Agus Nureli Nirha

Faculty of Economics, Teuku Umar University, Aceh, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]



This is the lesson was conducted to find out whether Personal characteristics and workplace environment affect employee efficiency in West Aceh District Land Office. All employees at the Land Office of West Aceh Regency are the population, and the sample tested is 37 respondents. This study applies a questionnaire or questionnaire method for data collection. The data collection method multiple linear regression analysis, determinant coefficient (R2), t test, and F test which will be processed with SPSS version 20. Results of the research conclude: Individual Characteristics variable has a significant and positive influence related to employee performance number of b1 = 0.843, the number of t count = 4,800 and significant = 0.000. Employee performance is positively and significantly influenced by the work environment total b2 = 0.318, total t count = 3.510 and significant = 0.001 Personal characteristics and also. The work environment has a positive and significant impact on employee performance at the same time and the number of F count = 53.255 significant amount = 0.000 and the adjusted R2 value is 0.744. Meaning 74.4% Employee performance is explained by individual characteristics and work environment, and the remaining 25.6% is explained due to other factors not tested in this research.


Keywords: Individual Characteristics, Work Environment, Emlployee Performance.


Received 15 September 2021, Revised 25 September 2021, Accepted 1 October 2021




Human resource management has an important function as long as it helps the activities and also the success of an organization (Abdullah, 2017). Especially in the current era of globalization, it is hoped that agencies can take on increasingly fierce competition as well as the development of science and technology systems that are increasingly developing which have a major impact on every individual and organization. By improving performance, HR can become a fundamental resource in the success of tasks (Riniwati, 2016). Many things can affect the decrease or increase in employee performance, either from the company where they work or from within the workers themselves (Podsakoff, Ahearne, & MacKenzie, 1997).

Each employee has different characteristics where the characteristics are also one of the important components in the task of Human Resources management, these individual characteristics are elements in employee development, namely employee interests, attitudes, values, abilities, skills and several other factors possessed by individuals (Deery & Jago, 2015). that will be brought into the work situation (Rahmawati, Sa�adah, & Chabib, 2020). Company performance and employee performance affect the success of the organization in maintaining its existence and achieving a goal, the characteristics of an organization must have a good commitment between employees with one another or employees with superiors, this is to achieve the expected performance (Gould-Williams, 2003).

Another factor that affects employee performance is the work environment. The work environment, namely, various events around the workplace, which cannot be separated from employees as humans when doing work. Employees' discomfort in carrying out their duties and working ineffectively and efficiently can be caused by an inappropriate work environment (Wulandari & Widyastuti, 2014).

According to (Sinaga et al., 2020), performance is the result of work in accordance with the law, responsibilities, as well as morals and ethics in achieving organizational goals, both individually and in groups. Organizational performance is the responsibility of all members of the organization so that company goals can be carried out optimally, and companies need employees who can work effectively and efficiently, so as to provide maximum results for the company (Richard, Devinney, Yip, & Johnson, 2009). Organization is one of the components supporting the implementation of management functions, to achieve a goal, the existence and smooth running of employee activities in an organization is very important. So that employees always have maximum performance, they must always pay attention to their needs and demands because the company is very dependent on employee performance (Kobayashi, 2018).

The National Land Agency (BPN) is a non-ministerial government agency in Indonesia that has the task of carrying out government work in the land and spatial planning division in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. To fulfill the responsibilities and functions of BPN in various regions, regional BPN offices have been established. and the Land office in the City District. One of them is the West Aceh District Land Office which is located in the city of Meulaboh.

Currently, the problem at the West Aceh District Land Office is the performance of employees who fail to carry out their duties effectively and efficiently. So if employee performance is not improved it will affect the survival of the company. According to research conducted, the working environment at the Land Office of West Aceh Regency is good but there are some rooms where the air is humid due to lack of ventilation, and some locations in the office environment are not kept clean, for example in the canteen. While the individual characteristics of some employees are still not good because of the assignment of tasks that are not proportional to the abilities of employees, as well as the existence of an unfavorable relationship between employees with one another so that they cannot complete the work optimally, but some employees are also able to work well together. . The work ability of employees can increase if the work environment they have a conducive nature and the tasks are in accordance with the capacity of each employee.

