Atri Putri Khoirun Nur P*, Mahendra Wijaya, Ahmad Zuber

Universitas Sebelas Maret, Central Java, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]*




Rational action is an action that has subjective meaning or meaning in determining what to do, what to think about the type of work, which is able to give better hope, by taking effective actions to achieve the goal of social economic resilience during the covid pandemic 19. In the midst of the imposition of restrictions on community activities, it has an impact on various sectors of people's lives both socially and economically, one of which is a decrease in the level of income felt by street vendors, due to the impact of the enforcement of operating hours and restrictions on community activities outside the home for activities , by doing positive thinking can give enthusiasm, trust, confidence in his ability to deal with problems effectively, by providing actions in the form of efforts from traders as actors in the informal sector, one of which is a trader. street vendors in the Maliaboro area. The research method used in this study is a qualitative naturalistic inquiry. The purpose of this research is how to act rationally with positive thinking in the effort of socio-economic resilience during the Covid pandemic by Malioboro Street Vendors. In the recovery process, all street vendors have carried out their mandatory vaccines, used masks, washed their hands, and kept their distance. In the process of creativity, they promote their products through online shoppe, tokopedia, and Instagram media. The conditions felt by Maliaboro street vendors are not only rational actions in economic resilience, they must also make efforts to overcome the risks faced in order to be able to survive in the PPKM policy period.


Keywords: Rational action; positive thinking; social economic resilience in the COVID-19


Received 00 October 2022, Revised 00 November 2022, Accepted 00 November 2022



The implementation of PPKM as a government effort to minimize the spread of covid 19 which is a virus outbreak that is dangerous for human respiration. Taufik and Ayuningtyas (2020) state it has an impact on slowing economic growth activities and drastic declines in industry and tourism performance (Yamali & Putri, 2020) both from the essential sector and the non-essential sector and essential one of them is the implementation in the Maliaboro area which is one of the areas in Yogyakarta.

The implementation of restrictions on community activities by the Yokyakarta government in the Maliaboro area is an effort to minimize the spread of the Covid-19 Virus, by setting and limiting all economic activities, implementing operational hours and supervision (Rahma, 2022). In the implementation of PPKM, it turns out to have such a big impact on social and economic aspects for Maliaboro street vendors, one of which is the decline in daily income, declining sales, declining production and distribution activities (Diapepin, 2021).

According to Lazarus in Santrock (2002) when the quality of life decreases, it certainly causes a sense of anxiety, confusion, distortion of perception that threatens and challenges. Thus, the manifest function is one of the problem solving actions against social phenomena that can be seen, desired and planned, which is part of the theory of Structural Functionalism.

In Adibah (2017), according to Robert K. Merton, which emphasizes order and ignores conflict and changes in society. The main concepts are function, latent dysfunction of manifest function and balance (Merton, 2017). According to this theory, society is a social system consisting of parts or elements that are interrelated and unified in balance. At the extreme, adherents of this theory assume that all events and all structures are functional for a society.

Haryanto (2011) found that change can occur slowly in society. If there is a conflict, adherents of Structural functionalism theory focus their attention on the problem of how to resolve it so that society remains in balance. The manifest function becomes a real, visible and desired function, when there is a desire and hope for an individual or group for a better future life is a manifest function.

One of the manifest functions is to always think positively, positive thinking can give enthusiasm, confidence in his ability to survive in the PPKM period to deal with a problem effectively. Positive thinking is a theory from , O’Brien and Albrecht (1992) as attention focused on positive subjects and using positive language to form and express thoughts. Furthermore, O’Brien and Albrecht (1992) asserts that individuals who think positively will direct their minds to positive things, talk about success rather than failure, love rather than hatred, happiness rather than sadness, confidence rather than fear, satisfaction rather than disappointment so that he will be positive in dealing with problems.

Positive thinking can lead to happiness, optimism, calmness, and enthusiasm for life in a person, to always train and maintain this positive way of thinking in life through positive thinking, realistic adaptation, self-affirmation (Gorsy & Panwar, 2016). The effect of the manifest function of positive thinking provides an effort or strategy from rational action, where the action has a subjective meaning or meaning in determining what to do, what to think about the type of work, which is considered to provide better expectations with the selection of actions to achieve maximum results (Naseem & Khalid, 2010).

Rational action is an action that is considered consciously and becomes a choice that the action is real from social action that pays attention to the behavior of individuals or groups to achieve the desired goal, which is oriented to activities carried out by someone related to limited resources, taking into account the ability, the desire to be achieved in meeting the needs of life (Weber, 2013). The rational action of street vendors through the manifest function of positive thinking involves awareness and belief in realizing hope and success in work such as working as worship and working to survive.

