Vita Kusnul Fauzi*, Wahyudi, Sukmawati
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Tanjungpura,
Email: [email protected]*
This study aims to determine: 1) Want to know and analyze the performance
of masters at Public
Vocational School 1 Ketapang in carrying out
their duties as masters; 2) Want to know and analyze what work maturity can
improve master's performance at Public Vocational School 1 Ketapang; 3) Want to know and analyze the efforts made by the master of Public Vocational School 1
Ketapang in improving performance as a master. Measurement
in this study using qualitative methods. The results and analysis show that: 1)
Based on the results of observations, interviews, and documentation studies
conducted by researchers on informants (research subjects), namely the masters
of State Vocational High Schools, it shows that the masters have met several
assessment indicators for each aspect. 2) Based on the results of the research
on the masters of Public Vocational School 1 Ketapang above, it shows that the performance of the masters of Public Vocational School 1
Ketapang in terms of professional competence is in the
fairly good category. This is because the master has fulfilled several
assessment indicators in mastering the material, structure, concept, and
scientific mindset that supports the subject, developing creatively guided subject
matter, continuing professional development by taking reflective actions and
utilizing information and communication technology to develop themselves. 3)
Efforts made by the master of Public Vocational School 1 Ketapang in improving performance as a master, from the learning outcomes, namely
by carrying out their duties as well as possible and continuing to improve
pedagogic and professional competencies.
Keywords: Work Maturity, Teacher Performance, Public Vocational School 1
Received 2
October 2022, Revised 16 October 2022, Accepted 24 October 2022
The execution of educators is the work carried out by an
instructor in an educational foundation or madrasa in accordance with his
obligations and obligations in conducting training. The results of the
instructor must meet the standards that are still in the air, assuming the
educator has met these steps it can be said that the educator is effective and
has great qualities. Execution of educators is something that helps the quality
of schools, if instructors do not meet great models, instructors cannot be
considered great (Umam, 2021). From the
description above, the main problem is the development made by the instructor
who cannot complete his obligations ideally.
The importance of working on teacher presentations at Public
Vocational School 1 Ketapang, especially in completing
their expert obligations, both as teachers, educators and coaches or tutors for
their students. In addition, it is also important to realize how work
development should be to further develop the implementation of instructors at Public
Vocational School 1 Ketapang. The state of development,
which has been completed with many educators who are not convinced in
completing their obligations, is one of the realities that determines the
progress of any learning effort. Every time there is an instructive
inspiration, especially in further human resource development delivered by
educators, it turns out to be vital. To be sure, many change efforts have been
completed, for example, educational programs, techniques, direction and
guidance, but each of them does not have the option to further develop the
practice of educators indefinitely (Purwanto, 2010).
From the perception that has been made by
scientists at Public Vocational School 1 Ketapang, it shows that the exhibition of classroom educators is still not
ideal. There are still many educators who are not maximal in making learning
tools and imitating instruments that were almost a year ago. The learning strategies used are still
traditional, and educators are not yet ideal in utilizing existing learning
techniques (such as the use of learning media). While Miftah (2014)
found that ICT
(Information and Communication Technology) has tremendous potential to help
teachers and students in successful learning. There
are teachers who come only when educating. The absence of a framework makes
educators not ideal in carrying out teaching and learning exercises, as well as
teachers who have entered retirement age.
Departing from the above basis, it is important to examine
"Work Development in Further Development of Educator Execution at Public
Vocational School 1 Ketapang". Based on the above
basis, the problem is "How to develop work in further development of the
execution of educators at Public Vocational School 1 Ketapang
". From all these problems, to focus more on exploration issues, the
experts narrowed down the accompanying sub-problems, namely: 1) How do
educators show off at Public Vocational School 1 Ketapang
in completing their obligations as instructors?, 2)
Like what? Job development can further develop the implementation of
instructors at Public Vocational School 1 Ketapang?, 3) What are the efforts made by
educators at Public Vocational School 1 Ketapang?.
With these sub-topics, the reason for this assessment is to describe and find
out 1) the exhibition of educators in completing their obligations as teachers,
2) what work developments further develop the implementation of educators, and
3) the efforts made by educators at Public Vocational School 1
The advantage of this exploration hypothetically provides
an advantage for improvement for schools in developing further teaching staff,
especially in Public Vocational School 1 Ketapang.
While the benefits of pragmatic examinations for educators are to increase
knowledge into work development assessments and mental work development,
further benefits from the resulting exploration can be used as abilities in
additional exploration related to work development research in further
developing instructor practice. From the description above, it can be
interpreted well the meaning of this exploration as follows: Execution of an
educator is an achievement or work that has been achieved by an instructor in
carrying out and completing his obligations as an agent of learning exercise.