From the description of the background, the author is compelled to research with the title "The Influence of Individual Characteristics and Work Environment on Employee Performance at the Land Office of West Aceh Regency".



The scope of this study includes individual characteristics, work environment and employee performance for the West Aceh District Land Office located in the city of Meulaboh. All employees at the West Aceh District Land Office were the targets of this study, the sample was 37 people.

The type of data used in this study, in the form of primary data and secondary data, according to (Danang Sunyono, 2013, p:21) primary data is that researchers collect original data themselves as material to answer problems in research. While secondary data according to (Danang Sunyono, 2013, p:21) data comes from existing company records and other sources.

In this research, the method used is causal associative study using a quantitative approach. Which is part of quantitative research is causal associative research which is carried out by distributing questionnaires and also using survey research methods. According to (Sugiono, 2019, p. 65) causal associative is the conclusion of the problem being studied in order to ask about the correlation of two or more variables. This study describes the relationship that affects (independent) and is influenced by (dependent) of the variables to be studied. The use of causal associative in this study will determine the extent to which the causal relationship of individual characteristics with the work environment affects employee performance.

In this study obtaining information is the most important thing, and data documentation technology becomes a strategic thing in this investigation. The process of collecting data in this study is by distributing questionnaires/questionnaires and observations, literature studies by reading theses, journals, and searching the internet. The influence of individual characteristics and work environment will affect employee performance.

The analytical method used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis, using the regression equation (Y = + b1X1 + b2X2 + e), determinant coefficient (R2), t test, and F test which will be processed using SPSS version 20.



1.  Results

Multiple linear regression testing is used to determine the effect of individual characteristics and work environment variables on employee performance. The following results were obtained:


Table 1

Multiple Linear Regression Test Results



Unstandardized Coefficiens

Standardized Coefficiens




Std. Error
























Based on the test results, the components that affect employee performance are Individual Characteristics and Work Environment in the Land Office of West Aceh Regency, the regression equation can be as follows:

Y = 1.762 + 0.843 X1 + 0.318 X2 + e

a.     According to the results of multiple linear regression, the result of the constant value is 1.762, the constant value is positive, if the Individual Characteristics and Work Environment do not change, it means that the constant value is positive, then Employee Performance will be worth 1.762.

b.     The coefficient of X1 (b1) is 0.843, which proves that if there is an addition to the individual characteristic variable of 1%, then Employee Performance will increase by 0.843, and the assumption of different variables is considered consistent or = 0.

c.     Work Environment Coefficient (b2) is 0.318, proving that if there is an increase in the work environment variable by 1%, then employee performance increases by 0.318, assuming different variables are considered consistent or = 0.


Table 2

Determinant Coefficient Test Results

Model Summary



R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the



0, 871a

0, 758




a.     The correlation value of 0.758 means that there is a strong correlation between X1 and X2 for Y, based on the results of the determinant calculation.

b.     Then the Adjusted R Square value is 0.744 or 74.4%. Y is affected by X1 and X2 as much as 74.4%, and the rest is conveyed by other variables but has not been tested by the author such as Leadership Style and Reward by 25.6%.

c.     1.591 is the value of the Standard Error of The Estimated or called the Foreign Exchange Standard.


Table 3

T Test Results (Partial)



Unstandardized Coefficiens

Standardized Coefficiens




Std. Error
























a.     According to the t-test count table, individual characteristics have a significant and positive effect on employee performance, as seen from the significant value of individual characteristics (X1) 0.000 <0.05. Total t count > t table (4.800 > 2.026192) so X1 (individual characteristics) has a big impact on Y (Employee Performance).

b.     X2 (Work Environment) has an impact on Y (Employee Performance), it can be seen from the significance of X2 0.001 <0.05. The value of t arithmetic > t table (3.510 > 2.026192) it can be said that the X2 variable has a big influence on the Y variable.


