Faculty of Economics, Universitas Slamet Riyadi Surakarta, Central
Java, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
This extension activity was conducted for Karang
Taruna in Tawangmangu of Karanganyar regency. The outcomes of this activity are:
cheap participants' knowledge of the concept of entrepreneurship so that they
have the right knowledge; benefit participants' insights on how to start a
business and choose the right type of business; benefit participants' insights
about possible business failures and ways to enter and resolve business failures.
This activity is carried out with the following stages: Selection of
participants to the community service, namely the board and members of Karang Taruna; Submission of
lecture materials, with a view to fostering an entrepreneurial spirit;
Implementation of evaluation Evaluation is done by:
before counseling conducted a question-answer to know each participant's
initial knowledge about entrepreneurship special techniques or how to start a
business. After the counseling finished the question and answer again about the
same material. By comparing the results of answers that have been done, it will
be known whether there is an increase in knowledge about the entrepreneurship
and scope.
Keywords: Counselling; entrepreneurship; management
Received 01
September 2022, Revised 12 September 2022, Accepted 26 September 2022
It is known that in cultivating an entrepreneurial among
the younger generation, they often face obstacles, both internal and external
constraints (Trihatmoko & Harsono, 2017). The significance
of entrepreneurship education at higher learning institutions, which will produce
thousands of graduates each year (Din et al., 2016). Internal
constraints are mainly related to human resources. Meanwhile, external
constraints are related to the business climate that is not conducive to the
development of the small business sector, government regulations that do not
support the entrepreneurial world and other obstacles. It seems that various
policies are more in favor of the large business sector, so that the various
facilities provided by the government are mostly enjoyed by the large business
sector (Ritonga & Lukiyanto, 2019). This condition
should get the attention of various parties to be able to find a way out to
overcome it.
With the various obstacles that exist in the small
business sector, the government and the private sector have implemented various
alternative approaches to grow and develop them (Subanar, 2001). A business
strategy by utilizing this digital business can be an alternative in the MSME
survival strategy in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic (Avriyanti, 2021).
The pattern of linkages and partnerships basically tries
to link the small business sector and the large business sector. The small
business sector is expected to be a supplier (upstream sector) as well as a
downstream sector of the activities of the large business sector (Sumahamijaya, 2014). In its
development, this pattern developed into a pattern of adoptive father and
adopted son. Mutualism symbiosis between two parties can be interrelated and
each party can feel the benefits (Suprayitno, 2021).
Creating a conducive business climate for the growth and
development of the small business sector. This condition can be created by
providing greater opportunities for the small business sector for access to
markets, access to financing sources, and access to technology. Increasing
market access can be done by providing "protection". The fields of
small business are closed to the large business sector (Ponggohong & Mandulangi, 2020). Increasing access
to financing sources can be done by providing convenience in accessing bank
credit. Access to technology can be done through education and training. In
this training, the small business sector is expected to obtain various new
information regarding production techniques. Here we need a climate that
supports the transfer of technology from the large business sector (either
government or private) to the small business sector.
Improving the quality of human resources. One contribution
to improving the quality of human resources is the development of human
resources through the growth of achievement motivation (Werdhiastutie et al., 2020). These efforts can
be carried out through education and training to improve managerial skills,
practical skills, and entrepreneurship. For small entrepreneurs, it will be
easier to learn in practice than to learn complicated theory (Lukiyanto & Yoseph, 2020). Various forms of
internships, business incubators, business clinics and business consulting are
the right approach for them.
Today's young generation generally still has a lot of hope
to get a job in government-owned and private offices. Very few want to be
independent by way of entrepreneurship. For this reason, we want to help
government programs in fostering interest in entrepreneurship among the younger
This activity is carried out in the form of counseling and
is expected to provide insight for all participants from the Karang Taruna Tawangmangu
District, Tawangmangu District, Karanganyar
Regency, to have the knowledge, skills, mental attitude and courage to start
entrepreneurship so that they can have a business and can manage their business
well and not only always depend on themselves as employees, whether they want
to be private employees or civil servants.
Through this activity, they are expected to be able to understand
the concept of entrepreneurship as a whole, so that participants can have an
interest in entering the world of entrepreneurship and so that they have the
right knowledge. Provide insight on how to start a business and choose the
right type of business, according to their talents and talents so that
participants are expected to be motivated and can immediately have the desire
to open a business. Provide insight into possible business failures and ways to
anticipate and overcome business failures.