The execution of educators consists of several points of view considering the perspective
to take the setting, the implementation of the developing experience, and the
perspective during the assessment or assessment. Educators who can exercise
these three perspectives profitably can be said to be well equipped educators
and very high in their level of exhibition.
With the implementation of the teacher's instructions, the
variables that affect the implementation of the instructor consist of internal
and external elements. With regard to inner factors, for example, (1) having
inspiration as an educator, longing to work effectively and very high energy,
(2) adequate instructor abilities, and (3) capacity that combines potential,
information, insight, ability, capacity, ability, well-being, and
instructor-driven character. In addition, external factors which include: (1)
the authority and direction given by the important through management exercises
in completing the supervision and control of the implementation of learning,
(2) the results of the principal in building a profitable workplace, (3) a
satisfactory framework in make a difference for educators in working on their
presentations in educating and developing experiences, and (4) preparing and
mastering advance exercises carried out by educators. The term performance can
be defined as the ability or professionalism possessed by a certain person or
Performance is something that is achieved, ability,
achievement shown (Prahasta, 2013). The word
performance comes from the word to perform which means to display or carry out (Barnawi & Arifin, 2012). Performance means
work performance, work implementation, work achievement, work performance or
work performance. Teacher performance is a person's willingness to carry out an
activity in accordance with the responsibility to achieve the expected results
which are influenced by skills, abilities, to achieve job satisfaction (Gibson et al., 2011). Factors that
affect performance are ability, motivation, support received (Nawawi, 2001). Quality learning
can only be realized by teachers who have superior abilities and high motivation
in carrying out their obligations (Barnawi & Arifin, 2012). Through quality
learning will produce quality graduates as well.
Therefore, there are several competencies that absolutely
must be possessed by teachers there are: 1) P\personal or personal competence,
meaning that a teacher must have a personality that is solid to be followed.
Thus a teacher will be able to become a leader who carries out the roles: Ing ngarso sung tulada, ing madya mangun
karso, tut wuri handayani, 2) Professional competence, meaning that a
teacher must have broad, in-depth knowledge of the field of study he teaches,
choose and using various teaching methods in the teaching and learning process
that it organizes, and 3) community competence, meaning that a teacher must be
able to communicate well with students, fellow teachers, and the wider
community (Idrus, 2009). Moreover, wssociated with the ownership that must exist
in a teacher means: 1) the teacher must have a personality that is valuable as
a way of life and the value of life which includes his personal nature which
must be good, 2) the teacher must have a responsibility to act, 3) teachers are
thirsty to have high enthusiasm in work, 4) teachers must have the spirit of
educators and equip themselves as educated teachers, and 5) teachers must have
educational knowledge (Marijan, 2012).
There is a positive correlation between teaching staff and
student success in learning, among others: 1) clarity in assisting and managing
learning assignments, 2) Variations in the use of didactic procedures. 3) shows
enthusiasm in the way he talks and moves, and 4) behavior that makes students
concentrate on the learning task at hand, and 5) complete all study material
that will be used as test material in the test (Marijan, 2012). Based on some of
the opinions above, it can be concluded that teachers as educational staff are
one of the determining factors for the success of educational goals, because
teachers are human resources who become planners, actors and determinants of
achieving educational goals. For this reason, supporting teacher activities
requires a conducive school climate, good relations between elements in the
Furthermore, good relations between components outside of
school. Regarding the above depiction, educator exhibitions must continue to be
improved, either through training as management or awarding instructors who
have elite executions. The main objectives of the grant are as follows: 1) attract
qualified teachers, train workers and representatives to join schools, and 2) holding
teachers, school staff and representatives to continue working and rousing
instructors, training staff and workers to achieve a more significant level of
implementation (Supriadi, 2010).
Job development is a collection of information, views or
work inspiration seen from its ability to educate students, educate, and
direct, guide, survey, train and assess students so that it can be said that
work development as an expert teacher. Instructors have the main task of
teaching, instructing, coordinating, directing, surveying, preparing and
assessing students so that they can be considered as capable teachers. In
addition, the commitment of an expert instructor is to design examples, carry
out evolving experiences, and survey and assess learning outcomes.
