |
118 |
0.244 |
Based on Median and with adjusted df |
1.373 |
1 |
107.282 |
0.244 |
Based on trimmed mean |
1,210 |
1 |
118 |
0.274 |
The results of the homogeneity test used the
Levene's test method. Levene's test is recommended because the test can be used
to test the homogeneity of variance on data that are not normally distributed.
While the other test, namely the Fisher F test is preferred if the data is normally
distributed. The value of Levene's Test is shown in the Value Based on Mean
row, with Sig (p value) 0.277 > 0.05, which means that the variance of the
two groups is the same or is called homogeneous. Then the second assumption,
namely homogeneity, has been fulfilled. Next we will test the hypothesis,
namely the Mann Whitney U Test.
test results for Return on Assets – Pre-Post Stock Split
Pre-Post StockSplit |
N |
Mean Rank |
Sum of Ranks |
Return on Assets |
Pre Stock Split |
60 |
66.83 |
4009.50 |
Post Stock Split |
60 |
54.18 |
3250.50 |
Total |
120 |
The table above shows the Mean Rank or the
average rank of each group. In the Pre Stock Split group, the average rating is
66.83, which is higher than the average Post Stock Split rating, which is
54.18. To test the difference in the average ranking of the two groups above,
statistically significant (significant) can be done with a significance test
which can be seen in table 23.
Return on Assets |
Mann-Whitney U |
1420,500 |
Wilcoxon W |
3250,500 |
Z |
-1,992 |
asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) |
0.046 |
a. Grouping Variable:
Pre-PostStock Split |
Based on the above, the U value is 1420 and
the W value is 3250. When converted to a Z value, the value is -1.992. The
value of Sig or P Value is 0.046 < 0.05. considering the p value <
critical limit of 0.05, there is a significant (significant) difference in
Return on Assets (ROA) between before and after the stock split. Thus,
hypothesis 4 which states that there is a significant difference in Return on
Assets (ROA) between before and after the stock split is statistically
Based on the results of the Histogram analysis
of Return on Equity (ROE) variables from the 2 groups of pre stock split and
post stock split data, it can be seen in Figure 5:
5. Pre-Post Stock Split Histogram – Return on Equity
Based on the comparison of the 2 histograms
above, it can be seen that the shape of the slope and width is relatively the
same. This shows that the shape and distribution of the data is the same. The
highest peak of the two histograms shows a difference which means there is a
difference in the median. So the first assumption of the Man Whitney U Test has
been fulfilled, namely that there are similarities in the form and distribution
of the data. The next assumption to be tested is normality and homogeneity of
of Normality Assumption Test for Return on Equity Variable
Pre-Post Stock Split |
Kolmogorov-Smirnova |
Shapiro-Wilk |
Statistics |
df |
Sig. |
Statistics |
df |
Sig. |
Return on Equity |
Pre Stock Split |
0.141 |
60 |
0.005 |
0.876 |
60 |
0.000 |
Post Stock Split |
0.120 |
60 |
0.032 |
0.943 |
60 |
0.008 |
a. Lilliefors
Significance Correction |
Based on the results of the normality
test using the Lilliefors and Shapiro Wilk methods, the Sig value (p value) of
the two tests above <0.05, which means the data is not normally distributed.
Furthermore, the homogeneity test of the Return on Equity (ROE) variable in the
different test with Mann Whitney can be seen in Table 25
Test Results for Return on Equity (ROE)
Levene Statistics |
df1 |
df2 |
Sig. |
Return on Equity |
Based on Mean |
0.333 |
1 |
118 |
0.565 |
Based on Median |
0.345 |
1 |
118 |
0.558 |
Based on Median and with adjusted df |
0.345 |
1 |
117.963 |
0.558 |
Based on trimmed mean |
0.339 |
1 |
118 |
0.562 |
The results of the homogeneity test used the
Levene's test method. Levene's test is recommended because the test can be used
to test the homogeneity of variance on data that are not normally distributed.