According to Bandura (1986) by utilizing the capabilities possessed to be able to overcome risks, impacts, and be able to bounce back, face challenges and be able to accept income uncertainty in order to be able to achieve social economic resilience during the pandemic.

Through this research, it is expected to find and explore what are the manifest functions of positive thinking towards rational action in achieving social economic resilience carried out by street vendors in order to be able to survive during the PPKM policy which lasted quite a long time.



The method used in this study is qualitative using a naturalistic inquiry approach (Creswell & Poth, 2016), namely data generated by looking at research procedures, in the form of notes from someone or expressions from individuals and behavior from observations and leads to overall conditions (holistic) which are directly obtained through activities that occur naturally in the field.

In this study, the researcher collected data without intervening on the research subject. Researchers also do not manipulate or influence either the resource persons or the activities that occur in the field.

The reason this study uses a qualitative naturalistic inquiry method is because this research examines the manifest actions of street vendors in the Maliaboro area of positive thinking in economic resilience, by understanding and interpreting human experience in the form of work ethic, transactions, efforts or actions, income, expenses, suffering, pain. , expectations and what has been formed and experienced by street vendors as an effort to survive in everyday life who work as Maliaboro traders.

The location of this research was carried out in Maliaboro which is a legendary shopping area in the city of Yogyakarta which provides a variety of traditional shopping activities to modern shopping activities in the form of souvenirs, clothes, food, and drinks that can be used as souvenirs or souvenirs by tourists so that the Malioboro area is abundant. found street vendors who have a Paguyuban association as an organization or association led by a chairman, with each having the same principles and characteristics.

The technique of determining the informants in this study used the purposive sampling method, by selecting the informants according to the criteria that would support and answer the main problems of the problem formulation in this study.



A.  Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities in Maliaboro.

With the increasingly high rate of transmission of the COVID-19 virus, the government has again set a policy of tightening community activities, if it reaches 31,189 cases/day, previously there were 29,745 new daily cases recorded (Kompas, 7 July 20210).

Including the implementation of PPKM throughout the provinces of Java and Bali, Yogyakarta is no exception for street vendors in the Maliaboro area as a tourist area and a place of business for street vendors. Malibaoro which is a road area of ​​three cities of Yogyakarta which stretches from Tugu Yogyakarta to the intersection of the Yogyakarta Post Office which is located in the district of Danurejan. Malioboro is a legendary shopping area which is one of the prides of the city of Yogyakarta. Malioboro offers a variety of traditional shopping activities to modern shopping activities

Street vendors in the Maliaboro area have each group or association which becomes a forum for association for each member who has a form of ties and kinship relations with the same goal, namely Tri Dharma, Pemalni, Handayani.


Table 1

PKL Panguyuban Operational Hours

Community Association

Before PPKM opening and closing hours

Afte PPKM opening and closing hours r

Handayani (Meatballs)

08.00 to 22.00 Wib

16.00 to 20.00 Wib

Pemalni (In Front Of The character with his back to the road

08.00 to 22.00 Wib

16.00 to 20.00 Wib

Tridarma (In Front Of The Shop And Facing The Figures

08.00 to 23.00 Wib

16.00 to 20.00 Wib

Source: Field Survey (2022)

During the stipulation of PPKM, all economic activities were limited, operational hours and supervision of various economic activities, decreased income, layoffs, difficulties in obtaining raw materials and repaying loans, up to layoffs, with a decreased quality of life due to the implementation of the PPKM policy, of course, people experience anxiety, confusion, perceptual distortions that are prolonged and occur continuously, so that can cause stress that interferes with daily activities.


B.  Thinking Positively Against the Rational Actions of Street Vendors

A good and fulfilled quality of life is the hope for all street vendors, but during PPKM the quality of life has decreased in capacity, starting from the capacity to decrease in production, sales, to the capacity to decrease in income.

Street vendors will experience anxiety, confusion, and perpetual distortion of perception. The manifest function of positive thinking is expected to be able to deal with stressors or problems effectively in reducing stress levels and problems at work, so that it can strengthen or build personality and character in achieving success.

According to Lazarus in Santrock (2002) one of the causes of stress is a cognitive factor that describes an individual's interpretation of events in life as dangerous, threatening, or challenging, with his belief and ability to deal with a problem effectively, it will certainly create an effort or challenge. Actions that are desired, realized or real from the existence of a social phenomenon in order to survive. Based on the research results, Maliaboro street vendors have performed the manifest function of positive thinking towards rational action, when traders apply practical thinking skills, they bring up actions or efforts to be able to easily solve problems and provide solutions.