Table 4

F Test Count (Simultaneous)




Sum Of Squares


Mean Square



















From the table, the number of f counts is 53.255 while the number of F tables is 3.27 so that f count > f table or 53.255 > 3.275898. In addition, 0.000 is a significantly smaller value than the 0.05 level of significance. This means that simultaneously Individual Characteristics and Work Environment have a significant and positive impact on the Work Environment.

2.  Discussion

According to the analysis that has been carried out, that employee performance is influenced by individual characteristics and the work environment because there are positive and significant results at the West Aceh District Land Office. These results are from the number and high responses of respondents to each research variable. Furthermore, the results obtained by X1 with X2 have a partial and simultaneous effect on the Y variable.

According to the results of research that has been carried out, it can be seen that individual characteristics have a significant impact on the performance of the employees of the West Aceh District Land Office. The significant test result is 0.000, the value is smaller than the significant value, which is 0.05. For this reason, the Land Office of West Aceh Regency is required to maintain and know the individual behavior of an employee so that it is in line with the expectations of the organization.

According to the results of research that has been carried out, it can be seen that the work environment greatly affects the performance of employees at the Land Office of West Aceh Regency. The significant test result of 0.001 value is smaller than the significant value of 0.05. Thus, the leader of the West Aceh District Land Office must consistently improve and maintain a safe and secure work environment for employees.

According to the experimental results, the adjusted R2 = 0.744 was obtained from the test results of the determinant coefficient. Individual Characteristics and Work Environment affect Employee Performance by 74.4%, while the rest is conveyed by other variables but not tested in this study by 25.6%. In other words, employee performance at the West Aceh District Land Office can still be affected due to several other variables.

According to the experimental results of the t-test hypothesis of Individual Characteristics (X1), there is a t-count of 4.800 and a significant value of 0.000. A significant value less than 0.05 proves that the X1 variable has a significant and positive impact on Y. Testing the Work Environment hypothesis (X2) proves that the number of t count = 3.510 and a significant amount of 0.001. A significant value less than 0.05 indicates the work environment has a positive and significant impact on employee performance. Thus, the two hypotheses in this study are significant on employee performance at the West Aceh District Land Office.

The results of testing the F test hypothesis explain that Y is influenced by X1 and X2, and simultaneously has a positive and significant impact. Tests have been carried out with the results obtained 53.255 is the calculated f value and 0.000 is the significant value. a significant value of 0.000 is smaller than 0.05, proving that Y is influenced by X1 and X2 simultaneously with positive and significant results at the West Aceh District Land Office.



Conclusions are drawn from the results of the above study which discusses the influence of X1 and X2 on Y in the West Aceh District Land Office, namely;

Individual characteristics have a significant and partially positive influence on employee performance at the West Aceh District Land Office. This proves that the t count is 4,800 and the significance is 0.000. The significant amount is 0.000 <0.05, explaining that X1 has a significant impact on Y. The regression coefficient of the X1 variable is positive with the result b1 = 0.843.

The value of adjuted R2 = 0.744 is the result of testing the coefficient of determination. This means that the variables X1 and X2 have an impact on Y amounting to 74.4% and the remaining 25.6% delivered with other variables but not tested in this study. In other words, employee performance at the West Aceh District Land Office can still be influenced by several other variables.

The performance of employees in the Land Office of West Aceh Regency is positively and significantly influenced by the Work Environment. It can be seen from the results of the calculation of the number of t counts amounting to 3,510 and the significant amount is 0.001 < 0.05, explaining that Variable X2 has a significant effect on Y. The regression coefficient of variable X2 is positive with the result b2 = 0.318.

Employee performance in the Land Office of West Aceh Regency is influenced by variables X1 and X2 simultaneously and has a positive and significant impact. shown from the results obtained 53.255 is the number of f count and 0.000 the number is significant.



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