While the other test, namely the Fisher F test is preferred if the data is
normally distributed. The value of Levene's Test is shown in the Value Based on
Mean row, with Sig (p value) 0.565 > 0.05, which means that the variance of
the two groups is the same or is called homogeneous. Then the second
assumption, namely homogeneity, has been fulfilled. Next we will test the
hypothesis, namely the Mann Whitney U Test.
Results for Rank Variable Return on Equity (ROE) – Pre-Post Stock Split
Stock Split |
N |
Mean Rank |
Sum of Ranks |
Return on Equity |
Pre Stock Split |
60 |
66.89 |
4013.50 |
Post Stock Split |
60 |
54.11 |
3246.50 |
Total |
120 |
The table above shows the Mean Rank or the
average rank of each group. In the Pre Stock Split group, the average rating is
66.89, which is higher than the Post Stock Split average rating, which is
54.11. To test the difference in the average ranking of the two groups above,
statistically significant (significant) can be done with a significance test
which can be seen in table 27.
Whitney Significance Test Results for the Return on Equity (ROE) Variable
Return on Equity |
Mann-Whitney U |
1416,500 |
Wilcoxon W |
3246,500 |
Z |
-2013 |
asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) |
0.044 |
a. Grouping Variables:Pre-Post
Stock Split |
Based on the above, the U value is 1416 and
the W value is 3246. If it is converted to the Z value, the value is -2,013.
Sig value or P Value is 0.044 > 0.05. considering the p value < the
critical limit of 0.05, there is a significant (significant) difference in
Return on Equity (ROE) between before and after the stock split. Thus,
hypothesis 5 which states that there is a significant difference in Return on
Equity (ROE) between before and after the stock split is statistically supported.
Histogram analysis of Price Earnings
Ratio (PER) variables from 2 groups of pre stock split data.
6. Histogram
of Pre-Post Stock Split –Price Earnings Ratio (PER)
Based on the comparison of the 2 histograms above,
it can be seen that the shape of the slope and width is relatively the same.
This shows that the shape and distribution of the data is the same. The highest
peak of the two histograms shows a difference which means there is a difference
in the median. So the first assumption of the Man Whitney U Test has been
fulfilled, namely that there are similarities in the form and distribution of
the data. The next assumption to be tested is normality and homogeneity of
Test Results for Variable Price Earnings Ratio (PER)
Pre-Post Stock Split |
Kolmogorov-Smirnova |
Shapiro-Wilk |
Statistics |
df |
Sig. |
Statistics |
df |
Sig. |
PriceEarnings Ratio |
Pre Stock Split |
0.302 |
60 |
0.000 |
0.664 |
60 |
0.000 |
Post Stock Split |
0.343 |
60 |
0.000 |
0.633 |
60 |
0.000 |
Lilliefors Significance Correction |
Based on the results of the normality test
using the Lilliefors and Shapiro Wilk methods, the Sig value (p value) of the
two tests above <0.05, which means the data is not normally distributed.
Furthermore, the homogeneity test of the current ratio (CR) variable in the
different test with Mann Whitney can be seen in Table 29.
Test Results of Price Earnings Ratio (PER) Variables
Levene Statistics |
df1 |
df2 |
Sig. |
Price Earnings Ratio |
Based on Mean |
0.096 |
1 |
118 |
0.757 |
Based on Median |
0.256 |
1 |
118 |
0.614 |
Based on Median and with adjusted df |
0.256 |
1 |
111,697 |
0.614 |
Based on trimmed mean |
0.207 |
1 |
118 |
0.650 |
The results of the homogeneity test used the
Levene's test method. Levene's test is recommended because the test can be used
to test the homogeneity of variance on data that are not normally distributed.
While the other test, namely the Fisher F test is preferred if the data is
normally distributed. The value of Levene's Test is shown in the Value Based on
Mean row, with Sig (p value) 0.757 > 0.05, which means that the variance of
the two groups is the same or is called homogeneous. Then the second
assumption, namely homogeneity, has been fulfilled. Next we will test the
hypothesis, namely the Mann Whitney U Test.
