Rafi Farizki1*, Lutfi Mualiman2, Freddy Wicaksono3, Fhrizz S. De Jesus4, Meritorious Autonomous5, Vo Hung Cuong6

Faculty of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon, Indonesia123

College of Management and Business Technology, NEUST, Philippines4

University of Puebla, Mexico5

University of Danang, Vietnam6

Email: [email protected]*, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]




The development of technology, especially internet-based technology, is increasing, including sales information system technology or so-called web online stores that can be used to purchase products simply by logging into the web, selecting the preferred goods and paying using a transfer system, the goods will be delivered to the address which is aimed. In Indonesia, the development of sales information systems is very reasonable and will continue to increase rapidly with the spread of the internet to all corners of the region. The purpose of this research is to know that this sales application system can already be used online. The method used is to use system design analysis. The results showed that in making these electronic goods sales application using the PHP programming language with MYSQL Database. The application for selling electronic goods is also known to have three important aspects, namely: login menu, admin dashboard, and payment page.


Keywords: sales information system; PHP; MYSQL; electronic store


Received August 08, 2021, Revised August 19, 2021, Accepted August, 28 2022



Along with the development of information technology, there are various kinds of services that can meet information needs. The role of information technology makes processing information very easy. It is undeniable, data processing becomes information in a company that is managed very well and can also help and support management and operational activities by implementing information systems (Yunaeti & Irvani, 2017).

The development of technology in the current era is growing rapidly, many fields have utilized computer-based technology. One of the fields that take advantage of technological developments is trade. Information technology has an important role in helping a business to develop, because information technology is able to facilitate work and provide accurate information to reduce the risk of errors and losses (Ananditya et al., 2020).

In today's technological developments, information systems play an important role in presenting data that we unknowingly become part of our lives, such as information systems for selling goods that help us buy our needs without having to leave the house (Sudarsono & Erniyati, 2017). By having internet access, we can access sales information systems such as Bukalapak, Tokopedia or Shopee which provide various kinds of goods.

With advances in technology that are available such as smartphones that can access the internet easily, making sales information systems much easier in sales, the author will create an online store that sells electronic goods because electronic goods are in great demand with the current developments (Destiana, 2014).

The system is a collection of people who work together with the provisions of the rules that are systematic and structured to form a unit that carries out a function to achieve goals. The system has several characteristics or properties consisting of system components, system boundaries, the external environment of the system, system interfaces, system inputs, system outputs, system processing and system target (Anggraeni, 2017).

Information can be defined as the result of data processing in a form that is more useful and more meaningful to the recipient which describes a real event that is used for decision making. Information is data that has been classified or processed or interpreted for use in the decision-making process (Anggraeni, 2017).

An information system is a system within an organization that brings together the daily transaction processing needs that support the managerial operational functions of the organization with the strategic activities of an organization in order to be able to provide certain outside parties with the information needed for decision making (Yunita, 2019). Information systems in an organization can be regarded as a system that provides information to all levels within the organization whenever needed. This system stores, retrieves, converts, processes and communicates information received by using information systems or other system equipment (Anggraeni, 2017).

Data is a description of objects, events, activities, and transactions, which have meaning or have no direct effect on the user (Anggraeni, 2017).

Some examples of data types:

a)   Formatted data is data with a certain format. For example, data that states the date or time, or states the value of a currency.

b)   Text is a series of letters, numbers, and special symbols (eg + and $) whose combination does not depend on each individual item. An example of a text is a newspaper article.

c)   Image is data in the form of an image. Images can be in the form of photos, graphics, x-rays, and signatures, and others.

d)   Audio is data in the form of sound. Examples of audio data: musical instruments, sounds of people/animals, gurgling water, and heartbeats.

e)   Video represents data in the form of a number of moving images and may be accompanied by sound. Video can be used to capture an event/ activity.

