Lilik Herawati

Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]




Community service innovations that have been stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of PANRB No. 30/2014, is a breakthrough in the type of public service, starting from creative, original, and modified ideas which are principally implemented in the form of services that benefit the community, either directly or indirectly. The current innovation is carried out as a development of public service patterns which are not only measured from the assessment of the central government to the regions, but also from the community satisfaction index as regulated in Permenpan No. 16 of 2014 concerning the survey of community satisfaction with services and No. 14 of 2017 concerning the preparation of the community satisfaction index. The purpose of this study was to measure community service innovation by reviewing the community satisfaction index at the sub-district office service in Banyuwangi Regency. Research using this survey method uses research instruments using questionnaires distributed to 724 people taken from service recipient communities between 2019 and 2021 who are in 15 sub-districts (total 25 sub-districts) in Banyuwangi Regency. The survey results show that there is an intercorrelation between the innovation process of community services and the level of community satisfaction. Every aspect of service innovation undergoes development and its implementation is always followed by the level of community satisfaction.


Keywords: community service innovation, community satisfaction, public services


Received 30 August 2022, Revised 14 September 2022, Accepted 25 September 2022



Building public trust in public services carried out by public service providers is an activity that must be carried out in line with the expectations and demands of all citizens and residents of Indonesia regarding improving public services which have recently become a public concern. The demands of the community's aspirations for the implementation of quality public services must be a concern of the government. The government has made legal/ regulatory products that regulate public services to answer all the wishes of the community. In line with that, for the implementation of these regulations, monitoring and supervision is needed from all levels of society, so that services that already have standard standards can be applied by the government, where the impact is that the community can receive services without favoritism. Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services defines public services as an activity or series of activities in the context of fulfilling service needs in accordance with laws and regulations for every citizen and resident of goods, services, and/or administrative services provided by service providers. public.

In general, public services may be defined asa series of activities carried out by political bureaucracy to meet the needs of all citizens requiring services of all citizens, from social and political dealings, of birth certificates, identification, land certificates, then economic and business aspects, such as attempted permission or investment, building permits, and doing business activities for specific reasons and purposes, To other kinds of public service (Saputra, Pratama, & Orbawati, 2019). Resulting the services rendered by bureaucratic governments demand high responsibility.

  This is in accordance with the regional autonomy policy paradigm (based on 1999's no. 22 policy followed by act no. 32 in 2004) that changed the principal duties of the local government as promoters of development to public servants, so that the units of government facing and giving direct service to the community needed to be strengthened, including denominators. In the second quarter of 2007, the company's net profit in the first half of 2007 rose to IDR. 778.3 trillion from IDR. 67.9 trillion in the same period last year. If these fungi can be exercised consistently, then they can gradually have a strategic impact on suppressing zoning initiative.

   Accordingly, as an affirmation of the unclear role of the function of the District and the response to the demands of the community, the Ministry of Home Affairs issued the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 4 of 2010 concerning Guidelines for Integrated District Administration Services (PATEN). Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 4 of 2010 regulates the implementation of public services in the District from the application stage to the issuance of documents covering services in the field of licensing and non-licensing. The emergence of the need for "clean" public services makes the government feel the need to make policies that can be used as a reference for the government under it with the hope that the public services provided can be in accordance with what is expected. The policy in question is Permendagri Number 4 of 2010 concerning Guidelines for Integrated District Administration Services.

Improvements in the state debentures should be made, especially how to grow and improve the performance of dentures officers as state and community servants who should try to improve their performance to the full, since the performance of service by the district government depends largely on the performance of its facilities. People can only judge whether there is a change in work behavior, a service innovation that people can personally observe, and the quality of service received. According to 2014's 2014 2014 survey of public satisfaction, a comprehensive measurement of the activity of the level of community satisfaction that is derived from measuring public opinion.