Such as making efforts to promote their products through online media such as pedia stores, shopee. Next is the realistic adaptation carried out by Maliaboro street vendors in self-adjustment which includes mental and behavior in a social situation such as obeying and implementing the COVID-19 health protocol, namely wearing masks, maintaining distance and washing hands.

Next is self-affirmation as taking advantage of the strengths and weaknesses you have to build yourself, motivate yourself for better progress and enthusiasm at work.

In this case, the self-affirmations carried out by the street vendors motivate themselves and are enthusiastic in innovating better products and services such as using an online system in sales, involving the whole family to sell, adding new products as needed during the pandemic, providing security in packaging so that it arrives. safe in the hands of the buyer.

The manifest function of positive thinking carried out by street vendors is 8 ways of thinking looking at everything in a positive perspective to get optimal results in life when facing or solving an obstacle or problem, by functioning better at work, so that it can provide enthusiasm and strength to work together can survive.

How much effort is expended and how long the individual endures in the face of obstacles and painful experiences in an effort to achieve goals become part of rational action. As Weber's view in classifying rational and non-rational actions. Rational action is action that is related to conscious consideration and choice that the action is stated while non-rational action is action that does not go through prior considerations.

With social action insofar as the action pays attention to the behavior of other individuals and is therefore directed at a particular goal. It is oriented that the activities or businesses carried out by a person are related to limited resources by considering the abilities, efforts and desires they will achieve, to meet the necessities of life for goods and services.


C.   Rational Actions Against the Economic Resilience of Street Vendors.

The COVID-19 pandemic that has occurred in Indonesia, including Yogyakarta, is one of the countries that is in a worrisome condition. As a result, all aspects of life are constrained both in terms of economy, tourism, and others have experienced a drastic decline.

With conditions like this, the government has aggressively formed PPKM policies as an effort to combat the covid-19 pandemic, not to mention street vendors in the Maliaboro area also making efforts or actions to survive the COVID-19 period on PPKM, such as rationality economic actions chosen by traders in the area. carried out and considered carefully, and has the value of a useful purpose, in carrying out a street vendor business continuity strategy in economic resilience as the community's ability to be able to overcome risks, limit impacts, and be able to bounce back quickly in various ways (survival), have the ability to adapt, evolve, and grow.

Based on the results of research on rational action in economic resilience, Maliaboro street vendors have carried out the process of resistance, recovery, creativity, production and marketing. In the process of Resistance and production, street vendors have reduced the number of employees, continue to produce products by utilizing the capital provided by the government, produce products according to the needs of the PPKM period, consider product prices, do not stop offering their products, conduct deliberations or demonstrations to provide solutions and assistance.

In the recovery process, all street vendors have carried out their mandatory vaccines, used masks, washed their hands, and kept their distance. In the process of creativity, they promote their products through online shoppe, tokopedia, and Instagram media. The conditions felt by Maliaboro street vendors are not only rational actions in economic resilience, they must also make efforts to overcome the risks faced in order to be able to survive in the PPKM policy period.

According to (Webersik, 2010), social resilience can be used to describe how a community or group of people can adapt or adapt to external pressures received or to an environment that experiences changes in environmental conditions caused by natural disasters, which are strongly influenced by social resilience.

The decline in the quality of life faced by street vendors causes them to have to work harder to survive in the PPKM period. So that rational action in economic resilience becomes an effective effort to realize hope and success in work as worship and work to survive, by utilizing their abilities to be able to overcome risks, impacts, and can bounce back, face challenges and can accept income uncertainty (Bandura, 1986).



The implementation of the PPKM policy in the city of Yokyakarta has such a large impact on social and economic aspects for Maliaboro street vendors, causes a decrease in the quality of life which causes them to work harder to survive in the PPKM period, be an effective effort in realizing hope and success to be able to overcome risks, impacts, and be able to bounce back, face challenges and be able to accept uncertainty.

Reduce the number of employees, continue to produce products by utilizing the capital provided by the government, bring up products according to the needs of the PPKM period, consider product prices, do not stop offering their products, conduct deliberations or demonstrations to provide solutions and assistance. Carry out vaccine obligations, use masks at all times, obey and maintain distance, do not forget to wash hands, promote their products through online shoppe, Tokopedia, Instagram. So that way, street vendors can survive in the current PPKM period, to keep selling during the pandemic.




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