The Internet is a series of computer network connections that can be accessed in general throughout the world, which sends data in the form of data packets based on the Internet Protocol (IP) standard (Saputra & Widjaja, 2019). More deeply, the internet is a collection of networks of world computer networks consisting of millions of small units, such as educational networks, business networks, government networks, and others, which together provide information services such as e-mail, online chat, file transfer, and interconnectedness (linked) between one web page and other web page sources (Yuhefizar, 2008).

The social internet provides a wide range of usage options and functions, ranging from information exchange, sharing films and images, to a wide range of usage capabilities (Lawrence, 2021).The function of the internet can be used as a means of unlimited communication, and also as a source of information and knowledge on the internet, it is obtained from various websites that provide complete data. In addition, the internet is also a medium for promoting both online businesses, but not only that (Oktavian, 2010). The internet can also be used as a source of entertainment, you can get anything from videos, music, pictures and so on.

E-commerce is the process of selling and buying goods electronically by consumers, which is a business-to-business transaction with a computer intermediary, using a computer network (Nugroho, 2008).



A.  Data Flow Diagram

Level 0 Level 0 diagram on the system to be created describes the process of data flow in general, where the sales information system process contains the source and destination of what will be processed in detail so that it can describe the flow of data to be processed.


Figure 1. Flow Diagram


B.  Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Figure 2. Entity Relationship Diagram


C.  Interface System Design

1)  Home Display Design

The design of home display is the initial display on the sales information system that displays the products to be sold.

Figure 3. Home Display Design


2)     Login Display Design

The login display is the display used by the user to enter the sales information system to become a member.

Figure 4. Login Display Design


3)     Admin Dashboard Display

Design of admin dashboard display is a view used by admins to add products and also manage users.

Figure 5. Admin Dashboard Display


D.  Cart Display Design

Cart display is the user enter the product into the shopping cart to be purchased.

Figure 6. Cart Display Design


E.   Payment Display Design

Payment design is a payment display to the user, if the user has made a payment then just press the complete transaction button.



Figure 7. Payment Display Design



A.  Home page

The home page is the first page that will be displayed in the online shop web, on the home screen there are electronic products sold in online stores that can be purchased by pressing add to cart which will enter the cart menu.


Figure 8. Home Page


B.  Login page

1)  Login page

Before you can buy electronic products, you must log in or register an account so that the system can verify your account which will enter product data into the database.

Figure 9. Login Page


2)  Admin Panel Dashboard

This is the admin panel view of the application. In the Admin Panel Dashboard, there are several menus, namely: Home Menu, Order Management Menu, Store Management Menu, Customer Management Menu, and Staff/Admin Management Menu.


Figure 10. Admin Panel Dashboard


C.  Manage Orders page

In this menu the admin can see a list of orders that have been entered and control the status of payments.


Figure 11. Manage Orders page


D.  Store Management Page

On this page there are 3 Sub Menus, namely: Category Menu, Product Menu and Payment Method Menu.

1)  Category Menu

In this menu admin can add product categories and product numbers.


Figure 12. Category Menu


1)      Product Menu

In this menu admin can add products to be sold.


Figure 13. Product Menu


2)     Payment Method Menu

In this menu admin can add several payment methods via Bank Account Number or Digital Wallet.


Figure 14. Payment Method Menu


E.   Customer Manage Page

In this menu admin can see users/ customers who have registered with our store.


Figure 15. Customer Manage Page


F.   Cart Page

Cart page is a menu page that stores all the purchase lists that will be purchased in one transaction, to be able to enter the cart menu page the user must press add to cart on the product to be purchased and enter the cart. All products will be processed when the user presses the checkout button to proceed to the next transaction.


Figure 16. Cart Page


G.  Checkout and Payment Page

On the cart page there is a checkout button that will enter the next transaction, namely the checkout page which will display a list of orders that we have checkout and will receive a payment code.

Figure 17. Checkout and Payment Page


Based on the results of making this application, this sales application system can already be used online. This application can help and make it easier for buyers to make transactions without having to come to the store. Moreover, this application can monitor all transaction activities.




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