Through this survey, it is expected to encourage community participation as service users in assessing the performance of self-governing organizations and encourage public services organizers to improve the quality of service and to make numerous public service innovations. Increased performance of the is important in view of changing the direction of government policies as desired by the spirit of reform to more broad-reach and participate in government activities and development, where the government and its assets more serve as facilitators. This shift in policy leads to implications the professional ability of employees to answer the challenges of the age of globalization in the face of tight competition with the rest of the world. The force of personnel performance is more urgent than the implementation of bureaucratic reform embodied in the innovation of public services.


Public Service Administration

 Public service is public trust (Sutanto, 2017). Citizens hope that public services can serve with fairness and proper management of the income resources and be accountable to the public. A fair and accountable public service produces public trust. It takes a public ethic of service asa pillar and public trust asa basis for the realization of good government." Public service is any governmental activity of some humans who have each beneficial activity in a collection or entity, and it offers satisfaction even though the results are not physically bound on a product (Bloch & Bugge, 2013). Sinambela (2014) states that "public service is the fulfilment of people's wants and needs by the state organizer. Countries are established by the public (the community) with a view to improving public welfare, of course." The government will have to be able to meet the needs of the public, as all public service activities carried out by the organizers as public service efforts to meet the needs of the public and carry out the regulations of the law (Wiryanto, 2020).

From public services rendered to communities as described in the study of (Irawan, 2020; Nisa, Zauhar, & Hermawan, 2019; Y. Sari, Chotib, Susanto, Anggrain, & Sunaryo, 2022), can be distinguished into a number of services, namely: first, administrative services, where services that generate forms of official documents needed by the public, such as citizenship status, competence certified, possession or mastery of an item and so forth. These documents include citizen id (identification), birth certificate, birth certificate, death certificate, owner of a motor vehicle (BKB) book, driver's license (driver's license), driver's license (registration), building permit, passport, ownership/ownership certificate and so on. Second, goods ministry, which produces various forms/ kinds of items used by the public, such as telephone networks, electricity supply, clean water, and so forth. Third, service, which produces services that are needed by the public in various forms, such as education, health care, transportation, mail, and so on.

Of the above three types of public service, it must truly be understood that public service asa product of government organizations. Such public services are rendered to meet the needs and rights of the community, meaning service activities are primarily about the fulfillment of a right, and are inherent in each person, either in person or in group (organization), which is given by the governmental organizers and by the administration


Innovation in Public Service at The Subdistrict Office

 Innovation means an effort to change things, thus becoming new (Muluk, 2008). Furthermore, innovation is also a tool to develop new ways to use resources and meet needs more selectively (Setijaningrum, 2015). Innovation in public service is creativity or a new creation of public service. Innovation is a thought and application of an idea that has both an element of forethought and benefit (Pratama, 2019). By that definition, it may be known that innovation is the creativity of an organization in thinking and implementing new ideas to create products or services that can benefit."

According to (Bloch & Bugge, 2013; Setijaningrum, 2015; Suwarno, 2019) innovation is described as having the following characteristics:

a)   Relative Advantage. "An innovation must have more or more value than ever before. There is always a new value inherent in the innovation which sets before it."

b)   Compatibility: "an innovation is best compatible or compatible with previous innovations. It is intended that old innovations be not simply discarded but become part of the transition process to new, better innovation."

c)   Complexity: "innovation always has a novelty, so it may have a higher complexity than before. But on the other hand, innovation always offers a new and better way, so the complexity of the problem is not important."

d)   Triability. "They can be accepted when they have tested and prove they have more value than ever before. Therefore, the product of innovation must pass through public testing, which everyone has the opportunity to test the quality of the innovation product."

e)   Observation (observability), that an "innovation must be observed on the side of how it works and produces something better.

Innovation in services carried out by the district of Banyuwangi is to utilize technology. The innovation in occupation services as set in the 2017 government of the republic of Indonesia rule no. 38 on regional innovation is an important agenda. The presence of such information technology is helpful in rendering service to the community, enabling it to accelerate such services as published population documents such as family (KK), citizen id (identification) (Hutagalung & Hermawan, 2018). Moreover, technology in public service administration supports coordination between institutions, promoting registration and simplifying procedures (Andhika, Nurasa, Karlina, & Candradewini, 2018).