Results of Price Earnings Ratio (PER) Variable Rank – Pre-Post Stock Split
Pre-Post Stock Split |
N |
Mean Rank |
Sum of Ranks |
Price Earnings Ratio |
Pre Stock Split |
60 |
61.13 |
3668.00 |
Post Stock Split |
60 |
59.87 |
3592.00 |
Total |
120 |
The table above shows the Mean Rank or
the average rank of each group. In the Pre Stock Split group, the average
ranking is 61.13, which is higher than the average Post Stock Split rating,
which is 59.87. To test the difference in the average ranking of the two groups
above, statistically significant (significant) can be done with a significance
Whitney Significance Test Results for Price Earnigs Ratio (PER) Variables
Price Earnings Ratio |
Mann-Whitney U |
1762,000 |
Wilcoxon W |
3592,000 |
Z |
-0.199 |
Sig.(2-tailed) |
0.842 |
a. Grouping Variable: Pre-Post Stock Split |
Based on the above, it shows that the U value
is 1762 and the W value is 3592. When converted to a Z value, the value is
-0.199. The Sig value or P Value is 0.842 > 0.05. considering the p value
> the critical limit of 0.05, there is no significant difference
(significant) Price Earnings Ratio (PER) between before and after the stock
split. Thus, hypothesis 6 which states that there is a significant difference
in Price Earnings Ratio (PER) between before and after the stock split is not
statistically supported.
Based on the results of the hypothesis
testing of the long-term financial performance difference as indicated by the
Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Total Assets (DAR), Total Asset Turnover (TATO),
Return on Assets (ROA, Return on Equity (ROE) and Price Earning Ratio (PER),
briefly can be seen in Table 32:
Man Whitney Different Test |
Z-Score |
asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) |
Information |
CurrentRatio (CR) |
-0.853 |
0.394 |
Rejected |
Debt to Total Assets
(DAR) |
-0.005 |
0.996 |
Rejected |
Total Asset Turnover
(TATO) |
-1.918 |
0.055 |
Received at alpha
10% |
on Assets(ROE) |
-1,992 |
0.046 |
Received |
on Equity (ROE) |
-2013 |
0.044 |
Received |
Earnings Ratio (PER) |
-0.199 |
0.842 |
Rejected |
Based on the summary of hypothesis testing in
table 32,
several things can be explained as follows:
The results of the different
test using Man Whitney for the variable current ratio (CR) has a Z-score value
of -0.853 with an Asymp value. Sig (2-tailed is 0.394. Thus, hypothesis 1 which
states that there is a significant difference in current ratio (CR) between
before and after the stock split is statistically rejected.
The results of the different
test using Man Whitney for the variable debt to total assets (DAR) have a
Z-score value of -0.005 with an Asymp value. Sig (2-tailed) is 0.996. Thus,
hypothesis 2 which states that there is a significant difference in debt to
total assets (DAR) between before and after the stock split is statistically
The results of the different
test using Man Whitney for the total asset turnover (TATO) variable have a
Z-score value of -1.918 with an Asymp value. Sig (2-tailed is 0.055. Thus, hypothesis
3 which states that there is a significant difference in total asset turnover
(TATO) between before and after the stock split is statistically rejected at 5%
alpha (95% confidence interval) at 10% alpha or confidence interval 10%, this
hypothesis is accepted.
The results of the different
test using Man Whitney for the return on asset (ROA) variable have a Z-score
value of -1.992 with an Asymp value. Sig (2-tailed) is 0.046. Thus, hypothesis
4 which states that there is a significant difference in return on assets (ROA)
between before and after the stock split is statistically accepted.