Then it was reiterated that the main task of an instructor
is to design examples, carry out illustrations, survey learning outcomes, guide
and train students (Priansa et al., 2014). Examining the
thought of execution in conversations in the past which stated that
"execution is a work achievement that has been completed by a person in
carrying out and completing his obligations and obligations", then this
shows that the execution of educators can be. completing work that is clearly
his obligation in addition to additional tasks related to the implementation of
the main educator training which includes training in preparing invitations,
carrying out developing experiences, to carrying out exercises. learning
The execution of educators is the degree of progress of
educators in completing their work (Priansa et al., 2014). Moreover, teaching
implementation is the ability of an educator to complete learning tasks at
school and be responsible to students who are under his direction by seeking
student achievement or learning outcomes (Supardi, 2016). Thus, the
implementation of educators can be interpreted as a condition that shows the
ability of an educator in carrying out their obligations at school and
describes the existence of a learning action so that they have the choice to
direct students to achieve ideal learning outcomes. McClelland (1987)
need inspirational investigations into the associations of achievement and
power and the obligation to apply findings to improve people's lives and
relationships. This implies the need for inspiration about the achievement of
connection and power as well as guarantees to further develop life in
association. Furthermore, Saondi in Manullang (2017)
states that "the execution of educators is the ability shown by educators
in carrying out their obligations and work, the implementation is considered
good or pleasant with the assumption that the goals achieved are in accordance
with established norms". It is also stated that "the execution of
educators is the result of work in quality and quantity achieved by an educator
in carrying out his obligations in accordance with the obligations assigned to
It includes compiling a program of learning activities,
implementing learning, implementing evaluations, and analyzing evaluations” (Manullang, 2017). A competency is
an underlying characteristic of an individual that is causally related to
criterion referenced affective and/ or superior performance in a job or
situation (Spencer & Spencer, 2008). Which means that
competence is the underlying characteristic of an individual that is causally
related to the criteria referred to by affective and / or superior performance
in a job or situation that the teacher's performance is every individual who is
given the task or trust to work in a particular organization is expected to be
able to show good performance. satisfactorily and make a maximum contribution
to achieving these goals. The performance of a teacher is individual, because
each teacher has a different level of ability in carrying out their duties.
Organizational trust in management, has found that management application of
and interaction during is able to maintain levels of (Brockner et al., 1987), meaning that
organizations in management need interactions that are able to maintain levels
of trust.
Teacher performance is not only shown by the work, but
also by behavior at work (Supardi, 2013). Teacher
performance can be seen clearly in learning which is shown from the acquisition
of learning outcomes produced by students. The quality of good teacher
performance will show good student learning outcomes. Not only in terms of the
quality of learning and the suitability of the level of learning, teacher
performance can also be seen from the aspect of curriculum implementation
carried out by the teacher. According to Mitchell (1982)
the area of performance is quality of work, promptness, initiative,
capability and communication. The need for work loyalty to the organization in
improving the quality work, which means the need for work loyalty or loyalty to
the organization in improving the quality of work (Islam et al., 2016).
According to Supardi (2013)
the quality of good and professional teacher performance in implementing the
curriculum in learning activities has the following characteristics: (a)
Designing lesson plans, (b) implementing learning and, (c) assessing student
learning outcomes." Learning plans or commonly referred to as Learning
Implementation Plans (RPP) are made by teachers whose functions are to: a. determine objectives of the learning activities, b. informs
of the content, meaning, and purpose, c. determine how to achieve a set goal,
d. measure how far from the goals have been achieved and what will be done if
these goals have not been achieved. According to Byars and Rue (1991)
performance refers to the degree of compliance of the tasks that make up an
individual job it reflects how well and individual is fulfilling the
requirements of a job, well someone meets the requirements.
Based on the opinions that have been described previously,
it can be concluded that
teacher performance is an achievement or work that has been achieved by
a teacher when carrying out and carrying out his responsibilities as executor
of learning activities. Teacher performance consists of several aspects
including aspects in learning planning, implementation of the learning process,
and aspects during assessment or evaluation. Teachers who
can implement these three aspects productively it can be said that the teacher
is a competent teacher and is very high in his level of performance.
To answer the questions or
problems that are the problems of this exam, regarding how the development of
work in further developing the implementation of educators at Public
Vocational School 1 Ketapang
must use the right exploration strategy that is determined to have the option
to describe the results of the exam that are actually formed by the students.
specialist. From the basis of exploratory problems, specialists use subjective
techniques, this is in accordance with the needs of scientists in recording the
definition of examination problems with the aim of being delivered and answered
as desired. This examination is an interesting subjective exploration. This
type of research is contextual investigative research (field), this contextual
investigative research is completed in earnest, in-depth and from top to bottom
on an association, basis or specificity. The reason for using this technique is
the reason that this exploration needs to be aware of the peculiarities that
exist in normal circumstances, not in controlled or exploratory conditions. In
addition, considering that the creator needs to go directly to the field with
the object of his exploration. So here the creator plans to describe the
Development of Work in Further Development of Educator Execution at Public
Vocational School 1 Ketapang
on an ongoing basis.