Community Satisfaction Index Measurement

Public satisfaction with the performance of government services needs to be measured and compared. One way that people can measure their public satisfaction with government services is by using the community satisfaction index. The 2004 prefectures decision of the minister of personnel (referencing) general guide for public satisfaction indexing the government's indexing of public relief units was a data and information on the level of community satisfaction that was obtained from quantitative and qualitative assessments on people's opinion in obtaining services from the public-service organizers by comparing their hopes and needs (Wiryanto, 2020).

Further in the 2017 regulation no. 14 for the 2017 public satisfaction survey guidelines. In the general guidelines for public satisfaction index, the community satisfaction index is also intended arrangement of systems, mechanisms and procedures of service so that service can be performed more qualified, useful and successful (Sartika, 2018). In addition, another objective of the public satisfaction index is the emergence of creativity, initiative and community participation in efforts to improve the quality of public service (Supranoto & Novita, 2019).

 Total of activities carried out by organizations or agencies will ultimately end up owing to the value given by the customer regarding the given satisfaction. The public satisfaction index indicator of public satisfaction is designed to see how much the public is satisfied with services rendered by the agency (Rizq, Djamaludin, & Nurhadryani, 2018). The 2004 councilor’s decision by the minister of personnel (puckering) referred to as "a public satisfaction index for a government service unit for comporting a public satisfaction index (Sari, 2021). Thus, the compiled index for public satisfaction may indicate the value of overall public satisfaction. According to the 2014 2014 survey on public satisfaction, a comprehensive measurement of activity on the level of public satisfaction that is derived from measuring public opinion. While the 2017 2017 public satisfaction index for general guidelines, the purpose of the community satisfaction index is to know the extent of performance of service units frequently asa basis for policies to improve the quality of future public service (Saputra et al., 2019). As for society, the community satisfaction index can be used asan illustration of the service performance of the unit (Irawan, 2020; Sari, 2021). The purpose and purpose of the community satisfaction index can be summed up asa benchmark for the success of service and can be used asan overview of how the performance of agency service works.









Surveys are consistently flexible approaches that can be used to study basic research and applied research, even though they are rooted in applied social research, market research, and election polls. Method of surveying is a quantitative study method used to get data that occurred in the past or current, of belief, opinion, characteristics, behavior of variable relationships and to test several hypotheses of sociological and psychological variables from samples taken from a particular population, a data-collection technique with an in-depth observation (interview or questionnaire) (Sugiyono, 2019). In this study using a questionnaire as a data collection device. A survey method was chosen to know is the practical implications of the process of innovation in public services at the subdistrict office

In a generalized region of objects or subjects that have a particular quantity and characteristic, which in this study the population taken is the public in the Banyuwangi district that receives services from the district between 2019-2021. The number of research samples (samples size) were taken using table formulas of Isaac & michelee, in a population of more than 10,000 can be taken out 3%-10% that in this survey were taken samples of 724 samples, the majority of Banyuwangi, and had obtained services from Banyuwangi district.

 Based on the 2014 2014 issue of no. 16: "the survey of public satisfaction is a comprehensive measurement of the activity of the level of community satisfaction that is derived from measuring public opinion (Andhika et al., 2018). It is hoped that the survey will encourage community participation as a service user in assessing the performance of the service and encourage public service organizers to improve the quality of service and to make improvements through public-service innovation. The public satisfaction of performing public service surveys can be carried out through the step of planning, preparation, execution, the processing and presentation of surveys

The public satisfaction index (CSI) could be defined by a value that indicates the level of public satisfaction with the ministry, in which the municipality of Banyuwangi districts provide. To know the magnitude of csi can be done with steps (Kulsum & Taufik, 2022; Lamsal & Gupta, 2022), as follows.