Outcomes of this activity are to increased knowledge of
participants about the concept of entrepreneurship so that they have the right
knowledge about the world of entrepreneurship, so that it can foster interest
for participants to start entrepreneurship. Increased participants' insight on
how to start a business and choose the right type of business, according to
their talents and talents. Because it is realized that each individual has
different talents and talents from one another. Increased knowledge of
participants about possible business failures and ways to anticipate and
overcome business failures. Thus, if they have entered the world of
entrepreneurship, they have a good mentality, do not give up easily and give up
hope when facing possible risks that will be faced, entrepreneurship Companion
Module Material, and scientific Journal Publication with ISSN.
This activity is carried
out with the following stages:
1) Counseling, with a view to providing insight
and knowledge about the world of entrepreneurship, so that having good insight
and knowledge is expected to be able to foster an entrepreneurial spirit.
2) Assistance, with a view to overcoming the
difficulties encountered. In the process of starting a business, participants
are very aware that they will face many new things that may be difficult for
them to solve, so they are also aware that they need assistance in the
implementation process.
3) Monitoring the results of the counseling by
this service team is to determine the extent of the ability of the younger
generation to overcome the obstacles they face (capital, human resource
capabilities, ability to manage businesses), after applying the results of the
counseling that have been obtained.
4) Evaluation of the participants was carried out
by means of question and answer and through several aptitude and interest tests
to find out what type of business was suitable for each participant. The
evaluation was also carried out by means of the participants answering
questions to test participants' understanding of the material that had been
Prior to the counseling, a
pre-test was conducted to determine the participants' knowledge about the world
of entrepreneurship, after the counseling was completed, another test was
conducted with the same questions. By comparing the results of the answers that
have been done, it will be known whether there is an increase or not, in terms
of knowledge about techniques for starting a business and business management.
In addition to the form of the test as mentioned above, an evaluation is also
carried out in the form of discussion and question-and-answer, related to the
participants' understanding of the material that has been delivered, so that
the participant's grasping power can be known and can be followed up
immediately to straighten out if there are still unclear understandings.
The implementation of this activity is one of the efforts to realize the
Vision and Mission of Slamet Riyadi
University Surakarta, which is to become a quality higher education institution
that can play an active role in the development of science and technology for
sustainable human welfare, upholding the nation's culture and having the spirit
of Pancasila. In the University's mission it is stated that Unisri
organizes research and service activities, implements and disseminates science
and technology to improve the welfare of mankind and organize learning that
develops an entrepreneurial spirit.
In addition to realizing the vision and mission of Unisri
Surakarta, this community service activity also supports the vision and mission
of the Unisri Faculty of Economics, especially the
third mission, where the third mission of the Faculty of Economics is to
develop and disseminate knowledge, especially in the fields of Management and
accounting to improve people's living standards.
The results achieved from this community service program include:
Participants understand and have
knowledge of how to start a business or business. Do you have to start with
money, strong will or relationships?
To produce young people who have an
interest in becoming an entrepreneur, either as a producer in the form of goods
or in the form of services.
If the younger generation has a strong
motivation to become an entrepreneur, it will advance and develop the region
concerned, the impact on the regional economy will increase and the overall
economy (macro) will be better.
Increased motivation of Youth
Organizations in Ex. Tawangmangu, Kec.
Tawangmangu, Kab. Karanganyar. to be entrepreneurial and be able to carry out
financial management properly, so that they will be able to develop strategies
and ultimately be able to excel in choosing their business. Increased knowledge
of the younger generation in terms of techniques for starting a business and
managing finances well.
Increased knowledge in seeking market
access, especially success in creating repeat orders (captive market) and
market drivers (open market).
Increasing the ability of the younger
generation in terms of business management.
To follow up on this community service activity, the plan for future
activities that need to be carried out is to hold follow-up activities with
different materials to make participants' knowledge more comprehensive. We hope
that in the future activities there will be more mentoring for the Youth
Organizations who are part of the joint business group in Ex. Tawangmangu, Kec. Tawangmangu, Karanganyar Regency.
We do this so that we can monitor the progress of the efforts that have been
made. If there is a problem encountered, a solution can be found as soon as
This outreach activity was
carried out in Ex. Tawangmangu, Tawangmangu
District, Karanganyar Regency. Participants in this
activity are members and administrators of the Youth Organization.
Benefits that can be felt from
this activity such as increased knowledge of the younger generation in terms of
techniques for starting a business and managing finances well, increased
knowledge in seeking market access, especially success in creating repeat
orders (captive market) and market drivers (open market) and increasing the
ability of the younger generation in terms of business management.
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