This exam area is in Public
Vocational School 1 Ketapang.
which is located on Jl. Wolter Monginsidi 40 Ketapang, Kec. Kayong Continent,
Ketapang Rule, Prov. West Kalimantan . This school was
chosen because it has adequate teachers and workforce. Likewise, Public
Vocational School 1 Ketapang
has knowledge of the implementing field, so that it is natural to provide a
myriad of data to scientists about the development of the work of educators.
Information gathering
strategies used in this study were direct perception, reports, and meetings.
Method of examination, the information that has been collected will then be
broken down with a strategy of checking information that involves subjective,
implying that the information obtained in this study is accounted for as it is
and then described subjectively to reach a determination.
A. Results
From the results of exploration led by
scientists, the results of the accompanying examinations are: 1) it is
necessary to watch out and dissect the presentation of educators at the State
Professional School 1 Ketapang in carrying out their obligations as educators, 2)
it is necessary to know and specify what work developments can further develop
the implementation of educators at Public Vocational School 1
Ketapang, and 3) it is necessary to watch out and dissect
the efforts made by the teachers of Public Vocational School 1
Ketapang in developing further implementation as teachers.
Estimates in the review use a subjective strategy. The results and examinations
show: 1) judging from the consequences of perceptions, meetings, and
documentation investigations led by expert witnesses (research subjects)
especially State Professional High School Teachers, it shows that educators
have partially fulfilled the evaluation. sign from every perspective, 2)
Observing the results of the exploration of the educators of Public
Vocational School 1 Ketapang above, it shows that the exhibiting of
the instructors of Public Vocational School 1 Ketapang as far
as the expertise of the experts is in a really great classification. This is
because educators have fulfilled some of the assessment points in dominating
the material, constructs, ideas, and logical views that uphold the subject,
fostering imaginatively directed topics, continuing to improve skills by making
smart moves and using data. and correspondence innovation for self-development,
and 3) the efforts made by the educators of Public
Vocational School 1 Ketapang in developing further implementation
as instructors, from the consequences of the review, in particular through
completing their obligations as best as possible and continuing to work on
educational and proficient abilities.
B. Discussion
Moreover, execution of educators at Public
Vocational School 1 Ketapang in completing their obligations as
teachers. Given the consequences of perceptions, interviews, and documentation
investigations directed by experts on witnesses (research subjects) to become
certain State Professional High School Teachers, it shows that educators have
fulfilled some of the evaluation markers from each perspective which include:
(1) Dominating quality students, especially from the moral section, close to
home, and scientific, (2) dominate learning hypotheses and instructive learning
standards, (3) develop educational plans related to the subjects taught, (4) coordinate
instructive learning, (5) using data innovation and correspondence for learning
exercises, (6) communicate correctly, empathically, and friendly with students,
(7) combining assessment and assessment of experience and developing results,
and (8) using consequences of assessment and assessment to support learning.
Furthermore, it can be said that the
presentation of educators at Public Vocational School 1 Ketapang in
completing their obligations as educators as far as execution skills are in a
very good classification because some of the evaluation instructions have been
Based on the results of testing on
educators of Public Vocational School 1 Ketapang above,
it can be seen that the presentation of teachers of Public
Vocational School 1 Ketapang as far as expert ability is in a very
good classification. This is because the instructor has partially fulfilled the
instructions assessment in the dominance of materials, constructs, ideas, and
logical views that support the subject, development of imaginatively directed
topics, improvement of economists by making intelligent movements and using
data and correspondence innovations for self-development (Cecep et al., 2021). Efforts made by
educators of Public Vocational School 1 Ketapang in
further developing their implementation as educators. The efforts made by the
educators of Public Vocational School 1 Ketapang in
developing further execution as teachers, from the consequences of the review,
in particular by completing their obligations as well as possible and
continuing to develop executions according to their pedagogics and experts.
Based on the consequences of
exams related to job development in the further development of the
implementation of educators at Public Vocational School 1 Ketapang, it tends to be reasonable that the development of
an instructor's work in completing his expertise obligations, seems to affect
inspiration. From the educators, by entering retirement the instructor looks
less enthusiastic. This is because he is no longer focused on finding his
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