a.    Determined mean importance score, it comes from the average interest of every consumer


             N = consumer number

             Yi = value of the y-kei attribute

b.    Weight watchers (wf). This magnitude is a rhythmic value presentation per attribute to a total, entire attribute.

c.    Setting weight score (ws), this weight represents a multifaceted wf with an average level of satisfaction (x), (mean scratching score = MSS)

    WSi = WFi x MSS

d.    Designates the community index (csi)




HS = (Highest scale) Maximum Scale


            The CSI value is divided into 4 criteria from dissatisfied to very satisfied according to Minister of Agriculture Regulation No. 16 of 2014, regarding the Community Satisfaction Survey which comprehensively sets out the criteria (Kulsum, & Taufik, 2022) as follows.


Table 1

Rating Category

Value Interval

SMI Conversion Rate




1,00 – 1,75

25,00 – 43,75

Not satisfied

1,76 – 2,50

43,76 - 62,50

Less satisfied

2,51 – 3,25

62,51 – 81,25


3,26 – 4,00

81,26 – 100,00

Very satisfied


Further inferential analysis is used to recognize the level of intensity of people's satisfaction with the society's background reflected by research respondents. Inferential statistics are a method capable of analyzing small groups of data from their parent or sample taken from the population to deduction and deduction in the host or population data group (Sugiyono, 2019). Inferential statistics is a summary of the whole method associated with partial data analysis and then down to deduction or deduction on the overall data of the host (population)."



Based on the identification data of respondents known characteristics as follows.


Text Box: FemaleText Box: Male
Figure 1. Research Respondent Graph


Figure 1 shows the male respondents are mostly the people of the age group 27-35, while female respondents are mostly those of the age group of 35-44. In the study most of the sampling of the respondents is people of the male gender, which on the chart also it may be known that the composition of age groups in male and female respondents is relative to the same though at different frequencies.


Figure 2. Respondent Education Background Graph


The graph in the picture 2 shows that 36% of respondents to this research are people with high or equal educational backgrounds. In addition, 23% of people with secondary or equal education backgrounds and 21% of those with a university degree background have almost equal. The rest were respondents with elementary or equal, diplomas and postgraduates.

As to the number of respondents to her educational background, it was explained by an interview that most of the people in Banyuwangi thought that higher education, both academic and postgraduate, was still a luxury at the time, apart from the cost of studies.



Figure 3. Respondents Occupational Background Graph


Figure 3 might illustrate that 26% of the respondents were in a banyan community with a background of employment as self-employed. In this case respondents do not write about the type of work meant for entrepreneurial work, but observation and interview make it known that most of them are professionals as businesspeople, home industries (household products), chauffeurs, occupations, and legal and health professions. 16% of those who worked as state or state employees in the village’s office and the service in the district of Banyuwangi, and 13% were MSMEs employees (in this case, for the part, the country's co-operating village or MSMEs).

Then 12 percent of respondents are teachers, most of those teaching primary school to high school (public and private school), as well as those teaching kindergartens, and LBB. Then 11% of those surveyed worked as farm laborers or ranch workers and fishermen, and the rest were those who had background work as members of the Indonesian Army, retired or retired, and in part 9% said they had not yet or had not worked. In this case those meant not working were those who had not worked (waiting for calls), and the housewife.

Based on the description of the characteristics of the respondents’ background it is well known that the majority of the sampling in the survey is a population of predominantly 27-35 age-old banyan equipment, and women between 35 and 44, whose educational background is largely high school or equivalent to the type of self-employed job. Innovation in public services by the sub-district office can be known from the results of inferential analysis as follows.