The results of the different
test using Man Whitney for the return on equity (ROE) variable have a Z-score
value of -2,013 with an Asymp value. Sig (2-tailed) is 0.044. Thus, hypothesis
5 which states that there is a significant difference in return on equity (ROE)
between before and after the stock split is statistically accepted.
test results are different fromusing Man Whitney for the
price earning ratio (PER) variable has a Z-score value of -0.199 with an Asymp
value. Sig (2-tailed) is 0.842. Thus, hypothesis 6 which states that there is a
significant difference in price earning ratio (PER) between before and after
the stock split is statistically rejected.
1. Current Ratio (CR) before and
after Stock Split
results showed that the current ratio (CR) did not show a significant
difference between before and after the stock split. In the long term, the
stock split does not provide a difference in the current ratio (CR) for 3 years
before and 3 years after the stock split.
results of this study are in line with research Nur (2017)
which concludes that long-term financial performance does not show a
significant difference. The results of this study are also in line with
research Dwilita (2018)
which concluded that the significance test on financial performance (liquidity
ratio, and profitability ratio) obtained a T-count comparison smaller than the
T-table. These results conclude that the decision to do a stock split has no
effect on financial performance, namely the company's profitability which is
indicated by the absence of differences in ROE, ROA, PMS, and EPS. Then based on
the correlation test, the financial performance (profitability ratio) is
obtained by comparing the value of Sig. which is greater than 0.05,
In general, companies
do stock splits to increase the number of outstanding shares by making the
stock price cheaper so that it can attract investors and the company's shares
become more liquid. By making the stock price cheaper and affordable for
investors, it will generate investors' interest in making transactions on these
shares. This resulted in the stock being more active, more liquid, and avoiding
2. Debt to Total Assets (DAR)
before and after the Stock Split.
The results showed
that debt to total assets (DAR) did not show a significant difference between
before and after the stock split. In the long term the stock split does not
provide a difference in debt to total assets (DAR) for 3 years before and 3
years after the stock split.
results of this study are in line with research Nur (2017) which concludes that
long-term financial performance does not show a significant difference. The
results of this study are also in line with research Dwilita (2018)
which concluded that the significance test on financial performance (liquidity
ratio, and profitability ratio) obtained a T-count comparison smaller than the
T-table. These results conclude that the decision to do a stock split has no
effect on financial performance, namely the company's profitability which is
indicated by the absence of differences in ROE, ROA, PMS, and EPS. Then based
on the correlation test, the financial performance (profitability ratio) is
obtained by comparing the value of Sig. which is greater than 0.05,
accordance with the Signaling Theory which states that managers have more
information about the condition of the company than investors, as well as when
the company conducts a stock split, it will provide a signal that will be
captured by investors and potential investors as a good or bad sign in accordance
with other information that the investor has. Company leaders with better
information about their company will be encouraged to convey more information
they have to potential investors in order to increase the value of the company.
This will also give creditors the confidence to lend funds to the company.
3. Total Asset Turnover (TATO)
before and after Stock Split
results showed that the total asset turnover (TATO) did not show a significant
difference between before and after the stock split. This result is significant
at the 10% alpha or 90% confidence interval. In the long term stock split
provides a difference in total asset turnover (TATO) for 3 years before and 3
years after the stock split.
the context of the asset turnover ratio (TATO), the results of this study are
different from (Bajaj & Arora, 2017)
which shows that profitability (Return on Assets, and Return on Equity, Net
Profit Margin, Return on Sales) does not show a significant difference between
before and after stock
4. Return on Assets (ROA) before
and after Stock Split
results showed that the return on assets (ROA) showed a significant difference
between before and after the stock split. In the long term stock split provides
a significant difference in return on assets (ROA) for 3 years before and 3
years after the stock split.
the context of the return on asset (ROA) profitability ratio, the results of
this study are different from (Bajaj & Arora, 2017)
which shows that profitability (ROA, and ROE) do not show a significant
difference between before and after the stock split. The results of this study
are different from research (Madani, 2018)
which states that there is no difference in return on assets (ROA) before and
after the stock split.