Table 2

Innovation of service in society's perspective

Service Innovation Indicators

Service Period (years)
















Application (online service system)








Mean Index





Good enough

Good enough



The chart illustrates the improvements in service made through the ongoing process of innovation. Meaning that communities that are utilizing a constantly renewed process of service are beginning to benefit, especially in the aspects of ease and finance, and other services that can build public satisfaction.

a)  The expediency aspect. In administrative services innovation in the denunciation office was created to give better service. Based on levels of information, it enters the incremental innovation stage of new innovation and brings small changes in existing service processes (Mulgan & Albury, 2003). The company's net profit in the first half of 2007 rose to rp2.3 trillion in the second quarter of 2007 from rp1.29 trillion in the same period last year. There is always a new value compared with the previous system, proving that the renewal in applications is distinguishable from the previous regular system.

b)  Conformity. That in its development an innovative product does not immediately solve the problem or can answer the needs that arise (Suwarno, 2019). This may be said that when an innovation product fails to work, there will be more recent or modified innovations from previous innovations to suit the problem. This process is known as the cycle of innovation. As for the ministerial servants in the sub-district office in Banyuwangi district, innovation is not entirely new, but it is something that can be adopted from innovation in other areas as well as the continuation of previous innovations.

In this indicator, it can be said that an innovation in occupational administration services online in Banyuwangi district through online services and one-roofed service centers at 3 locations (sub-stations) away from the office of municipal centers coincides with innovation in previous years. in the past service has been done on a regular basis with a variety of service options, so through one roof service in several locations and interagency services and meeting requirements of the administration are present online as the purges of previous innovations. the only difference is that in the service mechanism done becomes more effective and simpler. on application, the change focus will be on registration, the waiting mechanism, and documents that are usually physically collected can be more efficient in digital form.

c)  Complexity. Innovation can have a higher complexity than previous innovations. Successful innovation is the creation and implementation of new processes, service products, and service methods from development results demonstrated in efficiency, effectiveness, or quality results (Andhika et al., 2018; Suwarno, 2019). The results in the findings are similar to the opinions of (Mulgan & Albury, 2003), which explains that an innovation offers a newer and better way than ever before. Thus, the complexity of the innovation in the Banyuwangi district is by no means necessary because of its preparedness. However, complications are those of users or citizens who do not understand technology, but they can be overcome by choice or by socialization.

d)  Application. Innovation with online services has been legally implemented after the public test launched. It was evident that by the time of the month after the launch, online applications had been used mainly for residence identification electronic cards services, kia and deed. However, there is still a society that still does not understand the technology of online applications, so the number of users of the application is not comprehensive in all the services provided by both the online and the fetch strategy.

e)  Observation. The almost complete fragmentary administration of population services in the Banyuwangi is observed in a service process that illustrates how the demolition office workers work and produce something better, one of which is the pick-up of the ball, an officer who is making time to visit communities who seem to have difficulty utilizing the online services during which there is a administrative problem.

Then from good results in birth-deed service, death certificate, and residence identification electronic cards can increase public participation in supporting service innovation. In the second quarter of 2008, bank Indonesia the central bank/bi decided to raise its key rate by 25 basis points to 8.25 percent in the second quarter of this year. While efforts by governments have been made to provide ease, citizens are on the brink of preservation or for information related to service innovation, one of which is by socializing processes, which does not immediately guarantee programs to be optimally implemented because of limitations, as not all societies know digital technologists, Internet networks and servers that are not infrequently frequently troubled.

This has been proven to support the capitalization reported by (Kulsum & Taufik, 2022), about public complaints against online media as a frequent and often poorly networked service. The research offered by Rizq et al. (2018) provides the same picture, that almost "2 months after launching the entry and online content of the public has generated 250 people, the birth certificate of 25 and the death certificate of only 5. Of the number of services, it may be said, has not been reached because of the age of the highly recent applications, so public participation in assessments and observations is not the maximum of the social process." Referring to the aspect of the organizational process, as delivered from (Sari, 2021), that according to the dimension of administrative and organizational civilizations, "innovation of population services in the district through various existing service products does not fully fulfill the typology, is due to the unfulfilling of the organizational dimension."

According to the data collected can be known by the following accounting of public satisfaction index.


Table 3

Peoples satisfaction index assessment


Service Indicator Value





Procedures and requirements





Information Submission





Service Officer Identity





Service Discipline





Officer Responsibilities





Skills in Service





Service delivery time





Fairness in Service





Service Officer Behavior





Clarity of fees/Retribution





Service fee transparency





Service Officer Readiness





Handling Complaints and Suggestions





Service Room Condition






Based on analysis as to table 3, it may be known as follows.

a.   A value of either a mean index or a importance performance analysis illustrates the value of the average population at each of the indicators for performance of public services, arranged according to the following ratings.

1.   The presentation of information and the clarity of costs/retribution with the value of the 3.86 ruins provides an image that the ability of public service officers in the sub-district office to present information and explain about the cost of retribution is very good.

2.   Submission of information and aspects of clarity of fees/retributions with an average value of 3.86 which illustrates that the ability of community service employees at the sub-district office in conveying information and explaining retribution fees is classified as very good.

3.   The ministry's procedures and requirements and identity of the ministry gained 3.82 dividends' performance in the district explaining procedures and administrative requirements, as well as the identity of the employees reflected by the ministry was very good.

4.   Handling Complaints and Suggestions with an average value of 3.81 which illustrates that the aspects of handling community complaints and receiving suggestions from the community by employees at the sub-district office are classified as very good.

5.   The duty of the officer with a value of 3.79, which means that the attitude of employees' responsibility in giving services to the public is very good.

6.   The time of rendering services with a value of 3.65, which means that the duration of the paperwork required by society has been highly valued.

7.   The behavior of a ministerial officer with a value of 3.63, which means that in aspects of an employee's behavior during a public service, it has been highly valued.

8.   Service Room Atmosphere and Service Skills aspect with an average value of 3.54, which in this aspect can explain that the atmosphere in the service room and the skills of employees in providing services to the community at the sub-district office are classified as very good.

9.   Transparency of service costs has an average value of 3.38, which means that the transparency aspect of financing in the service process at the sub-district office is classified as very good.


b.   The value of the CSI (community index), which illustrates the value of community satisfaction on service performance in the district office as follows.

1.   The discipline and justice of rendering services to the community by employees of the district office are very satisfactory.

2.   The information presented and about the clarity of the charges of retribution presented provides an idea that the ability of public service officers in the sub-district office of reporting and explaining the charges of retribution is highly satisfactory.

3.   The clarity of service employees at the sub-district office during the work process can show professionalism which explains the identity of government officials, whose clarity is felt by the community receiving services to be very satisfying.

4.   The ability of employees to explain procedures and administrative requirements at the District Office has been very satisfactory.

5.   The handling of complaints and suggestions as well as community input by community service employees at the District Office is classified as very satisfactory.

6.   The form of employee responsibility in providing services to the community is felt by the community to be very satisfying.

7.   The length of time for processing documents required by the community during the service process is felt by the community to be very satisfying.

8.   The behavior of employees in providing services to the community is felt by the community to be very satisfying.

9.   The atmosphere of the service room and the skills of employees in providing services to the community at the sub-district office are considered very satisfying.

10.Transparency of service costs during the service process at the sub-district office has been classified as very satisfactory.


Inferential analysis for measuring the frequency of public satisfaction on respondents can be known by specifying a mean ideal (42.00) and deviation standard (9.00) with the following results.


Figure 4. Frequency Graph of Community Satisfaction Level


Figure 4 suggests that 49% of the survey's respondents felt satisfied, and 25% felt very satisfied. Whereas 20% of the respondents felt satisfied, with a small percentage that they felt inadequate and even dissatisfied.

Then on each aspect of service innovation that is reviewed from measuring for three years of surveying, the following could be described.


Text Box: ObservationText Box: ApplicationText Box: ComplexityText Box: AppropriatenessText Box: Beneficial

Figure 5. Graph of Innovation Indicators in terms of Community Satisfaction Level


Figure 5 shows the linkage between the innovation of public services and the level of public achievement in the service of the municipality in the development of the municipality. This illustrates that on each aspect of innovation carried out by the government of the district in making changes as the process of innovation of services, especially in subdistrict offices can be felt directly by the receiving community and found satisfactory.