The results of this
study are also different from research (Dwilita, 2018)
which concluded that the significance test on financial performance
(profitability ratio) obtained that the T-count comparison was smaller than the
T-table. These results conclude that the decision to do a stock split has no
effect on financial performance, namely the company's profitability which is
indicated by the absence of differences in ROE, ROA, PMS, and EPS. Then based
on the correlation test, the financial performance (profitability ratio) is
obtained by comparing the value of Sig. which is greater than 0.05, it means
that the stock split event is not correlated with financial performance in this
case is ROE, ROA, PMS, and EPS. The results of this study are also different
from (Sabar et al., 2022)
which shows that profitability (ROA, ROE,
5. Return on Equity (ROE) before
and after Stock Split
results showed that the return on equity (ROE) showed a significant difference
between before and after the stock split. In the long term stock split provides
a significant difference in return on equity (ROE) for 3 years before and 3
years after the stock split. The results of this study are in line with
research (Madani, 2018) which states that there are
differences in return on equity (ROE) before and after the stock split.
the context of the return on asset profitability ratio (ROA), the results of
this study are different from (Bajaj & Arora, 2017) which shows that
profitability (ROA, and ROE) do not show a significant difference between
before and after the stock split. The results of this study are different from
research (Dwilita, 2018)
which concluded that the significance test on financial performance
(profitability ratio) obtained that the T-count comparison was smaller than the
T-table. These results conclude that the decision to do a stock split has no
effect on financial performance, namely the company's profitability which is
indicated by the absence of differences in ROE, ROA, PMS, and EPS. Then based
on the correlation test, the financial performance (profitability ratio) is
obtained by comparing the value of Sig. which is greater than 0.05. The results of this study are
also different from (Sabar et al., 2022) which shows that
profitability (ROA, ROE, and Net Profit Margin) does not show a significant
difference between before and after the stock split.
6. Price Earnings Ratio (PER)
before and after Stock Split
The results showed
that the price earnings ratio (PER) did not show a significant difference
between before and after the stock split. In the long term, the stock split
does not provide a significant difference in the price earnings ratio (PER) for
3 years before and 3 years after the stock split. In relation to stock split with
Price Earning Ratio, the results of this study are in line with research (Bajaj & Arora, 2017)
which shows that Earning per Share and Price Earning Ratio do not show
significant differences between before and after the stock split. In the
context of earnings, the results of this study are in line with research (Dwilita, 2018) which concluded that the
significance test on financial performance (profitability ratio) obtained that
the T-count comparison was smaller than the T-table. These results conclude
that the decision to do a stock split has no effect on financial performance,
namely the company's profitability which is indicated by the absence of
differences in ROE, ROA, PMS, and EPS. Then based on the correlation test, the
financial performance (profitability ratio) is obtained by comparing the value
of Sig. which is greater than 0.05, it means that the stock split event is not
correlated with financial performance in terms of these are ROE, ROA, PMS, and
Current ratio (CR) does not show
a significant difference between before and after the stock split. In the long
term, the stock split does not provide a difference in the current ratio (CR)
for 3 years before and 3 years after the stock split.
Debt to total assets (DAR) did
not show a significant difference between before and after the stock split. In
the long term the stock split does not provide a difference in debt to total
assets (DAR) for 3 years before and 3 years after the stock split.
Total asset turnover (TATO) did
not show a significant difference between before and after the stock split.
This result is significant at the 10% alpha or 90% confidence interval. In the
long term stock split provides a difference in total asset turnover (TATO) for
3 years before and 3 years after the stock split.
Return on assets (ROA) shows a
significant difference between before and after the stock split. In the long
term stock split provides a significant difference in return on assets (ROA)
for 3 years before and 3 years after the stock split.
Return on equity (ROE) shows a
significant difference between before and after the stock split. In the long
term stock split provides a significant difference in return on equity (ROE)
for 3 years before and 3 years after the stock split.
Price earnings ratio (PER) did
not show a significant difference between before and after the stock split. In
the long term, the stock split does not provide a significant difference in the
price earnings ratio (PER) for 3 years before and 3 years after the stock
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