In addition, the competitiveness of the innovation in public services has been relatively well achieved, although improvements must be made in some sectors, the competence and competence of the apparatus or the service officer, and the monitoring system. The aim of innovation as a measurement in this survey refers to (Andhika et al., 2018).

a)   Capture, document, disseminate and promote innovation as an effort to accelerate the improvement of the quality of public services

b)   Become a means of exchanging experiences and learning in the context of developing the National JIPP system

c)   Provide appreciation and appreciation for public service providers whose innovations are designated as TOP public service innovations

d)   Motivating public service providers to improve innovation and professionalism in providing public services

e)   improving the image of public service providers

f)    Encouraging public service innovation

The correlation between innovation in service with that level of public satisfaction reflects the dynamics of society requiring a faster and easier public service. The arrangement of future public services has to be simpler and more competitive, as the use of increasingly massive technologies. Improving the quality of public service was one of the focus of government work on bureaucratic reform. As the age grows, the quality given would require balancing the increasingly dynamic of society, so, in the future, public service would have to be simpler and more competitive. The quality of public service was one of the hallmarks of bureaucratic reform and was a manifestation of public satisfaction. To achieve this quality effort, synergy between community and government is needed to build good quality of service. Good public service is created through synergistic cohesion between government and society. Society's important role in encouraging the quality of public service. This is because societies through their control function and aspiration provide responses and input to motivate constant improvements and innovation.

Meanwhile, according to Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services, activities or series of activities in the context of fulfilling service needs in accordance with laws and regulations for every citizen and resident of goods, services, and/or administrative services provided by public service providers (Wahyul, 2021). The word "goods, services and administrative services" in the section that is considered clear, but actually does not mean "goods" that can be used by humans everyday but what is meant is public goods (public goods) which are provided by the government (Andhika et al., 2018).

This implies that the main function of local government is in accordance with Law Number 22 of 1999 concerning regional autonomy and "Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government, namely as a public service and Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 4 of 2010 concerning Guidelines for Integrated Administrative Services. Subdistrict. This suggests that based on this paradigm, the state apparatus, especially the sub-district government apparatus in the Banyuwangi district, is required to be able to provide optimal services to the community.” Public Service Innovation is a type of service breakthrough, whether it is an original creative idea/idea and/or adaptation/ modification that provides benefits to the community, either directly or indirectly. The criteria for public service innovation are useful (solve public problems), transferable (can be replicated), sustainable (there is support for the continuity of innovation), novelty (the existence of unique ideas, new debates, modifications to existing innovations) and effective (real achievements and solutions). all of these criteria have been met.”






Surveys that measure the level of public satisfaction in community services by the district of Banyuwangi district are evaluation tools for assessments of employees' performance, particularly the public service part of implementing public-service reform. The study of the 332 respondents by yount's technique is taking a sampling of the 15 growth in Banyuwangi, which is by 2021.

The data retrieval process is done with questionnaire and interview techniques, as well as data verification which, in turn, is analyzed to measure the index of public satisfaction through the CSI analysis and performance of citizen services. CSI analysis has a value of 93.16 (a) which shows that communities feel very satisfied with service provided by the subdistrict office. Whereas science measurements have a value of 3.73 (a) which means that the service employee performance at the subdistrict office is either very good or can work optimally. My analysis of the innovation of services from the perspective of society's assessment of technical services from 2019 to 2021 is that there is a memory in all aspects of innovation, a first of which a civility can be felt directly by society.

Based on the survey research and the discussions raised, the development of the municipal government in particular is recommended to increase service to the public by optimizing the work behavior of ministerial workers to be more prepared and passionate about rendering public services. It is also recommended that the district government also have a coordinated surveillance system with monitoring assessments on the professional personnel, keeping a close watch on the public complaint reports.









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